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`MasterCard, Exh. 1009, p. 1
`MasterCard, Exh. 1009, p. 1


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`var-mouth (var mambo,
`in which herbs. roots, barks. l
`have been steeped.
`' var-l-fled (ve'r’a {id/l, may. confirmed as'm-aéburacy
`Wermuth (now Wermutl'sbs
`ar.t:r'uth lay-acceptable evidence. action.- em.
`'cassisl, a m
`vex-mouth, cré'me de cassis, :
`fy (verfe fl ), v
`, ail
`-fy-ins. 1. to prove'élle
`cracked ice. ' [<_ F: sse‘ vsm
`h of. as by evidence or “antimony; confirm; substantp
`Vern (vflm),'n.._ amale give
`Events verified his prediction; -' 2. to- ascertain the
`truth or correctnesscf, as b examination. research. or
`Var-rm (vfirr'nal', n." a'fema‘
`- qompariso'nf- to ueri
`a spei lung. 3.
`to- act as ultimate
`ver-nac-u-iar (var nakrya
`roof or. evidencen; serve to confirm. 4. Law. a. to
`langua e) native or indigem
`' r confirm-{an- allegation). b. to state ta be true,
`lean-ye ). '2. ex _ressec? or wt
`11 legal use; formally or upon' oath.
`[1275«1325; ME
`'of a place; as. iterax‘y wérk
`yeromi-cuia (vfir’mi kyssll), r5. Zoai; s small. Worm-
`en_ i ME verifier < ML uérificarerequiv. to 06!”
`_'E1705—1-5'; < L vermiculus larva, msgght.
`using such a Bangua era. ve
`fem of vérus true +. "-f'icare vs'yl'wvsr/l-flf
`pertaining to such a anguagl
`illigty, -vgr!l~fl/a-hl'evnuss. n.
`everIi-fIIa-ble, ad}
`ordinary language. 5. of. pen
`w 9i“?!
`'var-mic-u-Ili'e.‘ {var mm! a lit/l, n. any. of a group of
`of architectural vernacular.
`thenficahe, Validébé.
`placy'minerals, hydrous 3i ‘cates of almnlnum, magne»
`the common name for a‘plax
`slum, ami iron, that. expand markeély 013' being heated:
`er’fl E), adv.
`in_tr1._1,th;_ seslly; indeeé.
`disease) endemic. -—n.-9. th:
`used in the expanded state for heat-insulation and 'aa a
`‘se VERY,-LY
`'01‘2 place. '10. the language
`plant. gmwth‘ mediwn. - {1815—25. A'mem VERMlCUBlAR)
`class or pr'of'ession. 11. a' v
`+4“? .'
`sion. 12. the plain varist
`61933?“ (var/a sim’a lsr),_ adj. having the a?-
`-ver-mE-cui«lurs '(vfir’mi kulrchar), n.
`the raisin and
`by ordma''ry maple. 13. t, e
`likelim rqbable a verisimila: rue.
`' (LS (2159:, gen. sing._nf 02mm
`pi‘oducfion of earthworIns and their byproducts. wan—
`like) + as‘] —'ver/l-IimII-larsly. adv.
`0:: plant. as 56in
`‘shed fray
`m- .+- CULTURE]. ;
`_ 14.1: style of are lecture é.
`illda (vet/a 8i mil’i Emil wtyfiifid’). n.
`var-mi-form (vfir’ms fém’). adj.
`resembling a worm
`beefiniques; decorafiive _fesm:
`a: nq'e _‘_): semblau'c
`cf (rut.
`in shape; long and slender. ammo; < ML vermifm:
`.ticular historical period, reg'i.
`The play lacked vefisimilifud .
`mis. See vamp, worm]
`any medium or mode of exp:
`.a‘sfiertidn,=having merely-the appearance of
`, as
`taste or indigsuaus styles.
`t . {1595:1605: < -L vérisimiiitfidfi. equiv; to. vEri
`varlmiform appenldix; An‘at,‘ Zaoi.‘ ---a- narrow;
`hauseho}d,_- domestic, native
`blind tube grotrudiug from the cecum, havin no known
`(gen. sing. ofusrum truth} 1k similitmié smtmfins} -
`to 10 cm)
`annulus, dim. of DEFT“) slave
`- useful function, in humans being 3 to 4 in. (
`VB -i5m' (vérlimem, vex-h),
`the theory that rigid
`hold, though derivation uncl‘
`long a'nd situated. in the lower right-hand art of the sly--
`representation of- mm and reality is essential ta art and
`domen. See diag. umier Insuring-Alanna; _ed appendix.
`lair-3y, adv.
`beratu {and therefor-'6 ch ' ugly and vul
`must be inr
`f—Svng' 9. 10.336 languga
`[189095; < L'
`é’ um} .trut
`var-nac-u-lar-ism (va'r m1!
`verlmifnrm mac/ass. 1. See vermiform appendix.
`vmsxs'mq} —verlist, n... a
`_aerls’ftlc. ad].
`1. a ' verna'cula: word. _or1 ex;
`2; the vermis. _ [1830-40]
`(va'riz/mfi; It. 've sézlmb
`the 'use of
`[1840—50; VERNA
`day. life" and salons-in 'arsistic.
`. introduced-
`verumiofuge. (vfir'ma‘ 1346851).- ad}.- 1.'serving to expel
`wor‘ms 0r other animal parasites fmm the in
`miss. as a
`ver-nac-u-lar-ize“ (Var nal
`m‘tq opera-in .the'early 1900's in reactiont'to contempo—
`'medjcine.- —-n‘. 2. a' vermifuge medicine in agent.
`- mysconventinns, which were seen as arhficial and un—
`- 423d. 424113.
`to translate in
`{1690—1700;_vmmw + warns}.
`_ tr 1:51"th [1965—10; < 'It' salism, equi
`to ver(b) true (<
`' 11's: -
`'59- s peoyle: Alan; 'esp.
`[1315»25;-‘vsnm.cvmn 4L-
`vet-milciun (var zhflfyanlyn.‘ 1. a brflh'aut snarlefi'rsd.
`;.'-'_ '-
`Lo-pes (e’ni»
`2._ s- hright~réd,- Waterrinsbluble plg'ment'consisfing of
`mercuric sulficie, once oifitm‘ned from cinnaba‘r. now usu-
`var-n‘al- (\rflrlnl), adi.
`' nal sunshirye.‘ Z. apps
`-bla- (yer’ifia ball,
`g truly or. very
`'ally produced by'the resection bf mercury and sulfur.
`-a.d1.' 3. of tbje color vermilion. '-——'u.t. 43. to color with
`. Obs.- true; ss=a state—
`nal migratory. movements.
`- or as if-with 'vei-miqun‘.. [125&13WLME vermilioun, ver—
`1425'45; late ME <. AF. MF. See wear:
`ing spring: apri'ngiiice: .vem‘a‘
`miilon. < AF, 01“ uerm{2)illan,. equiv. be uermeil.vm~
`a-bfaa'r'loss,_ n. - Mver'btaj-bly. adv.
`or characperistic- bf youth: we
`mm. + nan n. suffix} '
`- ermine; utte . See' authentic.
`L next-mills, _ equiv. to ' vernfia
`Verymll-lqn - (var mil/yen), n.
`.-nus.' adj. suffix) '+ «ills _-A_L‘
`- 11,012.
`a _tswn. inf N “Ollie;-
`;'Ehg."ver'li that; _ ‘
`- '_‘-«Syn. '._4. youthful; fresh, 1
`verlnal__a’quin0x. =1.'See
`vermil’inn rock’fish. a Icarletrred rockflsh, Sebdlsles
`-'v.s.n.r.s.(..~. n55 as -,
`Fren'qh.- 1'. _tru
`, mthmne'
`Also called ve'rlnai 901ml. {:3
`'mir'u‘atus,‘ inhabiting waters alon the'Pacific coast-'9?
`e'cinéma'vérké '
`time of the‘ vernal equinox. -
`North- America. impqrtant as- a' ood'fish. Also called
`1 :5); n, pl; :éties'for.
`- 1.
`'ths'atats or:
`'raslxar. ..
`true; accordance with. factor reality: to-
`ver-nalgize (vfl'r’nl W), at.
`var-min. (varlmin), n., pl. wand-II". L noxious, objecm
`the 'grpwth'periud if (a plant)
`the De
`ty of a armament; 2..somet_hing that; is
`tionable, or disgusting annuals coll-ctivel , esp.- thumb:
`' rlnm .le, belief."
`statemen the eternal
`treatment of it," its seeds,..o.l
`small size that: appesr'commonl and are 'ffumlt to com
`tr'o]; as files, lice, hedbugs. can
`_achea, mice, and rats.
`zalthn, n.
`3}25—_ 5; ME < l. ventas, equiv. t v_§r(us) true.
`2. an objectionabls or'obnoxicus person, or such persons
`versus-tics (var 135’s
`1. an scid- liquor made-fret:
`dulq'eui'lvi‘n/I‘ass’); n-
`the fella 9 leaves within the
`plea,_unripe grapes; etc.,.fnr»'-
`.squrjuicep crab ja
`'or weasels.
`1300—50; ME permyneu <
`, ME ve‘rmin,
`collectively. 3. ammals that prey upon game, as coyotes
`s. of veranda), equ:
`nary and other
`sea, _2.
`vermine '< .
`‘verminum,’ ‘uermind. based on L verm
`uerm'ire to be verdant; my:
`min-:‘seejvxmmn’ml _ '
`#4415350. var"
`Verne. (mm; Fr. venn);
`ver-mhnata '(vfir’ma aw), v.i., «at-”elf, mat-Mg. 1.
`if as pal-mining ho vefim
`4. spur in tem—
`1328—1905, French nevelist.
`- per xp Slalom-ew- [1275—1325;
`E De
`< MF veri—
`to become infested with vermin, esp. parasitic vermin.
`Jus. equiv. to uzrt graen (< L ulridia) +' jus'wxcnl
`2. Archaic. to breed or infa'sb‘with vermin.
`[1685—95; <
`insk (unrxfi/na' fififdi
`(vfir’ner, vfi'l"-;'_L
`L verminfitus, ptp. of vermmfire to lag infested with
` wtdyinsk); n. jfozmexj name_ of U]
`A-dolph (kénl. lildolf), 1846
`. male given nam‘e-I formpf W
`mafits, to have racking pains; equxv.
`to verminm)
`alde' (vefl 1...), n: Paul {p5 .
`rag g pain + «armlefiwfl; dual sense of- vermiru‘zreby
`- assoc. thh dermis. worm, maggot. vermin- being taken,
`Ve'r’ner's-la‘w’. Ling.
`'erroneuusly', as an extended a. of this word]
`'a regularity behind son-ls a
`set". (v9? main-Du. vén may), a. J'ar'i (was). (Jan-
`'Germsrnc languages to Grim:
`an.'cle_ Mser van Dem), 1632335, Butch painter.
`Germanic voiceless frlcstim
`' vargmlnroufi __(vgr’ma mas). adi. _1. of the uatursof or
`resembling vemnn. 2. of, pen-tanning.
`tween vbiced'gounds if- tha in
`flion red.‘ 2; m ta},
`si_ver or bronze. that has
`-m$ii-- (vfir’mil, ems] arr-asf. fdk 2, 'vaz- mat), n.“ 1.
`vermin: uermirmus dise'ases.
`infeste with vermin.
`mg or causedhy.
`' dad.
`the coldr, vermiiianl -- {1350—'
`was not accented in Protmln
`esp. parasitic vermin: verminous shacks.
`[161040; < L
`F <' Ll..vermiculus ke‘xmes (£11560: and -
`Var-net. (v'ea rial); n. - 1. c
`verminfisus inflamed with ma‘ggbts; see. “humus. -ous]
`29?), 1714—89, French pnmts'
`. grub; sag vsnmcbmflw
`wvar’mlnoous-Iy, adv.
`'mverfmIn-nus-nass. n.
`dean) Howace (s; r'nél’ abs»:
`. -_apombiriiug form '
`' mug ‘fivormf' used £1: _ths
`(Wr’n‘lis), 11.. pl. «he: (111152.). Avian. the me-
`formation of _cénipouud- who
`'vermifuga. Ecumh'._ form.
`dian lobe or division 0f the cerebellum. See dis .' under
`Varaneuill prim/ass (vs:
`.311), adj.
`rssembling'or_of tbs
`$1311.]._ {188530;
`<__ NL; L. WORM}. ac' callsd gum its
`process for making synthetil
`2. of or'pertai ugh: Wormsi {1875— .'
`etc., by: the fusion-at high'
`mgr+ -AN]_
`compounds. Also called flam
`. after. A.V.LL Verneuil."19tbicd
`(Var/mi chel'e.
`se 63.3"..- _a
`ver-ni‘cle (vfir’ni ken, nu!
`_e‘ fem-cf Ion , slender solid threads, regain..-
`hettzi but.;tlnnner.' Cf. macaroni
`[1325—75; ME < 0F < ML 75¢
`' of
`lo, dim. of 'vermq worm'
`in CULE‘) of? veronica ‘5
`varmi-er (var’né er). n.-
`small, 'mdvable, graduated sq
`fixed graduated scale of'a $351
`slim, and used fur measurin
`the divisions of the fixed3'sl‘.
`2. Much.- an auxiliary devi‘cq
`ratus a higher adjustment a
`_ with a vernierr-a verm'a!‘ b
`after P. mem}
`(fir’né 311! Fr. - V'_
`1580—1837; French mathema
`ve‘r’nler cajlliper; a Ball '
`iug across] one '_another. the _
`the other a v'ernler. 'Alsq cs
`_ a subsgance' or Agent
`usedtqlull arasitic in“ .
`'+ _—cum
`' var/ml-
`1.-'0f'.- pertsi'uin '
`LI‘EaI‘ . (var mili’ya lat);
`'b worms. 2. consistiu of or characten‘ze
`esembh'n thus-
`Isa-Of zwvrm.
`[164555; <_ Luermicu ‘n's,
`I. yerrriicukfus). vsnwcumz' + ”air-is «50]
` I 'adj; var_mlk(3;s lit, .-
`11. V91} mik’ye
`1.‘ m-workpr: or—
`resemblin .the _
`time. udJ.
`{15951605}. -< -L
`_ eases.
`of- bermimlfiri'to-be W0 '
`sesten). See‘
`v'efimlglu-Iaftlon, n.
`desusndad D-l' bsmwedfmm;
`qonc'lsz muowcw- law
`blend 'ofl'blen e , c., cognate with; all. compare; den-iv.
`j Vérsmdnf-..I(va'rimontf),' n. a st‘ata'oflhé'NE-Un all
`.... N...
`7.-....” ,LLYJW mm"... ~ALL
`States:- a- gart‘ 95‘. Neg: England: 5113456; 9609-9; mi
`MasterCard, Exh. 1009, p. 3
`MasterCard, Exh. 1009, p. 3

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