United States Patent
`Musmanno et al.
`Inventors: Thomas Musmanno, Warren; Kelly
`Ur, East Brunswick, both of N.J.
`[73] Assignee: Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc., New York,
`[21] Appl. No.: 176,207
`Jan. 3, 1994
`Int. C1.6
`[52] U.S. Cl.
`Field of Search
`G06F 12/60
`705/35; 705/39
`364/408; 235/379;
`References Cited
`Martin F. Stankard, "Profiting from the White Collar Service
`Boom," National Underwriter, v90, n31, pp. 13, 17, abstract,
`Aug. 2, 1986.
`Mitchell S. Farkas, "The Account That Transformed a Bro(cid:173)
`kerage into a Bank," Financial & Accounting Systems, v6,
`n4, pp. 8 -12, abstract, Wintr, 1991.
`Bank on Windows with Money and Quicken Computer
`Shopper, Feb. 1992.
`Patent Number:
`Date of Patent:
`Oct. 20, 1998
`Financial Managers: Keeping Track of Your Personal
`Accounts PC Magazine, Dec. 27, 1988.
`The King of Finance Software Gets a Brand-New Face,
`PC-Computing, Dec. 1990.
`Checkfree: The Good, The Bad and The Zealots, Home
`Office Computing, Sep. 1992.
`Technology Shatters "Bankers Hours", Arend, Mark, ABA
`Banking Journal, v85,n5 , p57(4), May 1993.
`"Ways to Get the Most from Your Bank", Hedberg, Augus(cid:173)
`tin, Money, Mar. 1988.
`Field Communications Department, Merrill Lynch; Intro(cid:173)
`ducing . . . The CMA Master Financial Service; Dec. 8,
`1992; pp. 1-6.
`Primary Examiner-Gail O. Hayes
`Assistant Examiner-William N. Hughet
`Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Hopgood, Calimafde, Kalil &
`Data processing for an improved securities brokerage/cash
`management system which supervises,
`implements and
`coordinates a composite account having a master account
`and one or more subaccount(s). The nested subaccounts
`incorporate a subset of features corresponding to the specific
`needs dictated by the purpose of the subaccount and thus
`streamline system operation for the recordkeeper.
`8 Claims, 4 Drawing Sheets
`MasterCard, Exh. 1006, p. 1

`u.s. Patent
`Oct. 20, 1998
`Sheet 1 of 4
`MasterCard, Exh. 1006, p. 2

`u.s. Patent
`Oct. 20, 1998
`Sheet 2 of 4
`FIG. 2
`MasterCard, Exh. 1006, p. 3

`u.s. Patent
`Oct. 20, 1998
`Sheet 3 of 4
`FIG. 3
`CALCULATE NEXT ~~ UPDATE ACCOUNT ~----------------------------~
`MasterCard, Exh. 1006, p. 4

`u.s. Patent
`Oct. 20, 1998
`Sheet 4 of 4
`FIG. 4
`MasterCard, Exh. 1006, p. 5

`individuals within the same household
`individual or
`introduces, from the brokerage house perspective an addi(cid:173)
`tional level of recordkeeping requirements and thus a cor(cid:173)
`responding increase in fees to the account holder.
`It was within the framework of the above understanding
`that the present invention was developed.
`invention generally relates to computer
`The present
`managed financial business systems. More specifically the
`invention provides data processing methods and apparatus
`for directing an account management system which incor(cid:173)
`porates master accounts with a plurality of nested subac(cid:173)
`counts having a specific subset of individual properties.
`It is an object of the present invention to provide an
`improved brokerage/cash management system.
`It is another object of the present invention to enable
`individuals to easily and cost effectively manage their assets
`and have a concise, clear understanding of the value of their
`15 assets.
`It is a further object of the present invention to enable an
`individual to delineate short and long term assets into a
`composite account with a single master account and a
`number of subaccounts which are linked within the com-
`20 posite account.
`It is another feature of the present invention to allow
`individuals in the same household or family to create a
`single composite account for all their funds.
`The above and other objects of the present invention are
`realized in a data processing system that directs and man(cid:173)
`ages a plurality of brokerage/cash management accounts.
`The present system provides an account which includes at
`least one master account having one or more functional
`30 capabilities such as check writing, credit/debit card
`management, access to brokerage services, etc. The master
`accounts are linked to one or more nested subaccounts
`which are separately directed to a subset of features falling
`within the master account, said features corresponding to the
`35 specific needs associated with the purpose of that subac(cid:173)
`count. Recordkeeping between the master and its associated
`subaccounts is done on an integrated basis as each subac(cid:173)
`count is specifically linked and controlled by the parameters
`associated with its master.
`In accordance with the varying aspects of the present
`invention, the foregoing subaccounts exclude specific credit/
`debit features to insure proper utilization for their intended
`functions, e.g., college savings, mortgage payment. By
`specifically tailoring the subaccount functional profile to the
`45 delineated needs of that account, the system operator can
`effectively streamline recordkeeping operations and thus
`reduce overall costs.
`The foregoing and additional features and advantages of
`the instant invention will become more readily apparent
`50 from the following detailed description of a specific illus(cid:173)
`trative embodiment thereof, presented hereinbelow in con(cid:173)
`junction with the accompanying drawings in which:
`The financial world has been enhanced by the ability to
`use computers to manage assets. Financial
`extensively employ elaborate computer systems to direct
`and process the numerous accounts retained on behalf of the
`customers. These accounts routinely track individual assets
`for the account holder and permit timely updating thereof
`pursuant to transactions made by the account holders in
`accordance with the account restrictions. These systems are
`directed to accounts such as brokerage accounts wherein
`securities may be bought and sold with a minimal amount of
`paper work as the transactions and recordations thereof is
`fully automated within the computer.
`More recently, systems have been developed that permit
`the integration of disparate types of accounts for a single
`account holder thus expanding substantially the account
`holders ability to control his/her assets. This is exemplified
`by the CMA® accounts which incorporate traditional check
`writing and credit/debit card features with brokerage and
`mutual fund accounts for a single user-integrated in a
`seamless fashion from the user's vantage.
`The above-noted integrated account systems are best
`exemplified from a processing standpoint by the specific
`patents directed to their implementation. More particularly,
`U.S. Pat. Nos. 4,346,442, 4,376,978, 4,597,046 and 4,774,
`663 are directed to such integrated account processing by
`one or more digital computers and are herein incorporated
`by reference as if restated in full. Generally, the above- 40
`identified patents disclose a computer system for directing a
`plurality of securities brokerage/cash management accounts.
`That system, inter alia, supervises, implements and coordi(cid:173)
`nates a margin securities brokerage account, and permits
`participation in one or more short term investments (e.g.,
`money market or comparable funds).
`In recent times, there has been an increasing desire by
`individual account holders to segment account functions into
`separately managed areas of financial interest. For example,
`account holders often desire the ability to provide separate
`account functions to other members of their families, or to
`separate specific expenses on an account basis, e.g., mort(cid:173)
`gage payments, etc. In the past, this has been accomplished
`by simply opening new accounts, fully featured, directed to
`the specific family member and/or specific expense. By 55
`pursuing this tack,
`the account holder develops multiple
`disparate accounts-often functionally equivalent, but with(cid:173)
`out intercommunication therebetween. The fallout of this is
`excessive expenditures in maintaining multiple accounts
`lack any coordination and thus become difficult
`to 60
`manage by the individual.
`Moreover, a financial management institution such as a
`brokerage house handles accounts for thousands of people,
`usually with each person having two or more separate
`accounts (i.e., a checking account, a money market account 65
`for long-term goals and a savings account). The lack of
`integration between multiple accounts held by the same
`FIG. 1 is a flow chart for
`the establishment of the
`composite account with a master and subaccounts in the
`improved brokerage/cash management linked system;
`FIG. 2 is a flow chart depicting the establishment of the
`fee charges for the linked accounts;
`FIG. 3 is the flow chart for a representative account; and
`FIG. 4 depicts the operative elements in block diagram
`form for the present invention.
`First, briefly, the present invention is directed to a data
`processing system for managing a plurality of composite
`MasterCard, Exh. 1006, p. 6

`accounts for financial cash management, wherein each com(cid:173)
`posite account has a master account and at least one subac(cid:173)
`count that allows an individual to establish and manage their
`(and their household's) complete portfolio of cash assets
`with one concise, cost effective account. For an individual,
`this system, described more fully below, has a single master
`account, with a variety of subaccounts directed to a specific
`goal such as monthly household expenses, long term invest(cid:173)
`ment strategies and other financial goals. The database
`management system has a central processing unit ("CPU")
`for information such as name, address and account infor(cid:173)
`mation for each individual, with a data processing system,
`known as the Link System to recognize that an account
`(either a master account or a subaccount) is part of the
`composite account for the individual, a data processing
`means for receiving an individual's request on either a real
`time or periodic basis for the transfer of funds between the
`linked accounts and means for generating, displaying and
`outputting reports.
`Referring now to FIG. 1 there is an operational flow chart
`showing the data processing system for establishment of a
`brokerage/cash management system in accordance with the
`Beginning at the top of the FIG. 1, a request is inputted
`and received to open an account 10. The Master Account 20
`and one or more Subaccounts 30 are opened and a Central
`Processing Unit ("CPU") 40 containing the master database
`will receive the individual's identification such as the name
`and address of the individual, along with the information for
`that account such as the master account
`the subaccount
`identification number and the
`account asset information. This information will also be
`transmitted to the data processing unit which will link the
`accounts (the "Link System") 50. The system will then
`request that a Fee Preference 60 be selected by the individual
`for the Master Account 20 and for each of the Subaccount(s)
`30 opened. The Fee Preference 60 is illustrated in FIG. 2,
`discussed below allows fees to be charged either completely
`to the Master Account 200 or individually to the Master
`Account and Subaccounts 210.
`At this point, the paperwork for the account is reviewed
`for completeness 90. If the paperwork is not completed, the
`request will be Pended 100 for a set period of time (e.g. 90
`days), after which time if the completed paperwork has not
`been received, the request will lapse. Once the paperwork is
`completed, then the request will be reviewed for Approval
`110 for the Master Account 20 and the Subaccount(s) 30. If
`it is not approved the request is denied (End). If the account
`is approved, then the Master Account 20 is Activated 130
`and it is automatically Enrolled in the Fund Transfer System
`140. At this time, the CPU 40 containing the master database
`and the Link System 50 are automatically updated with the
`information that the Master Account 20 has been activated.
`The Fund Transfer System 140 will allow the Master
`Account 20 to transfer funds both internal and external to the
`including transfers to and from any linked
`At this point, the determination will be made, whether any
`Subaccount(s) 30 are Pending 170 with respect to the newly
`activated Master Account 20. If the determination is made
`that Subaccount(s) 30 are Pending 170, then the Subaccount 60
`(s) 30 are Activated 160 and Enrolled in the Fund Transfer
`System 140. For the Subaccounts 30, the Fund Transfer
`System 140 will allow funds to be transferred internally
`within the composite account to the linked Master Account
`20 or another linked Subaccount 30.
`At a time after the Master Account 20 is activated, an
`individual may wish to open other subaccount(s). Each time
`a request is made to open a Subaccount 30, the CPU 40 and
`the Link System 50 will receive all individual identification
`such as the name, address and all account information for the
`Master Account 20 and for all existing linked subaccounts
`5 30 for the individual. The system will then request that a Fee
`Preference 60 be selected for the new Subaccount. See
`discussion of FIG. 2 below.
`the Subaccount
`this point,
`the paperwork for
`reviewed for completeness 90. If the paperwork is not
`10 completed, the request will be Pended 100 for a set period
`of time (e.g. 90 days), after which time if the completed
`paperwork has not been received, the request will lapse.
`Once the paperwork is completed, then the request will be
`reviewed for approval 110 for the Subaccount 30. If it is not
`is denied (End). If the account
`15 approved the request
`approved, then a determination will be made as to whether
`an Activated Master Account 130 has been linked to the new
`Subaccount 30. If an Activated Master Account 130 is
`the new Subaccount
`is activated 160 and
`20 Enrolled in the Fund Transfer System 140. For the Subac(cid:173)
`counts 30, the Fund Transfer System 140 will allow funds to
`be transferred internally within the composite account to the
`linked Master Account 20 or another linked Subaccount 30.
`At this time, the CPU 40 containing the master database and
`25 the Link System 50 are automatically updated with the
`information that the new Subaccount(s) 30 have been acti(cid:173)
`vated. If an activated Master Account 130 is not present,
`then the request will be Pended 100 for a set period of time
`(e.g. 90 days), after which time,
`the account will be
`30 upgraded to a Master Account 20.
`If the subaccount is for another household member, the
`CPU 40 containing the master database and the Link System
`50 will be updated to reflect this information.
`Now referring to FIG. 2, once an account has been
`35 requested, the Fee Preference 60 for that account must be
`established. After the account has been requested, the indi(cid:173)
`vidual will be asked to allot fee charges for the Master
`Account 20 and all Subaccount(s) 30 either entirely to the
`Master Account 200 or alternatively individually to the
`40 Master Account and each of the established Subaccount(s)
`210. Since the Subaccounts 30 have limited features with
`respect to a Master Account, fees applied to the Subaccount
`(s) will generally be noticeably less.
`If the individual chooses to have All Fees charged to a
`Master Account 200, then all initial fees for Master Account
`20 and subsequently for all Subaccount(s) 30 will be charged
`against the Master Account 200. Then when it is time for the
`Yearly Fees 220 for the Master Account and all Subaccounts,
`50 the system will check to see if the Master Account is Active
`230. If the Master Account is Active 230, then all charges for
`the Master Account and all Subaccounts will be charged
`against the Master Account 240. However, if the Master
`Account is not active, then the individual Subaccounts 250
`55 will be charged on their respective anniversaries.
`If the individual chooses to have All Fees charged against
`a Master Account and Subaccount(s) individually 210, then
`All Fees 260 will be charged against each individual account
`on its respective anniversary 270.
`Cost savings will normally be shown if the individual
`chooses to have All Fees charged against a master account
`200 since charges will not accrue on any subaccount until
`the next anniversary of the master account.
`For example, if a master account with an annual fee of
`65 $100.00 is opened in April 1992 (with its yearly fees charged
`at that time), then a linked subaccount with an annual fee of
`$25.00 is opened in May 1992 and the individual chooses to
`MasterCard, Exh. 1006, p. 7

`have all fees charged against the master account, no fees will
`be charged for the subaccount until April 1993, at which
`time the master account will be charged $125.00. However,
`if when the subaccount is opened, the individual chooses to
`have the subaccount fees charged against the subaccount,
`then in May 1992, $25.00 will be charged and another
`$25.00 will be charged in May 1993. By May 1993, if the
`individual chose to have all fees charged against the master
`account, the total fees incurred would have been a total of
`If the individual chose to have fees charged
`individually, then by May 1993 the total fees incurred would
`have been a total of $250.00.
`The above example also illustrates the cost effectiveness
`of the invention, generally. In the above example, if the
`composite account was not available, then the individual
`would have had to establish two separate primary accounts,
`each having an annual fee of $100.00. Therefore, in April
`1992, the individual would have been charged $200.00 and
`then again in April 1993 the individual would have been
`charged $200.00 for a total of $400.00 as opposed to the
`$225.00 or $250.00 in fees incurred in the new system.
`As discussed in FIGS. 1 and 2 above,
`the securities
`brokerage/cash management system which supervises,
`implements and coordinates a margin securities brokerage
`account is constructed of a Master Account and one or more
`subaccount(s) each having a fee preference option. Once the
`Master Account and the subaccount(s) are activated, linked
`and enrolled in the Fund Transfer System each can transfer
`funds between such linked accounts on a periodic basis, e.g.,
`a weekly basis, and/or on a demand (as needed) basis by the
`individual. In addition to transferring funds, deposits can be
`directly made to the Master or any of the Subaccount(s).
`FIG. 3 is an illustrative example of an improved securities
`brokerage/cash management system which supervises,
`implements and coordinates a margin securities brokerage
`account having a Master Account 20 and three subaccounts
`denoted respectively as Mortgage Subaccount 310, Car
`Subaccount 320 and Tuition Subaccount 330.
`Starting with the Deposit 300, deposits to the composite
`account can be made to the Master Account 20 or directly to
`the Mortgage Subaccount 310, Tuition Subaccount 330 or
`Car Subaccount 320. Next, on a continuing basis, the system
`will check to see if there are any real time transfers 340 (i.e.
`customers manual request for a transfer) pending and if there
`are, the transfer will be processed at the time of the request
`350. The system will transfer the requested funds from the
`specified account (e.g., the Tuition Subaccount 330) to the
`destination account(s) (e.g., the Master Account 20).
`At the End of the Day 355, the day's periodic transactions 50
`will be processed, including the transfers between the linked
`Master Account, Mortgage, Car and Tuition subaccounts.
`In this example, the accounts have been set up to have an
`automatic transfer of funds from the Master Account 20 to
`the Mortgage Subaccount 310, the Car Subaccount 320 and 55
`the Tuition Subaccount 330 every 14 days and an automatic
`transfer of funds to the Master Account 20 from the Mort(cid:173)
`gage Subaccount 310 and the Car Subaccount 320 on the
`28th day of each month.
`At the End of the Day 355, the system will check to see 60
`if today's Date is the date of next periodic instruction 360.
`If it is, then the system will transfer a predetermined amount
`of funds to each the Mortgage Subaccount 370; the Car
`Subaccount 380; and the Tuition Subaccount 390. The
`system will
`then calculate and set
`the date of the next 65
`periodic instruction 400. Next the system will determine
`whether the date is the 28th day of the month 410. If the Date
`is the 28th day of the month 410, then it will transfer a
`predetermined amount of funds to the Master Account from
`the Mortgage Subaccount 420 and from the Car Subaccount
`430. In this example, an individual does not have the subset
`ability to write checks directly from the subaccounts, there(cid:173)
`fore the individual can periodically transfer money to the
`Master Account for payments.
`After the system has completed each transfer described
`above, it will appropriately update the Account Information
`10 440 for the Composite Master Account 20 and Linked
`Subaccounts 30. If it is the Final Day of the month 450, the
`system will generate a concise customer statement 460 on
`the month's activities for the composite account including
`the Master Account 20 and each of the linked Subaccounts
`15 30 for each individual.
`Attention is now directed to FIG. 4 wherein hardware
`elements of the present
`invention are provided. In this
`context, the selected hardware platform is not particularly
`limitative and will be dictated by the number and activity of
`20 accounts under management. In particular, the Central Pro(cid:173)
`cessing Unit ("CPU") 40 containing the system database and
`which implements the system commands is connected to
`memory unit 510 via address and data buses 520 for update
`and access to system records such as account assets.
`25 Additionally, support exists for terminal control 530 to allow
`multiple access and input to data and output to data, along
`with communication management 540 for communication
`exchange with the systems shown in FIG. 1.
`The above-described composite account arrangement has
`30 thus been shown to provide an improved securities
`brokerage/cash management system which supervises and
`integrates a brokerage account in which a Master Account
`with one or more linked subaccounts is used to manage an
`individual's funds which accounts (master and subaccounts)
`35 can transfer funds to and from, providing greater flexibility
`for the individual, while providing earned income for funds
`not invested or required to satisfy expenditures.
`It should be noted that the above descriptions are pre(cid:173)
`40 sented to illustrate the invention and that modifications by
`those skilled in the art are possible without departing from
`the spirit and scope of the invention.
`What is claimed is:
`1. A data processing system for managing a plurality of
`45 accounts, wherein each account includes a master account,
`is held by a first individual, and is directed to particular
`profile of financial attributes and capabilities, comprising:
`account input means for receiving account transactions
`from said individual corresponding to account activity
`inquiries and account asset
`transfers in a master
`account processing means for creating and controlling one
`or more subaccounts associated with said master
`account, wherein said account processor permits a
`particular profile of account transactions to be associ(cid:173)
`ated with each said subaccount, said profile represent-
`ing a subset of transaction functions or identifications
`associated with said master account; and
`account reporting means for creating, displaying, or out(cid:173)
`putting reports corresponding to transactions under(cid:173)
`taken for each account on a periodic basis.
`2. The system of claim 1, wherein said accounts process(cid:173)
`ing means includes means for transferring assets between
`said master account and each of said subaccounts.
`3. The data processing system of claim 2, wherein said
`account processing means provides an identification that a
`particular subaccount is associated with a second individual
`MasterCard, Exh. 1006, p. 8

`and with a master account held by said first individual, and
`further provides an identification that said first and second
`individuals are members of the same household.
`4. The system of claim 1 wherein said master account
`includes asset transaction means for support of at least one
`credit card, one checking account and one security broker(cid:173)
`age account.
`5. The system of claim 4 wherein said subaccounts
`include transaction capabilities specifically limited to asset
`transfer between said subaccount and said master account.
`6. The data processing system of claim 5, wherein said
`account processing means provides an identification that a
`particular subaccount is associated with a second individual
`and with a master account held by said first individual, and
`further provides an identification that said first and second 15
`individuals are members of the same household.
`7. The data processing system of claim 4, wherein said
`account processing means provides an identification that a
`particular subaccount is associated with a second individual
`and with a master account held by said first individual, and
`further provides an identification that said first and second
`individuals are members of the same household.
`8. The data processing system of claim 1, wherein said
`account processing means provides an identification that a
`particular subaccount is associated with a second individual
`and with a master account held by said first individual, and
`further provides an identification that said first and second
`individuals are members of the same household.
`MasterCard, Exh. 1006, p. 9

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