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`PTOJSBI14 (07-07)
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`PTOJSBI14 (07-07)
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`TrendOn Touch Technology Corp.
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`EFS Web 2.2.1
`What is claimed is:
`1. A conductor pattern structure of a capacitive touch panel, which is adapted to
`form on a surface of a substrate,
`the touch—control pattern structure
`a plurality of first-axis conductor assemblies, each first—axis conductor
`assembly comprising a plurality of first-axis conductor cells arranged on
`the substrate surface along a first axis in a substantially equally—spaced
`manner, a disposition zone being delimited between adjacent ones of the
`first-axis conductor assemblies and between adjacent ones of the first-axis
`conductor cells;
`a plurality of first—axis conduction lines respectively connecting between
`adjacent ones of the first-axis conductor cells of each first—axis conductor
`assembly so that the first-axis conductor cells of each respective first-axis
`conductor assembly are electrically connected together;
`a plurality of insulation layers each covering a surface of each first—axis
`conduction line;
`a plurality of second-axis conductor assemblies, each second-axis conductor
`assembly comprising a plurality of second—axis conductor cells arranged
`on the
`substrate surface
`along a
`second axis
`in a
`equally-spaced manner, each second-axis conductor cell being set in each
`disposition zone; and
`a plurality of second—axis conduction lines respectively connecting between
`adjacent ones of the second—axis conductor cells of each second—axis
`conductor assembly so that
`the second-axis conductor cells of each
`respective second-axis conductor assembly are electrically connected
`together, the second-axis conduction line being extended across a surface
`of the insulation layer of the respective first-axis conduction line.
`Page 6 of 364
`Page 6 of 364
`The conductor pattern structure as claimed in Claim 1, wherein the first—axis
`conductor cells and the second-axis conductor cells consist of a transparent
`conductive material.
`The conductor pattern structure as claimed in Claim 1, wherein the first—axis
`conduction lines and the second-axis conduction lines consist of a transparent
`conductive material.
`The conductor pattern structure as claimed in Claim 1, wherein the insulation
`layer consists of a transparent insulation material.
`The conductor pattern structure as claimed in Claim 1, wherein the first—axis
`conductor cells and the second-axis conductor cells have a contour of
`hexagonal shape.
`A conductor pattern structure of a capacitive touch panel adapted to form on a
`surface of a substrate, the touch—control pattern structure comprising:
`at least two adjacent first—axis conductor cells; and
`at least two adjacent second-axis conductor cells,
`wherein the adjacent first-axis conductor cells are connected by a first—axis
`conduction line provided therebetween, characterized in that an insulation
`layer is formed on a surface of the first—axis conduction line and a second-axis
`conduction line extends across a surface of the insulation layer to connect
`between the adjacent second-axis conductor cells.
`The conductor pattern structure as claimed in Claim 6, wherein the first—axis
`conductor cells and the second—axis conductor cells consist of a transparent
`conductive material.
`Page 7 of 364
`Page 7 of 364
`8. The conductor pattern structure as claimed in Claim 6, wherein the first—axis
`conduction line and the second—axis conduction line consist of a transparent
`conductive material.
`9. The conductor pattern structure as claimed in Claim 6, wherein the insulation
`layer consists of a transparent insulation material.
`10. The conductor pattern structure as claimed in Claim 6, wherein the first-axis
`conductor cells and the second-axis conductor cells have a contour of
`hexagonal shape.
`Page 8 of 364
`Page 8 of 364
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`Page 9 of 364
`Page 9 of 364
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`Page 13 of 364
`Pm MI I D“)! “D“ (4'! ham. his but —)
`”mm-1 (12.97}
`Mproved torus! Waugh 8130.300. OMB 0651-0032
`Under lhe Feperwufi: Reduuuen Adel’1995.no pendulum requlned tor—pond lo I Mndhlennm unlm Il cont-elm
`(37 CFR 1-63)
`with Initial
`[:1 Declaration
`summed sner mm—_
`Filing (surcharge
`Al I below named luv-met. I hereby declare Ihlt:
`My residence. postofllee Minus. and dliunsnh er- a: stated helm next to my um.
`I believe I am lhe uriglnal. first and sole Inventor (I! only one name I: Hated helm-II] or an origlnel. fllst and jelnl hwenldt (if plural
`mm are listed helm of lhe su- = numerm In :lelrned Ind fell-Mich I mien: In mun! on the hvemlon unwed."
`Conductor Pattern Stmcture of Capacitive Touch Panel
`lhe landficatim olwhich
`E Is allad‘locl herein
`(rm. arm inan
`B was filed at (MMIDMYW)l: I: Urlllld sum Applluum Nurrber er PCT lnternallonel
`Windbr- NumbarE and mun-landed on {MW}E til-Dam.)-
`I hereby “at. that I have twinned Ind undetm Ina mun:- al' the We Idem-d apedflnlinn. Inmdlng lhe clilml. II
`amended by any ammdmanl epedflnelly teIerI'evd In shave.
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`eerilficete. or 365") of lay PCT bled-netball epplcullcn which deli no!" It heel one country other then me Linked Shh” of
`Anal-Ice. Had below and have also ldmtlfiad below. by Wu.» ax, nurture
`anions-m (or
`lenl at imenlors nadir-ale.
`or of my POT lnlenulian-I appllmfion My e Illng date Indore In! 01 lne anullcaE-I an mic-h prin
`ll :hlmod.
`Number I
`9811 51 52
`I Mdlllnnelfere mu -
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`Hal Clllmld
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`ADDRESS. SEND To: mm Cunmlsalmer [or Falenb. Wuringlon. DE: 20231.
`Ol'fiw. Plflenl Incl Trademark OMAN. Weehlngtnn. DC 2M31. DO NOT SEND FEES OR COHPLETED FORMS TO THIS
`Page 14 of 364
`Page 14 of 364
`91053.01 (12-97:
`Approvad btusalhmugh mom. OMB 0651411132
`“magnum: Sign {+lll‘lim “it box "‘-
`PM no Trldnnum Office: U.5. DEPnRTMEtT OF COMMERIIE
`Una-Irml Pupu'wurk Rodmlon Act of 1996, nu- parmnil an: unwind In manna b n unliadiun at irlorminn unhas II ennui-Is
`a valid OMB annual numbnr.
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`Ihl WY
`amumrlarkzaa, Windows”. hadmasflissuqam maflardum dumdmrnsdmls
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`Mari-nation which I! nuwn'ui In mm at dfinnd in 3'." OFF! 1.
`whim became mini; haw-en Ilia fling min 3! [he prin- applioilion
`arm ’hn nlfianal ur PCT "Human“ mirfl dale cl 'fl'IIs appliuilkn.
`[1.5. Par-I'll Applicatlan or PCT Fatal-It
`Parent Filing Date
`Parenl Patent Numbar
`Ifa- - (cable
`I auditions] US. or PCT mmflnml nppllcaflnn numb“ am lilac! an a supplanmhl whit! dais sham PTOII'SBJ'DZB mum-Id him.
`As: and inwnbr. I harsh-Jr appninI this Maudng mam mentions s to -mm this I-,-nation and hi: transact” main-ls In lha Paton
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`gimmd madman a name! win-Iraflnnnunharlmw tram
`“ iii-iii» “ MWNumbir
`Thomas Schneck
`David M Schneck
`Mark Prolsik
`Nissa M. Stmttman
`Gina McGathy
`BradIey W. Scheer
`Patrick T. Ki
`—. Bun sham p'rcusnmc aliadaad -
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` .LlL_l.L.-ll fl.'.'
`2F-1. No. 5. Alley 22. Lane 513. Rueiguang Rd.. Nelhu. Taipei City. Taiwan. R.O.C
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`Page 15 of 364
`Page 15 of 364
`mummwm 0MB [351-0032
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`villa OMB «antral number.
`D A pefllion has been fired for his unsignod Inventor
`Given Name (first and midde [If any]:
`Hm «Additional Joint Inventor. it any:
`I] A poufion ha been filed for this unsigned Inventor
`fluid-an How Sultana-It: This l’orm II call-mud in Ink: 0.4 hours In annuals. Time mil vary dapemflng upon the need: uf Iha lndeual use. My
`comment on the amount 0! time you an:
`ind In aorrpkao 'Ihls form am: bu uni to (In Chlaf lm-maflnn Officer. Paton: and Ttadnmmk
`01f“. Wllhfnglon. DC 20231. DO NOT 5
`I Pahnll. Washlnghnn, DC 2m31,
`Page 16 of 364
`Page 16 of 364
`The present invention relates to the field of touch panel devices, and in
`particular to a conductor pattern structure of a capacitive touch panel.
`Touch panels have been of wide applications in the fields of household '
`appliances, communications, and electronic information appliances- An example
`of the common applications of the touch panel is an input interface of a personal
`digital assistant (PDA), an electrical appliance, or a game machine, etc. The
`current trend of integration of a touch panel and a display panel allows a user to
`use his or her finger or a stylus to point a control icon shown on the panel in order
`to execute a desired function on a PDA, an electrical appliance or a game machine,
`etc. The touch panel is also applied in a public information inquiry system to
`provide an efficient operation system for the public.
`A conventional touch panel comprises a substrate having a surface on
`which sensing zones are distributed for sensing a signal associated with the touch
`of a user’s finger or stylus to effect input and control. The sensing zones are
`made of transparent conductive membranes, such as Indium Tin Oxide (ITO),
`whereby a user may touch the transparent conducive membrane corresponding to
`a specific location shown on the display to effect operation of the device.
`The most commonly known types of touch panels include resistive
`panel, capacitive panel, infrared sensing panel, electromagnetic sensing panel, and
`sonic sensing panel.
`The capacitive touch panel employs
`a change in
`capacitance caused between a transparent electrode and the electrostatics of
`human body to induce an current based on which the touch location can be
`identified. The capacitive touch panel
`is advantageous in light transparency,
`Page 17 of 364
`Page 17 of 364
`hardness, precision, response time,
`touch cycles, operation temperature, and
`initiation force and is thus most commonly used currently.
`In order to detect the location where a finger or a stylus touches the
`touch panel, a variety of capacitive touch panel techniques are developed. An
`example is US Patent No. 6,970,160, which discloses a lattice touch-sensing
`system for detecting a position of a touch on a touch—sensitive surface. The
`lattice touch—sensing system may include two capacitive sensing layers, separated
`by an insulating material, where each layer consists of substantially parallel
`conducting elements, and the conducting elements of the two sensing layers are
`substantially orthogonal to each other. Each element may comprise a series of
`diamond shaped patches that are connected together with narrow conductive
`rectangular strips.
`Each conducting element of a given sensing layer
`electrically connected at one or both ends to a lead line of a corresponding set of
`lead lines. A control circuit may also be included to provide an excitation signal
`to both sets of conducting elements through the corresponding sets of lead lines,
`to receive sensing signals generated by sensor elements when a touch on the
`surface occurs, and to determine a position of the touch based on the position of
`the affected bars in each layer.
`US Patent No. 4,233,522 discloses a capacitive touch panel comprising
`an array of touch sensitive switch cells. Each switch cell includes a first and a
`second pair of series connected capacitors energized by a common signal source,
`the array of switch cells being arranged so that the first pair of capacitors are
`connected in first groups of switch cells, such as rows, to a corresponding first
`plurality of signal detectors, and the second pair of capacitors are connected in
`second groups of switch cells, such as columns,
`to a corresponding second
`plurality of signal detectors, the junctions of each pair of capacitors of a single
`switch cell being selectively coupled to ground by the body or other touch
`capacitive means for actuating a selected switch cell.
`US Patent No. 4,733,222 discloses a capacitance variation sensitive
`touch sensing array system including an array of electrodes, an array of drive lines,
`Page 18 of 364
`Page 18 of 364
`a drive signal generator, and an array of sense lines. Each electrode is a
`connected series of conductive tabs and forms either a row or a column of the
`electrode array. Each drive line is capacitively coupled to a plurality of the
`electrodes. The drive signal generator generates and applies alternating signal
`packets to the drive lines. The sense line is capacitively coupled to a plurality of
`the electrodes so that signals are derived from the electrodes when drive signals
`are applied to the drive lines. The number of electrodes is equal to the product of
`the number of drive lines and the number of sense lines. Based on values
`derived from signals on the sense lines, a microprocessor provides information
`associated with touch by an operator.
`US Patent No. 5,880,411 discloses a method for recognizing a position
`made by a conductive object on a touch—sensor pad. Signals are sent to a control
`circuit of a host to identify the touch position. US Patent Nos. 6,414,671 and
`5,374,787 disclose the same technique.
`US Patent No. 7,030,860 discloses a transparent, capacitive sensing
`system particularly well suited for input to electronic devices. The capacitive
`sensor can further be used as an input device for a graphical user interface,
`especially if overlaid on top of a display device like an LCD screen to sense finger
`position and contact area over the display.
`US Patent No. 5,459,463 discloses a device for locating an object
`situated close to a detection area and a transparent keyboard incorporating the
`device. The device comprises a first set of detection zones connected so as to
`form lines which extend parallel to each other and to a detection area, a second
`set of detection zones connected to each other so as to form columns which extend
`perpendicularly to the lines, a scanning device which applies an electric signal to
`the lines and columns, and means for determining the position of an object by
`means of the scanning device.
`US Patent No. 6,498,590 discloses a multi-user touch system including
`a surface on which antennas are formed. A transmitter transmits uniquely
`Page 19 of 364
`Page 19 of 364
`identifiable signals to each antenna. Receivers are capacitively coupled to
`different users, and the receivers are configured to receive the uniquely
`identifiable signals. A processor then associates a specific antenna with a
`particular user when multiple users simultaneously touch any of the antennas.
`US Patent No. 5,847,690 discloses a unitary display and sensing
`device, which integrates liquid crystal display module elements of a liquid crystal
`display module for detecting input on a flat panel display screen.
`the prior art references described above provide teaching of
`detection touch of a user on a touch panel and all are comprised of structures of
`touch sensing elements. However, these known devices are all of a construction
`including two capacitive sensing layers spaced from each other with an insulation
`material to effect capacitive effect between the layers. This makes the structure
`of the panel very thick and is thus against the trend of miniaturization. Further,
`the conventional capacitive touch panel comprises a substrate on both surfaces of
`which two capacitive sensing layers are formed respectively.
`In this respect,
`through holes must be formed on the substrate to serve as vias and circuit layering
`must be adopted to properly connect conductor elements of the sensing layers.
`This complicates the manufacturing of the capacitive touch panel.
`Thus, it is desired to have a capacitive touch panel that overcomes the
`above drawbacks of the conventional capacitive touch panels.
`Thus, an objective of the present invention is to provide a capacitive
`touch panel comprising a thin conductor pattern structure, which consists of a
`plurality of first—axis conductor assemblies and a plurality of second-axis
`conductor assemblies, each conductor assembly being comprised of a plurality of
`conductor cells interconnected by conduction lines, wherein the conduction lines
`extending in different axes are isolated from each other by an insulation layer.
`Page 20 of 364
`Page 20 of 364
`Another objective of the present invention is to provide a capacitive
`touch panel comprising a conductor pattern structure consisting of first—axis
`conductor assemblies and second—axis conductor assemblies, both comprising
`conductors cells connected by conduction lines,
`the conductor cells and the
`conduction lines being formed on the same surface of a substrate by known
`processes for manufacturing general transparent conductor layer, whereby when a
`user touches the surface of the touch panel, the first—axis conductor assemblies and
`the second-axis conductor assemblies that are touched by the user induce
`capacitive effect between adjacent conductor cells thereof.
`According to the present invention, a solution to overcome the above
`discussed drawbacks of the conventional capacitive touch panels resides in that a
`conductor pattern structure is formed on a surface of a substrate, comprising a
`plurality of first—axis conductor assemblies and a plurality of second—axis
`conductor assemblies that are extended in directions that are substantially
`perpendicular to each other and that comprise a plurality of equally—spaced
`first-axis conductor cells and equally-spaced second—axis conductor
`respectively, and first-axis conduction lines and second-axis conduction lines
`interconnecting the first—axis conductors along the first axis and the second-axis
`conductors along the second axis reSpectively, wherein an insulation layer is
`provided to cover a surface of each first—axis conduction line to isolate the
`first-axis conduction line from the associated second-axis conduction line.
`According to the present invention, a plurality of first-axis conductor
`assemblies and a plurality of second