`Google Inc. v. Micrografx LLC

`Page 2
`IEEE p. 1003.4a/D4 Draft Standard, Threads Extension for
`Portable Operating Systems, Technical Committee on Oper-
`ating Systems of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic
`Engineers (IEEE) Computer Society, New York, Aug. 10,
`Chandra, R.; Gupta, A.; Hennessy, J., COOL: A Language
`for Parallel Programming, Languages and Compilers for
`Parallel Computing, MIT Press (1990), pp. 126-148.
`Grunwald, D., A Users Guide to AWESIME: An Object
`Oriented Oriented Parallel Programming and Simulation
`System, University of Colorado at Boulder, Technical
`Report CU—CS—552—91 (Nov. 1991), pp. 1-23.
`Doeppner Jr., T.W.; Gebele, A.J., C++ on a Parallel
`Machine, Brown University, Teehinical Report CS—87—26
`(Nov. 1987), pp. 1-12.
`Gelernter et al., Languages and Compilers for Parallel
`Computing, MIT

`U.S. Patent
`Sheet 1 of 3
`Program processing
`on 1st processor
`invocation of n
`method of c|q53 C
`'3m0rt PC_’t“te’
`instance issued
`remote call
`interface initiated
`"placeholder" value
`AsynCa|| virtual
`task invoked
`0SynChr0n0US thread
`processing of n
`method of class C
`on 2nd processor
`return value
`program processing

`U.S. Patent
`Sheet 2 of 3

`U.S. Patent
`Sheet 3 of 3
`Program processing
`on 1st processor
`invocation of n
`method of class C
`smart pointer
`instance issued
`remote call
`interface initiated
`pointer returned
`A5yncg|| virtual
`task invoked
`asynchronous thread
`conversion to
`expected value type
`processing of n
`method of class C
`on 2nd processor
`value reconverted to
`Asynclask pointer
`value stored in
`future object
`return value
`return value sent
`to lst processor
`program processing
`Progrom blocks to await
`return of future value
`program processing
`FIG. 3

`1. Field of the Invention
`The present invention is directed to a mechanism for
`providing concurrent operations in order to maximize pro-
`cessor use, particularly in a compiled object oriented para-
`digm such as C++.
`2. Description of the Related Art
`In a simplistic model (such as an isolated workstation) a
`single program running on a single processor would perform
`each of its routines in a programmed order in sequence,
`dominating the processor until complete. A call to a sub-
`routine (possibly a program module stored in a separate area
`of memory) would cause the processor to suspend or block
`operation on the main program while processing the sub-
`routine. In this scenario, the processor resources are com-
`pletely utilized (the processor is never left idle) and as there
`are no concurrent programs competing for the processor
`resources, the domination of the processor for the duration
`of processing the program and its routines is not a problem.
`In a distributed system, multiple processors each with
`associated memory are available, and a call to a subroutine
`outside the program could easily be a call to a program
`module residing on a different processor on the system. It is
`the remote processor then that wo11ld perform the operations
`for the subroutine to return the desired results to the main
`Linked multiple processors or distributed systems are
`becoming increasingly popular with the advent of the dis-
`tributed computing environment (DCE) of the Open System
`Foundation (OSF), an emerging technology enabling dis-
`tributed computing among heterogenous systems.
`In the normal local procedure call,
`there is a unique
`interface between the calling program and a specific
`subroutine, and the local procedure call invokes all neces-
`sary logic for operability. When the subroutine resides on a
`dilferent machine than the calling program, as in a distrib-
`uted system, communications logic (i.e. the location of the
`subroutine, data conversions, etc.) is required for the call and
`traditionally must be hard coded into the calling and/or
`called programs. This would be especially complex where
`the remote processor is not homogeneous or compatible with
`the calling function.
`By contrast, DCE, when implemented on each of the
`disparate systems, allows transparent
`between computers on the network through a mechanism
`called the “remote procedure call” (RPC) that extends to the
`distributed environment, and particularly the heterogeneous
`environment, the concept of the local procedure call.
`As a result, remote calls are handled transparently to the
`programmer as well as the user, as the programmer is no
`longer required to code support for each remote call.
`However, in any distributed environment, unless provi-
`sions are made during program planning, the main program
`continues to occupy its processor even while suspended or
`blocked and awaiting return of its remote call. During the
`period of this suspension, the processor is idle.
`The time that the waiting program is suspended might, in
`real terms, amount to only fractions of a second if the remote
`processor can operate on the subroutine immediately.
`However, in complex distributed systems, queuing at the
`remote processor can introduce considerable time delays,
`and all the while the waiting processor continues to be idle.
`The ideal situation would be to have concurrent opera-
`tions on each processor, that is, every active object would
`have a separate thread so that while one thread was “wait-
`ing” or suspended, other threads could use the processor.
`DCE (and other systems) include features that permit the
`programmer to create and manipulate multiple threads in a
`single program. In DCE, this multi-threading feature is in
`the form of an application programming interface based on
`the “pthreads” interface, specified by POSIX in their
`1003.4a Standard (Draft 4):
`IEEE P1003-.4a/D4 Draft
`Standard, Threads Extension for Portable Operating
`Systems, Technical Committee on Operating Systems of the
`Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) Com-
`puter Society, New York, U.S.A., Aug. 10, 1990.
`However, DCE and other multithreading systems require
`the programmer to structure a program with multiple threads
`of control, and this can introduce increasing complexity in
`designing the program. The numerous threads must be
`managed, scheduled and allowed to communicate in a
`controlled manner, and it is usually difficult to foresee all
`occasions in which concurrency would be appropriate, par-
`ticularly if lengthy thread extensions are caused by factors at
`remote processors during remote calls.
`Thus, multi-threading features tend to be inhibiting to use
`and problems are difficult to predict.
`In addition,
`there is a cost associated with switching
`threads in the processor of the waiting thread, in saving and
`reloading the processor registers, and in making the appro-
`priate stack adjustments for the new thread. Consequently,
`the number of planned control switches between threads in
`a processor should be minimized in a traditional multi-
`threading system in order to truly maximize the economic
`benefit of concurrency.
`The solution proposed in non-object oriented systems and
`in some object oriented systems with extended compilers,
`for example COOL (R. Chandra, A. Gupta and J. Hennessy,
`“COOL: A Language for Parallel Programming”, Languages
`and Compilers for Parallel Computing, Editors D.
`Gelernter, A. Nicolau and D. Padua, MIT Press, 1990), is a
`mechanism known as a “future result”. When a remote call
`is issued, the result of the subroutine call is stored in a future
`object or type to be returned to the main program in response
`to a future procedure call. In this way, the main program
`continues to run on its processor while the subroutine runs
`concurrently or synchronously. If the main program comes
`to the “future” call before the future variable is available, the
`program simply blocks at that point to await the desired
`In non-object oriented systems, the message that the user
`is implementing a synchronous invocation varies widely
`from language to language. Explicit functions, such as
`calling “resolve” with “future” as an argument might be
`required in some systems, while in other systems the
`“future” call is handled automatically.
`Object oriented environments seem particularly well
`suited to use through remote calls and remote procedure
`calls because the conception and implementation of object
`oriented languages provides the tools and facilities for
`modular programming in code sharing.
`The computer simulated “objects” in object oriented
`paradigms are defined and maintained independently of each
`other, the definition of an object including its “methods”,
`(that is the procedures or operations the object is capable of
`performing), and its variables (that is,
`its attributes,
`Values of which can change over time). Objects are defined
`through class definitions. A class is a template that defines

`the methods and variables to be included in a particular type
`of object. Classes can be defined in terms of other classes,
`that is the characteristics (methods and/or variables) of a
`subclass can be inherited from a superior, more generalized
`base class. In addition to the methods and variables they
`inherit, subclasses define their own methods and variables
`and this may include characteristics permitting the override
`of inherited characteristics, although the implementation of
`such derived classes is visible only within the class to
`prevent contamination of other class implementations.
`An abstract class is a base class with no objects or
`instances, the sole purpose of which is to organize a class
`hierarchy or to find methods or variables that will apply to
`a lower level inherited class. Yet
`inherited methods and
`variables can be more narrowly defined or even redefined in
`a derived class, so that objects defined through this technol-
`ogy can be highly specialized and can fit within a complex
`system of related but not identical objects, and class hier-
`archies can encompass many levels. The flexibility available
`through object oriented technology is certainly attractive in
`the promise of breadth it can add in distributed computing
`However, the most popular object oriented language, C++
`for example, is an inherently sequential language without
`any provision for concurrency. In fact, concurrent program-
`ming operations have been diflicult to implement in object
`oriented paradigms in general, due to a lack of proper
`support for concurrency control, synchronization and mutual
`Futures have been used in object oriented languages
`others than C++ (such as LISP, Concurrent SmallTalk and
`COOL), however previous attempts to introduce them into
`C++ have been syntactically clumsy, for example requiring
`a programmer to add prologue and epilogue code in the
`program to specifically deal with the futures, or have
`required an extension of the language or non-standard
`compiler modification.
`Numerous attempts have also been made in adding con-
`currency to C++, employing one of two approaches. In the
`first approach, the language is extended and new language
`constructs are added to handle the creation and control of
`concurrency, that is, the compiler is extended to recognize
`the new language constructs. A common way used by these
`languages to add concurrency is to encapsulate concurrency
`creation, synchronization and mutual exclusion at the object
`level. Such an object is called “active”. While such newer
`extended languages provide enhanced performance, higher
`level constructs, and compile time checking, they are limited
`by a lack of portability between operating systems.
`The second approach employs a library of reusable
`abstractions that encapsulate the lower level details of
`concurrency (for example, architecture, data partitions, com-
`munication and synchronization). The library approach
`keeps the concurrency mechanisms outside of the language,
`allowing the programmer to work with familiar compilers
`and tools, and this supports a higher level of portability,
`while providing the option of supporting many concurrent
`models through a variety of libraries. However, while most
`present concurrent task libraries for C++ attempt to provide
`concurrency through “active” objects, they fail to provide
`implicit concurrency and they also impose unwieldy restric-
`tions on users. For example, the task library described in T.
`W. Doeppner, Jr. et al: “C++ on a Parallel Machine”, Report
`CS-87-26, Department of Computer Science, Brown
`University, November 1987,
`is one of the earliest C++
`libraries providing true concurrency. However, thread man-
`agement is explicit (proper management is imposed on the
`programmer) and only one level of subclassing is permitted
`(limiting the flexibility obtainable through multiple inherit-
`ance levels available in object oriented languages). Limiting
`the number of inheritance levels to one is similar to the
`approach taken in the class library described inAT&T’s C++
`Language System Release 2.0, Product Reference Manual,
`1989, Select Code 307-146. The library described in D.
`Grunwald’s “A Users Guide to AWESIME: An Object
`Oriented Parallel Programming and Simulation Systems”,
`Technical Report CU-CS-552-91, Department of Computer
`Science, University of Colorado at Boulder, permits arbi-
`trary levels of subclassing from the task class in the library
`called “thread”, but thread management using this class
`library is again explicit. In the numerous attempts at solving
`the problem of concurrency in C++ through a class library,
`the issues of object distribution over a network, asymchro-
`nous invocation and future communication, are not
`It is therefore an object of the present invention to provide
`a mechanism for introducing both asynchronous invocation
`and futures smoothly and implicitly into a compiled object
`oriented language such as C++ without compiler modifica-
`tions or special pre-processing.
`It is also an object of the present invention to provide a
`mechanism for issuing a thread for every active object that
`can run simultaneously with other active objects on a shared
`or distributed memory multi-processor, as well as on a
`homogeneous cluster of processors or in a single processor
`simulating concurrency.
`The invention therefore provides an interface mechanism
`and related methods implemented through a computer oper-
`ating system in a parallel computing environment having a
`non-extended object oriented compiler and at
`memory storage facilities associated with separate process-
`ing operations, each memory storage facility being adapted
`for constructing object classes. The interface mechanism is
`adapted for generating asynchronous processing operations
`through first link means for receiving a procedure call from
`a first processing operation in association with one of the
`memory storage facilities and issuing a response to cause
`resumption of the first processing operation, and at least one
`register for invoking a data object function [or a second
`processing operation in association with another of the
`memory storage facilities alongside the first processing
`In a further embodiment, an interface mechanism is
`provided in a computer operating system having at least first
`and second processing means, a non-extended object ori-
`ented compiler and dynamic memory storage for construct-
`ing object classes associated with the first processing means,
`for generating parallel processing operations within a single
`object oriented program. The interface mechanism consists
`of first link means for receiving a procedure call from the
`first processor processing means and issuing a response to
`cause the first processing means to continue processing, and
`at least one register for invoking a data object function for
`processing on the second processor means.
`Preferably, the interface mechanism also includes means
`for receiving and storing a resulting variable for processing
`of the data object function on the second processing means,
`and second link means for transferring the resulting variable
`to the dynamic memory storage associated with the first
`processing means.

`A template class in C++ is used to define a class of “smart
`pointers” which are used in the preferred embodiment to
`invoke or implement asynchronous invocation and are there-
`fore referred to as asynchronous pointers. (Although the
`invention is directed toward implementation of
`concurrent processing, each processing routine is permitted
`to continue normal processing operations in its own time.
`Therefore, each processing “thread” is treated as if it were
`an asynchronous operation.)
`The concept of “smart pointers” was first introduced in
`C++ as a storage management scheme to permit the destruc-
`tion from dynamic memory of data objects no longer in use.
`Normally, a pointer is a variable used by a program to
`register the address or location in dynamic memory of a data
`field whose whereabouts varies. However,
`in traditional
`implementations, smart pointers point not to the location of
`an actual object, but to an intervening “virtual” object that
`contains a pointer to the actual object. The smart pointer can
`include other information pertinent to object destruction,
`including how many other pointers point to the actual object,
`as a safeguard against premature object destruction. Where
`the number of other pointers pointing to the actual object is
`zero, the actual object can safely be destroyed.
`In the preferred embodiment of the present invention, the
`template mechanism of C++ is used to define a class of smart
`pointers including a virtual functional table as illustrated at
`34 in FIG. 2. As implemented in the preferred embodiment,
`the template class, called “AsynCall”, contains a number of
`virtual “AsyncTask"’ pointers, any one of which could man-
`age the creation and destruction of numerous independent or
`asynchronous threads having the built-in safeguards to avoid
`premature thread destnlction discussed in further detail
`below. Thus, part of the private and public declarations of
`this AsynCall template class is defined as:
`bemplate<class T> class AsynCall [
`T* actual_pointcr;
`virtual Asy11cTl1sk* af0( .
`virtual AsyncTl1sk* af1( .
`virtual AsyncTask“‘ af2( .
`. );
`. );
`. );
`In a further embodiment of the invention, a class library
`is provided that is adapted for use with a non-extended
`object oriented compiler in a parallel computing environ-
`ment having at least first and second processing means and
`dynamic memory storage associated with the first processing
`means. The class library includes an object class containing
`function execution data for invoking asynchronous methods,
`a first
`interface adapted to be linked between the first
`processing means and the object class on receiving a pro-
`cedure call from the first processing means, a second inter-
`face adapted to be linked between the object class and the
`second processing means for invoking processing of an
`asynchronous method and for receiving a result from said
`processing, and a third interface adapted to link the first
`processor means with the result from said processing.
`Embodiments of the invention will now be described in
`detail in association with the accompanying drawings, in
`FIGS. 1 and 3 are flow diagrams illustrating the computer
`steps in initiating concurrent processing according to aspects
`of the invention; and
`FIG. 2 is a schematic representation of the structure and
`functional operations of a pointer mechanism in the inven-
`tion for asynchronous invocation.
`Embodiments of the present invention have been devel-
`oped for use on parallel processing systems such as shared
`memory or distributed memory multi-processors. However,
`it is intended that the invention is equally applicable to
`heterogenous distributed systems, for example, under a DCE
`type environment, and also in a uni-processor simulating
`concurrency, as in a reactive or interactive system.
`The preferred embodiments of the present
`described herein have been implemented through a class
`library for C++. Utilizing the language operators of “virtual”
`declarations and “overloading” (the mechanism in C++ for
`redefining built-in operators, for example in a derived class),
`the invention provides that an interface is inserted in a
`procedure call from a program running on one processor to
`an object whose methods can or must be invoked on another
`processor. The interface mechanism then isolates the object
`from the calling program in the first processing
`environment, and provides for processing of the calling
`program and simultaneous independent processing of the
`method of the invoked object
`in a different processing
`Further, the result of invocation of the object is returned
`from the second processing environment
`to a register
`directly accessible from the first processing environment,
`and thereby made available if required at some future point
`in the calling program. If never required in the first calling
`program, the result is eventually deleted from this register.
`The process for initiating concurrent or independent pro-
`cessing is illustrated in the flow diagram of FIG. 1. In the
`case of a multi-processor environment, a processor process-
`ing the calling program (block 10) invokes a method in a
`class whose data resides on a remote processor (block 12).
`This invocation results in the referencing or issuance of an
`“asynchronous” or “smart” pointer (block 14) which in turn
`initiates the remote call interface of the present invention
`(block 16) as described in detail below.
`. );
`AsynCall(T* p){ actual_poi.nter = p; };
`AsynCall( ){ actual_pointer = (T*)[); };
`T* operator->(
`return (T*)this;
`AsynCall<T>& operator=(T* p){ actual_pointer = p; reI:urn(*this); };
`AsynCall<T>& operator=(const. AsynCall<T>& arg){
`actual_pointer = arg.actual_pointer;
`virtual AsyncTask* afn( .
`According to the invention, a procedure call or method
`invocation for an asynchronous invocation is issued from a
`smart pointer 32 to a “virtual” object, as in the traditional
`usage of smart pointers. However, the smart pointer does not
`return a pointer 40 to the target object of the call, but to an
`object which is typically itself, containing a virtual function
`table pointer 31 pointing to a virtual function table 34, where
`that object invokes the intended method from the target
`object virtual function table 36 by issuing a task which
`references the virtual function table pointer 42.
`In a single level of inheritance, the object addressed by the
`pointer from the virtual object can be the smart pointer itself,
`and as shown in the AsynCall template listed above, up to 32

`asynchronous tasks can be defined within the class and still
`fall within the recognized parameters of a virtual function
`table usable by the standard, non-extended compiler in C++.
`In the illustrated FIG. 2, the bracketed block 33 of virtual
`function table 34 represents the only virtual functions
`required for correspondence with the virtual function table
`36 associated with the target object 38.
`In the case of multiple inheritances, the pointer would be
`returned to an object with an appropriate nest of pointers, as
`known in the art.
`In one aspect of the preferred embodiment of the inven-
`tion illustrated in FIG. 1, the AsynCall virtual method takes
`care of handling the call on the target object (block 18),
`issues an asynchronous thread to commence processing on
`the called/invoked method (block 20), and returns the
`address of a “placeholder” to the calling object (block 24).
`The returned value is discarded by the caller (block 26), and
`the caller and called obj ects proceed concurrently (blocks 28
`and 22).
`'lhe reason that this procedure produces an “asynchro-
`nous” invocation is because the methods of the smart pointer
`return to the caller immediately (blocks 18 and 24) , leaving
`the spun off thread to proceed at its own pace. On a parallel
`computer, generating such threads produces true parallelism.
`Alternatively, in some parallel computing systems, parallel-
`ism is not produced by generating threads. Instead, an entry
`is made in a queue of pending tasks. In implementing the
`present invention in such a system, each of the methods of
`the smart pointer would make the appropriate queue entry
`and would then return immediately, allowing the calling task
`to continue processing while the asynchronous call waits for
`a worker task to execute it.
`An example of an asynchronous invocation follows:
`class C {
`int 11;
`virtual int f( );
`C C; // an instance of C
`AsynCall<C> p = &c; // a smart pointer instance
`p—>f( ); //asynchronous invocation of f (result discarded)
`programmer must re-write all methods (usually in a derived
`class) in order to expect future reference arguments or return
`future results. This implementation of futures is very incon-
`venient and awkward to use.
`In the present invention, futures have been introduced
`without the need for a pre-processor or extended compiler.
`The steps described above in relation to FIG. 1 are followed
`up until the point at which a value is returned to the calling
`program to permit resumption of processing (block 24 in
`FIG. 1). Instead of returning a “placeholder” value to be
`discarded, the asynchronous pointer returns a value to the
`calling program (block 50 in FIG. 3), although it is not the
`hoped for value to be returned from the target method
`operating on the target object. Instead, it is a pointer to the
`thread (or worker task queue entry) that is charged with
`computing that result.
`In the preferred embodiment of the invention, the return
`type would be labelled AsyncTask (that is, a pointer to an
`asynchronous task) but
`the specific return type would
`depend on the particular parallel computing system that the
`futures are implemented within. These AsyncTask pointers
`are a key element in the system for implementing futures in
`this form of the embodiment, because each time one is
`returned to a calling program,
`it essentially serves as a
`temporary stand-in for the value that will eventually be
`returned from a target method. If the calling program does
`not need a value returned from some target method, it can
`discard the AsyncTask pointer returned to it (as proposed in
`the FIG. 1 method). Ilowever, if the calling program antici-
`pates requiring this value, the value is stored into a future
`object (blocks 52 to 56), created with a future template such
`as described below:
`template<class T> class Future {
`AsyncTask* at;
`FL1ture(c0nst T& val){
`at=(/-\syncT‘ask*)val; //The value actually used is a tast pointer
`Future( ){ at = (AsyncTask*)0; };
`Future<T>& operator=[const T& va1){
`//The value actually assigned is a task pointer
`return *this;
`return at —>readyp( ); };
`int readyp(
`conversion operator T(
`{ return (%) at —>join( ); };
`//join waits for the thread to complete,
`and returns the compute value
`The future class is parameterized on the type of the value
`expected to be returned from the target method, which
`shows a future being used.
`Then, any processing program uses the value returned
`from an asynchronously invoked target method, it uses the
`overloaded “=” operator to store into a future object the
`value that is immediately returned from the asynchronous
`method invocation. The compiler allows the future object to
`be used as a target of such an assignment because the
`overloaded “=” operator is typed to expect an argument of
`the same type as the invoked method is typed to return. In
`actuality, however, the value returned is of type AsyncTask,
`and essentially the compiler is misled regarding the type of
`the pointer returned from the asynchronous invocation. This
`causes the compiler to generate code to invoke one of
`AsynCall’s virtual methods instead of the target method.
`When AsynCall’s invoked method returns an AsynTask
`instead of a Task (block 64) , and the future objects “="'
`; return(n_);}; //f computes for a while, then returns 11
`: //some additional computation, in parallel with p—>f( )
`Although asynchronous invocation is most useful on true
`parallel computers, it should be noted that it can still be
`usefully implemented on serial computers. On a serial
`computer, such threads and/or tasks can be simulated, allow-
`ing the programmer to express logical parallelism (although
`not true parallelism) where it makes sense to do so. It can be
`especially useful to do so in interactive or reactive systems
`where the capability of expressing and simulating parallel-
`ism can improve the throughput and perceived responsive-
`ness of the system.
`The present
`invention also permits the calculation of
`future values concurrently with processing of the main
`program and this is illustrated in the [low diagram of FIG.
`As mentioned above, futures have been introduced into
`C++, but only through the use of a pre-processor which
`renames all user methods so that method invocation can be
`intercepted. According to this mechanism, futures cannot be
`used to receive results from ordinary methods. Instead, the

`operator misleads the compiler by telling it that its expected
`argument has type Task, when the type of the argument is
`known to be really an AsynCall task. In this way, virtually
`any C++ compiler, unmodified and unextended, will gener-
`ate code which implements futures which have the look and
`feel of a smoothly integrated language extension.
`In the preferred embodiment, futures are specifically
`invoked in the following way.
`The first action taken by operator “=" when it is invoked
`is to convert its argument to be of the correct type (that is,
`AsynTask block 52). In the template class, this conversion is
`done with a simple type cast, however in practice, more
`complex conversions can be employed, such as extracting
`the first word of a multi-word returned Value. Such a
`conversion can even be keyed on the size of the returned
`value by applying the C++ size of operator to task in the
`future template.
`Secondly, the operator “=” assigns its converted argument
`to a private variable (block 54) so that a record is made of
`which a computing agent is responsible for generating the
`hoped for actual value eventually to be returned from the
`target method. Finally, operator “=” returns to the calling
`program giving a reference to itself as its return value (block
`Once the operator “'=” has returned from its invocation on
`a future object, the calling program can proceed indepen-
`dently without having to wait for the result which is even-
`tually to be computed by the target method (block 58).
`However, that result will usually be needed at some point,
`and the future object represents a “promise” to deliver it. The
`promise is fulfilled (that is, the future is “resolved”) by the
`conversion operator (operator “T”) as shown in the futures
`template. This operator is invoked by C++ whenever a future
`instance is used where a task is required. The conversion
`operator performs more than a simple conversion; it checks
`to see if the future has been resolved (that is, the asynchro-
`nous invocation has returned the expected result). If the
`future object is unresolved, the conversion operator waits for
`completion of the asynchronous invocation causing the
`calling program to block, if necessary (block 60). Once the
`future object is resolved, the conversion operator returns the
`expected val11e (blocks 62, 64) and the calling object pro-
`ceeds with its activity (block 66)
`'lhe use of future objects is demonstrated below:
`class C {
`int 11;
`virtual int f( );
`; return(n);};
`int C::f( ){ .
`//f computes for a while, then returns n
`main( ) {
`int y;
`C c;
`AsynCall<C> p = &c;
`Future<int> x;
`X = p—>f( ); //as before, an asynchronous call,
`this time returning a value
`. //do some computation
`y = X; //wait for and then retrieve the value returned from p—>f( )
`In a further aspect of the preferred embodiment, the issue
`of storage management as it relates to asynchronous tasks is
`addressed. C++ does not have any native garbage collection
`(dynamic data structure management) facilities and th

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