In The Matter Of:
`   ___________________________________________________
`February 4, 2015
`   ___________________________________________________
`Google Inc. v. Micrografx LLC

`GARRY KITCHEN - 2/4/2015
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`COL., LTD.,
` Petitioners,
` -vs- CASE IPR2014-00532
` Patent 5,959,633
` Respondent.
` /
` February 4, 2015
`Reported by: WENDY E. ARLEN, CSR #4355, RMR, CRR
`Merrill Corporation

`GARRY KITCHEN - 2/4/2015
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` --oOo--
`Exhibit 1023 Patent Owner's Response Under 37 CFR 20
` § 42.120 to Petition for Inter
` Partes Review of United States
` Patent No. 5,959,633 (Not attached
` to the transcript)
` --oOo--
`2 3
`7 8
`Merrill Corporation

`GARRY KITCHEN - 2/4/2015
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` Deposition of GARRY KITCHEN, taken by the
` respondent, at O'MELVENY & MYERS LLP, Two Embarcadero
` Center, 28th Floor, San Francisco, California,
` commencing at 10:00 a.m., Wednesday, February 4, 2015
` before me, WENDY E. ARLEN, CSR, RMR, CRR.
` A P P E A R A N C E S
` Attorneys at Law
` Two Embarcadero Center, 28th Floor
` San Francisco, California 94111-3823
` 415.984.8959
` Attorneys at Law
` 60 South Sixth Street, 3200 RBC Plaza
` Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402
` 612.237.2569
` Attorneys at Law
` 9442 Capital of Texas Highway North
` Plaza One, Suite 500-146
` Austin, Texas 78759
` 512.313.3622
` Nevin Kapur, Google Inc.
`7 8
`Merrill Corporation

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` San Francisco, California
` Wednesday, February 4, 2015
` 10:00 a.m.
` --oOo--
` having been first duly sworn, was
` examined and testified as follows:
` --oOo--
` MR. ALMELING: Let's make appearances. My name
` is David Almeling of O'Melveny & Myers. I represent the
` petitioners in these IPR's, that is, Google, Inc.,
` Samsung Telecommunications America, LLC and Samsung
` Electronics America, Inc.
` With me from Google, Inc., is Nevin Kapur.
` MR. HAWKINS: My name is Michael Hawkins from
` the law firm of Fish & Richardson also representing
` petitioners in these IPR proceedings.
` MR. BISENIUS: My name is Patrick Bisenius,
` also from Fish & Richardson and representing
` petitioners.
` MR. WILSON: Douglas Wilson of Heim Payne +
` Chorush representing patent owner and the witness.
` THE WITNESS: Garry, G-a-r-r-y, Kitchen,
` K-i-t-c-h-e-n, consultant expert hired by the patent
` owners.
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` MR. ALMELING: For clarity, this deposition is
` regarding case IPR 2014-532. This is regarding the U.S.
` Patent No. 5,959.633.
` Q. Mr. Kitchen, please state your home address.
` A. Home address is 1313 Still Creek Place in
` Danville, California.
` Q. Do you understand that you're under oath?
` A. Yes, I do.
` Q. Is there any reason that you cannot give
` truthful and accurate testimony today?
` A. No.
` Q. To ensure clarity, I want to define several
` terms that we're going to use throughout the deposition.
` When I use Google, I'm referring to Google, Inc.
` Do you understand?
` A. Yes.
` Q. When I use the term patent owner or Micrografx,
` I'm referring to Micrografx LLC.
` Do you understand?
` A. Yes.
` Q. When I use the term Samsung, I'm referring to
` Samsung Telecommunications America, LLC and Samsung
` Electronics America, Inc.
` Do you understand?
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`GARRY KITCHEN - 2/4/2015
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` A. Yes.
` Q. When I use the term petitioners, I'm referring
` to Google and Samsung.
` Do you understand?
` A. Yes.
` Q. When I use the term POSITA, I am referring to a
` person of ordinary skill in the art at the time of the
` alleged invention.
` Do you understand?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Without revealing any privileged information,
` please describe how you prepared for today's deposition.
` A. Do you want to know specifically how I prepared
` for the deposition or do you want me to go back to how I
` did my analysis in writing my declaration?
` Q. The former.
` A. I reviewed my declaration, I reviewed
` Dr. Lastra's declaration, I reread the patent and I
` reread the prior art elements, I also read the brief
` filed by the patent owners.
` Q. When you refer to the brief filed by the patent
` owners, what in particular are you referring to?
` A. The response brief regarding the '633 patent.
` Q. For your preparation for today's testimony, did
` you meet with anyone?
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` A. I met with Mr. Wilson yesterday.
` Q. For approximately how long?
` A. Four hours.
` Q. Other than meeting with Mr. Wilson and
` reviewing the materials that you identified, did you do
` anything else to prepare for today's deposition?
` A. No, I don't believe so.
` Q. When were you first contacted on behalf of
` Micrografx?
` A. I would say it would have been around the
` middle of 2014.
` Q. Who contacted you?
` A. A law firm, Tensegrity.
` Q. Who at Tensegrity?
` A. Don't remember the name.
` Q. Do you have a written agreement that governs
` your work regarding the Micrografx and Google and
` Samsung dispute?
` A. Yes, I do.
` Q. During your career, approximately how many
` times have you served as an expert in a patent case?
` A. Specific to a patent case, I would say
` somewhere in the range of 10 to 15.
` Q. During your career, approximately how many
` times have you served as an expert in an IPR matter?
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` A. Three or four maybe.
` Q. During your career, approximately how many
` times have you been deposed as an expert?
` A. I would say more than 20.
` Q. During your career, approximately how many
` times have you been deposed as an expert in a patent
` case?
` A. I would -- I would say at least 15.
` Q. Have you ever served as an expert in a
` litigation IPR or other proceeding against Samsung?
` A. No.
` Q. Have you ever served as an expert in
` litigation, IPR or other proceeding against Google?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Approximately how many times have you served as
` an expert against Google?
` A. Once.
` Q. Do you recall the name of the case?
` A. I believe the client was Netjumper,
` N-e-t-j-u-m-p-e-r.
` Q. Is that case identified on the CV that you
` submitted as part of your declaration?
` A. Yes, it is.
` Q. Without revealing any confidential information
` regarding that case, can you describe at a high level
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` what technology was involved?
` A. This was quite a while ago. It was probably
` seven or eight years ago. Netjumper had a patent
` involving an element of search, and I was hired as an
` expert for the patent owner, did some preliminary work,
` filed at least one report, and I believe the patents
` went into reexam.
` Q. As part of that case, did you have access to
` any Google confidential information?
` A. No, I don't believe it ever got that far.
` Q. Do you consider yourself an expert in the state
` of computer graphics technology in the mid-1990's?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Do you consider yourself an expert in the state
` of computer graphics technology today?
` A. Yes.
` Q. What is the first year during which you would
` consider yourself to be an expert in computer graphics
` technology?
` A. I would say 1982.
` Q. From 1982 until today, would you consider
` yourself an expert in computer graphics technology
` during that duration?
` A. Generally, yes.
` Q. You qualified that yes. Can you explain the
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` qualification?
` A. Well, I'm sure there are aspects of computer
` graphics technology that I could be contacted on that I
` may not serve myself as an expert. For example, you
` know, very specific elements of the internals of high
` level graphic processors, things like that. But I've
` worked with computer graphics since 1980, and I
` certainly have an expertise in computer graphics from a
` general sense. I'm sure there are specific elements
` where I would step aside.
` Q. Approximately how many of the cases in which
` you have served as an expert have been cases involving
` computer graphics technology? And you can do this as a
` percentage if that's easier.
` A. I would say 10 to 20 percent.
` Q. As part of your work in the IPR regarding the
` '633 patent, did you ever communicate with any of the
` named inventors on the '633 patent?
` A. No.
` Q. Did you ever communicate with anyone affiliated
` with Micrografx other than Micrografx's attorneys?
` A. No.
` Q. Other than Mr. Wilson, the individual you could
` not name at Tensegrity, are there any other individuals
` with whom you communicated regarding your work on the
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` Micrografx IPR's?
` A. I had an early meeting with other attorneys at
` Tensegrity. I would have to go back to my records to
` figure out who was in that meeting.
` Q. Anyone else?
` A. I also -- I'm sorry. Are we specifically the
` '633 now or in general?
` Q. Let's make this general. Any of the patents
` that are subject to the IPR's, that is, the '633, '854,
` and '732.
` A. I also had dealings with an associate of
` Mr. Wilson's, Nate, and I can't remember his last name.
` Q. Anyone else?
` A. Another attorney at his firm.
` Q. Other than Nate Davis, Doug Wilson and
` attorneys at Tensegrity have you communicated with
` anyone else concerning your work for Micrografx?
` A. I may have been on a call with a couple of
` other attorneys at Doug's firm, but I don't recall the
` names. Other than that, no, I don't believe I've
` communicated with anyone else.
` Q. Do you have anyone such as an assistant help
` you with your report?
` A. No, I did it 100 percent by myself.
` Q. Can you please describe the process of how you
`Merrill Corporation

`GARRY KITCHEN - 2/4/2015
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` prepared your report?
` A. Do you want to focus on the nuts and bolts of
` how it was prepared or do you want to focus on the
` analysis behind it?
` Q. We'll talk about the analysis later today.
` Right now, I'm interested in the nuts and bolts. Let me
` sort of a specific question because that might help.
` Is it accurate to say you wrote every word of
` your expert report?
` MR. WILSON: I'm going to object.
` THE WITNESS: Go ahead.
` MR. WILSON: I don't know what you're driving
` here. If you're going to try to figure out, you know,
` what content the attorneys might have commented on or
` whatever, to the extent you're going into that, I think
` it's protected by the attorney/client privilege. I
` don't think you're entitled to that information.
` MR. ALMELING: Just to be clear, I'm not asking
` for any privileged information. At this level of
` granularity it certainly does not call for that.
` Q. Is it accurate to say that you wrote every
` single word of your expert report?
` MR. WILSON: I'm going to instruct him not to
` answer. I'm going to object on the basis of privilege
` and instruct him not to answer. I think it does call
`Merrill Corporation

`GARRY KITCHEN - 2/4/2015
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` for privileged information.
` MR. ALMELING: So just to be clear, the yes or
` no response to any single word you believe calls for
` privileged information if I do not follow up and ask
` what word?
` MR. WILSON: Okay. I'll let him answer that
` question.
` THE WITNESS: With a simple yes or no, we're
` saying?
` MR. WILSON: Simple yes or no.
` Q. MR. ALMELING: Given that, can you please
` describe, without revealing any privileged information,
` how you did prepare your expert report, the nuts and
` bolts, as you put it?
` MR. WILSON: I'm going to object and instruct
` him not to answer. Not to provide any communications
` that he had between his attorneys and himself during the
` preparation of his report, including any content that
` was contributed by any attorneys or go into any of the
` comments or whatever that occurred in the preparation of
` his report. To the extent you can answer without going
` into that, go ahead.
` THE WITNESS: I -- when I write a report like
` this, I draft the report myself. I sit at a keyboard
`Merrill Corporation

`GARRY KITCHEN - 2/4/2015
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` and type. As with other reports I do, I took the lead
` on drafting the report. Anything in the report that had
` to do with technical analysis I wrote. My background
` may have come from a previous report that I wrote, but I
` am wholly responsible for any of the relevant content in
` the report.
` Q. MR. ALMELING: When you say wholly responsible,
` what do you mean?
` A. I mean I wrote it.
` Q. In forming your opinions in this IPR regarding
` the '633 patent, you did not rely on any assumptions
` that you did not identify in your '633 declaration,
` correct?
` A. I think that's correct, yes.
` Q. You do not currently have any opinions about
` the '633 patent that are not stated in your '633
` declaration, correct?
` A. Yes, I think that's correct.
` Q. Nothing has happened since you prepared your
` '633 declaration that changes any of the opinions you
` provided in that declaration, correct?
` A. I did find two errors in the report when I
` reviewed it in advance of this deposition.
` Q. What are those two errors?
` A. One error is in paragraph 48. It's a typo, and
`Merrill Corporation

`GARRY KITCHEN - 2/4/2015
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` I used the word internal when I should be using the word
` external. I found it upon review.
` Q. I hand you what has previously been identified
` as Exhibit 2005. When I used the phrase '633
` declaration or your declaration in the context of this
` deposition, I am referring to Exhibit 2005.
` Do you understand?
` A. Yes.
` Q. So can you please identify the first of two
` errors?
` A. Paragraph 48 on page 24. I state: "For the
` same reason, Walton was not motivated to invent an
` internal shape." That's supposed to be an external
` shape.
` Q. Are you aware of any additional errors in your
` '633 declaration?
` A. Yes, I have an omission in the proposed
` construction of the term "external shape stored outside
` the computer program." The -- let's see. Paragraph 28
` on page 13. It quotes the proposal from the patent
` board for the construction as computer code stored
` outside the computer program that defines a graphical
` image.
` My opinion was to further clarify that by
` adding the phrase "that can be developed and
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`GARRY KITCHEN - 2/4/2015
`Page 16
` provided" -- and I'm quoting from page 16, paragraph
` 32 -- "that can be developed and provided for use by the
` computer program without modifying the computer
` program."
` In adding that phrase, I inadvertently left out
` the critical words "that defines a graphical image." In
` the context of this case, it's likely we would agree
` that without "that defines a graphical image" that's not
` the correct construction. So the omission is in
` paragraph 32 on page 16, the last line, and the proper
` construction that I opined on would be:
` " code stored outside the
` computer program that defines a graphical image
` and that can be developed and provided for use
` by the computer program without modifying the
` computer program."
` Q. Is paragraph 32 the only place in which the
` language that you now have added should also be added?
` A. I don't know that for certain. I may quote
` that construction, proposed construction, elsewhere in
` the report, and I will say that if I quote it elsewhere
` in the report, it should have the added phrase; but I --
` when I found this yesterday, I did not go through the
` report to find every place that it's quoted.
` Q. Your report did not provide an opinion
`Merrill Corporation

`GARRY KITCHEN - 2/4/2015
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` regarding the specific language that defines a graphical
` image anywhere in the '633 declaration, correct? You
` are now adding that information, correct?
` MR. WILSON: Objection, form.
` THE WITNESS: I don't understand the question.
` What was that?
` Q. MR. ALMELING: Sure. So let me sort of explain
` the purpose of the question which I think may help. I
` read your report, and I don't see any discussion of
` that -- the phrase "that defines a graphical image"
` anywhere. So what I think that you're doing is changing
` both the construction that you used as well as changing
` that analysis that derives from that construction, and I
` just wanted to confirm that my understanding is correct.
` A. No, I stand by my analysis. My entire analysis
` assumes that it defines a graphical image. I mean,
` that's the basis for a shape, a shape defines a
` graphical image.
` I inadvertently left the words out of the
` construction, but it doesn't change any of my analysis.
` Q. You also left the words "that defines a
` graphical image" out of the entirety of your '633
` declaration, correct?
` MR. WILSON: Objection , form.
` THE WITNESS: Only to the extent that I'm not
`Merrill Corporation

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` quoting the proposed construction.
` Q. MR. ALMELING: Your '633 declaration as it's
` written does not contain any analysis specific to the
` phrase "that defines a graphical image," correct?
` A. It contains analysis about whether or not the
` prior art defines a graphical image.
` Q. That's not my question. Your '633 declaration
` as it's written does not contain any analysis specific
` to the phrase "that defines a graphical image," correct?
` MR. WILSON: Objection, form.
` THE WITNESS: I guess I don't understand the
` question because doing an analysis of the prior art as
` to whether or not it's performing the phrase is in
` reference to the phrase. Exactly what are you asking?
` Q. MR. ALMELING: What I'm trying to get at is I'm
` unclear if the only thing that you're doing is adding
` five words to paragraph 32 because you forgot to add
` those or that those five words have been forgotten to
` add to the entirety of your report; and, therefore, you
` would like to add that analysis to the report.
` So my question is there is no part of your
` report that currently addresses the phrase "that defines
` a graphical image," correct?
` MR. WILSON: Objection, asked and answered.
` THE WITNESS: I don't do a specific analysis of
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` those words, but inherent in my report is my knowledge
` that the appropriate claim construction for "external
` shape stored outside the computer program" is an
` external shape that determines a graphical image. I
` mean, that's inherent in my knowledge and that's
` throughout this report.
` Q. MR. ALMELING: When did you realize that there
` was an omission from your proposed construction in
` paragraph 32?
` A. Yesterday when I read the report for the 15th
` time.
` Q. When was the first time you heard of the Walton
` reference?
` A. I believe it's when I started working on my
` declaration in this case.
` Q. Did you have any role in preparing the patent
` owner's response which you said you have reviewed?
` A. No, I was not consulted on it. I didn't
` contribute any language to it. To the extent something
` in it may have been based on my declaration, I was not
` party to that.
` Q. You said that you reviewed it in preparation
` for your deposition today, correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. In reviewing that document, did you see
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`GARRY KITCHEN - 2/4/2015
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` anything with which you disagreed?
` A. No.
` MR. ALMELING: I'd like to mark -- withdrawn.
` Q. I hand you what has been previously been
` marked -- withdrawn again.
` I actually would like to mark a document titled
` Patent Owner's Response under 37 CFR Section 42.120 to
` Petition for Inter Partes Review of United States Patent
` No. 5,959.633 consecutively paginated from i through 57.
` Please mark this as Exhibit 1023.
` (Deposition Exhibit 1023 marked for
` identification.)
` Q. MR. ALMELING: I direct your attention to --
` well, withdrawn.
` The document that you identified as being the
` patent owner's response that you reviewed yesterday is
` Exhibit 1023, correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. I direct your attention to page 10. The third
` sentence of the first full paragraph reads:
` "A more appropriate construction for the
` phrase 'external shape stored outside the
` computer program' is 'computer code stored
` outside the computer program that can be
` developed and provided for use by the computer
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` program without modifying the computer
` program.'"
` A. Yes.
` Q. You have asked to revise an omission in your
` construction. Do you believe that your construction is
` the appropriate construction or that the construction
` identified in the patent owner's response is the
` appropriate construction?
` A. I believe my revised construction is the
` appropriate construction.
` Q. So you believe that the construction on page 10
` of Exhibit 1023 is incorrect.
` A. I believe it contains the same omission that
` mine does.
` Q. I direct your attention to paragraph 3 of your
` '633 declaration. This identifies the complete universe
` of materials that you reviewed for purposes of your work
` on the '633 patent, correct?
` A. Yes, I believe that's correct.
` Q. Let's return to paragraph 32. Is it your
` opinion that your construction of "external shape stored
` outside the computer program" is either the, one,
` ordinary meaning a POSITA would give that phrase or,
` two, that the patentee acted as his own lexicographer in
` defining that phrase?
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` MR. WILSON: Object to form.
` THE WITNESS: I think that a POSITA in
` reviewing the patent and use of the term would agree
` that the correct construction is mine proposed with the
` addition of the phrase we discussed.
` Q. MR. ALMELING: You do not believe that the '633
` patent acted as his own lexicographer in defining the
` phrase the "external shape stored outside the computer
` program," correct?
` A. I didn't consider that. I don't have an
` opinion one way or another on that.
` Q. You're familiar, of course, given your
` extensive work on patent cases, on the distinction
` between a patent owner defining a term being his own
` lexicographer and not defining a term but that term
` being defined by the plain meaning a POSITA would give
` it, correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Given that understanding, let me ask the
` question again. Did the patentee of the '633 patent act
` as his own lexicographer in defining the phrase
` "external shape stored outside the computer program"?
` MR. WILSON: Objection, asked and answered.
` THE WITNESS: I don't recall seeing a specific
` definition for the phrase in the patent or patent
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`GARRY KITCHEN - 2/4/2015
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` specification.
` Q. MR. ALMELING: In creating the construction of
` the phrase "external shape stored outside the computer
` program" that you did, you relied on what you believed
` was the ordinary meaning a POSITA would give that
` phrase, correct?
` MR. WILSON: Objection, form.
` THE WITNESS: I relied on the meaning that a
` POSITA would understand given the technology and I
` relied on the backup found throughout the specification
` to lead me to the conclusion.
` Q. MR. ALMELING: Part of your definition is the
` phrase "can be developed and provided for use by the
` computer program without modifying the computer
` program." Please describe what you mean by that.
` A. It means that the external shape can be added
` to a computer program, a graphics program, that exists
` after the program has been compiled without having to
` recompile the program or modify it in other way. The
` essence of the invention is that having capabilities
` built into the shape allows it to essentially add
` graphic capabilities to the program without having to
` recompile the program.
` Q. You used the phrase without recompiling or
` otherwise modifying in any other way. What do you mean
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` modifying in any other way?
` A. Well, adding code to it or -- I mean, in the
` software world, a simple practical answer is if I have
` distributed a hundred thousand copies of a graphic
` program, I don't have to put out an update. I don't
` have to ship another version to everyone. The version
` they're using is compatible with the external shapes now
` and in the future.
` Q. If, instead of changing the existing code,
` lines of code were deleted, would that constitute
` modification of the computer program?
` MR. WILSON: Objection, form.
` THE WITNESS: If the lines of code that were
` deleted were specifically deleted to allow use of the
` external shape, then it would.
` Q. MR. ALMELING: But, otherwise, it would not?
` A. Well, I can only look at it in the context of
` this wording, and in the context of this wording, when I
` say without modifying the computer program, I mean
` without changing the computer program. If someone had
` to go in and delete lines or else the external shape
` would not work, then that would qualify as modifying.
` Q. If instead of changing existing lines of code
` of the computer program new lines of code were added,
` would that constitute modification of the computer
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` program?
` MR. WILSON: Objection, form.
` THE WITNESS: Only to the extent that adding
` those lines of code were specific to allowing the
` external shape to be used.
` Q. MR. ALMELING: In both of my examples of
` removing lines of code or ordering lines of code you
` qualified it by only to the extent of allowing the
` external shape to be used. Where is that qualification
` in the construction of external shape stored outside the
` computer program?
` A. Well, I read that into the phrase "provided for
` use by the computer program without modifying the
` computer program." It's talking specifically about it
` can be developed and provided for use by the computer
` program, and as a cause and effect from being provided,
` the program doesn't have to be modified.
` Now, if the program is modified because there
` is a bug in it that has nothing to do with external
` shapes or it's modified to be compatible with the next
` version of the Windows operating system, I don't read
` that into this claim construction. This is specific to
` because the shape is provided to the computer program,
` something has to be modified in the program to make it
` compatible.
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`Page 26
` Q. The phrase "without modifying the computer
` program" in your construction contains no explicit
` qualifications, correct?
` A. No, I have to look at it in context.
` Q. The construction of external shape that you
` provided was the construction, in your opinion, that's
` under the broadest reasonable interp

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