`Rea|Pla}er 8 beta released - Mac - Macwarld UK
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`RealPlayer 8 beta released
`Marrworld staff
`RealNetworks has rebased a beta ofRealPlayer Pitts 8, its cross-plattbrrn media player.
`The player carries a series ofenhancements. designed to take advantage ofhigh bandwidth connections. These include a new Integrated Media
`Guide. which lets users choose the audio-v'emlprograrm1in.g needed. A new Realcom Media Search finction gives the player a search lacility
`tor streaming rredia. searching tlrough either popula.r categories or via a ctistom search. Personalimd prograrnmiig updates are also avaihbkr,
`iicluding rrusic by genre. rmvies and sports updates.
`The player ako offers a Radio Ttmer capable of accessing 2,500 lntemet radio stations. and supports the MP3 finrrmt. A new addition is the
`‘VisI.n1l'tzation" feature, which ofiers five difl“erent pre-built visual effects that move wihthe nusic, efiects can also be customized. A new iQfit
`2.0 Basic module has been added, which can add 3D audio efiects to rmsic.
`Rea]Networks devehped the software with Intel. aiming to deliver significantly inproved streaming-video quality overthe In.ternet Based on a
`set ofmathermtical algorithms, the au1horiug.r‘strean1i1genvit-omnent delivers VHS-quality images at one-third the fife size of previous streaming
`applications, aocordiig to the company.
`Quality Because of this, RealNetworl<s claims is users can expect VI-IS videotape quality for ADSL and cabk: modem connections. The
`sofiware also includes a codec to stream video at near-DVD quality at lMbps_ Full-screen streaming video it aho a possibility. Francis Ford
`Coppola said: "RealNetworks has broken through the Internet’s video barrier and provided unprecedented opportunities for filmmakers and
`Despite the significantly-enhanced fiatures ofthe pktyer tor ltigt-bandwicltlt connections, Jeremy Schwartz. a senior analyst at Fonester
`Research, said: 'They’ve obviously taken sortie steps limvard in video quality, but the issue it how many consurrers can take advantage of it."
`ADSL is set tor roll-out in the UK by BT iriluly. with competition enterhgthe UK rmrket one year hter. Recent reports also indicate that BT
`has fitibd to nuke any securiy provhion tor its ADSL users. posing a very real hacker threat to the early adopters ofths technology.
`set to provide major con'petition to both Appk‘s QujckTin:e
`Reafiystem, the authoring envirormnerit, does not run on Appb systems, and
`and Windows MediaPlayer technologies. MacNN reports Rick Doherty. director ofresearch at the Envisioneeriig Group, said: "ReaINetworks
`has a set of solutions that go way beyond Quicl-:Titne 4. It’s anextrerne chalknge §)r Apple."
`RealNetworks also announced the Real Digtal Distrinution SDK (sotlware developers kit). which it claims willalbw device rnanufitcturers to
`link portable-n1Jsic phyers and peripherals to its Reallukebox software. The kit will ship with suppott for five portabk music devices, and over
`20 device tmnuliacturers have amouneed their support for Reallukebox 2. according to RealNetworks. The developers kit allows for the
`preservation of music copyrights by following Secure Digital Music
`(SDMI] gtidelines and transferring only those lies that albw
`portable device support.
`The player, i1 beta form. '3 availabb for download hm
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