Exhibit 1016
`ZTE Corporation and ZTE (USA) Inc.

`(12) United States Patent
`Hanson et al.
`(10) Patent N0.:
`(45) Date of Patent:
`US 6,546,425 B1
`Apr. 8, 2003
`(3., Sun Mierosystems, Inc., Internet Draft,
`“Reverse Tunneling for Mobile IP,” .Ian. 12, 1997.
`Bakre, A.; Badrinath, B.R., “I—TCP:
`Indirect TCP for
`Mobile llosts,” Department of Computer Science, Rutgers
`l”VCm0rS' Aaron D‘ Hanson’ Semlfi’ WA (US)’
`University, Piscataway, NJ 08855, DCS—TR—314, Oct.
`Emil A. Sturiiiolu, Medina, OH (US);
`Anatoly Menn, Seattle, WA (US); Erik
`D _[ P-, _- H D Phlf _ L C
`D‘ Olson’ Seattle’ WA (US); Joseph T‘ cl! lrIloi'ey1blL{ml}e(llcore' “l\/lcfllilile Net(::I:rk
`Savarese, Edmonds, WA (US)
`Pr0t(:O1"(MN(~]§) 5 gap 3 {(397
`Netmotion Wireless, Inc., Seattle, WA
`Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this
`(List continued on next page.)
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`Pfimarv Exwm.m,r_Mehmel B. Geckfl
`U’S‘C' 154(b) by 0 days‘
`(74) Attomey. Agent, or Firm.—Nixon & Vanderliye RC.
`A seamless solution transparently addresses the character-
`istics of nomadic systems, and enables existing network
`applications to run reliably in mobile environments. The
`solution extends the enterprise network,
`letting network
`managers provide mobile users with easy access to the same
`1"1PPl1Ci1U0f15 35 511111011111Y 115915 W1tl10ut_S3C1'1fi‘3lHi9.~ rellflblllty
`01 0011111112911 1111111F1g01?1°111- T110 5011111011 00111011105 =1d"?111-
`*19;%,°1_W1°_-1116 1W1°11~.’ 511131115 3:111 91111619119
`mo 1 e stan arts to create a so iition t at wor s wit exist-
`mg network applications. A Mobility Management Server
`coupled to the mobile network maintains the state of each of
`any number of Mobile End Systems and handles the coiii—
`plex session nianagenient required to riiaintain persistent
`connections to the network and to other peer processes. If a
`Mobile End System becomes unreachable, ‘suspends, or
`changes network address (e.g., due to roaming from one
`network interconnect to another), the Mobility Management
`Server maintains the connection to the associated peer
`task—allowiiig the Mobile End System to maintain a coii-
`tinuous connection even though it may temporarily lose
`contact with its network medium. In one example, Mobility
`Management Server communicates with Mobile End Sys-
`tems using Remote Procedure Call and Internet Mobility
`Appl. No.: 09/330,310
`_]un_ 11, 1999
`Related U-S- APpllCfltl0Il Dfltfl
`Pr0ViSi011al application N0. 60./103,598, filed 011 Oct. 9,
`Int. Cl.7 .............................................. .. G06F 15/16
`U.s. C].
`...................... AA 709/227; 709/228; 709/330
`Field of Search ................................. 709/245, 250,
`709/330’ 229, 228’ 227, 230, 203, 220’
`,.,1 70.,
`_ ’ _ _
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`:1 Samar
`\fndcn-s NT
`Address Translallnn
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`* cited by examiner
`Exhibit 1016-00003

`U.S. Patent
`Apr. 8,2003
`US 6,546,425 B1
`N wIh
`ZTE Corporation and ZTE (USA) Inc.
`Exhibit 1016-00004

`U.S. Patent
`Apr. 8, 2003
`US 6,546,425 B1
`ZTE Corporation and ZTE (USA) Inc.
`Exhibit 1016-00005

`U.S. Patent
`Apr. 8,2003
`Sheet 3 of 32
`US 6,546,425 B1
`to TDI Via Sockets
`or directly is intercepted
`Mobile interceptor packages
`TDI cell
`in an RPC
`datagram and sends to
`Mobile Management Server
`Mobile Management Server
`unpackages RPC datagram
`Mobile Management Server
`provides requested service
`Configuration API
`Socket API
`RPC Protocol Engine 240
`Internet Mobility
`(interceptor Virtual Circuit)
`Engine 244
`‘ "i;a'i;i;;;; i;;i";;a:e-
`ZTE Corporation and ZTE (USA) Inc.
`Exhibit 1016-00006

`U.S. Patent
`Apr. 8,2003
`Sheet 4 of 32
`US 6,546,425 B1
`Post RPC coll
`to IM-P queue
`Delay for
`coalesce time
`Flush queue, coalesce the RPC
`calls into single fragment
`and foword to Server
`FIG. 3A
`ZTE Corporation and ZTE (USA) Inc.
`Exhibit 1016-00007

`U.S. Patent
`Apr. 8,2003
`US 6,546,425 B1
` ymmaummSfiozummmzmuumommm£o_ag.c._»,.._um
`ZTE Corporation and Z-TE (USA) Inc.
`Exhibit 1016-00008

`U.S. Patent
`Apr. 8, 2003
`Sheet 6 of 32
`US 6,546,425 B1
`Determine Association
`and Get Association
`Control Block
`Start Associati_on_
`Create New Association
`Control Block
`Stop Association
`Destroy Association
`Control Biock
`Resources Ye
`Ping Inactivity
`_Shut Down
`Ping Association
`Schedule Association
`to Run Again
`ZTE Corporation and ZTE (USA) Inc.
`Exhibit 1016-00009

`U.S. Patent
`Apr. 8,2003
`Sheet 7 of 32
`US 6,546,425 B1
`Work Request
`Issue TCP
`Queues Marked
`Set Sstgtej T|odAssoc_iotion
`C e "E agom
`Z-TE Corporation and ZTE (USA) Inc.
`Exhibit 1016-00010

`U.S. Patent
`Apr. 8, 2003
`Sheet 8 of 32
`US 6,546,425 B1
`f 3”
`ailocate and association control block
`initialize system wide resources with defaults
`get configuration overrides
`with current configuration settings
`initialize flags
`initialize the associationwspecific work queue
`initialize association object hash table
`initialize the coalesce timer
`insert association control block into session table
`FIG. 5A
`ZTE Corporation and ZTE (USA) Inc
`Exhibit 1016-00011

`U.S. Patent
`Apr. 8,2003
`Sheet 9 of 32
`Us 6,546,425 B1
`mark the association as deleted to prevent any further
`processing of work that may be outstanding
`close all associated association objects including
`process, connection and address objects
`free all elements on work queue
`stop coalesce timer if
`decrement association control block reference count
`K’ 376E
`a .376F
`destroy association specific work queue
`destroy object hash table
`destroy coalesce ‘timer
`remove association control block
`from association table
`free control block
`ZTE Corporation and ZTE (USA) Inc
`Exhibit 1016-00012

`U.S. Patent
`Apr. 8, 2003
`Sheet 10 of 32
`US 6,546,425 B1
`mark association as "law mark pending" by setting the
`discard all received datagrams
`received stream events by
`throttle a||
`refusing to accept
`the data
`refuse all
`received connect events for passive connections
`ZTE Corporation and ZTE (USA) Inc

`U.S. Patent
`Apr. 8, 2003
`Sheet 11 of 32
`US 6,546,425 B1
`ZTE Corporation and ZTE (USA) Inc.
`Exhibit 1016-00014

`U.S. Patent
`Apr. 8, 2003
`US 6,546,425 B1
`ZTE Corporation and ZTE (USA) Inc.
`Exhibit 1016-00015

`U.S. Patent
`Apr. 8,2003
`Sheet 13 of 32
`US 6,546,425 B1
`,/ 406
`Hove Work?
`Fig. 8
`Process Priority
`Dispatch Queues
`ZTE Corporation and ZTE (USA) Inc.
`Exhibit 1016-00016

`U.S. Patent
`Apr. 8, 2003
`US 6,546,425 B1
`ZTE Corporation and ZTE (USA) Inc.
`Exhibit 1016-00017

`U.S. Patent
`Apr. 8,2003
`Sheet 15 of 32
`US 6,546,425 B1
`State Configure
`Out of resources
`Queue connect or send request and signal global event — return to calling application
`Dispatch connect or send request
`from lMP global request queue
`Wait for application to
`queue work for
`connection. Go to step 625
`Go to step 615
`Wait for peer address.
`Continue queuing work.
`Wait for security context.
`Continue queuing work.
`Go to step 625
`Internet Mobility Protocol
`Connection Decision Tree.
`Connect and Send request
`Z-TE Corporation and ZTE (USA) Inc.
`Exhibit 1016-00018

`U.S. Patent
`Apr. 8,2003
`Sheet 16 of 32
`US 6,546,425 B1
`State Pending
`Send IMP Sync Frame
`IMP retransmit
`Go to
`step 525
`State Established
`time expired
`Abort Connection
`Go to step #999
`ZTE Corporation and Z-TE (USA) Inc.
`Exhibit 1016-00019

`U.S. Patent
`Apr. 8,2003
`Sheet 17 of 32
`US 6,546,425 B1
`Wait for
`Go to step 625
`Create iMP data frame
`Send IMP data frame
`Sleep waiting for more work.
`Return to global dispatcher
`FIG. 10C
`ZTE Corporation and ZTE (USA) Inc.
`Exhibit 1016-00020

`U.S. Pate11t
`Apr. 8,2003
`Sheet 18 of 32
`US 6,546,425 B1
`Terminate Connection
`to global work queue
`Queue request
`and return to calling application
`Dispatched terminate request from
`IMP process global work queue
`Abort Connection
`Go to step #999
`State Closing
`Send lMP Mortis Frame
`State Mortis
`Start retransmit
`Post Mortem
`0 i0
`Step 637
`State Post Mortem
`Release connection Resources
`Steep waiting for more work.
`Return to global dispatcher
`FIG. 11
`Terminate Connection request
`Abort Connection
`Go to step #999
`ZTE Corporation and Z-TE (USA) Inc
`Exhibit 1016-00021

`U S. Patent
`Apr. 8,2003
`Sheet 19 of 32
`US 6,546,425 B1
`Dismiss timer.
`entire retransmit
`Steel? for difference
`in time
`Reprocess frame to remove
`any expired data
`Abort Connection
`Go to step #999
`Retransmit Frame
`Restart retransmit
`Fig. 12
`Retransmit Event Logic
`ZTE Corporation and ZTE (USA) Inc.

`U.S. Patent
`Apr. 8,2003
`US 6,546,425 B1
`ZTE Corporation and ZTE (USA) Inc.
`Exhibit 1016-00023

`U.S. Patent
`Apr. 8, 2003
`US 6,546,425 B1
`Z-TE Corporation and ZTE (USA) Inc.
`Exhibit 1016-00024

`U.S. Patent
`Apr. 3, 2003
`Sheet 22 of 32
`US 6,546,425 B1
`Receive IMP frame
`event from network!
`Pre—vaIidate IMP Frame
`associated with
`Place on connection receive queue
`Place on global
`receive queue
`Mark connection eiigible to receive
`Place receive queue on global work queue
`Place connection on giobal work queue
`Signal globai work event
`FIG. 13A
`Receive Event Logic
`ZTE Corporation and ZTE (USA) Inc.
`Exhibit 1016-00025

`U.S. Patent
`Apr. 8, 2003
`Sheet 23 of 32
`US 6,546,425 B1
`Dispatch receive eligible
`from global work queue
`Dequeue frame from receive queue
`Sleep waiting
`for more work.
`Go to step #1012
`533 \
`Validate IMP received frame
`Discard Frame
`frame ok?
`Parse IMP frame
`Process Passive Connection
`(30 to step #720
`Fig. 13B
`ZTE Corporation and ZTE (USA) Inc.
`Exhibit 1016-00026

`U.S. Patent
`Apr. 3, 2003
`Sheet 24 of 32
`Us 6,546,425 B1
`Process acknowledgement
`info and release
`any outstanding send frames
`Post frame to security subsystem
`for possible decryption
`Process any control data
`Queue data to
`0pEj}E]($i;°nI application layer
`Change state
`back to
`Indicate disconnect
`application layer
`Post Mortum
`Go to step 530
`Sleep waiting for more work.
`Return to global work dispatcher
`ZTE Corporation and ZTE (USA) Inc.
`Exhibit 1016-00027

`U.S. Patent
`Apr. 8, 2003
`Sheet 25 of 32
`US 6,546,425 B1
`there '§nothe,
`connection for this
`|s_ __
`the "1't'°'
`Abort Connection
`C0” Step #999
`sequence and
`connection ID
`Duplicate frome
`Go to step 680
`Out of resources
`State Configure
`can step #999
`Acquire security context
`Go to Step 680
`FIG. 14A
`0 Passive Connection request
`ZTE Corporation and ZTE (USA) Inc.
`Exhibit 1016-00028

`U.S. Patent
`Apr. 8, 2003
`Sheet 26 of 32
`US 6,546,425 B1
`Send IMP establish Frame
`State Established
`Start retronsmitter
`For authentication process to
`conclude. Return-to global dispatcher
`and user
`Abort Connection
`Go to Step #999
`Indicate connection to
`listening application
`G t
`3 C0" ‘gum '°”
`and connect
`Abort Connection
`Go to step #999

`Sleep waiting for more work
`Return to global dispatcher
`F IG. 14B
`ZTE Corporation and ZTE (USA) Inc.
`Exhibit 1016-00029

`U.S. Patent
`Apr. 8,2003
`Sheet 27 of 32
`US 6,546,425 B1
`A50” C°*"”9Ct'°“ "eqU95t
`Abort Connection request
`Save original state
`State Abort
`1 004
`Indicate disconnection to
`listening application
`indicated to listen
`Go to step #1012
`FIG. 15A
`Abort Connection request
`ZTE Corporation and ZTE (USA) Inc.
`Exhibit 1016-00030

`U.S. Patent
`Apr. 8, 2003
`Sheet 28 of 32
`Us 6,546,425 B1
`Send IMP Abort Frame
`Return to coliing routine
`FIG. 15B
`Z-TE Corporation and ZTE (USA) Inc.
`Exhibit 1016-00031

`U.S. Patent
`Apr. 8, 2003
`Sheet 29 of 32
`US 6,546,425 B1
`ZTE Corporation and ZTE (USA) Inc.
`Exhibit 1016-00032

`U.S. Pate11t
`Apr. 8, 2003
`Sheet 30 of 32
`US 6,546,425 B1
`ZTE Corporation and ZTE (USA) Inc.
`it 1016-00033

`U.S. Pate11t
`Apr. 8, 2003
`US 6,546,425 B1
`ZTE Corporation and Z-TE (USA) Inc.
`Exhibit 1016-00034

`U.S. Patent
`Apr. 8,2003
`Sheet 32 of 32
`US 6,546,425 B1
` fimmeuuo5.55EEPENE
`ZTE Corporation and ZTE (USA) Inc.
`it 1016-00035

`US 6,546,425 B1
`This application claims priority from provisional appli-
`cation No. 60/103,598 filed Oct. 9, 1998 entitled “Method
`and Apparatus I-"or Providing Wireless Connectivity In A
`Computing Environment” (which provisional application is
`incorporated by reference herein in its entirety).
`invention relates to connectivity between
`The present
`networked computing devices. More particularly,
`present invention relates to methods and systems that trans-
`parently address the characteristics of nomadic systems, and
`enable existing network applications to run reliably in the
`associated mobile environments. Still more particularly, the
`invention relates to techniques and systems for providing a
`continuous data stream connection between intermittently-
`connected devices such as handheld data units and personal
`computing devices.
`Increasingly, companies are seeing rapid access to key
`information as the way to maintaining a competitive advan-
`tage. To provide immediate access to this information,
`mobile and other
`intermittently-connected computing
`devices are quietly and swiftly becoming an essential part of
`corporate networks—especially with the proliferation of
`inexpensive laptops and hand-held computing devices. “
`However, integrating these nomadic devices into existing
`network infrastructures has created a challenge for
`information manager,
`Many problems in mobile networking parallel the diffi-
`culties in early local area networks (LANS) before the
`adoption of Ethernet. There are a variety of mobile protocols
`and interfaces, and because standards are just developing,
`there is little interoperability between systems. In addition,
`performance over
`these network technologies has been
`typically slow and bandwidth limited. Implementation costs
`to date have been high due the specialized nature of
`deployed systems.
`Along with these issues, mobile technologies present a
`category of problems unto their own. Interconnects back
`into the main network may travel over and through a public
`network infrastructure, thus allowing sensitive information
`to possibly be tapped into. Furthermore,
`if any of the
`intermediary interconnects are via a wireless interface, the
`information is actually broadcast, and anyone with a similar
`interface can eavesdrop without much difficulty.
`But, perhaps even more significantly, mobile networking
`has generally in the past been limited to mostly message-
`oriented or stateless applications—and thus has not been
`readily adaptable for existing or new corporate applications
`that use client/server, host-terminal, web-based or shared file
`systems models. This is because such commonly used
`applications need stateful sessions that employ a continuous
`stream of data—not just a stateless packet exchange—to
`work efifeetively and reliably.
`To this end, many or most popular oil"-the-shelf network-
`ing applications require TCP/IP sessions, or private virtual
`circuits. These sessions cannot continue to function if they
`encounter network interruptions, nor can they tolerate roam-
`ing between networks (i.e., a change of network addresses)
`while established. Yet, mobile networking is, by its nature,
`dynamic and unreliable. Consider these common scenarios
`encountered in mobile networks:
`Disconnected or Out of Range User
`When a mobile device disconnects from a given network
`or loses contact (e.g., through an outage or “hole” in the
`coverage of a wireless interconnect), the session-oriented
`application running on the mobile device loses its stateful
`connection with its peer and ceases to operate. When the
`device is reattached or moves back into contact, the user
`must re-connect, log in again for security purposes, find the
`place in the application where work was left off, and
`possibly re-enter lost data. This reconnection process is time
`consuming, costly, and can be very frustrating.
`Moving to a Different Network or Across a Router Boundary
`(Network Address Change)
`Mobile networks are generally segmented for manage-
`ability purposes. But the intent of mobile devices is to allow
`them to roam. Roaming from one network interconnect to
`another can mean a change of network address, If this
`happens while the system is operational, the routing infor-
`mation must be changed for communications to continue
`between the associated peers. Furthermore, acquiring a new
`network address may require all of the previously estab-
`lished stateful application sessions to be terminated—again
`presenting the reconnection problems noted above.
`As mentioned before, companies need to protect critical
`corporate data. Off-the-shelf enterprise applications are
`often written with the assumption that access to the physical
`network is controlled (i.e., carried within cables installed
`inside a secure facility), and security is maintained through
`an additional layer of authentication and possible encryp-
`tion. These assumptions have not been true in the nomadic
`computing world—where data is at risk for interception as
`it travels over public airways or public wire-line infrastruc-
`It would be highly desirable to provide an integrated
`solution that transparently addresses the characteristics of
`nomadic systems, and enables existing network applications
`to run reliably in these mobile environments.
`A presently preferred exemplary embodiment of the
`present invention solves this problem by providing a seam-
`less solution that extends the enterprise network,
`network managers provide mobile users with easy access to
`the same applications as stationary users without sacrificing
`reliability or centralized management. The solution com-
`bines advantages of present-day wire-line network standards
`with emerging mobile standards to create a solution that
`works with existing network applications.
`In accordance with one aspect of a presently preferred
`exemplary embodiment of the present invention, a Mobility
`Management Server (MMS) coupled to the mobile intercon-
`nect maintains the state of each of any number of Mobile
`End Systems (MES) and handles the complex session man-
`agement required to maintain persistent connections to the
`network and to peer application processes. If a Mobile End
`System becomes unreachable, suspends, or changes network
`address (e.g., due to roaming from one network inte

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