`Exhibit 1025
`ZTE Corporation and ZTE (USA) Inc.


`Dr. Wayne E. Stark March 24, 2015
`Page 1
`INC., )
` )
` Petitioner, )
` )
` vs. ) No. IPR2014-00525
` )
` )
` Patent Owner. )
` Videotaped deposition of DR. WAYNE E. STARK,
`taken before NADINE J. WATTS, CSR, RPR, and Notary
`Public, pursuant to the Rules of the United States
`Patent and Trademark Office, pertaining to the taking of
`depositions, at Suite 3600, 455 North Cityfront Plaza
`Drive, in the City of Chicago, Cook County, Illinois, at
`9:52 o'clock a.m. on the 24th day of March, A.D., 2015.
`(312) 386-2000
`Merrill Corporation - Chicago
`ZTE Corporation and ZTE (USA) Inc.
`Exhibit 1025-00001


`Dr. Wayne E. Stark March 24, 2015
`Page 2
` There were present at the taking of this
`deposition the following counsel:
` NBC Tower - Suite 3600
` 455 North Cityfront Plaza Drive
` Chicago, Illinois 60611
` (312) 321-4200
` on behalf of the Petitioner;
` One South Dearborn Street
` Chicago, Illinois 60603
` (312) 853-4169
` on behalf of Microsoft Corporation;
` 505 Montgomery Street
` Suite 2000
` San Francisco, California 94111
` (415) 391-0600
` on behalf of Patentee InterDigital.
`ALSO PRESENT: Mr. Walter Cwik, legal videographer
`(312) 386-2000
`Merrill Corporation - Chicago
`ZTE Corporation and ZTE (USA) Inc.
`Exhibit 1025-00002


`Dr. Wayne E. Stark March 24, 2015
`Page 3
` TAKEN MARCH 24, 2015
`Mr. Brian A. Jones 5, 107
`Ms. Julie M. Holloway 103
`EXHIBIT 1001-00001 14
` United States Patent 8,380,244 B2
`EXHIBIT 1003-00001 90
` United States Patent 6,243,581 B1
`EXHIBIT 1005-03 77
` GSM 03.60 version 6.1.1
`EXHIBIT 2005-0001 5
` Declaration of Dr. Wayne E. Stark
`3 4
`7 8
`(312) 386-2000
`Merrill Corporation - Chicago
`ZTE Corporation and ZTE (USA) Inc.
`Exhibit 1025-00003


`Dr. Wayne E. Stark March 24, 2015
`Page 4
` THE VIDEOGRAPHER: Here begins tape No. 1 in the
`videotaped deposition of Wayne Stark in the matter of
`ZTE Corporation, et al. versus IPR Licensing, Inc., in
`the United States Patent and Trademark Office, before
`the Patent Trial and Appeal Board, Case No.
` This deposition is being held at 455 North
`Cityfront Plaza, Chicago, Illinois on March 24th, 2015
`at approximately 9:52.
` My name is Walter Cwik, and I am a certified
`legal video specialist in association with Merrill
`Corporation. The court reporter today is Nadine Watts
`in association with Merrill Corporation.
` Will counsel please introduce themselves for
`the record.
` MS. HOLLOWAY: Julie Holloway of Latham & Watkins
`for Patentee InterDigital.
` MR. JONES: Brian Jones on behalf of ZTE Corporation
`and ZTE (USA), Petitioner. With me is Charles McMahon.
` MR. LEWIS: Douglas Lewis of Sidley Austin, LLP for
` THE VIDEOGRAPHER: Will the court reporter please
`swear in the witness.
` (Witness sworn.)
`(312) 386-2000
`Merrill Corporation - Chicago
`ZTE Corporation and ZTE (USA) Inc.
`Exhibit 1025-00004


`Dr. Wayne E. Stark March 24, 2015
`Page 5
`called as a witness herein, having been first duly
`sworn, was examined upon oral interrogatories and
`testified as follows:
` by Mr. Jones:
` MR. JONES: Q Good morning, Dr. Stark.
` A Good morning.
` Q You provided a declaration in response to ZTE's
`petition for inter partes review in this case; is that
` A Yes.
` (Document marked Exhibit 2005-0001
` tendered to witness.)
` Q I'll hand you a copy of your petition. Do you
`recognize Exhibit 2005 as the declaration you submitted
`in this matter?
` A Yes.
` Q So my questions today will be limited to your
`opinions and the bases for your opinions in this
`declaration, Exhibit 2005. Do you understand that?
` A Yes.
` Q You provided your declaration in response to Dr.
`Bims' declaration that he provided in this IPR?
`(312) 386-2000
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`ZTE Corporation and ZTE (USA) Inc.
`Exhibit 1025-00005


`Dr. Wayne E. Stark March 24, 2015
`Page 6
` A Yes.
` Q And you provided your own independent analysis
`of the references that Dr. Bims relied on; is that
` A I believe I did my own analysis independently,
` Q And you compared the subject matter of the
`recited claims in the '244 patent to the references that
`form the basis for the IPR?
` A Yes.
` Q In performing your analysis, you reviewed the
`materials identified in your declaration, your personal
`knowledge, and any experience in the design,
`development, and operation of relevant systems; is that
` A Roughly, yes.
` Q And you've never designed or manufactured a cell
`phone; is that correct?
` A That's correct.
` Q And in 1999 you were not a member of the ETSI
`standards setting organization; is that correct?
` A Yes.
` Q And in 1999 you weren't a member of any
`standards organizations, were you?
`(312) 386-2000
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`ZTE Corporation and ZTE (USA) Inc.
`Exhibit 1025-00006


`Dr. Wayne E. Stark March 24, 2015
`Page 7
` A No.
` Q So I want to ask you some questions about
`secondary considerations in your declarations. So
`starting at page 7 paragraph 24, if you'd like to
`reference that.
` A Page?
` Q 7.
` A Page 7?
` Q Paragraph 24. Did you find that?
` A Yes.
` Q All right. You state that the obviousness
`analysis must be addressed -- sorry, that the obvious --
`obviousness analysis must address secondary
`considerations, correct?
` A Obviousness/non-obviousness analysis must
`address secondary considerations.
` Q And you include a list of secondary
`considerations that may be included in your analysis?
` A Yes.
` Q And you indicate on page 8 of your declaration
`that you might look at whether the claimed invention was
`commercially successful where there's a nexus or
`connection between the commercial success of the claimed
`invention, correct?
`(312) 386-2000
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`ZTE Corporation and ZTE (USA) Inc.
`Exhibit 1025-00007


`Dr. Wayne E. Stark March 24, 2015
`Page 8
` A Yes.
` Q All right. Well, let's turn to your analysis of
`commercial success on page 57 of your declaration. I
`think it starts at paragraph 140 and continues to
`paragraph 143.
` A Yes.
` Q And these paragraphs provide your only opinions
`in this declaration as to commercial success, correct?
` A I believe that's true.
` Q And the only example of commercial success you
`point to is ZTE's statement that it is a top-five global
`manufacturer of cell phones in terms of market share; is
`that correct?
` A That's a quote in my declaration, yes.
` Q And that's the only quote you provide in your
`declaration as to the commercial success?
` A That's correct.
` Q And you never had any marketing or sales
`positions in companies, have you?
` A No.
` Q And you're not a financial analyst?
` A No.
` Q Nevertheless, you state that ZTE's success is
`due in part to the claimed features of the '244 patent?
`(312) 386-2000
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`ZTE Corporation and ZTE (USA) Inc.
`Exhibit 1025-00008


`Dr. Wayne E. Stark March 24, 2015
`Page 9
` A That's correct.
` Q In this declaration you don't identify any
`specific portion or amount of ZTE's success that is
`allegedly due to the claimed features of the '244
`patent, do you?
` A No.
` Q And you provide no citations to any analysis in
`your declaration showing that ZTE's position in the
`marketplace is due to the '244 patent?
` A Correct.
` Q You agree that in order for ZTE's commercial
`success to be attributed to the '244 patent, ZTE's
`success would have to be due to its sales of dual-mode
`phones, correct?
` A Can you repeat the question?
` Q Sure. You agree that in order for ZTE's
`commercial success to be attributed to the '244 patent,
`ZTE's success would have to be due to its sales of
`dual-mode phones, correct?
` A Yes. There would be dual-mode phones, yes.
` Q Okay. You'd agree that if the success was due
`to a single-mode phone, that the success would not be
`related to the '244 patent, correct?
` A Right, the '244 is about dual-mode phones.
`(312) 386-2000
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`ZTE Corporation and ZTE (USA) Inc.
`Exhibit 1025-00009


`Dr. Wayne E. Stark March 24, 2015
`Page 10
` Q And you provide no indication of what percentage
`of ZTE's cell phone sales are dual-mode phones, do you?
` A No.
` Q And you agree that even for ZTE's dual-mode cell
`phones sales, to the extent they exist, other factors
`might have contributed to the success of ZTE's sales?
` A Yes, there's a lot of factors that contribute to
`the success of sales, including advertising and
`marketing related things.
` Q And you didn't account for those advertising and
`marketing things in your declaration here, did you?
` A No.
` Q And in your declaration in this IPR you provided
`no analysis that would isolate which particular factors
`might have been more influential or less influential in
`deriving success for ZTE's phones, do you?
` A I think that's very hard to do, and it might be
`necessary for a marketing guy to do that.
` Q Nonetheless, you did not do that?
` A I did not do that.
` Q So let's turn to your analysis then of licensing
`by others in your declaration at paragraphs 134 to 135.
` Here you indicate that the '244 patent has been
`a significant part of InterDigital's licensing program,
`(312) 386-2000
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`ZTE Corporation and ZTE (USA) Inc.
`Exhibit 1025-00010


`Dr. Wayne E. Stark March 24, 2015
`Page 11
` A Yes.
` Q But you cite no licensing negotiations that
`featured the '244 patent family, correct?
` A I didn't cite any, that's correct.
` Q And you cite no licenses that actually include
`the '244 patent, do you?
` A I didn't cite any, no.
` Q And you cite no evidence that any company
`licensed InterDigital's patent family because of the
`'244 patent, correct?
` A I didn't cite any, that's correct.
` Q So moving on to skepticism and failure of others
`in paragraph 30 -- 136 to 134, you provide your opinions
`regarding skepticism, failures of others, and long-felt
`need, correct?
` A Yes.
` Q And yet you cite no evidence in your declaration
`to support your statement that the cellular operators
`were concerned with centrally allocated channels?
` A I didn't provide any citations there.
` Q And you don't identify in your declaration any
`specific perceived difficulties in providing coverage
`using networks for different ranges, capacity, and
`(312) 386-2000
`Merrill Corporation - Chicago
`ZTE Corporation and ZTE (USA) Inc.
`Exhibit 1025-00011


`Dr. Wayne E. Stark March 24, 2015
`Page 12
`bandwidth, do you?
` A What was the first part of the question? Was
`citing --
` Q You don't identify in your declaration any
`evidence about the perceived difficulties?
` A I didn't have -- I don't have any cites in that
` Q And you state that the '244 patent solved
`previously unresolved technical problems, correct?
` A Yes.
` Q But other than just taking your word for it,
`your declaration does not identify any evidence of those
`alleged previously unresolved technical problems?
` A I didn't put a citation to it, other than my
`analysis in the rest of the declaration.
` Q And you also provide no indication in your
`declaration as to how long these problems had been
`unresolved, have you?
` A Not in this section of the report. But I think
`earlier in the sections I talk a little bit about the
`history of the '244 and the problems that it solved.
` Q And how long was that thing?
` A How long was what?
` Q Did those problems remain unresolved.
`(312) 386-2000
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`ZTE Corporation and ZTE (USA) Inc.
`Exhibit 1025-00012


`Dr. Wayne E. Stark March 24, 2015
`Page 13
` A Well, I think once the '244 -- the application
`that led to the '244 was made, it wasn't until -- I
`mean, at that point dual-mode phones didn't really
`exist, not on a commercial -- a commercial significant
`way. And it wasn't until the early, mid-2000s, 2005,
`2007-ish, when dual-mode phones that had the capability
`of being dual mode became commercially successful.
` Q So the feature you're pointing to with respect
`to long-felt need is just the feature of dual mode; is
`that correct?
` A Well, the whole issue is -- the whole patent is
`about dual-mode phones and how to use those efficiently.
` Q All right. Moving on to unexpected results in
`paragraphs 144 to 145, you provide your opinions
`regarding the unexpected results of the '244 patent,
` A Yes.
` Q Yet you provide no indication in your
`declaration why one of ordinary skill in the art would
`have expected that the selection of a plurality of
`physical channels by the subscriber unit would not be
`able to provide reliable data communications?
` A Can you read the question again?
` Q Sure. In 145 you state, in my opinion, a person
`(312) 386-2000
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`ZTE Corporation and ZTE (USA) Inc.
`Exhibit 1025-00013


`Dr. Wayne E. Stark March 24, 2015
`Page 14
`of ordinary skill in the art at the time of the
`invention would not have expected selection of a
`plurality of physical channels by the subscriber unit to
`provide reliable data communications, correct?
` A Yes.
` Q But you provide no evidence as to why that would
` A I don't have any citations there, correct.
` Q All right. Let's talk a little bit about the
`claims of the '244 patent. And let me give you a copy
`of the '244 patent that's been premarked.
` (Document marked Exhibit 1001-00001
` tendered to witness.)
` Q Do you recognize Exhibit 1001-1 as the '244
`patent --
` A Yes.
` Q -- discussed in your declaration?
` A Yes.
` Q Now, first of all, it's your opinion in this
`declaration that the claims of the '244 patent are
`entitled to a priority date of the parent application
`filed on September 21st, 1999; is that correct?
` A Yes, that's correct.
` Q And you do not suggest in your declaration that
`(312) 386-2000
`Merrill Corporation - Chicago
`ZTE Corporation and ZTE (USA) Inc.
`Exhibit 1025-00014


`Dr. Wayne E. Stark March 24, 2015
`Page 15
`the claims would be entitled to an earlier priority
`date, correct?
` A That's correct.
` Q And in your analysis of the prosecution history
`of the '244 patent, you understand that the '244 patent
`resulted from a continuation of U.S. Patent 7,616,970?
` A Yes.
` Q And we can call that the '970 patent?
` A Sure.
` Q And you testified on behalf of InterDigital
`regarding the validity of the '970 patent at the
`International Trade Commission, correct?
` A Yes.
` Q And you understand from your review of the
`prosecution history of the '244 patent that the '970
`patent and the '244 patent share a common specification?
` A Correct.
` Q They're identical, right?
` A Yes.
` Q And we can all agree though that the '244 patent
`has different claims than the '970 patent?
` A Yes.
` Q You agree that even though they have different
`claims, the claims are understood in light of that same
`(312) 386-2000
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`ZTE Corporation and ZTE (USA) Inc.
`Exhibit 1025-00015


`Dr. Wayne E. Stark March 24, 2015
`Page 16
`specification, correct?
` A Correct.
` Q So with that in mind, let's talk about your
`opinions in this declaration related to claim
` At paragraph 54 of your declaration you assert
`that only two claim elements require construction; is
`that correct?
` A Yes. I say, for purposes of assessing validity,
`the only terms that require construction in my opinion
`are assigned physical channels and maintain a
`communication session with the cellular wireless network
`in an absence of the plurality of assigned physical
` Q And those are the only two claim terms that you
`assert require construction?
` A That's correct.
` Q And before providing your opinions in this
`declaration, you had an understanding of the scope and
`meaning of the claims to one of ordinary skill in the
`art in light of the specification?
` A Yes. I mean, I was at the ITC. So before the
`declaration, before -- before that happened, I had
`familiarity with the '970 that was in the family --
`(312) 386-2000
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`ZTE Corporation and ZTE (USA) Inc.
`Exhibit 1025-00016


`Dr. Wayne E. Stark March 24, 2015
`Page 17
`that's in the same family.
` Q And you applied that same understanding to those
`terms in forming your opinions in this declaration,
` A Yes.
` Q So let's talk about that assigned physical
`channels term that you mentioned.
` First of all, the assigned physical channels
`required by the claim of the -- claims of the '244
`patent are channels at the physical layer; is that
` A Yes, it's physical layer channels, assigned
`physical channels. So that would be physical layer.
` Q So we could just call those the assigned
`physical layer channels, correct?
` A Sure, if you want to.
` Q You don't make a distinction between a physical
`channel and a physical layer channel?
` A No.
` Q Now, the specification describes those physical
`layer channels as physical links, right?
` A If you can point me to the passage you're
`referring to, I'll --
` Q Sure.
`(312) 386-2000
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`ZTE Corporation and ZTE (USA) Inc.
`Exhibit 1025-00017


`Dr. Wayne E. Stark March 24, 2015
`Page 18
` A -- look it up and see.
` Q At column 5, lines 29 through 37, the
`specification describes radio channels 30 as the
`physical links, correct?
` MS. HOLLOWAY: Where was this, please, Brian?
` MR. JONES: Q Sure. Columns 5, lines 29 through
` A Yes, it describes the multi-channel digital
`transceiver provides access to one or more physical
`communication links, such as the illustrated radio
`channels 30.
` Q And so those radio channels 30 are the assigned
`physical channels required by the claims, correct?
` A Those are the physical channels.
` Q And those are the assigned physical channels
`that the claims are talking about, correct?
` A I believe so, yes.
` Q And if you look at figure 1 of the '244 patent,
`it also shows the radio channels 30 in that picture as
`the little lightning bolts off to the side; is that
` A The lightning bolts are the electromagnetic
`waves propagating between the base -- a base station and
`a cellular -- a cell phone that -- the network and a
`(312) 386-2000
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`Exhibit 1025-00018


`Dr. Wayne E. Stark March 24, 2015
`Page 19
`cell phone, and the physical layer channels are how the
`information gets mapped into signals that are
`transmitted using electromagnetic waves.
` Q Those are labeled as the radio channels 30,
` A Yes.
` Q And so those are the physical links described in
`the patent?
` A Yes, those would be the electromagnetic waves
`that transport the signals from the mobile cell phone to
`the network.
` Q Which are the physical channels described in the
` A They refer to those as the radio links.
` Q I think column 5 refers to them as both the
`radio channels 30 --
` A Yes.
` Q -- and the physical links, correct?
` A Physical communication links and radio channels,
` Q And those same radio links are shown in figure
`6, correct, as 160 labeled in figure 6?
` A Yes, 160 is the same type of diagram showing the
`signal being transmitted from the mobile to the base
`(312) 386-2000
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`ZTE Corporation and ZTE (USA) Inc.
`Exhibit 1025-00019


`Dr. Wayne E. Stark March 24, 2015
`Page 20
`station or vice versa.
` Q And so those radio channels 160 are also the
`assigned physical channels of the claims, correct?
` A Those are how the physical links are used to
`transmit information, yes.
` Q Well, then you state in paragraph 56 of your
`declaration that the subscriber unit is responsible for
`allocating the CDMA radio channels 160 as required,
` A Yes.
` Q And so those radio channels 160 are the assigned
`physical channels of the claims, correct?
` A Yes.
` Q And at column 10 of the '244 patent, around line
`40, the '244 patent specification calls the radio
`channels 160 the assigned radio channel bandwidth,
` A Around line what? 60?
` Q Column 10, line 40, 41, 42, 43.
` A Okay. What was the question now?
` Q At column 10 of the patent, around line 40, 41,
`42, 43, the specification calls the radio channels 160
`the assigned radio channel bandwidth, correct?
` A Yes, it says initially assigned radio channel
`(312) 386-2000
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`Exhibit 1025-00020


`Dr. Wayne E. Stark March 24, 2015
`Page 21
`bandwidth 160.
` Q And it goes on to say in column 10, line 21
`through 27, that the radio channels 160 include both
`forward link channels and reverse link channels,
` A So where are you reading? Column 10, line --
` Q 21 through 27.
` A Okay. It talks about forward link direction and
`reverse link direction.
` Q Right. So the --
` A Reverse link is from the mobile to the network,
`and forward link is the network to the phone.
` Q Right. And both those forward link and reverse
`link directions are part of the radio channels 160,
` A Yes, 160 kind of indicates the signal's going
`back and forth either way. It doesn't have an arrow to
`show one -- only one way.
` Q It doesn't happen in one direction; it calls it
`bidirectional, correct?
` A I don't know if it calls it bidirectional, but
`there's a few directions.
` Q And so column 10, line 21, says, it should be
`understood that data signals travel bidirectionally
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`Exhibit 1025-00021


`Dr. Wayne E. Stark March 24, 2015
`Page 22
`across the CDMA radio channels 160, correct?
` A Column 10, line -- Which line?
` Q 21.
` A Yes, bidirectionally, it calls it that, meaning
`it goes in both directions.
` Q Right. So radio channels 160 include both
`forward link channels and reverse link channels,
` A Yes.
` Q And -- Right. So the specification does not
`provide details for a protocol that defines the physical
`layer channels in the '244 patent, does it?
` A Say that once again.
` Q The specification of the '244 patent does not
`provide details for a protocol that would define the
`physical layer channels, does it?
` A Well, yes, I think it talks about various types.
`I know it talks about CDMA as one type of defining the
`physical layer channels.
` Q Right. So like I guess maybe you're talking
`about column 5 of the patent?
` A Yes.
` Q Line 29 through 37?
` A Yes.
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`Exhibit 1025-00022


`Dr. Wayne E. Stark March 24, 2015
`Page 23
` Q The specification explains that physical links
`are preferably known wireless communication error
`interfaces using digital modulation techniques, such as
`code division, multiple access, CDMA, standards
`specified by IS-95?
` A Correct.
` Q And that's the disclosure in the '244 patent of
`what the assigned physical channels are, correct?
` A That's one example of what the physical channels
`could be. They could be channels defined by a CDMA
`protocol or a standard.
` Q So that's one way they could be defined. But
`the patent doesn't describe in detail any other way they
`could be defined, does it?
` MS. HOLLOWAY: Object, overbroad.
` Brian, the parties agree on claim construction.
`Why are we spending time on the details of the
`specification that are not in either expert's
` MR. JONES: I think your objection is noted, and I'd
`like Dr. Stark --
` MS. HOLLOWAY: It's a question, Brian.
` MR. JONES: We can talk about it later.
` MS. HOLLOWAY: All right.
`(312) 386-2000
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`Exhibit 1025-00023


`Dr. Wayne E. Stark March 24, 2015
`Page 24
` THE WITNESS: So the question is --
` MS. HOLLOWAY: Excuse me. I'm just noting we have
`limited time, and if you're not going to spend time on
`Dr. Stark's actual opinions, we're not going to be too
`sympathetic to complaints when it's time for us to
` THE WITNESS: So it talks about CDMA. I don't
`recall a specific -- another example of it using a
`different type of transmission method or multiple access
`method in the patent.
` MR. JONES: Q Right. And so the patentee directs
`the reader to the known cellular protocols in order to
`describe the physical channels, correct?
` A The physical links are -- are described in one
`example as being CDMA.
` Q The known CDMA IS --
` A IS --
` Q -- 95 standard at the time?
` A IS-95 standard at the time, yes.
` Q Okay. And the patentee doesn't describe
`anything else other than the known standards at the time
`regarding those physical channels, right?
` A I think it describes other things. I think it
`describes things about the bit error rate, and those are
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`ZTE Corporation and ZTE (USA) Inc.
`Exhibit 1025-00024


`Dr. Wayne E. Stark March 24, 2015
`Page 25
`related to the channels. Column 5, line 53 or 4, talks
`about bit error rate that's directly related to the
`channels that you're using. I think it talks about it
`other places, too.
` Q But in those cases, the bit error rate and the
`CDMA channels themselves are understood in view of the
`known CDMA IS-95 standards, correct?
` A I think bit error rate is known whether you use
`CDMA or any other standard. It's something that is not
`CDMA specific. It's true for any wireless link or wired
`link that you have reliability that's determined by the
`bit error rate of the channel or the physical layer. So
`bit error rate is not CDMA specific.
` Q But bit error rate is related to sending data
`over the physical links, correct?
` A No.
` Q What's it related to?
` A Receiving data over a physical link.
` Q So in one direction you have bit error rate, but
`in the other direction there is no bit error rate?
` A No.
` Q So bit error rate is bidirectional?
` A I never said it wasn't.
` Q Then maybe I didn't understand your question. I
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`ZTE Corporation and ZTE (USA) Inc.
`Exhibit 1025-00025


`Dr. Wayne E. Stark March 24, 2015
`Page 26
`said bit error rate is related to sending or receiving
`data over a physical link, correct?
` A Well, you said it was over sending, and I said
`it was over receiving. It had to do with receiving.
`You make an error at the receiver, not at the
`transmitter, and that's in both directions, and it's not
`specific to CDMA only. It's general. It applies to any
`modulation method that you can use.
` Q So bit error rate relates to receiving data over
`a physical link; is that fair?
` A Bit error rate is the probability that the
`receiver makes an error in receiving a bit that's
`transmitted over the error. That's the bit error rate,
`is the probability that a bit that's transmitted is
`received incorrectly.
` And it's a general concept. It's not specific
`to CDMA. CDMA has bit error rates. Other modulation
`techniques would have bit error rates, too.
` Q For example, GPRS or a GSM standard would also
`have a bit error rate associated?
` A Any digital communication system will have a bit
`error rate associated with it.
` Q So we talked a little bit about CDMA being
`disclosed in column 5. That same passage in column 5,
`(312) 386-2000
`Merrill Corporation - Chicago
`ZTE Corporation and ZTE (USA) Inc.
`Exhibit 1025-00026


`Dr. Wayne E. Stark March 24, 2015
`Page 27
`lines 29 through 37, suggest, as you do, that the
`physical channels could be defined by other wireless
`communication protocols known at the time, correct?
` A Other wireless communication protocols in either
`types of links may also be used to advantage with the
`invention, yes. It describes other things.
` Q So CDMA that was known at the time and other
`wireless communication protocols, correct?
` A Yes.
` Q Now, the '244 patent specification doesn't
`provide details of how physical layer channels become
`assigned, does it?
` A I think it does refer to how they become
` Q Well, let's talk about what you say in your
`declaration. At paragraph 55 you suggest that the '244
`patent's claims are directed to a subscriber unit,
` A Where are you reading? Paragraph 55?
` Q Of your declaration.
` A Yes.
` Q Paragraph 55, page 22.
` A

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