`Heritage® Dictionary
`of the English Language
` 2014
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`Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
`The American Heritage dictionary of the English language.-4th ed.
`ISBN 0-395-82517-2 (hardcover)- ISBN 0-618-08230-1
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`1. English language-Dictionaries
`PE1628 .A623 2000
`Manufactured in the United States of America
` Ex. 2014-0002
`and delmred to the addressee lly the postal service.
`n. 1. Something sent by mall. 2. A batch of mail
`by a sender.
`1861-1944. French sculptor noted for
`lnfl.uen1ced statues of female nudes.
`n. 1. A coandy knittJ=d, stretchable jersey fabric.
`a leotard of such fabrie, worn for ballet or gymuu·
`one-piece &Wimsuit usually cut high on the leg.
`Old French, swaddling clothes, from malfk. mesh, from
`, -ogn) n. A man who carries and delivers mall.
`An order for goods to be shipped through the maD.
`(mai'Or'lbr) ndj.
`lmftllroi'lm1, ·rd'bm') n. A room in which ingoing and
`handled for a company or other organization.
`maimed, malm•lng, maims 1. To disable ordi&(cid:173)
`depriving of the use of a limb or other part of the body.
`batter1• 2. To make imperfect or defective; impair.
`maimm, from Old French mahaignier. See MA~.]
`(ml·m6n1J-d!Z1}, Moses Originally Moses Ben
`called "Rambam." 113S-U04. Spauish·bom
`physician. The greatest medieval Jewish sdtolar,
`and in Gukh far the Ptrpk:ud ( 1190) attempted
`~totl:!lan philosophy with JewliD theology.
`1. Most important; priudpal. See synouyms at chief.
`utmost; sheer: by main stnnKth. 3. Nautical Connected
`the mainmast: a main skpa11. 4. GmmmarOf, rdating
`clause or vub of a compla &entence. 5. Obso·
`to a continuol!ll area or stretch, as of land or water.
`or largest part: His ld= arr, in the main, impmctical.
`or conduit in a system for conveying water, gas, oO,
`stmlgth: fought with might and main. 4. A
`open ocean. 6. Nautical a, A mainsaiL b. A mainmast.
`from Old English ~gm. strength. See magh· in Ap-
`min) A river rising in eastern Germanr and flowing about
`generally westward to the Rhine River at Maim.
`n. One'! most advantageollll opportunity.
`A clause in a complex sentence that contains at least
`and can stand alone syntmctically as a complete sen·
`indipnldmt claU3e.
`n. The principal deck of a large ship or v=sel.
`n. Slang The principal street of a city or town.
`Abbr. ME or Me. 1. (also m&l) A historical region and
`of northwest France wuth of Normandy. United with
`passed to England when Henry Plantagenet became
`reverted to the French crown in 14111. 2. A state of
`States. It was admitted as the 23rd state in 1820.
`Europeans In 1602, the region was annexed by Massa(cid:173)
`Maine's northern boundary with New Brunswick was
`with Great Britain in 1842. Augusta is the capital and
`dty. Population: 1,233,223.
`n. A large long·h!'ired cat of a breed native to North
`a bushy tapered tan and often a fuU ruff. [From it! sim·
`n. 1. A large powetful computer, often
`and usually used by qe complex or(cid:173)
`processing unit of a computer m:lusive of
`urulll'litna•, -land) n. The prindpallandnuw of a conti(cid:173)
`lsl1nd (minlbnd) also Po•mo•na (~mtY.m) The
`rslands off the northern cout of Scotland. It is
`numerollll Pictish reauains including mounds. under-
`and .standing stones.
`y. ·lined, ·lln•ing, -lines Slang -tr. To
`heroin) directly into a major vein. -intr. To inject
`+ adj. Being in a priDdpal or well-established po(cid:173)
`thurdtes. -mafntlJn'ar n.
`n. 1. A principal Rction of a railroad line. 2, Slang A
`easily a=lble vein, usually in the ann or leg, into which
`(maul) A group of suburbs of southeut Peunsytvanla. The
`was named after the chief nilroad line traveling west
`adv. For the most part; chiefly.
`Informal n. 1a. A [[IIJI wbo is important or influential
`One's best male friend. 2. One's prlmary male lovu.
`[mllin'u~ -mist') n. 1. The principal mast ofa salling
`fo:cor aft, of 1 two-masted saJ1ing
`secund mast aft of asallln ship with three or more masts.
`rovllilniUlllit n. The section of mainmast of a squue·rlgged
`main topgallanfln!IJt.
`(mini~), -5111) n. 1. The principal sail of 1 vesseL 2. A
`or triangular sail set from the after part of the mainowt ou
`rigged vesseL 3 . .A square IIi! let from the main ,W on
`n. A major grouping of 1t1rs that fonnla .relatlvdy
`from the upper left to the lower risbt when plotted accord·
`ing to lumlnoslty and JUrfacc temperature on the Hertzsprung-Russell
`maln•sheet (mln'shet') n. The rope that controls.the angle at which
`a malnsallls trimmed and set.
`maln•sprlng (mlntsprlng') n. 1. The principal spring in a mechan(cid:173)
`ical device, espedally a watch or clock, that drives the mechanism by un(cid:173)
`coiling. 2. The chief motivating force: the mainspring of a reform mDYt(cid:173)
`main Squeeze n. Slang One's primary romantic partner or sweet(cid:173)
`maln•stay (minfstA') n. 1. A chiefsupport:Agriculturrisa mainstay
`of the emnomy. 2. Nautirnl A strong rope that serves to steady and rup(cid:173)
`port the mainmast of a sailing vessel.
`maln•stream (min'str!m') n. The prevalling cunent of thought,
`influence, or activity: "You need not acapt the nominee's ideology, only be
`able to locate it in the American mainstream" (Charles Krauthammer).
`+ adj. Representing the prevalent attitudes, values, and practices of a so(cid:173)
`ciety or sroup: mainstream mamlity. + tr.v. -streamed, -stream•lng,
`-streams 1. To Integrate (a student with special needs) Into regular
`school classes. 2. To Incorporate into a pmalling group. -malnf(cid:173)
`stream'er n.
`main street n. 1. The principal street of a small town. 2. Main
`Strut .a. The lnhabltanu of !mall towns comidered as a group. b. A
`place that represent! narroWDe.s! of view and smug complac~cy. [Sense
`2, after Main Street, a novel by Sinclair Lewis.]
`maln•taln (min·tm') tr.v. ·tained, ·taln•lng, ·talns 1. To mp
`up or carry on; continue: maintain good ttlatiom. 2. To keep in an ex·
`!sting state; preserve or retain: maintain om's cumposure. 3, To hep in a
`condition of good repair or efficiency: maintain two cars. 4a. To provide
`for; support: maintain a family. b. To keep in existence; sustain: enough
`food to ma,intain life. 5. To defend or hold against criticism or attack:
`maintained his stand on tWteS. 6. To declare to he true; affirm: maintained
`her innocma:. 7. To adhere or conform to; keep: maintain a busy sched(cid:173)
`ule. fM!ddle English maintainen, from Old French maintenir, from Me(cid:173)
`dieval Latin manutm!rr, from Latin ntonll tmlrr, to hold in the hand:
`mana, ablative of manus, hand; see man-2 in Appendix I + tenin; to
`hold; see ten- in Appendix I.] -maln•taln'a•bflli•ty n. -main•
`tain'a•ble adj. -malil•tain'er n.
`malnete•nance (mAn'b-nans) n. 1. The act of maintaining or the
`state of being maintained. 2. The work of keeping something in proper
`condition; upkeep. 3a. Provision of support or livdihood: took OYer the
`nurintenDnce of her family. b. Means of support or livelihood: was ordered
`to pay maintrmance far both children. 4. Law The unlawful meddling in
`a suit by providing either party with the meam to carry it on. [Middle
`Engllih maintenounce, from Old French maintma11ce, from maintenir, to
`maintain. See MAINTAIN.]
`Maln•te•non (miN1b-nON', mblt-nONt), Marquise da Title of
`Fran~oi5e d'Auhigne. 1635-1719. French consort of Louis XJY. The
`widow of French writer Paul Scarron, she secretly married the k!Qg (c.
`1685) after the death of his first wife.
`maln•top (minlt6p1) n. A platform at the head of the mainmast on
`a square-rigged vessel.
`main topgallant n. A saO or yard set from the topgallant section
`of a maJnmast.
`main top•gal•lant•mast (b·PI'~nt-ogst, t6p-) n. The section
`of the mainmast next alxwe the main topiDISt on a square-rigged salling
`main topmast n. The section of the mainmast on a square-rigged
`salllng vessel between the lower mast and the main topgallantmast
`main topsail n. The sall that is set above the malnsail.
`main ,yard n. The (om yard on a mainmast.
`Malnz (mints) A city of west-central Germany at the confluence of the
`Rhine and Main riven west-southwest of Frankfurt. Built on the site of
`a Roman camp founded In the 1st century B.c., It is an important indus·
`trial and commercial city. Johann Gutenberg established a printing in(cid:173)
`dustry here in the 15th century. Population: 185,487.
`mal•son•ette (mil'ZOJ-n!tl, ·sa-) n. Chiefly British 1. A small boWie.
`2. An apartment occupying two or more floors of a ~r building and
`often bliVing its own entrance from outside. [French maiSOnnettr, dimln·
`utivc of maisotr, house, dwelling, from Old French, from Latin ~.
`nulnsilln-. See MANSION.)
`mal ~I (ml' 111) n., pL mal tals A cocktail made with rum, cu~,
`and fruit juices. (Tahitian malta/, good.)
`mal•tre d' (ml1tr; dfl, ml1br) n., pL mal•tre d's (dh') Informal
`A maltre d'hOtel.
`maf•tre d'h6•tel (mA'm do.t!l'l n., pL maT•tres d'ho•tel (mA'(cid:173)
`m dO·tB') 1. A headwaltl!r. 2. A lllJijor·domo. 3. A sauce of melted
`! • chopped parsley, lemon juice, salt, and pepper. [French maftnl
`tel: ma1tnl, master+ de, of + hllte~ house.]
`l:r:e (mlz) n. 1. Seecom1 (sensei). 2. Aligbtyellowtomoderate
`orange yellow. [Spanish mafz. from Arawakan mahiz, mahls.] -maize
`maize mushroom n. See cultlacoche.
`Maj. or Maj or MAJ abbr. major
`ma•ju•tlc (~m-J&'tlk) aha ma•jes•tl•cal ( -ti-bl) ad}; Having or
`shOY{llig ·Joftr dignity or nobility; 5Wely. See synonyms at grand.
`-11111•jaslti•cal•dy tulv.
`~·~~ tmJ}IJ-•) n., pl. ~ .1a. The patncs~ and ~of
`with· I&. Her. or Jfriir ua title lilil form.~.~~•
`mailing !·majesty
`I pay
`I father
`!I tilt
`zh vision
`~about, item
` Ex. 2014-0003