`Third Edition
`A Division of Microsoft Corporation
`One Microsoft Way
`Redmond, Washington 98052-6399
`Copyright © 1997 by Microsoft Corporation
`All rights reserved. No part of the contents of this book may be reproduced or transmitted
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`Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data pending.
`ISBN 1—57231-743-4
`Printed and bound in the United States of America.
`123456789 QMQM 210987
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`Acquisitions Editor: Kim Fryer
`Project Editors: Maureen Williams Zimmerman, Anne Taussig
`Technical Editors: Dail Magee Jr., Gary Nelson, Jean Ross, Jim Fuchs, John Conrow,
`Kurt Meyer, Robert Lyon, Roslyn Lutsch
`modular jade
`tnonochromc adapter
`window on the screen. Because it is deliberately
`designed as a stand-alone unit that can work with
`o ther sections of the program, the same module
`might he able to perform the same task in another
`program as well, thus saving time in development
`and testing.
`modular jack \mo' dy;J-l;Jr jak', moj';J-l;Jr\ n. See
`phone connector.
`modular programming \ n:oj' -l r p rii' gr::un-en g,
`mo' dy;:~-LGr\ n . An :q 1 roa ·h to pr 1gr-:rmming in
`w hi h 1 h ~ progt-:tm is broken into $CVet<ll imkpen(cid:173)
`u ·nll
`· mpi led mod ules. na 11 module •xp )f'IS
`$j) ·Hl ll eJ
`l'l.lenls (constants, clara types, V<Lrl:1bh: ·,
`fun ·ti ns, pr ~:eJu r s'l; :1 LL other ·lcmems r mHin
`th.e r· modules t:<ll1 us • < nly
`priv:ll e IU Llw m dule.
`th · exponed elecl'lPLllS. r\1.() lules d 1Lri fy and regu(cid:173)
`larize the int rf~-tc ·a mong rite major p:rr'lS of a 1 ro(cid:173)
`>rnm. Th us, U1ey facilitate grc up rm ~tmmin~
`effort~ :md promote r •IJ:.~hl · progrnnuni.ng pral'(cid:173)
`U(' ·s. Modul~r r progr:1111111l ng i:; :r pr..:curs< r
`ohje ·1- rit-med programr nlng. . ee etl o m )tilde
`(uellnili n 1), ol j l.'t-orienl d prognunmJr g.
`modulate \ rnor -Hi.t' , 111 >' l y;;~-lilt' \ u!J. To change
`some asr ·ct of a signal intenlionaiJy, usua liy or
`the purpos . or tl'<lri~>nlilling infc l'Jmrrioll.
`m dulation \moj';:,-lfl '~h::>n, m o' dy;:~-Ja 'slum\
`1. The pro es~ of ehanging \ !' regulHL.i.ng the ·h:tr(cid:173)
`at:teri.~ti ·~ of n carrier wav~ vihr. ling , l <1 cerL:rin
`:Hnplitu de (h ·lght) and l'requenqr liming) sc
`lhe Varl:ll iOn.S rerre.Senl. l1lt!'dl1ingfuJ inf I'Dl:JliOil .
`·ommunk·rtions, d1e means by
`2. In n mputer
`whid1 a modem ccmv•r•t · dlgir:Ll infornmtion S\!111
`by a computer r
`f rm that it sends ov ·
`th a uti I
`a telephone line.
`m dole \rnoj'onl, llll'dy('ml\
`11. 1. ln prouram(cid:173)
`ming, a 1:ollection o r ulines :.tnd daur ~truct r re~
`tl1a1 p rfo i'I11S a p:uticular task m lmpl ·ments a
`p ar1 i ·ul:!r ;.tl stracL dato type. M('du les usually ·on(cid:173)
`sis! o f two p:trlb: <rn .intcrfa e, which list: iJY• con(cid:173)
`SlanLs, d<tllr type~>, variables, and routines t11a1 can
`I c acco..:ssed by
`ti ter modules or mutlncs, and :m
`.implemenwrion, whkh is private (ac · · ·sib lc only
`l.o th~.: module) ar\.d which cont:rln.s the sour ·e
`code that actually implements the routines in the
`module. See also al ' tr-al.'l da t~l rype. lnfmm11tion
`hiding, Modula-2, modu lar pr gntmm.i.ng, '2. In
`hardware, a self-contained compon •nt 1J1al can
`provide a complete function to ::r system and can
`be interd13ng u with Liter modules that provide
`similar f uncUons. S 'e also merm ry card, SIMM.
`modulo \moj';}-1- -, m
`l'y;:>-li' \ 11. An arithmetic
`operation whose result is the remainder of a divi(cid:173)
`sion o peration. For example, 17 modulo 3 = 2
`because 17 divided by 3 yields a remainder of 2.
`M{ dulo orer.rtions ore used in pr )gr:tmmlng_.
`moire \mwiir-a ' \ n. A visible wavy dL~L rli.cm or
`llick rin!:' in :rn im~tg ' lh<ll !s dL5playcd
`r fJrint d
`widl ttn imr r.rrorriac J
`·venrl par:uu(cid:173)
`re:;oluti n.
`t:ters ~r ffect moi r ' palterns, in ·luding t!Je size and
`resolution of rhc im:.~g ·, r ·~ol ut ion of th ou tput de(cid:173)
`viet:!, :tnd lmlft.onc s 'f · en angle. See til • lll \ISlr:ll i n.
`molecular beam epitaxy \m;J-le' ky;:>-l;:>r
`ep ';J-tak-se\ n. A process used in the fabricatio n
`of semiconductor devices, such as integrated cir(cid:173)
`cuits. A device employing molecular beam epitaxy
`creates thin layers of semiconducting material by
`vaporizing the mate rial and then directing a beam
`of molecules at the substrate on w hich the layer is
`to be formed. This technique allows ve1y precise
`and very thin layers to he created.
`monadic \m;:>-na 'dik'\ aclj'. See una1y.
`monitor \mon'i-t;:>r'\ 11. The device on which
`images generated by the computer's video adapter
`are displayed. The term monitor usually refers to
`a video display and its housing. The monitor is
`attached to the video adapter by a cable. See a/so
`monochrome \mon';J-krom'\ adj. Of, pertaining
`to, or being a monitor that displays images in o nly
`one color-black on white (as on early mono(cid:173)
`chrome Macintosh screens) or amber or green on
`black (as on early IBM and other monochrome
`monito rs). The term is also applied to a monitm
`that displays only variable levels of a single color,
`such as a gray-scale monitor.
`monochrome adapter \mon';:>-krom
`;J-dap ' t;Jr\
`n. A video adapter capable of generating a video
`signal for one foreground color or sometimes for
`a range of intensities in a single color, as for a
`gray-scale monitor.