`IEEE P802.11
`Wireless LANs
`doc.: IEEE 802.11-98/284
`Tentative Minutes of the IEEE P802.11
`Full Working Group
`Plenary Meeting
`La Jolla, CA
`6 to 11 July 1998
`Monday, 6 July 1998
`1.0 Opening Meeting called to order by Vic Hayes at 15:00, Agenda of 49th session of 802.11 is in doc.:IEEE
`P802.11 11-98/245-r1. Al Petrick acting, secretary for George Fishel 1), is present and ready to take the notes.
`Objectives for this meeting
`1.1 Continue the consensus process for TGa and TGb
`1.2 Review any outstanding Sponsor ballot issues
`1.3 Further work in the SG
`1.4 Changes; 1) removed TGc 2) Add compliant made by Micrilor and recognition of IEEE802.11
`1.1 Roll Call: People in the room were invited to introduce themselves by name and company. There were 85
`people in the room.
`Editor IEEE P802.11
`Informed Technologies Inc.
`Phone: +1 408 986 9596
`Fax: +1 408 727 2654
`E-Mail: bob@informed-technology.com
`Chair IEEE802.11-TGb
`Harris Semiconductor
`Phone: +1 407 729 4733
`Fax: +1 407 724 7886
`E-Mail: Jfakat01s@harris.com
`Chair IEEE802.11-TGa
`BreezeCom, Inc.
`Phone: +972 3 645 6262
`Fax: +972 3 645 6290
`E-Mail: naftalic@breezecom.co.il
`Al Petrick, Harris
`1.2 Voting rights:
`1)T The officers of the Working Group are:
`Chairman IEEE P802.11
`Lucent Technologies
`Phone: +31 30 609 7528
`Fax: +31 30 609 7556
`E-Mail: v.hayes@ieee.org
`Secretary IEEE P802.11
`AMP Inc.
`Phone: +1 717 810 4645
`Fax: +1 717 810 4655
`E-Mail: grfishel@amp.com
`Vice-Chairman IEEE P802.11
`Bufferfly Communications, Inc.
`Phone: +1 408 267 4680
`Fax: +1 408 496 0909
`E-Mail: stuart@ok-brit.com
`Vice-Chairman IEEE802.11
`Harris Semiconductor
`Phone: +1 407 729-4944
`Fax: +1 407 724-7886
`E-Mail: apetrick@harris.com
`Chair IEEE P802.11-PHY group
`Chair IEEE P802.11-MAC group
`Symbol Technologies Inc.
`3COM Corporation
`Phone: +1 408 369 2629
`Phone: +1 408 326 3762
`Fax: +1 408 369 2740
`Fax: +1 408 326 8880
`E-Mail: david_bagby@3com.com
`E-Mail: deank@psd.symbol.com
`Tentative Minutes Full WG, July98
`page 1
`doc.: IEEE 802.11-98/284
`September 1998
`1.2.1 Participation in debates, moving and seconding is only permitted by voting members, in all
`802.11 meetings (at all levels). The subgroup chairs may permit observers to participate in debates.
`1.2.2 Voting at the working group level is by voting members only. Chair may permit observers to
`participate in debate. To become a voting member:
` Participate in at least 2 out of 4 consecutive plenary meetings. Voting rights start at
`third meeting
` Participation in at least 75% in meetings, in the room
` - One interim may be exchanged for a plenary
` - Voting members will get a token to be used at votes
` All members have voting rights at task group meetings
`1.2.3 Voting rights can be maintained:
` By participation in 2 plenary meetings within 4 consecutive plenary meetings
` One interim may be substituted for a plenary
`1.2.4 Voting rights may be lost:
` After failing to pay the conference fee
` - After missing two out of three consecutive letter ballots
`1.2.5 Current state of member status:
` Voting members (86)
` Aspiring voting members (22)
` Nearly voting members (59)
`1.3 Attendance List, Registration
`1.3.1 Administration: The attendance list was circulated, Chris Zegelin supervising - 75%
`attendance according to the attendance list is required to qualify for participating in the
`meeting as a whole, so make sure to sign the book. Copies of the attendance list are handed
`out before the end of each meeting.
` Important for administration of voting rights that the attendance book is used properly.
` Sign per meeting (morning, afternoon, evening). Do not sign ahead.
` Place initials. Do not cross or underline. You must attend the session after signing.
` Circle the letter corresponding to the meeting you attend when signing (F=full 802.11,
`P=PHY, M=MAC group).
`1.3.2 Registration: You pay full plenary costs if you attend more than ½ hour of any meetings for
`the week. The fee is $300 on-site. Failure to pay causes loss of credit for voting rights.
`1.3.3 Check E-mail addresses in the book:
` Some addresses have been struck, or have a $-sign added to the right - those received
`complaints from the reflector
` Please strike your e-mail address if you do not use it If you do not disagree to receiving
`very long files, mark bulk e-mail with YES.
`1.4 Logistics: Paper document distribution is done using pigeon holes. Paper distribution is only for
`those members not having a PC. You will find your copies and messages in the referenced location
`in the expanding file folders in the slot in front of your name. Electronic distribution is also
`1.4.1 Conference fee to be paid through IEEE802 registration office at the hotel.
` 1.4.2 Copying and collection of files is managed by Cherry Tom. Al Petrick assists in pigeonhole
`stuffing. Cherry is also in charge of document numbers. Before a submission is presented, a
`document number must be assigned by Cherry and a file copy on diskette in Office 95 submitted
`using the 802.11 templates for record and distribution. Each submitter must provide ten (10) paper
`copies for pigeon hole distribution.
`Tentative Minutes Full WG, July98
`page 2
`Al Petrick, Harris
`doc.: IEEE 802.11-98/284
`September 1998
` 1.4.3 Coffee breaks at 10 AM and 3 PM. Noon to 1:00 PM lunch, printing is available in the hotel
`802.11 office.
`1.4.4 Document distribution: The primary dissemination of documentation is electronic file
`distribution. However three (3) mediums will be used. They are: a) 802.11 network b) flash
`memory card, c) diskettes.
`1.4.5 Sign in for a slot, remember the letter and number (this is for members not having electronic
`access. Pigeon holes are file folders with a letter id on each folder and a number on each slot
`in each folder are numbered slots, each of which is 'owned' by a person. Each person owns slot
`in front of number.
`1.4.6 All files must use the IEEE802.11 templates for word documents and PowerPoint. Vic
`Hayes updated the template for PowerPoint files.
`1.5 IEEE Patent Policy Vic Hayes, 802.11 chair explained the IEEE Patent Policy as per Clause 5 of the
`IEEE Standards By-Laws and per Clause 6.3 of the IEEE Standards Operations Manual. He
`specifically asked for notification from members of patents applicable to the Published standards or
`draft standard and that patent holders submit the requested statement.
`1.6 Individual Representation All attendees are representing themselves as individuals and not
`companies and/or any special organization.
`1.7 Anti-Trust Laws Discussion of prices are disallowed in 802.11 sessions, because of the threat of
`price fixing. The price fixing and discussions are governed by Anti-Trust Laws.
`1.8 Other announcements
`1.6.1 Volunteers needed for the preparation of the mailing on Friday.
`1.9 Recognition: Vic Hayes gave certificates in appreciation for the contributions in the development of
`the released IEEE802.11 wireless LAN standard. The recognized include: Jim McDonald, Wim Diepstraten, Phil
`Belanger, Greg Ennis, Mike Trompower, Simon Black, Jan Boer, Paul Struhsaker - Al Petrick receives his
`certificate in Paul’s behalf, Ed Geiger - Chris Zegelin receives his certificate in Ed’s behalf, Naftali Chayat, Tom
`Baumgardner, Barry Dobbins - Greg Ennis receives his certificate in Barry’s behalf, Francois Simon - Vic Hayes
`receives his certificate in Francois’s behalf.
`2. Approval of the minutes of previous meetings
`2.1 Minutes of the Utrecht, Netherlands meeting approved 11-98/223. The document number on the server
`needs to be updated with correct number (98/223). The document on the server is 98/112.
`MOTION : To approve the minutes, John Fakatselis moved to approve minutes, Seconded by Johnny Zweig.
`No discussion on this motion.
`Motion 1 on the floor for vote.
`MOTION 1 Passes 48/0/4
`2.2 There were NO matters rising from the minutes.
`3. Reports
`3.1 Report of the sponsor reconfirmation ballot given by Vic Hayes. There were 90 people participating in the
`ballot, 69 affirmative votes, 0 negative votes, 4 abstention votes, 73 votes equal 81% returned (75% is
`required). LMSC re-circulation ballot on the IEEEP802.11c closed on June 26, 1998. The document will be
`forwarded to the standards board for approval. There were 88 people eligible for the ballot group.
`! Victoria Poncini would like to thank Tom Siep, Anil Sanwalka. Tom Tsoulogiannis, Darwin Engwer,
`Johnny Zweig, Simon Black, Henri Moelard., Maarten Hoeben, Ronald Brockmann, and especially
`Bob O’Hara for all of the work and inputs by these contributors for finalizing the 802.11 Bridging
`Tentative Minutes Full WG, July98
`page 3
`Al Petrick, Harris
`September 1998
`3.2 The ExCom meeting update given by Vic Hayes
`! Comments on NPRM 98-42. Some discussion using information for their own company filings to the
`! International Program Fee: It is used to support the secretary of ISO/IEC. The cost is $100 per attendee.
`! IPF summary and JTC1 Infrastructure, some discussion on the continuation of supporting the $100 fee per
`802 attendee for the International Program Fee.
`doc.: IEEE 802.11-98/284
`MOTION: To approve the support of continuing with the IPF fee at $100 per plenary meeting per attendee.
`Moved by Naftali Chayat, Seconded by Chris Zegelin.
`No discussion on the motion.
`Motion on the floor for vote
`Motion passes: 47/2/10
`Complaint from 802.11 member John Cafarella, (complainee) was received by the 802.11 chair, with the
`request to submit to the SEC. A joint informal meeting with ExCom chaired by Paul Nikolich and some of the
`802.11 members was held on Sunday evening, July 5, 1998 at the Hyatt and started at 7PM. The meeting lasted until
`8:30PM. After hearing the compliant, the group recommended that attending members of 802.11 to sharply
`formulate a resolution action and forward to the formal opening of the Monday July 6,1998 ExCom meeting. The
`summary is as follows:
`1) Review the legality of stopping and resetting the TGb vote
`- The events that took place at the May meeting were probably legal and the complainee withdraws his first
`Investigate whether 802.11 is currently being dominated by a group.
`! Consider that
`! Each voting member can ask for a roll call vote
`! At the chairs discretion, a vote can be recalculated with a weight of one vote per company
`attending; the vote for a company will be cast per the simple majority for that company.
`! Greatly differing results from the two voting calculations will cause the chairman to raise the
`issue to the executive committee.
`! With this or similar fair test for non-dominance, the complainee withdraws his second request.
`CD-ROM in November IEEE Standards Association does not get the revenue budgeted. There are plans to
`remedy, by withdrawing the agreement to give 802 the CD-ROM.
`Student Registration fee: Some discussion whether or not to give a 50% discount, NO IPF fee, as an
`exception for people contributing to our work. There was a concern about an influx of students and fee increases in
`MOTION: To decline to offer discounts to students. Moved by Chris Zegelin, Seconded by John Cafarella
`No discussion on the motion.
`Motion on the floor for vote.
`Motion 3 passes: 41/1/7
`4. Review of Contributions: The list of document submissions were reviewed by Cherry Tom. They include:
`98/246r2, 98/246a,98/261, 98/263, 98/264, 98/265, 98/266, 98/267,98/268, 98/269,98/259, 98/260.
`5. Adoption of Agenda
`Vic Hayes reviewed the agenda and proposed additions to the published agenda. Additions are:
`6.0 Unfinished business
`6.1 TGa
`6.2 TGb
`6.3 802.11c
`6.4 802.11rev
`6.5 Study Group WPAN
`6. Unfinished Business
`Tentative Minutes Full WG, July98
`page 4
`Al Petrick, Harris
`doc.: IEEE 802.11-98/284
`September 1998
`6.0 Unfinished business
`6.1 TGa
`6.2 TGb
`6.3 802.11c
`6.4 802.11rev
`6.5 Study Group WPAN
`7. New Business
`MOTION: to approve the agenda as modified in document 11-98/245-r1, Moved by Kerry Stuart, Seconded
`by Jim Baker.
`No discussion on the motion.
`Motion on the floor to vote.
`Motion passes: 61/0/1
`The Plenary continued with the modified agenda, next agenda item was Unfinished Business.
` 6
`Unfinished Business
`6.1 TGa report given by Dean Kawaguchi, the task group accepted the OFDM proposal from Lucent
`98/261, achieving >75% vote at TGa.
`Motion forwarded to the plenary from TGa:
`MOTION: To accept the Lucent/NTT OFDM proposal as the basis for the 5GHz in 802.11. Moved by Dean
`Kawaguchi, Second not needed because its coming from TGa as approved.
`Some discussion on the motion: Wi-LAN has given verbal statement to provide patent information on OFDM
`No further discussion on the motion.
`Motion on the floor to vote.
`Motion Passes 40/0/12
`TGa report concluded. Dean Kawaguchi turned over the chair position of TGa to Naftali Chayat to continue
`for the rest of the week, and for future meetings.
`6.2 TGb report given by John Fakatselis; TGb reviewed agenda, proposals and selection criteria. Stan
`Reible, was appointed as the secretary for recording the minutes for the week of July 6-10,1998.
`6.3 TGc report given by Vic Hayes in Victoria’s absence.
`Motion forwarded to the plenary from TGc by Vic Hayes:
`MOTION: To submit Draft 802.11c/D6.1 to RevCom, Moved by Wim Diepstraten, Seconded by Karl
`No discussion on the motion
`Motion on the floor to vote.
`Motion passes 49/0/1
`Tentative Minutes Full WG, July98
`page 5
`Al Petrick, Harris
`doc.: IEEE 802.11-98/284
`September 1998
`6.4 TGrev report given by Vic Hayes; Some discussion on editorial comments. Henri Moelard, Anil
`Sanwalka, Mike Trompower, Doug Smith will assist with editorial comments, led by Bob O’Hara for
`the week.
`6.5 TGWPAN report given by Dick Jai; WPAN plans to host special presentations on Bluetooth,
`HRFWG and review commonality of study group WPAN’s objectives.
`Motion forwarded to the plenary from TGWPAN:
`MOTION: The WPAN SG moves that the WPAN PAR be submitted to 802 for formal action, Moved by Dick
`Brailey on behalf of the SG.
`Some discussion on the adoption of the 802.11 MAC for WPAN.
`Move to postpone until Thursday, Moved by Dave Bagby, Seconded by Al Petrick
`Question called by Chris Zelegin, Seconded by Dave Bagby.
`One objection to calling the question. A vote was needed for calling the question.
`Vote on the floor to call the question.
`Question is called 49/1/10
`MOTION: To postpone until Thursday, as listed below
`MOTION: The WPAN SG moves that the WPAN PAR be submitted to 802 for formal action, Moved by Dick
`Brailey. Second not needed because its coming from the WPAN as approved.
`Some discussion on the adoption of the 802.11 MAC for WPAN.
`No further discussion on the motion.
`Motion on the floor to vote.
`Motion to postpone passes: 34/6/17
`The plenary continued with next agenda item.
`Next Agenda item
`New Business
`7.1 NPRM
`MOTION: To mandate an ad-hoc group led by Don Johnson, to prepare the 802.11 comments on NPRM 98-
`42 and get the SEC happy so we will not get an objection. The drafts will be made available regularly to
`802.11 for comment and steering. Moved by Jeff Abramowitz, Seconded by Don Sloan.
`No discussion on the motion.
`Motion on the floor for vote.
`Motion passes: 51/1/2.
`The plenary continued with the next agenda item.
`8 Adjourn for Subgroups
`8. Meeting adjourned for the day by Vic Hayes at 4:30PM.
`This was a verbal vote. Breakout into Task groups TGa and TGb as illustrated in graphic outline.
`Tentative Minutes Full WG, July98
`page 6
`Al Petrick, Harris
`Wednesday 8 July, 1998
`doc.: IEEE 802.11-98/284
`September 1998
`Opening Meeting called to order by Vic Hayes at 1:00PM, Agenda of 49th session of 802.11 is in
`doc.:IEEE P802.11 11-98/245-r1. Al Petrick acting, secretary for George Fishel 1), is present and ready to take the
`9.1 Roll Call: Each attendee to announce their name, company name. There were 87 people in this session.
`9.2 Document list update by Cherry Tom
`9.3 Agenda Update
`MOTION: To approve the agenda as revised. Moved by Naftali Chayat, Seconded by Roy Sebring.
`No discussion on the motion.
`Motion on the floor for vote.
`Motion passes: 55/0/0
`Work according to the revised agenda
`9.4 Announcements
`9.4.1 July meeting dates
`9.4.2 1999 July 4-9, Montreal, Sunday
`9.4.3 2000 July 3-7, La Jolla, Tuesday
`9.4.4 2001 July 2-6, Vancouver, Wednesday
`9.4.5 September meeting update
`MOTION: That 802.11 recommends to the ExCom NOT hold meetings during weeks which includes national
`holidays. Moved by Dave Bagby, Seconded by Johnny Zweig.
`Vic Hayes chair, rules the motion out- of-order.
`Motion appealed, by Dave Bagby, Seconded by Johnny Zweig
`No further discussion on the motion.
`Motion to appeal on the floor for vote.
`Motion is appealed 8/20/18.
`MOTION: That 802.11 recommend to the ExCom NOT to hold meetings during weeks which includes
`national Holidays.
`Some discussion on the motion.
`Question called by Stuart Kerry, Seconded by Johnny Zweig
`Motion passes 31/6/12
`The plenary continued with the announcements.
`Keith Amundsen planned to update the plenary on Thursday on September’s interim meeting.
`10 Old Business
`10.1 802.11c update by Bob O’Hara.
`10.2 802.11rev update by Bob O’Hara, final comments will be presented at Thursdays Plenary
`10.3 Study Group WPAN update by Ian Gifford. See document 98/256
`Tentative Minutes Full WG, July98
`page 7
`Al Petrick, Harris
`doc.: IEEE 802.11-98/284
`September 1998
`10.4 NPRM 98-42 update given by Vic Hayes and Don Johnson. The NPRM document was circulated of
`10.5 TGa update by Naftali Chayat.
`MOTION: To recommend to the plenary document 98/72-r5 as amended during July 8th morning session as a
`first draft of the 802.11a standard.
`Some discussion by TGa Chair.
`Motion passed at TGa 22/0/2.
`As amended below.
`MOTION: To accept document 98/72-r5 as amended during July 8th morning session as a first draft of the
`802.11a standard and to send the draft to WG Letter Ballot.
`TGa Naftali Chayat, no need for a second on the motion
`Vic Hayes, chair requested a 30 second recess to clarify motion amongst plenary chairs.
`Clarification by the chair: If the letter ballot reaches 75% or more then the working group needs to resolved the
`Discussion on the motion
`MOTION to divide the motion into two, Moved by Stuart Kerry, Seconded by Carl Andren.
`Part 1:
`1) To accept document 98/72-r5 as amended during July 8 morning session as a first draft of the 802.11 a
`Part 2:
`1) and to send the draft to WG Letter Ballot.
`Some discussion, motion to divide.
`No further discussion.
`Motion to divide the question on the floor for vote.
`Motion passes 51-0-4
`Part 1 of the motion for vote.
`1) MOTION: To accept document 98/72-r5 as amended during July 8 morning session as a first draft of the
`802.11 a standard.
`Some discussion on the motion.
`Motion on the floor for vote.
`Motion passes: 41/8/7
`MOTION: To send the draft to WG Letter Ballot.
`Part 2 of the motion for vote.
`Some discussion on the motion.
`MOTION: To table the motion to send to Letter Ballot, moved by Dave Bagby, Seconded by Wim Diepstraten
`No discussion because this motion is undebatable.
`Motion to table on the floor to vote.
`Tentative Minutes Full WG, July98
`page 8
`Al Petrick, Harris
`doc.: IEEE 802.11-98/284
`September 1998
`Motion passes 43/1/12.
`The plenary continued with the TGa report given by Naftali Chayat
`MOTION: To have a liaison with MMAC by TGb. Moved by Naftali Chayat
`Some discussion on this motion
`After the 802.11 chair’s suggestion the motion will be resubmitted to the plenary after the TGa has an
`opportunity to discuss it once again.
`This is the end of TGa report given by Naftali Chayat.
`10.6 TGb update given by John Fakatselis
`New Business
`11.1 July meeting dates
`11.2 Vic Hayes opened the floor to discus the July meeting dates, No discussion on this subject matter.
`Adjourn for study groups for the day as moved by Vic Hayes, chair
`This was a verbal vote. Breakout into Task groups TGa and TGb as illustrated in graphic outline.
`Thursday 9 July, 1998
`Full Plenary
`14. Opening: Plenary session opened by Vic Hayes at 15:10 with introductions. Al Petrick is the acting secretary
`for this session and ready to take notes.
`14.1 Announcements: Recap of Awards Shower (SEE Vic’s Notes)
`14.1.1 List Award Names.
`14.1.2 Attendance List
`14.2 Document list update: Vic presented the list of documents on the server. The actual document list
`presented by Cherry Tom: documents assigned numbers for the minutes. Cherry Tom was missing
`14.3 Agenda Adjustments:
`MOTION: To approve the modified agenda, Moved John Fakatselis, Seconded by Harry Worstell
`Some discussion on the motion for clarification.
`No further discussion on the motion.
`Motion on the floor for vote.
`Motion passes: 54/0/0
`Reports from subgroups
`15.1 TGa update: was given by Naftali Chayat TGa chair. See TGa minutes for details.
`The following motions were forwarded to the Plenary. All motions met the 75% criteria at TGa.
`MOTION: To approve the document to forward the document 98/281-r1, after editorial refinement, to SEC
`for approval to send it to Industry Canada (IC). Moved by Naftali Chayat, Second not needed because its
`coming from TGa as approved.
`No discussion on the motion.
`Motion on the floor for vote.
`Motion passes: 58/0/4
`Tentative Minutes Full WG, July98
`page 9
`Al Petrick, Harris
`doc.: IEEE 802.11-98/284
`September 1998
`MOTION: To approve Masahiro Morikura as 802.11 liaison to MMAC Japan, Moved by Naftali Chayat,
`Second not needed because its coming from TGa as approved.
`No discussion on the motion.
`Motion on the floor for vote.
`Motion passes: 57/0/1
`MOTION: To approve submission of 98/279r1 to SEC for forwarding to MMAC Japan, moved by Naftali
`Chayat, Second not needed because its coming from TGa as approved.
`No discussion on the motion.
`Motion on the floor for vote.
`Motion passes: 56/0/2
`MOTION: To nominate a three person team to work with a similar team from ETSI, moved by Naftali
`Chayat, Second not needed because its coming from TGa as approved.
`No discussion on the motion.
`Motion on the floor for vote.
`Motion passes: 61/0/0
`MOTION: To appoint Naftali Chayat, Reza Ahy, Masahiro Morikura as the 802.11 team for cooperation
`with ETSI BRAN, Moved by Naftali Chayat, Second not needed because its coming from TGa as approved.
`Some discussion on the motion.
`Friendly amendment of the motion modified by Dean Kawaguchi.
`MOTION: To appoint Naftail Chayat , Reza Ahy, Masahiro Morikura as the 802.1 Team for exploring
`cooperation with ETSI Bran, Moved by Naftali Chayat, Second not needed because its coming from TGa as
`Some discussion on the amended motion. The intent is to see what can be the common parameters/report back
`to 802.11.
`Friendly amendment as suggested by Sarosh Vesuna.
`MOTION: To appoint Naftali Chayat , Reza Ahy, Mas Morikura as the 802.11 team for exploring
`cooperation with ETSI Bran and report their advice to the September meeting for further scoping. Moved by
`Naftali Chayat, Second not needed because its coming from the TGa.
`No further discussion on the motion.
`Motion on the floor for vote.
`Motion passes: 57/0/1
`MOTION: To approve the nomination of Hitoshi Takanashi as the editor of the 802.11a, Moved by Naftali
`Chayat, Second not needed because its coming from TGa as approved.
`No discussion on the motion.
`A verbal vote on the floor as requested by Vic Hayes, 802.11 Chair.
`Motion passes
`This concludes the TGa review by Naftali Chayat.
`Tentative Minutes Full WG, July98
`page 10
`Al Petrick, Harris
`September 1998
`doc.: IEEE 802.11-98/284
`Ravi Nalamati
`Colin Nayler
`Richard Nee
`Bob O'Hara
`Tomoki Ohsawa
`Richard Paine
`Al Petrick
`Bob Pham
`Victoria Poncini
`Greg Rawlins
`Stan Reible
`Frits Riep
`William Roberts voter
`Kent Rollins
`Oren Rosenfeld
`Clemens Ruppel
`Chan Rypinski
`Anil Sanwalka
`Roy Sebring
`T.J. Shan
`Mike Shiba
`Tom Siep
`Don Sloan
`Doug Smith
`David Smith
`Gary Spiess
`Al Petrick, Harris
`Tim Godfrey
`Jan Haagh
`Karl Hannestad
`Chris Heegard
`Bob Heile
`Mas Hirayama
`Duane Hurne
`Masayuki Ikeda
`Richard Jai
`Don Johnson
`Ad Kamerman
`Nobuo Karaki
`Stuart Kerry
`Pat Kinney
`James Li
`Iasao Masaki
`Jim McDonald
`Gene Miller
`Akira Miura
`Henri Moelard
`Mas Mori
`Mas Morikura
`Tets Morita
`Reza Ahy
`Carl Andren
`Kamran Aquil
`Dave Bagby
`Jim Baker
`Phil Belanger
`John Biddick
`Simon Black
`Jan Boer
`Wesley Brodsky
`John Cafarella
`Dean Chang
`Naftali Chayat
`Ken Clements
`Darrol Draper
`Peter Ecclesine
`Darwin Engwer
`Greg Ennis
`John Fakatselis
`Jeff Fischer
`George Fishel
`David Fisher
`John Fisher
`Ian Gifford
`Motohiro Gochi
`Tentative Minutes Full WG, July98
`page 11
`15.2 TGb report, given by John Fakatselis TGb chair.
`John Cafarella requested a roll call vote.
`MOTION: To accept the Harris/Lucent CCK proposal as the base for the 2.4GHz higher rate PHY extension
`in 802.11. Moved by John Fakatselis, Second not needed because its coming from the TGb as approved.
`Some discussion on the motion. The motion requires 75% for approval as clarified by Vic Hayes, chair.
`No further discussion on the motion:
`Start of the roll call vote. Role call was recorded by Vic Hayes and each eligible voting member was called
`upon for vote by John Fakatselis.
`Votes where tallied and percentages calculated.
`Motion passes; 48/13/2 this represents 79.69 %
`Wayne Moyers
`Ken Naganuma
`doc.: IEEE 802.11-98/284
`Chris Zegelin
`Johnny Zweig
`Jim Zyren
`Vic Hayes
`Bruce Tuch
`Sarosh Vesuna
`Ikuo Wakayama voter
`Mark Webster
`Nien Wei
`Leo Wilz
`Harry Worstell
`September 1998
`Satoru Toguchi
`Cherry Tom
`Legend: vote: y = approve, n = disapprove, a = abstain
`15.3 TGrev update by Bob O’Hara:
`TGrev motion forwarded to plenary from TGrev by Bob O’Hara.
`MOTION: On behalf of TG rev, Move that document 802.11 revD6.2 be forwarded to the sponsor for a 10
`day, default reconfirmation ballot and on successful completion, submit the draft standard to RevCom.
`Moved by Bob O’Hara, Second not needed because its coming from TGrev as approved.
`No discussion on the motion.
`Motion on the floor for vote.
`Motion passes: 59/0/1
`15.4 WPAN update given by Ian Gifford see document 98/256-r1.
`MOTION: Move to extend the timeframe of the Wireless PAN Study Group under 802.11 with the charter of
`drafting a WPAN PAR for presentation at the next plenary of 802. Moved by Ian Gifford, Second not needed
`because its coming from WPAN as approved.
`Some discussion on clarification of the motion.
`No further discussion on the motion.
`Motion on the floor for vote.
`Motion passes: 42/5/7
`MOTION: Move that the WPAN SG will conduct all its meeting as part of 802.11 meetings. Moved by Naftali
`Chayat, Seconded by John Cafarella.
`Called for the orders of the day by Bob O’Hara.
`Motion postponed to discussion under 17.0 New Business
`NO further discussion
`16. Unfinished Business
`16.2 Next meeting
`16.3 Other interim meeting required
`September meeting update by Keith Amundsen. Keith covered logistics and general meeting
`17.0 New Business
`Review the motion raised by Naftali Chayat.
`MOTION: Move that the WPAN SG will conduct all its meeting as part of 802.11 meetings. Moved by Naftali
`Chayat, Seconded by John Cafarella.
`Tentative Minutes Full WG, July98
`page 12
`Al Petrick, Harris
`doc.: IEEE 802.11-98/284
`September 1998
`Some discussion on the motion.
`Some discussion against the motion. WPAN study group wants to make progress. If the group feels
`additional meeting time is needed to meet their milestone objectives, then the 802.11 body should not impose
`such restrictions on meeting schedules and frequency of group meetings.
`No further discussion
`Motion on the floor for vote.
`Motion fails 8/32/11
` Meeting adjourned declared by Vic Hayes, 802.11 plenary session closed for the week.
`Tentative Future meeting schedule
`Sept 14-18 - Westford, MA, tentative, Interim (Raytheon)
`November 9-13 - Hyatt Regency, Albuquerque, NM, Plenary
`Jan TBD - Orlando area, FL, Interim (Harris)
`March 8-12 - Hyatt Regency, Town Lake, Austin, TX, Plenary
`May TBD - Japan?, Interim (Clarion)
`July 5-9 - Queen Elizabeth, Montreal, PQ
`Sept TBD - Israel?, Interim (BreezeCom)
`November 8-12 - Hyatt Regency Kauai, Koloa, HI
`Tentative Minutes Full WG, July98
`page 13
`Al Petrick, Harris
`September 1998
`doc.: IEEE 802.11-98/284
` Attendance list
`att. % memstatus company
` Full name
` Mr. Jeff Abramowitz
`95 voter
`3Com Corporation
` Dr. Reza Ahy
`95 voter
` Mr. Richard Allen
`30 nonvoter Apple Computer Inc.
` Mr. Keith B. Amundsen
`30 voter
`Raytheon Company
` Mr. Geoffrey T.
`40 nonvoter Sony Electronics Inc.
` Anderson
` Mr. Carl F. Andren
`100 voter
`HARRIS Corporation
` Mr. David Bagby
`95 voter
`3Com Corporation
` Mr. James R. Baker
`100 voter
`Bay Networks Inc.
` Mr. Kevin M. Barry
`100 nonvoter SITA
` Mr. Phil Belanger
`100 voter
`Aironet Wireless
`Communications Inc.
` Mr. Simon Black
`100 voter
`Intalk Ltd.
` Mr. Timothy J. Blaney