`Doc: IEEE P802.11-96/82
`Tentative Minutes of the IEEE P802.11 Working Group
`Plenary meeting
`University of Twente, Enschede, Netherlands
`July 8-12, 1996
`Monday, July 8th, 1996, 4:35 PM
`The meeting was called to order at 4:35 PM Vic Hayes, chairman IEEE P802.111), in the chair. Bob
`O’Hara taking notes while the chair keeping motions on the PPT file used on the screen. Stuart
`Kerry managing document originals and copying and Jon Rosdahl managing distribution and pigeon
`hole organization. Chris Zegelin handling the attendance list. The agenda document for this meeting
`is 802.11-96/100.
`Objectives for this meeting, all groups
`• Process D4 letter ballot result
`• Conformance testing
`Japanese call sign
`• Reply comments on NPRM 96-8
`1. Opening
`Agenda available in pigeonholes
`1.0 Secretary: Chair taking notes on PPT files and Bob O’Hara making notes.
`1.1 Roll Call: People in the room were invited to introduce themselves.
`1)T The officers of the Working Group are:
`Chairman IEEE P802.11
`Lucent Technologies
`Phone: +31 30 609 7528
`Fax: +31 30 609 7498
`E-Mail: v.hayes@ieee.org
`Ms. Carolyn Heide
`Secretary IEEE P802.11
`Phone: +1 847 945 6859
`E-Mail: 71041.3262@compuserve.com
`Vice Chairman IEEE P802.11
`Symbol Technologies Inc.
`Phone: +1 408 369 2634
`Fax: +1 408 446 4630
`E-Mail: stuart@psd.symbol.com
`Chair IEEE P802.11-MAC group
`Advanced Micro Devices
`Phone: +1 408 987 2423
`Fax: +1 408 987 2800
`E-Mail: david.bagby@amd.com
`Vice Chairman IEEE P802.11
`Symbol Technologies Inc.
`Phone: +1 408 369 2667
`Fax: +1 408 369 2740
`E-Mail: chrisz@psd.symbol.com
`Chair IEEE P802.11-PHY group
`Symbol Technologies Inc.
`Phone: +1 408 369 2629
`Fax: +1 408 369 2740
`E-Mail: deank@psd.symbol.com
`Editor IEEE P802.11
`Advanced Micro Devices
`Phone: +1 408 987 2421
`Fax: +1 408 987 2814
`E-Mail: bob.ohara@amd.com
`Editor IEEE P802.11
`Phone: +1 408 356 4775
`Fax: +1 408 358 8991
`E-Mail: gennis@netcom.com
`Tentative Minutes of full WG meeting
`page 1
`Waltham, MA, 6-9 May, 1996
`May 1996
`1.2 Voting rights:
`Doc: IEEE P802.11-96/82
`Participation in debates, moving and seconding is only permitted by voting members, in all
`802.11 meetings (at all levels). The subgroup chairs may permit observers to participate in
`Voting at the working group level is by voting members only. Chair may permit observers
`to participate in debate. To become a voting member:
` - participate in at least 2 out of 4 consecutive plenary meetings. Voting rights start at
`third meeting
` - participation in at least 75% in meetings, in the room
` - one interim may be exchanged for a plenary
` - Voting members will get a token to be used at votes
`Voting rights can be maintained:
` - by participation in 2 plenary meetings within 4 consecutive plenary meetings
` - one interim may be substituted for a plenary
`Voting rights may be lost:
` - after failing to pay the conference fee
` - after missing two out of three consecutive letter ballots
`Current state of member status:
`69 - Voting members
`12 - Aspiring voting members
`25 - Nearly voting members
`1.3 Attendance list, Registration: The attendance list was distributed - 75% attendance
`according to the attendance list is required to qualify for attending the meeting as a whole,
`so make sure to sign the book. Copies of the attendance list are handed out before the end
`of each meeting.
`- important for administration of voting rights that the attendance book is used
`- sign per meeting (morning, afternoon, evening). Do not sign ahead.
`- place initials. Do not cross or underline.
`- circle the letter corresponding to the meeting you attend when signing (F=full
`802.11, P=PHY, M=MAC group).
`Check e-mail addresses in the book:
` - some addresses have been struck, or have a $-sign added to the right - those received
`complaints from the reflector
` - please strike your e-mail address if you do not use it
` - if you do not disagree to receiving very long files, mark bulk e-mail with yes
`1.4 Logistics: Document distribution is done using pigeon holes - you will find your copies and
`messages in the referenced location in the expanding file folders in the slot in front of
`your name.
`Document distribution:
` - sign in for a slot, remember the letter and number
` - pigeon holes are file folders with a letter id on each folder and a number on each slot
` - in each folder are numbered slots, each of which is 'owned' by a person
` - each person owns slot in front of number
`Conference fee to be paid through registration office.
`Coffee breaks at 10 AM and 3 PM. Noon to 1:00 PM lunch
`Tentative Minutes of full WG meeting
`page 2
`Waltham, MA, 6-9 May, 1996
`May 1996
`1.5 Other announcements
`Doc: IEEE P802.11-96/82
`1.5.1 General information available on diskette, see Jon
`1.5.2 IAPP meeting tonight 8-10 PM
`1.5.3 Request for information on patented material and for a license
`1.5.4 General information from meeting organization
`1.5.1 Two diskettes with general information of 802.11 and the available files since last
`meeting are availablefor copying, Jon Rosdahl keeping the diskettes.
`1.5.2 An Inter Access point Protocol presentation will be held tonight from 20:00 - 22:00 PM
`on invitation of some companies.
`1.5.3 The chair asked for information on patented material known to members and a related
`license conforming the rules of IEEE if possible.
`1.5.4 The chair gave some general information items regarding the meeting place and the
`2. Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting
`2.1 La Jolla meeting 11-96/53
`Motion #1:
`To approve the minutes of the La Jolla meeting
`Moved by:
`Seconded by:
`Motion Discussion: none
`Michael Fischer
`Wim Diepstarten
`Vote: 21-0-0
`2.2 Waltham meeting 11-96/82
`Motion #1 passes
`Motion #2:
`To approve the minutes of the Waltham meeting
`Moved by:
`Seconded by:
`Motion Discussion: none
`Michael Fischer
`Wim Diepstarten
`Vote: 17-0-3
`Motion #2 passes
`2.3 Matters arising from the minutes: none
`2.4 Financial Report Waltham:
`WALTHAM Interim 802.11 May 6-9 1996 Expenses
`Organized by Raytheon
`Tentative Minutes of full WG meeting
`page 3
`Waltham, MA, 6-9 May, 1996
`May 1996
`Food & Drink
`Audio & Visual
`Doc: IEEE P802.11-96/82
`49 Attendees @ $100.00 paid each
`Carry foward excess from last interim
`Raytheon Subsidy
`Motion #3:
`To approve the financial report of the Waltham meeting
`Moved by:
`Seconded by:
`Motion Discussion: none
`Jon Rosdahl
`Chris Zegelin
`Vote: Voice vote without dissent
`Motion #3 passes
`3. Reports
`3.1 The Executive Committee, by Vic Hayes
`Document 90/105, proposed ISO liaison statement containing comparison between 802.11 and
`HIPERLAN standard presented and found to be a good starting point. Left for comments from
`In addition to the neutral comparison, 802.11 was requested to prepare a contribution to ISO from the
`USA member body to propose 802.11 as the only International standard for wireless LANs.
`Jim Carlo is the new Chairperson for IEEE 802, LMSC.
`Appointments of non-WG officers
`Vice-chair Paul Nicolich
`Executive Secretary Buzz Rigsbee
`Recording secretary Kelly McClellan
`Treasurer Kirk Preiss
`Other interested for Vice-chair possible till Tuesday 6 PM
`New publication: information report
`Many of the good tutorials given in 802 are worth to be published, a new way is being sought, for
`instance: applications of standards technology. 802.11 showed no objection to pass this to an ad-hoc
`of 802.
`Tentative Minutes of full WG meeting
`page 4
`Waltham, MA, 6-9 May, 1996
`May 1996
`Doc: IEEE P802.11-96/82
`Looking for response to the meeing place being remote from guestroom accommodations.
`3.2 The Editors:
`Future versions of the draft will be distributed in both WfW V6 and PDF format
`3.3 The letter ballot on draft D4.0 results 11/106
`Concern was expressed regarding Eran Shpak’s voting status and Tom T’s late No vote. (Note from
`the chair: at the My meeting the chair had ruled that votes from Nearly voting members would be
`counted and be valid)
`Motion #4:
`To disallow late letter ballots from Tom T and Ron Mahany
`Moved by:
`Seconded by:
`Motion Discussion: none
`Bob O’hara
`Stuart Kerry
`Vote: 19-0-3
`Motion #5:
`Motion #4 passes
`To disallow the ballot by John Biddick as not meeting the minimum
`requirements for a "NO" vote
`Moved by:
`Seconded by:
`Motion Discussion: none
`Bob O’hara
`Michael Fischer
`Vote: 15-2-5
`Motion #5 passes
`4. Review of contributions: Several new contributions. Not listed here.
`5. Adoption of agenda: The agenda was modified to contain destiny of draft and destiny of Regulatory
`Commision as Unfinished business and Press Release, Iso contribution and Supernet as new business. This
`was adopted by unanimous consent.
`6. Unfinished Business:
`6.1 Destiny of the draft standard
`The following options were listed:
`send draft 4.0, as is
`send draft 4.0+ with only editorial changes
`send draft 4.1, that addresses only comments on NO votes
`send draft 4.1+ that addresses NO comments and time-limited other comments
`send draft 4.1++ that addresses all comments
`Motion #6:
`to work toward sending the draft out for sponsor ballot without
`requiring a confirmation ballot
`Moved by:
`Seconded by:
`Chris Zegelin
`Jon Rosdahl
`Tentative Minutes of full WG meeting
`page 5
`Waltham, MA, 6-9 May, 1996
`May 1996
`Doc: IEEE P802.11-96/82
`Motion Discussion: none
`Vote: 5-16-1
`Motion #7:
`Motion #6 fails
`to process as many comments as possible, so that text is ready at the
`end of the week to conduct a confirmation ballot, to present any
`contentious issues to the full working group prior to incorporating
`changes, and to flag all technical changes that would require a
`confirmation ballot.
`Moved by:
`Seconded by:
`Motion Discussion: none
`Keith Amundsen
`Dean Kawaguchi
`Vote: 19-1-2
`6.2 Destiny of Regulatory Committee
`Motion #7 passes
`Motion #8:
`to adjourn for subgroups.
`Moved by:
`Seconded by:
`Motion Discussion: none
`Dean Kawaguchi
`Nathan Silberman
`Vote: voice vote without dissent
`Motion #8 passes
`8. Adjourn to subgroups: 12:00 Noon
`Monday PM, 6 May, 1996
`MAC & PHY subgroups
`Tuesday AM & PM, 7 May, 1996
`MAC & PHY subgroups
`Wednesday AM, 8 May, 1996
`MAC & PHY subgroups
`Tentative Minutes of full WG meeting
`page 6
`Waltham, MA, 6-9 May, 1996
`May 1996
`Doc: IEEE P802.11-96/82
`Wednesday PM, 9 May, 1996
`Full Working Group
`The meeting was reconvened at 1:15 PM, by chairman Vic Hayes, Chris Zegelin secretary.
`9. Opening
`9.1 Roll Call: People in the room were invited to introduce themselves.
`9.2 Document list update:
`interim result files are on diskette, make sure that headers and footers are correct on submissions. Diskette
`with 802.11 general information is available.
`9.3 Agenda adjustments: for this afternoon
`proposal from the chair to include business from Monday, destiny of Regulatory Commision as
`Unfinished business and Press Release, Iso contribution and Supernet as new business, right after
`the opening agenda items. Request for moving cross-group issues up before the Monday business.
`This was approved.
`9.4 Announcements:
`9.4.1 Comments on meeting place. Some new findings were aded to the list
`9.4.2 Compuserve number given ealrier was wrong. Please do not use.
`9.4.3 Who does not have abadge by now? Nobody.
`9.4.4 Logisitics of output material. Submisisons and reports of meeting are collected by Stuart.
`Resolutions of comments will be named revision 1 of the comments set of files, collected by
`Updated text for the standard: without headers and footers, without document numbers! Will be collected
`by Stuart. Convergence to single file will be handled by: clauses 1-4: Bob O’Hara, Clauses 5-6:
`Chris Zegelin, clause7 and 9: Simon, clause 8, 10 and 11: Michael Fischer, Clause 12, 13, 15 and
`16: Mike Trompower, Clause 14: Dean kawaguchi.
`Convergence to single resolutions files will be handled by: part 2: Bob O’Hara, part 3: Simon Black, part
`4:Michael Fischer, part 5: Dean Kawaguchi, Part 6:Michael Fischer and all annexes: Bob O’Hara.
`Howard Hall will formulate a position regarding the continued existence of clauses 11, 13 and annex D as
`they overlap.
`9.4.5 A long discussion ensued regarding the numbering of drafts ending into the conclusion that we
`would stick to motion #7.
`10. Cross group Issues
`Motion #9:
`to decline comment #111 of doc.:106 part 3, in clause 9 with: "While
`in principle this is an improvement, in the interests of minimizing
`changes and maximizing the chances of a successful confirmation
`Tentative Minutes of full WG meeting
`page 7
`Waltham, MA, 6-9 May, 1996
`May 1996
`Doc: IEEE P802.11-96/82
`Moved by:
`Seconded by:
`Motion Discussion: none
`Wim Diepstraten
`Chris Zegelin
`Vote: 10-6-5
`Motion #10:
`Motion #9 failss
`to accept comment #111 of doc.: 106 part 5 in clause 9 with: Replace
`the word "static" with "fixed" when referring to CWmin in 9.2.4;
`define aCWmin and aCWmax in each PHY MIB, aCWmin: FH=15,
`DS=31, IR=63; aCWmax: FH=DS=IR=1023; make new PHY MIB
`objects Get-only to reflect the fact that they have been moved from
`the MAC (where they needed to be set by the AC according to the
`PHY type) to the PHY (where they are fixed).
`Simon Black
`Moved by:
`Michael Fischer
`Seconded by:
`Motion Discussion: a long discussion ensued until Bob called for the question, second by Dean.
`Qustion called with 13-1-10
`Motion #10 passes
`Vote: 13-1-10
`Comment #132 from doc.: 106 part 3 will be resolved from the PHY perspective.
`Regarding comment 14 of doc.: 106 part 5:
`Motion #11:
`that the MAC group generate a PHY_CCARST.request when the
`NAV becomes zero, as previously contained in the MAC state
`Moved by:
`second by:
`Motion Discussion: none
`Dean Kawaguchi
`Michael Fischer
`Vote: 20-0-0
`Regarding comment 16 of doc.: 106 part 5:
`Motion #11 passes
`Motion #12:
`that the second paragraph in clause with: If any error was
`detected during the reception of the PLCP_PDU, the PLCP may send
`a PHY_RXEND.indicate(RXERROR) and terminate the receive
`procedure before the last bit arrives.
`Moved by:
`second by:
`Motion Discussion: none
`Dean Kawaguchi
`Simon Black
`Vote: by voice vote without dissent
`Regarding comment 25 of doc.: 106 part 5:
`Motion #12 passes
`Motion #13:
`to accept resolution of Simon's comment such that: delete tolerance
`from clauses 14.8.2 and and change clause A.4.5 line
`14.65 column 1: "Is the PHY MIB aSIFSTime attribute 28us and is
`the PHY capable of meeting this performance within the +/-5 us
`tolerance specified in clause"
`Tentative Minutes of full WG meeting
`page 8
`Waltham, MA, 6-9 May, 1996
`May 1996
`Doc: IEEE P802.11-96/82
`Moved by:
`second by:
`Motion Discussion: none
`Dean Kawaguchi
`Naftali Chayat
`Vote: by voice vote without dissent
`PICS Proforma
`Motion #13 passes
`Motion #14:
`that all material in the PICS follow the same format as given in the
`Moved by:
`second by:
`Motion Discussion: none
`Bob O’Hara
`Chris Zegelin
`Vote: 19-0-1
`6.2 Destiny of Regulatory Committee
`Motion #14 passes
`At the May meeting a recommendation, moved by Dave Bagby and seconded by Johnny Zweig: “to
`disband the regulatory committee as soon as it finishes the processing of the business of the previous
`motion” passed with 7-2-5.
`Motion #15:
`that the recommendation of the May interim meeting to disband the
`Regulatory subcommittee be accepted
`Moved by:
`second by:
`Motion Discussion: none
`Dean kawaguchi
`Stuart Kerry
`Motion #15 passes
`Vote: 8-6-7
`Naftali volunteered to come up with a proposal for new rules.
`7. New Business:
`7.1 Press release
`Motion #16:
`to approve the issuance of a press release, the text of which is in
`Moved by:
`second by:
`Motion Discussion: none
`Bob O’Hara
`Stuart Kerry
`Vote: 17-0-3
`7.2 Liaison statement to ISO
`Motion #16 passes
`Motion #17:
`to approve documents 96/105 and 96/119 to be forwarded to ExCom
`for submission to ISO.
`Moved by:
`second by:
`Motion Discussion: none
`Bob O’Hara
`Michael Fischer
`Tentative Minutes of full WG meeting
`page 9
`Waltham, MA, 6-9 May, 1996
`May 1996
`Doc: IEEE P802.11-96/82
`Motion #18, to amend
`to include bracketed terms as definitions of 802.11 terminology
`Moved by:
`second by:
`Motion Discussion: none
`Wim Diepstarten
`Chris Zegelin
`Vote: unanimous consent
`Motion #18 to amend # 17 passes
`Vote: 16-0-1
`7.3 Supernet Postponed till Thursday.
`11. PHY resolutions: Not yet available
`Motion #17 as amended by # 18 passes
`12. MAC resolutions:
`Motion #13:
`to accept resolution of Simon's comment such that: delete tolerance
`from clauses 14.8.2 and and change clause A.4.5 line
`14.65 column 1: "Is the PHY MIB aSIFSTime attribute 28us and is
`the PHY capable of meeting this performance within the +/-5 us
`tolerance specified in clause"
`Moved by:
`second by:
`Motion Discussion: none
`Dean Kawaguchi
`Naftali Chayat
`Vote: by voice vote without dissent
`Motion #13 passes
`13. Conformance Testing:
`Nothing on conformance testing.
`14. Evening meeting @ 8 in main room
`15. Adjourn: 5:40 PM
`Thursday AM, 9 May, 1996
`MAC & PHY subgroups
`Thursday PM, 9 May, 1996
`Full Working Group
`The meeting was reconvened at 1:20 PM, by chairman Vic Hayes, Chris Zegelin secretary.
`Tentative Minutes of full WG meeting page 10
`Waltham, MA, 6-9 May, 1996
`May 1996
`15. Opening
`15.1 Announcements
`Doc: IEEE P802.11-96/82
`15.1.1 Vic showed the Holland power connector, asked for power strips. Also need phone
`15.1.2 Mystery payments, need to resolve payments.
`15.1.3 Doc 96/96 Proposed names.... S/B 96/97
`15.2 Document list update: updated the list.
`15.3 Agenda adjustments: none
`16. Reports
`16.1 MAC Group, by Dave Bagby
`We had one goal - Process rest of D3 LB comments and forward D4 for sponsor ballot.
`We made it. (all but one)
`The MAC report is paper 96/93. .
`Clause 1 Status
`• Completed - in Plenary Mar/96
`Clause 2 Status
`• Completed - in Plenary Mar/96
`Clause 3 Status
`• Completed - in Plenary Mar/96
`Clause 4 Status
`• Completed - in Plenary Mar/96
`Clause 5 Status
`• Completed - in Plenary Mar/96
`Clause 6 Status
`• Completed - in Plenary Mar/96
`Clause 7 Status
`• Most comments Adopted in Mar/96 Plenary
`• Rest handled this week.
`• Details to follow in report.
`C7: C#101:
`Tentative Minutes of full WG meeting page 11
`Waltham, MA, 6-9 May, 1996
`May 1996
`Doc: IEEE P802.11-96/82
`• needed work to supply missing Challenge text element.
`Done - only a reference correction needed so correction was editorial not technical -
`author agrees - comment closed with author consent.
`Clause 8 Status
`• Completed - in Plenary Mar/96
`Clause 9 Status
`• Most comments adopted Mar/96 plenary
`• 30-40 comments processed this week.
`• Details to follow in report.
`C9-C# 102, 103
`• PS poll etc
` decline 102, 103 withdrawn, text added to clarify actions
`Motion #14:
`• The MAC group, 2nd Wim
`Plenary Vote: 19, 0, 3 Motion #14: passes
`C9-C# 108
`accept - only send CTS if nav clear
`Motion #15:
`• The MAC group, 2nd Johnny
`Plenary Vote: 20, 0, 3
`Motion #15: passes
`C9-C# 112
`back off after xmit, rec=accept
`Motion #16:
`• The MAC group, 2nd Michael
`Plenary Vote: 19, 0, 2
`Motion #16: passes
`C9-C# 122
`collapse 2 overlapping sub section text re directed MPDU
`Motion #17:
`• The MAC group, 2nd Michael
`Plenary Vote: 18, 0, 3
`Motion #17: passes
`C9-C# 136
`delete some text from 9.2.8 (explanatory)
`Motion #18:
`• The MAC group, 2nd Simon
`Plenary Vote: 18, 0, 1
`Motion #18: passes
`C9-C# 149
`Tentative Minutes of full WG meeting page 12
`Waltham, MA, 6-9 May, 1996
`May 1996
`Doc: IEEE P802.11-96/82
`contradiction fixed re CF ack vs null data frame
`Motion #19:
`• The MAC group, 2nd Michael
`Plenary Vote: 19, 0, 1
`Motion #19: passes
`C9-C# 150
`clarify sentence re PCF issuing of some fame types
`Motion #20:
`• The MAC group, 2nd Michael
`Plenary Vote: 19, 0, 0
`Motion #20: passes
`C9-C# 155
`adding word to re when use back-off detail
`Motion #21:
`• The MAC group, 2nd Johnny
`Plenary Vote: 16, 0, 0
`Motion #21: passes
`C9 - C#105
`• frame exchg sequences doc 96/76
`Motion #22:
`adopt 96/76 as amended by MF and discussion - revised paper
`provided by JZ to for edit into clause 9 text.
`• The MAC group, 2nd Johnny
`Plenary Vote: 18, 0, 0
`Motion #22: passes
`C9: C142
`re resetting NAV condition.
`Motion #23:
`• The MAC group, 2nd Michael
`Plenary Vote: 18, 0, 1
`Motion #23: passes
`C9, C#: 126, 137
`• clarifies PCF operation re getting on medium - requires sensing before.
`Motion #24:
`MIB change for DTIM default value. from 5 to 1.
`• The MAC group, 2nd Wim
`Plenary Vote: 19, 0, 1
`Motion #24: passes
`C9: c#: 133, 134, 135, 130, 113 Back off and Retry
`• clause
`Motion #25:
`error recov responsibility of initiating sta of fame sequence
`Docs error cases
`clarifies retry limits and counts
`• The MAC group, 2nd Johnny
`Tentative Minutes of full WG meeting page 13
`Waltham, MA, 6-9 May, 1996
`May 1996
`Doc: IEEE P802.11-96/82
`Plenary Vote: 19, 0, 1
`Motion #25: passes
`Clause 9: 139, 138
`• Time Out Stuff
`Motion #26:
`ACK and CTS subclauses added para to deal how time out is
`detected, distinguishes different cases.
`mostly wording improvement.
`• The MAC group, 2nd Johnny
`Plenary Vote: 20, 0, 1
`Motion #26: passes
`C9 - C#154 -
`• frags in order (not MSDUs in order)
`Motion #27:
`• The MAC group, 2nd Michael
`Plenary Vote: 20, 0, 1
`Motion #27: passes
`Clause 10 Status
`• Completed - in Mar/96 plenary.
`Clause 11 Status
`• Most handled in Mar 96 Plenary
`• remainder processed this week.
`• details to follow:
`Clause 11: C#43, 42
`Motion #28:
`re clarification of PSP - must get, vs can get data from AP
`reopened in Mar plenary - swapped 42/43 so that 42 is rec
`changes clause
`• The MAC group, 2nd Simon
`Plenary Vote: 19, 0, 0
`Motion #28: passes
`Clause 11 C#17:
`• re randomization of beacons at TBTT
`Motion #29:
`• The MAC group, 2nd Simon
`Plenary Vote: 19, 0, 0
`Motion #29: passes
`Cross Clause Subjects
`BC/MC reliability
`Tentative Minutes of full WG meeting page 14
`Waltham, MA, 6-9 May, 1996
`May 1996
`Doc: IEEE P802.11-96/82
`• Clause 9: C#21: multi-cast reliability from Jan (multiple comments)
` bcast reliability Clause 11 C# 14,44,59
`Motion #30:
`to adopt 96/15 and 96/16
`• The MAC group, 2nd Johnny
`Motion #30: fails
`Plenary Vote: 4, 7, 10
`• Comments still open - not closed.
`• Clause 7: C#72,74
`• Clause 9: C#9
`• Clause 11: c#67,91,92,100,102
`• General c#124
`Motion #31:
`Move to accept 96/79R1 + change to encoding of supported rates,
`and incorporate into draft, and close related LB comments
`Amended to be as above “except for the portion of 96/79R1 which
`pertains to clause 14 and 15.
`• The MAC group, 2nd Johnny
`Plenary Actions:
`Plenary vote on amended motion: 16, 0, 1 Motion #31: passes
`General and Annex Comments
`• most handled in Mar 96 Plenary
`• Remainder processed this week
`• Details to follow
`general C#1:
`• explicit that CF frames not used outside Cf period
`Motion #32:
`accepted D3.1 statement added to
`• The MAC group, 2nd Tom
`Plenary Vote: 11, 0, 2
`Motion #32: passes
`general C#121 -
`• unable to process - refers to previous letter ballot comment with out any specific
`• fails comment instructions.
`Motion #33:
`closed - we looked, no action requested -
`• The MAC group, 2nd Johnny
`Plenary Vote: unan
`Motion #33: passes
`general C#122 -
`• minimally conforment network statement per PAR requested.
`• rec add def to clause 3 and ref in PICs.
`Motion #34:
`to add in clause 3 (defs) the following:
`Tentative Minutes of full WG meeting page 15
`Waltham, MA, 6-9 May, 1996
`May 1996
`Doc: IEEE P802.11-96/82
`A minimally conforment IEEE P802.11 network is one in which
`there are at least two Stations in a single BSA which are
`conforment with P802.11.
`• The MAC group, 2nd Tom
`Plenary Vote: 15, 0, 1
`Motion #34: passes
`general C#123 -
`• connection, connectionless, voice service (VH) no action requested in comment
`Motion #35:
`accepted without action and closed.
`• Action requested (none) accepted
`• The MAC group, 2nd Michael
`Plenary Vote: 12, 0, 4
`Motion #35: passes
`General: Editorial comments
`• 107 thru 111, 114, 115, 120, 125, 126, 128 editorial
`• Editors will process for D4.0
`General: Notation
`General C#127 k vs. K - Fixed in D3.1 -
`Motion #36:
`• The MAC group, 2nd Michael
`Plenary Vote: 13, 0, 2
`Motion #36: passes
`General: Patents
`• general c#2: dissatisfaction with Patent due diligence / procedure following.
`Motion #37:
`refer to Vic to answer re procedure part and for contact to Apple.
`Plenary motion: to close w/o taking action (mover says intent is to not take action writ to
`draft text) on basis that comment is not technical in nature.
`• Bob, 2nd Keith
`plenary vote: 15, 1, 1
`Motion #37: passes
`MAC Work note:
`From here on in report the comment tables (rev 7) have not yet been updated at time of
`report to reflect thurs morn actions - this needs to result in rev 8 of tables for mailing.
`Annex: State machine
`• general c#113 - state machines
`Motion #38:
`to close with “we have a volunteer to update the annex” - comment
`author accepts resolution.
`• The MAC group, 2nd Chris
`Plenary Vote: 15, 1, 1
`Motion #38: passes
`Tentative Minutes of full WG meeting page 16
`Waltham, MA, 6-9 May, 1996
`May 1996
`Doc: IEEE P802.11-96/82
`State machines update 96/2
`Motion #39:
`that we adopt what MF has today for informative annex update
`and completed updates to be made avail to editors before D4.0 is
`• The MAC group, 2nd Michael
`Plenary Vote: 12, 1, 3
`Motion #39: passes
`PICS Update
`• general c#s: 3 thru 9, 104, 105, 106, 112 - PICs issues.
`– 3, 4 are editorial.
`– recs:
`» 3 accepted, 4 ed - ed’s get, 5 fixed in text, 6 fixed in text
`» 7- done, 8 same as 7, 9 accepted. text rewritten.
`» 104 missing refs to clause 5 & 6 - accepted - text done
`» 105 accepted by mar 96 motion 8, 106 accept
`» 112 accept - text not drafted yet. needs sec 9.
`to accept recs for PICs comments, PICs text done so far, and
`remainder of PICs text will be given to editors in time for D4.0
`• The MAC group, 2nd Simon
`Motion #40:
`Plenary Vote: 13, 0, 1
`Motion #40: passes
`ASN doc for MIB
`• 96/89
`Motion #41:
`to accept 96/89 as ASN MIB code and insert into a normative
`annex, any discrepancy between ASN code and this week’s work is
`considered editorial and editors will make the new annex
`consistent, also a statement will be added to annex that Annex takes
`precedence over other clauses in case of conflict.
`• The MAC group, 2nd: Tom
`Plenary Vote: 10, 1, 3
`Motion #41: passes
`C7 C#34 TBTT and Next Dwell
`Motion #42:
`to decline comment on basis that comment is new functionality and
`does not have complete proposed text
`• The MAC group, 2nd: Johnny
`Plenary Vote: 11, 2, 3
`Motion #42: passes
`C7 # 35 when can change MIB?
`Motion #43:
`decline comment and close comment with “you may change any
`MIB attribute whenever the std allows it - the operational wisdom
`of such action should be considered before doing so.”
`• The MAC group, 2nd: Chris
`Tentative Minutes of full WG meeting page 17
`Waltham, MA, 6-9 May, 1996
`May 1996
`Doc: IEEE P802.11-96/82
`Plenary Vote: 15, 0, 2
`Motion #43: passes
`Multiple MSDUs 96/91R1
`Motion #44:
`to adopt text in 96/91R1 except for the 2nd to last paragraph of the
`submission beginning with the word ‘the station shall insure that
`there is no group-addressed…’
`• The MAC group, 2nd: Johnny
`Plenary Vote: 17, 1, 1
`Motion #44: passes
`SIFS tolerance
`• Clause 7: C#6
`Motion #45:
`that we insert into “an 802.11 implementation shall not
`cause SIFS to vary from the nominal value by more than +/- 10%
`of aSlotTime for the PHY in use.
`• The MAC group, 2nd: Michael
`Plenary Vote: 16, 0, 1
`Motion #45: passes
`96/90 MSDU order
`• 2 Service classes, one ordered strictly, the other not.
`96/92 MSDU order
`• maintain order at service interface instead of actual media order.
`Discussion (re)ordering...
`adopt 96/90.
`Motion #46:
`• The MAC group, 2nd: Michael
`• Plenary Vote: 12, 3, 4
`the last motion...
`Motion #47:
`that we incorporate the 2nd to last paragraph of 96/91r1 into draft
`4.0 with the addition of the words “of strictly ordered service class”
`after “outstanding MSDU or MMPDU”.
`• The MAC group, 2nd: Michael
`Plenary Vote: 13, 1, 2
`Motion #47: passes
`The chair ruled that discussion and vote on the frame re-ordering paper 96/90 was out of
`order because it was not consistent with the charter for the interim.
`Appeal #2: Michael,
`Vote 7/10/3 to support the chair
`Chair’s ruling overruled
`Goals for July 96
`Tentative Minutes of full WG meeting page 18
`Waltham, MA, 6-9 May, 1996
`May 1996
`Doc: IEEE P802.11-96/82
`Processing D4 LB comments.
`Break @3:05 for 15 minutes
`16.2 PHY Group
`16.2.1 FH PHY Report,
`Dean Kawaguchi gave the FH PHY report. Started with a recap of the motions that were passed
`The minutes for the PHY report contains all of the details about the report and this is not repeated
`Motion #48:
`Accept the following changes for multi-rate and CCA:
`1) the PLCP rate field was expanded to three bits to indicate rates
`from 1.0 to 4.5 Mbit/s in 0.5 Mbit/s steps,
`2) the text was modified to reflect changes in the CCA detection
`algorithm and the addition of the capability of holding CCA BUSY
`for the calculated duration of an unsupported rate,
`3) the text was modified in the receive procedure to pass the byte
`count and data rate of an unrecognized rate to the CCA
`moved by the PHY group, second by Johnny Zweig
`Motion #48 passes
`Plenary vote 15, 0, 3
`16.2.2 Full PHY Group Report,
`Japanese call sign
`- straw pole
`1. Leave as is
`2. Add call sign to every packet
`3. Delete all references to Japan in standard
`- vote 4,3,2
` - No action: the default is to leave it as is.
`16.2.3 DSSS Group Report by Jan Boer
`All issues were addressed yesterday
`16.3 Return to talk about MAC multirate work
`There was a motion on the floor that was postponed to this time.
`Motion #49 :
`to accept 96/79R1 + change to encoding of supported rates, and
`incorporate into draft, and close related LB comments accordingly.
`Replace the original motion to amend to state “except for the
`Motion #50 to amend #49:
`portions of 96/91R1 that pertain to clauses 14 and with the following
`Vote 16:0:0
`Motion #50 passes: Motion #49 amended
`Vote 16:0:1 (clapping)
`Motion #49 passes
`Tentative Minutes of full WG meeting page 19
`Waltham, MA, 6-9 May, 1996
`May 1996
`16.3 Press release
`Nothing available
`17. Unfinished Business
`Doc: IEEE P802.11-96/82
`Naftali mentioned that Dean would present his paper 96/98
`Motion to add period to address completion of letter ballot commen