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` U N I T E D S T A T E S P A T E N T A N D T R A D E M A R K O F F I C E
` ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
` B E F O R E T H E P A T E N T T R I A L A N D A P P E A L B O A R D
` ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
`I n t h e M a t t e r o f :
`C O N O P C O , I N C . , d / b / a U N I L E V E R ,
` P e t i t i o n e r ,
` v .
`T H E P R O C T E R A N D G A M B L E C O M P A N Y ,
` P a t e n t O w n e r .
`C a s e I P R 2 0 1 4 - 0 0 5 0 6 A N D C a s e I P R - 2 0 1 4 - 0 0 5 0 7
` ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
` T e l e p h o n i c h e a r i n g b e f o r e
` J u d g e G r a c e K a r a f f a O b e r m a n n
` J u d g e L o r a M . G r e e n
` J u d g e R a m a G . E l l u r u
` A u g u s t 1 9 , 2 0 1 4
` 1 0 : 3 1 a . m .
` T a k e n a t :
`1 0
`1 1
`1 2
`1 3
`1 4
`1 5
`1 6
`1 7
`1 8
`1 9
`2 0
` V e r i t e x t L e g a l S o l u t i o n s
`2 1
` 1 3 0 1 E a s t N i n t h S t r e e t , S u i t e 1 0 0
` C l e v e l a n d , O H 4 4 1 1 4
` C h r i s t i n e M . K r a u s e
`2 2
`2 3
`2 4
`2 5
`Veritext Legal Solutions Midwest


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`A P P E A R A N C E S :
` O n b e h a l f o f t h e P e t i t i o n e r :
` F O L E Y & L A R D N E R L L P , b y
` M I C H A E L R . H O U S T O N , E S Q .
` 3 2 1 N o r t h C l a r k S t r e e t
` S u i t e 2 8 0 0
` C h i c a g o , I L 6 0 6 5 4
` 3 1 2 - 8 3 2 - 4 5 8 3
` m h o u s t o n @ f o l e y . c o m
` O n b e h a l f o f t h e P a t e n t O w n e r :
` J o n e s D a y , b y
` D A V I D M . M A I O R A N A , E S Q .
` M I C H A E L S . W E I N S T E I N , E S Q .
` J O H N V . B I E R N A C K I , E S Q .
` N o r t h P o i n t
` 9 0 1 L a k e s i d e A v e n u e E a s t , S u i t e 2
` C l e v e l a n d , O H 4 4 1 1 4
` 2 1 6 - 5 8 6 - 3 9 3 9
` d m a i o r a n a @ j o n e s d a y . c o m
` m s w e i n s t e i n @ j o n e s d a y . c o m
` j v b i e r n a c k i @ j o n e s d a y . c o m
`A L S O P R E S E N T :
` E d w a r d S q u i l l a n t e , U n i l e v e r
` R o n a l d K o a t z , U n i l e v e r
` ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
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`Page 3
`APPEARANCES............................... 2
`INDEX OF EXHIBITS ........................ none
`REPORTER'S CERTIFICATE.................... 13
`2 3
`4 5
`6 7 8
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`Page 4
` THE COURT: Good morning. This is
`a conference call in IPR 2014-00506 and
` This is the Judge Obermann. I have
`Judge Green and Judge Elluru on the line with
`me. I will start with the roll call.
` May I hear who is on the line for
` MR. SQUILLANTE: This is Ed
`Squillante and Ron Koatz from Unilever.
` THE COURT: Thank you.
` MR. HOUSTON: And Michael Houston
`of Foley and Lardner, also on behalf of
` THE COURT: Thank you.
` Anyone else for Unilever?
` Okay. How about for patent owner?
` MR. MAIORANA: Good morning, your
`Honor, this is David Maiorana from Jones Day on
`behalf of Procter and Gamble and I am joined by
`John Biernacki and Michael Weinstein.
` THE COURT: Okay. Has either side
`retained a court reporter for this conference?
` I will start with petitioner.
` MR. HOUSTON: No, we have not, your
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`Page 5
` THE COURT: Patent owner?
` MR. MAIORANA: We did, your Honor,
`there should be one on the line, I hope.
` THE COURT: Okay.
` THE NOTARY: I am on the line.
` THE COURT: Thank you very much.
` I will ask counsel for patent owner
`to please file a copy of the transcript as an
`exhibit in due course.
` MR. MAIORANA: Yes, your Honor.
` THE COURT: Thank you.
` Okay. This conference call was
`requested by the patent owner and our
`understanding is that the patent owner seeks
`authorization to file written responses to the
`request for a hearing that petitioner filed in
`both cases.
` So because the patent owner
`requested the call, I will ask counsel for
`patent owner to please go first and explain the
`basis for the release that you request.
` MR. MAIORANA: Thank you, your
`Honor. Again, this is David Maiorana for
`patent owner.
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`Page 6
` The reason for the request to file
`responses, we understand that, you know,
`typically patent owners do not get a chance or
`the opposing party does not get an opportunity
`to file a response to a request for your
`hearing ordinarily, but it's our view that the
`petitioner here is asking for extraordinary
`relief. They are asking for an expanded panel
`to hear their request and -- which we don't
`believe is provided for in the rules and we
`would like an opportunity to explain why we
`think that is. And they also, we feel, made an
`improper communication to the chief judge by
`sending a copy of their petition directly to
`the chief judge.
` We feel like those factors provide
`a basis for the patent owner to provide a
`response to these requests for a hearing in
`this instance.
` THE COURT: Okay. I will ask you
`this, what I'm hearing is that you want to
`respond only to those two particular things or
`do you want to respond on the merits as well?
`And if so, why?
` MR. MAIORANA: Well, to be honest,
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`Page 7
`your Honor, the case for responding on the
`other issues is not as compelling. We think
`that the board can deal with those other
`aspects of the requests without hearing from
`us. We would be happy to address all of those
`if the board so requests us to, but our request
`for our opportunity to file an opposition would
`be related to this request in both petitions
`for an expanded panel that would include the
`chief judge to hear the request in the first
` THE COURT: Okay. And you would be
`able to address the -- whether it is warranted
`without reaching the merits of the request for
` MR. MAIORANA: Yes, your Honor.
` THE COURT: Okay. Anything else
`from counsel for patent owner?
` MR. MAIORANA: No. Thank you.
` THE COURT: Okay. In that case I
`will turn it over to counsel for petitioner.
` We understand that you oppose
`patent owner's request and I would like you to
`please explain the basis for your opposition.
` MR. HOUSTON: Sure, your Honor.
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`Page 8
` First of all, I will just mention
`that this is the first time that we have heard
`the specific issues on which patent owner had
`proposed to file an opposition. They simply
`asked us about our permission for filing
`opposition in general and our position was just
`that such oppositions don't seem to be provided
`for in the rules. And, therefore, we indicated
`that we didn't think that was appropriate.
` As to the specific issues that they
`raised, they don't seem to be covered by the
`rules specifically. And so, I suppose, I would
`defer to the board. If the board was inclined
`to hear the patent owner speak on those topics
`then we certainly, you know, would not take a
`position on that.
` THE COURT: Am I hearing you to
`withdraw any opposition to the filing of the
`paper that is limited to the two issues that
`were raised by patent owner's counsel?
` MR. HOUSTON: Well, your Honor, it
`certainly is our position that we don't think
`that those oppositions are provided for under
`the rules. But if the board is so inclined to
`hear those oppositions, we would defer to the
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`Page 9
`board's decision on the that topic.
` THE COURT: Okay. Okay. I'm going
`-- do you have anything else to add counsel for
` MR. HOUSTON: No, your Honor.
` THE COURT: Okay. Thank you. I'm
`just going to mute the line for a few minutes.
`Please stay on the line and then we will come
`back. The panel is going to mute you.
` (Short recess had.)
` THE COURT: This is Judge Obermann
`back on the line with Judges Green and Elluru.
` We have taken this under
`consideration. And the fact that petitioner
`has styled their papers as a request for a
`hearing by an expanded panel, including the
`chief administrative patent judge, combined
`with the fact that the paper was served upon
`the chief administrative patent judge, that
`alone tells us that there is something that
`patent owner, I'm sorry, the petitioner deems
`extraordinary about these requests to take them
`outside of the normal course of things.
` In view of that, we are going to
`provide patent owner with the opportunity to
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`Page 10
`file a five-page opposition to this -- limited
`to the two issues that were raised here,
`basically whether an expanded panel is
`warranted and whether it was improper to serve
`the chief judge and if so what release is
` That brief will be due in five
`business days, which will take us to, let me
`just check the calendar here, I apologize, one,
`two, three, four, next Tuesday, August 26th, we
`will make that paper due.
` I will start with counsel for
`patent owner, do you have anything else to add
`at this time?
` MR. MAIORANA: No, your Honor,
`thank you for your consideration.
` THE COURT: Sure.
` Anything from petitioner at this
` MR. HOUSTON: Yes, your Honor.
` I would just like to ask, to the
`extent that patent owner is going to suggest
`that we have an improper communication with the
`patent office, we would be afforded an
`opportunity to reply to such a suggestion.
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`Page 11
` THE COURT: We would be willing to
`give you three pages if you think that reply is
`necessary. And we would make that reply due on
`-- would August 29th be okay or do you need
`more time?
` MR. HOUSTON: Let me see. I want
`to make sure, is there an intervening weekend
` THE COURT: No, it would come in on
`a Tuesday and then we would ask for it on a
` MR. HOUSTON: That should be fine,
`your, Honor.
` THE COURT: Okay. In that case, we
`will permit a sir reply, I guess we would call
`it, on the 29th if necessary. And we will
`limit that to three pages.
` If you have any questions about how
`to calculate those page limits there is a rule
`that tells you what is included in the page
`limits, things like your signature block and,
`you know, cover sheet don't count.
` MR. HOUSTON: Sure.
` THE COURT: Are there any other
`issues that you would like to address since we
`Veritext Legal Solutions Midwest


`Page 12
`h a v e a l l c o u n s e l o n t h e p h o n e a t t h i s t i m e ?
` I ' l l s t a r t w i t h t h e c o u n s e l f o r
`p a t e n t o w n e r ?
` M R . M A I O R A N A : N o t h i n g f r o m t h e
`p a t e n t o w n e r . T h a n k y o u , y o u r H o n o r .
` T H E C O U R T : T h a n k y o u .
` A n y t h i n g f r o m p e t i t i o n e r ?
` M R . H O U S T O N : N o , y o u r H o n o r .
`T h a n k y o u .
` T H E C O U R T : O k a y . T h a n k y o u .
` I w o u l d j u s t , a g a i n , r e q u e s t t h a t
`p a t e n t o w n e r p l e a s e f i l e a c o p y o f t h e
`t r a n s c r i p t a s a n e x h i b i t i n d u e c o u r s e . A n d
`w i t h t h a t I w i l l c o n c l u d e t h e c o n f e r e n c e .
` T h a n k y o u , c o u n s e l .
` M R . M A I O R A N A : T h a n k y o u , y o u r
`H o n o r .
` M R . H O U S T O N : T h a n k y o u .
`( T e l e p h o n i c h e a r i n g c o n c l u d e d a t 1 0 : 4 1 a . m . )
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`Page 13
` I, Christine M. Krause, do hereby
`certify that as such Reporter I took down in
`Stenotypy all of the proceedings had in the
`foregoing transcript; that I have transcribed
`my said Stenotype notes into typewritten form
`as appears in the foregoing transcript; that
`said transcript is the complete form of the
`proceedings had in said cause and constitutes a
`true and correct transcript therein.
` ________________________________
` Christine M. Krause, Notary Public
` within and for the State of Ohio
`My commission expires January 19, 2019.
`2 3 4
`Veritext Legal Solutions Midwest


`I do further certify that I am not a
`relative, counsel or attorney for either party,
`or otherwise interested in the event of this
`I have hereunto
`set my hand and affixed my seal of office at
`Cleveland, Ohio, on this
`day of
` Christine M. Krause, Notary Public
`.within and for the State of Ohio
`My commission expires December 19, 2019.


`[& - gamble]
`& 2:3
`100 1:21
`10:31 1:19
`10:41 12:19
`13 3:8
`1301 1:21
`19 1:18 13:21
`2 2:16 3:3
`2014 1:18
`2014-00506 4:2
`2014-00507 1:11 4:3
`2019 13:21
`216-586-3939 2:18
`26th 10:10
`2800 2:6
`29th 11:4,16
`312-832-4583 2:8
`321 2:5
`44114 1:21 2:17
`60654 2:7
`901 2:16
`a.m. 1:19 12:19
`able 7:13
`add 9:3 10:13
`address 7:5,13
`administrative 9:17
`afforded 10:24
`apologize 10:9
`appeal 1:3
`appearances 2:1 3:3
`appears 13:9
`appropriate 8:9
`asked 8:5
`asking 6:7,8
`aspects 7:4
`august 1:18 10:10
`authorization 5:16
`avenue 2:16
`b 1:6
`back 9:9,12
`basically 10:3
`basis 5:22 6:17 7:24
`behalf 2:2,10 4:13
`believe 6:10
`biernacki 2:14 4:21
`block 11:21
`board 1:3 7:3,6 8:13
`board's 9:1
`brief 10:7
`business 10:8
`calculate 11:19
`calendar 10:9
`call 4:2,6 5:13,20
`case 1:11,11 7:1,20
`cases 5:18
`cause 13:11
`certainly 8:15,22
`certificate 3:8 13:1
`certify 13:5
`chance 6:3
`check 10:9
`chicago 2:7
`chief 6:13,15 7:10
`9:17,19 10:5
`christine 1:23 13:4
`clark 2:5
`cleveland 1:21 2:17
`combined 9:17
`come 9:8 11:9
`commission 13:21
`6:13 10:23
`company 1:9
`compelling 7:2
`complete 13:10
`conclude 12:14
`concluded 12:19
`conference 4:2,23
`5:13 12:14
`conopco 1:6
`consideration 9:14
`constitutes 13:11
`copy 5:9 6:14 12:12
`correct 13:12
`counsel 5:8,20 7:18
`7:21 8:20 9:3 10:12
`count 11:22
`course 5:10 9:23
`court 4:1,11,15,22
`4:23 5:2,5,7,12 6:20
`7:12,17,20 8:17 9:2
`9:6,11 10:17 11:1,9
`11:14,24 12:6,10
`cover 11:22
`covered 8:11
`custody 3:10
`d 1:6
`david 2:12 4:19 5:24
`day 2:11 4:19
`days 10:8
`deal 7:3
`decision 9:1
`deems 9:21
`defer 8:13,25
`Page 1
`directly 6:14
`dmaiorana 2:19
`due 5:10 10:7,11
`11:3 12:13
`east 1:21 2:16
`ed 4:9
`edward 2:23
`either 4:22
`elluru 1:17 4:5 9:12
`esq 2:4,12,13,14
`exhibit 3:10 5:10
`exhibits 3:5,11
`expanded 6:8 7:9
`9:16 10:3
`expires 13:21
`explain 5:21 6:11
`extent 10:22
`extraordinary 6:7
`fact 9:14,18
`factors 6:16
`feel 6:12,16
`file 5:9,16 6:1,5 7:7
`8:4 10:1 12:12
`filed 5:17
`filing 8:5,18
`fine 11:12
`first 5:21 7:10 8:1,2
`five 10:1,7
`foley 2:3 4:13
` 2:9
`foregoing 13:7,9
`form 13:8,10
`four 10:10
`friday 11:11
`g 1:17
`gamble 1:9 4:20
`Veritext Legal Solutions Midwest


`[general - recess]
`general 8:6
`give 11:2
`go 5:21
`going 9:2,7,9,24
`good 4:1,18
`grace 1:15
`green 1:16 4:5 9:12
`guess 11:15
`happy 7:5
`hear 4:7 6:9 7:10
`heard 8:2
`hearing 1:14 5:17
`6:6,18,21 7:4 8:17
`9:16 12:19
`honest 6:25
`honor 4:19 5:1,3,11
`5:24 7:1,16,25 8:21
`9:5 10:15,20 11:13
`hope 5:4
`houston 2:4 4:12,12
`4:25 7:25 8:21 9:5
`10:20 11:6,12,23
`il 2:7
`improper 6:13 10:4
`inclined 8:13,24
`include 7:9
`included 11:20
`including 9:16
`index 3:1,5
`indicated 8:8
`instance 6:19
`intervening 11:7
`ipr 1:11 4:2
`ipr2014-00506 1:11
`issues 7:2 8:3,10,19
`10:2 11:25
`january 13:21
`john 2:14 4:21
`joined 4:20
`jones 2:11 4:19
` 2:19
`judge 1:15,16,17 4:4
`4:5,5 6:13,15 7:10
`9:11,17,19 10:5
`judges 9:12
`jvbiernacki 2:21
`karaffa 1:15
`know 6:2 8:15 11:22
`koatz 2:24 4:10
`krause 1:23 13:4,17
`lakeside 2:16
`lardner 2:3 4:13
`legal 1:20
`limit 11:17
`limited 8:19 10:1
`limits 11:19,21
`line 4:5,7 5:4,6 9:7,8
`llp 2:3
`lora 1:16
`m 1:16,23 2:12 13:4
`maiorana 2:12 4:18
`4:19 5:3,11,23,24
`6:25 7:16,19 10:15
`marked 3:11
`matter 1:5
`mention 8:1
`merits 6:23 7:14
`mhouston 2:9
`michael 2:4,13 4:12
`minutes 9:7
`morning 4:1,18
`msweinstein 2:20
`mute 9:7,9
`necessary 11:3,16
`need 11:4
`ninth 1:21
`normal 9:23
`north 2:5,15
`notary 5:6 13:17
`notes 13:8
`obermann 1:15 4:4
`office 1:1 10:24
`oh 1:21 2:17
`ohio 13:18
`okay 4:17,22 5:5,13
`6:20 7:12,17,20 9:2
`9:2,6 11:4,14 12:10
`opportunity 6:4,11
`7:7 9:25 10:25
`oppose 7:22
`opposing 6:4
`opposition 7:7,24
`8:4,6,18 10:1
`oppositions 8:7,23
`ordinarily 6:6
`outside 9:23
`owner 1:10 2:10
`4:17 5:2,8,14,15,19
`5:21,25 6:17 7:18
`8:3,14 9:21,25
`10:13,22 12:3,5,12
`owner's 7:23 8:20
`owners 6:3
`page 10:1 11:19,20
`pages 11:2,17
`panel 6:8 7:9 9:9,16
`Veritext Legal Solutions Midwest
`Page 2
`paper 8:19 9:18
`papers 9:15
`particular 6:22
`party 6:4
`patent 1:1,3,10 2:10
`4:17 5:2,8,14,15,19
`5:21,25 6:3,17 7:18
`7:23 8:3,14,20 9:17
`9:19,21,25 10:13,22
`10:24 12:3,5,12
`permission 8:5
`permit 11:15
`petition 6:14
`petitioner 1:7 2:2
`4:8,24 5:17 6:7 7:21
`9:4,14,21 10:18
`petitions 7:8
`phone 12:1
`place 7:11
`please 5:9,21 7:24
`9:8 12:12
`point 2:15
`position 8:6,16,22
`present 2:22
`proceedings 13:6,11
`procter 1:9 4:20
`proposed 8:4
`provide 6:16,17
`provided 6:10 8:7
`public 13:17
`questions 11:18
`r 2:4
`raised 8:11,20 10:2
`rama 1:17
`reaching 7:14
`reason 6:1
`recess 9:10


`Page 3
`turn 7:21
`two 6:22 8:19 10:2
`typewritten 13:8
`typically 6:3
`understand 6:2 7:22
`understanding 5:15
`unilever 1:6 2:23,24
`united 1:1
`v 1:8 2:14
`veritext 1:20
`view 6:6 9:24
`want 6:21,23 11:6
`warranted 7:13
`weekend 11:7
`weinstein 2:13 4:21
`willing 11:1
`withdraw 8:18
`written 5:16
`[rehearing - written]
`rehearing 7:15
`related 7:8
`release 5:22 10:5
`relief 6:8
`reply 10:25 11:2,3
`reporter 4:23 13:5
`reporter's 3:8 13:1
`request 5:17,22 6:1
`6:5,9 7:6,8,10,14,23
`9:15 12:11
`requested 5:14,20
`requests 6:18 7:4,6
`respond 6:22,23
`responding 7:1
`response 6:5,18
`responses 5:16 6:2
`retained 4:23
`roll 4:6
`ron 4:10
`ronald 2:24
`rule 11:19
`rules 6:10 8:8,12,24
`s 2:13
`see 11:6
`seeks 5:15
`sending 6:14
`serve 10:4
`served 9:18
`sheet 11:22
`short 9:10
`side 4:22
`signature 11:21
`simply 8:4
`sir 11:15
`solutions 1:20
`sorry 9:21
`speak 8:14
`specific 8:3,10
`specifically 8:12
`squillante 2:23 4:9
`start 4:6,24 10:12
`state 13:18
`states 1:1
`stay 9:8
`stenotype 13:8
`stenotypy 13:6
`street 1:21 2:5
`styled 9:15
`suggest 10:22
`suggestion 10:25
`suite 1:21 2:6,16
`suppose 8:12
`sure 7:25 10:17 11:7
`take 8:15 9:22 10:8
`taken 1:20 9:13
`telephonic 1:14
`tells 9:20 11:20
`thank 4:11,15 5:7
`5:12,23 7:19 9:6
`10:16 12:5,6,9,10
`things 6:22 9:23
`think 6:12 7:2 8:9
`8:22 11:2
`three 10:10 11:2,17
`time 8:2 10:14,19
`11:5 12:1
`topic 9:1
`topics 8:14
`trademark 1:1
`transcribed 13:7
`transcript 3:1 5:9
`12:13 13:7,9,10,12
`trial 1:3
`true 13:12
`tuesday 10:10 11:10
`Veritext Legal Solutions Midwest

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