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`Bib Data Sheet
`Patent and Trademark Office
`Washingon, D.C.20231
`i I I I
`David Scott Dunlop, Mason, OH ;
`Susan Marie Guskey, Montgomery, OH ;
`Vicente Eduardo Leyba, Los Ruices, VENEZUELA:
`Douglas Allan"Royce, Aurora, lN I
`CoNTINUING DATA ******rt************r****
`THIS APPLN CLAIMS BENEFIT OF 60/132,869 05/03/1999 T
`t ?'t
`Priority claimed E y".
`USC 119 (a-d) conditions E yes
`Procter & Gamble Company
`1511 Reed Hartman Highway
`innati.OH 45241
`and conditioning shampoos containing polyalkylene glycols and cationic polymers
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`"Expau Mail" miling hbcl trwbcr EK449217922US
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`od i! rddRscd b tfie Alsist Commirsioncr for Patdt
`P&G Case 7544M
`t'\,cz fifuvc,t*:*'t* LrAn^at?F*.^.+U
`d<r .b uo f t71,cbe7 ts{#!.#B$f;ot t tt.
`Susan Marie Guskey
`Vicente Eduardo Leyba
`Douglas Allan Royce
`The present invention relates to shampoo compositions which provide a superior
`combination of anti-dandruff effrcacy and conditioning. These compositions contain anionic
`surfactants, conditioning agents, anti-dandruff particulates, cationic polyners, polyalkylene glycols,
`and water.
`Shampoo compositions comprising various combinations of detersive surfactants and
`conditioning agents, especially silicone conditioning agents, are known in the art and are
`commercially available. Many of these compositions have been found to provide excellent hair
`cleansing and conditioning performance. For example, Pantene@ Shampoo Plus Pro-Vitamin
`Conditioner-in-One formulas which contain anionic surfactants, a cationic polymer and silicone
`conditioning agents provide excellent cleaning, conditioning and hair feel benefits upon application
`to hair.
`Anti-dandruff shampoos are also well known in the art and are also commercially available.
`Anti-dandruff shampoos typically incorporate an anti-dandruff active and detersive surfactants.
`Among the preferred type of anti-dandruff agents are particulate, crystalline anti-dandruff agents,
`such as sulfur, selenium disulfide and heavy metal salts of pyridinethione. Soluble anti-dandruff
`agents, such as ketoconazole, are also known in the art.
` 9

`Anti-dandruffshampoos which also provide conditioning benefits are likewise known in the
`art. For example, U.S. Pat. No. 5,624,666 exemplifies and claims shampoo compositions which
`contain anionic surfactants, cationic polymers and zinc pyridinethione as an anti-dandruff agent.
`U.S. Pat. No. 5,624,666 teaches that conditioning agents such as silicone fluids can optionally be
`incorporated into the compositions therein. Head & Shoulders@ Dandruff Shampoo Plus
`Conditioner is an example of a marketed product which provides both anti-dandruffand conditioning
`benefits upon application of the shampoo to hair.
`Nevertheless, some consumers desire a shampoo which provides a superior combination of
`anti-dandruff efficacy and conditioning performance versus currently marketed products. Such a
`superior combination of effrcacy and conditioning can be difficult to achieve.
`For example, it was previously believed that excellent anti-dandruff effrcacy could be
`achieved by utilizing a coacervate to deposit anti-dandruff actives on the hair and scalp.
`Unfortunately, the use of coacervates to deposit anti-dandruff actives on the hair or scalp can
`negatively affect conditioning, specifically clean hair feel. In order to achieve good conditioning, the
`level of anti-dandruff agent could be reduced, resulting in good conditioning, but less than optimal
`anti-dandruff efficacy.
`Applicants have now discovered, however, that, surprisingly, bioavailabilitv and coverase
`of the anti-dandruff active are much more predictive of efficacy than deposition of the active on the
`hair or scalp. In fact, Applicants have found that, in some cases, even when an anti-dandruff active
`deposited very well on the hair and scalp, acceptable anti-dandruff efficacy was not achieved.
`Conversely, good anti-dandruff effrcacy could be achieved in situations where the antidandruff
`active had good coverage and was highly bioavailable, but did not deposit superiorly to the hair or
`scalp. Thus, in order for a shampoo composition to provide a superior combination of anti-dandruff
`efficacy and conditioning compared to known shampoo compositions, it must meet certain criteria
`with respect to bioavailability and coverage, but it does not necessarily have to have the ability to
`deposit the anti-dandruff active superiorly on the hair or scalp.
`It is an object of the present invention to provide shampoo compositions, which provide a
`superior combination of anti-dandruff efficacy and conditioning. It is also an object of the present
`invention to provide a method for cleansing and conditioning the hair. These, and other objects, will
`become readily apparent from the detailed description below.
`The present invention relates to shampoo compositions which provide a superior
`combination of anti-dandruff efficacy and conditioning. These shampoo compositions comprise: (A)
`from about 5% to about Slo/o,by weight, of an anionic surfactant; (B) from about 0.01% to about
`10Yo, by weight, of a non-volatile conditioning agent; (C) from about 0.1% to about 4Yo, by weight,
`of an anti-dandruff particulate; (D) from about 0.02% to about S%qby weight of the composition, of

`at least one cationic polymer; (E) from 0.005% to about l.So/o,by weight, of a polyalkylene glycol;
`and (F) water. The polyalkylene glycol corresponds to the formula H(O-CHr-CHR)'-OH, wherein R
`is hydrogen, methyl or mixtures thereof and n is an integer having an average value from about
`1,500 to about 120,000.
`The present invention further relates to a method for providing anti-dandruff efficacy and
`conditioning hair comprising applying to the hair and scalp an amount of the above-described
`composition which is effective to provide such benefits.
`The shampoo compositions of the present invention provide a superior combination of anti-
`dandruff efficacy and conditioning. Such anti-dandruff and conditioning shampoo compositions of
`the present invention can comprise, consist of, or consist essentially of the essential elements and
`limitations of the invention described herein, as well as any of the additional or optional ingredients,
`components or limitations described herein.
`Particularly, these compositions comprise anionic surfactants, conditioning agents, anti-
`dandruff particulates, cationic polymers, polyalkylene glycols and water. Upon dilution, the anionic
`surfactants and cationic polymers form a coacervate, and the type and level of polyalkylene glycol
`employed will influence the amount of anti-dandruff particulates that are bioavailable. This is
`important for anti-dandruff efficacy and conditioning.
`The components, including those which may optionally be added, of the shampoo
`compositions of the present invention, as well as methods for preparation, and methods for use, are
`described in detail below.
`I. Components
`The anti-dandruff and conditioning shampoo compositions of the present invention
`comprise an anionic surfactant, a conditioning agent, an anti-dandruff particulate, at least one
`cationic polymer, a polyalkylene glycol, and water. Each of these ingredients is described in detail
`A. Anionic surfactant
`The anti-dandruff and conditioning shampoo compositions of the present invention
`comprise from about 5% to about 50%o,by weight of the composition, preferably from about 8% to
`about 3 0ol0, more preferably from about l0% to about 25Yo, most preferably from about l2Yo to about
`l8%o, of an anionic detersive surfactant component suitable for application to the hair or skin. The
`anionic detersive surfactant is believed to provide cleaning and lather performance to the
`composition. Additionally, the anionic detersive surfactant forms a coacervate, upon aqueous
`dilution, with the cationic polymer component (described below) of the present invention. This

`coacervate is believed to be important in providing the efficacy and conditioning benefits described
`The anionic detersive surfactant component can comprise an anionic detersive surfactant, a
`zwitterionic or an amphoteric detersive surfactant having an attached moiety that is anionic at the pH _
`of the composition, or a combination thereof; preferably an anionic detersive surfactant. Such
`surfactants should be physically and chemically compatible with the essential components described
`herein, and should not otherwise unduly impair product stability, aesthetics or performance.
`Examples of anionic detersive surfactants which may be suitably employed in the shampoo
`compositions herein include, but are not limited to: sulfates, sulfonates, sarcosinates and sarcosine
`1. Sulfates
`Prefened anionic detersive surfactants for use in the anti-dandruff and conditioning
`shampoo compositions of the present invention are the alkyl and alkyl ether sulfates. These
`surfactants have the respective formulae ROSO,M and R(C'H.O)"OSO3M, wherein R is alkyl or
`alkenyl from about C, to about C,r, x is an integer having a value from I to 10, and M is a cation
`selected from the group consisting of electropositive covalently bonded moieties (e.g. ammonium),
`alkanolamines (e.g. triethanolamine), monovalent metals (e.g. sodium or potassium), polyvalent
`metal cations (e.g. magnesium and calcium) and mixtures thereof. The cation M should be selected
`such that the anionic detersive surfactant component is water soluble. Solubility of the surfactant
`will depend upon the particular anionic detersive surfactants and cations chosen.
`Preferably, R is from about C, to about C,r, more preferably from about C,o to about C,u,
`most preferably from about C,, to about C,o, in both the alkyl and alkyl ether sulfates. The alkyl
`ether sulfates are typically made as condensation products of ethylene oxide and monohydric
`alcohols from about C, to about Cro. The alcohols can be synthetic or they can be derived from fats,
`e.9., coconut oil, palm kemel oil, and tallow. Lauryl alcohol and straight chain alcohols derived from
`coconut oil or palm kernel oil are preferred. Such alcohols are reacted with from 0 to about 10,
`preferably from about 2 to about 5, most preferably about 3, moles of ethylene oxide. The resulting
`mixture of molecular species will have, for example, an average of 3 moles of ethylene oxide per
`mole of alcohol, and is sulfated and neutalized.
`Non-limiting examples of alkyl ether sulfates which may be used in the shampoo
`compositions of the present invention include sodium and ammonium salts of coconut alkyl
`triethylene glycol ether sulfate, tallow alkyl triethylene glycol ether sulfate, and tallow alkyl hexa-
`oxyethylene sulfate. Prefened alkyl ether sulfates are those comprising a mixture of individual
`compounds, wherein the compounds in the mixture have an average alkyl chain length from about
`C'o to about C,u and an average degree of ethoxylation of from about I to about 4 moles of ethylene

`Specific examples of preferred alkyl sulfates include, but are not limited to, ammonium
`lauryl sulfate, ammonium cocoyl sulfate, potassium lauryl sulfate, potassium cocoyl sulfate, sodium
`lauryl sulfate, sodium cocoyl sulfate, monoethanolamine lauryl sulfate, monoethanolamine cocoyl
`sulfate, diethanolamine lauryl sulfate, triethanolamine lauryl sulfate, triethylamine lauryl sulfate, and
`mixtures thereof. Especially prefened is ammonium lauryl sulfate.
`Specific examples of prefened alkyl ether sulfates include, but are not limited to,
`ammonium laureth sulfate, potassium laureth sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, monoethanolamine
`laureth sulfate, diethanolamine laureth sulfate, triethanolamine laureth sulfate, triethylamine laureth
`sulfate, and mixtures thereof. Especially prefened is ammonium laureth sulfate.
`Still another class of sulfate surfactants suitable for use in the for use in the anti-dandruff
`and conditioning shampoos of the present invention are the sulfated glycerides, an example of which
`includes, but is not limited to, lauric monoglyceride sodium sulfhte.
`2. Sulfonates
`Also suitable for use in the anti-dandruff and conditioning shampoos of the present
`invention are those anionic detersive surfactants known as olefin sulfonates. As used herein, the term
`"olefin sulfonates" refers to compounds which can be produced by the sulforlation of c-olefrrs by
`means of uncomplexed sulfur trioxide, followed by neutralization of the acid reaction mixture in
`conditions such that any sulfones which have been formed in the reaction are hydrolyzed to give the
`corresponding hydroxy-alkanesulfonates. The sulfur trioxide can be liquid or gaseous, and is
`usually, but not necessarily, diluted by inert diluents, for example by liquid SOr, chlorinated hydro-
`carbons, and the like, when used in the liquid form, or by air, nifogen, gaseous sor, and the like,
`when used in the gaseous form. The a-olefins from which the olefin sulfonates are derived are
`mono-olefins which are from about C,o to about Cro, preferably from about C,, to about C,u.
`Preferably, they are straight chain olefins. In addition to the true alkene sulfonates and a proportion
`of hydroxy-alkanesulfonates, the olefin sulfonates can contain minor amounts of other materials,
`such as alkene disulfonates depending upon the reaction conditions, proportion of reactants, the
`nature of the starting olefins and impurities in the olefin stock and side reactions during the
`sulfonation process. A non-limiting example of such an cr-olefin sulfonate mixture is described in
`U.S. Pat. No. 3,332,880, which description is incorporated herein by reference.

`Another class of sulfonates suitable for use in the anti-dandruff and conditioning shampoo
`compositions of the present invention are those anionic detersive surfactants known as p-alkyloxy
`alkane sulfonates. These surfactants conform to the general Formula (I):
`where Rr is a straight chain alkyl group from about Cu to about Cro, Rt is a lower alkyl group from
`about C, to about Cr, preferably C,, and M is a water-soluble cation, as described above.
`Still other sulfonates suitable for use in the anti-dandruff and conditioning shampoo
`compositions of the present invention are those anionic detersive surfactants known as alkyl aryl
`sulfonates. Non-limiting examples of alkyl aryl sulfonates include sodium tridecyl benzene sul-
`fonate, sodium dodecyl benzene sulfonate, and mixtures thereof.
`Other suitable sulfonates for use in the anti-dandruff and conditioning shampoos of the
`present invention are the water-soluble salts of organic, sulfuric acid reaction products conforming to
`the formula I R'-SO3-M ] where Rr is a straight or branched chain, saturated, aliphatic hydrocarbon
`radical from about C, to about Cro, preferably about C,o to about C,r; and M is a cation described
`above. Non-limiting examples of such anionic detersive surfactants are the salts of an organic
`sulfuric acid reaction product of a hydrocarbon of the methane series, including rso-, neo-, and
`n-paraffins, and a sulfonating agent, e.g., SOr, H2SO4, obtained according to known sulfonation
`methods. The sulfonation methods may include bleaching and hydrolysis. The salts are preferably
`from about C, to about Cro; more preferably from about C,, to about C,r. Preferred are alkali metal
`and ammonium sulfonated Cr. to Crs n-paraffins.
`Still other suitable sulfonates for use in the anti-dandruff and conditioning shampoo
`compositions of the present invention are the reaction products of fatty acids, which are esterified
`with isethionic acid, and then neutralized with sodium hydroxide. Preferred fatty acids are those
`derived from coconut oil or palm kernel oil. Also suitable are the sodium or potassium salts of fatty
`acid amides of methyl tauride in which the fatty acids are derived from coconut oil or palm kernel
`oil. Other similar anionic surfactants are described in U.S. Pat. No. 2,486,921; U.S. Pat. No.
`2,486,922; and U.S. Pat. No. 2,396,2'78, which descriptions are incorporated herein by reference.
`Other sulfonates suitable for use in the anti-dandruff and conditioning shampoo
`compositions of the present invention are the succinnates, examples of which include, but are not
`limited to, disodium N-octadecylsulfosuccinate, disodium lauryl sulfosuccinate, diammonium lauryl
`sulfosuccinate, tetrasodium N-(1,2-dicarboxyethyl)-N-octadecylsulfosuccinnate, diamyl ester of

`sodium sulfosuccinic acid, dihexyl ester of sodium sulfosuccinic acid, dioctyl esters of sodium
`sulfosuccinic acid, and mixtures thereof.
`3. Sarcosinates and sarcosine derivatives
`Also suitable for use in the anti-dandruff and conditioning shampoos of the present
`invention are those anionic detersive surfactants known as sarcosinates and sarcosine derivatives.
`Sarcosinates are the derivatives of sarcosine and N-methyl glycine, acylated with a fatty acid
`chloride. They conform to the general Formula (II):
`wherein RCO- is a falty acid radical and wherein X is either hydrogen (acid form) or a cationic
`species, such as Na* or TEA. (salt form). Non-limiting examples of sarcosinates and sarcosine
`derivatives include: sodium lauryl sarcosinate, lauryl sarcosine, cocoyl sarcosine, and mixtures
`thereof. A preferred sarcosinate is sodium lauryl sarcosinate.
`B. Conditioning asent
`The anti-dandruff and conditioning shampoo compositions of the present invention
`comprise from about 0.01%to about llo/o,by weight of the composition, preferably from about 0.1%
`to about 8olo, more preferably from about O.lYo to about 5Yo, most preferably from about 0.2o/o to
`about 3.502, of a conditioning agent suitable for application to the hair or skin. It is believed that the
`conditioning agent provides improved conditioning benefits to the hair, particularly clean hair feel
`and wet rinse feel.
`The conditioning agent comprises a water insoluble, water dispersible, non-volatile, liquid
`that forms emulsified, liquid particles or are solubilized by the surfactant micelles, in the anionic
`detersive surfactant component (described above). Suitable conditioning agents for use in the
`shampoo composition are those conditioning agents characterized generally as silicones (e.g. silicone
`oils, cationic silicones, silicone gums, high refractive silicones, and silicone resins), organic
`conditioning oils (e.g. hydrocarbon oils, polyolefins, and fatty esters) or combinations thereof, or
`those conditioning agents which otherwise form liquid, dispersed, particles in the aqueous surfactant
`matrix herein. Such conditioning agents should be physically and chemically compatible with the
`essential components of the composition, and should not otlerwise unduly impair product stability,
`aesthetics or performance.
`The concentation of the conditioning agent in the shampoo composition should be
`sufficient to provide the desired conditioning benefits, and as will be apparent to one of ordinary skill
`in the art. Such concentration can vary with the conditioning agent, the conditioning performance

`desired, the average size of the conditioning agent particles, the type and concentration of other
`components, and other like factors.
`1. Silicones
`The conditioning agent of the anti-dandruff and conditioning shampoo compositions of the
`present invention is preferably an insoluble silicone conditioning agent. The silicone conditioning
`agent particles may comprise volatile silicone, non-volatile silicone, or combinations thereof.
`Preferred are non-volatile silicone conditioning agents. If volatile silicones are present, it will
`typically be incidental to their use as a solvent or carrier for commercially available forms of non-
`volatile silicone materials ingredients, such as silicone gums and resins. The silicone conditioning
`agent particles may comprise a silicone fluid conditioning agent and may also comprise other
`ingredients, such

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