Mobility Support using SIP
`Elin Wedlund Ericsson
`Henning Schulzrinne Columbia University
`Enabling mobility in IP networks is an important issue for making
`use of the many light-weight devices appearing at the market. The
`IP mobility support being standardized in the IETF uses tunnelling
`of IP packets from a Home Agent to a Foreign Agent to make the
`transparent to the higher layer. There are a number of
`problems associated with Mobile IP, such as triangular routing, each
`host needing a home IP address, tunnelling management, etc. In
`this paper, we propose to use mobility support in the application
`layer protocol SIP where applicable, in order to support real-time
`communication in a more efficient way.
`The IETF has standardized IF’ mobility support [l] which provides
`for rranspurent mobility,
`in that it hides the change of IP address
`when the mobile host is moving between IP subnets. This is needed
`to keep TCP connections alive when a host moves from subnet to
`subnet. However, mobile IP is struggling with the problem of tri-
`angular routing, i.e., a packet to a mobile host travels via the home
`agent, whereas a packet from the mobile host is routed directly to
`the destination. The route optimization [2] solves this by sending
`binding updates to inform the sending host about the actual loca-
`tion of the mobile host. This solution has several problems, as will
`be discussed in Sec. 2. For real-time traffic such as voice or video
`over IP, it is more common to use the Real-Time Transport Pro-
`tocol (RTP) [3] over UDP, and important issues are fast handoff,
`low latency, and - especially for wireless networks - high band-
`width utilization. Therefore, we see a need to introduce mobility
`awareness on a higher layer, where we can utilize knowledge about
`the traffic to make decisions on how to handle mobility in different
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`situations. The application layer protocol Session Initiation Proto-
`col (SIP) [4] already supports personal mobility’, and the changes
`needed to support device mobility are minor. In this document, we
`will discuss how mobility support in SIP can improve the perfor-
`mance for realtime services in wireless networks, and propose an
`architecture for how this can be done. Also, application-layer mo-
`bility does not require any changes to the operating system of any of
`the participants and thus can be deployed widely much easier than
`mobile IP
`Throughout this document “mobile IP” refers to IP mobility sup-
`port as defined in [ 11.
`Mobile IP has been proposed as a solution for mobility support in
`IP networks. A well-known problem with mobile IP is the triangu-
`lar routing which adds delay to the traffic towards the mobile host,
`but not from the mobile host, see Fig. 1. Measurements [6] show
`that mobile IP increases the latency by 45% within a campus, which
`can be expected to increase in a wide area network, when the dis-
`tance increases between the different entities. These numbers are
`also highly dependent on the mobile IP implementation, and the
`capacity of the home agent and foreign agent. For delay sensitive
`traffic, this is not acceptable, because we cannot afford a higher la-
`tency in the network than what is absolutely necessary. The fact that
`the packets are tunnelled also means that an overhead of typically
`20 bytes (IP in IP encapsulation [7]) will be added to each packet.
`Compare this to the packet size for an audio packet, which is around
`60 bytes including IP, UDP, and RTP headers, if the coder’s bitrate
`is 6 kbls.
`Route optimization solves the triangular routing problem by us-
`ing binding updates to inform the correspondent host about the
`current IP address. However, route optimization has several draw-
`l Route optimization requires changes in the IP stack of the cor-
`respondent host, since it must be able to encapsulate IP pack-
`ets, and store care-of addresses of the foreign agent or mobile
`“‘Personal mobility is the ability of end users to originate and
`receive calls and access subscribed telecommunication services on
`any terminal in any location, and the ability of the network to iden-
`tify end users as they move. Personal mobility is based on the use
`of a unique personal identity (i.e. ‘personal number’).” [5, p. 441.
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1075, p. 1

`pl mobile host
`correspondent host
`router wits home agent
`router wit? foreign agent
`Message Name
`Invite user(s) to a session. The session de-
`scription is contained in the body of the
`message, e.g. using the Session Descrip-
`tion Protocol (SDP) [9]. The session de-
`scription contains the address where the
`host wants to receive media streams.
`Acknowledgment of an INVITE request.
`Sent when a call is to be released.
`Query server about capabilities.
`Cancel a pending request.
`Register with a SIP server.
`Table 1: SIP Requests
`Figure 1: Mobile IP
`l Only the home agent may send binding updates to correspon-
`dent hosts. This means that there will be an extra delay before
`the correspondent host finds out where to send the packets,
`during which the old foreign agent must forward the packets
`to the correct location.
`l The mobile host needs to rely on the old foreign agent for-
`warding packets to its new foreign agent until the correspon-
`dent host has got the binding update. There is no requirement
`saying that the foreign agent must do so.
`l The binding warnings and updates are not compulsory, and
`should be used sparingly, since it can be expected that many
`hosts will not support the binding update function.
`Because of the requirements that are put on the correspondent
`hosts, it cannot be expected that route optimization will be widely
`employed in a near future. Moreover, the home and foreign agent
`can become bottlenecks since they must handle the tunnels for a
`possibly large number of mobile hosts. Another issue is that the
`mobile host needs a permanent home IP address, which can be a
`problem due to the address exhaustion in IP version 4. One issue
`still stands, though: Mobile IP provides transparent mobility which
`is needed to keep TCP connections alive as the user is moving. The
`solution suggested in this paper is to use mobile IP for long-lived
`TCP connections, e.g. telnet, ftp, ire, etc., but to use a more appro-
`priate mobility support for real-time communication.
`to SIP
`The Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) [4] is an application-layer pro-
`tocol used for establishing and tearing down multimedia sessions,
`both unicast and multicast. It has been standardized within the In-
`ternet Engineering Task Force for the invitation to multicast con-
`ferences and Internet telephone calls [S]. Entities in SIP are user
`agents, proxy servers and redirect servers. A user is addressed us-
`ing an email-like address “user@hos”, where “‘user” is a user name
`or phone number and “host” is a domain name or numerical address.
`SIP defines a number of methods, listed in Table 1. Responses to
`methods indicate success or failure, distinguished by status codes,
`lxx (100 to 199) for progress updates, 2xx for success, 3xx for redi-
`rection, and higher numbers for failure. Each new SIP transaction
`has a unique call identifier, which identifies the session. If the ses-
`sion needs to be modified, e.g. for adding another media, the same
`call identifier is used as in the initial request, in order to indicate
`that this is a modification of an existing session.
`The SIP user agent has two basic functions: Listening for in-
`coming SIP messages, and sending SIP messages upon user actions
`or incoming messages. The SIP user agent typically also starts ap-
`propriate applications according to the session that has been estab-
`lished. The SIP proxy server relays SIP messages, so that it is pos-
`sible to use a domain name to find a user, rather than knowing the IP
`address or name of the host. A SIP proxy can thereby also be used
`to hide the location of the user. A redirect server returns the loca-
`tion of the host rather than relaying the SIP message. This makes
`it possible to build highly scalable servers, since it only has to send
`back a response with the correct location, instead of participating
`in the whole transaction which is the case for the SIP proxy. Both
`the redirect and proxy server accepts registrations from users, in
`which the current location of the user is given. The location can
`be stored either locally at the SIP server, or in a dedicated location
`server (more about the location server further below). Deployment
`of SIP servers enables personal mobility, since a user can register
`with the server independently of location, and thus be found even
`if the user is changing location or communication device. SIP re-
`quests and responses are generally sent using UDP, although TCP
`is also supported. A typical signalling case using a redirect server
`is shown in Fig. 2.
`The INVITE message contains a session description expressed
`in SDP, and is received by a redirect server, which consults a loca-
`tion server to find out where to redirect the invitation. The function
`of the location server is not specified, but can be anything that can
`return a next hop address in the chain of finding the callee (which
`could be an address to another redirect server or a proxy). In many
`cases, the location server can simply be a table handled by the SIP
`server, containing the users’ locations as they register with the SIP
`server. In Fig. 2, the location server returns the current address of
`the callee. A proxy server would, instead of redirecting the invita-
`tion, forward it to the callee. From now on, only redirect servers
`will be discussed, but this does not mean that a proxy server can-
`not be used instead. However, the load on a redirect server can be
`expected to be lower since it only needs to send an answer with
`the user’s location, instead of participating in the whole signalling
`transaction. The SIP redirect server has properties resembling those
`of the home agent in mobile IP with route optimization, in that it
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1075, p. 2

`SIP redirect
`?nt host
`SIP 302 mOu
`Figure 3: SIP mobility: setting up a call
`0 2
`0 3
`Figure 4: SIP mobility: mobile host moves
`Figure 2: SIP transaction in redirect mode
`tells the caller where to send the invitation. In addition, it can store
`preferences for the user regarding how to treat incoming requests
`depending on where the user is located, time of day, or the identity
`of the caller.
`3.2 SIP Mobility Support
`As was stated in the previous section, SIP supports personal mobil-
`ity, i.e., a user can be found independent of location and network
`device (PC, laptop, IP phone, etc.). The step from personal mobil-
`ity to IP mobility support is basically the roaming frequency, and
`that a user can change location (IP address) during a traffic flow.
`Therefore, in order to support IP mobility, we need to add the abil-
`ity to move while a session is active. It is assumed that the mobile
`host belongs to a home network, on which there is a SIP server
`(in this example, a SIP redirect server), which receives registrations
`from the mobile host each time it changes location.This is similar to
`home agent registration in Mobile Il? Note that the mobile host does
`not need to have a statically allocated IP address on the home net-
`work. When the correspondent host sends an INVITE to the mobile
`host, the redirect server has current information about the mobile
`host’s location and redirects the INVITE there (see Fig. 3)‘.
`If the mobile host moves during a session, it must send a new
`INVITE to the correspondent host using the same call identifier as in
`the original call setup, see Fig. 4. It should put the new IP address in
`the Contact field of the SIP message, which tells the correspondent
`host where it wants to receive future SIP messages. To redirect the
`data trtic
`flow, it indicates the new address in the SDP field, where
`it specifies transport address.
`The SIP INVITE (step 1 in Fig. 4) request could look as follows:
`a mobile
`‘For conciseness, the ACK message, needed to confirm the re-
`ceipt of the response, is left out in the figures throughout the rest of
`this paper.
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1075, p. 3

`driving through a tunnel), and when they gain contact again, they
`have both got a new IP address, as illustrated in Fig. 6.
`mobile host
`SIP redirect
`0 2 SIPOK
`Figure 5: Mobile host registration
`IP4 mh.current.location
`50000 UDP 0
`IP4 mh.current.location
`Betty owns the mobile host, and Alice is the user at the corre-
`spondent host. Betty’s regular address ( is used
`in the From field, since that is used for identification, and can also
`be used as a fall back mechanism in case the communication is
`lost (more discussion on this in Section 3.2.2). The new address
`(mh.current.location) is put in the Contact field of the SIP mes-
`sage, and in the “c=” field of the session description (SDP) part of
`the message. Finally, the mobile host should update its registration
`at the home SIP server, so that new calls can be correctly redirected,
`see Fig. 5.
`3.2.1 SIP Mobility Support with Mobile IP
`If the mobile host is using mobile IP, it is not necessary, albeit use-
`ful, for the SIP server to have knowledge about the current location
`of the mobile host. It is however a waste of resources to keep dupli-
`cate information about the host’s current address - both in the SIP
`server and in the home agent. One solution to avoid duplicate infor-
`mation is to co-locate the SIP redirect or proxy server and the home
`agent, or to allow the SIP server to query the home agent about the
`location of the mobile host. It would also be possible to actually
`send the invitation to the home address, let the home agent forward
`the invitation to the correct location, and let the mobile host provide
`information about its location in the response, using the Contact
`3.2.2 Error Recovery
`If the correspondent host for some reason has an outdated address
`of the mobile host, it must have a fall-back mechanism to break the
`error situation. One example of this is when we have two mobile
`hosts having a conversation; both lose contact for a while (e.g., by
`Figure 6: Stale address
`In order to avoid situations like this, a host can send retransmis-
`sions of invitations also to the SIP server on the mobile host’s home
`network. Since the SIP server has a fixed address, the mobile host
`can always send registrations to it. In this fashion, the correspon-
`dent host can re-locate a mobile host that has been lost. (If mobility
`rates are high and thus simultaneous mobility common, the MH
`could decrease the hand-off delay at the cost of additional packets,
`by sending an INVITE at the same time to the last known IP address
`of the MH and the home registrar.)
`3.2.3 Security
`In the SIP specification there is support for both authentication and
`encryption of SIP messages, using either challenge-response or pri-
`vate/public key cryptography.
`By introducing SIP mobility support, we will avoid many of the
`problems with Mobile IP. However, SIP mobility cannot support
`TCP connections, so the best solution would be to use SIP mobil-
`ity for realtime communication over UDP, and Mobile IP for TCP
`connections. This can he achieved if we allow the mobile host to
`choose when to use its home address or care-of address. When
`sending RTP streams it will use the care-of address, and when es-
`tablishing TCP connections, it will use the home address and let
`the traflic be routed via the home agent. It may also use route op-
`timization for the TCP connections. What we propose is a similar
`solution to the one presented in [6], which is to use mobile IP when
`necessary for long-lived TCP connections such as telnet, ire, ftp3,
`However, for many of those applications that are likely to be
`used on mobile Internet terminals, even TCP applications may be
`quite usable without mobile IP underneath. These service include
`all those applications that are built on recoverable short transac-
`tions, such as web browsing, SMTP mail upload and POP or IMAP
`mail retrieval In those cases, the TCP connections are usually short
`enough to make the cost of having to re-attempt an operation (e.g.,
`an HTTP transaction that was aborted due to hand-off or the down-
`load of a single email) relatively small on average. The protocols
`mentioned also have application-layer recovery, since they are de-
`signed to operate in dial-up environments subject to sudden discon-
`nects. (A smart application would know from receiving a TCP RST
`3Even for ftp, application-layer recovery from address changes
`is supported in modem versions of ftp.
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1075, p. 4

`that it should retry the operation.) For real-time voice and video
`connections, our architecture supports mobility is supported by SIP.
`The protocol stack is described in Fig. 7. As in [6], a mobile
`policy table is used for deciding what source address to use (home
`or care-of address), whether it should be tunnelled, or even use a
`bidirectional tunnel.
`5.3 SIP Servers
`There is no extra functionality needed in the SIP proxies or redirect
`servers. However, the load on the servers can be expected to be
`higher, since the mobile hosts will make a new registrations each
`time they change addresses. Some ideas on how to handle this scal-
`ing issue is discussed under future work in Sec. 8.2.
`It is not trivial to compare the performance of mobile IP vs. SIP
`mobility, because it very much depends on the distance between
`the mobile host, correspondent host, and the mobile host’s home
`1 h&face 1
`1 interha
`Figure 7: Protocol stack
`An example of an MTP is shown in Table 2. In this table, we
`specify that telnet and ftp traffic should use mobile IP, and that all
`other traffic should not. For instance, web traffic will not use mobile
`IP, because we assume that the TCP connections are short, and will
`rarely be affected by a handoff.
`In order to provide SIP mobility in a network, a number of actions
`need to be taken. These actions are different depending on the type
`of device: mobile or non-mobile host, and SIP server.
`5.1 Non-mobile Host
`Each host that is to communicate with a mobile host, needs to
`support SIP. This is relatively simple, since SIP is an application
`level protocol, and can thus be downloaded and installed when it
`is needed. SIP clients complying with the SIP specification should
`react correctly to messages from a mobile SIP client.
`5.2 Mobile Hosts
`The SIP client on the mobile host needs to be integrated with the
`other mobility mechanisms, e.g. the driver for the wireless network
`card, and a DHCP [lo] client (to obtain an IP address). When the
`host detects a new beacon from a base station, it should first check
`whether the new base station is on the same IP subnet or not. If
`the base station is on a new subnet, the host must acquire a new IP
`address, and initiate the SIP mobility.
`Other events than beacons can trigger the SIP mobility mecha-
`nism, e.g. when a PCMCIA card is inserted to a laptop, or when
`a device is switched on (although this will probably not require a
`handoff). This erases the border between personal mobility and
`device mobility, since there is no difference whether the device is
`moving or the user is moving.
`6.1 End-to-End Delay
`It is obvious that the end to end delay will be lower if packets are
`sent directly to the mobile host without being routed via the home
`network and/or being encapsulated. The extra latency introduced
`by mobile IP is basically proportional to the distance to the home
`network and the correspondent host. The delay introduced by the
`home agent and foreign agent are relatively small unless a conges-
`tion occurs and packets are buffered.
`6.2 Handoff Delay
`The handoff delay depends on the delays of several different oper-
`Both mobile IP and SIP-based mobility need to discover that
`they are in a new network. This depends on the wireless tech-
`nology and the operating sytem interface of, say, a wireless
`LAN card.
`Then, a host needs to acquire an IP address via DHCP, which,
`depending on implementation
`can be a major part of
`the overall handoff delay. A mobile-IP host needs to instead
`discover its new FA. The number of messages exchanged is
`roughly similar for either DHCP or FA discovery.
`A mobile IP host then has to register with the foreign and/or
`home agent (which in turn notifies the CH if route optimiza-
`tion is used), while a SIP-speaker needs to send an INVITE to
`the correspondent host, thus incurring misdirected packets for
`the one-way delay from MI-I to CH. Generally, the path from
`MH to HA to CH is going to be longer, possibly significantly
`so, than the direct path between CH and MI-I. This is a partic-
`ular problem if the paths between MI-I and HA or HA and CH
`suffer from high packet loss, since that would significantly de-
`lay the binding update. The magnitude of this effect clearly
`depends on the relative location of the CH, MH and HA and
`thus can’t be quantified with any generality. However, the
`typical one-way delay of about 20 to 50 ms4 within the con-
`tinental United States is roughly equivalent to the packetiza-
`tion interval for packet voice, so that no more than one or two
`packets will get lost due to handoff. This amount of packet
`loss can be compensated for by either forward-error correc-
`tion [ 12, 131 or codec-level packet loss hiding [ 141, which are
`4on links which have sufficient quality for real-time voice com-
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1075, p. 5

`dest. address netmask
`port mobile IP
`all telnet traffic should use mobile IP
`all ftp traffic should use mobile IP
`all other traffic does not use mobile IP
`Table 2: Example mobile policy table
`likely to be needed in any event for “normal” Internet packet
`loss. Thus, as long as end-to-end delays of a round-trip time
`are acceptable, application-layer mobility as described here
`should be able to provide transparent mobility, even without
`lower-layer assistance (such as soft hand-offs).
`In addition, for SIP mobility, the mobile host must register with
`the SIP server on the home network, although this does not factor
`into the handoff delay. In summary, we see that the difference in
`handoff delay is the same difference as mobile IP has for data pack-
`ets between the current version and the use of route optimization.
`Handling mobility at the application layer does introduce slight
`additional delays since an operating system context switch in the
`end host is required, but in modem OS, these are generally below
`one millisecond.
`Much work has heen done in the area of IP mobility support. The
`work that has had the most impact on this paper is the Mosquitonet
`project at Stanford [6]. In this project they are providing the Mobile
`Policy Table (MTP) which is used to define when mobile IP is to be
`used. However, other mobility support than mobile IP is not used
`in this project.
`In [15], cellular IP is proposed to be used for mobility within IP
`subnets, in order to do faster handoffs. This could be used together
`with the SIP mobility and/or mobile IF? Foo and Chua [16] propose
`regional aware foreign agents for faster handoffs.
`The SIP mobility support is currently being implemented. The mo-
`bile host has a mobile host daemon for mobile IP, which is the one
`implemented in the Mosquitonet project, and a SIP client based on
`t&k. Moreover, the host is equipped with a wireless interface, and
`is using DHCP for getting an IP address. It would be desirable to
`also include a lower layer support, e.g., the cellular IP implementa-
`tion [lS] together with the SIP mobility and mobile IP in order to
`have a complete solution.
`8.2 Hierarchical Registration Servers
`When the mobile host is far away from its home network, sending
`a new registration to the home SIP server every time it moves can
`place an unnecessarily high load on the SIP server and network,
`especially if the home SIP server is serving many hosts. Instead,
`the mobile host can register with a closer SIP server, and the SIP
`server on the home network knows to which SIP server it should
`forward/redirect an incoming request. The basic approach is simi-
`lar to both Cl.51 and [16], but in this case, only the first SIP mes-
`sages need to be routed via the servers in the hierarchical path.
`p mobile host
`SIP redirect
`SIP proxy server
`SIP 302 moved temporarily
`Figure 8: Hierarchical SIP servers
`Figure 9: Registration with hierarchical SIP servers
`Future SIP messages and the media stream can then be sent di-
`rectly between the hosts. Fig. 8 shows a case with the home SIP
`server is a redirect server, and the “foreign” SIP server is a proxy
`server. This mechanism works without change to the SIP specifi-
`cation since registration requests can be proxied just as any other
`SIP request. A registration example is shown in Fig. 9, where the
`MI-I moves within California. It advertises the California server has
`its address to the home registrar, so that all INVITE requests from
`elsewhere go through the California server. The California server
`does not proxy registration changes within California to the home
`registrar, making such moves invisible to the home registrar.
`This paper has proposed the use of mobility support in an
`application-layer signaling protocol, SIP, for real-time mobile com-
`munication. By moving the mobility handling to the application
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1075, p. 6

`layer, we eliminate the need for tunneling of the data stream. More-
`over, the fact that SIP mobility
`is at the application layer, means
`that it can be installed easily, which allows the most common mo-
`bile application, voice, to enjoy mobility before mobile IP is widely
`Another desirable effect of using SIP is that the distinction be-
`tween personal and device mobility disappears -
`there is no differ-
`ence whether I move my computer to a new network, or if I change
`communication device from my PC to my IP phone. SIP together
`with SDP has the support to both signal the changing transport ad-
`dresses as well as the different capabilities of the devices.
`Using SIP for mobility
`is possible without making any changes
`to the IP stack of the mobile host. If we want to support mobile
`IP as well, we use a mobile policy table for deciding when to use
`the home or care-of address in addition to the changes needed to
`support mobile IP itself.
`It is important to point out that unless
`route optimization should be supported, no changes to the kernel
`are needed for the correspondent host. What applies to both mo-
`bile IP and SIP mobility is that none of them is suitable for fast, or
`small scale mobility. The fast mobility should either be supported
`by lower layers or by some other, more suitable, scheme. One sug-
`gestion is Cellular IP, which can be used together with mobile IP or
`the SIP scheme.
`[I] C. Perkins, “IP mobility support,” Request for Comments
`(Proposed Standard) 2002, Internet Engineering Task Force,
`Oct. 1996.
`[2] C. Perkins and D. Johnson, “Route optimization in mobile IP,”
`Internet Draft, Internet Engineering Task Force, Feb. 1999.
`Work in progress.
`[3] H. Schulzrimie, S. Casner, R. Frederick, and V. Jacobson,
`“‘RTP: a transport protocol for real-time applications,” Re-
`quest for Comments (Proposed Standard) 1889, Internet En-
`gineering Task Force, Jan. 1996.
`[4] M. Handley, H. Schulzrinne, E. Schooler, and J. Rosenberg,
`“SIP: session initiation protocol,” Request for Comments
`(Proposed Standard) 2543, Internet Engineering Task Force,
`Mar. 1999.
`[5] R. Pandya, “Emerging mobile and personal communication
`systems,” IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 33, pp. 44-
`52, June 1995.
`[6] X. Zhao, C. Castelluccia, and M. Baker, “Flexible network
`support for mobility,”
`in Proc. ofkfobicom,
`(Dallas, Texas),
`Oct. 1998.
`[7] C. Perkins, “IP encapsulation within IP,” Request for Com-
`ments (Proposed Standard) 2003, Internet Engineering Task
`Force, Oct. 1996.
`[S] H. Schulzrinne and J. Rosenberg, “T&e session initiation pro-
`tocol: Providing advanced telephony services across the in-
`temet,” Bell Labs Technical Journal, vol. 3, pp. 144-160,
`October-December 1998.
`[9] M. Handley and V. Jacobson, “SDP: session description pro-
`tocol,” Request for Comments (Proposed Standard) 2327, In-
`ternet Engineering Task Force, Apr. 1998.
`[IO] R. Droms, “Dynamic host configuration protocol,” Request
`for Comments (Draft Standard) 2131, Internet Engineering
`Task Force, Mar. 1997.
`[I I] J.-O. Vatn and G. Q. M. Jr., “The effect of using co-located
`care-of addresses on macro handover latency,” in Proc. ofllth
`Nordic Tele-trafJic Seminar, (Technical University of Den-
`mark, Lyngby, Denmark), Aug. 1998.
`1121 J. Rosenberg and H. Schulzrinne, “An RTP payload format
`for generic forward error correction,” Internet Draft, Internet
`Engineering Task Force, June 1999. Work in progress.
`[13] C. Perkins, I. Kouvelas, 0. Hodson, V. Hardman, M. Handley,
`J. C. Bolot, A. Vega-Garcia, and S. Fosse-Parisis, “RTP pay-
`load for redundant audio data,” Request for Comments (Pro-
`posed Standard) 2198, Internet Engineering Task Force, Sept.
`[14] H. Sanneck, A. Stenger, K. B. Younes, and B. Girod, ‘A new
`technique for audio packet loss concealment,” in Proceedings
`of Global Internet (J. Crowcroft and H. Schulzrinne, eds.),
`(London, England), pp. 48-52, IEEE, Nov. 1996.
`IF? A new approach to intemet host
`[15] A. G. Valk, “Cellular
`mobility,” ACM Computer Communication Review, vol. 29,
`pp. 5(M5, Jan. 1999.
`[I63 S. Foo and K. Chua, “Regional aware foreign agent (RAFA)
`for fast local handoffs,” Internet Draft, Internet Engineering
`Task Force, Nov. 1998. Work in progress.
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1075, p. 7

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