`Original Russian Text Copyright © 1995 by Mozgrin, Fetisov, Khodachenka.
`High .. Current Low-Pressure Quasi-Stationary Discharge
`in a Magnetic Field: Experimental Research
`D. v. Mozgrin, l. K. Fetisov, and G. v. Khodachenko
`Moscow Engíneeríng Physícs ¡nsatute, Kashírskoe sh. 31, Moscow, 115409 Russía
`Received October 22, 1993; in final form, July 12, 1994
`Abstract - The possibility of realizing several types of high-power quasi-stationary low-pressure diseharge in
`a magnetic field was shown. Two noneontraeted diseharge regimes in eros sed E and H fields were studied.
`These diseharges had mueh higher eathode eurrent den sities than those of other known diseharge types. Their
`parameter ranges were determined, and their operating regimes were investigated. The voltage for the high-volt-
`age form diseharge ranged from 450 to 1000 V; the diseharge eurrent amounted to 250 A, and eathode eurrent
`density reaehed 25 A/em2. A low-voltage diseharge form was first observed: voltage ranged from 75 to 120 V;
`diseharge eurrent amounted to 1800 A, and cathode eurrent density reaehed 75 A/em2; lifetime was about 1.5 ms.
`The ion density was 1.5 x 1015 em-3 in argon diseharges and amounted to 5 x 1014 em-3 in He-H2-mixture dis-
`eharges, while the eleetron temperature was about 3 - 8 e V. The properties of both diseharge types are expeeted
`to open up new fields of applieation in teehnology.
`Low-pressure discharges in a magnetic field attract
`much attention due to their wide use in technological
`magnetron devices, c1osed-electron-drift plasma accel-
`erators, and, as plasma emitters in electron or ion injec-
`Stationary regimes of the discharges in planar mag-
`netrons of technological use are characterized by p =
`10-4 - 5 X 10-2 torr operating pressure and 300 - 1000 G
`magnetic field at the cathode surface [1, 2]. Their AV
`characteristic is described by, the formula Id = k U~,
`where Id is the discharge current, and Ud is the dis-
`charge voltage. The quantities k and n depend on the
`device geometry, working gas type and pressure, and
`magnetic field strength. The condition n > 1 holds, if the
`cathode current density le do es not exceed 0.03 A/cm2•
`In this case the discharge voltage amounts to 400 - 600 V,
`the plasma density ni ranges from 108 to 1011 cm-3, and
`electron temperature Te reaches 20 e V. If the current
`density is higher, a transition of the discharge into the
`arc regime is observed.
`Because of the need for greater discharge power and
`plasma density, pulse or quasi-stationary regimes
`appear to be of interest. Sorne experiments on magne-
`tron systems of various geometry showed that dis-
`charge regimes which do not transit to arcs can be
`obtained even at high currents. For example, a super-
`dense glow discharge, realized in a device of "reversed-
`magnetron" type of coaxial geometry, exhibited the fol-
`lowing parameters: about 70 A discharge current Id'
`400 V discharge voltage Ud' 60 Ils pulse duration, and
`1012 cm-3 plasma density ni [3]. A pulse duration decrease
`down to 100 Ils, which was perforrned in aplanar magne-
`tron discharge in Ar, N2, or H2 at 10-3 - 5 X 10-2 torr
`pressures and 1.0 - 3.0 kG magnetic field strength, per-
`mitted a 1000 A current value to be obtained in the non-
`contracted regime, at 300 - 500 V discharge voltage,
`with about 50 J of total energy deposition [4]. In both
`examples, the discharge current-voltage characteristic
`increased and then became constant with the increase
`in the discharge currents. A further increase in the di s-
`charge currents caused the discharges to transit to the
`arc regimes, with voltage not higher than 50 V under
`those conditions.
`Our previous experiments demonstrated the pos si-
`bility of realizing several stable discharge regimes in
`devices with c10sed e1ectron drift [5 - 7]. Among these
`regimes which differed from the arcs, was an interrne-
`diate low-voltage regime (Ud = 100 V, Id ::; 1.5 kA)
`of longer than 1-ms pulse duration (hereafter called
`a "high-current diffuse regime").
`The main purpose of this work was to study experi-
`menta1ly a high-power noncontracted quasi-stationary
`discharge in crossed fields of various geometry and to
`determine their parameter ranges. We investigated the dis-
`charge regimes in various gas mixtures at 10-3 - 10 torr,
`Bo ::; 1000 G, and pulse durations exceeding 1 ms.
`Such regimes can be useful in generating large-volume
`dense plasmas and intense flows of charged partic1es.
`Furtherrnore, we consider qualitatively the mechanism
`of low-voltage high-current discharge formation.
`To study the high-current forms of the discharge,
`we used two types of devices: aplanar magnetron and
`a system with specifically shaped hollow electrodes.
`The planar magnetron (Fig. 1) involved aplane
`cathode 120 mm in diameter and a ring-shaped anode
`1 063-780X/95/21 05-0400$1 0.00 © 1995 MAI1K HayKa /Interperiodica Publishing
`160 mm in diameter. The electrodes were immersed in
`a magnetic field of annular permanent magnets. Mag-
`netic circuits were used to vary the size of the region of
`the large magnetic-field radial component and mag-
`netic field inhomogeneity degree. To control the mag-
`netic field strength at the cathode surface, we displaced
`the magnetic system along the axis z (Fig. 1) and used
`two types of permanent magnets made of SmC05 and
`NdFeB. The discharge had an annular shape and was
`adjacent to the cathode. The maximum of the magnetic
`field radial component Br at the cathode surface was
`800 G for the SmC05 magnet or 1200 G for the NdFeB
`magnet. The cathodes we used were made of Cu, Mo,
`Ti, Al, or stainless steel. The cathode was placed on a
`cooled surface. The anodes were made of aluminum or
`stainless steel.
`The system with shaped electrodes involved two
`hollow axisymmetrical electrodes 120 mm in diameter,
`separated by about 10 mm, and immersed in a cusp-
`shaped magnetic field produced by oppositely directed
`multilayer coils. The discharge volume bounded by the
`electrodes was about 103 cm3• The ratio of the maximal
`magnetic field at the axis of symmetry Bmax (z, O) to the
`maximal magnetic field at the plane of symmetry
`Bmax(O, r) was about 3. The values of Bmax were controlled
`by coil current variation to range from O to 1000 G.
`The electrode shapes followed the magnetic line pro-
`file, which enabled the electric field to be perpendicular
`to the magnetic field along the cathode surface. Such
`a field configuration allowed us to combine a high-cur-
`rent magnetron discharge with a hollow-cathode dis-
`The gas from the discharge volume was pumped out;
`minimal residual gas pressure was about 8 x 10--6 torro
`It was possible to form the high-current quasi-sta-
`tionary regime by applying a square voltage pulse to the
`discharge gap which was filled up with either neutral or
`pre-ionized gas. Estimates were made to determine
`both the quasi-stationary plasma density and its build-
`ing-up time [5, 7]. The necessary pre-ionized plasma
`density ni tumed out to be 107 - 109 cm-3 for argon.
`In addition, the estimates determined the shape and
`parameters of the voltage pulse. The pre-ionization
`could be provided by RF discharge, anomalous glow or
`magnetron discharge, etc.
`Figure 2 presents a simplified scheme of the dis-
`charge supply system. The supply unit involved
`a pulsed discharge supply unit and a system for pre-
`ionization. The quasi-stationary discharge-supply unit
`consisted of a long line of W = 5.5 kJ maximal energy
`content, a switch, and a matching unit. The pre-ioniza-
`tion system provided direct current up to 0.3 A and volt-
`age up to 3 kV.
`The frequency parameters of the pulsed supply unit
`were chosen in accordance with the increase in time of
`the quasi-stationary plasma density formation and the
`times of the ionization instability and ionization-over-
`heating instability development. Designing the unit, we
`Fig. 1. Discharge device configurations: (a) planar magne-
`(b) shaped-e1ectrode conflguration.
`(1) Cathode;
`(2) anode; (3) magnetic system.
`took into account the dependences which had been
`obtained in [8] of ionization relaxation on pre-ionization
`parameters, pressure, and pulse voltage amplitude.
`In addition, we allowed for the fact that the development
`time for the ionization-overheating instability was about
`10-3 - 3 X 10-3 s in the pressure range up to 0.5 torr [9].
`Thus, the supply unit was made providing square volt-
`age and current pulses with raise times (leading edge)
`of 5 - 60 fls and durations of as much as 1.5 ms. Short-
`circuit current amplitude was up to 3 kA; no-load volt-
`age was as much as 2.4 kV.
`For pre-ionization, we used a stationary magnetron
`discharge; the discharge current ranged up to 300 mA.
`We measured the discharge current-voltage characteris-
`tics (CVC) in a 10-3 - 10 torr pressure range and plasma
`parameters of the discharge at the symmetry center of
`the shaped-electrode system using a probe technique.
`We found out that only the regimes with magnetic field
`strength not lower than 400 G provided the initial
`plasma density in the 109 - lO!! cm-3 range. This initial
`density was sufficient for plasma density to grow when
`the square voltage pulse was applied to the gap. So we
`chose these regimes as pre-ionization regimes.
`MOZGRIN et al.
`supply unit
`:l ~ ...
`supply unit
`Fig. 2. Discharge supply unit.
`We studied the high-current discharge in wide
`ranges of discharge current (from 5 A to 1.8 kA) and
`operating pressure (from 10-3 to 10 torr) using various
`2a 2b
`2a 2b
`Fig. 3. Oscillograms of (a) current and (h) voltage of the
`quasi-stationary discharge (50 ~s per div., 180 A per div.,
`180 V per div.).
`r 1
`Fig. 4. Current-voltage characteristic ofthe quasi-stationary
`discharge with shaped electrodes in argon, p = 0.1 torr; B =
`0.4 kG.
`gases (Ar, N2 , SF6, He, and H0 or their mixtures of vari-
`ous composition (argon percentage in Ar-N2 and Ar-SF6
`composition ranged from 10 to 90%; He : H2 = 1 : 1).
`We investigated the planar-magnetron and cusped-mir-
`ror configurations varying the magnetic field strength.
`We obtained current-voltage characteristics of the dis-
`charge, time-integrated photographs of the discharge
`glow, and probe characteristics of the discharge plasma.
`We detected the particle flux from the plasma and mea-
`sured their intensities. As a result, we found out that
`a variety of regimes differing in discharge voltage, cur-
`rent range, and discharge space structure occurred.
`Figure 3 shows typical voltage and current oscillo-
`grams of the quasi-stationary discharge. Part 1 in the
`voltage oscillogram represents the voltage of the sta-
`tionary discharge (pre-ionization stage). Part 2a dis-
`plays the square voltage pulse application to the gap.
`At this stage, the plasma density grows and reaches its
`quasi-stationary value (part 2b); the discharge current
`also grows, and then both the discharge current and
`voltage attain their quasi-stationary values (part 3).
`The time it takes for the plasma density to reach its
`quasi-stationary value corresponds to the ionization
`relaxation time. For example, for argon, discharge when
`pre-ionization plasma density is about 109 - 1011 cm-3
`this time is about 50 ¡.ts. Each point of the discharge
`characteristic represents a pair of voltage and current
`oscillograms. We detected inhomogeneity of the dis-
`charge plasma or cathode spots visual1y, using filters,
`or by photographing the discharge.
`The current-voltage characteristic of the low-pres-
`sure quasi-stationary discharge in a magnetic field had
`four different parts corresponding to stable forms of the
`discharge. Figure 4 shows a typical CVC of the dis-
`charge in argon at 10-1 torr pressure and 0.4 kG mag-
`netic field. One can differentiate two parts: part 1 cor-
`responds to the magnetron discharge with current up to
`0.2 A and voltage range from 260 to 280 V; part 4 cor-
`responds to the high-current low-voltage arc discharge
`of current greater than 1 kA and 10 - 30 V voltage with
`a cathode spot. In addition, we found out experimen-
`tally that two other stable forms of quasi-stationary dis-
`charge could exist. Both the plasma and cathode layer
`had a diffuse character at cathode current density much
`higher than that of typical magnetron discharge. If the
`discharge current ranged from 0.2 to 15 A, a high-cur-
`rent magnetron discharge having initial discharge char-
`acteristics was observed (part 2 of the oscillogram).
`Vol. 21 No. 5
`.. 1
`In this case the discharge voltage was rather high,
`approximately 350 - 500 V. If the current was increased
`and ranged from 15 to 1000 A, a diffuse regime of high-
`current discharge was observed (part 3); its eve was
`a straight line parallel to the current axis. The discharge
`voltage was about 90 V over the current range.
`The cathode current density was about 50 A/cm2•
`It should be noted that the boundaries of regimes
`could vary depending on the discharge conditions, e.g.,
`on pressure, magnetic field strength, etc. Then, we
`studied regimes 2 and 3 separately to determine the
`boundary parameters of their occurrence, such as cur-
`rent, voltage, pressure, and magnetic field.
`We studied the regimes both in the planar magne-
`tron and shaped-electrode system geometries and
`found out that both regimes could occur regardless of
`the type or particular parameters of the discharge con-
`Figure 5a exhibits representative eve of the high-
`current magnetron discharge. They were measured in the
`discharge in Ar and N2, as well as in or Ar-N2 (10 - 90%
`of argon) or He : H2 = 1 : 1 mixtures at 10-3 - 10 torr
`pressure range and 0.4 - 1.0 kG magnetic field. The
`cathodes we used were made of eu, Ti, Al, Mo, or
`stainless steel. To reduce the effect of cathode surface
`quality on the discharge parameters, the electrodes
`were preconditioned by multiple discharges or c1eaned
`by glow discharge in argon. The dependence Ud(Id)
`remained qualitatively the same for all values of were
`the pressure p, transverse magnetic field B.l' sort of the
`gas, cathode material, electrode configuration and di s-
`charge size. The discharge voltage increased monotoni-
`cally with current up to a maximum u~ax = 500 - 1100 V
`depending on the magnetic field strength, sort of the
`gas, and cathode material. Then the discharge trans-
`ferred to regime 3 or to the arc regime. If the voltage
`pulse duration 't was less than 20 ms, the current of
`transition amounted to 250 A, which corresponded to
`25 A/cm2 cathode current density j. A decrease in mag-
`netic field strength resulted in an increase in the dis-
`charge voltage u~ax(B.l) up to sorne value U~ depend-
`ing only on the cathode material and sort of the gas.
`A further de crease in Br caused the discharge to transit
`to a high-voltage regime which was characterized by
`a steep eve and low discharge current (about 1 A).
`As the decreasing magnetic field approached the
`value of the discharge transit to the high-voltage
`regime, the discharge voltage increased smoothly, and
`the discharge current decreased.
`We measured the eve of the high-current magne-
`tron discharge for two different discharge diameters.
`The eve turned out to be independent of the diameter
`in the max Br region. It should be noted that, being
`transferred to the high-current regime, the discharge
`expands over a considerably larger area of the cathode
`surface than it occupied in the stationary pre-ionization
`regime. In the case of the planar magnetron, the dis-
`Vol. 21
`No. 5
`100 ~ .. -o.
`1, A
`Fig. 5. (a) High-current rnagnetron discharge: (1) planar
`rnagnetron, Cu, p = 5 x 10-3 torr, Ar; (2) planar rnagnetron,
`Ti, p = 5 X 10-3 torr, Ar : N2 = 4 : 1; (3) planar rnagnetron,
`Ti, p = 10-2 torr, N2; (4 and 5) shaped-electrode systern, Cu,
`p = 5 X 10-2 torr, He : H2 = 1 : 1, and Cu, p = 10-1 torr, Aro
`(b) High-current diffuse regirne: (1 and 2) shaped-electrode
`systern, Cu, p = 1 torr, He : H2 = 1 : 1 and Cu, p = 10-1 torr,
`He : H2 = 1 : 1; (3) planar rnagnetron, Cu, p = 10-1 torr, Ar;
`(4) planar rnagnetron, Cu, p = 10-1 torr, Ar : SF6 = 4 : 1.
`charge occupied either the ring area beyond the circular
`region of max Br or the disk area bounded by the circ1e
`of max B r; the area depended on the magnetic field con-
`figurationo Because the discharge current was the same
`in both cases, the current den sities differed consider-
`ably, but the CVCs were similar. The current density
`values characteristic of these regimes for the argon dis-
`charges were j = 4 A/cm2 (Ud = 540 V, Id = 225 A) and
`j = 25 A/cm2 (Ud = 500 V, Id = 218 A).
`The roughness of the cathode surface was not
`important for the occurrence of regime 2, though the
`probability of discharge transit to the arc discharge was
`greater for the cathodes with rougher surfaceso
`A feature of the shaped-electrode discharges in the
`He-H2 mixture was a second form of high-current
`magnetron regime at a 400 - 650 V discharge voltage
`that was independent of discharge current until trans-
`ferring to regime 3.
`Regime 2 was characterized by an intense cathode
`sputtering due to both high energy and density of ion
`flow. To study the sputtering, we used a probecollector
`placed 120 mm from the cathode. The pulsed deposition
`rate of cathode material (copper was used) turned out to
`be about 80 J.lmlmin in the argon discharge, Id = 65 A,
`Ud = 900 V. The current pulse duration was 25 ms, and
`MOZGRIN et al.
`the repetition frequency was 10Hz, which corre-
`sponded to =20 flm/min averaged deposition rateo
`We used a scanning electron microscope REM-101
`(Russian trade mark) to measure the thickness of
`deposited layers.
`We measured the plasma density ni in the region
`near the collector by applying to the collector a pulse of
`biased voltage with respect to the anode. The density
`tumed out to be about 3 X 1012 cm-3 in the regime of
`Id = 60 A and Ud = 900 V.
`Figure 5b presents typical CVCs ofhigh-current dif-
`fuse discharge measured at various pressures, gases,
`cathode materials, magnetic fields, and pre-ionization
`parameters. Analyzing the CVCs, we found out that the
`discharge voltage weakly depended on the magnetic
`field geometry and its strength, and on the cathode
`material; the constant voltage tumed out to range from
`70 to 140 V as the current ranged from 5 to 1800 A.
`The voltage was slightly (within 50 V) changed from
`gas to gas. Transferring to regime 3, the discharge occu-
`pied a significantly larger cathode surface than in the
`stationary regime.
`The parameters of the shaped-electrode discharge
`transit to regime 3, as well as the condition of its transit
`to arc regime 4, could be well determined for every
`given set of the discharge parameters. The point of the
`planar-magnetron discharge transit to the arc regime
`was determined by discharge voltage and structure
`changes; the structure changes were recorded by opti-
`cal diagnostics. To study the structure of the discharge
`in regime 3, we photographed it using neutrallight fil-
`ters of various attenuation factors. The filters and expo-
`sure times were chosen so that the pre-ionization di s-
`charge glow was not recorded. One can see from the
`photographs presented in Fig. 6 that the discharge was
`spatially uniform even at about 1 kA discharge cur-
`rents. If the current was raised aboye 1.8 kA or the
`pulse duration was increased to 2 - 10 ms, an instability
`development and discharge contraction was observed.
`The planar-magnetron discharge transfer to regime 3
`resulted in a smearing of the annular structure of the
`pre-ionization discharge: the discharge plasma and cur-
`rent area were seen to expand and cover the whole cath-
`ode surface (Fig. 6). If the discharge current or pulse
`duration were increased, the instability development
`accompanied by the plasma column contraction and the
`occurrence of one of several cathode spots were also
`observed in the planar magnetron.
`Chemical analysis of the collector surface layer was
`done; the cathode material was not detected there.
`Hence, there was no cathode sputtering in these
`We elaborated on a pulsed probe technique specially
`designed to measure the plasma parameters in regime 3.
`The technique provided probe characteristics to be
`measured in = 10 fls time intervals and allowed the
`probe current to amount to 50 A [10].
`We measured the parameters of pulsed high-current
`quasi-stationary discharge in a cusp magnetic-field
`configuration with B ranging from zero to 1 kG in var-
`ious gases. The pressure ranged from 10-1 to 1 torr; the
`discharge current ranged up to 1500 A. The pulse volt-
`age applied to the probe was 100 - 500 fls delayed with
`respect to the discharge current pulse, Le., Te and ni
`were measured after the establishment of the quasi-sta-
`tionary regime of the high-current discharge.
`The plasma parameters were determined from the
`probe measurements. Ion density measured at the sys-
`tem center in regime 3 in argon increased almost lin-
`early with the discharge current at various pressures
`and magnetic field strengths. The density ranged from
`(2 - 2.5) x 1014 cm:-3 at 360 - 540 A current up to
`(1 - 1.5) x 1015 cm-3 at 1100 - 1400 A current. The max-
`imal plasma density of high-current diffuse discharge
`in argon was measured to be ni = 1.5 X 1015 cm-3, while
`the eIectron temperature Te was 4 - 6 e V, the discharge
`current was 1100 A, magnetic fieId strength B was
`0.8 kG, and the pressure p was about 0.2 torro The ion
`saturation current of the probe Jsat was about 11 A/cm2•
`Ion density
`increased with pressure;
`the density
`increase was accompanied by a decrease in the electron
`The plasma density in He-H2 discharge also
`increased with the discharge current. However, the max-
`imum of ion density was ni = 2.4 X 1014 cm-3 at the con-
`ditions similar to those mentioned aboye: p = 1.5 torr,
`B = 0.8 kG, Id = 1100 A.
`We obtained a generalized CVC of the quasi-station-
`ary low-pressure discharge in a magnetic field (Fig. 7)
`based on a variety of measured AV discharge character-
`istics under various conditions. Parts 1 and 4 correspond
`to stationary magnetron and arc discharges, respectively.
`They were inherent in the discharge throughout the pres-
`sure and magnetic field ranges. These two regimes were
`comprehensively described in [1, 11].
`Part 2 pertains to the high-current magnetron dis-
`charge regime occurring in the 0.2 - 250 A current
`range. The voltage increased with current up to sorne
`critical value of current and then became constant.
`The discharge voltage was rather high - up to 1.2 kV.
`The discharge had a greater probability of being real-
`ized if the pressure ranged from 2 x 10-3 to 10-1 torro
`We suggested that this discharge was structurally
`very close to the high-current discharge described in [4].
`The reasons are the following: both the pressure and
`magnetic field ranges were almost the same, the dis-
`charge did not exhibit contraction, and their CVCs
`were very similar. However, the discharge we dealt
`with had a higher discharge voltage (500 - 1200 V) than
`the 300 - 500 V discharge described in [4]. Hence, one
`could expect the cathode sputtering to have more
`Fig. 6. High-eurrent quasi-stationary diseharge regimes. (a) planar magnetron: (1) high-eurrent magnetron regime (p = 5 X 10-3 torr,
`Ar, Id = 70 A, Ud = 900 V); (2) high-eurrent diffuse regime (p = 10-1 torr, Ar, Id = 700 A, Ud = 80 V); (3) are regime (p = 10-1 torr,
`Ar, Id = 1000 A, Ud = 45 V). (b) Shaped-eleetrode system: (1) high-eurrent diffuse regime (p = 10-1 torr, Ar, Id = 1000 A, Ud = 90 V);
`(2) eontraeted are regime (p = 10-1 tOff, Ar, Id = 1500 A, Ud = 50 V).
`No. 5
`500 - 1000 ------------
`MOZGRIN et al.
`70 - 170 ______________ +--__ 3 __ --:
`15 - 45 _________________________________ ~. _4:....-_
`Fig. 7. Generalized ampere-voltaic characteristic CVC of
`quasi-stationary discharge.
`1000 - 1800 1, A
`15 - 225
`We estimated the steady-state average density of the
`cathode material atoms nc in the discharge plasma; the
`estimates were based on measured current density and
`initial working gas density ng' Using a one-dimensional
`continuity equation, it is possible to derive the follow-
`ing equation for ne :
`on e
`fa-¡ + ne = Sg_e~gng (Ve) + 4Se-e~ene (Ve)'
`where Sg-e and Se-e are sputtering and self-sputtering
`factors of the cathode, respectively; V~ and V~ are ther-
`mal velocities of working gas atoms and cathode mate-
`rial atoms, respective1y; (Ve) is the angle-averaged
`emitted atom velocity-component perpendicular to the
`cathode surface; ~g and ~e are ionization degrees of gas
`atoms and cathode material atoms, respectively.
`The steady-state solution of (1) is as follows:
`1- 4Se-e~e (Ve)
`As an example, we considered the copper-cathode
`argon discharge at 10-2 torr, Id = 65 A, and Ud = 900 V
`and estimated the copper fraction in its plasma. The
`fraction tumed out to be about 30% and increased with
`ionization degree.
`Table 1 presents the parameter ranges correspond-
`ing to regime 2. The presented parameters are lirniting
`values that could be independently realized.
`If the discharge current ranged from 10 to 1800 A,
`high-current diffuse regime 3 occurred. The voltage
`ranged from 70 to 140 V depending on the working
`gas sort. Regime 3 could be primarily realized in the
`10-2 - 5 torr pressure range no matter what the dis-
`charge electrode configuration, sort of working gas, or
`cathode material. Moreover, pre-ionization was not
`necessary; however, in this case, the probability of dis-
`charge transferring to are mode increased. The cathode
`current density of the high-current diffuse discharge
`amounted to 75 A/cm2•
`Table 2 presents the parameter ranges correspond-
`ing to regime 3 for both electrode configurations: vari-
`ous cathode materials, and various pressures and sorts
`of gases.
`It should be emphasized that the limiting values of
`regime 2 and regime 3 parameters were highly depen-
`dent on current pulse duration. The transit current val-
`ues increased with a decrease in the pulse duration.
`The process of the high-current magnetron dis-
`charge passing to a low-voltage regime seemed likely
`to resemble the anomalous glow discharge at moderate
`or high current densities [11]. In this case both the gas
`heating and electron density increase were important;
`these factors promoted both a partial equilibrium in the
`discharge plasma, and the transfer of the discharge to
`a regime of lower discharge voltage.
`The simplified quasi-stationary equation for gas
`temperature of regime 2 has the form [9]:
`(Tg - To)MgCpv T = Pg,
`where Pg is the power consumed to heat the gas; Tg is
`the established gas temperature; To is the electrode tem-
`perature; M g is the mass of the gas in the discharge vol-
`ume; Cp is the heat capacity at constant pressure; vT =
`Table 1. Existence conditions and regimes of high-current magnetron discharge: (I) shaped-electrode system; (JI) planar magnetron
`Discharge de- Cathode mate-
`vice type
`0.4 - 1.0
`0.4 - 1.0
`Pressure, torr
`10-2 _ 10-1
`5 X 10-2 - 1
`Voltage, V
`260 - 990
`320 - 950
`0.2 - 15
`0.2 - 36
`90 - lO%Ar
`0.8 - 1.0
`0.3 - 0.7
`0.3 - 0.7
`0.3 - 0.7
`0.3 - 0.7
`5 X 10-2 - 1
`10-3 - 5 X 10- 1
`10-3 - 5 X 10- 1
`10-3 - 5 X 10-1
`10-3 - 5 X 10-1
`400 - 650
`540 - 990
`540 - 1100
`540 - 720
`540 - 900
`9 - 120
`0.2 -72
`0.2 - 250
`0.2 - 180
`0.2 - 140
`Table 2. Existence conditions and regimes of high-current diffuse discharge: (1) shaped-electrode system; (II) planar magnetron
`Discharge de- Cathode mate-
`vice type
`Pressure, torr
`Voltage, V
`10-2 - 5
`2 X 10-2 - 3
`80 - 110
`80 - 120
`15 - 1500
`7 - 1200
`0.4 - 1.0
`0.4 - 1.0
`0.8 - 1.0
`0.3 - 0.7
`0.3 - 0.7
`0.3 - 0.7
`0.3 - 0.7
`0.3 - 0.7
`5 X 10-2 - 3
`10-2 - 1
`5 X 10-2 - 1
`10-2 - 1
`10-2 - 5 X 10-1
`10-2 - 1
`70 - 120
`65 - 90
`65 - 90
`90 - 135
`90 - 135
`90 - 135
`7 - 1800
`4 - 800
`4 - 1200
`18 - 1800
`4 - 1600
`18 - 1200
`xl A~ is the frequency characteristic of the heat evacu-
`ation; X = AJ(MngCp) is the temperature conductivity;
`Ar is a characteristic heat evacuation length; A is the gas
`thermal conductivity at the established temperature;
`M is atomic mass; and ng is the gas density. The gas
`energy balance equation takes into account the dis-
`charge geometry, so the actual electrode profile was
`substituted for aplane one with area S and interelec-
`trode distance L corresponding to the operating area in
`the regimes involved. As far as the plane discharge
`layer of 2L thickness is concerned, the value of Ar is
`about Llrt. The power consumed for gas heating can be
`evaluated from the energy balance equation:
`Pg = IdVd- -,
`where IdVd is the total power released in the discharge
`volume; Idle11 is the power consumed for ionization;
`e is the electron charge; 1111 is the Stoletov constant
`corresponding to the value of El n characteristic of the
`cathode layer.
`The discharge conditions typical for the discharge tran-
`sit from regime 2 to regime 3 are as follows: Id = 15 A;
`Vd = 300 V; p = 1 torr; B = O; argon was used as a work-
`ing gas; L = 1 cm; and S = 60 cm2• Under these condi-
`tions, the gas temperature could increase to Tg = 1.1 e V.
`It follows from (2) that
`1 V--
`1 L d
`rt2 S
`Tg = MgCpv r -
`i.e., that the gas temperature does not depend on gas
`density. The action of the magnetic field serves only to
`limit the electron thermal conductivity and to provide
`collisions sufficient for efficient energy transfer from
`electrons to heavy partic1es.
`According to [11], one can evaluate the ionization
`degree from the Saha equation if ambipolar diffusion (A)
`is negligible, i.e., if plasma density is sufficiently high:
`ne > n~r. The value of n~r can be determined experi-
`mentally; it depends on the excitation energy of the first
`excited level.
`If the cylindric layer is considered, the averaged rate
`of charged partic1e rate due to diffusion can be
`described as follows [9]:
`where VD is the diffusion frequency; A is a character-
`istic length of diffusiondepending on the discharge
`geometry. In the presence of a magnetic field, A is
`dictated by the highest of the frequencies determin-
`the partic1e
`los s at
`the electrodes V DI =
`(Te+Ti) (vea+v ei)
`rt 2
`(-L) ne and at the lateral sur-
`mroe + (Vea+Ve)/liaVia
`( ir )
`(Te + Ti) 24 2
`face of the discharge volume VDs =
`/lia Via
`[12]. Rere, R is the discharge radius; roe is the electron
`cyc1otron frequency; Vea' Vei' and Via are the frequencies
`of electron-atom, electron-ion, and ion-atom colli-
`sions, respectively; /lia is the reduced mass. One can
`compare the frequencies of diffusion, ionization, and
`recombination in argon discharge and, then, fmd out of
`establishing a detailed balance the possibility in the dis-
`charge plasma.
`The estimates of the plasma density, in the case T =
`Tg = Ti = 1.1 e V, show that, according to [9], the follow-
`ing relation is valid:
`a 2
`g. 2rtm 3/2 (kT) 3/2
`= ~ (-2 )
`exp {--'}, (6)
`l-a 2
`where g¡ = 6 (Ar) and gg = 1 ar