`I, Matthew Blaze, hereby state as follows:
`I am over the age of 18 and am competent to make this declaration.
`I have personal knowledge of the matters stated herein.
`I currently live in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
`I am Associate Professor of
`Computer and Information Science at the University of Pennsylvania.
`I have a Ph.D. in Computer Science from Princeton University.
`. Between September 1992 and December 2003, I worked for the Computing
`Systems Research Laboratory at AT&T Bell Laboratories. As part of my job
`responsibilities, I developed a cryptographic file system for Unix that was
`commonly referred to as CFS.
`I published several articles relating to CFS, including (1) “A Crytographic File
`System for Unix” which was published and presented in 1993 at the 1993
`Proceedings of the 1st ACM Conference of Computer & Communication
`Security in November 1993, Copyright 1993, ISBN 0-89791-629-8 (attached as
`Exhibit A) and (2) “Key Management in an Encrypting File System” which was
`published in 1994 in the Proceedings of the Summer 1994 USENIX Conference
`held on June 6-10, 1994 in Boston, Massachusetts, Copyright 1994, ISBN 1-
`880446-62-6 (attached as Exhibit B). Both of these conferences were well
`Petitioner Oracle-Apple - Exhibit 1010 - Page 1
`known and well attended by professionals in the computer security and
`cryptographic arts. 1 estimate that at least 100 people attended the 1st ACM
`Conference of Computer & Communication Security and at least 300 people
`attended the Summer 1994 USENIX Conference.
`I wrote the source code for the CFS software and made it publicly available to
`persons in the United States and Canada upon request. A true and correct copy
`of the source code for CFS can be found at ftp://ftp.zedz.net/pub/crypto/disk/. I
`have attached a true and correct copy of an image of this FTP location as
`Exhibit C. For example, the source code for CFS version 1.3.3 is located in the
`file name “cfs-1.3.3.tar.gz” dated 4/9/1996.
`8. A true and correct copy of the source code for CFS version 1.3.3 is attached as
`Exhibit D.
`I provided this source code upon request to persons within the
`United States and Canada at least in 1996.
`9. Persons in the art of computer security and cryptography would have known the
`CFS source code, such as version 1.3.3, was publicly available in at least the
`1994-1996 time period because I frequently made it known to those in the art,
`through my articles and newsgroup announcements, that anyone could contact
`me for a copy, provided they complied with certain U.S. export restrictions.
`10.For example, I announced in my 1994 article (Exhibit B) that readers could
`obtain a copy of the research prototype of CFS by emailing
`Petitioner Oracle-Apple - Exhibit 1010 - Page 2
`cfs@research.att.com. The research prototype referred to in that article was the
`source code for CFS.
`I monitored that email address and provided copies of the
`most recent CFS source code to persons in the United States and Canada that
`made a request at least between 1994 and 1996.
`11.As another example, I made a similar announcement in the sci.crypt online
`news group that the version 1.3.3 source code for CFS was available upon
`request. Exhibit E is an example of that announcement dated March 17, 1996.
`The sci.crypt news group was widely used by computer security and
`cryptographic professionals in the industry to announce and read about the
`latest news in the industry.
`12.In response to my various announcements that the source code in Exhibit D was
`available upon request, I actually received numerous requests from persons in
`the industry and distributed over 100 copies of the CFS source code, including
`the version 1.3.3 source code.
`13.After I started distributing the source code in Exhibit D, I became aware of
`others also making it publicly available on the Internet prior to 1997. For
`example, Exhibit F is a true and correct copy of a website announcement dated
`September 19, 1996, stating that a version of the source code was available on
`this website and used with the Linux operating system.
`Petitioner Oracle-Apple - Exhibit 1010 - Page 3
`I declare under penalty of perjury that the forgoing Declaration is true and correct.
`Location (City/State): San Diego, CA
`Matthew Blaze
`Petitioner Oracle-Apple - Exhibit 1010 - Page 4
`USENIX Association
`Proceedings of the
`Summer 1994 USENIX Conference
`June 6 - 10, 1994
`Boston, Massachusetts, USA
`Exhibit B
`Petitioner Oracle-Apple - Exhibit 1010 - Page 5
`A Cryptographic File System for Unix
`Matt Blaze
`AT&T Bell Laboratories
`101 Crawfords Comer Road, Room 4G-634
`Holmdel, NJ 07733
`mab@research . att . com
`Although crgptographic techniques are playing an increas-
`ingly important role in modern computing system security, user-
`level tools for encrypting file data are cumbersome and sufer
`from a number of inherent vulnerabilities. The Cryptographic
`File System (CFS) pushes encryption services into the file system
`itself CFS supports secure storage at the system level through a
`standard Unix file system interface to encrypted files. Users
`associate a cryptographic key with the directories they wish to
`protect. Files in these directories (as well as their pathname
`components) are transparently encrypted and decrypted with the
`specified key without further user intervention; cleartext is never
`stored on a disk or sent to a remote file server: CFS can use any
`available file system for its underlying storage without modi a-
`tion, including remote file servers such as NFS. System manage-
`ment fiznctions, such as file backup, work in a normal manner
`and without knowledge ofthe key.
`This paper describes the design and implementation of
`CFS under Unix. Encryption techniques for file system-level
`encryption are described, and general issues of cryptographic
`system interfizces to support routine secure computing are dis-
`1. Introduction
`Data security in modem distributed computing systems is a
`difficult problem. Network connections and remote file system
`services, while convenient, often make it possible for an intruder
`to gain access to sensitive data by compromising only a single
`component of a large system. Because of the difficulty of reli-
`ably protecting information, sensitive files are often not stored on
`networked computers, making access to them by authorized users
`inconvenient and putting them out of the reach of useful system
`services such as backup. (Of course, off line backups are them-
`selves a security risk, since they make it difficult to destroy all
`copies of confidential data when they are no longer needed) In
`effect, the (often well founded) fear that computer data are not
`terribly private has led to a situation where conventional wisdom
`warns us not to entrust our most important information to our
`most modern computers.
`Cryptographic techniques offer a promising approach for
`protecting files against unauthorized access. When properly
`applied, modern
`Permission to copy without fee ell or pert of this materiel is
`granted provided that the copies ere not mode or distributed for
`direct commerciel advantage. the ACM copyright notice end the
`title of the publication and its dete eppeer. end notice is given
`that copying is by permission of the Association for Computing
`Mechinery. To copy otherwise. or to republish, requires e fee
`end/or specific permission.
`lst Conf.- Computer & Comm. Security '93-ll/93 -VA,USA
`© 1993 ACM 0-89791-629-8/93/0011...Sl.S0
`algorithms (such as the Data Encryption Standard (DES)[5] and
`the more recent IDEA cipher[4]) are widely believed sufficiently
`strong to render encrypted data unavailable to virtually any
`adversary who cannot supply the correct key. However, routine
`use of these algorithms to protect file data is uncommon in cur-
`rent systems. This is partly because file encryption tools, to the
`extent they are available at all, are often poorly integrated, diffi-
`cult to use, and vulnerable to non-cryptoanalytic system level
`attacks. We believe that file encryption is better handled by the
`file system itself. This paper investigates the implications of
`cryptographic protection as a basic feature of the file system
`1.1. User-Level Cryptography Is Cumbersome
`The simplest approach for file encryption is through a tool,
`such as the Unix crypt program, that enciphers (or deciphers) a
`file or data stream with a specified key. Encryption and decryp-
`tion are under the user ‘s direct control. Depending on the partic-
`ular software, the program may or may not automatically delete
`the cleartext when encrypting, and such programs can usually
`also be used as cryptographic "filters" in a command pipeline.
`Another approach is integrated encryption in application
`software, where each program that is to manipulate sensitive data
`has built-in cryptographic facilities. For example, a text editor
`could ask for a key when a file is opened and automatically
`encrypt and decrypt the file's data as they are written and read.
`All applications that are to operate on the same data must, of
`course. include the same encryption engine. An encryption filter,
`such as crypt, might also be provided to allow data to be
`imported into and exported out of other software.
`Unforttmately, neither approach is entirely satisfactory in
`terms of security, generality, or convenience. The former
`approach, while allowing great flexibility in its application,
`invites mistakes; the user could inadvertently fail to encrypt a
`file, leaving it in the clear, or could forget to delete the cleartext
`version after encryption. The manual nature of the encryption
`and the need to supply the key several times whenever a file is
`used make encryption too cumbersome for all but the most sensi-
`tive of files. More seriously, even when used properly, manual
`encryption programs open a window of vulnerability while the
`file is in clear form.
`It is almost impossible to avoid occasionally
`storing cleartext on the disk and,
`in the case of remote file
`servers, sending it over the network. Some applications simply
`expect to be able to read and write ordinary files.
`In the application-based approach, each program must have
`built-in encryption functionality. Although encryption takes
`place automatically, the user still must supply a key to each appli-
`cation, typically when it is invoked or when a file is first opened.
`Software without encryption capability cannot operate on secure
`Exhibit A
`Petitioner Oracle-Apple - Exhibit 1010 - Page 6
`data without the use of a separate encryption program, making it
`hard to avoid all the problems outlined in the previous paragraph.
`Furthermore, rather than being confined to a single program,
`encryption is spread among multiple applications, each of which
`must be trusted to interoperate securely and correctly with the
`others. A single poorly designed component can introduce a sig-
`nificant and difficult to detect window of vulnerability.
`example, some versions of the Unix editor vi can encrypt files
`but still leave temporary data in the clear.) Changing the encryp-
`tion algorithm entails modification of every program that uses it,
`creating many opportrmities for implementation errors. Finally,
`multiple copies of user-level cryptographic code can introduce a
`significant performance penalty.
`1.2. System-Level Cryptography Is Often Insufiicient
`One way to avoid many of the pitfalls of user-level encryp-
`tion is to make cryptographic services a basic part of the underly-
`ing system. In designing such a system, it is important to identify
`exactly what is to be trusted with cleartext and what requires
`cryptographic protection.
`In other words, we must understand
`what components of the system are vulnerable to compromise.
`In general, the user has little choice but to trust some com-
`ponents of the system, since the whole point of storing data on a
`computer is to perform various operations on the cleartext. Ide-
`ally, however, required trust should be limited to those parts of a
`system that are rmder the user ’s direct control.
`For files, we are usually interested in protecting the physi-
`cal media on which sensitive data are stored. This includes on-
`line disks as well as backup copies (which may persist long afier
`the on-line versions have been deleted). In distributed file server-
`based systems, it is often also desirable to protect the network
`connection between client and server since these links may be
`very easy for an eavesdropper to monitor. Finally, it is possible
`that the user may not trust the file server itself, especially when it
`is physically or administratively remote.
`Physical media can be protected by specialized hardware.
`Disk controllers are commercially available with embedded
`encryption hardware that can be used to encipher entire disks or
`individual file blocks with a specified key. Once the key is pro-
`vided to the controller hardware, encryption is completely trans-
`parent. This approach has a number of disadvantages for general
`use, however. The granularity of encryption keys must be com-
`patible with the hardware; often, the entire disk must be thought
`of as a single protected entity.
`It is difficult to share resources
`among users who are not willing to trust one another with the
`same key. Obviously, this approach is only applicable when the
`required hardware is available. Backups remain a difficult prob-
`lem. If the backups are taken of the raw, undecrypted disk, it
`may be difficult to restore files reliably should the disk controller
`hardware become unavailable, even when the keys are known. If
`the backup is taken of the cleartext data the backup itself will
`require separate cryptographic protection. Finally, this approach
`does not protect data going into and out of the disk controller
`itself, and therefore may not be sufficient for protecting data in
`remote file servers.
`Network connections between client machines and file
`servers can be protected with end-to-end encryption and crypto-
`graphic authentication. Again, specialized hardware may be
`employed for this purpose, depending on the particular network
`involved, or it may be implemented in software. Not all net-
`works support encryption, however, and among those that do, not
`all system vendors supply working implementations of encryp-
`tion as a standard product.
`Even when the various problems with media and network
`level encryption are ignored,
`the combination of the two
`approaches may not be adequate for the protection of data in
`modern distributed systems.
`In particular, even though cleartext
`may never be stored on a disk or sent "over the wire", sensitive
`data can be leaked if the file server itself is compromised. The
`file server must maintain, at some point, the keys used to enci-
`pher both the disk and the network. Even if the server can be
`completely trusted, direct media encryption on top of network
`encryption has a number of shortcomings from the point of view
`of efficient distributed system design. Observe that each file
`access requires two cryptographic operations by the server, once
`for the network and once for the disk, even though the server
`itself never makes use of cleartext data. Such a design violates
`the principle that work should be shifted from the (shared, heav-
`ily loaded) file server to the (unshared, lightly loaded) client
`machine whenever possible[1]. Even if the cryptographic opera-
`tions are themselves implemented in hardware, additional server
`software complexity is still required to support them.
`Several commercial and research systems incorporate cryp-
`tographic techniques for protecting file data against various kinds
`of attack. In the personal computer (e.g., MS-DOS, Macintosh)
`there are file encryption systems that can create an
`"encrypted area" on a disk. These packages generally require the
`preallocation of storage space to a given key, and often support
`only a particular kind of storage media (such as a local hard
`disk). Encrypted files typically appear outside the system as a
`single large file and therefore cannot be readily managed by con-
`ventional administration tools or moved to arbitrary storage
`In larger-scale systems, cryptographic techniques are
`even less widely used, although a few systems do use encryption
`for protecting certain vulnerable interfaces. The Truffles sys-
`tem[7], for example, uses a combination of cryptographic authen-
`tication and secret-key encryption to protect network access to
`widely distributed shared files. The files themselves, however,
`are stored at the server in clear form.
`In the following sections, we describe the alternative
`approach taken by the Cryptographic File System (CFS). CFS
`pushes file encryption entirely into the client file system interface,
`and therefore does not suffer from many of the difficulties inher-
`ent in user-level and disk and network based system-level encryp-
`2. CFS: Cryptographic Services in the File System
`CFS investigates the question of where in a system respon-
`sibility for file encryption properly belongs. As discussed in the
`previous section, if encryption is performed at too low a level, we
`introduce vulnerability by requiring trust in components that may
`be far removed from the user’s control. On the other hand, if
`encryption is too close to the user, the high degree of human
`interaction required invites errors as well as the perception that
`cryptographic protection is not worth the trouble for practical,
`day-to-day use. CFS is designed on the principle that the trusted
`components of a system should encrypt immediately before send-
`ing data to untrusted components.
`2.1. Design Goals
`CFS occupies something of a middle ground between low-
`level and user-level cryptography. It aims to protect exactly those
`aspects of file storage that are vulnerable to attack in a way that is
`convenient enough to use routinely. In particular, we are guided
`by the following specific goals:
`Rational key management. Cryptographic systems restrict
`access to sensitive information through knowledge of the
`keys used to encrypt the data Clearly, to be of any use at
`all, a system must have some way of obtaining the key
`from the user. But this need not be intrusive; encryption
`keys should not have to be supplied more than once per
`Exhibit A
`Petitioner Oracle-Apple - Exhibit 1010 - Page 7
`session. Once a key has been entered and authenticated,
`the user should not be asked to supply it again on subse-
`quent operations that can be reliably associated with it
`(e.g., originating from the same keyboard). Of course,
`there should also be some way to manually destroy or
`remove from the system a supplied key when it is not in
`active use.
`Transparent access semantics. Encrypted files
`behave no differently from other files, except in that they
`are useless without the key. Encrypted files should support
`the same access methods available on the underlying stor-
`age system. All system calls should work normally, and it
`should be possible to compile and execute in a completely
`encrypted environment.
`Transparent performance. Although cryptographic algo-
`rithms are often somewhat computationally intensive, the
`performance penalty associated with encrypted files should
`not be so high that it discourages their use.
`In particular,
`should not be noticeably
`Protection of file contents. Clearly, the data in files should
`be protected, as should structural data related to a file's
`contents. For example, it should not be possible to deter-
`mine that a particular sequence of bytes occurs several
`times within a file, or how two encrypted files differ.
`Protection of sensitive meta-data. Considerable informa-
`tion can often be derived from a file system's structural
`data; these should be protected to the extent possible. In
`particular, file names should not be discernible without the
`Protection of network connections. Distributed file sys-
`tems make the network an attractive target for obtaining
`sensitive file data; no information that is encrypted in the
`file system itself should be discernible by observation of
`network traffic.
`Natural key granularity. The grouping of what is protected
`under a particular key should mirror the structural con-
`structs presented to the user by the underlying system. It
`should be easy to protect related files under the same key,
`and it should be easy to create new keys for other files.
`The Unix directory structure is a flexible, natural way to
`group files.
`Compatibility with underlying system services. Encrypted
`files and directories should be stored and managed in the
`same manner as other files.
`In particular, administrators
`should be able to backup and restore individual encrypted
`files without the use of special tools and without knowing
`the key.
`In general, untrusted parts of the system should
`not require modification.
`Portability. The encryption system should exploit existing
`interfaces wherever possible and should not
`rely on
`unusual or special-purpose system features. Furthermore,
`encrypted files should be portable between implementa-
`tions; files should be usable wherever the key is supplied.
`Scale. The encryption engine should not place an unusual
`load on any shared component of the system. File servers
`in particular should not be required to perform any special
`additional processing for clients who require cryptographic
`Concurrent access. It should be possible for several users
`(or processes) to have access to the same encrypted files
`simultaneously. Sharing semantics should be similar to
`those of the underlying storage system.
`In general, the user should be required to
`Limited trust.
`trust only those components under his or her direct control
`and whose integrity can be independently verified.
`should not, for example, be necessarily to trust the file
`servers from which storage services are obtained. This is
`especially important
`in large-scale environments where
`administrative control is spread among several entities.
`Compatibility with future technology. Several emerging
`technologies have potential applicability for protecting
`data. In particular, keys could be contained in or managed
`by "smart cards" that would remain in the physical posses-
`sion of authorized users. An encryption system should
`support, but not require, novel hardware of this sort.
`2.2. CFS Functionality and User Interface
`An important goal of CFS is to present the user with a
`secure file service that works in a seamless manner, without any
`notion that encrypted files are somehow "special", and without
`the need to type in the same key several times in a single session.
`Most interaction with CFS is through standard file system calls,
`with no prominent distinction between files that happen to be
`under CFS and those that are not.
`CFS provides a transparent Unix file system interface to
`directory hierarchies that are automatically encrypted with user
`supplied keys. Users issue a simple command to "attac " a cryp-
`tographic key to a directory. Attached directories are then avail-
`able to the user with all the usual system calls and tools, but the
`files are automatically encrypted as they are written and
`decrypted as they are read. No modifications of the file systems
`on which the encrypted files are stored are required. File system
`services such as backup, restore, usaage accounting, and archival
`work normally on encrypted files and directories without the key.
`CFS ensures that cleartext file contents and name data are never
`stored on a disk or transmitted over a network.
`CFS presents a "virtual" file system on the client's
`machine, typically mounted on /crypt, through which users
`access their encrypted files. The attach command creates entries
`in CFS (which appear in /crypt) that associate cryptographic
`keys with directories elsewhere in the system name space. Files
`are stored in encrypted form and with encrypted path names in
`the associated standard directories, although they appear to the
`user who issued the attach command in clear form under
`/crypt. The underlying encrypted directories can reside on any
`accessible file system, including remote file serverssuch as Sun
`NFS[8] and AFS[l]. No space needs to be preallocated to CFS
`directories. Users control CFS through a small suite of tools that
`create, attach, detach, and otherwise administer encrypted direc-
`Each directory is protected by set of cryptographic keys.
`These keys can be supplied by user entry via the keyboard or, if
`hardware is available,
`through removable "smart cards" con-
`nected to the client computer. When entered from the keyboard,
`keys take the form of arbitrary-length "passphrases" which are
`used to generate the set of internal cryptographic keys used by
`CFS’s encryption routines. Passphrases must be of sufficient
`length to allow the creation of several independent keys; the cur-
`rent implementation requires at least 16 characters. Phrases may
`include any printable ASCII characters, and ideally consist of
`easily remembered nonsense sentences with unusual prmctuation,
`capitalization and spelling (e.g., "if you have nothing 2
`hide you Have nothing too fear! ").
`In the smart
`card-based system, the keys are copied directly from the card
`interface to the client computer after user entry of a card access
`password that is checked on the card itself. Section 3 describes
`the algorithms used to encrypt file contents and file names with
`the keys.
`Exhibit A
`Petitioner Oracle-Apple - Exhibit 1010 - Page 8
`The cmkdi r command is used to create encrypted directo-
`ries and assign their keys.
`Its operation is similar to that of the
`Unix mkdir command with the addition that it asks for a key. In
`the examples that follow, we show dialogs for the "passphrase"
`version; the smart card version is similar but with prompts to the
`user to insert a card and enter its password. The following dialog
`creates an encrypted directory called /usr/mab/secrets:
`$ cnitdir Iusrlnnh/secrets
`Key :
`(user enter: passphrase, which does not echo)
`Again :
`(same phrase entered again to prevent errors)
`To use an encrypted directory, its key must be supplied to
`CFS with the cattach command. cattach takes three
`parameters: an encryption key (which is prompted for), the name
`of a directory previously created with cmkdir, and a name that
`will be used to access the directory under the CFS mount point.
`For example, to attach the directory created above to the name
`$ cattach Iusrlrrnhlsecrets matt
`(same key used in the cmkdir command)
`the user
`supplied correctly,
`the key is
`/crypt/matt as a normal directory; all standard operations
`(creating, reading, writing, compiling, executing, cd, mkdir,
`etc.) work as expected.
`‘The actual
`files are stored under
`/usr/mab/secrets, which would not ordinarily be used
`directly. Consider the following dialog, which creates a single
`encrypted file:
`$ ls -l [crypt
`total 1
`drwx - - - - -- 2 mab 512 Apr 1 15:56 matt
`$ echo "murder" >lcryptIIInttIcrimes
`s Is -I Icryptlnntt
`total 1
`-rw-rw-r-- 1 mab
`7 Apr 1 15:57 crimes
`$ cat/cryptlrrnttlcrinns
`$ bdhnflhnflhxnh
`total 1
`15 Apr 1 15:57 8b06e85b87091124
`-rw-rw-r-- 1 mab
`$ cat -v /Isrlnnh/secrets/8b06c85b8’709ll24
`M-Z , k“] "‘B“VM-VM- 6A"uM-LM-__M-DM-“[
`When the user is finished with an encrypted directory, its
`entry under /crypt can be deleted with the cdetach com-
`mand. Of course, the underlying encrypted directory remains and
`may be attached again at some future time.
`s cdetach rmtt
`$ ls -l /crypt
`total 0
`$ is -l /usrlrrnhlsecrets
`total 1
`-rw-rw-r-- 1 mab
`15 Apr 1 15:57 8b06e85b87091124
`File names are encrypted and encoded in an ASCII repre-
`sentation of their binary encrypted value padded out to the cipher
`block size of eight bytes. Note that this reduces by approxi-
`mately half the maximum path component and file name size,
`since names stored on the disk are twice as long as their clear
`counterparts. Encrypted files may themselves be expanded to
`accommodate cipher block boundaries, and therefore can occupy
`up to one eight byte encryption block of extra storage.
`Otherwise, encrypted files place no special requirements on the
`underlying file system.
`Encrypted directories can be backed up along with the rest
`of the file system. The cname program translates back and forth
`between cleartext names and their encrypted counterparts for a
`particular key, allowing the appropriate file name to be located
`from backups if needed. If the system on which CFS is running
`should become unavailable, encrypted files can be decrypted
`individually, given a key, using the ccat program. Neither
`cname nor ccat require that the rest of CFS be nmning or be
`installed, and both rim without modification under most Unix
`platforms. This helps ensure that encrypted file contents will
`always be recoverable, even if no machine is available on which
`to run the full CFS system.
`2.3. Security and Trust Model
`Most security mechanisms in computer systems are aimed
`at authenticating the users and clients of services and resources.
`Servers typically mistrust those who request services from them,
`and the protocols for obtaining access typically reflect the secu-
`rity needs of the server. In the case of a file system, the converse
`relationship is true as well; the user must be sure that the file sys-
`tem will not reveal private data without authorization. File
`encryption can be viewed as a mechanism for enforcing mistrust
`of servers by their clients.
`CFS protects file contents and file names by guaranteeing
`that they are never sent in clear form to the file system. When
`run on a client machine in a distributed file system, this protec-
`tion extends to file system traffic sent over the network. In effect,
`it provides end-to-end encryption between the client and the
`server without any actual encryption required at the server side.
`The server need only be trusted to actually store (and eventually
`return) the bits that were originally sent to it. Of course, the user
`must still trust the client system on which CFS is mnning, since
`that system manages the keys and cleartext for the currently
`attached encrypted directories.
`Some data are not protected, however. File sizes, access
`times, and the structure of the directory hierarchy are all kept in
`the clear. (Symbolic link pointers are, however, encrypted.) This
`makes CFS vulnerable to traffic analysis from both real-time
`observation and snapshots of the underlying files; whether this is
`acceptable must be evaluated for each application.
`It is important to emphasize that CFS protects data only in
`the context of the file system. It is not, in itself, a complete, gen-
`eral purpose cryptographic security system. Once bits have been
`returned to a user program, they are beyond the reach of CFS’s
`protection. This means that even with CFS, sensitive data might
`be written to a paging device when a program is swapped out or
`revealed in a trace of a program's address space. Systems where
`the paging device is on a remote file system are especially vulner-
`able to this sort of attack. (It is theoretically possible to use CFS
`as a paging file system, although the current implementation does
`not readily support this in practice.) Note also that CFS does not
`protect the links between users and the client machines on which
`CFS runs; users connected via networked terminals remain vul-
`nerable if these links are not otherwise secured
`Access to attached directories is controlled by restricting
`the virtual directories created under /crypt using the standard
`Unix file protection mechanism. Only the user who issued the
`cattach command ispermitted to see or use the cleartext files.
`This is based on the uid of the user; an attacker who can obtain
`access to a client machine and compromise a user account can
`use any of that user’s currently attached directories. If this is a
`concern, the attached name can be marked obscure, which pre-
`vents it from appearing in a listing of /crypt. When an attach
`Exhibit A
`Petitioner Oracle-Apple - Exhibit 1010 - Page 9
`is made obscure, the attacker must guess its current name, which
`can be randomly chosen by the real user. Of course, attackers
`who can become the "superuser" on the client machine can thwart
`any protection scheme, including this; such an intruder has access
`to the entire address space of the kernel and can read (or modify)
`any data anywhere in the system.
`The security of the system is largely dependent on the
`secrecy of the encryption keys and the inability of an attacker to
`guess them. Although an exhaustive sea