`/etc/mount —o port=3049,intr localhost:/null /crypt
`7a) on some platforms (especially BSDI), you may get better CFS
`performance with a smaller mount blocksize:
`if [ —x /usr/local/etc/cfsd ];
`/usr/local/etc/cfsd && \
`/etc/mount —o port=3049,intr,rsize=2048,wsize=2048 localhost:/null /crypt
`7b) Solaris 2.5 users will need to add "vers=2,proto=udp" to the list of
`mount options.
`run the commands in step 7 by hand to get it started now.
`you may have to
`do an "exportfs —a" and/or /etc/rpc.mountd first if you aren't already running
`an NFS server, but this will be done automatically at boot
`time from now on.
`if any of this fails, go back and read notes.ms.
`Some systems (e.g., Solaris, Irix, etc.) don't use /etc/rc as the
`startup file or have different options on some of the mount commands.
`The basic idea, however,
`is the same: configure your system so that
`when it boots it first starts mountd (with something exported to
`then starts cfsd, and finally mounts cfsd at the /crypt
`See README.irix for step—by—step Irix instructions (which
`may help with other SysV systems,
`If you already have cfs,
`this version may not be compatable with the
`encryption format used by your old copy.
`If you have encrypted directories
`created under previous versions of cfs that you want to save,
`tar them
`out to a plaintext file under your existing cfsd prior to installing
`the new version.
`See the README.history file for details.
`To install a new version, first cdetach any directories in the cfs mount
`Then (as root) do a make install_cfs, and restart cfsd.
`point (/crypt/*).
`You need not unmount and remount /crypt, although you may see a few stale
`file handle errors in any processes with open references to /crypt.
`For information on ESM, see README.esm.
`Problems -> cfs@research.att.com. But READ THE MANUAL first.
`Petitioner Oracle-Apple - Exhibit 1010 - Page 266
`Exhibit D
`Petitioner Oracle-Apple - Exhibit 1010 - Page 267
`"Richard Moxley" <mox@grunt.autometric.com>
`Matt Blaze <mab@research.att.com>
`Thu, 26 Oct 1995 13:33:15 -0400
`Irix 5.3 readme for CFS
`Posted-Date: Thu, 26 Oct 1995 13:33:15 -0400
`text/plain; charset=us—ascii
`Thanks for 1.3.0... it built on Irix without a problem using
`the Irix 4.0 settings.
`Attached is a README.irix that explains the modifications
`that need to be made to the Makefile to build on Irix 5.3.
`Also attached is cfs.rc.irix, which does the work that gets
`done in rc.local on a Sun. This file gets installed to
`/etc/init.d and is linked from /etc/rc2.d and /etc/rc0.d.
`All of this happens in the new install_cfs actions that I
`describe in README.irix.
`So, if you add README.irix to your
`distribution, you should add cfs.rc.irix also.
`+ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --+
`| Richard Moxley
`Frustra fit per plura quod |
`potest fieri per pauciora.
`+ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --+
`X—Zm—Content—Name: README.irix
`Content-Description: Text
`text/plain ; name="README.irix"
`; charset=us—ascii
`CFS 1.3.0 under Irix 5.3
`1. Edit the Makefile to use the makeflags for Irix 4.0
`CFLAGS=-cckr $(COPT)
`LIBS:-lrpcsvc -lsun -I$(RINCLUDES)
`Also, change the install_cfs actions to the following:
`install —m 0755 —u root —f $(ETCDIR) cfsd
`install —m 0755 —u root —f $(BINDIR) cattach cdetach \
`cmkdir cpasswd ssh cname ccat i o
`install —m 0755 —u root -f /etc/init.d cfs.rc.irix
`ln —s /etc/init.d/cfs.rc.irix /etc/rc2.d/S35cfs
`ln —s /etc/init.d/cfs.rc.irix /etc/rcO.d/K35cfs
`Type "make cfs"
`Become root and type "make insta11_cfs".
`2. Create the cfs bootstrap mount point:
`mkdir /null
`chmod 0 /null
`3. Add this line to /etc/exports:
`/null localhost
`4. Create the mount point
`mkdir /crypt
`(or whatever you want to call it)
`5. Reboot
`Richard Moxley
`X—Zm—Content—Name: cfs.rc.irix
`Content-Description: Text
`text/plain ; name="cfs.rc.irix" ; charset=us—ascii
`# CFS boot script for Irix 5.3
`# Richard Moxley
`CFS_MOUNTPT=/ crypt
`case "$1" in
`if test -x $CFSD;
`echo "Starting CFS...
`if test
`chown root
`chgrp sys
`chmod 0
`if test
`Petitioner Oracle-Apple - Exhibit 1010 - Page 269
`chown root
`chown sys
`chmod 755
`sleep 1
`$MOUNT —o port=3049,intr 1oca1host:$CFS_NULLDIR $CFS_MOUNTPT
`echo "CFS not found."
`/sbin/killall cfsd
`echo "usage: $0 {start|stop}"
`Petitioner Oracle-Apple - Exhibit 1010 - Page 270
`Exhibit D
`Petitioner Oracle-Apple - Exhibit 1010 - Page 271
`There are two versions of RPCGEN on various linuxes. Read the makefile
`carefully to make sure you compile for the right one (if you get it
`wrong, do a "make clean" before switching to the other).
`Here's some background:
`From owner—cfs—users Wed Mar
`8 18:22:15 1995
`Received: by merckx.info.att.com (4.1/4.7)
`id AA15369; Wed,
`8 Mar 95 18:22:15 EST
`Posted-Date: Wed, 08 Mar 1995 15:17:01 -0800
`Message-Id: <199503082317.PAAO2390@gwarn.versant.com>
`To: root <root@esprit.topaz.com>
`From: strick@techwood.org
`Reply—To: strick@techwood.org
`Cc: cfs—users@research.att.com
`Subject: Re:
`linux problems
`In—Reply—To: Your message of "Wed, 08 Mar 1995 02:51:09 EST."
`Date: Wed, 08 Mar 1995 15:17:01 -0800
`THUS SPAKE owner—cfs—users@research.att.com:
`I'm still having problems getting CFS to compile under the newest
`# version of slackware.
`I was told that it worked on previous versions of
`is delete the _svc suffices
`What I had to do in slackware 2.1.0 (Linux 1.1.59)
`on the global names in the .c files that are generated from the .x files.
`(I'm not enough of a SUNRPC GOD to know why.)
`Then it would link okay.
`(Was linking your problem?)
`Oh, and you need —Dd_fileno=d_ino
`... see below
`ESM is fantastic,
`make CC="cc —traditional —Dd_fileno=d_ino
`—Dnfsproc_lookup_2_svc=nfsproc_lookup_2 \
`-Dnfsproc_writecache_2_svc=nfsproc_writecache_2 \
`—Dnfsproc_create_2_svc=nfsproc_create_2 \
`—Dnfsproc_remove_2_svc=nfsproc_remove_2 \
`—Dnfsproc_rename_2_svc=nfsproc_rename_2 \
`Petitioner Oracle-Apple — Exhibit 1010 — Page 272
`—Dnfsproc_statfs_2_svc=nfsproc_statfs_2 \
`—Dadmproc_attach_1_svc=admproc_attach_1 \
`—Dadmproc_detach_1_svc=admproc_detach_1 \
`—Dadmproc_ls_1_svc=admproc_ls_1 \
`Monty Walls <mwalls@castor.oktax.state.ok.us>
`Matt Blaze <mab@research.att.com>
`Fri, 16 Feb 1996 14:34:50 -0600 (CST)
`Subject: Re: Linux Compatibility & rpcgen
`In-Reply-To: <199602151603.LAA14987@nsa.tempo.att.com>
`References: <199602151603.LAA14987@nsa.tempo.att.com>
`Here are the cflags I used for Slackware 2.3:
`RPCGEN=rpcgen -k -b
`CFLAGS=$(COPT) —U__OPTIMIZE__ -traditional —Dd_fileno=d_inO —I$(RINCLUDES)
`for some
`—U__OPTIMIZE__ — turns off inline code (turned on by —O)
`functions which will give syntax errors when using -traditional
`— required because rpcgen.new generates prototypes even in
`k&r mode (tests for __STDC__, which is true with GCC).
`I done some preliminary testing and it appears to work ok.
`Rpcinfo does
`complain about how cfs is registered:
`castor# /usr/sbin/rpcinfo —p
`program Vers proto
`111 portmapper
`111 portmapper
`849 mountd
`851 mountd
`clnttcp_create: RPC: Program not registered
`clnttcp_create: RPC: Program not registered
`—Monty Walls (mwalls@castor.oktax.state.ok.us)
`MIS(Technical Supt), Oklahoma Tax Commission
`- My opinions are my own, my employer knows nothing about it.
`Petitioner Oracle-Apple - Exhibit 1010 - Page 273
`Exhibit D
`Petitioner Oracle-Apple - Exhibit 1010 - Page 274
`This is version 1.3.3 of CFS,
`the Cryptographic File System, which
`also includes version 1.0 of ESM,
`the Encrypting Session Manager.
`To unpack this distribution, create a directory for the cfs sources, cd
`there and copy every thing after the "cut here" line to a file called
`Then type
`/bin/sh cfs.shar
`at your shell prompt.
`For installation instructions, see the files "README.install",
`"notes.ms" and "README.esm".
`There is a mailing list, cfs—users, for discussion of topics of interest to
`CFS users and developers.
`It is a fairly quiet list, and it's where bug
`fixes and new ports are announced, so I encourage you to join.
`To subscribe:
`echo subscribe cfs—users | mail cfs—users—request@research.att.com
`You will automatically receive a "welcome" message confirming that you
`have been added to the list.
`User—contributed ports to other platforms are available in the list archive.
`echo help | mail cfs—users—request@research.att.com
`echo get cfs—users README.archive | mail cfs—users-request@research.att.com
`for details.
`See the README.install file
`for distribution restrictions.
`Petitioner Oracle-Apple - Exhibit 1010 - Page 275
`Exhibit D
`Petitioner Oracle-Apple - Exhibit 1010 - Page 276
`This is a shell archive.
`Save it in a file,
`remove anything before
`this line, and then unpack it by entering "sh file". Note, it may
`create directories; files and directories will be owned by you and
`have default permissions.
`This archive contains:
`echo x — nfsproto.h
`sed 's/‘X//' >nfsproto.h << 'END—of—nfsproto.h'
`X * Please do not edit this file.
`X * It was generated using rpcgen.
`X */
`X X
`X X
`#include <rpc/types.h>
`#define NFS_PORT 2049
`X#define NFS_MAXDATA 8192
`X#define NFS_MAXPATHLEN 1024
`X#define NFS_MAXNAMLEN 255
`X#define NFS_FHSIZE 32
`X#define NFS_FIFO_DEV -1
`X#define NFSMODE_FMT 0170000
`X#define NFSMODE_DIR 0040000
`X#define NFSMODE_CHR 0020000
`X#define NFSMODE_BLK 0060000
`X#define NFSMODE_REG 0100000
`X#define NFSMODE_LNK 0120000
`X#define NFSMODE_SOCK 0140000
`X#define NFSMODE_FIFO 0010000
`X X
`enum nfsstat {
`NFS_OK = 0,
`NFsERR—R°FS = 3°’
`Petitioner Oracle-Apple — Exhibit 1010 — Page 277
`X} ;
`Xtypedef enum nfsstat nfsstat;
`Xboo1_t xdr_nfsstat();
`X X
`enum ftype {
`NFNON = 0 ,
`NFREG = l ,
`NFDIR = 2 ,
`NFBLK = 3 ,
`NFCHR = 4 ,
`NFLNK = 5 ,
`NFSOCK = 6 ,
`NFBAD = 7 ,
`NFFI FO = 8 ,
`X} ;
`Xtypedef enum ftype ftype;
`Xboo1_t xdr_ftype();
`X X
`struct nfs_fh {
`char data[NFS_FHSIZE];
`Xtypedef struct nfs_fh nfs_fh;
`Xboo1_t xdr_nfs_fh();
`X X
`struct nfstime {
`u_int seconds;
`u_int useconds;
`Xtypedef struct nfstime nfstime;
`Xboo1_t xdr_nfstime();
`X X
`struct fattr {
`ftype type;
`u_int mode;
`u_int nlink;
`u_int uid;
`u_int gid;
`u_int size;
`u_int blocksize;
`u_int rdev;
`u_int blocks;
`u_int fsid;
`u_int fileid;
`nfstime atime;
`nfstime mtime;
`nfstime ctime;
`Xtypedef struct fattr fattr;
`Xboo1_t xdr_fattr();
`X X
`struct sattr {
`u_int mode;
`Petitioner Oracle-Apple - Exhibit 1010 - Page 278
`u_int uid;
`u_int gid;
`u_int size;
`nfstime atime;
`nfstime mtime;
`Xtypedef struct sattr sattr;
`Xboo1_t xdr_sattr();
`X X
`typedef char *fi1ename;
`Xboo1_t xdr_fi1ename();
`X X
`typedef char *nfspath;
`Xboo1_t xdr_nfspath();
`X X
`struct attrstat {
`nfsstat status;
`union {
`fattr attributes;
`} attrstat_u;
`Xtypedef struct attrstat attrstat;
`Xboo1_t xdr_attrstat();
`X X
`struct sattrargs {
`nfs_fh file;
`sattr attributes;
`Xtypedef struct sattrargs sattrargs;
`Xboo1_t xdr_sattrargs();
`X X
`struct diropargs {
`nfs_fh dir;
`filename name;
`Xtypedef struct diropargs diropargs;
`Xboo1_t xdr_diropargs();
`X X
`struct diropokres {
`nfs_fh file;
`fattr attributes;
`Xtypedef struct diropokres diropokres;
`Xboo1_t xdr_diropokres();
`X X
`struct diropres {
`nfsstat status;
`union {
`diropokres diropres;
`} diropres_u;
`Xtypedef struct diropres diropres;
`Xboo1_t xdr_diropres();
`X X
`struct readlinkres {
`nfsstat status;
`Petitioner Oracle-Apple - Exhibit 1010 - Page 279
`union {
`nfspath data;
`} read1inkres_u;
`Xtypedef struct readlinkres readlinkres;
`Xboo1_t xdr_readlinkres();
`X X
`struct readargs {
`nfs_fh file;
`u_int offset;
`u_int count;
`u_int totalcount;
`Xtypedef struct readargs readargs;
`Xboo1_t xdr_readargs();
`X X
`struct readokres {
`fattr attributes;
`struct {
`u_int data_1en;
`char *data_va1;
`} data;
`Xtypedef struct readokres readokres;
`Xboo1_t xdr_readokres();
`X X
`struct readres {
`nfsstat status;
`union {
`readokres reply;
`} readres_u;
`Xtypedef struct readres readres;
`Xboo1_t xdr_readres();
`X X
`struct writeargs {
`nfs_fh file;
`u_int beginoffset;
`u_int offset;
`u_int totalcount;
`struct {
`u_int data_1en;
`char *data_va1;
`} data;
`Xtypedef struct writeargs writeargs;
`Xboo1_t xdr_writeargs();
`X X
`struct createargs {
`diropargs where;
`sattr attributes;
`Xtypedef struct createargs createargs;
`Xboo1_t xdr_createargs();
`X X
`struct renameargs {
`Petitioner Oracle-Apple - Exhibit 1010 - Page 280
`diropargs from;
`diropargs to;
`Xtypedef struct renameargs renameargs;
`Xboo1_t xdr_renameargs();
`X X
`struct linkargs {
`nfs_fh from;
`diropargs to;
`Xtypedef struct linkargs linkargs;
`Xboo1_t xdr_1inkargs();
`X X
`struct symlinkargs {
`diropargs from;
`nfspath to;
`sattr attributes;
`Xtypedef struct symlinkargs symlinkargs;
`Xboo1_t xdr_sym1inkargs();
`X X
`typedef char nfscookie[NFS_COOKIESIZE];
`Xboo1_t xdr_nfscookie();
`X X
`struct readdirargs {
`nfs_fh dir;
`nfscookie cookie;
`u_int count;
`Xtypedef struct readdirargs readdirargs;
`Xboo1_t xdr_readdirargs();
`X X
`struct entry {
`u_int fileid;
`filename name;
`nfscookie cookie;
`struct entry *nextentry;
`Xtypedef struct entry entry;
`Xboo1_t xdr_entry();
`X X
`struct dirlist {
`entry *entries;
`boo1_t eof;
`Xtypedef struct dirlist dirlist;
`Xboo1_t xdr_dir1ist();
`X X
`struct readdirres {
`nfsstat status;
`union {
`dirlist reply;
`} readdirres_u;
`X} ;
`XtYPedef Struct readdirres readd-fires"
`Xboo1_t xdr_readdirres();
`Petitioner Oracle-Apple-Exhibit1010-Page 281
`X X
`struct statfsokres {
`u_int tsize;
`u_int bsize;
`u_int blocks;
`u_int bfree;
`u_int bavail;
`X} ;
`Xtypedef struct statfsokres statfsokres;
`Xboo1_t xdr_statfsokres();
`X X
`struct statfsres {
`nfsstat status;
`union {
`statfsokres reply;
`} statfsres_u;
`X} ;
`Xtypedef struct statfsres statfsres;
`Xboo1_t xdr_statfsres();
`X X
`#define NFS_PROGRAM ((u_1ong)lOOOO3)
`X#define NFS_VERSION ((u_long)2)
`X#define NFSPROC_NULL ( (u_1ong) 0)
`Xextern Void *nfsproc_nu11_2();
`X#define NFSPROC_GETATTR ((u_long)l)
`Xextern attrstat *nfsproc_getattr_2();
`X#define NFSPROC_SETATTR ((u_long)2)
`Xextern attrstat *nfsproc_setattr_2();
`X#define NFSPROC_ROOT ((u_1ong)3)
`Xextern void *nfsproc_root_2();
`X#define NFSPROC_LOOKUP ((u_1ong)4)
`Xextern diropres *nfsproc_1ookup_2();
`X#define NFSPROC_READLINK ((u_lOng)5)
`Xextern readlinkres *nfsproc_read1ink_2();
`X#define NFSPROC_READ ((u_1ong)6)
`Xextern readres *nfsproc_read_2();
`X#define NFSPROC_WRITECACHE ((u_long)7)
`Xextern void *nfsproc_writecache_2();
`X#define NFSPROC_WRITE ((u_long)8)
`Xextern attrstat *nfsproc_write_2();
`X#define NFSPROC_CREATE ((u_lOng)9)
`Xextern diropres *nfsproc_create_2();
`X#define NFSPROC_REMOVE ((u_long)lO)
`Xextern nfsstat *nfsproc_remove_2();
`X#define NFSPROC_RENAME ((u_1ong)l1)
`Xextern nfsstat *nfsproc_rename_2();
`X#define NFSPROC_LINK ((u_long)l2)
`Xextern nfsstat *nfsproc_1ink_2();
`X#define NFSPROC_SYMLINK ((u_long)l3)
`Xextern nfsstat *nfsproc_sym1ink_2();
`X#define NFSPROC_MKDIR ((u_long)l4)
`Xextern diropres *nfsproc_mkdir_2();
`X#define NFSPROC_RMDIR ((u_1ong)l5)
`Xextern nfsstat *nfsproc_rmdir_2();
`X#define NFSPROC_READDIR ((u_1ong)l6)
`Xextern readdirres *nfsproc_readdir_2();
`Petitioner Oracle-Apple - Exhibit 1010 - Page 282
`Petitioner Oracle-Apple — Exhibit 1010 — Page 283
`X#define NFSPROC_STATFS ((u_long)l7)
`Xextern statfsres *nfsproc_statfs_2();
`echo x — nfsproto_svr.c
`sed 's/‘X//' >nfsproto_svr.c << 'END—of—nfsproto_svr.c'
`X * Please do not edit this file.
`X * It was generated using rpcgen.
`X */
`X X
`#include <stdio.h>
`X#include <rpc/rpc.h>
`X#include "nfsproto.h"
`X X
`struct svc_req *rqstp;
`register SVCXPRT *transp;
`union {
`nfs_fh nfsproc_getattr_2_arg;
`sattrargs nfsproc_setattr_2_arg;
`diropargs nfsproc_lookup_2_arg;
`nfs_fh nfsproc_readlink_2_arg;
`readargs nfsproc_read_2_arg;
`writeargs nfsproc_write_2_arg;
`createargs nfsproc_create_2_arg;
`diropargs nfsproc_remove_2_arg;
`renameargs nfsproc_rename_2_arg;
`linkargs nfsproc_link_2_arg;
`symlinkargs nfsproc_symlink_2_arg;
`createargs nfsproc_mkdir_2_arg;
`diropargs nfsproc_rmdir_2_arg;
`readdirargs nfsproc_readdir_2_arg;
`nfs_fh nfsproc_statfs_2_arg;
`} argument;
`char *result;
`char *(*local)();
`switch (rqstp—>rq_proc)
`xdr_argument = xdr_Void;
`xdr_result = xdr_void;
`local =
`(char *(*)()) nfsproc_null_2;
`xdr_argument = xdr_nfs_fh;
`xdr_result = xdr_attrstat;
`local =
`(char *(*)()) nfsproc_getattr_2;
`Xdr—ar9”“‘e“t = Xdr—Sattrar9S"
`xdr_result = xdr_attrstat;
`local =
`(char *(*)()) nfsproc_setattr_2;
`xdr_argument = xdr_Void;
`xdr_result = xdr_void;
`local =
`(char *(*)()) nfsproc_root_2;
`xdr_argument = xdr_diropargs;
`xdr_result = xdr_diropres;
`local =
`(char *(*)()) nfsproc_lookup_2;
`xdr_argument = xdr_nfs_fh;
`xdr_result = xdr_readlinkres;
`local =
`(char *(*)()) nfsproc_readlink_2;
`xdr_argument = xdr_readargs;
`xdr_result = xdr_readres;
`local =
`(char *(*)()) nfsproc_read_2;
`xdr_argument = xdr_Void;
`xdr_result = xdr_void;
`local =
`(char *(*)()) nfsproc_writecache_2;
`xdr_argument = xdr_writeargs;
`xdr_result = xdr_attrstat;
`local =
`(char *(*)()) nfsproc_write_2;
`xdr_argument = xdr_createargs;
`xdr_result = xdr_diropres;
`local =
`(char *(*)()) nfsproc_create_2;
`xdr_argument = xdr_diropargs;
`xdr_result = xdr_nfsstat;
`local =
`(char *(*)()) nfsproc_remove_2;
`xdr_argument = xdr_renameargs;
`xdr_result = xdr_nfsstat;
`(char *(*)()) nfsproc_rename_2;
`Petitioner Oracle-Apple - Exhibit 1010 - Page 284
`local =
`xdr_argument = xdr_linkargs;
`xdr_result = xdr_nfsstat;
`local =
`(char *(*)()) nfsproc_link_2;
`xdr_argument = xdr_symlinkargs;
`xdr_result = xdr_nfsstat;
`local =
`(char *(*)()) nfsproc_symlink_2;
`xdr_argument = xdr_createargs;
`xdr_result = xdr_diropres;
`local =
`(char *(*)()) nfsproc_mkdir_2;
`xdr_argument = xdr_diropargs;
`xdr_result = xdr_nfsstat;
`local =
`(char *(*)()) nfsproc_rmdir_2;
`xdr_argument = xdr_readdirargs;
`xdr_result = xdr_readdirres;
`local =
`(char *(*)()) nfsproc_readdir_2;
`xdr_argument = xdr_nfs_fh;
`xdr_result = xdr_statfsres;
`(char *(*)()) nfsproc_statfs_2;
`local =
`} b
`zero((char *)&argument, sizeof(argument));
`if (!svc_getargs(transp, xdr_argument, &argument))
`} r
`esult =
`(*local)(&argument, rqstp);
`!= NULL && !svc_sendreply(transp, xdr_result, result))
`if (result
`} i
`f (!svc_freeargs(transp, xdr_argument, &argument))
`fprintf(stderr, "unable to free arguments");
`Petitioner Oracle-Apple — Exhibit 1010 — Page 285
`} r
`echo x — nfsproto_xdr.c
`sed 's/‘X//' >nfsproto_xdr.c << 'END—of—nfsproto_xdr.c'
`X * Please do not edit this file.
`X * It was generated using rpcgen.
`X */
`X X
`#inc1ude <rpc/rpc.h>
`X#inc1ude "nfsproto.h"
`X X
`Xxdr_nfsstat(xdrs, objp)
`XDR *xdrs;
`nfsstat *objp;
`if (!xdr_enum(xdrs,
`return (FALSE);
`(enum_t *)objp))
`return (TRUE);
`X X
`Xxdr_ftype(xdrs, objp)
`XDR *xdrs;
`if (!xdr_enum(xdrs,
`return (FALSE);
`(enum_t *)objp))
`return (TRUE);
`X X
`Petitioner Oracle-Apple - Exhibit 1010 - Page 286
`Xxdr_nfs_fh(xdrs, objp)
`XDR *xdrs;
`nfs_fh *objp;
`if (!xdr_opaque(xdrs, objp—>data, NFS_FHSIZE))
`return (FALSE);
`} r
`eturn (TRUE);
`Xxdr_nfstime(xdrs, objp)
`XDR *xdrs;
`nfstime *objp;
`if (!xdr_u_int(xdrs, &objp—>seconds))
`return (FALSE);
`if (!xdr_u_int(xdrs, &objp—>useconds))
`return (FALSE);
`return (TRUE);
`X X
`Xxdr_fattr(xdrs, objp)
`XDR *xdrs;
`fattr *objp;
`if (!xdr_ftype(xdrs,
`return (FALSE);
`if (!xdr_u_int(xdrs,
`return (FALSE);
`if (!xdr_u_int(xdrs,
`return (FALSE);
`if (!xdr_u_int(xdrs,
`return (FALSE);
`if (!xdr_u_int(xdrs,
`return (FALSE);
`if (!xdr_u_int(xdrs,
`return (FALSE);
`if (!xdr_u_int(xdrs,
`return (FALSE);
`if (!xdr_u_int(xdrs,
`return (FALSE);
`if (!xdr_u_int(xdrs,
`return (FALSE);
`if (!xdr_u_int(xdrs,
`return (FALSE);
`if (!xdr_u_int(xdrs,
`return (FALSE);
`if (!xdr_nfstime(xdrs,
`return (FALSE);
`if (!xdr_nfstime(xdrs,
`return (FALSE);
`if (!xdr_nfstime(xdrs,
`return (FALSE);
`return (TRUE);
`X X
`Xxdr_sattr(xdrs, objp)
`XDR *xdrs;
`sattr *objp;
`Petitioner Oracle-Apple - Exhibit 1010 - Page 287
`if (!xdr_u_int(xdrs, &objp—>mode))
`return (FALSE);
`if (!xdr_u_int(xdrs, &objp—>uid))
`return (FALSE);
`(!xdr_u_int(xdrs, &objp->gid))
`return (FALSE);
`(!xdr_u_int(xdrs, &objp->size))
`return (FALSE);
`(!xdr_nfstime(xdrs, &objp—>atime))
`return (FALSE);
`(!xdr_nfstime(xdrs, &objp—>mtime))
`return (FALSE);
`} r
`eturn (TRUE);
`Xxdr_fi1ename(xdrs, objp)
`XDR *xdrs;
`filename *objp;
`if (!xdr_string(xdrs, objp, NFS_MAXNAMLEN))
`return (FALSE);
`} r
`eturn (TRUE);
`Xxdr_nfspath(xdrs, objp)
`XDR *xdrs;
`nfspath *objp;
`if (!xdr_string(xdrs, objp, NFS_MAXPATHLEN))
`return (FALSE);
`} r
`eturn (TRUE);
`Xxdr_attrstat(xdrs, objp)
`XDR *xdrs;
`attrstat *objp;
`if (!xdr_nfsstat(xdrs, &objp—>status))
`return (FALSE);
`switch (objp—>status)
`case NFS_OK:
`if (!xdr_fattr(xdrs, &objp—>attrstat_u.attributesbgfiéonerC”ack%Apme__Exmbfl1010__Page288
`return (FALSE);
`} b
`} r
`eturn (TRUE);
`Xxdr_sattrargs(xdrs, objp)
`XDR *xdrs;
`sattrargs *objp;
`if (!xdr_nfs_fh(xdrs, &objp->fi1e))
`return (FALSE);
`if (!xdr_sattr(xdrs, &objp—>attributes))
`return (FALSE);
`return (TRUE);
`X X
`Xxdr_diropargs(xdrs, objp)
`XDR *xdrs;
`diropargs *objp;
`if (!xdr_nfs_fh(xdrs, &objp—>dir))
`return (FALSE);
`if (!xdr_fi1ename(xdrs, &objp->name))
`return (FALSE);
`return (TRUE);
`X X
`Xxdr_diropokres(xdrs, objp)
`XDR *xdrs;
`diropokres *objp;
`if (!xdr_nfs_fh(xdrs, &objp->fi1e))
`return (FALSE);
`if (!xdr_fattr(xdrs, &objp->attributes))
`return (FALSE);
`return (TRUE);
`X X
`Xxdr_diropres(xdrs, objp)
`XDR *xdrs;
`diropres *objp;
`if (!xdr_nfsstat(xdrs, &objp—>status))
`return (FALSE) 7
`Petitioner Oracle-Apple — Exhibit 1010 — Page 289
`switch (objp—>status)
`case NFS_OK:
`if (!xdr_diropokres(xdrs, &objp—>diropres_u.diropres))
`return (FALSE);
`return (TRUE);
`X X
`Xxdr_read1inkres(xdrs, objp)
`XDR *xdrs;
`readlinkres *objp;
`if (!xdr_nfsstat(xdrs, &objp—>status))
`return (FALSE);
`} s
`witch (objp—>status)
`case NFS_OK:
`if (!xdr_nfspath(xdrs, &objp—>read1inkres_u.data))
`return (FALSE);
`} b
`} r
`eturn (TRUE);
`Xxdr_readargs(xdrs, objp)
`XDR *xdrs;
`readargs *objp;
`if (!xdr_nfs_fh(xdrs, &objp->fi1e))
`return (FALSE);
`if (!xdr_u_int(xdrs, &objp—>offset))
`return (FALSE);
`if (!xdr_u_int(xdrs, &objp—>count))
`return (FALSE);
`if (!xdr_u_int(xdrs, &objp->tota1count))
`return (FALSE);
`return (TRUE);
`X X
`Xxdr_readokres(xdrs, objp)
`XDR *xdrs;
`readokres *objp;
`if (!xdr_fattr(xdrs, &objp->attributes))
`return (FALSE) "
`Petitioner Oracle-Apple — Exhibit 1010 — Page 290
`if (!xdr_bytes(xdrs,
`(char **)&objp—>data.data_va1,
`(u_int *)&objp—>data.data_1en,
`return (FALSE);
`return (TRUE);
`X X
`Xxdr_readres(xdrs, objp)
`XDR *xdrs;
`readres *objp;
`if (!xdr_nfsstat(xdrs, &objp—>status))
`return (FALSE);
`} s
`witch (objp—>status)
`case NFS_OK:
`if (!xdr_readokres(xdrs, &objp->readres_u.rep1y))
`return (FALSE);
`} b
`} r
`eturn (TRUE);
`Xxdr_writeargs(xdrs, objp)
`XDR *xdrs;
`X writeargs *objp;
`if (!xdr_nfs_fh(xdrs, &objp->fi1e))
`return (FALSE);
`if (!xdr_u_int(xdrs, &objp—>beginoffset))
`return (FALSE);
`if (!xdr_u_int(xdrs, &objp—>offset))
`return (FALSE);
`if (!xdr_u_int(xdrs, &objp->tota1count))
`return (FALSE);
`if (!xdr_bytes(xdrs,
`(char **)&objp—>data.data_va1,
`(u_int *)&objp—>data.data_1en,
`return (FALSE);
`return (TRUE);
`X X
`Xxdr_createargs(xdrs, objp)
`XDR *xdrs;
`createargs *objp;
`if "Xdr—dir°Par9S‘XdrS' &°bjP‘>‘"here” {
`return (FALSE);
`} i
`f (!xdr_sattr(xdrs, &objp—>attributes))
`return (FALSE);
`} r
`eturn (TRUE);
`Xxdr_renameargs(xdrs, objp)
`XDR *xdrs;
`renameargs *objp;
`if (!xdr_diropargs(xdrs, &objp—>from))
`return (FALSE);
`if (!xdr_diropargs(xdrs, &objp—>to))
`return (FALSE);
`return (TRUE);
`X X
`Xxdr_1inkargs(xdrs, objp)
`XDR *xdrs;
`linkargs *objp;
`if (!xdr_nfs_fh(xdrs, &objp->from))
`return (FALSE);
`if (!xdr_diropargs(xdrs, &objp—>to))
`return (FALSE);
`return (TRUE);
`X X
`Xxdr_sym1inkargs(xdrs, objp)
`XDR *xdrs;
`symlinkargs *objp;
`if (!xdr_diropargs(xdrs, &objp—>from))
`return (FALSE);
`if (!xdr_nfspath(xdrs, &objp—>to))
`return (FALSE);
`if (!xdr_sattr(xdrs, &objp—>attributes))
`return (FALSE);
`return (TRUE);
`X X
`Xxdr_nfscookie(xdrs, objp)
`XDR *xdrs;
`nfscookie objp;
`Petitioner Oracle-Apple - Exhibit 1010 - Page 292
`if (!xdr_opaque(xdrs, objp, NFS_COOKIESIZE))
`return (FALSE);
`return (TRUE);
`X X
`Xxdr_readdirargs(xdrs, objp)
`XDR *xdrs;
`readdirargs *objp;
`if (!xdr_nfs_fh(xdrs, &objp->dir))
`return (FALSE);
`if (!xdr_nfscookie(xdrs, objp—>cookie))
`return (FALSE);
`if (!xdr_u_int(xdrs, &objp—>count))
`return (FALSE);
`return (TRUE);
`X X
`Xxdr_entry(xdrs, objp)
`XDR *xdrs;
`entry *objp;
`if (!xdr_u_int(xdrs, &objp—>fi1eid))
`return (FALSE);
`if (!xdr_fi1ename(xdrs, &objp->name))
`return (FALSE);
`if (!xdr_nfscookie(xdrs, objp—>cookie))
`return (FALSE);
`if (!xdr_pointer(xdrs,
`return (FALSE);
`return (TRUE);
`(char **)&objp->nextentry, sizeof(entry), xdr_entry))
`X X
`Xxdr_dir1ist(xdrs, objp)
`XDR *xdrs;
`dirlist *objp;
`if (!xdr_pointer(xdrs,
`return (FALSE);
`(char **)&objp—>entries, sizeof(entry), xdr_entry))
`if (!xdr_boo1(xdrs, &objp—>eof))
`return (FALSE);
`return (TRUE);
`Petitioner Oracle-Apple - Exhibit 1010 - Page 293
`X X
`Xxdr_readdirres(xdrs, objp)
`XDR *xdrs;
`readdirres *objp;
`if (!xdr_nfsstat(xdrs, &objp—>status))
`return (FALSE);
`} s
`witch (objp->status)
`case NFS_OK:
`if (!xdr_dir1ist(xdrs, &objp—>readdirres_u.reply))
`return (FALSE);
`} b
`} r
`eturn (TRUE);
`Xxdr_statfsokres(xdrs, objp)
`XDR *xdrs;
`statfsokres *objp;
`if (!xdr_u_int(xdrs, &objp—>tsize))
`return (FALSE);
`(!xdr_u_int(xdrs, &objp—>bsize))
`return (FALSE);
`(!xdr_u_int(xdrs, &objp—>b1ocks))
`return (FALSE);
`if (!xdr_u_int(xdrs, &objp—>bfree))
`return (FALSE);
`(!xdr_u_int(xdrs, &objp->bavai1))
`return (FALSE);
`} r
`eturn (TRUE);
`Xxdr_statfsres(xdrs, objp)
`XDR *xdrs;
`statfsres *objp;
`if (!xdr_nfsstat(xdrs, &objp—>status))
`return (FALSE);
`} s
`witch (objp->status)
`case NFS_OK:
`if (!xdr_statfsokres(xdrs, &objp—>statfsres_u.reply))
`return (FALSE) "
`Exhibit D
`Petitioner Oracle-Apple — Exhibit 1010 — Page 294
`return (TRUE);
`echo x — admproto_c1nt.c
`sed 's/‘X//' >admproto_c1nt.c << 'END—of—admproto_c1nt.c'
`X * Please do not edit this file.
`X * It was generated using rpcgen.
`X */
`X X
`#inc1ude <rpc/rpc.h>
`X#inc1ude "admproto.h"
`X X
`/* Default timeout can be changed using c1nt_contro1() */
`Xstatic struct timeval TIMEOUT = { 25,
`0 };
`X X
`void *
`Xadmproc_nu11_2(argp, clnt)
`void *argp;
`CLIENT *clnt;
`static char res;
`bzero((char *)&res, sizeof(res));
`if (c1nt_ca11(c1nt, ADMPROC_NULL, xdr_Void, argp, xdr_Void, &res, TIMEOUT)
`return (NULL);
`} r
`eturn ((void *)&res);
`NN><NNN><NNN ‘—I-’
`Xcfsstat *