`BA -
`Noah Webster
` .. ._ . . _ ' , f _ FI'NIIjs'AR1OOS1'g;
`Second Edition
`Dictionary Editorial Ofiices
`New World Dictionaries
`850'Euclid Avenue
`, Cleveland, Ohio 44114
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`’ Library [of Congress Catalog Card Number: 83—42537
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`Previous editidns of this book Were pub-
`Iished by The world Publishing Company,
`William Collins +World Publishing Co., Inc.
`; and William Collins Publishers, Inc.
`pneious,: abso tie, posrtive.,
` g _I , . . Iat'e ame.].egenus
`uth American-dentirostral»insessorIial.
`fir’lflI-txfite ngJ
`I rbitraIted pt" 12?
`“Ibirdsgngthe' :chatterersru including the ,I white
`5mg, ‘ppr. [L arbztmlus.» pp. of arbrtrari,_to-s'ee.
`bIellbird, or' ‘campanero‘p Ardp‘rmga" alba. _, re-‘
`logy". I
`give a decision, from orbiter, 'a witness,‘Judge.]
`lmark‘able forIits‘clear;,far—soundin ,.:bell.-‘like .
`‘- I1; to. hear- and Idecide“I(a 'disputeyasWar-
`chinol.’6- y,‘;_n. [Griarachnav spider; and
`notes and for. its peculiar," com like'
`bitrat‘orp I
`in,” from . exam. to speak] the science
`tuberance which'formerly was suppo ,
`2. to demde or determineb arbitration; to
`spiders and other Arachmda.
`have erectile powers and was believed to
`chvnoph'a-gous a.
`[G‘L‘ arachnZI. spider,
`give to an arbitrator to deci e.
`. cause. or contributeto. the bell—like quality of
`:11 S.’ ‘
`‘d- hogan, to eat] in zoology, preymg upon
`. Syn.~settle, ad'ust. decide, .determin ,
`. ,therird's note by becoming'erect'yalsor a
`. Judicate.
`» _, -
`similar species of Australiaand New salami.
`ar'biI-trfitIe, 11.1.
`to submit a dispute to"
`reeom’e-tér, u. an areometer.
`1. theblack macaw. ,
`» arbitration.
`rec’d-stylus. and 1:. same as areostlee.
`. I2. t e‘ palm cookatoo of Austraha.I
`2. to act Isis-arbitrator (in a disput
`‘be— .
`I. e-It'ysys’tyle, (1. admin. same as areosystyle.
`ar-a-rfi’ba, In. {Port} from Braz. native name]
`tween persons).
`” g6-nése’,I 11.; pl. Ar’I'a-gfi-nése', I1. a na-
`1. a bitter. yellowIItpowder used in medicine:
`iir-bi-u'a’tion,e..n‘.§ an. arbitrating'or being ar-I‘ I
`.also called Goa pow er;
`e'or inhabitant of Aragon, 1nI Spam.
`bitrated; settlement of a dis ute by a. ersori
`2. the Spamsh dialect spoken in Aragon.
`I 2. the Brazilian tree yielding the powder:
`or persons chosen to hear bot "sides an come
`it has striped wood.
`gfi-nés‘e’, a. relating to Aragon. its people.
`to a daemon.
`language. etc.
`a-rfa’tion, n. tillage. [Rare]
`I a board of arbitratwrz usually consists of an
`/a-t6-ry,' a.
`[L. aralorms,
`fromI arqtor, a
`g’fi-‘n‘i‘te, n. [from Aragon, in Spain, and
`] pertammg to
`odd number of persons chosen equally by th
`8.] a mineral made up of calcium carbonate
`leower,I from arare, to plow.
`opposmg Sides, excepting the umpire or.
`. rthorhornbic. crystals, with less dI
`tillage. [Rare]
`man; who is the choice of the arbitratorsfb .
`1. the language of the Arau—
`eavage and greater‘density than calcxte.
`A-rau fin. 1:.
`fore chosen. An award in writing, signed .by a
`_-gu§’t6 (-gwa’td), n. [8. Am] a 5 cores of
`2., an Araucanian.
`onkeyfound in South America; 1: e ursme
`majority of the board. 1s.usuall¥;_binding. v.
`arbitration band; a bond‘whic is Iigenerally,I.
`owIlIer. Mycetes ursinus: also called araba,
`Ar-au-gfifni-an; a. 1. of‘the
`2. of’their language.
`entered into by 'parties-wishinglto Silhfiut",
`their differences to arbitration. It binds them .
`raige’, 71.1. to raise. [Obs.]
`I Ar-au-c-E’ni-an,
`n; aI'member of a‘linguistic
`to acguieIsce in the award given.
`"nk n. arrack; [Obs;] -.
`stock of South American Indians of Chile and
` ative or an
`“arbitration of exchange; he fixing. of‘~the-
`' ka-nése', rampl: Ar”a:ka—nése_', 4. a
`the Argentine pampas; " '
`inhabitant of.Arakan. a provmce
`ratio of exchange of the moneys of two coun»
`. n.‘[Mo’d’. ’L.. __from the Araucano,
`the changing ,of'money. of:'.._one'«
`tnes; also,
`autribe of ndians mthe southern parts of-
`2-c0untrIy to that of another. :
`g'e spoken by'the Aralcanese.
`the 1
`found in South
`Chile,] 3. genus-of Confirm;
`’bi-tra-tor, n. [L. arbitrator. from drbitrari.
`., a. of Arakan orthe Arakanese
`I ‘ka‘né.
`Amenca and Australasra. consisting of large
`toIisee.Ig1ve, judgment, from arbiter; a witness)
`nage -,;
`evergreen trees ‘with.ivertrci11ate spre
`" 1-21, 12. [on ' unknown]
`branchesbearing large‘cones.‘_each scale hav-
`‘1. In person who is chosen by agreement of ‘
`la genuso plants, the type
`of the order
`ing a single large seed.
`parties I111 aucontroversy, to settle the dispatch
`Ialiacz‘,‘eight species. of which are” found in
`at-Igueci’ri=an,;ld; pertaining to the Araucaria. ‘
`or ‘one of two or more persons so chosen.
`orthAmerica.I I
`‘ _ '.
`ar-aq-gfi’ri-an. n. any tree of the genus Amu—
`. I 2.1 an arbiter-{one who is fully authorized 0
`[a4] any plant‘of‘ this 'genus." -
`”Judge‘or demde. .
`li-Ei’céI-ae, will. an order of p1ants;I in-
`K’ra-wiik, n. a member. of any branch of the
`‘5 Sync—arbiter, Judge. umpire.
`.‘ Arawalcan Indians.» .
`en‘ous to warm climates. akin to the ‘.Umbel—
`fir’bi-tritrix, n. a woman‘arbitrator
`.lffgerz, but of. a more shrubby character; The
`Ardwiilkan, a. of a larg hngursticfannly of
`fir'bi-tress,.n.-a woman arbiter.
`South American Indian tnbes north" of the
`'3 hseng and. the English “73' are'Itwo well-
`’ fir’blast, 12. same as .arbalest.
`Ehown families of this order._ I
`arbaleste; .
`[ME. abet-sherbet; OFrI. "rerbien
`Irfiiflri’ceous, a.
`[from Aruba. and Momma]
`the lants o
`heIrbier; from IL. herbarium, a place covered
`Port. arbalerla, 'from‘L. Iarsubo‘lltsta; arms.
`belonging to the Aralraceaw
`ave Lflat
`bow,'and'ballism, an’lerngme-for hurling pro—
`er. I'
`"rIa ,
`ass or herbage, from ‘herba. grass. an
`hich‘ "are: usually woody - and I
`jectiles; from Gr". ballem. to, throw.] across-
`usters of._'small.' . white. or ' greemsh
`' 1. a a‘ place shaded by trees, shrubsnorvine
`" often, fragrant leaves.-
`bow.. very common Iinn Europe ' during. the
`~ a frame oflatticework, covered with vinesp‘or.
`Ar'a-mé’fin, n. ‘1- any member
`middle ages; consrstmg‘ of a steel bow set
`other plants, ‘for shade; a bower. ‘
`‘ 41::
`lived in Syria
`‘ crosswise Iin‘a shaft of wood, furnished with a
`2. a plotIof grass; garden; orchard: [Obs.]
`strin 'and a trigger, and bent by a crank
`- wind ass. It propelled arrows, balls. or stones.
`fir’borI,’n.; pl. iir’bG-rEs, L.. a tree. a beard]
`1’. 1nbotany,atree.as istinguishedfroman’
`fir’be-lest-ér, ar’baI-list-er, n.
`[ME. drbal—
`ester; OFr. arbalestzer; L. arcubalistariu's, one
`2. a family‘tree.
`Ivvohto uses an arcubahstJ a crossbown’ian.
`3. pl. fir’bors, in metal casting, the beamI ,‘
`or bar in the center of an interior mold or *‘
`fir’bi‘ er, n. [L. arlgiter, a witness, judge, from
`ar-. ad, to, and brtere, beterg. to come or go.]
`Arbor Day; in many States of the United I
`1. a person selected to demde a controversy;
`an arbitrator._
`States, a day appointed by law for the plant-
`in of trees, as ‘by the pupils of the public
`2. one who is fully authorized to judge or
`so 0015. to foster interest in the preservation
`of forests.
`Syn.-—ad1udicator. arbitrator. umpire. ref-
`fir’bér, 71. [FL arbre, tree. axis, from L. arbor,
`eree. Judge.
`ar’bi-tra-ble . a.
`1. arb1trary; depending on
`tree, beam] in mechanics: (3.) a shaft‘ beam;
`(b) a spmd e; axle; (c) a bar—that holds out-
`the will.I[Ohs.]
`2. subject to arbitration.
`r, 1;.i'.’ to set in an arbor (bar, shaft, etc.).'
`fir’bi-trige, 71. [FL arbitrage, fromnrbitrcr; L.
`fir‘bB-rfi’ceous, a. [arbor (tree), and -aceous.]
`arbitran,_to give a. damsion, from arbiter. a
`*1. like a tree: treelike.
`2. _ full of trees; wooded.-
`' 1. arbitration.
`~ , _'
`iiI’bé-rr‘i'ry, a. [L. arborarius. from arbor. a
`2, abuying of bills of exchangerstocks, etc.
`. tree] arboreal.
`in one market nd Selling them again at a
`12. one who plants or .I prunes '
`riprice in another market. *
`'4‘. relating to” arbiters or arbitra~ ,
`1. pertaining to or like a tree
`- .,
`'2.,1}ving in. or adapted-[for living.in'trees;-~
`iir-bit'raement, nzI I1. arbitration.
`pertammg‘tolife in woods Or amongtrees‘; as;
`[2; the final daemon ofaan arbitrator.
`.1 arboreal animals arboreal pursuits.
`-. ‘
`3-. thepower to make an absolute and final
`"ar’bored, a.
`1. having an arbor, or bower;
`de01sion;Ias. the arbitrommt of war.
`as, anrarbored garden.
`4I. the verdict orIaward of arbitrators.
`2. having trees on both sides or around it.
`'ar’bg-tra-ridy, adv). m an\arbitrary manner.
`ir-bo’ré-ous, a.
`[L. arboreus. from arbor. a‘
`‘ar’bi-tra-ri-ness, n. the quality or condition
`1. arboreal.
`I of being arbitrary.
`ar-bl-trfi ri-ous, a. arbltrary; despotic. [Obs.]
`2. full of trees; wooded.
`fir-bi-trfi,’ri-ous-ly, adv. arbitrarily. [Obs.]
`3. arborescent.
`[L. Iarboresce'ns. p r.‘ of
`iir-bfi-res’cence, n.
`fir’bi-trirry, a.-[IL. arbitrarius, from arbiter. a
`witness, Judge.
`arboréscere. to become a tree. from or or. a
`1. not overned by prmci 1e; depending on
`tree] the state of having the-shape or form of I
`volition: ased on one‘s pre erence, notion, or
`a tree; resemblance to a tree, as in minerals.
`'. 2. capnmous.‘
`ar-bfi-Ires’cent, a. treelike in shape or growth;
`3. tyrannical; despotic.
`fir’bfi-ret, n. [It. arboreto. from L. urbane tree]
`. Arbitrary power 15 most easily established on
`1. a small tree or shrub.
`the ruins of liberty abused to licentious—
`. ——Washin on.
`[02b ;] place planted or overgrown with trees.
`‘4. m law; left to the discretion or in gment
`of the court; not fixed; not determined by
`fir-bfi-Iré’tum, n.;‘pl. iir-bo-ré'tums or iair-b6»
`ré’ta, [L.,
`Ia place grown with trees, from
`statute; as; arbitrary fines.
`arbor. a tree.]
`Syn.—tyrann1ca1. imperious, unlimited. ca-
`1. of the Ara—
`_ mfi’ig, 41. [Gr. Aramaic, f. of Aramar‘os,
`om Heb. ‘Ardm, a name given to Syria, and
`. .Iof or pertaining to Aram. or anc1ent
`2. of the, Aramaic language.
`-m§’i<_:, n. a grou
`of northwest Semitic
`iblical times. including '
`anguages spoken in
`language used in Palestine after theIcap-
`wity, and spoken by Jesus and his discxples.
`‘ -m§’ism, 1:. an idiom of the Aramaiclan—
`-né’i-da, mp1. [Mod L., from Lgaranea,
`f Arachnida,
`including the .
`piden] an order 0have the. abdomen unseg-
`merited and connected with thethorax by a -
`arrow peduncle. They breathe by. means of
`onary sacs andIIthostigmata connected
`’tracheae,_and have from four to‘sncI spin-
`Ierets. for making thefsdken threads from
`' 11 their Webs are Spun.
`né’i'diin, a; '.reII1atmg to the Ararmda,
`IIsp ciallyto thejspiders. '
`é’i-din, n. one of the Araneida.‘
`é’i-form,_ a.
`‘. aroma. spider, and
`a. form;] having the shape of a spider.
`in 171123, rapl. same as Araneida.I
`114:1, same as Aranetda.
`”(5’11 Bee. é-rz'iIné-Ous, a.’[L. araneosus, full
`or. like spider's web. from drama, spider.]
`mbling the web of a spider; arachnoid.
`I’gé,"n.; pl. aI-rafi’gfies,‘ [native name] a
`bead made of carnelian, imported from
`a and used extenswely by slave trad-
`. "in t e'days of the African slave trade.
`rajKa-hfi. 91.;
`l. A’rap’a-hd or A-rapfa-
`showy-any mem erIof a tnbe of A1 onquran
`”Indians who lived in the area of t e‘up er
`I atte 'and Arkansas Rivers: also spe ed
`' opahon
`n. [native name] one of the larg-
`trash-water food fishes, found in South
`erica. It frequently measures fifteen feet
`11, and sometimes weighs more than
`ull, brute. turn. up;'cry, myth; cat, machine, ace, church. chord; gem, anger,
`(F12) bon. as; this, thin; azure