`[11] Patent Number:
`Umted States Patent
`Luciw et al.
`[45] Date of Patent:
`Jul. 1, 1997
`Inventors: William W Luciw, Morgan Hill;
`Stephen P. Capps, San Carlos;
`Lawrence G. Tesler, 1301101a Valley, all
`0f Calif.
`[73] As51gnee: éfie Computer, Inc., Cupertino,
`[21] Appl No . 424,959
`[22] Filed'
`Apr 19 1995
`$133; $3;me Pa" 05' '
`Wilensky, Robert; Arens, Ylgal; and Chin, David, ‘Talking
`to UNIX in English: An Overview of UC,” Communications
`of the ACM, Jun. 1984, V01. 27, N0. 6, pp. 574 to 593.
`Tello, Ernest R., “Natural Language Systems,” Savvy PC,
`Clout 2, Q&A, Lotus HAL, Mastering A1 Tools and Tech-
`niques, Chapter 2, pp. 25 to 64.
`(List continued on next page.)
`Related U'S' Appheation Data
`[60] Division of Ser. No. 99,861, Jul. 30, 1993, Pat. No. 5,477,
`447, which is a continuation-impart of Ser. No. 889,225,
`May 27, 1992, Pat No. 5,390,281.
`Int. Cl.‘5
`.............................................. G06F 17/30
`[52] us. Cl. .................... 395/338; 395/336
`[58] Field of Search ............................... 395/155 156
`395/157 159, 161 149 336, 337 338
`968 759 i2 51 62" 364/419.08 4i9. 19’
`4191’ 41’9- 14 41915: 419 13:
`Referencos Cited
`Re. 34,476 12/1993 Norwood ................................ 382/186
`6/1987 Schramm et a1.
`" 332/20
`4,713,775 12/1987 Scott et a1.
`I 0
`4/1988 Katayama et a].
`8/1989 Weiner ...............
`395I336 X
`4,875,187 10/1989 Smith .................
`_____ 395,141
`4/1990 Iggulden et 31.
`7/1990 Nakama et a1.
`8/1990 Gansner et al.
`11/199O Amirghodsi Ct 31-
`5,0913% 2/1992 Silverberg ................... 358/434
`4/1992 Lanier ....................... 395/68
`4/1992 Katayama et a1.
`8/1993 G
`1 er et a1
`5239 617
`Primary Examiner—Kee M. Tung
`Assistant Examiner—Crescelle N. dela Torre
`Anome)’: Agent, 0’ Fi'm—Ificmn Beyer & Weaver
`A method and apparatus for providing computer-assisted
`implicit and explicit assistance If no implicit assist actions
`are “Shed 0‘ indicated, 3108“ Process is initiated to
`determine whether explicit assistance should be undertaken.
`If implicit assistance is indicated, a list of action alternatives
`is displayed for the user. If explicit assistance is desired by
`the user, particular object(s) from which the assistance may
`be inferred are entered into an assistance operation. An
`attempt is made to recognize possible intents expressed by
`the objects entered into the assistance process. If no user
`intent is, in fact, recognized, the assist operation is usually
`terminated. If a possible intent is recognized, the actual
`intent is hypothesized. A check is further undertaken, to
`determine whether a hypothesis is in fact available. If no
`hypothes1s 1s found, the process permits the user to supply
`a proposed action. If no hypothesis is found and no user
`action is proposed, assistance eiforts terminate. However, if
`a hypothesis is available, preparations for execution are
`undertaken. A final inquiry is made as to whether to under-
`take the hypothesized assist. If the response to an inquiry
`whether to assist as hypothesized is afinnafive, execution of
`the, d
`- undemk _ A
`4,, d
`th h
`6 ypo m ac on ls
`puter preferably implements the indicated functions.
`(List continued on next page.)
`20 Claims, 18 Drawing Sheets
`Google Inc. 1006
`Google Inc. 1006


`Page 2
`5,255,386 10/1993 Prager ..................................... 395/605
`2/1995 Luciw et al. .......... 395/12
`7/1995 Matsumoto
`5,477,447 12/1995 Luciw et a1.
`............................ ' 395/338
`7/1996 Miller et a1.
`O’Connor, Rory 1., “Apple Banking on Newton’s Brain”,
`San Jose Mercury News, Wednesday, Apr. 22, 1992.
`Hendrix, Gary G. and Walter, Brett A., ‘The Intelligent
`Assistant: Technical Considerations Involved in Designing
`Q&A’s Natural—language Interface”, Byte Magazine, Dec.
`1987, vol. 12, Issue 14, p. 251.
`Edwards, John R., “Q&A: Integrated Software with Macros
`and an Intelligent Assistant”, Byte Magazine, Jan. 1986, vol.
`11, Issue 1, pp. 120—122.
`Goldberg, Cheryl, “IBM Drawing Assistant: Graphics for
`the EGA”, PC Magazine, Dec. 24, 1985, vol. 4, Issue 26, p.
`Garretson, R., “IBM Adds ‘Drawing Assistant’ Design Tool
`to Graphics Series”, PC Week, Aug. 13, 1985, vol. 2, Issue
`32, p. 8.
`Glinert—Stevens, Susan, “Microsoft Publisher: Deshop
`“Wizardry”, PC Sources, Feb., 1992, vol. 3, Issue 2, p. 357.
`Nilsson, B.A., “Microsoft Publisher is an Honorable Start
`for DTP Beginners”, Computer Shopper; Feb. 1992, vol. 12,
`Issue 2, p. 426.
`Poor, Alfred, “Microsoft Publisher”, PC Magazine, Nov. 26,
`1991, vol. 10, Issue 20, p. 40, evaluates Microsoft Publisher.
`Rampe, Dan, et al. In a Jan. 9, 1989 news release, Clan's
`Corporation announced two products, SmartForm Designer
`and SmartForm Assistant, which provide “Intelligent Assis-
`tance”, such as custom help messages, choice lists, and
`data—entry validation and formatting.
`Berry, Deanne, et al. In an Apr. 10, 1990 news release,
`Symantec announced a new version of MORE (TM).
`Elofson, G. and Konsynski, B., “Delegation Technologies:
`Environmental Scanning with Intelligent Agents”, Journal
`of Management Information Systems, Summer 1991, vol. 8,
`Issue 1, pp. 37—62.
`Nadoli, Gajanana and Biegel, John, “Intelligent Agents in
`the Simulation of Manufacturing Systems”, Proceedings of
`the SCS Multiconference an AI and Simulation, 1989.
`Sharif Heger, A. and Koen, B. V., “KNOWBOT: an Adaptive
`Data Base Interface”, Nuclear Science and Engineering,
`Feb. 1991, vol. 107, No. 2, pp. 142—157, describes an
`adaptive interface KNOWBOT.
`Ohsawa, I. and Yonezawa, A., “A Computational Model of
`an Intelligent Agent Who Talks with a Person”, Research
`Reports on Infomzation Sciences, Series C, Apr. 1989, No.
`92, pp. 1—18.
`Ratcliffe, Mitch and Gore, Andrew, “Intelligent Agents take
`U.S. Bows.”, MacWeek, Mar. 2, 1992, vol. 6, No. 9, p. 1.
`Boy, Guy A., Intelligent Assistant Systems, Harcourt Brace
`Jovanovich, 1991, uses the term “Intelligent Assistant Sys—
`Microsoft Windows User’s Guide for the Windows Graphi-
`cal Environment; Version 3.0; Microsoft Press copyright


`US. Patent
`Jul. 1, 1997


`US. Patent
`Jul. 1, 1997
`Sheet 2 of 18
`Names Dates
`E tras
`fgure 2


`US. Patent
`Jul. 1, 1997
`Sheet 3 of 18
`Select Best
`Yes Enter Selected
`Object(s) Into
`Enter Object(s)
`Into Assistant
`@ Possible Intent?
`HypotheSLZe Intent
`ser Supplies
` 139
`Is There a
`Prepare To
`Provide List Of
`l 1
`Update Information
`& Linked
`Figure 3


`US. Patent
`Jul. 1, 1997
`Sheet 4 of 18
`User Input
`106 in Fig.3


`US. Patent
`Jul. 1, 1997
`Sheet 5 of 18
`Name ______________________
`r. Speaker 6Modem
`figure 415
`f. Speaker Q”Modem
`figure 4c


`US. Patent
`Jul. 1, 1997
`Sheet 6 of 18
`TELEPHONE: 408-555-1212
`[Figure 5


`US. Patent
`Jul. 1, 1997
`Sheet 7 of 18
`r. Speaker dModem
`-183 185189
`/177 figure 6a
`. Name
`/ /
`figure 65
`r. Speaker OJModem
`I saac As imov
`7’. Speaker 6Modem


`US. Patent
`Jul. 1, 1997
`Sheet 8 of 18
`l 80
`Make Best Guess
`Based Upon A
`Selected Heuristic
`Obtain Data From
`Field Types
`Enter Obtained
`Data Into
`Smart Fields
`Figure 8a


`US. Patent
`Jul. 1, 1997
`Sheet 9 of 18
`Isaac Asimov
`phone 1—202—555-1234
`/ ‘
`figure 85


`US. Patent
`Jul. 1, 1997
`Sheet 10 of 18
`Any Objects
`Any Objects
`Since Last
`Figure 9a


`2 1
`IS AAC- 1
`figure 76
`figure 7c
`figure 96
`figure 9c
`. figure 7a


`US. Patent
`Jul. 1, 1997
`Sheet 12 of 18
`figure 9d
`' 170
`figure 10a
`figure 106


`US. Patent
`Jul. 1, 1997
`Sheet 13 of 18
`I o The Object(s
`Match At Least The
`Figure 11a


`US. Patent
`Jul. 1, 1997
`Sheet 14 of 18
`<ACTION— 10>
`figure 115
`{Figure 11c


`US. Patent
`Jul. 1, 1997
`Sheet 15 of 18
`Enumerate Possible
`Prion'tize And
`Choose Best
`Figure 12a
`Present List Of
`Applicable Actions
`Figure 12b


`US. Patent
`Jul. 1, 1997
`Sheet 16 of 18
`figure 125
`figure 121


`US. Patent
`Jul. 1, 1997
`Sheet 17 of 18
`Fill In Plan Template
`& Identify Missing
`Resolve Missing
`Preconditions To
`Extent Possible
`ait For Additional
`Slip, If Any
`Figure 14a


`US. Patent
`Jul. 1, 1997
`Sheet 13 of 18
`Fax #
`Format Plain
`Ii] Cover Page
`[I Manual Dialing
`figure 146


`assistance could be provided is recognized. However, such
`an approach may provide unsatisfactory results when the
`user is provided with assistance that is unwanted or dispro-
`Simply stated, concerns have arisen about assist functions
`being undertaken by the computer without adequate user
`control and interaction. When the assist function has been
`undertaken without adequate user control, assistance would
`be provided awkwardly and at times when the assistance
`was not necessarily desired.
`It is essential that the control, the timing, and the appli-
`cation of the assistance is considered appropriate and well—
`tuned. The confidence of the user is undermined when the
`assistance provided only obliquely addresses particularized
`user needs without precisely providing the particular results
`objectively and subjectively required.
`According to the invention, a method and apparatus has
`been developed for providing computer—assisted implicit
`and explicit assistance for a variety of user~supportive
`information functions. If no implicit assist actions are
`desired or indicated, then a logical process is initiated to
`determine whether explicit assistance should be undertaken.
`If implicit assistance is indicated, a list of action alternatives
`is displayed for the user. Alternatively, a process can be
`undertaken to automatically select a best action alternative
`of several identified alternatives.
`If explicit assistance is desired by the user, particular
`object(s) from which the assistance may be inferred are
`entered into an assistance operation. An attempt is then made
`to recognize possible intents expressed by the objects
`entered into the assistance process. If no user intent is, in
`fact, recognized, the assist operation is usually terminated. If
`a possible intent is recognized, the actual intent is hypoth—
`esized. A check is further undertaken, to determine whether
`a hypothesis is in fact available. If no hypothesis is found,
`the process permits the user to supply a proposed action. If
`no hypothesis is found and no user action is proposed,
`assistance efforts terminate. However, if a hypothesis is
`available, preparations for execution are undertaken. A final
`inquiry is made as to whether to undertake the hypothesized
`assist. If the response to an inquiry whether to assist as
`hypothesized is affirmative, execution of the hypothesized
`action is undertaken.
`Accordingly, it is an intent of the invention to provide user
`explicit assist functions which are provided under oversight
`and with the interaction of the user, and implicit assist
`functions in certain structured instances. The involvement of
`the user in the implementation of implicit assist operations
`is a key aspect of the invention. User intent is not merely
`deduced, but specific user queries are made to ensure
`controlled application of assist operations.
`These and other advantages of the present invention will
`become apparent upon reading the following detailed
`descriptions and studying the various figures of the draw—
`Cross-Reference to a Related Application
`This application is divisional of US. patent application
`Ser. No. 08/099,861, filed on Jul. 30, 1993, now US. Pat.
`No. 5,477,447, under the title “METHOD AND APPARA-
`ASSISTANCE” on behalf of Luciw et. a1. and assigned to
`the same assignee as herein; which application is incorpo—
`rated herein by reference in its entirety. Application Ser. No.
`08/099,861 is a continuation—in—part of Ser. No. 889,225,
`issued US. Pat. No. 5,390,281 filed May 27, 1992 and
`issued Feb. 14, 1995 and which is incorporated herein by
`reference in its entirety. Priority rights based upon this
`earlier filed United States Patent are claimed.
`invention relates generally to computer
`The present
`systems, and more particularly to computer-implemented
`assistance methods and apparatus.
`Computerized personal organizers are becoming increas-
`ingly popular with a large segment of the population.
`Computerized personal organizers tend to be small,
`lightweight, and relatively inexpensive, and can perform
`such functions as keeping a calendar, an address book, a
`to-do list, etc. While many of these functions can also be
`provided in conventional computer systems, personal orga-
`nizers are very well suited to the personal organization task
`due to their small size and portability. Personal organizers
`are available from such companies as Sharp and Casio of
`A relatively new form of computer, the pen-based com-
`puter system, holds forth the promise of a marriage of the
`power of a general purpose computer with the functionality
`and small size of a personal organizer. A pen-based com-
`puter system is typically a small, hand-held computer where
`the primary method for inputting data includes a “pen” or
`stylus. A pen—based computer system is commonly housed in
`a generally rectangular enclosure, and has a dual-function
`display assembly providing a viewing screen along one of
`the planar sides of the enclosure. The dual-function display
`assembly serves as both an input device and an output
`device. When operating as an input device, the display
`assembly senses the position of the tip of a stylus on the
`viewing screen and provides this positional information to
`the computer’s central processing unit (CPU). Some display
`assemblies can also sense the pressure of the stylus on the
`screen to provide further information to the CPU. When
`operating as an output device, the display assembly presents
`computer-generated images on the screen.
`The dual-function display assemblies of pen-based com-
`puter systems permit users to operate the computer as a
`computerized notepad. For example, graphical images can
`be input into the pen-based computer by merely moving the
`stylus on the surface of the screen. As the CPU senses the
`position and movement of the stylus, it generates a corre-
`sponding image on the screen to create the illusion that the
`stylus is drawing the image directly upon the screen, i.e. that
`the stylus is “inking” an image on the screen. With suitable
`recognition software, text and numeric information can also
`be entered into the pen—based computer system in a similar
`One approach to computerized assist operations is to
`provide assistance automatically when a situation in which
`FIG. 1 is a block diagram of a computer system in
`accordance with the present invention.
`FIG. 2 is a top plan view of the screen, case, and keypad
`of the computer system of FIG. 1.
`FIG. 3 is a flow diagram of a process according to the
`invention for providing controlled computer—assisted user


`FIG. 4a shows a process for determining Whether or not
`implicit assistance is desired by the user, in connection with
`providing computer assisted support to the user.
`FIG. 4b shows an example of an implicit assist operation
`with a phone slip window having a smart name field evoked,
`for example, by either highlighting the verb “call” or by
`writing it on the note field before evoking window.
`FIG. 4c shows the phone slip window of FIG. 4b with the
`name formal font form. ISAAC having been recognized and
`established in the name field in
`FIG. 5 shows an example of a generic <PERSON> type
`frame along with a particular set of specific frames of the
`<PERSON> type.
`FIGS. 6a—60 show respective assist windows in succes-
`sive stages of an assist process, including first a window
`containing a first informational level directed at the name
`ISAAC alone, a second window with a pop-up menu offer-
`ing a user choice among several known ISAACs, and a third
`window showing the selection of a particular ISAAC, that is
`ISAAC ASIMOV, having been accomplished.
`FIG. 7 illustrates a brief flow diagram illustrating a
`heuristic process for the selection of a particular choice
`among alternatives when the user is not queried for selection
`of alternatives.
`FIGS. 7a—7c show selected examples of heuristic rules of
`thumb which are effective in making automatic choices
`between alternative ISAACs, respectively directed toward
`selection schemes such as selecting the last used ISAAC,
`selecting the last in order of ISAACs according to particular
`position within a selected table, and finally selecting a
`particular ISAAC based upon prior frequency of choice of
`that particular ISAAC.
`FIG. 8a is a flow diagram illustrating the updating process
`for data base information in linked smart fields.
`FIG. 8b is a call slip illustration of an updated smart field
`Window in which the phone number field information has
`been updated.
`FIG. 9a is a flow diagram of the process according to the
`invention in which a query is made as to whether a specific
`selection has been made as to a particular object.
`FIG. 9b-9c indicate graphically the performance of the
`selection query operation as expressed in FIG. 9A.
`FIG. 9d illustrates the transferal of the highlighted objects
`of FIG. 9c transferred to a selected window.
`FIG. 10a illustrates the input of a handwritten object into
`a smart field in a window.
`FIG. 10b illustrates the recognition of the handwritten
`object of FIG. 10a arid its conversion into formal font form.
`FIG. 11a is a flow diagram illustrating the recognition of
`objects process.
`FIG. 11b illustrates an object combination under opera-
`FIG. 110 shows a template for organizing in preset form
`a variety of object combinations.
`FIG. 12a illustrates a process for hypothesizing user
`intent as to particular activities.
`FIG. 12b is a flow diagram setting forth a process for
`determining whether the user wishes to provide or supply a
`particular action.
`FIG. 120 shows a window with a menu partially overlap-
`ping its topside in order to provide the user with an array of
`activity choices.
`FIG. 12d shows the window of FIG. 12c with the activity
`of calling having been selected, establishing the combined
`objects CALL and ISAAC in the activity field of the
`FIG. 13 illustrates the process for preparing for execution
`of a particular activity.
`FIG. 14a is a short flow diagram of a process for deter-
`mining whether to proceed with execution of a particular
`selected assist activity.
`FIG. 14b illustrates an example of a confirmation of
`action slip that could be produced upon completion of a
`particular activity, in this case completion of the process of
`faxing information to another party.
`The present invention is well suited for pointer based
`computer systems such as the pen-based, pen-aware and
`mouse controlled systems that are currently popular. For the
`purposes of illustration, the invention will be described in
`connection with a pen—based system.
`As shown in FIG. 1, a pen-based computer system 10 in
`accordance with the present invention includes a central
`processing unit (CPU) 12, read only memory (ROM) 14,
`random access memory (RAM) 16, input/output (I/O) cir-
`cuitry 18, and a display assembly 20. The pen-based com-
`puter system 10 may also optionally include a mass storage
`unit 22, a keypad (or keyboard) 24, a serial port 26, an
`infrared (I/R) port 28, and a clock 30.
`The CPU 12 is preferably a commercially available,
`single chip microprocessor. While CPU 12 can be a complex
`instruction set computer (CISC) chip, it is preferable that
`CPU 12 be one of the commercially available, reduced
`instruction set computer (RISC) chips which are known to
`be of generally higher performance than CISC chips. CPU
`12 is coupled to ROM 14 by a unidirectional data bus 32.
`ROM 14 contains the basic operating system for the pen-
`based computer system 10. CPU 12 is connected to RAM 16
`by a hi-directional data bus 34 to permit the use of RAM 16
`as scratch pad memory. ROM 14 and RAM 16 are also
`coupled to CPU 12 by appropriate control and address
`busses, as is well known to those skilled in the art. CPU 12
`is also coupled to the I/O circuitry 18 by bi-directional data
`bus 36 to permit data transfers with peripheral devices.
`I/O circuitry 18 typically includes a number of latches,
`registers and direct memory access (DMA) controllers. The
`purpose of I/O circuitry 18 is to provide an interface between
`CPU 12 and such peripheral devices as display assembly 20,
`mass storage 22, keypad 24, serial port 26, and HR port 28.
`Display assembly 20 of pen-based computer system 10 is
`both an input and an output device. Accordingly,
`it is
`coupled to I/O fi‘om a variety of vendors. The input device
`of display assembly 20 is preferably a thin, clear membrane
`which covers the LCD display and which is sensitive to the
`position of a stylus 38 on its surface. With such a structure,
`the display assembly 20 can serve as an input “tablet.” These
`position sensitive membranes are also readily available on
`the commercial market Alternatively, other types of tablets
`can be used, such as inductively coupled tablets. Combina-
`tion display assemblies such as display assembly 20 which
`include both the LCD and the input membrane are cormner-
`cially available from such vendors as Scriptel Corporation of
`Columbus, Ohio.
`Some type of mass storage 22 is generally considered
`desirable. Mass storage 22 can be coupled to I/O circuitry 18
`by a bi-directional data bus 40. However, the mass storage
`22 can be eliminated by providing a sufficient amount of
`RAM 16 to store user application programs and data. In that
`case, the RAM 16 can be provided with a backup battery to
`prevent the loss of data even when the pen-based computer


`system 10 is turned off. However, it is generally desirable to
`have some type of long term mass storage 22 such as a
`commercially available miniature hard disk drive, nonvola-
`tile memory such as flash memory, battery backed RAM, a
`Personal Computers Memory Card International Association
`(PCMCIA) card, or the like.
`The keypad 24 can comprise an array of mechanical
`buttons or switches coupled to I/O circuitry 18 by a d

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