`E-Watch, Inc
`Exhibit 2002
`Petitioner - Iron Dome LLC
`Patent Owner - E-Watch Inc


















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`Restriction on Disclosure and Use of Data
`This Proposal includ data that shall not be disclosed outside thfe‘iGovenunent and shall not be
`duplicated, used, or d1 closed in whole or in part for any pu 0058 other than to evaluate this
`proposal. If however, a ntract is awarded to this offerer as reult of, or in connection with, the
`submission ofthis data, th Government shall have the right te- duplicate, use, or disclose the data
`to the extent provided in the -esulting contract. This restric 0n does not limit the Government’s
`right to use the information o tained in this data if it is htained from another source without
`restriction. The data subject to 's restriction is containea in this file.
`l /
`1 i u’
`" : . T es Ellis, Director of Business Developme -
`Texas Instruments, PhotoTelesis
`Date: November 2, 1995


`a Buslness or Texas Instruments
`November 3, 1995
`Harry Reves
`Engineering Research Facility
`Building 27958A
`Quantico, VA 22135
`Dear Harry,
`to provide your organization with a state—
`PhotoTelesis is excited about the opportuni
`f on have any technical questions, please feel
`of—the-art miniaturized image transceiver.
`cial or contractural questions can be
`free to call Mr. Randy Hoeffer or myself any
`directed to Mr. Tres Ellis.
`PhotoTeIesis, a business of Texaslnstru ents, ' pleased to provide you with the attachediia
`unsolicited Micro-KITTM proposal.
`David A. Monroe
`General Manager
`0: Chuck Taylor
`700 Lincoln Center
`7800 IH-lO West 128 San Antonio, Texas 78230
`(210) 349-2020


`MicroRITTM Proposal
`Section 1 - Executive Surmnary
`1.0 PhotoTelesis Background
`I.1 Texas Instruments Background
`1.2 The Combined Team
`1.3 Program Background
`Section 2 - Technical Approach
`2.0 Capturing Video
`2.1 Video Demodulation
`Image Compression
`Image Storage
`2.4 Communications
`2.5 User Interface
`2.6 Hardware
`2.6.2 Hardware Implementation
`2.6.3 Memory
`2.6.4 ”0 Ports
`2.6.5 Power Sources
`Section 3 - Cost
`3 .0
`3.1 GFE
`3 .2 Personnel
`3.3 Attachments
`Section 4 — Product Specifications
`Section 5 - Drawing and Block Diagram
`Section 6 - Schedule
`Section 7 - Cost Detail
`Section 8 - Personnel Resumes
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`MicroRITm Proposal
`2 November 1995
`is specifically
`image transmitter that
`This unsolicited proposal describes a state-of-the-art
`designed for field agent applications with handheld and vehicle mounted digitalfsecure radios.
`The MicroRlT image transmitter will capture and transmit high quality monochrome or color
`images over typical radio circuits, such as the Government Saber Secure Radio on the B-Radio
`net or commercial cellular phone circuits. The MicroRIT is unique because it can transmit a high
`quality image in ten to twenty seconds frorn a unit that islsmall, low power, and low cost. This
`unique capability is currently unavailable and is crucial for field law enforcement applications.
`This MicroRIT miniaturized image transmitter proposal is submitted by PhotoTelesis, a Business
`of Texas Instruments Incorporated. The PhotoTelesis group is a world leader in Tactical Image
`Transmission technology, and Texas Instruments (TI)
`is a world leader in Digital Signal
`Processing technology and Micro Electronics technology.
`The proven track records and
`technology bases of the PhotoTelesisr’TI combined team places this technically challénging
`program well within reach.
`1.0 The PhotoTelesis Organization Background:
`PhotoTelesis has a 10 year history of specialization in Government tactical image transmission.
`PhotoTelesis is the leader in tactical transmission of monochrome or color imagery, captured
`from either television or digital cameras over Government secure radios, Government satellite
`circuits, and commercial cellular and satellite radios.
`The company has installed more than 1000 systems within the Army, Navy, Air Force, Special
`Operations, Federal Law Enforcement, and intelligence groups. These systems have been used in
`classified and unclassified operations. The PhotoTelesis name has become well known as the
`leader in the tactical image transmission field.
`a full c0mplement of
`provides users with
`The PhotoTelesis comprehensive product
`hardware and software, to support Operation from various platforms, including:
`Man Portable Applications-
`Covert Operations
`Aircraft Platforms
`Ground Vehicle Platforms
`Portable Base Stations
`Fixed Base Stations


`The tactical communications functions of the PhotoTelesis products include:
`:> Distribution of images, text and data over all government secure voice bandwidth
`2: Database Archiving of stored images and text data.
`=> Traditional Data Processing activities in MS-DOS and Windows
`3 Interoperability with Government NITFS 2.0 ”National Imagery Transmission Systems"
`Distinctive Competence
`A unique blend of Independent Research and Development, combined with commercial off-the—
`shelf technology, has allowed PhotoTelesis to offer products with innovative designs and
`superior performance at competitive prices. The modular construction of products allows easy
`technology insertion of hardware and software enhancements lowering life cycle costs.
`to service and providing
`The success of PhotoTelesis can be attributed to a commitment
`solutions to our customer problems. Our reputation has been earned by focusing our expertise in
`the following key areas:
`Imagery and Data can be sent from a harsh'
`- Reliablejflependable lingnsmissign of llata.
`tactical environment where air time for transmissions is limited. Users depend upon their
`to transmit
`images and data reliably over wideband SATCOM or narrowband
`communication channels. To compensate for natural and man-made noise, PhotoTelesis’
`preprietary protocols incorporate error correction techniques and compression algorithms that
`provide both efficient and reliable transmissions. These message and image transmission
`protocols are specifically designed for noisy narrow-band radio communications, and are
`currently heavily used in operations involving Command, Control, Communications, and
`Intelligence (C41) applications.
`er. The operational simplicity and versatility of both hardware
`er tio
`ase f
`and software design allow non-technical user compatibility with a wide range of cryptologic
`devices, secure telephones, and radios. The systems are designed to be automatically configured
`by cable connections reducing hardware damage by operator error. The equipment is built with
`user friendly interfaces (GUI) or a menu driven screen.
`- Eroducts 191' Various Platforms. The company has focused on customer requirements to
`develop, with IR&D funds, products used on various platforms, i.e., vehicle, aircraft, and man-
`portable units. This has resulted in building a repertoire of off-the-shelf products for Aircraft,
`Special Operations, and Law Enforcement.
`PhotoTelesis has reduced the time and cost of product
`- Rapid Product Develgpmen .
`development, from product definition through design, development, and pilot production. This is
`accomplished by significant technology re-use, in conjunction with strong specialized skill sets
`of the engineering team. The majority of the PhotoTelesis products have been sold as Non-


`Developed-Items on Indefinite Delivery Order or Fixed Priced Contracts, thus reducing customer
`financial and technical risks.
`1.1 Texas Instruments (TI) Incorporated Background:
`Texas Instruments has diverse capability in micro-electronics, Government, commercial, and
`consumer products. TI is a high technology company with sales or manufacturing operations in
`more than 30 countries; a major supplier of integrated high performance EO based fire control
`systems, high performance processors, themal sensors, missile systems, and radar components
`to the US. Department of Defense (DOD). The MicroRIT program will utilize several key TI
`The DSP is key to the
`TI is a world leader in Digital Signal Processing (DSP) technology.
`MicroRIT’s small size, low power, and low cost. COmmercial technology and the capability for
`high volume production also provide opportunity for significant unit cost reductions, allowing
`for extensive deployment of the technology at a very afar-Liable cost.
`1.2 The Combined PhotoTelesiszexas Instruments Team:
`On August 18, 1995, PhotoTelesis Corporation was acquired by Texas Instruments Incorporated. .
`PhotoTelesis‘ expertise with tactical image transmission combined with the financial strength of
`Texas'lnstruments offer our customers innovative and cost effective tactical imaging product
`PhotoTelesis and Texas Instruments have a two year continuing history of cooperation and
`teaming on other Government imagery programs, including the US Army Hunter Sensor Suite
`program and the Lightweight Video Reconnaissance System (LVRS) program.
`PhotoTelesisl’Texas Instruments is excited about the opportunity to provide new state-of-the-art
`capability through more closely integrated efforts on the part of all team members.
`1.3 The'Program Background:
`Tactical Imagery has proven to be the most efficient and quickest means to distribute critical
`information to the decision maker.
`Imagery in the field can provide agents with near-real time
`secure surveillance that improves their situational awareness, suspect identification capability,
`and thus, reduces allocation of limited perSOnnel resources. Unfortunately, both military and
`commercial products used for transmission of Tactical Imagery are currently unsuitable for law
`enforcement because the military products are too large and too expensive, and the commercial
`products are too large and are not capable of operation over Government tactical radio circuits.
`Current generation Remote Image Transceivers (RIT’s) manufactured by PhotoTelesis are in
`Operation over the Motorola digital radio systems owned by the Government for the purpose of
`transmitting secure (encrypted) imagery from mobile platforms to fixed sites.
`I L


`Still Imagery is being transmitted using the SABER II, with the Secure INDICTOR 'option, at
`12Kbps. A primary requirementof maintaining minimum data transmission times and a quick
`restoration of the radio-to-voice communications have been met in product demonstrations of
`this capability. At a recent test, using the PhotoTelesis man-pack TAORIT, monochrome
`images at a resolution 592 by 4.40, 8-bit pixels Were transmitted in 8 seconds using WaVelet
`compression, and 21 Seconds using industry standard JPEG compression- '
`This proposal describes an engineering program that miniaturizes the PhotoTelesis Current
`capability into a
`very small, covert,
`low power Remote Image Transmitter (MicroRlT)
`specifically designed for agent use- The primary goals for field agent use are:
`Very Small Size (Cellular phone size)
`Low Power (2-4 watts)
`Simple User Interface
`Fast TransmiSsion Time I
`U-UUUU Monochrome or Color Use




`low power digital signal processor (DSP) semiconductors,
`the advent of small,
`MicroRIT was unfeasible. Now, however, such DSP’s allow the design of very small, but highly .
`sophisticated data acquisition and processing devices. In fact, the DSP component is the heart of
`the MicroRlT, controlling all aspects of its Operation from video acquisition,
`to image
`compression, to tactical communications protocol, to user interface.
`is a special type of micrOprocessor that has been highly
`A digital signal processor, or DSP,
`optimized for numerical computations (namely digital signal processing) which involve long
`sequences of multiplication and addition operations. Digital filters, spectrum analyzers, and data
`compression algorithms fall squarely in this category. While the DSP is not often used as a
`generalized host processor (such as an 80486, Pentium, or. 68000), it can certainly be used as a
`host CPU. Because of the particular hardware optimizations that were implemented for digital
`signal processing, a DSP tends to have smaller address spaces (under 1' megabyte) and less
`support for string-oriented operations (for handling character strings). However, several DSP
`variants can quite easily be used as an embedded controller and signal processor - obviating the
`need for two separate processors. This often simplifies the hardware design and interprocessor
`communications mechanisms.
`' .
`The MicroRIT was conceptualized specifically with a DSP as the system controller in mind .to.
`reduce the size and power requirements of the unit.
`In addition, to controlling the overall’ system-
`function, the DSP is responsible for controlling the digitization of video, the compression of this
`captured video, and the communications protocol and link-layer interface. These functions would
`occur serially. That is, it would not be possible to be capturing video while sending a compressed
`image at the same time. This one-at-a-time restriction is due to two problems. The first is the
`limited amount of multi—tasking support in the DSP architecture. Few DSP operating systems are
`available that support preemptive multi-tasking. The second is the limited address space of the
`DSP. Many DSP’s have a fairly limited address space - often under 64K words! This will require
`that both the codespace and the dataspace be page-swapped. Page-swapping essentially means
`that only one software function can be active at a time — which implies the serial nature of the
`major functions.
`2.0 Capturing Video
`A conventional frame grabber contains a great deal of circuitry necessary for demodulating the
`video signal, identifying and triggering off the vertical sync signal, stripping the sync signals
`from the image data, digitizing the demodulated data, and storing it in a dual-ported RAM. This
`is required because the host processor has neither access to the raw video signal, nor the
`processing power to execute these functions in a real—time fashion. The DSP used in the
`MicroRlT approach, will however, be controlling the video digitization while itself does the
`vertical sync identification. External analog—to-digital converters (ADC) will still be used to
`digitize the video signal, rather than using any onboard ADC capabilities of the DSP chip,
`because most DSP ADC’s are not fast enough to digitize at video rates (at least those DSP’S that
`can meet our low—power requirements). Another subtle point about this approach is that video
`need only be digitized on user demand. This implies that the video ADC circuitry only has to be
`energized for 1-2 frame times to acquire the image. Video ADC’S can consume several watts if .
`left free running. The non-requirement for video output allows this digitization-on-demand


`approach that should significantly help reduce size, weight, and heat dissipation, as well as
`extend battery life.
`2.1 Video Demodulation
`A color video signal, in particular a composite color video signal, carries the luminance and color
`(chrominance) information in different frequency bands. Usually, an analog filter is used to
`separate these signals into two analog channels that can then be digitized separately. In order to
`save power and Space in the MicroRlT, we will perform this demodulation in software running
`on the DSP after a frame’s worth of video data has been captured. Even an S-Video signal carries
`two color channels on the chrominance signal (which is physically separated from the luminance
`channel). The same type of sofnvare demodulation will be done on the S-Video chrominance
`channel for ‘S-Video. The video demodulation is performed aw a frame acquisition, not during.
`This is significant because it restricts the MicroRlT to performing system functions in a serial
`fashion. That is, one high level function after another is performed by the central processor (the
`DSP). There is no multitasking of system functionality in the MicroRlT. This is due in part to
`the lack of multitasking DSP operating systems as well as the somewhat limited addressing
`capability of today’s DSP’s (under 1 megabyte of codespace). Thus, after the user specifies that
`an image is to be acquired, the video digitization circuitry powers up, acquires a frame of video
`data, and passes control to the video demodulation software which then separates luminance
`from the color signal by a digital filter.
`2.2 Image Compression
`After the image has been digitized, separated, and demodulated by the system DSP, it will be
`compressed with either the JPEG or PhotoTelesis anelet image compressor. This choice is user
`selectable (via the set of buttons and alphanumeric display). The wavelet compressor is well
`suited to the S—Video type of input since it was designed to work on Lr'Crbe video data. Like all
`other PhotoTelesis implementations of the wavelet codec, the user will be able to select several
`choice of compression ratio andfor “quality". PhotoTelesis is constantly improving its image
`compression technology. These improvements affect compressionfdecompression time and
`image quality. They also affect compression features such as, quality specification (Q-Factor),
`multiresolution compression, and industry standardization. The contractor will
`strive to
`incorporate image compression improvements into the MicroRIT product, subject to the program
`2.3 Image Storage
`There will be enough battery-backed SRAM within the MicroRIT to hold 40 wavelet compressed
`color images. These can be held on-board until dpwnloaded to a host computer via an RS—232
`port. Originally,
`it was conceived to use a PCMCIA SRAM card for this image storage.
`However, the physical size of the mechanical PCMCIA slot and the extra interface circuitry was
`not justified.
`If the images are stored within the MicroRlT, the user will have to bring back
`something, be it the MicroRlT or a PCMCIA card, in order to offload the images to some sort of
`Base Station unit. Thus, the SRAM memory was chosen over PCMCIA.
`2.4 Communications
`The MicroRlT will be able to connect to all'standatd COMSEC equipment including STU-lll’s,
`SINCGAR’S, SABER and RACAL (MHSR) radios, KY-57, KY—58, and Sunburst. The DSP
`processor will run the PTAC and PTAC-2 (required for file pull capability) protocols in order to


`be backward compatible with existing PhotoTelesis equipment. The DSP will also directly
`control all COMSEC control lines (PTT, BDMC, etc.) as well. The DSP and some glue logic will
`essentially replace the original EIS card of the PhotoTelesis ACT product line.
`Note that this version of the MicroRIT will not include the NITFS TACO-2 protocol. There is an
`assumption that the MicroRlT will be communicating with other PhotoTele'sis equipment (i.e.,
`Base Stations) which do have the TACO-2 capability.
`Note that
`the automatic voicer’data cutover modes for the KY-Si’ and KY-SS will not be
`implemented. Manual data switching will be used.
`2.5 User Interface
`The user will be able to interface to the MicroRIT two ways: 1) the set of onboard pushbuttons,
`2) an RS-232 cable linking the MicroRlT to alhost computer. There will be five (5) buttons on
`the MicroRIT to control normal operation of the system. There will also be an alphanumeric
`display for status and menu information. The functions on the MicroRIT will include power
`(onfoff), capture, send, and menu. The menu will allow' the specification of compression type,
`compression ratio, protocol, call sign information, sendfhold modes, etc.
`The RS-232 interface to the MicroRlT will be used for 3 functions: 1) Update system software
`(stored in FlashRAM on the MicroRlT), 2) download configuration information to the MiCroRi'T-c
`(call sign lists, compression defaults, etc.), and 3) dowuload compressedz’stored images from the'
`MicroRlT to a workstation (such as an MIT-301). This will be a very simple RS-232 interface
`with a subminiatnre connector on the MicroRlT to the standard 9-pin COM connector on a PC.
`2.6 Hardware
`2.6.1 Packaging. The MicroRIT is designed to utilize standard snap on cellular telephone
`batteries. Several battery sizes and capacities are available from telephone retail outlets. The
`MicroRIT’s overall size approximates that of a hand-held cellular flip-phone. High capacity
`battery life is estimated at 1 hour of full operation, with standby time approaching 30 hours.
`The initial design and packaging will be implemented with an aluminum machined case. The
`finish will be black anodized for cosmetic finish, High volume applications could be done with a
`plastic injected molded case, but these costs are not included in the funding proposals submitted.
`A conceptual drawing is shown in Figure 1. The display and interface panel will allow system
`status and operational menus to be displayed to the operator. There is a recessed subminature-D
`connector on the bottom edge of the unit that provides all inputfoutput connections. . If this unit is
`used in embedded system applications, external power can also be provided through this same
`connector. The connector is recessed to prevent damage to the connector by accidental dropping
`or stricking other objects. The c0nnector is installed on the bottom edge to provide best comfort
`to the operator when the cable is installed.
`This MicroRIT package design will also include the ability to embed this device in higher
`capability equipment. Examples include radios, portable video equipment, or other equipment
`including cameras and radio transmission capabilities. This concept is similar to equipment with
`font cartridges, game cartridges, etc. The operator interface and display panel will not be
`included on these embedded applications. Power will be supplied through the external [[0


`The MicroRIT architecture is based on the Texas
`2.6.2 Hardware Implementation.
`Instruments TM3320 series of Digital Signal Processors. This DSP is the core of the design,
`with additional components providing the inputfoutput interfaces to the operator, external power
`source, radios/Cryptos, and external computer links. There is one D-subminiature connector that
`provides these L’O functions. There are 5 control buttons, along with an alpha-numeric LED
`display for operator controi and feedback status. The Overall block diagram is shown in Figure
`2.6.3 Memory. The memory implemented in the MicroRIT consists of low-power Static Rams
`(S—Rams). These memories are page partitioned to provide both program storage, raw video data
`workspace, as well as compressed video image storage. The design goal
`is to provide the
`capability to store a minimum of 40 images of 32K leach in compressed image size. The'
`architecture provides one memory page per image when storing compressed images.
`2.6.4 L'O Ports. There are 2 inputfoutput Serial ports incorporated into the design. One is
`designated for communication over radios, Crypto‘s, and STU type telephone devices. The other
`is intended for interfacing toother standard RS-232 computer devices such as Global Positioning
`Systems, some camera devices, and personal computer links for downloading image data or
`downloading operating program software. If the system needs to be reprogrammed for different
`mission requirements, the planned mechanism is to download from any serial computer device,--
`the operating parameters and program software.
`If the user elects to save images, rather-than?
`send them immediately, these saved images could also be downloaded from the internal S-RAM
`memory via this serial port.
`2.6.5 Power Sources. The MicroRIT is powered from either an attached cellular phone
`compatible battery, or via external power input
`through the I/O connector.
`For extended
`operating times, the external power mode is used. The input DC voltage range is 5.5—8.0 volt.


` I


`The project represents a significant development effort with a medium level of risk. The
`coutractor is keenly aware of the budget constraints and has taken steps to reduce the
`government’s cost. The proposed cost has been reduced by the coutractor’s program investment
`of $ST6K and utilization of the contractor‘s Image Compression and Communication Software,
`which was previously developed with IR&D funds.
`The development effort
`is allocated into hardware engineering and software engineering as
`Total Development Effort
`Less:Contractor’s Investment
`Cost to government
`($§4§,SE§.0 I 1
`Upon completion of the project the government will receive 2 prototypes. The production cost
`per unit is targeted to be $3,000.00-S4,000.00 in lot sizes of 100. Cost reductions are possible
`by tooling the cage for plastic injection molding based upon higher volumes.
`3.0 Schedule
`The contractor anticipates the project will require 12 months from inception to prototype.
`delivery. After prototype delivery, unit production could begin immediately. Attached are
`program schedules for Hardware and Software.
`3.1 GFE
`The contractor will require two SABRE II radios for testing during the program.
`3.2 Personnel
`The contractor will assign two Engineering managers and one program manager to this project.
`Their resumes are attached:
`Dr. Bruce Mather..................Manager of Software Engineering
`Roger Vest ............................Manager of Hardware Engineering
`Bill Kidd...............................Program Manager
`3.3 Attachments:
`1. Micro-RIT Technical Specifications
`Block Diagram
`Program Schedule
`Detail Costs




`MicoRIT Functional &. Physical Specifications
`_ . Video Input:
`640 x 480 x 16-bit color (8-bit grayscale)
`768 x 512
`Image Storage:
`Onboard flash (or battery-backed SRAM) for 40 + compressed color images (@32K) I
`Video Output:
`RS-232 Interface:
`download, etc.)
`User Controls:
`Digitized voice annotation will be provided
`PTAC (KY-57, Sunbursti’STU-III, Sincgars, Saber)
`External GPS receiver, SIW update, offload images, system configuration (call sign
`Five (5) buttons - (l) Ont'Off and (4) controls:
`inOff switch, Call Sign Select, Grab Image, Send Image, Settings (scrolls menus)
`5x7 dot alpha-numeric low power green LED’s (like cellular phones)
`One (I) flashing “battery low” LED
`_* User Controls & Display are optional for embedded applications (i.e., RIT can be built without them)
`2-4 watts @ full operation (idle mode when not doing imaging portion)
`Internal battery audior external power
`30 hours idle, 1 hour operational
`Disposables or Rechargeable (like cellular phone)
`I pound (plastic) 1.5 pounds (metal)
`1” x 4” x 3” (Hand-Held Cellular Size)
`«20‘1 to 50° C
`System does only One function at a time:
`Color demodulation
`Grab image
`Image Compression
`Store image ( 40+)
`Send Image
`one frame at a time
`< 5 seconds (to grab, dem odulate, and compress)
`4 1 second per image
`12Kbit line - 15 seconds goal for image xmit; up to 64Kbit comm link
`Modern functions - built in FEC
`‘Rem ote Centrol (configure) capability:
`New call signs
`. Set compression ratio
`Snap picture
`Retrieve image
`Texas Instruments Competition Sensitive
`143 '95




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