C‘ [al’wfllEhIOm/DWUIWUrk/casiurdbrfiol
`V -
`Dvumuas ADVERT! Em L
`uuKs v i
`RELEASED l 1984
`CASIO l 03507 AKA [TELEMEMO 50]
`Casios second Databank model after tne car
`401401 [7.46]. Telepnone Memory (50 Sets of 6
`letter E11 numerall Daily AlarmrTime Signals 4
`lndependant Alarm witn Message (Montn. date.
`8+1 Recommendlhison Google
`share Be tne firstor'yourrriends to like tnis.
`User Guide
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`digital watch FORUM. Register as a
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`to rate
`Before you go don't forget
`tbe CASIO ills—50 watcb. Rate itl to 5
`stars 5 stars being tbe best.
`Gm; fond memories or like to write a
`revrew cf tnis CASIO D5750?
`snare your tnougnts wrtn tne library.
`but please only revrews or memories.
`If you nave a question please go to
`tbe forum and post it tnere we'll be
`nappy to iielp any questions you may
`SKYHAWKE EX. 1022, page 1
`SKYHAWKE Ex. 1022, page 1


`l5 Gardnel Hold. Fairlie”, New Irmy MM, LLS-L
`CASIO COMPUTER (Cl, GMIH m Hamill”: S4. KIIIM Ilhmlflh I. f. I. CEIMIN“
`(3510 IIICI'IONICS 60.. "D.
`Unit 5,100. Nolih Clfllllll' toad. Lundulll NW3 HI]. INCLINE
`UGO-18 SB
`In pnmn- an Iapun
`Readin lhe display
`Illegulal limeku‘ping model
`[DATA BQNI mtfltl
`my ”milk hale
`IFl'vp alarm limes mode]
`[Countdown alarm model
`IStopwalch model
`Module No. 262
`Il‘u Emilia! do gamn
`pr pll’lJl Curlilimdr) dc fidrdnlla
`( .i pl‘r l'lhtlg'ICl
`Dear Customer.
`Congralulaliuns on yam pun-hue of this L'a. a Digital Quarlz Watch.
`l1 highly sopll
`ltated. thi‘ watrh '1 d? Ightllally simple to use.
`and by [ell-"ins lo thll. guide you will Pnloy all the Imturt‘s {JI' thiS
`reliable llllfd-pflfliht.‘ Iimvpiew.
`ll rr‘u'l k “'1: l'rmrl'mn lm-
`Ill“?! lulu- hm'nll l'f'fl'l'! ’51- wall
`'l'lr' r'll
`l'rrmi'l' rump“
`n. l.’ n u:
`llicalo di natanzin
`If “ml! .frl' umlmrl'



`ugh: bum"!
`Hm 17¢»:
`RM, Wm plume
`3 MM. mm".\
`Hail-n mum Sfl'om
`1.!an mom
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`[- Grok—3W}r
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`Mk} I
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`,3_ : Glflj§;-P..a.mllmr

`"IE SD :3
`Chm brim-I
`Norm .H'irmm Mm-undk
`Jz-er—hwlormn. Tm MM!
`.-Il'mrn1 rimr
`sun-rm \n.
`Wnum .Sn-rmrl'l
`mu lw‘nno‘
` '"HL: . {handily
`.errflly r-iI:-.':. U'rmrlm- TUE.- Jumm- WED.- llflllfld'tdfiy
`FF. I. Fdd'uy
`Selling lime and calendar
`I] tn the legular limit-Irwin; modc. Iirsl was -6 In ml.
`1} mm IhE B on a lime signal In (mud «conch.
`Ill The flashing position can be illiiled by plugging C. in
`“1: following otder:
`'Sl-(uMIf—r Haul: i—bMINUTfl—bi YEAR-
`r—{ W 34—-‘—r——_|
`ran-nu them. {up prmsed In mow quickly.
`5} Film. :h' In mmplele selling.
` 4] tab was ui a advances flashing digih one by one
`DATA HANK operation
`50 ntxl a moi elk-um and 12 llnrrlplallirin
`b- mnmllirl'md. This data has (ill be uliliztd as
`a telephone filltttofir. or Mme.
`Pie“ mayor flm-Ijjlo march Ihe memory
`Hinton“. limp planed In search nickly. Used
`pa es ale aulnmllkalll- filmed in a phabulkal
`? F C » ICE
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`:8 9.; {iii
`Page numbers ill-in; med (an easily In verified.
`'n km“
`l'.‘ numrrnh
`.Mmrbrr of ma! page“
`. ..——p D;

`SKYHAWKE EX. 1022, page 2
`SKYHAWKE Ex. 1022, page 2


` (1v)5":-
`II 1“
` am; sues A. a. c, “ -- pan-i: (air mango;
`lln- limnhhlc in alphabfllnl Ind-r.
`Lung pm! Mud;
`IEI. Inpulfing a Mable
`"N -- '-
`M"- "W“
`o in. lnpulliug anoinlmcm IIIIIH
`"gnu"! I “I ' '
`xx.» Mu: mu. WE»!
`In“ my mmaol
`a" no“ a, 5cm...“
`{KIM M wk INN
`.1“! “at ”a, .4?
`lthgpoiMmenI flmuin EFL-helical uni".

`Mai-10m in If
`M _
`mmm.m£m_a u. ‘lwhlm'hzumfimb'
`[Alarm N01. 2. 1". 5]
`UnemuugMMwmmm .
`[Mann No.1]
`'0 doplhelmuer. pom my hm;
`“”“mmmmmmmm [ww
` '.Lllnfllraflmnmodahnku'
`I m “0'
`5) New '3‘ In :clllplel! mung.
`No. I
`A- Ifirm No 2 Mann Nat!
`alarm It“). 4 Mann No. 5 Hourly signal
`1:33 :L—‘j’ BBB a
`_.__ 50:]
`time—illnd mail: In} mean or d
`pears. When Ike homly-lwIe-signal mar“
`utsellinfl knurly time signal} Ill SlGNM. mode. envy Ilm ."- is greswd. “I! Maul;l “
`It. the watch dIIMQI "If? how am! Inns.

` Countdown alarm o alien
`“cl. o
`'uIei so imme moi
`finial mm annihil-
`In”. oi I second. Maw mmb [305:5ka pressing
`1% l:
`a "a":
`311..- wmh dlsplly is
`unhxmlhbmmwl son-Idiot“)
`qu 59.”
`”twigs any bullon Is
`Ind Ill: pup-clawed Ill-are is retrieved
`(8| "W!“"m" mm. Theruim ll can be rml and
`sum-d Again.
`Mhmm Emmi;
`”ml: «1'
`Dlgll mum hullnn
`//- 3M
`laphml Inmbn my” lawn
`Nolam-Von @ |
`4? Rrvmn mm m- by one. -
`[a] M m "mng'mm' mm- lamm—vm—b “fffl
`M m (91
`® landmine IIulhn
`I 5‘“
`{b} up hemm
`am; on: by me '
`r w@-’ _m—u—pm—fl
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`“I second
`"d “l9 ‘1'"
`1} Pl” '5- or LQIo SH Mlnlflfi.
`9:: MI. I
`mum lhlihn.
`Ii “19 second
`In Il_ll’l or flop.
`1'} Press
`ileum! Ihe fill:
`In whine Illa lenIered Ilme.
`3} When
`y I! mped. plus
`d Ihe llrsl runner.

` '
`The made it smr—nrhrml hm nut unmma'uam. Sr: be muffin»: log" I'! "I. Hr
`mutant type ulna m and amt-"Mm hm
`ca'ie-nl; (”It
`“ so.“ Iii-l TEN HIEISTJNTM IUIBIH do” not petal“ «mm Mm WM!-
`a a:
`i1 «sadly valuat- alu “musmmrmmomu
`'Mmlilfli-rn-m Hemubenmklmmhiufimdsnal
`WW“ M We: a" m” m" “h” " "L" “m '" “a“
`an: £21m... nu 5.: 3.9..“ a. fuel-ud'mak'all! (on 3—1 79...}.
`an Inn-n um um I» «Inga in Elu- tuuwi mm
`. rain" “I" tag“? WEB-W m3“...
`M u all
`lempfi um.
`‘ gmdumerfl‘ herizdnrifqg»& Bald E and
`I Alyson
`Ila :dlgll is_
`InM shacks under nun-Ind Inc. H. i If
`am...“ W "w .....
`~ in
`'— mm «6 mun-m
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`.Qig'm mug. and brarull'l m. a soil duh.
`or moisten“ will: mild m. In
`. .
`I ggnzh i: ranked A lhpuushc .(cocdi
`[g a... an" rad-hm ”I." helm»:
`gold writifceldamage, mm nu mm chunk-
`[mdl a humane. Ilium may
`“'9 "at!!! Y.” "IF“ “I dew-II“ “”9" “5"
`CIT-old allied Madman h:
`h Mcémwhhlflll'r maul! wit-h! WWI a null
`Cue dtdgnaunu
`; sfih“,II. “12::
`I at wigs. m: : Scuba diving
`11:35:"; 3:“ _..m?' ”ram.
`0 Mail] upmlng Ilu _ualdl In drug-I5 rlnmlnh suck at gaming. dafglgtsasdveuhl‘;
`in .
`WATER ”3mm "T ' ' "Ft?
`fio—_ _——Nn——Nn
`3:?meadhww and. punk. at. who" chemical mm m ml
`c" an warm mu!
`\‘es _l

`SKYHAWKE Ex. 1022, page 3
`SKYHAWKE Ex. 1022, page 3


`min! at not-uni umpcrllun: 115 mould; [m monlll
`”bully (HM:
`II flu underpin: made
`an”... aim-let,m and”. yen. month. din: and day
`slam: Mm nah:
`named unuf [he gar 319
`m: mmmhlmn 12-hour and 24-hour Ionnlls
`um“ um?“
`so It}; [past-J ul 5 Idlers and 12 Illuuculs can be moduli.
`' alums lamina of mm [In alflubrliul hula]
`' Umd my; will nut:
`. Page number: bring “Ht-1n gully be unified.
`-£ur-to-uedlspla olmflTeleh in
`0 Flu: alarm limes mod:
`fin: alum limes can In m lndepmcitnlly. Four ni Ila-u {Alarm Nm. 1. J. i and S:
`can be set up to 1 due and mmlh. and a Halter massage.
`luau-Ir lime ngnall
`OCoualdm alum mode
`Inpul range: ham 1 mlnme In 60 Inlllllfl
`Measuring uni: Hull-oil “can!
`Mann-lug modes: Noam} in: and In! lime
`Ann-llpugrmlm: Ibe put-cum fill! 3 MW illlflllllflfll!‘
`: fl Ila-s 58 "durum-59.99 “wads
`Mun-ling um: 1 Illlll uh um“!
`Mlle :One
`um hall:
`(Type: (ll-1616]
`mmflllifiim Noll-a] Ema. net lime. lap 8m: ml ‘Ifi-Ind place In”
`42ml. 1 years over-lg“ on Ir
`Ell-1616 funk: ldkmillg cmdflnm: I'M—1
`mondN-y, lumen—all a
`.N'QTE.‘ THERE NE N0 ”911‘ mil mm m be damned arm-erm. dull- to am-
`oprnflnn albums 1:!erWWW“ I!" My [Imam-y
`W mumm. Phwmdrhenmmutudftym

`SKYHAWKE EX. 1022, page 4
`SKYHAWKE Ex. 1022, page 4

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