`SKYHAWKE EX. 1011, page 1
`SKYHAWKE Ex. 1011, page 1


`PGA TOUR'Goii/Of the Super NES was
`d~ by: (From feh to right. seilted): David
`8u1)(;h, Brent fl/flfSOrt, Cynthia Hsmilton. Michael
`Kosttka. Ct.llf Mey: (from l~fl to right SJandjng):
`EriC KrtOpP, PQ<.JI V~mon.
`Otigitt<Jf gMte design and sofrware by:
`Le9 AcrOf, Dcnttl$ KoOle
`()f.ffCtAl. $fAt$ ARE REG/STEREO
`M,.tDaWik'$ ()f N.'NTfA'()O (){
`AMfRfCA »Jt. 0 1991 N!Jff£11()0
`ft.','NTEA'{)() Ph()!)IJCT$ ARE LrcEJISfD BY S\I.E FOR USfONl.. Y
`SKYHAWKE Ex. 1011, page 2


`view when
`yards ol hole
`Press RESET to return to the Game Set-Up ooreen at any
`time during play.
`str\1<8 ball
`show grid
`pun ball
`green gnd
`rotate grid
`wi84;J 45'
`resot aiming
`Press A to activate
`menu item
`move aiming
`on green grid
`c:t\ange pull
`aiming cursor
`scroll lwdlbacl<
`on >1611. pull
`rotate grid
`3 l
`SKYHAWKE Ex. 1011, page 3


`~!:~~:1"":;.- "luf11iio:.h.J.'•' ~
`CLASSJC. I'• """'' hn..,t
`lC••~ Gcooduu ...... 1 ••• •h ., .. ,
`~.:; Bob :;!.dub .. I .
`Welcome to PGA TOUR Gdf. tne one game that leu you compete
`against the TOUR's most formidable pros on some of the finest. most
`challenging golf covrses In tile -ld
`Just like your favorite TOUR players. you It need to soze up and execute
`special sllots from a variety of Ires, overcome the pressure ol a wrn·rt·
`all putt from the fringe, and defend your hard·earned reputatton as a
`master ol coordrnabon. touch, and power.
`Pick the right club, make the perfect swing and experience the thrill ol
`holing·out on the famous 17th at the Tournament Players Club (TPC( at
`Sawgrass. Then try to blend your skill and drsc<pltne to tame the
`mountainous bunkers and undulating swales of the PGA West Stadium
`Course at La Quinta. Test your driVIng accuracy at EAgle Trace. where
`you're forced to negotiate an Imposing system ol canals. Or try to
`reach tile notorious tiered green of me 13th at the TPC at Avenel with a
`middle iron. hitting through a driving cross·wlnd.
`You're about to experience everything ollered by the real game except
`the dirt from a divot and an unexpected cloudburst. If you're •eady lor
`great action. let's get to it.
`1. Turn OFF the power switch on your Super Nintendo
`Entertainment Syste~.
`WARNING: Never attempt to Insert or remove a Game
`Pak when the power Is ON.
`2. Insert the Game Pak into the slot on the Super Nintendo
`Entertainment Syste~. Press ltrmly to lock the Game
`Pak in place.
`3. Turn ON the power switch.
`The EA SPORTS" intro will beg1n
`4. The PGA TOUR Golf title screen appears.
`If you'd rather watch a practice round now. great-press
`START twice go to the GAME SET·UP screen. Press the left
`arrow on the Control Pad once to select the DEMO mode,
`then press STARr Soon you'll see a quick demonstration of
`playing a hole on one of our great courses. You can quit the
`DEMO any time by pressing any button. You 'll return to the
`GAME SET· UP screen, where all the action begins.
`SKYHAWKE Ex. 1011, page 4


`You will neell to use the GAME SET·UP screen every time you play
`• Press control pa~ up/~own to highlight options.
`• Press control pa~ leiVrlght to change mooes and toggle opbons
`You can go to tile SELECT OPnONS setee11 from the GAME SET·UP
`saeen to cheCI< lite scorecar~ and the stats. (See p. 19 for descnf)IIOn
`• Press control pad ~own to htghfight SELECT OPnONS.
`• Press A,
`• Press control pad dovm to highlight desired opbon.
`• Press A to select option.
`• Press START to return to the SELECT OPTIONS screen.
`• Press START again to retum to the GAME SET·UP screen.
`• Press START to begin play in the game mode ot your choice.
`Next you wilt be asked to selecl lrom one or til<! four Tournament
`Players Club (TPC) courses presented In the game.
`• Press corttol pad leflfnght to tOOQie through the courses.
`• Press START IO confirm your cholco and mow to the PLAYER
`SELECT screen.
`Here you'll have to choose or create the player or players competing in
`the game.
`Each player has a locker, idenlille~ by a name ol no more than three
`characters or numbers.
`• Press control pa~ le1Vrtgl11 10 select NEW PLAYER, OLD PLAYER, or
`COMPUTER and press START or A.
`• Use the control pad to name NEW PLAYER or select existing oto
`• Press control pad upldown to cycle thlough me characters. Choose
`from toners of the alphabet( upper and tower case), a blank space,
`and numbers 0.9.
`• Press control pad leiVrightto edn t st. 2nd, & 3nl character.
`• Press START to conhnm the name of the new player and continue.
`The new player will be save~ automat>cally tortuture use. PGA Tour
`Golt can saw a maximum ot siJdeen players at a time. The computer
`player names (HAP. BIF, eU!. TE~ are reserved and cannot be used or
`deleted. To delete a player, seebelow.
`SKYHAWKE Ex. 1011, page 5


`• Press control pad down to the LOC•ER SELECt tine.
`• l'll>en se~bng an old plolyer. press conuol pad te!Vr1ght to scroll
`through the ava1~ble tocla!rs
`• Press START to select the plolyerwhose name appears on the l~t~t.
`You cannot delete 1 player currently In use.
`• Select OLD PLAYER
`• Pross control pad leiVrighl to select the player you wish to delete.
`• Press control pad down to DELETE PLAYER .
`• Press A
`The program will ask you If you're sure you want to delete that
`particular player.
`• Press control pad tefV~ght or up/down to toggle YES/NO.
`• PYess A to oonhrm your answer.
`WARNING: II you 111>'11 U>'lld a Qame iJIIIJIOO//Odtlele a pQyti
`included in oame. be atMsed lhat the deletion otlhat p/Jyer m11
`resun m tiM deletron of the uved oame.
`The TEE/tLUB SELECT sc1een VIlli appear with the players name at the
`The tee select option Is hlghllgllted. except w11en in Tournament mode,
`where protessional tees are required.
`• Press control pad leiVril)ht to toggle tee options.
`• Press control pad down to move to the club select option.
`NOTE: Professronal tees are lart!ter llack lhaO amateur 18eS. ~
`lhe ~ to tiM filii sllghtly ~'·
`The CUll SEt opl1on IS automatiCally h!Qhlighted. A full se1 conwns
`thirteen clubs. not 1nclud1ng tht putter Your bag ahvays con!ains a
`• Press control pad leiVrlghtto CHANGE If you want to dlange one or
`more ot your clubs.
`• Press control pad down the checked club you wish to remove from
`the set and press any bulton. The check mark next to the club will
`disappear. Indicating that It has been removed !tom your bag.
`SKYHAWKE Ex. 1011, page 6


`• Press conllol pod ullldown to the unclletbd wb yoo wish to add
`and press any botton. A dled< mall< will appear nex! to tllat dub.
`indicat"'') that 1t has beef! added to yoo1 bag.
`• If you make a miStake or change your mond before you have
`finished up the game. simply press SELECT to return to the
`GAME SET·UP screen.
`• Alter all the players have named their lod<ers and selected their
`clubs, press START to go to the golf course.
`• Press STAR'T to go to the overhead view.
`• Press START to go to the tirsttee.
`Once you begin play, you can return to the GAME SET-UP screen
`only by pressing RES£1 .
`PRACTICE DRIVING-Go d11ectly to the dnving range.
`• Only the AUTO·OVERHU.O VI~ and I ALL·(AM VIEW options apply
`• Only one player at a Ume can prac11ce drwtng
`• AD the dubs (except tO< the potter) are available for driving
`• Press control pad up/down to select club
`• Press START to return to the GAME SET·UP screen.
`PRACTICE PUmNG- Go directly to the green of your choice.
`• Pcess control pad leiVrightto choose desired course.
`• Pcess conttol pad down to highlight SELECT HOLE.
`• Press control pad tefVrighlto setecl hOle.
`• Press START to cont11m choices and go directly to tllJgceen.
`• Press START to rewm to the GAME SET·UP scceen.
`• When on or ncar the green, press Y to call up lhe green grtd.
`Each square on lhe grid represenls a 2tl. X 21t. area ot the
`SKYHAWKE Ex. 1011, page 7


`Use the green grid view 10 predict JUS I how your baA wil roll. or
`"break" when you ptJtt ~- Thllones Slladed ~e indicate a h~toer
`eleYabOn than themes shaded btactc. and the gray lines ondocate the
`slope between the tvro. Keep m mind the ball's distance hom the cup,
`rts relative elevation with respect to lhe cup, as well as any peaks and/
`or valleys the ball vrill have to cross on Its way to the cup. You \VIII
`need to practice tong and hard belore you can make long pulls
`• Press Y to enter/exrt the GREEN GRID view
`• Press control pad leftfnghtto move the grid clockwiselcounter(cid:173)
`• Press A to move the grid counter-clockwise 45• at a time.
`11 the ballts more than 16 feet from 11\e pin, both the ball and the pin
`cann<Jt appear together on 11\e green grid. Instead of the ball. a '8'
`appears in 11\e d•ection of the ball Instead of a the pin. or nag stock. a
`'P" appears in the rluection olthe pen.
`B. ball
`U/0 • Press control pad up/down
`• Press control pad up/down to scroll fwd/back on the gnd.
`• Press 8 to return to the ong nat (delautt) view.
`• Press X to center your cursor.
`You must use Ute default view to aim your putt.
`• Move cursor with the finger triggers to aim pull.
`Tl!TR • "Trigger Le~"f'Trlgger Right"
`IMPORTANT: W7Nt1 100 tttvm fo the gt;/III'I(J SC'- the ClOSS halfs
`remain prer:iUiy whm 100 positioned the cvr$()( on the green gild.
`• Press conllol pad up/down to change the maXImum drstance
`potentral of youo pulleo.
`• Press conti'OI pad to!Vrightto move the aimong cursor.
`When you sink a practrce putt. 11\e program automatically places the
`ball in a new spol on the green. so yoo can putt on the same grten foo
`as long as you want wllhoul haV1Ilg to relurn to the GAME SET ·UP
`• Press START to return to the GAME SET-UP screen.
`If a cenaln hole IS giving you lroubte and you want to practice on it. or
`il you wanl to play a sudden death hole. you can go to any hole on any
`Use the GAME SET·UP scttenanda~subseQUOIII opbOO SCil!ens
`described above Mer the hole is completed. the GAME SET-UP
`screen reappears.
`Play alone or vrilh a group in non·tourlklmont play on any course.
`There's no monoy on the line. so an options are available.
`Watch Hap. EASN's exteflent golf pro. pt.y a randomly cllosen hole
`Wdft tor the demO to begin. II you press START or any bf/tron the
`GAME SET· UP sttftn will reappear
`When you get good enough that you think you can play v~th the pros
`(which generally means averaging par or better over the long haul) you
`should enteo atournamenl and put your mellle to the test.
`SKYHAWKE Ex. 1011, page 8


`A tournament enoompa$w; four full rounds (72 holes) on the same
`course. Sixty professional golfers, plus up to four players in your party.
`compete for hundreds of thousands of dollars in cash. You are
`required to use professional tees. and MULLIGAN$ ARE NOT
`• Seleol TOURNAMENT PLAY from the GAME SET·UP S<:reen and
`cllOO$e any other options. then press START.
`• Choose course. players. and clubs as previously Instructed and press
`The EA SPORTS announcers \Ylll introduce the tournament.
`• Press START to cycle through the EA SPORTS announcers'
`comments until you see the leader board.
`Press *A' to skip the announcers' comments and move straight to the
`leader board.
`• Press control pad up/down to S<:roll through the leader board one
`name at a time.
`• Press X!B to scroll one full page at a time.
`Often more tllan thirty-two players qualify tor the third round. In
`such cases, the cut is reapplied at the end of the third round. Just as
`before. the top thirty·two players, plus all those tied for the lowest
`qualifying score, advance to the fourth round.
`While mere is obviously no cut after the fourth and final round, you
`can fail to linish •in the money", which to some feels worse than
`having been cut in one olthe ea~ier rounds. Ills in the fourth round
`that thousands, tens of thousands, and maybe even hundreds of
`thousa~ds of dollars can ride on a single putt or chip.
`Money is apportioned out according to score althe end of the fourth
`When two or more human players are competing. you might want to
`use 1wo controllers. ~aware that if both oontrollers are plugged
`controllers are always active. This means that a player who is not
`"up" can cllange views. select options. or even ta~e his or her
`opponent's turn. Be careful not to a«ect your opponent's turn.
`(Especially in tournament play, when no mulligans ate allowed.
`Current players are highlighted on the teaderboard in green.
`Generally.ll you shoot par you will make the cut.
`At the end otthe first round, the top forty·eight players. plus all those
`players tied for the lowest qualifying score, move on to the second
`At the end of the second round, the top thirty-two players, plus all
`those tied for the lowest qualifying score. advance to the third round.
`To hit the ball, you need to press A (the Stroke button) three times.
`SKYHAWKE Ex. 1011, page 9


`The first press swns your bacl<swing; the second ends the baekswing
`and determines the pow.~r of your suoke; the third press siiil<es the
`ball and determrnes whether the shot hooks. slices, or IIavels straight
`• Pr!SS A town your baekswtng.
`The Power 8ar quocl<ly extends left from the Accuracy PO!lll inCIICabng
`the grOWing strength of your bacbwing.
`• Press A to stop your backswing
`E.lch club has a distance potential. which appears in a box to the ltft of
`the Stroke Bar The pereentages below the Bar indicate the peroent of
`the total dlswnoe potential you want to use. When the Power Bar
`reaches the strength you want, press the Sl/oke Bunon to stop it. The
`Bar begins to shrink back toward the Accuracy Point, leaving a thin line
`that marks the spot where you stopped it
`• Press A to strike the ball.
`To hit the ball straight, press the Stroke Burton when the Power Bar
`returns to the Accuracy Point II you stop the Bar exactly on the
`Accuracy point, you'l M the ball strarghl.lf you press the Stroke
`Button IN!fvre the Bar reacheS the Accuracy Point, the ball hooks to the
`tell If you press the Stroke Button anerthe Bar heS moved beyond (to
`the righl of) the Accuracy Point, the bal slices to the right.
`r MOTE: Ltt~ sayyou'te allhe tee and are ready to use your
`~river •l'hos• dtS/i!IC8 potentJat/S 260 yards. If you press the
`Stroke Bu"on {Ills seciJM press) when the PorV6r Bar is 11
`75", your sll<JI's calculated distance win be 195 yanis (260 x
`0 75. 195). Tl>uctual ~!stance of your stroke vanes from
`the calculated distance depending on the wind, the type of
`terratn on which your ball lands. tllslle of me ball, and your
`You can also tetthe Power Bar extend beyond 100% to give the stroke
`mOte power than you might be able to control
`• To '-llhe ball the ffiilOmum llO '10 you need not prus A to stop the
`The Power Bar Wlft reacllthe trmrt and begtn the swing onlts own.
`If you miss the Actu~acy Porn! aner venturing into tne OveiSWing Area.
`any hook or slice you Impart to the ball VIlli be amplrfll!d.
`• Press control pad up/down to change clubs.
`Notic&howthe distance porcntlal ln tho Stroke Bar changes as you
`change your club. When you're playing a round, your 'caddy" will give
`you the dub he thinks Is appropriate lor the shot, but the final choice Is
`yours. II possible, choose a club with a drstanoe potential that exceeds
`the distance to the pin, so you can matniJlrn control of your stroke.
`partiwlarly n you plan to rntenllonally hook or slice your shol
`These are toll/ diStances. fl()l aenJI d1Staf!C8S If you cry to carry a 4
`wood (IJIStarlt:l! potentaf, 224 yardS} over a water hanrd 2fJO yanJs
`away, you probJ/Jiy ought to tuch your baN how to SWill!. Retrrember.
`lfJat these disllnte potenll.lts aswnre a P<rfiiCIIH!, no wrnd, and a flat
`SPOt tvr the /Nil to land on$() rt un -and roll.
`SKYHAWKE Ex. 1011, page 10


`1 Iron
`3 1ron
`4 tron
`Pitching Wedge
`Sand Wedge
`5' 120' (feel)
`A bad ball lie can hamper both the distance and accuracy of your shot.
`For a full explanation the ball lies. seep. 28 in lhe Slralegy Guide.
`There Is more lhan one shoHype (shoot. chip, pu~h. blast pull) 10
`choose from In most silualions. Seelhe Stralegy Guide for ln-deplh
`descriptions of ea<;h shot-type.
`The currenl shot-type appears benealh the Power 8ar.
`• Press X to cyCle lhrough the shol-types available to you in a given
`~ l
`r NOTE: When you Change your shot-type, your club and
`maximum distance pOtential will both Change.
`The wind indicalor paints in lhe dlrecllon llle wind os blowing, and the
`speed ol the wind in miles per hour Is shown beneath the arrow. The
`stronger the wind. the more it will move the ball in the direction lhe
`arrow is polmlng. Also, the higher the shot, the more the wind will
`affect il. So when you're using the short irons and the pilchlng
`wedge, you should la~e extra care to compensate lor the wiM.
`r NOTE: The direction and velocity olt/le wind do not change
`once you begirt your swing.
`acc.vfacy PQ(nt
`Wind doos not affecl putts. When you're on lhe green,lhe wind
`indicatoo is replaced by a box showing the ball's level relative to the
`cup in inches.
`Once you begin play lllere are a va~ety ot options you can choose to
`enhance lhe game. sucll as watching an instant replay, checking your
`slatistics, taking a mulligan, etc.
`SKYHAWKE Ex. 1011, page 11


`• Press SELECT from 11\e golfing SC!een or the START OPTIONS
`screen to go 10 the SELECT OPTIONS screen.
`• Items appearing in while are available to be selected.
`• Items appearing In green are not available 10 be sele<led.
`• Press control pad up/down to highlight available options.
`• Press A lo select op«on.
`• Press START IO return IO 11\e SELECT OPTIONS screen.
`• Press START when on the SELECT OPTIONS screen to return lo the
`goll course.
`The scorecard shows the seores of all the current players by hole. The
`score for a birdie. eagle, or albatross (double eagle) is shown in red,
`the score for a bogie, double bogie, etc. is shown in gray. Pars are
`shown in white.
`To see a replay of the last shol taken. highlighl 11\is option and press A.
`If you make a shot speclacular enough to impress the EA SPORTS
`announcers Bing Gordon and Bob Zybdel. they will grant you an
`aufomatic instant replay.
`Available only in Tournament mode. the leaderboard shows who's
`leading, who's within striking distance, and who's bringing up the rear.
`A red T appears neX!Io the names of players tied lor a particular score.
`Taking a goK shot over is called 'taking a Mulligan". You can take a
`Mulligan it you're so inclined, but not when you're playing in a
`You cannot score more than a twelve on any hole Choose PICK uP BALL
`at any lime to accept a twelve on a hole .and move on me the next hole.
`The program will store only one sailed game at" lime. If you have one
`saved already, the program will askyou ~ it's okay to etase 11\e
`previously saved game.
`• Press control pad leiVrig~t to toggle YES/NO.
`• Press A to confirm you answer.
`r WARNING: When you de/ole a saved player, me currenl saved
`game will also be deleted if that player was Included in tllat game.
`Saved games are restored on the GAME SET·UP screen. which is the first
`screen you see after the EA SPORTS!PGA TOUR introduction. To return to
`the GAME SET·UP screen befO<e you begin play. press SELECT. To refum
`to lhe GAME SET·UP screen after you've begun play, press the RESET
`• Press control pad down IO RESTORE SAVED GAME ,
`• Press A.
`SKYHAWKE Ex. 1011, page 12


`A message appears asking lilt's ok to restore the save<J game.
`• Press control pad leiVrlght to toggle YES 1110.
`• Press A to oonlum your answer and continue.
`loi1A.IU UY£tUMS
`AYTU UVI . . U:AP Vlf:M•
`Aonu O.IUIM VJI»>
`AttiU IIYIIY V U~ ·
`·;tiN t,
`(Aft VII "' '
`I"' I I
`Mu•ut •
`o!IIINIIW .I'I'.J.( . i!'ll
`L ... ,•-••An- nw••n- u- .
`At any point dunng play you can change some of the options available
`on the GAME SET·UP screen. You might vtant to turn off the AUTO.
`FLYBY VIEW Or the SOUND EffECTS . As with the CWB SET, whenever you
`change a START OPTION, n remans changed rn all future games un~l
`you change d bad<
`• Press START whale on the golfiftg ween to go to the START
`OPTIONS screen.
`U1' AU'I' . UJ•r IOI<Q
`t.ttU <n11;1 .. Vtl ,_
`IJ'TQ • 1- Yirt VHK·
`1.1 <: ""' Vlf'll0"
`Ul' t
`~no nv•ca•nAO "'''"'
`.... ,..~ .~. , . .,..._, _______ ,.
`• Press and hold either finger lrlgger whrle swinging the club to switch
`camera angles (see Baii·Cam VIew, p.24) lor that shot only. On the
`next shot the view will revert to tile selling selected on the START
`OPTIONS screen.
`• Press 8 to ShOW the OVERHEAD VlfW.
`• Press Y when on the green to show the green grid
`Auto-OVerlie ad View· ColliS up lhe Overhea<l View of each hole before
`each shot
`The Overhead View screen dr$!llay$ the number ol yards to the pin and
`describes the lie of the ball
`• Press oomrol pad up/down to hiQhlrght options.
`The name of the current pl.\yer appears on the tOP hne of the screen.
`• Press oontrol pad teiVrlght to toggle options on and oft.
`• Press START to resume your game.
`• Press SELECT ~ you wan110 go to lhe SELECT OPTIONS screen.
`• Move the cursor on the screen 10 deterTOioe the distance from where
`your ball lies to any point on the hole.
`r IMPORTANT: Moving the cursor on this screen will not
`reposition the aiming arrow on the golfing screen.
`Auto-Green View· calls up the green grid before each putl or shot
`within 30 yards of the cup
`SKYHAWKE Ex. 1011, page 13


`Auto· flyby VIew· cans up the Flyby vrew ot each hole before teemg
`One of our tO tururtd -""A TOUR pros offers aav;ce about edCh hOlt
`when 111 1M Aut&-Ryby VIew.
`Baii·Cam View • catls up a w:w hom the perspeW/t of lhe ball'"
`Hight. Whtn you turn of11he IIAU-tAII lhe vievtreverTS to normal m
`wlllch your perspec!M! SWltches hall way through lhe lhglrt on thi
`ball from watching II move away from you to wattlung it approach.
`This reve~ angle does not occur on shOrt shots.
`r NOT£: II yout Artrlll Scott 1$ (J(Uitr //13ft 99.9 aJ1r11tx yout
`• Press control pad up/down tc sctollthrough the screen one line at a
`• Press X /Bto scrOIIIhroogh the screen one page at a trme.
`Best l8 is grurer than 99. 1111 {J(ODram alcu/Jies these
`aveta{II!S correctly bur ths()l.1ys 1/Jem as 99.9 dJid 99
`The TOURNAMENT STATS screen worl<s like the Player Slats screen.
`STATIST1C8-teaderboard, Player Slats, Tournament Stall
`• To reset slats, press SELECT • A
`The TOURNAMENT RESULTS option shows the $COres of all players
`after every rouno. and the Ptlze money won at the end ot the fourth
`round. Players shOwn in red have been cut from the lletd
`• Press START to resume play.
`• Press SElECT 10 go 10 lhe SELECT OPllONS screen from the
`• Press controll);ld up/down to desired option.
`• Press A to select an optron
`The sete<:led screen wrll appear.
`• On the PLAYER STATS screen press controll);ld lefl/nghtlo select
`the player whose slats you want to see.
`SKYHAWKE Ex. 1011, page 14


`PLAY PGA TOUR Goltllke a Pro-Take Your Best Shot!
`-___ ..,
`The 11th at $3wgf<k$$
`In lhis StraiOQY Guide we outline how to play through most ol
`the situations you'll contront while you play the challenging
`courses In PGA TOUR Golf. We chose the nasty 529 yard par·
`5 l i th hOle lrom the Tournament Players Club at Sawgrass
`because it Includes eve')' element that a TOUR pro must
`consider during a oomplete tournament round. In THE PLAY(cid:173)
`ERS CHAMPIONSHIP. played every year at Sawgrass. the
`treacherous 11th has clomolished the dreams ot more than one
`toumament hopeful. Wllh p<aebee, skdl, and judgement you can
`avoid this tate.
`Off the Tee
`like all the great pros, you should strive lot consistency and
`good placement off the tee. If you h~ &ke a gorila but can't
`control the ball, you'll find yoursell on trouble on most ol yoor
`second snots. Keep In mind that all the TPC coorses are
`designed to penallzo risky shots that rum out badly. Watch 1118
`aeriallly·bys tor lmponant club seleclion and ball-location
`comments lrom our 10 loaiured PGA TOUR pros. They have
`already learned I he rule that It Is better to be 20 yards shoner
`and in tile fairway than to be in the rough (or worse).
`How Far Can You Hit It-club Di stance Potential
`The distance potential listed to the left ot t he StrOke Bar defines
`an AVERAGE shot hit at I OOllo power with no wind, and
`oncludes the baR's llight on the air PLUS roll. Remember this
`when you're about to hot over a sand trap Of water hazard:
`When you have a choice between two clUbs. always choose
`the longer one. vou·n land where you wanted to be more often
`if yoo use ll1is rule throughout your play.
`Overswing--Risk vs. Reward
`The area to the left ol the I 00% Power mark on the Stroke Bar
`is resef'Ved for what we cau·overswing .. " The farther you let the
`Power Bar go onto this area the tanher you will be able to hit the
`ball. But. as with all good things. there's a price to pay. If you
`don't hit the shot perfectly, that IS. smack the ball precisely at
`the Accuracy Point, the ball can and most likely will react
`erratically. because you aren't In total control of your swing.
`Remember; The greater the deviation at the top or bottom of
`the swing, tile more unpredictable tile ootcome of the shot.
`A word tor the prudent player
`Do not stray ,,.o the Overswing area H you're trying to hook
`(draw). or slice (fade) your shot Overswing, by definition,
`eiminates re&ability even wllen you're playing the ban straight.
`It w1m make your ontended hook ot sloce wildly unpredictable.
`Toyed with by the Elements
`While your ball is traveling throygh the air, wind can alter its
`flight Adjust your aim to compensate for the direction and
`strength of the wind. CHECK THE WIND INDICATOR! II works
`better than than throwing soma grass in the air. The stronger
`the wind, the larger an adjustment you shOuld make. The
`Driving Range is the place to practice adjusling for the wind.
`LuCkily, after you hit, tho wind direction remains constant.
`SKYHAWKE Ex. 1011, page 15


`Horrible Lies
`No, we're not talking about your IRS returns. We mean bait lies.
`let's say you hit your drive on the money. Terrific. but where
`did it land? Yoo·ve got to check your ball lie. Other than
`distance to the hole (which PGA TOUR Golf's automated club
`selection helps yoo with), a TOUR pro worries the most about
`his ball lie. That is, how is the ball sitting on the grass or in the
`sand? Sail Ue is so important because it affects the amount of
`backspin you can impart to the ball, how far each club can hit
`the ball, and how the ball reacts to an imperfect swing
`(overswing, hook, and slice). The worse your ball lie is. the tess
`backspin you can impart to the ball, and the more potentially
`disastrous the result of an imperfect swing. The following is a
`tist. from best to worst, of all possible baJI Iies in the game:
`t. Teed up
`2. Perfect fie on Fairway/On Fringe (of green)
`3. Ok lie on Fahway
`4. Good lie in light Rough
`5. Good lie in Sand Trap
`6. Bad lie in Light Rough
`7. Good lie in Heavy Rough
`6. Buried in Sand Trap
`7. Bad tie in Heavy Rough
`You can press B to see the lie of yoUr ba\J anywhere on the
`On the Beach-11ow To Play Out O f A Fairway Sand Trap
`II your ball isn1 buried in the trap you can hit au of your irons
`between 50 and 90 percent of their distance potential . When
`you're in trouble, resist the temptation to try a spectacular
`saving shot and concentrate on getting your baU back into play
`(on the fairway or green). Play conservatively out of the sand
`and you111 save a lot of pars. If your ball is buried in the sand.
`it's risky to hit any club longer than a 4 iron.
`When you're in the sand. you can press B to see rhe lie of your
`The Punch Shot
`When you're half-buried in the rough, or buried in the sand,
`select Special Shots from the Options menu and choose
`Punch Shot. Use the f)<Jnch shot to just get the ball back to the
`lai~vay from whatever trouble your ball may have found. The
`distance the ball will travel is shorter than If you took a full
`swing at the ball, but yoo're not likely to flub or whiff the shot, or
`shank it and llave it san wildly off your dubface.
`Go For The Green In Two?-Qnly for the Brave
`On this hole you would have to hit a very big dr1ve (300 yards
`or more) and then cross an ocean of sand to have a reason~
`able chance of reaching lhe green in two. Remember that the
`distance potential listed next to the Stroke Bar is the amount
`the current club will go in the air PLUS roll. If you are 240 yards
`away from the pin and try to hit a 3 ·wood to the green, your ball
`wlll skip off the back of the green. Whenever you hit the green
`with a wood or a long iron, the ball will skip off the green. A
`better strategy would be to either: a) take less than a full swing
`with the 3·Wood and try to bounce it onto the green; or b) hit a
`long iron with overswing and try to fly the ball to the green (via
`tile overswing). The safest play on this hole is to lay·uP short of
`the green and get set up for your third shot. the approach.
`Approaching the Green
`Check Your Ball Ue- The importance of your Ball Ue cannot
`be overemphasized. You should check it out before almost
`every shot you hit.' Remember, simply
`press B.
`As mentioned above, if you hit the green on the fly with a wo

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