Exhibit 1014 – Part 3
`Exhibit 1014 — Part 3

`2.12 Legal Issues
`2.12 Legal Issues
`issues have
`As user interfaces have become prominent, serious legal
`emerged. Privacy issues are always a concern whenever computers are used
`to store data or to monitor activity. Medical, legal, financial, military, or
`other data often have to be protected to prevent unapproved access, illegal
`tampering, inadvertent loss, or malicious mischief. Physical security to
`prohibit access is fundamental; in addition, privacy protection can involve
`user-interface issues for encryption and decryption, password access, file-
`access control, identity checking, and data verification. Effective protection
`should provide a high degree of privacy with a minimum of interference.
`A second issue is safety and reliability. User interfaces for aircraft,
`automobiles, medical equipment, military systems, or nuclear-reactor con-
`trol rooms can affect life-or-death decisions. If an air-traffic controller is
`temporarily confused by the contents of the display, that could lead to
`disaster. If the user interface for such a system is demonstrated to be difficult
`to understand, it could leave the designer, developer, and operator open to
`a law suit alleging improper design. Designers should strive to make high-
`quality and well-tested interfaces that adhere to state-of-the-art design
`guidelines. Documentation of testing and usage should be maintained to
`provide accurate data on actual performance. Unlike architecture or engi-
`neering, user-interface design is not yet an established profession with clear
`A third issue is copyright protection for software and information
`(Clapes, 1989; Menell, 1989; Gilbert, 1990; NRC, 1991). Software developers
`who have spent time and money to develop a package are frustrated in
`attempting to recover their costs and make a profit if potential users pirate
`(make illegal copies of) the package, rather than buy it. Various technical
`schemes have been tried to prevent copying, but clever hackers can usually
`circumvent the barriers. It is unusual for a company to sue an individual for
`copying a program, but cases have been brought against corporations and
`universities. Site-license agreements are one solution, because they allow
`copying within a site once the fees have been paid. More complicated
`situations arise in the context of access to online information. If a customer of
`an online information service pays for time to access to the database, does
`the customer have the right to extract and store the retrieved information
`electronically for later use? Can the customer send an electronic copy to a
`colleague, or sell a bibliography carefully culled from a large commercial
`database? Do individuals, their employers, or network operators own the
`information contained in electronic-mail messages?
`A fourth issue is freedom of speech in electronic environments. Is the
`right to make controversial statements through electronic mail or bulletin-

`Chapter 2
`Theories, Principles, and Guidelines
`board systems? Are such statements protected by the First Amendment? Are
`networks like street corners, where freedom of speech is guaranteed, or are
`networks like television broadcasting, where community standards must be
`protected? Should network operators be responsible for or prohibited from
`eliminating offensive or obscene jokes, stories, or images? Controversy has
`raged over whether a network operator can prohibit electronic-mail mes-
`sages that were used to organize a rebellion against the network operators.
`Another controversy emerged over whether the network operator should
`suppress racist electronic-mail remarks or postings to a bulletin board. If
`libelous statements are transmitted, can a person sue the network as well as
`the source?
`The most controversial issue for user-interface designers is that of copy-
`right and patent protection for user interfaces. When user interfaces com-
`prised coded commands in all-capital letters on a Teletype, there was little
`that could be protected. But the emergence of artistically designed graphic
`user interfaces with animations and extensive online help has led develop-
`ers to file for copyright protection. This activity has led to many contro-
`- What material is eligible for copyright? Since fonts, lines, boxes, shading,
`and colors cannot usually be accorded copyrights, some people claim
`that most interfaces are not protectable. Advocates of strong protection
`claim that the ensemble of components is a creative work, just like a
`song that
`is composed of uncopyrightable notes or a poem of
`uncopyrightable words. Although standard arrangements, such as the
`rotated-L format of spreadsheets, are not copyrightable, collections of
`words, such as the Lotus 1-2-3 menu tree, have been accepted as
`copyrightable. Maybe the most confusing concept is the separation
`between ideas (not protectable) and expressions (protectable). Genera-
`tions of judges and lawyers have wrestled with the issue; they agree
`only that there is ”no bright shining line" between idea and expression,
`and that the distinction must be decided in each case. Most informed
`the idea of working on multiple
`commentators would agree that
`documents at once by showing multiple windows simultaneously is
`not protectable, but that specific expressions of windows (border
`decorations, animations for movement, and so on) might be
`protectable. A key point is that there should be a variety of -ways to
`express a given idea. When there is only one way to express an idea-
`for example, a circle for the idea of a wedding ring—the expression is
`not protectable.
`Are copyrights or patents more appropriate for user interfaces? Traditionally,
`copyright is used for artistic, literary, and musical expressions, whereas
`patent is used for functional devices. There are interesting crossovers,

`2.12 Legal Issues
`such as copyrights for maps, engineering drawing, and decorations on
`teacups, and patents for software algorithms. Copyrights are easy to
`obtain (just put a copyright notice on the user interface and file a
`copyright application), are rapid, and are not verified. Patents are
`complex, slow, and costly to obtain, since they must be Verified by the
`Patent and Trademark Office. Copyrights last 75 years for companies,
`and life plus 50 years for individuals. Patents last for only 17 years but
`are considered more enforceable. The strength of patent protection has
`raised concerns over patents that were granted for what appear to be
`fundamental algorithms for data compression and display manage-
`ment. Copyrights for printed user manuals and online help can also be
`What constitutes copyright infringement? If another developer copies your
`validly copyrighted user interface exactly, that is clearly a case of
`infringement. More subtle issues arise when a competitor makes a user
`interface that has elements strikingly similar, by your judgment, to your
`own. To win a copyright—infringement case, you must convince a jury
`of ”ordinary observers” that the competitor actually saw your interface
`and that the other interface is ”substantially similar” to yours.
`Should user interfaces be copyrighted? There are many respected com-
`mentators who believe that user interfaces should not be copyrighted.
`They contend that user interfaces should be shared and that it would
`impede progress if developers had to pay for permission for every
`user-interface feature that they saw and wanted to include in their
`interface. They claim also that copyrights interfere with beneficial
`standardization and that unnecessary artistic variations would create
`confusion and inconsistency. Advocates of copyrights for user inter-
`faces wish to recognize creative accomplishments and, by allowing
`protection, to encourage innovation while ensuring that designers are
`rewarded for their works. Although ideas are not protectable, specific
`expressions would have to be licensed from the creator, presumably
`for a fee, in the same way that each photo in an art book must be
`licensed and acknowledged, or each use of a song, play, or quote must
`be granted permission. Concern over the complexity and cost of this
`process and the unwillingness of copyright owners to share is legiti-
`mate, but the alternative of providing no protection might slow inno-
`In the current legal climate, interface designers must respect existing
`expressions and would be wise to seek licenses or cooperative agreements to
`share user interfaces. Placing a copyright notice on the title screen of a
`system and in user manuals seems appropriate. Of course, proper legal
`counsel should be obtained.

`Chapter 2
`Theories, Principles, and Guidelines
`2.13 Practitioner's Summary
`Designing user interfaces is a complex and highly creative process that
`blends intuition, experience, and careful consideration of numerous techni-
`cal issues. Designers are urged to begin with a thorough task analysis and a
`careful specification of the user communities. Explicit recording of task
`objects and actions based on a task analysis can lead to construction of useful
`metaphors or system images. Identification of computer objects and actions
`guides designers to develop simpler concepts that benefit novice and expert
`users. Next, designers create consistent and meaningful syntactic forms for
`input and display. Extensive testing and iterative refinement are necessary
`parts of every development project.
`Design principles and guidelines are emerging from practical experience
`and empirical studies. Organizations can benefit by reviewing available
`guidelines documents and then constructing a local version. A guidelines
`document records organizational policies, supports Consistency, aids the
`application of dialog-management tools, facilitates training of new design-
`ers, records results of practice and experimental testing, and stimulates
`discussion of user-interface issues.
`2.14 Researcher’s Agenda
`The central problem for psychologists, human-factors professionals, and
`computer scientists is to develop adequate theories and models of the
`behavior of humans who use interactive systems. Traditional psychological
`theories must be extended and refined to accommodate the complex human
`learning, memory, and problem—solving required in these applications.
`Useful goals include descriptive taxonomies, explanatory theories, and
`predictive models.
`A first step might be to investigate thoroughly a limited task for a single
`community, and to develop a formal notation for describing task actions and
`objects. Then, the mapping to computer actions and objects could be made
`precisely. Finally, the linkage with syntax would follow. This process would
`lead to predictions of learning times, performance speeds, error rates,
`subjective satisfaction, or human retention over time, for competing designs.
`Next, the range of tasks and user communities could be expanded to
`domains of interest such as word processing, information retrieval, or data
`entry. More limited and applied research problems are connected with each
`of the hundreds of design principles or guidelines that have been proposed.
`Each validation of these principles and clarification of the breadth of

`applicability would be a small but useful contribution to the emerging
`mosaic of human performance with interactive systems.
`Bailey, Robert W., Human Performance Engineering: Using Human Factors/Ergonomics to
`Achieve Computer Usability (Second Edition) Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ
`Brown, C. Marlin, Human—Cumpater Interface Design Guidelines, Ablex, Norwood, N]
`Brown, P., and Gould, J., How people create spreadsheets, ACM Transactions on Office
`Information Systems 5 (1987), 258-272.
`Card, Stuart K., Theory-driven design research, In McMillan, Grant R., Beevis, David,
`Salas, Eduardo, Strub, Michael H., Sutton, Robert, and Van Breda, Leo (Editors),
`Applications of Human Performance Models to System Design, Plenum Press, New
`York (1989), 501-509.
`Card, Stuart K., Mackinlay, Jock D., and Robertson, George G., The design space of
`input devices, Proc.CHI '90 Conference: Human Factors in Computing Systems, ACM,
`New York (1990), 117-124.
`Card, Stuart, Moran, Thomas P., and Newell, Allen, The keystroke-level model for
`user performance with interactive systems, Communications of the ACM 23 (1980),
`Card, Stuart, Moran, Thomas P., and Newell, Allen, The Psychology of Human-
`Computer Interaction, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Hillsdale, NJ (1983).
`Clapes, Anthony Lawrence, Software, Copyright, and Competition: The "Look and Feel" of
`the law, Quorum, New York (1989).
`Computer Science and Telecommunications Board National Research Council, Intel-
`lectual Property Issues in Software, National Academy Press, Washington, DC
`Eason, K. D., Dialogue design implications of task allocation between man and
`computer, Ergonomics 23, 9 (1980), 881-891.
`Egan, Dennis E., Individual differences in humanwomputer interaction. In Helander,
`Martin (Editor), Handbook of Human—Computer Interaction, Elsevier Science Pub-
`lishers, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (1988), 543-568.
`Elkerton, Jay and Palmiter, Susan L., Designing help using a GOMS model: An
`information retrieval evaluation, Human Factors 33, 2 (1991), 185-204.
`Foley, I. D. 8: Wallace, V. L. "The Art of Natural Graphic Man—Machine Conversa-
`tion,” Proc. IEEE, 62 (4) Ap. 1974, pp. 462-70.
`Gaines, Brian R., The technology of interaction—dialogue programming rules,
`International Iournal of Man—Machine Studies 14 (1981), 133-150.
`Galitz, Wilbert 0., Handbook of Screen Format Design (Third Edition), Q. E. D.
`Information Sciences, Wellesley, MA (1989).

`Chapter 2
`Theories, Principles, and Guidelines
`Gilbert, Steven W., Information technology, intellectual property, and education,
`EDLICOM Review 25 (1990), 14-20.
`Grudin, Jonathan, The case against user interface consistency, Communications of the
`ACM 32,10(1989),1164-1173.
`Hansen, Wilfred ]., User engineering principles for interactive systems, Proc. Fall Ioint
`Computer Conference 39, AFIPS Press, Montvale, NJ (1971), 523-532.
`Kieras, David, Towards a practical GOMS model methodology for user interface
`design. In Helander, Martin (Editor), Handbook of Human-Computer Interaction,
`Elsevier Science Publishers, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (1988), 135-157.
`Kieras, David, and Polson, Peter G., An approach to the formal analysis of user
`complexity, International Iournal of Man-Machine Studies 22 (1985), 365-394.
`Lockheed Missiles and Space Company, Human Factors Review of Electric Power
`Dispatch Control Centers: Volume 2: Detailed Survey Results, Prepared for Electric
`Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, CA (1981).
`Menell, Peter 5., An analysis of the scope of copyright protection for application
`programs, Stanford Law Review 41 (1989), 1045-1104.
`National Research Council, Intellectual Property Issues in Software, National Academy
`Press, Washington D.C. (1991).
`Norcio, Anthony F. and Stanley, Iaki, Adaptive human—computer interfaces: A
`literature survey and perspective, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernet-
`ics 19 (1989), 399-408.
`Norman, Donald A., Design rules based on analyses of human error, Communications
`of the ACM 26, 4 (1983), 254-258.
`Norman, Donald A., The Psychology of Everyday Things, Basic Books, New York
`Norman, Kent L., Models of the mind and machine: Information flow and control
`between humans and computers, Advances in Computers 32 (1991), 119-172.
`Payne, S. ]. and Green, T. R. G., Task-Action Grammars: A model of the mental
`representation of task languages, Human—Computer Interaction 2 (1986), 93-133.
`Payne, S. J. and Green, T. R. G., The structure of command languages: An experiment
`on Task-Action Grammar, International ]ournal of Man—Machine Studies 30 (1989),
`Reisner, Phyllis, Formal grammar and design of an interactive system, IEEE Transac-
`tions on Software Engineering SE-5 (1981), 229-240.
`Reisner, Phyllis, What is consistency? In Diaper et al. (Editors), INTERACT '90:
`Human-Computer Interaction, North—Holland, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
`(1990). 175-181.
`Rubinstein, Richard, and Hersh, Harry, The Human Factor: Designing Computer
`Systems for People, Digital Press, Burlington, MA (1984).
`Sears, Andrew, Widget-Level Models of Human-Computer Interaction: Applying Simple
`Task Descriptions to Design and Evaluation, PhD. Dissertation, Department of
`Computer Science, University of Maryland, College Park, MD (1992).

`Sheridan, Thomas B., Task allocation and supervisory control. In Helander, M.
`(Editor), Handbook of Human—Computer Interaction, Elsevier Science Publishers,
`Amsterdam, The Netherlands (1988), 159—173.
`Shneiderman, Ben, Software Psychology: Human Factors in Computer and Information
`Systems, Little, Brown, Boston, MA (1980).
`Shneiderman, Ben, A note on the human factors issues of natural language interac-
`tion with database systems, Information Systems 6, 2 (1981), 125-129.
`Shneiderman, Ben, System message design: Guidelines and experimental results. In
`Directions in Human—Computer Interaction, Badre, A. and Shneiderman, B. (Edi-
`tors), Ablex, Norwood, N] (1982), 55-78.
`Shneiderman, Ben, Direct manipulation: A step beyond programming languages,
`IEEE Computer 16, 8 (1983), 57-69.
`Smith, Sid L. and Mosier, Jane N., Guidelines for Designing User Interface Software,
`Report ESD—TR-86-278, Electronic Systems Division,
`the MITRE Corporation,
`Bedtord, MA (1986). Available from National Technical Information Service,
`Springfield, VA.
`Tufte, Edward, The Visual Display of Quantitative Information, Graphics Press,
`Cheshire, CT (1983).
`Tufte, Edward, Envisioning Information, Graphics Press, Cheshire, CT (1990).

`Menu Selection and Form Pillin
`A man is responsible for his choice and must accept the
`consequences, whatever they may be.
`W. H. Auden, A Certain World

`1 AIkwaue-rm: ma Dtplxy 2..
`3.5 Mmiu Tivwgh mmmany
`3.5 Nhm sum. mm-
`: 1 Szlcnion Mecnuunua
`3.1 Introduction
`3.2 Semantic Organization
`3.3 Item Presentation Sequence
`3.4 Response Time and Display Rate
`3.5 Moving Through Menus Quickly
`3.6 Menu Screen Design
`3.7 Selection Mechanisms
`3.8 Graphical User-Interface Menu Features
`3.9 Embedded Menus
`3.10 Form Fillin
`3.11 Practitioner's Summary
`3.12 Researchers Agenda
`Menu selection is attractive because it can eliminate training and memoriza-
`tion of complex command sequences. When the menu items are written
`using familiar terminology, users can select an item easily, and can indicate
`their choice with one or two keypresses or use of a pointing device. This
`simplified interaction style reduces the possibility of keying errors and
`structures the task to guide the novice and intermittent user. With careful
`design and high-speed interaction, menu selection can become appealing to
`expert frequent users, as well. The success of menu selection in the Macin-
`tosh, Microsoft Windows 3.0, or OSF/ Motif is an indication of the wide-
`spread appeal of seeing choices and of selecting by pointing.
`Menu selection is often contrasted with use of command language, but
`the distinctions are sometimes blurred. Typically, menu selection requires a
`single keystroke or mouse click, whereas commands may be lengthy; but

`3.2 Semantic Organization
`how would you classify a menu in which users have to type a six- or eight-
`letter item? Typically, menu selection displays the choices, whereas com-
`mands must be memorized, but how would you classify a menu that offered
`four numbered choices and accepted 10 more generic commands that are not
`displayed? The command menu bar in LOTUS 1-2-3 is a success because is
`allows the duality that novices treat it as a menu and walk through the
`levels, whereas experienced users construct commands by typing ahead
`several levels of menu choices. If light can be a wave and a particle, then why
`should an interface not be a menu and a command?
`Rather than debate terminology, it is more useful to maintain an aware-
`ness of how much information is on the display at the moment the selection
`is made, what are the form and content of item selection, and what task
`domain knowledge is necessary for users to succeed. Menu selection is
`especially effective when users have little training, use the system only
`intermittently, are unfamiliar with the terminology, and need help in
`structuring their decision—making process.
`However, if a designer uses menu selection, this choice does not guaran-
`tee that the system will be appealing and easy to use. Effective menu-
`selection systems emerge only after careful consideration of and testing for
`numerous design issues, such as semantic organization, menu-system struc-
`ture, number and sequence of menu items,
`titling, prompting format,
`graphic layout and design, phrasing of menu items, display rates, response
`time, shortcuts through the menus for knowledgeable frequent users, on-line
`help, and selection mechanisms (keyboard, pointing devices, touchscreen,
`voice, etc.) (Norman, 1991).
`3.2 Semantic Organization
`The primary goal for menu designers is to create a sensible, comprehensible,
`memorable, and convenient semantic organization relevant to the user's
`tasks. We can learn some lessons by following the semantic decomposition
`of a book into chapters, a program into modules, the animal kingdom into
`species, or a Sears catalog into sections. Hierarchical decompositions-
`natural and comprehensible to most people—are appealing because every
`item belongs to a single category. Unfortunately, in some applications, an
`item may be difficult to classify as belonging to one category, and the
`temptation to duplicate entries or to create a network increases. In spite of
`their limitations, tree structures have an elegance that should be appreciated.
`Restaurant menus separate appetizers, soups, main dishes, desserts, and
`drinks to help customers organize their selections. Menu items should fit
`logically into categories and have readily understood meanings.

`Chapter 3 Menu Selection and Form Fillin
`Restauranteurs who list dishes with idiosyncratic names such as ”veal
`Monique,” generic terms such as "house dressing,” or unfamiliar labels such
`as ”Wor shu op" should expect that waiters will spend ample time explain-
`ing the alternatives, or should anticipate that Customers will become anxious
`because of the unpredictability of their meals.
`Similarly, for computer menus, the categories should be comprehensible
`and distinctive so that the users are confident in making their selections.
`Users should have a clear idea of what will happen when they make a
`selection. Computer menus are more difficult to design than are restaurant
`menus, because computer displays typically have less space than do printed
`menus; display space is a scarce resource. In addition, the number of choices
`and the complexity is greater in many computer applications, and computer
`users may not have helpful waiters to turn to for an explanation.
`The importance of meaningful organization of menu items was demon-
`strated in a study with 48 novice users (Liebelt et al., 1982). Simple menu
`trees with three levels and 16 target
`items were constructed in both
`meaningfully organized and disorganized forms. Error rates were nearly
`halved and user think time (time from menu presentation to user's selection
`of an item) was reduced for the meaningfully organized form. In a later
`study, semantically meaningful categories—such as food, animals, minerals,
`and cities—led to shorter response times than did random or alphabetic
`organizations (McDonald et a1., 1983). This experiment tested 109 novice
`users who worked through 10 blocks of 26 trials. The authors conclude that
`"these results demonstrate the superiority of a categorical menu organiza-
`tion over a pure alphabetical organization, particularly when there is some
`uncertainty about the terms.” With larger menu structures, the effect is even
`more dramatic, as has been demonstrated by studies with extensive video-
`text databases (Lee and Latremouille, 1980; McEwen, 1981; Perlman, 1984).
`These results and the SSOA model suggest that the key to menu-structure
`design is first to consider the semantic organization that results from the
`task. The task terms and structure come first; number of items on the display
`becomes a secondary issue.
`Menu-selection applications range from trivial choices between two items
`to complex information systems with 300,000 displays. The simplest applica-
`tions consist of a single menu, but even with this limitation, there are many
`variations (Figure 3.1). The second group of applications includes a linear
`sequence of menu selections; the progression of menus is independent of the
`user's choice. Strict tree structures make up the third and most common
`group. Acyclic (menus are reachable by more than one path) and cyclic
`(structures with meaningful paths that allow users to repeat menus) net-
`works constitute the fourth group. These groupings describe the semantic
`organization; special traversal commands may enable users to jump around
`the branches of a tree, to go back to the previous menu, or to go to the
`beginning of a linear sequence.

`3.2 Semantic Organization
`Single Menus
`Linear Sequence
`Tree Stmctme
`Acyclic Network
`Cyclic Network
`Figure 3.1
`Menu systems can use simple single or linear sequences of menus. Tree-structured
`menus are the most common structure. Traversing deep trees or more elaborate
`acylic or cyclic menu structures can become difficult for some users.
`Single menus
`In some situations, a single menu is sufficient to accomplish a task. Single
`menus may have two or more items, may require two or more screens, or
`may allow multiple selections. Single menus may pop up on the current
`work area or may be permanently available (in a separate window or on a
`data tablet) while the main display is changed. Different guidelines apply for
`each situation.
`Binary menus The simplest case is a binary menu with yes—no or true-false
`choices, such as is found in many home computer games. An example is DO
`YOU WANT INSTRUCTIONS (Y, N) ? Even this simple example can be

`Chapter 3
`Menu Selection and Form Fillin
`improved. First, novice users might not understand the (Y, N) prompt—
`which is really an abbreviated form of the menu of choices. Second, this
`common query leaves the user without a clear sense of what will happen
`next. Typing Y might produce many pages of instructions, and the user
`might not know how to stop a lengthy output. Typing N is also anxiety
`producing, because users have no idea of what the program will do. Even
`simple menus should offer clear and specific choices that are predicable and
`thus give the user the sense of control:
`Your choices are
`1 -- Get 12 lines of brief instructions.
`2 -- Get 89 lines of complete instructions.
`3 —- Go on to playing the game.
`Type 1, 2, or 3, and press RETURN:
`Since this version has three items, it is no longer a binary menu. It offers
`more specific items, so the user knows what to expect, but it still has the
`problem that users must take instructions now or never. Another strategy
`might be this:
`At any time, you may type
`? —— Get 12 lines of brief instructions.
`?? —— Get 89 lines of complete instructions.
`Be sure to press RETURN after every command
`Ready for game playing commands:
`This example calls attention to the sometimes narrow distinction between
`commands and menu selection;
`the menu choices have become more
`commancl—lil<e since the user must now recall the ? or ? ? syntax.
`Menu items can be identified by single-letter mnemonics, as in this photo-
`library retrieval system:
`Photos are indexed by film type
`B Black and white
`C Color
`Type the letter of your choice
`and press RETURN:
`The mnemonic letters in this menu are often preferred to numbered choices
`(see Section 3.7). The mnemonic-letter approach requires additional caution
`in avoiding collisions and increases the effort of translation to foreign
`languages, but its clarity and memorability are an advantage in many

`3.2 Semantic Organization
`In graphic user interfaces, the user can point to selection buttons with a
`mouse or other cursor~control device. Choosing the orientation for output
`can be done with a pair of icons. The selected item is the darker one
`(inverted). In the following example, choosing between Cancel and OK can
`be by mouse click, but the thickened border on OK could indicate that this
`selection is the default, and that a RETURN keypress will select it.
`These simple examples demonstrate alternative ways to identify menu
`items and to convey instructions to the user. No optimal format for menus
`has emerged, but consistency across menus in a system is extremely
`Multiple-item menus and radio buttons Single menus may have more than
`two items. One example is an online quiz displayed on a touchscreen:
`Who invented the telephone?
`Thomas Edison
`Alexander Graham Bell
`Lee De Forest
`George Westinghouse
`Touch your answer.
`Another example is a list of options in a document-processing system:
`The quiz example has distinct, comprehensible items, but the document-
`processing example shows an implied menu selection that could be confus-
`ing to novice users. There are no explicit instructions, and it is not apparent
`that single-letter abbreviations are acceptable. Knowledgeable and expert
`users may prefer this short form of a menu selection, usually called a prompt,
`because of its speed and simplicity.
`In graphic user interfaces, such selections are often called radio buttons
`since only one item can be selected at a time. This choice of paper size for
`printing shows US Letter as the selected item:
`:3) US Letter
`C) US Legal
`C) No.10 Envelope
`O H4 Letter
`0 B5 Letter

`Chapter 3
`Menu Selection and Form Fillin
`Type the number/letter
`or M for more choices.
`Then Press RETURN
`Figure 3.2
`Alter line width
`New character set
`Set passWord
`Set cursor Blink rate
`Set beep Volume
`Type the number/letter
`or P to go back to Page 1.
`Then Press RETURN
`This text-oriented extended menu operates in a traditional keyboard style with numeric
`selection and with mnemonic letters.
`Extended menus Sometimes, the list of menu items may require more than
`one display but allow only one meaningful item to be chosen. One solution
`is to create a tree-structured menu, but sometimes the desire to limit the
`system to one conceptual menu is strong. The first portion of the menu is
`displayed with an additional menu item that leads to the next display in the
`extended menu sequence. A typical application is in word-processing
`systems, where common choices are displayed first, but infrequent or
`advanced features are kept on the second display (Figure 3.2). Sometimes,
`the extended screen menu will continue for many screens. Extended menus
`provide a justification for the more elaborate scrolling capabilities found in
`most graphical user interfaces (Figure 3.3).
`Pull-down and pop-up menus Pull-down menus are constantly available to
`the user via selections along a top menu bar; pap-up menus appear on the
`display in response to a click with a pointing device such as a mouse. The Xerox
`Star, Apple Lisa, and Apple Macintosh (Figure 3.4) made these possibilities
`widely available, and their versions have become standardized (Windows 3.0,
`IBM CUA SAA, OSF/Motif). Common items in the menu bar are F i le, Edit,
`Sea rch, Font, Format, View, and Help. The user can make a selection by
`moving the pointing device over the menu items, which respond by
`Figure 3.3
`This graphical extended menu uses pointing and
`clicking to select an item, and scrolling to move
`among the items. Contrast to Figure 3.2.
`View index

`3.2 Semantic Organization
`6 HIE Edll Seaitri Foimat Font Style
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