`Qualtrics LLC v. OpinionLab, Inc.
`and private information. Few are contextual. most are inconvenient
`and may take users to other sites. and some go on for pages and
`Nickerson designed Online0pinion to be convenient, quick. and
`easy. It protects privacy and is consistent. "It acts the same way
`every time. it never abuses you. never surprises you.” says
`Unlike services like Bizrale. PC Data Online. and Media Metrix.
`which provide aggregate volume numbers. Onlineoplnion tells site
`managers what people think of the site and how to make it better.
`"It gets down to the granular level, which is particularly actionable."
`says MVP's Drury.
`Sites can download and install On|ineOpinion in about 10 minutes.
`Virtually everyone coming to a site can use it immediately. There is
`no client download. The (+) floats in the same client-selected
`location on all its Web pages. Rolling the cursor over the (+} symbol
`reveals a five-point rating scale. Optionally. clicking on "comments"
`lets users rate content. design. and usability. plus type in
`comments. An additional optional step is to register and submit
`some generic marketing information.
`Surprisingly, users have not abused the (+} to maliciously "flame"
`sites. Nickerson thinks he knows why. Web users tend to settle into
`what he calls ‘personal web space.’ groups of sites they rely on:
`‘They have an interest in optimizing that space. and Dntineopinion
`gives them a convenient means to alert sites to problems and
`suggest solutions.“
`Data are displayed on a clever and elegant spoke system. Each
`line represents a page; line length shows the relative number of
`opinions per page; and a color scheme differentiates positive.
`negative, and neutral response rates. The graphic highlights
`bimodal samp|es—widely divergent views--by placing a different
`colored dot at the end of a spoke. "Their spoke system is an
`enormously effective tool." says Jackpot's Zauder. "Most data
`analysis averages bimodal distributions into non~committal
`opinions. but these folks are very intelligent about how data can lie
`to you."
`Penny for your redesign thoughts
`The first detailed data analysis is free. Additional queries behind the
`spoke graphic cost $850. For sites that do annual updates. that
`should suffice. Those that do more frequent revisions may choose
`to subscribe to an annual service for $15,000. Still in beta is real-
`time data analysis that will regularly email new opinions and
`comments to site and page managers.
`MVP already has used Onlineopinion data to redesign its site and
`add new product lines. Originally MVP displayed products in lists.
`Click a product name and its image would appear. Customer
`feedback led to a redesign. Now. up to 16 images of products are
`displayed in a 4 x 4 matrix. ‘As a result. conversion has increased.
`which means revenues have increased. which is the name of the
`game.‘ says MVP's Drury.
`Jaclcpotcorn had what they thought was a streamlined registration
`and client software download process. "W hat we teamed through
`On|ine0pinion's feedback was that it was reatly cumbersome." says
`Jacl<pot's Zauder. So they pulled all the elements together onto one
`Page 2 of 3
`page and added a clearer explanation of how the site works.
`"We‘ve seen a very significant increase in the percentage of new
`site visitors who end up downloading the game.”
`This open channel between users and Web sites is the "beauty" of
`the lntemet. according to Kent Arlen, e-commerce analyst with the
`Aberdeen Group. Untii now. most of that Interaction took customers
`away from sites. He gives Onlineopinion a "ringing endorsement."
`“It's an embedded means to "taking advantage of that open
`channel." Allen says. "Finding out about a pissed-off customer is a
`hell of a lot cheaper than losing a pissed-off customer.“
`OpinionLab's CEO Rand Nickerson has big plans for his little (+}
`symbol. He sees a day when it. or something like it, becomes a
`feedback convention on the Web that will compiement and even
`steer other rating techniques such as focus groups and usability
`testing. Both of those can be expensive but do sometimes provide
`"gems" that help justify their cost. Nickerson says that his little {+)
`wilt provide the same quality gems more frequently and for less
`money. «at
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