(12) United States Patent
`Boisvert et al.
`(10) Patent N0.:
`(45) Date of Patent:
`US 7,579,802 B2
`Aug. 25, 2009
`References Cited
`Inventors: Mario Boisvert, Reed City, MI (US);
`Randall Perrin, GraWn, MI (U S); John
`Washeleski, Cadillac, MI (US)
`Assignee: Nartron Corporation, Reed City, MI
`Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`USC 154(b) by 550 days.
`Appl. No.: 10/765,487
`Jan. 27, 2004
`Prior Publication Data
`US 2004/0183493 A1
`Sep. 23, 2004
`Related US. Application Data
`Division of application No. 10/100,892, ?led on Mar.
`18, 2002, Which is a continuation-in-part of applica
`tion No. 09/562,986, ?led on May 1, 2000, noW Pat.
`No. 6,404,158, Which is a continuation-in-part of
`application No. 08/736,786, ?led on Oct. 25, 1996,
`noW Pat. No. 6,064,165, Which is a continuation of
`application No. 08/275,107, ?led on Jul. 14, 1994, noW
`abandoned, Which is a continuation-in-part of applica
`tion No. 07/872,190, ?led on Apr. 22, 1992, noW Pat.
`No. 5,334,876.
`Int. Cl.
`G05D 3/00
`US. Cl. ..................... .. 318/466; 318/467; 318/468;
`318/469; 318/476
`Field of Classi?cation Search ....... .. 3l8/264i266,
`318/280*286,4604170, 565, 626, 434, 139,
`318/4744177, 815, 833, 903; 701/36, 49
`See application ?le for complete search history.
`4,383,206 A *
`4,514,670 A
`4,608,637 A *
`4,641,067 A
`5/1983 Matsuoka et a1. ......... .. 318/445
`4/1985 Fassel et a1.
`8/1986 Okuyama et a1. ........... .. 701/49
`2/ 1987 IiZaWa et a1.
`0581509 A1
`Federal Register, Vol. 56, N0. 73/Tuesday, Apr. 16, 1991, Rules and
`Regulations, Department of Transportation, National Highway Tra?c
`Safety Administration, 49 CFR Part 571, pp. 15290-15299.
`Primary ExamineriMarlon T Fletcher
`(74) Attorney, Agent, or FirmiTarolli, Sundheim, Covell &
`Tummino LLP
`Disclosed is an improved system and method for sensing both
`hard and soft obstructions for a movable panel such as a
`sunroof. A dual detection scheme is employing that includes
`an optical sensing as the primary means and electronic sens
`ing of motor current as a secondary means. The secondary
`means utilizes system empirical precharacteriZation, fast pro
`cessing algorithms, motor parameter monitoring including
`both current sensing and sensorless electronic motor current
`commutation pulse sensing, and controller memory, to adap
`tively modify electronic obstacle detection thresholds in real
`time Without the use of templates and cycle averaging tech
`22 Claims, 9 Drawing Sheets
`DRIVE ,‘8
`\ A
`UUSI Exhibit 2007
`Page 1


`US 7,579,802 B2
`Page 2
`6/1987 Haglwara etal-
`4,673,848 A
`8/1987 Herr
`4686598 A
`3/1988 Foust etal.
`4,730,152 A
`5/1988 Mizutaet a1~
`4,746,845 A
`4/1989 Compeau eta1~
`4,823,059 A
`5/1989 Jones et a1. ................. .. 700/90
`4,831,509 A *
`8/1989 Lemirande ................ .. 318/282
`4,855,653 A *
`9/1989 “911 eta1~
`4,870,333 A
`4,980,618 A 12/1990 Mllnes er a1~
`5,038,087 A
`8/1991 Archer etal.
`5,039,925 A *
`8/1991 Schap ...................... .. 318/282
`5,069,000 A 12/1991 Zuckerman
`5,081,586 A
`V1992 Bartheletal
`5,131,506 A
`7/1992 MiZllIlO eta1~
`5,140,316 A
`8/1992 DeLand et a1.
`5,162,711 A 11/1992 Heckler
`5,204,592 A
`4/1993 Huyer
`5,218,282 A *
`6/1993 Duhame ................... .. 318/603
`5,278,480 A
`1/1994 Murray
`5,334,876 A
`8/1994 Washeleski et a1.
`5,399,950 A
`3/1995 Lu e131,
`5,432,413 A
`7/1995 Duke etal.
`5,436,539 A *
`7/1995 Wrenbeck et a1. ......... .. 318/265
`3/1996 Berland et a1.
`5,497,326 A
`6/1996 Filippi
`5,525,876 A
`6/1996 Shigemaatsu etal.
`5,530,329 A
`7/1996 Toyozurni et a1.
`5,537,013 A
`7/1996 Lu et 31‘
`5,539,290 A
`5,701,063 A * 12/1997 Cooketal. ............... .. 318/469
`5,723,960 A *
`3/1998 Harada ..................... .. 318/469
`5,729,104 A
`3/1998 Kamishimaet 31‘
`5,734,245 A
`3/199g Terashimaet 31‘
`5,832,664 A 11/1998 Tajimaetal.
`5,952,801 A *
`9/1999 Boisvert et a1. ........... .. 318/468
`5,955,854 A
`9/1999 Zhang et 31‘
`5,969,637 A * 10/1999 Doppelt et a1‘ _______ u 340/825‘69
`5,982,124 A * 11/1999 Wang ....................... .. 318/466
`6,064,165 A
`5/2000 Boisvert et a1.
`6,243,635 B1
`6/2001 Swan et a1.
`6,377,009 B1
`4/2002 Philipp
`2189906 A 11/1987
`WO 92/20891
`* cited by examiner
`UUSI Exhibit 2007
`Page 2


`US. Patent
`Aug. 25, 2009
`Sheet 1 of9
`US 7,579,802 B2
`4/—— RAIN
`I-—-—- MOTOR AL/k'
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`UUSI Exhibit 2007
`Page 3


`US. Patent
`Aug. 25, 2009
`Sheet 2 of9
`US 7,579,802 B2
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`US. Patent
`Aug. 25, 2009
`Sheet 3 of9
`US 7,579,802 B2
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`US. Patent
`Aug. 25, 2009
`Sheet 4 of9
`US 7,579,802 B2
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`US. Patent
`Aug. 25, 2009
`Sheet 5 0f9
`US 7,579,802 B2


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`US. Patent
`Aug. 25, 2009
`Sheet 6 of9
`US 7,579,802 B2
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`US. Patent
`Aug. 25, 2009
`Sheet 7 0f9
`US 7,579,802 B2
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`US. Patent
`Aug. 25, 2009
`Sheet 8 of9
`US 7,579,802 B2
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`UUSI Exhibit 2007
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`US. Patent
`Aug. 25, 2009
`Sheet 9 of9
`US 7,579,802 B2
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`UUSI Exhibit 2007
`Page 11


`US 7,579,802 B2
`This is a Divisional application of application Ser. No.
`10/100,892, ?led on Mar. 18, 2002.
`The present application is a continuation-in-part of appli
`cation Ser. No. 09/562,986 ?led May 1, 2000 now US. Pat.
`No. 6,404,158 Which is a continuation-in-part of application
`Ser. No. 08/736,786 to Boisvert et al. Which Was ?led on Oct.
`25, 1996, now US. Pat. No. 6,064,165 Which Was a continu
`ation of united States application Ser. No. 08/275,107 to
`Boisvert et al. Which Was ?led on Jul. 14, 1994 noW aban
`doned Which is a continuation in part of application Ser. No.
`07/872,190 ?ledApr. 22, 1992 to Washeleski et al., now US.
`Pat. No. 5,334,876. These related applications are incorpo
`rated herein by reference. Applicants also incorporate by
`reference US Pat. No. 5,952,801 to Boisvert et al, Which
`issued Sep. 14, 1999. This application also claims priority
`from US. Provisional application serial No. 60/169,061 ?led
`Dec. 6, 1999 Which is also incorporated herein by reference.
`The present invention concerns motor driven actuator con
`trol systems and methods Whereby empirically characterized
`actuation operation parameters are subsequently monitored.
`Safety Administration
`National Highway Traf?c
`(NHTSA) Standard 118 contains regulations to assure safe
`operation of poWer-operated WindoWs and roof panels. It
`establishes requirements for poWer WindoW control systems
`located on the vehicle exterior and for remote control devices.
`The purpose of the standard is to reduce the risk of personal
`injury that could result if a limb catches betWeen a closing
`poWer operated WindoW and its WindoW frame. Standard 1 18
`states that maximum alloWable obstacle interference force
`during an automatic closure is less than 100 NeWton onto a
`solid cylinder having a diameter from 4 millimeters to 200
`Certain technical dif?culties exist With operation of prior
`art automatic poWer WindoW controls. One dif?culty is unde
`sirable shutdoWn of the poWer WindoW control for causes
`other than true obstacle detection. Detection of obstacles
`during startup energiZation, soft obstacle detection, and hard
`obstacle detection each present technical challenges requir
`ing multiple simultaneous obstacle detection techniques.
`Additionally, the gasket area of the WindoW that seals to avoid
`Water seepage into the vehicle presents a dif?culty to the
`design of a poWer WindoW control, since the WindoW panel
`encounters signi?cantly different resistance to movement in
`this region. Operation under varying poWer supply voltage
`results in actuator speed variations that result in increased
`obstacle detection thresholds.
`This invention concerns an improved actuator system that
`provides faster operation, more sensitive obstacle detection,
`faster actuator stopping With reduced pinch force, and
`reduced false obstacle detection all With less costly hardWare.
`This invention has utiliZation potential for diverse automatic
`poWered actuator applications including positioning of doors,
`WindoWs, sliding panels, seats, control pedals, steering
`Wheels, aerodynamic controls, hydrodynamic controls, and
`much more. One exemplary embodiment of primary empha
`sis for this disclosure concerns an automatic poWered actuator
`as a motor vehicle sunroof panel.
`An exemplary system built in accordance With one
`embodiment of the invention implements position and speed
`sensing is via electronic motor current commutation pulse
`sensing of the drive motor. Motor current commutation pulse
`counting detection means and counting correction routines
`provide improved position and speed accuracy.
`In one exemplary embodiment, stored empirical parameter
`characterizations and algorithms adaptively modify obstacle
`detection thresholds during an ongoing actuation for
`improved obstacle detection sensitivity and thresholds result
`ing in quicker obstacle detection With loWer initial force,
`loWer ?nal pinch force and reduced occurrences of false
`obstacle detection.
`An exemplary embodiment of the collision sensing system
`uses a memory for actuation speed measurement, motor cur
`rent measurement, and calculations of an ongoing actuation
`With real time adaptive algorithms enables real time running
`adaptive compensation of obstacle detection thresholds.
`FIG. 1 is a block diagram schematic of the components of
`an exemplary embodiment of the present invention;
`FIGS. 2A-2D are schematics of circuitry for controlling
`movement and sensing obstructions of a motor driven panel
`such as a motor vehicle sunroof;
`FIG. 3A is a plan vieW depicting an optical sensing system
`for monitoring an obstruction in the pinch Zone of a moving
`panel such as a motor vehicle sunroof;
`FIG. 3B is a front elevation vieW of the FIG. 3A optical
`sensing system;
`FIG. 3C is a plan vieW depicting an optical system With
`moving optics for monitoring an obstruction at the leading
`edge of a moving panel such as a motor vehicle sunroof;
`FIG. 3D is a front elevation vieW of the FIG. 3C optical
`sensing system;
`FIG. 3E is a plan vieW depicting an optical sensing system
`With moving optics, ?exible optic ?ber, remote IR emission,
`and remote IR detection for monitoring an obstruction at the
`leading edge of a moving panel such as a motor vehicle
`FIG. 4 represents typical startup energiZation characteris
`tics of motor current and per speed versus time;
`FIG. 5 represents a simpli?ed example of characteristic
`steady state nominal motor operation function versus time or
`FIG. 6 represents a simpli?ed example characteristic
`dynamic transient motor operation function versus time and/
`or position shoWing motor operation function With transients;
`FIG. 7 represents a simpli?ed example characteristic
`dynamic periodic cyclic motor operation function versus time
`and/ or position shoWing motor operation function With cyclic
`disturbances; and
`FIG. 8 is a sequence of measurements taken by a controller
`during successive time intervals and operation of a monitored
`panel drive motor.
`FIG. 1 shoWs a functional block diagram of an actuator
`safety feedback control system 1 for monitoring and control
`ling movement of a motor driven panel such as a motor
`UUSI Exhibit 2007
`Page 12


`US 7,579,802 B2
`vehicle sunroof. A panel movement controller 2 includes a
`commercially available multipurpose microcontroller IC (in
`tegrated circuit) With internal and/or external FIFO memory
`and/or RAM (Random Access Memory) 211 and ADC (ana
`log-to-digital-converter) 2b.
`Eight-bit Word bytes, eight-bit counters, and eight-bit ana
`log-to-digital conversions are used With the exemplary con
`troller 2. It should be fully realized, hoWever, that alternative
`Word lengths may be more appropriate for systems requiring
`different parameter resolution. Larger Word bytes With
`equivalent ADC resolution enables greater resolution for
`motor current sensing. Likewise, larger Word bytes With
`higher microcontroller clock speeds enable greater resolution
`for motor per speed sensing plus quicker digital signal pro
`cessing and algorithm processing for quicker response time.
`A temperature sensor 3 (Which according to the preferred
`embodiment of the invention is an option) When installed, is
`driven by and sensed by the controller 2. Temperature sensing
`alloWs the panel controller 2 to automatically sense vehicle
`cabin temperature and open or close the sunroof to help
`maintain a desired range of temperatures. Temperature com
`pensation of actuator obstacle detection thresholds is typi
`cally unnecessary.
`An optional rain sensor 4 can be both driven by and sensed
`by the microcontroller 2. Automatic closing of the sunroof
`panel occurs When the sensor is Wet. Subsequently, the sun
`roof panel can be opened When either falling rain has stopped
`for some time duration or When the rain has evaporated to
`some extent.
`Manual sWitch inputs 5 are the means by Which operator
`control of the system occurs.
`Limit sWitch inputs 6 indicate to the control system such
`physical inputs as HOME position, VENT/NOT OPEN
`Quadrant SWitch, and end of panel movement. Limit sWitch
`signals indicate Where microcontroller encoder pulse counter
`registers are set or reset representative of speci?c panel posi
`Motor drive outputs 7a and 7b control Whether the motor
`drives the panel in the forWard or the reverse direction. When
`neither the forWard nor the reverse direction are driven, the
`motor drive terminals are electrically shorted together, pos
`sibly via a circuit node such as COMMON, resulting in an
`electrical loading and thus a dynamic braking effect.
`Motor plugging drive, Which is the application of reverse
`drive polarity While a motor is still rotating, is an optional
`method of more quickly stopping the motor, but has been
`unnecessary for use With the preferred embodiment of the
`sunroof panel controller due to satisfactory performance
`taught by this disclosure. Very large motor plugging currents
`are often undesirable because they can easily exceed typical
`maximum stalled rotor currents producing undesired motor
`heating in large applications. Such high motor plugging cur
`rents can be detrimental to the life and reliability of electro
`mechanical relay contacts and solid state sWitches used to
`sWitch motor operating currents. High motor plugging cur
`rents can also cause undesirable transients, trip breakers, and
`bloW fuses in a poWer supply system.
`Application of brakes and/or clutches is also unnecessary
`With the automotive sunroof system due to the improved real
`time obstacle detection performance taught by this disclo
`Optical Obstacle Detection
`Obstacle detection by actual physical contact and/or pinch
`force With human subjects is someWhat unnerving to some
`individuals. For improved system safety and user comfort, the
`preferred system utiliZes non-contact detection of obstacles
`in the path of the moving panel. Of various technologies by
`Which it is possible to sense an obstacle Without physical
`contact, IR (infrared) emission With transmission interruption
`mode detection is preferred. IR emitting diodes and/or IR
`laser diodes are the tWo preferred IR emission sources. IR
`photodiodes and/ or IR phototransistors are the tWo preferred
`IR detection means. Optical obstacle detection senses and
`enables stopping of the actuator movement prior to signi?cant
`applied pinch force and possibly prior to actual physical
`contact With a subject. In unusual light conditions, explained
`beloW, optical sensing means becomes temporarily ineffec
`tive, thus obstacle detection via motor current sensing or
`current sensing and speed sensing means becomes the
`remaining reliable backup method of detecting an obstacle.
`Of tWo preferred con?gurations utiliZed for implementing
`IR transmission interruption mode of obstacle detection, the
`?rst is use of at least one emitter and at least one detector
`sensing at least across the pinch Zone in close proximity to an
`end of travel region of a sunroof. As shoWn in FIGS. 3A and
`3B, at least one IR emitter 100 and at least one IR detector 102
`are separated from each other by a sunroof pinch Zone 104. In
`an exemplary embodiment of the invention, opto sensing of
`obstructions is across and in relatively close proximity to a
`pinch Zone near the end of travel region of a sunroof. The
`depictions in FIGS. 3A and 3B do not shoW the entire region
`betWeen emitter and detector but it is appreciated that a gap G
`betWeen emitter and detector is on the order of the Width of
`the moving sunroof. In this preferred embodiment, cabling
`108 passes to the region of the detector 102 around the end of
`the sunroof liner in the region of the end of the sunroof travel.
`The detector and emitter are ?xed to the sunroof liner and do
`not move. Implementation of this ?xed con?guration is sim
`pli?ed by lack of moving components, although the sunroof
`may have to push the obstacle into a sensing ?eld betWeen the
`emitter 100 and the detector 102. Thus, although the sensing
`means is non-contact, the sunroof can still contact the
`Of tWo preferred con?gurations utiliZed for implementing
`IR transmission interruption obstacle detection, the second is
`use of at least one emitter and at least one detector sensing at
`least immediately ahead of the front moving edge of the
`moving portion of a sunroof. As shoWn in FIGS. 3C and 3D,
`at least one IR emitter 100 and at least one IR detector 102 are
`separated proximal a front moving edge of a sunroof 103. In
`an exemplary embodiment of the invention, opto-sensing of
`obstructions is across and in relatively close proximity to a
`front edge 105 of the sunroof 103. The depictions in FIGS. 3C
`and 3D shoW the entire region betWeen emitter and detector
`for Which a gap G, betWeen emitter and detector, is on the
`order of the Width of the moving sunroof. In this preferred
`embodiment, ?exible ?at circuitry 107 passes to the emitter
`1 00 and the detector 1 02 of the moving panel or WindoW to the
`region of the front moving edge. Alternate means to supply
`electrical signal and/or poWer to the moving opto-electronic
`components includes means such as electrical contact
`brushes cooperating With conductive traces on the moving
`panel. PoWer and signal are optionally both transmitted over
`the same conductors. FIG. 3E shoWs an alternative means to
`supply IR emission to receive IR detection from the front
`edge of the moving panel via ?exible moving optic ?ber 303
`means connected With components 300, 302 that respectively
`emit IR and detect IR signals. IR optical ?bers are terminated
`at each end to optical components 304, 305 that perform
`collimating, re?ecting, and focusing requirements. The struc
`ture depicted in FIGS. 3A-3E make it possible to sense
`obstructions With no physical obstacle contact regardless of
`the position of the moving sunroof.
`UUSI Exhibit 2007
`Page 13


`US 7,579,802 B2
`Alternate, non-preferred means of obstacle detection
`include sensing back re?ection from a re?ective surface of
`radiation emitted from an emitter, electric ?eld sensing of
`proximal material dielectric properties, and magnetic ?eld
`sensing of proximal material inductive properties.
`Various techniques improve the operation and reliability of
`non-contact optical detection sensing. In accordance With an
`exemplary embodiment of the present invention, the IR emit
`ter 100 is driven With a duty cycle and frequency. One typical
`automobile sunroof application uses 20% duty cycle at 500
`HZ IR emitter drive synchronized With IR detector sensing.
`Pulsed drive alloWs the IR emitter 100 to be driven harder
`during its on time at a loW average poWer. This harder drive
`yields improved signal-to-noise for IR sensing by the IR
`detector. The IR detector circuit synchronously compares the
`IR signal detected during IR emitter on times With IR emitter
`off times to determine ambient IR levels for drive and signal
`compensation purposes. This alloWs the IR emitter to IR
`detector optical coupling to be determined With a level of
`accuracy and reliability using closed loop feedback tech
`Automatic gain feedback control techniques maintain the
`level of the IR emitter drive and/or the gain of the IR detector
`circuit so that optical coupling is above minimum desirable
`values. Such automatic gain compensates, Within certain
`limitations, factors including decrease in IR emitter output
`over accumulated time at temperature, IR emitter output tem
`perature coef?cient, dirt and haZe fouling optic components,
`and high ambient IR levels.
`Highly directional IR optical lenses and/or aligned polar
`iZed ?lters on both the IR emitter and IR detector maintain
`better optical coupling and reduce the effects of ambient IR
`and re?ected IR from other directions. Location of the IR
`detector in a physical recess further reduces the possibility of
`extraneous IR “noise” from affecting the optical coupling.
`Despite various means to reduce the possibility of excess
`extraneous IR from being detected, certain conditions occur
`that may alloW very high levels of direct and/or re?ected
`sunlight to be “seen” by the detector. Sun IR poWer levels can
`saturate the detector output signal level so that obstacle block
`age of the pulsed IR emitter signals is not reliably sensed.
`Under such unusual “White out” circumstances, the IR optical
`system is disabled by the panel controller 2 until the sunroof
`actuator is nearly closed, at Which position ambient IR noise
`is shielded by the sunroof. Thus, the complete emitter-detec
`tor IR coupling is made more reliable for the last movement of
`pinch point closure. Complete body blockage of the IR cou
`pling path betWeen the emitter and detector is not a “White
`out” condition, although if the body is blocking both ambient
`IR and emitted IR signal at the detector, a “black out” condi
`tion is interpreted as an obstacle detection.
`Although the IR obstacle detection means may be tempo
`rarily found to be unreliable by high ambient levels of IR, the
`disclosed sensing of hard and/or soft obstacles by motor
`current monitoring is alWays active as a redundant obstacle
`detection means.
`Detailed Schematic
`The controller schematic shoWn in FIGS. 2A-2D imple
`ments collision sensing in one form by activating a light
`emitting diode 10011 which emits at periodic intervals. In the
`event the infra red radiation is not sensed by a photo transistor
`detector 10211, the controller 2 assumes an obstruction and
`deactivates the sunroof motor M. There is also a redundant
`and more reliable obstacle detection means for detecting
`obstacles based upon sensed motor operation parameters.
`The preferred controller 2 is anAtmel 8 Bit microprocessor
`having 8 Kilobytes of ROM and includes programming
`inputs 106 Which can be coupled to an external data source
`and used to reprogram the microprocessor controller 2. User
`controlled inputs 5a, 5b are coupled to user activated sWitches
`Which are activated to control movement of the sunroof. The
`inputs are similar to noW issued US. Pat. No. 5,952,801 to
`Boisvert et al, Which describes the functionality of those
`inputs. Limit sWitch outputs 5c, 5d, 5e are also monitored by
`the controller 2 and used to control activation of the sunroof
`drive motor.
`The schematic depicts a clock oscillator 110 for providing
`a clock signal of 6 MHZ for driving the microprocessor
`controller 2. To the upper left of the oscillator is a decoupling
`capacitor circuit 112 for decoupling a VCC poWer signal to
`the microprocessor.
`The circuitry depicted in FIG. 2B provides poWer signals in
`response to input of a high signal at the ignition input 114.
`When the ignition input goes high, this signal passes through
`a diode 116 to the base input 118 ofa transistor 120 Which
`turns on. When the transistor 120 turns on, a regulated output
`of 5 volts (V CC) is provided by a voltage regulator 122 in the
`upper right hand corner of FIG. 2B. A voltage input to the
`voltage regulator 122 is derived from tWo battery inputs 124,
`126 coupled through a ?ltering and reverse polarity protec
`tion circuit 130. Immediately above the positive battery input
`124 is a relay output 131 Which provides a signal one diode
`drop less than battery voltage VBAT Which poWers the relay
`coils 132, 134 (FIG. 2D) for activating the motor.
`The circuitry of FIGS. 2A-2D includes a number of opera
`tional ampli?ers Which require higher voltage than the ?ve
`volt VCC logic circuitry poWer signal. At the extreme right
`hand side of the schematic of FIG. 2B are tWo transistors 136,
`138 one of Which includes a base 140 coupled to an output
`142 from the microprocessor controller 2. The second tran
`sistor has its collector coupled to the battery and an output on
`the emitter designated V-SW. When the microprocessor turns
`on the transistor 138, the V-SW output goes to battery voltage.
`The V-SW output is connected to a voltage regulator (not
`shoWn) Which generates a DC signal that is supplied through
`out the circuit for operation of the various operational ampli
`The microprocessor controller 2 also has tWo motor control
`outputs 150, 152 Which control tWo sWitching transistors 154,
`156, Which in turn energiZe tWo relay coils 132, 134. The
`relay coils have contacts 162, 164 coupled across the motor M
`for energizing the motor Windings With a battery voltage
`VBAT. One or the other of the transistors must be turned on in
`order to activate the motor. When one of the tWo transistors is
`on, the motor M rotates to provide output poWer at an output
`shaft for moving the sunroof or other panel along a path of
`travel in one direction. To change the direction of the motor
`rotation, the ?rst transistor is turned off and the second acti
`vated. The motor used to drive the sunroof panel back and
`forth along its path of travel in the exemplary embodiment of
`the present invention is a DC motor.
`FIG. 2C depicts a circuit 180 for monitoring light emitting
`diode signals. A light emitting diode 10011 has an anode
`connection 181 coupled to the V-sWitched signal and the
`cathode is coupled through a sWitching transistor 182 to a
`microprocessor output 183. The microprocessor outputs a
`500 hertZ signal at this output 183 having a 20% duty cycle to
`the base input of the transistor. When the transistor turns on,
`the LED cathode is pulled loW, causing the light emitting
`diode 10011 to emit IR radiation. Under microprocessor con
`trol, the light emitting diode produces a 500 hertZ output
`Which is sensed by a photo detector 10211. As the light emit
`UUSI Exhibit 2007
`Page 14


`US 7,579,802 B2
`ting diode pulses on and off at 500 hertz, the photo detector
`responds to this input. When current ?oWs in the photo detec
`tor, a voltage drop is produced across a voltage divider 184
`having an output coupled to an operational ampli?er 186.
`When current ?oWs in the photo detector in response to
`receipt of a light signal the voltage divider raises the voltage
`at the inverting input 188 to the ampli?er 186. The non
`inverting input to this ampli?er is maintained at 2.5 volts by a
`regulated voltage divider 188. The operational ampli?er 186
`and a second operational ampli?er 190 de?ne tWo inverting
`ampli?ers Which in combination produce an output signal of
`500 hertz. With no signal appearing at the photo detector, an
`output 192 from the operational ampli?er 190 is 2.5 volts.
`This signal is coupled to the microprocessor controller 2. In
`response to receipt of the photo detector signal, this signal
`oscillates and this oscillating signal in turn is sensed by the
`The microprocessor controller 2 has tWo inputs 192, 194
`that provide input signals to a comparator implemented by the
`microprocessor controller. As the state of the comparator
`changes, internal microprocessor interrupts are generated
`Which cause the microprocessor to execute certain functions.
`The ?rst input 192 is derived from the output from the pho
`totransistor 10211. The second input 194 to the comparator is
`a 3.3 volt signal generated by a voltage divider 195.
`Motor Current Monitoring
`A motor current monitoring circuit is depicted in FIG. 2D
`and includes a number of operational ampli?ers 200-203
`coupled to a current measuring resistor 210 in the loWer right
`hand portion of the circuit diagram. This current measuring
`resistor is coupled to the operational ampli?er 200 con?gured
`as a differential ampli?er through a second resistor 211. An
`output 212 from this differential ampli?er is a signal propor
`tional to the current through the motor Windings Which has
`been ampli?ed by a factor of about four. The output from this
`ampli?er passes to a second gain of 3 ampli?er 201 to an
`output 214 coupled to the microprocessor controller through
`a resistor 215. This signal is monitored by the microprocessor
`and converted by an A to D conversion to a digital value
`directly related to motor current.
`An input 220 to the second pair of operational ampli?ers
`202, 203 is either an output from the ?rst differential ampli?er
`200 or the second gain of 3 ampli?er 201 depending upon
`Whether a resistor 222 is installed in the circuit. One but not
`both of the resistors 222, 223 are installed in the circuit.
`The changing signal output from the resistor 21 0 is coupled
`to an inverting input of anAC coupled ampli?er and produces
`an output signal 226 to the microprocessor controller 2 Which

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