`Mario Boisvert .et al.
`Serial No.:
`Confirm�tiou No.:
`Art Unit:
`Marion T. Hetcher
`14-733C2Dl US CON!
`January 28� 2009
`Attorney Docket No.:
`Commissioner J()r Patents
`P.O. Box 1450
`Akxamtria, VA 22313-� •HO
`1n. response to-the omce action ihm1 the U.S. Patent .and Trademark office dattxl
`in conj�nction with the pi·esent1y pe.nding
`consi«;ler the foB{)�ring remarks
`Apri11, 201 l, 1-1teasc
`claims listed below f{)r the Exam1ner's conver'ience.


`Claims 29 -· 39 are pending and recons:ideration ofthos� da1ms is 1·eq uested.
` applica:..ion for the opportunity to discuss
`Applicants thank Examiner Fletcher
`the Apri126,
`2011 interview.
`ln the April 1, 2011 �iection, the Examiner rejects
`apptic.a tion indicates
`and incorp orates by reference
`claim 29 as being auticipated hy
`Takeda et al US 5,404,673.
`during the interview, the filing receipt fur the pre-.sent
`A� discussed
`patent application 07/872,190,
`daims priority
`United States
`the-prest:ntly the pending apphcation
`filed. Apr:il22, 1992, which matured into US· patent 5,334,876
`Washeleski et aL The firing date of the "876 patent predates the effe.ctive date of US 5,404,673
`claim 29 � the rejection of anticipation
`to Takeadn. eta! so that ift.he Examiner agrees support is found in the '876 patent for fhe subject
`of this claim must he withdrawn. A
`matter of i)t.�nding
`claim chart of pending claim 29 foUows .
` ..
`SUPPORT L"'i '876 .PATEN'f
` .... ;;:·�-;�:;�:l·2 ..
`! a motor coupled to a motor vehide ·window or moves a 'vvind.ow panel, see cDl 2; 40 of
`a i �876 patent. Hard <:uid soft obstruction
`the ·m otor if an detection which stops tlle window or panel is �
` pand t{)rmoving
`said \vindow or pand a..long
`� travel path and de-activating
`by the window or l, found at wlumn 6, lines 12-68.
`is encountered
` obstacle
` panel, said apparatus
`: .
`Phase inputs 72,
`. -
`i a) a sensor f<)t sensing mQVemerlt
`line 49
`to a speed of movement of
` provide sunroofpanei position, see c()lumn 3,
`! tle window or panel and prQviding
`a sensor
` output signal related
`� .............
`i the \vindow or panel;
`h) a s\\'itch for controllably
`............... �·· ...... �·
`� ................... "' ......................................................................................
`.................. �
`....... ......... �·�
`� the motor by providing an ene.rgization
`signal; 84, 86, see col 4, line1

`actuating � PET 20 and DarhngtQn
` and
` power is applied to the controller
`by: .
`i Controller
`c) a controller having an interlace
`i coupled to the sensor and the svvitch Jor con­
`the motor; said controHer
` trollably
` sensing a coHisio.n
`with an o��iructio.n when
` ..
`�: •

`• • • • • • • •••••••••••••••-·• ··-·J


`,,, ... ,., .. ,.,,,, ... uv•4•••••••••••••••••••••••••uoo .. u•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••:
` 4••••••••••ooo4, .................
`r································· ··--p���-;!·��;-�:la�IM: Z9
`=·:� .. ;� .. ��-����,���
`. .... �� .. ·�:""'l'��-�·:·��-�;·:
`, .............................. �')""'��::���;:�
`�-}�� ��:1����-
` window or panel by monitoring a sigr..i from ! 4, Unes 16 - 1 8.
`detection I Jo order to perform the S(\ft obstru e-tion
`past � detection described
`� threshold
`at column 6, begnning at �
` measurements of the signal sensed by the 1 line 12, the co11tm1ler 22 stores motor cmrent
`ased on position ·within the pa.nel's i
` senso1· to adapt t<> varying conditions ! values
` encountered durng operation of the window or � path of travel and uses real thne sensed
`: position to compare m otor current ·with a.
`: panel;
` template based on previous values_ of motor
`� Ctu1'Cl t.
`identifying a collision of the The most recent value of motor ctment is 1',,,
` \Vindow or palcl with an obstacle due to a ! assigned a position \Vithin the path of travel
` chru1ge in the signal fn.)m the sensor that is � based on the shaft encoder and that value is i
`of the �i:ndow j compared with i! template value also based or• i
` or panel by ()Omparing
`a value ba.�ed
`\Jn a most j position within the path of traveL See
` recent s.gnal.i:hm1 the sensor with the obstade ! discussion
`l detection
`6, line 64) is
`signal to ! De- energizing 1he motor (�:.�o1
`iv) Gutputiing a wntrot
`! said switchtodt�tivates
`aidxnotorinresponse � controHed by tl1e state of the PET switch 20,
`between an obstade � see col 5, iine 15.
`! to a sensing
`of a collision
`� <md said. wind.O\V (}r paneL
`Duri tlg the Aprii 26� 201 l illlcrvjew,
`.--·-·-···-··· .. ···-·· ............ -..... ·········-···-····-·····-L·-·-···-······-····-··-·······-·
`the reasons cite-d in the above dajm .chart ami therdore (-h:e
`the Examiner agreed the '&76 patent to \Vasheleski
`based upon Takeda et a! would be'tL
`tQ a change in movement
` rdat<:--d
`at coh.
` daim 29 tor at lea.�t
` claims
`30-34 depend from daim 29. Support for dependent da:ims 30, 31 and. 32 is
`Cia�m 30, see coJunm 7, line 50 of '876 patent
`Claim 3!, see column 5, line 62 of '876 patent
`Claim 34, see cohmm 6, line 50 of'876 patent.
` , ,
`�the sensor related to the movement of the
`� window or
`ii) adjusting
`an obstacle
`in reaJ time based on immt->diate


`Claim 32 featurt)S {he apparatus of claim 29 wherein the ·;.·.ontrolle:r
`reverse energizes
`a leading edge of 41e window or panel and. further when:�h"l the co.ntroUer
`maintains a position. of
`motor to move the window or panel away fro:tn a dosu:re position prior to activating the motor to
`close the window or pa.":!eL
`to col6, i�nes 37 -52 ofTa.1(.eda et aj to reject claim 32. The
`The Examiner c1t.e,c;
`portion of Takeda et al neither sh.ows nor does it reieren.ct-'{l suggest mo·ving the windo·W away
`the motor but merely mentions reverse energizing the from the closed position prior to activating
`motor if an obstacle is dctec�cd. For at least tbis rcaso11 claim 32 is aJowabk
`of Claim 35 in US
`daim 32 and is aiso anowable.
`Claim 33 depends :fiom alk)wabie
`A claim chart for pending claim 35 showing support for the features
`to Washek<:Sk eta[ t[,1h)\.VS:
`pate.nt 5,334,876
`135. Apparatusforcontroll&ng
` .. -·-.. l ..
`l A motor 12 is coupied to a transmission
`40 of !
`that �
`motor cnupied t<) a motor vehide \.vindow or mov1.� a w.indow or panel, see col 2, i
`j panel for moving said window or panel along a �876 patent. See section of Calibration
`at col 5, j
`the motor when j line 43 regarding the predetennincd
`j travel path and de-activating
`''home" j
`! movemt..'llt
`dekctkm '\.vhich !
` position, said !1 . .stups the w indo"v pr panel is found at column !
`of the window or panel is stopped � position. Hard obstruction
`! prior to reachi11g
` .. �
`: ......... _ .. , ...................................
` ... ._ .... ._ ..
` ._ .... ,
`j apparatus
`................... ._ ...... , ..... ._
`a sensor provide sunroof pand pos.i6on,
`j a) a sensor f-or sensing movement of Phase .inputs 72, 74 .from a shaf!· encoder j
`j output sig.na1 related to a position of the line
`j tlle window or panel and prov.iding
`see column 3, j
`j window or pand;
`� b) a svvitch .tor controUabiy actuating l FET 20 and Darlin&ion
`an energization
`sigm1g; 184, 86, see oo14, tinel
`i the mot()r by providing
` Control! or 22, nt ultiple
`c<.m pled to the sensor
`limits &:fining •1•
`c) a controUer having an interface
`! an acceptabte
`line 59 ... column 6, Hne 1 0.
`at column 5,
`and. the S\VJt{�h
`range are &iscussed
`energizing the rnotor; said
`contro ller programmed with multiple position
`limits that define an acceptable travel range and
`further prognlmmed for controlling nH.Wement
`of the window or pa.":!el V•ihcn power is appiicd
`to the controller by:
`6.line 47.


`the ·window or pane l;
` fi'om tlu: s�v'llsor
`of j
`re-latt� to the position
`fue posW.ou of the I Col 3, line 59 ... co§ 3, line 63
` window or pand based on the sensor output !,,_
` signal from the sensor; and
`1 By way oJ example, the
`a control sig.nal to
`discussion of hard
`iii) <Jutputting
`said motor in response
`at column 6� line 47
`j obstruction detection
`said switch to deactjvate
`said window or panel has stopped
`j discusses stopping motion
`to a sensing
`before a limit
`[ {home) pnsitio.n
`is .reached. De-ene.rgizi.n.g
`moving prior to reaching a position
` ..... : ......................... : ........... ... .......................... J
`j motoJ {col 6.: hne 64) is controlled
`by the state
`20. see col 5. line '1 5.
`l ofthe PET switch
`Takeda et a1 is nm prior art and the r�tection
`It was agreed during the April26� 2011 iew that pending claim 35 was snpporwd by
`US patent 5, 334, 876 and accm:d.ingly
`of claim 35
`based on this patent would be withdrawn.
`ii) identifying
`SuppNt for the dcpcndGm ciaims depending from claim 35 i& found in the <876 patent as
`Claim 36, column 6, line 19
`Claim. 37, column 5, Hue 59
`ofdaim 35 wherein the contmJJer maintains
`Claim 38 features tbe apparatus
`a position
`reverse energizes
`motor to move the '\.Vindo·w or panel away from a dosure position
`prior to activatjng the motor to
`a. leading edge ofth.e windmv or pan.e1 and further \vherein the controller
`dose the window or paneL
`As nNed above \vith regard to daim 32� this feature is neither shm; nor suggested
`indudes an interface
`Takeda et at .and therefore claim 38 is patentable.
`Claim 39 features the apar.arus of daim 35 wberein the controHer
`window or pand and wherein the c.outroHer maintain a position indica1ion which is updated in
`f{)r monitoring usc:t· actuation of control inputs tor i:Ontro11ing movf.:ent of the motor vehicle
`response to movement of th.e wit�dow o.r panel and further wherein the controller
`reverse actuates


`in the travd paih of the ·window or panel to avoid false obstacle
`the motor near Hn end point.
`in a region <.)f closure of fhe ¥\rind ow or paneL
`The April 1 � 2{} 11 office action never addresses these teatures of claim 39 and there·fore
`this claim is allowab!e.
`A.H claims are believed to be h'1 condition
`and prompt issuance of a Notice
`for allowance
`If any fees are determined to be due, the
`of A.Howance :is respectfutly requested.
`to charge those fees to deposit accoont no 20-0090.
`is authorized
`Respe.ctfu.Hy submitted.,
`Registration No. 29, 108
`Ct;s·rol\:t£R No. 26294
`1300 East Ninth - S-uite 1700
`Cleveland, OH 441 J 4
`Phone: (216) 621-2234
`FacsimjJe: (2i6} 241-4072


`Claim Status
`I -28 (cancelled)
`29. (Previously
`motor vehicle window or panel for moving said window or panel along a travc} path and de­
`Presented) Apparatus for controlling activation of a motor coupled to a
`activating the motor if an obstacle is encountered by the window or panel, said apparatus
`a) a sensor for sensing movement of the window or panel and providing a sensor
`output signal related to a speed of movement of the window or panel;
`b) a switch for controllably actuating the motor by providing an energization signal;
`c) a controller having an interface coupled to the sensor and the switch for
`controllably energizing the motor; said controller sensing a collision with an obstruction when
`power is applied to the controller by:
`a signal from i) monitoring movement of the window or panel by monitoring
`the sensor related to the movement of the window or panel;
`ii) adjusting
`past measurements of the signal sensed by the sensor to adapt to varying conditions encountered
`an obstacle detection threshold in real time based on immediate
`during operation of the window or panel;
`iii) identifying a collision of the window or panel with an obstacle due to a
`change in the signal from the sensor that is related to a change in movement of the window or
`panel by comparing a value based on a most recent signal from the sensor with the obstacle
`threshold; and
`iv) outputting a control signal to said switch to deactivate said motor in
`response to a sensing of a collision between an obstacle and said window or panel.
`30. (Previously Presented) of claim 29 wherein the controller
`The apparatus
`programmable controller including a processing unit for executing
`a control program and
`comprises a
`including a memory for storing multiple window or panel speed values corresponding to a signal
`received from the sensor.


`of claim 29 additionally
`31. (Previously
`Presented) The apparatus
`for use in window or panel position to determine by the controller limit switches for use
`comprising one or more
`identifying a collision.
`32. (Previously
`The apparatus of claim 29 wherein the controller maintains
`position of a leading edge of the window or panel and further wherein the controller reverse
`energizes the motor to move the window or panel away from a closure position prior to
`activating the motor to close the window or panel.
`33. (Previously
`of claim 32 wherein the controller
`Presented) The apparatus
`energizes the motor in response to a· sensing of an obstacle and the reverse energizing and
`attempt to move the. window or panel to a closed position is performed to confirm sensing of the
`34. (Previously
`of claim 29 wherein the immediate past
`Presented) The apparatus
`measurements of said signal are sensed within a forty millisecond interval prior to the most
`recent signal from the sensor.
`35. (Previously
`motor vehicle window or panel for moving said window or panel along a travel path and de­
`Presented) Apparatus for controlling activation of a motor coupled to a
`activating the motor when movement of the window or panel is stopped prior to reaching
`predetermin�d position, said apparatus comprising:
`a) a sensor for sensing movement of the window or panel and providing a sensor
`the motor by providing an energization signal; and
`output signal related to a position of the window or panel;
`b) a switch for controllably actuating
`c) a controller having an interface coupled to the sensor and the switch for
`controllably energizing the motor; said controller programmed with multiple position limits that
`define an acceptable travel range and further programmed for controlling movement of the
`window or panel when power is applied to the controller by:


`i) monitoring the sensor output signal from the sensor related to the position
`of the window or panel;
`signal from the sensor; and
`iii) outputting a control signal to said switch to deactivate said motor in
`response to a sensing said window or panel has stopped moving prior to reaching a position limit.
`ii) identifying the position of the window or panel based on the sensor output
`of claim 35 wherein the control1er
`36. (Previously
`comprises a
`Presented) The apparatus
`programmable controller including a processing unit for executing a control program and
`a memory for storing multiple window or panel position values corresponding to a
`si1:,rnal received from the sensor.
`one or more
`of claim 35 additionally
`37. (Previously
`Presented) The apparatus
`use in identifying �hether the window or panel is closed or open.
`position limits programmep for use by the controller to determine windo� or panel position for
`of claim 35 wherein the controller
`38. (Previously
`maintains a
`Presented) The apparatus
`position of a leading edge of the window or panel and further wherein the controller reverse
`energizes the motor to move the window or panel away from a closure position prior to
`activating the motor to close the window or panel.
`of claim 35 wherein the controller
`39. (Previously
`Presented) The apparatus
`includes an
`interface for monitoring user actuation of control inputs for controlling movement of the motor
`vehicle window or panel and wherein the controller maintain a position indication which is
`updated in response to movement of the window or panel and further wherein the controller
`reverse actuates the motor near an end point in the travel path of the window or panel to avoid
`false obstacle detection in a region of closure of the window or panel.

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