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`The Electronic Commerce Dictionary
`The Electronic Commerce Dictionary
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`The definitive terms for
`doing business on the
`In formation Superhighway
`by Ted Haynes
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`The Electronic Commerce Dictionary is published by:
`The Robleda Company
`1259 El Camino Real, Suite 2720
`Menlo Park, CA 94025 U.S.A.
`Design and Production by Joel Friedlander Publishing Services
`Available through book wholesalers. ISBN 0-9646506-0-6
`' Copyright 1995 by Ted Haynes. All rights reserved. No part of
`this book may be reproduced in any form, by photostat, microfilm,
`xerography, or any other means, or incorporated into any information
`retrieval system, electronic or mechanical, without the written permis-
`sion of the copyright owner except for the inclusion of brief quota-
`tions in a review or the use of up to five definitions, with attribution,
`in any one book or article. While every precaution has been taken in
`the preparation of this book, neither the publisher nor author assumes
`responsibility for damages resulting from the use of information con-
`tained herein.
`All product names mentioned herein are the trademarks
`of their respective owners.
`First Printing
`Printed in the United States of America
`Publishers Cataloging in Publication
`(Prepared by Quality Books Inc.)
`Haynes, Ted.
`The electronic commerce dictionary : the definitive terms for
`doing business on the information superhighway / Ted Haynes.
`p. cm.
`Preassigned LCCN: 95-69169
`ISBN 0-9646506-0-6
`1. Business enterprises(cid:151)Communication systems(cid:151)
`Dictionaries. 2. Internet (Computer network)(cid:151)Dictionaries. 3
`Electronic data interchange(cid:151)Dictionaries. 4. Electronic funds
`transfer(cid:151)Dictionaries. 5. Computer security(cid:151)Dictionaries. 6.
`Home banking services(cid:151)Dictionaries. I. Title.
`HD30.335.H39 1995 650’.028’5’467’03
`QBI9 5-20229
`SAP 1013
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`(cid:149) Contents
`Introduction ..........................ix
`The Data Communications Dictionary .......i
`Electronic Commerce Web Sites
`and Their Uniform Resource Locators ......
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`This book would never have seen the light of day without the
`assistance of several important people. First of all the author would
`like to thank Len Feldman, author of Windows NT, The Next
`Generation for editing the manuscript and for his excellent advice
`throughout the project. Many thanks to those who reviewed the
`manuscript and provided comments more valuable than they perhaps
`knew: Dave Darnell, Dieter Karaluz, Paul Hoffman, Glenn
`Fleishman, and Michael Killen. Any remaining errors are strictly the
`responsibility of the author. For encouraging the author to explore
`the Internet and to write this book thanks to Jared Haynes of the
`Department of English at UC Davis, Isabel Haynes, Ann Zeichner,
`Tom Parker, and Bob Metcalfe. Heartfelt thanks to my wife, Joan
`Haynes, for her support and patience with my long hours at the PC
`and on the Internet.
`Finally, a thanks in advance to you, the reader, for any comments,
`criticisms, or new definitions you provide. The author can be reached
`at T_Haynes@ix.netcom.com
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`Whatever you cannot understand you cannot possess.
`- Goethe
`Every revolution in technology and business brings with it a host
`of new words, abbreviations, and acronyms. Electronic commerce is
`spawning more than its share(cid:151)digital cash, electronic catalog,
`Internet presence, network payment system(cid:151)to name a few.
`Managers are finding they need to learn the nomenclatures of the
`Internet, electronic data interchange (EDT), electronic funds transfer
`(EFT), bank card operations, and many other fields covered in this
`book. Driven most recently by the growth of the World Wide Web,
`electronic commerce is poised to change the business landscape
`This book is for anyone working to understand electronic
`commerce and looking for opportunities to profit from it. The
`definitions are based on usage in both general and technical
`sources(cid:151)books, seminar materials, government publications,
`magazines, over two hundred World Wide Web sites and FTP servers,
`and the author’s years of experience in commerce and data
`communications. The intent has been to make each term
`understandable to anyone with modest computer literacy. ’Where
`appropriate, specific products and companies are identified.
`Cryptography, long the purview of government agencies and the
`military, turns out to be the bedrock on which many new ways of
`doing business over public networks are founded. Although many
`cryptographic terms are defined in this book, the relatively
`sophisticated math behind RSA and other algorithms is not described
`in detail. There are several excellent books on network security and
`on cryptography which can provide in-depth information.
`Where words or phrases important to a definition are themselves
`defined elsewhere they are printed in SMALL CAPITAL LETTERS. Plural
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`words in capitals (e.g. MICROPAYMENTS) are usually defined in the
`singular form. ’Where two or more words are in capitals (e.g. WEB
`BROWSER) the words will sometimes be defined separately rather as a
`single phrase.
`The dictionary is designed to remain a fundamental resource in
`the development of electronic commerce. New words and other
`updates to this book will be published on the Electronic Commerce
`Dictionary Web site at http://www.haynes.com/haynes . Readers are
`encouraged to check this site for new information periodically.
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`The Electronic Commerce Dictionary
`The Electronic Commerce Dictionary
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`acceptable use policy the policy of an INTERNET SERVICE PROVIDER
`on what uses of the network are permitted. For example, many
`ISPs specifically forbid chain letters. The NATIONAL SCIENCE
`FOUNDATION, which once provided Internet BACKBONE services,
`limited backbone services to research and educational institutions
`and to open scholarly communication and research by companies.
`acceptor The party, such as a merchant, who accepts a
`CARD in exchange for goods or services and presents the TRANSAC-
`TION data to the ACQUIRER.
`access Entry to a computer system or network, such as the INTER-
`access control Protection against unauthorized use or manipulation
`ack Notification sent from one device to another to acknowledge
`that a MESSAGE has been received.
`acquirer The institution, such as a BANK, which receives PAYMENT
`CARD TRANSACTION data from an ACCEPTOR and passes it on to the
`authorizing institution (the card
`ISSUER). Also known as the
`MERCHANT BANK or merchant processing bank.
`Acrobat A software product from Adobe Systems that modifies FILES
`for transfer between incompatible computers such that the file will
`be displayed and printed identically on both machines.
`Advance shipping notice (ASN) Also known as the ship
`notice/manifest, an EDI STANDARD TRANSACTION SET sent by a
`vendor to a customer specifying the contents of a pending ship-
`ment and the estimated time of arrival.
`Advanced Intelligent Network A switched network using sophisti-
`cated software in which the information carried is separated from
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`Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA)
`the signaling and control signals. The current public switched
`telephone network implements some elements of advanced intel-
`ligent networking.
`Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) An organization
`within DOD which developed the predecessor to the Internet
`(ARPAnet) and which is now chartered with identifying and
`supporting risky technologies with significant long-term benefits.
`Prior to 1993, it was known as DARPA for Defense Advanced
`Research Projects Agency.
`Advanced Technologies Program (ATP) A program administered
`by NIST which grants funds to small companies to undertake
`research on generic technologies prior to their becoming viable in
`the marketplace.
`agent A software program that processes queries and sends responses
`on behalf of an APPLICATION.
`American National Standards Institute (ANSI) The U.S. stand-
`ardization body that administers a wide variety of standards,
`including the xiz standard for EDI. ANSI is a member of the
`American Textile Partnership (AMTEX) A CRADA formed by the
`textile industry and the Department of Energy.
`anchor In a WORLD WIDE WEB page, a word or words that are
`highlighted on a screen or displayed in a different color from other
`text to indicate a LINK to another point on the same page or on
`another page. A USER can elect to display the other point or page
`by clicking on the anchor. See HYPERTEXT.
`anonymity The ability to send a MESSAGE or pay out funds without
`revealing the IDENTITY of the sender or payer.
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`appropriate usage policy
`anonymous FTP An Internet tool that enables user ACCESS to a
`REMOTE HOST’S directories and FILES without requiring a pre-ar-
`ranged PASSWORD See FTP.
`anonymous server A SERVER which enables a USER to send an
`anonymous POSTING to USENET by deleting all user-related infor-
`mation and forwarding the MESSAGE to the USENET newsgroup.
`ANSI ASC X12 The ANSI accredited subcommittee responsible
`for developing the EDI document standards. See Xiz.
`application A software program which performs tasks directly useful
`to an individual or organization, as opposed to an operating
`system, software tool, driver, or utility which supports other
`programs or is useful only in manipulating computer systems,
`devices, or networks.
`application acknowledgment An EDI STANDARD TRANSACTION SET
`that acknowledges receipt of an earlier transaction set and its
`processing by a business APPLICATION.
`application level gateway A FIRE WALL technology that uses a single
`device with Only one IP ADDRESS to represent a private network to
`users on the Internet. It provides stronger SECURITY than PACKET
`LEVEL FILTERING but is more difficult to implement. An applica-
`tion level gateway can be a PROXY SERVER and can support IP
`address translation, user AUTHENTICATION, and end-to-end
`application program interface (API) A set of rules stating how an
`APPLICATION program calls a utility or other software program. In
`practice, a set of semi-standard interfaces between two applica-
`tions or between applications and an operating system.
`appropriate usage policy Rules set by a company on how employees
`should use company networks and the Internet, particularly with
`regard to E-MAIL, and concerned with such issues as use for private
`gain, soliciting donations, representation of company positions,
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`offensive, harassing or disparaging statements, sexually oriented
`images or messages, transmission of proprietary information, and
`Archie An INTERNET application for locating FILES by name. See
`arrival notice An EDI STANDARD TRANSACTION SET sent from an
`ocean carrier to an onshore carrier and to the consignee to report
`on the planned arrival of shipped goods.
`ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange. An
`8-BIT code (including one bit for parity) for representing 256
`characters of the English alphabet, foreign language characters,
`numbers, punctuation, and selected symbols.
`asynchronous transmission The TRANSMISSION of BITS over a NET-
`woix without precise clocking and with no common time refer-
`ence between the sender and receiver. Individual characters are
`normally encapsulated in control bits called start and stop bits.
`Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) A technology which permits
`the sharing of TRANSMISSION facilities among data types with
`different requirements (e.g. voice, data, video) by carrying the data
`in small fixed-size (56 byte) cells. The ITU-TSS standard for CELL
`ATM network A SYSTEM that allows customers to use AUTOMATED
`TELLER MACHINES owned and operated by BANKS and financial
`institutions other than their own. ATM NETWORKS are jointly
`operated by multiple owners and operators of ATMs and by a
`network service provider, who provides ELECTRONIC FUNDS
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`automated teller machine (ATM)
`authentication I) In accessing a computer system or network,
`methods of assuring that the party requesting ACCESS is in fact the
`party he or she claims to be. See SECURITY, PASSWORD. 2) In E-MAIL
`and ELECTRONIC COMMERCE, assurance that a party to a TRANSAC-
`TION or communication is the person or organization so repre-
`sented and that any MESSAGE sent by that party has not been
`modified in transit. See DIGITAL SIGNATURE and DIGITAL CERTIFI-
`CATE. 3) In EDI, methods of assuring that any changes in a
`document during TRANSMISSION can be detected by the receiving
`party. 4) In EFT, a method of assuring that a payment instruction
`has indeed originated at the sending BANK and has not been
`tampered with.
`authentication key In EDT, a character sequence that both parties
`to a TRANSACTION must use to begin the AUTHENTICATION proce-
`dure. See KEY.
`authorization 1) The approval to complete a TRANSACTION. In BANK
`CARD transactions authorization is given by the
`ISSUER to the
`ACQUIRER. 2) The granting of rights to users to ACCESS resources
`or to read, modify, delete, copy, classify or otherwise manipulate
`specific information.
`authorizing key A set of BITS which must be present for an encrypted
`software program to run.
`automated clearinghouse (ACH) Any of several organizations
`which BANKS use to settle their accounts with one another
`electronically as an alternative to FED WIRE. Most Social Security
`payments and payroll direct deposit transactions are handled
`BENEFITS TRANSFER is a controversial potential use of ACH net-
`automated teller machine (ATM) A machine which enables a BANK
`customer using a secret PERSONAL IDENTIFICATION NUMBER and a
`plastic DEBIT CARD with a magnetically encoded strip (an ATM
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`Automatic Number Identification (ANI)
`CARD) to transact business with the bank, including the
`withdrawal of cash, at any hour of the day or night. See also ATM
`Automatic Number Identification (ANI) A telephone company
`capability, available nationwide, that passes the telephone number
`of a person calling an 800 number to the called party.
`Automobile Industry Action Group (AJAG) The xiz standard for
`EDT as modified for use by the automobile industry. Also, the
`committee that maintains the modified standard.
`autonomous system A group of networks administered by a single
`authority (e.g. a company wide area network).
`availability The assurance that legitimate users of a RESOURCE or
`information are not denied ACCESS to it.
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`backbone A NETWORK that connects other, usually lower
`BANDWIDTH networks, and allows them to send data to one
`bandwidth The amount of data that can be transmitted over a
`circuit or NETWORK, measured in BITS per second.
`bank A company that maintains savings and checking accounts,
`issues loans and credit, and deals in securities issued by govern-
`ments and corporations. A commercial BANK invests primarily in
`loans while an investment bank invests in securities for its CLIENTS
`and for its own account. See also FINANCIAL INSTITUTION.
`bank card TRANSACTION CARD that enables a BANK customer to
`purchase goods and services and/or receive cash at AUTOMATED
`TELLER MACHINES. Bank cards include credit cards, and debit
`bank card association An organization, owned by financial institu-
`tions, that licenses and markets BANK CARDS and service marks,
`facilitates TRANSACTION AUTHORIZATION, and handles accounting
`and transferring of funds between BANKS in connection with bank
`card transactions. The two associations in the United States are
`MasterCard International and Visa (USA).
`bar code a printed array of bars and spaces of varying width cor-
`responding to an alphanumeric sequence that provides informa-
`tion about the item displaying the bar code. By means of the bar
`code the alphanumeric data can be quickly input into a computer
`using a SCANNER. Bar codes are widely used to track inventory and
`shipments. Bar codes on most consumer items conform to the
`Basic Rate Interface (BRI) The ISDN interface designed for in-
`dividual subscribers and consisting of two channels for voice or
`data and one channel for signaling.
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`bill of lading An EDI STANDARD TRANSACTION SET sent from a ship-
`per to a carrier or consignee to detail the contents of shipment and
`delivery details of a shipment ready to be picked up.
`BINHEX A Macintosh compressed FILE format used to transmit
`files over a network such as the Internet.
`biometric authentication Verification of a person’s
`comparison of a unique physical characteristic (e.g. fingerprint,
`retinal scan) with a previously verified measurement.
`BISNIS A Department of Commerce network that provides ONLINE
`information on business opportunities in the former Soviet
`bit The smallest unit of information. A binary digit equal to either
`zero or one.
`BITNET A network between universities in the U.S., Europe, and
`Japan which does not use TCP/IP but which can exchange E-MAIL
`with the Internet.
`bits per second (bps) A measure of the speed of any digital TRANS-
`MISSION system.
`blind entry In DIRECT STORE DELIVERY the acceptance of shipment
`and updating of inventory information without an actual count
`of the units received.
`book transfer The transfer of funds from one account to another
`booking confirmation An EDI STANDARD TRANSACTION SET relaying
`acceptance of a freight booking on an ocean carrier.
`booking request An EDI STANDARD TRANSACTION SET providing the
`details of a request to place freight with an ocean carrier.
`bot A computer program whose output appears to be the work of
`an ONLINE human being, sometimes replying to general E-MAIL
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`bulletin board system (BBS)
`inquiries (a mailbot) and sometimes assuming a personality and
`taking on the role of a player in an online game. See KNOWBOT.
`bridge A device which links two local area networks and forwards
`packets between them, filtering out packets addressed to com-
`puters on the IAN from which the packets originated.
`broadband Any TRANSMISSION system which combines multiple
`signals on a single physical circuit, as does cable TV. See
`browser A CLIENT program that facilitates locating and displaying
`information. The most popular WORLD WIDE WEB browser is
`Netscape, based upon MOSAIC.
`bulletin board system (BBS) A computer system accessible over the
`Internet or by direct dialup or both that provides news and
`information on a particular topic and frequently supports POSTING
`of MESSAGES and news by its subscribers. Though BBS software is
`not standardized, functionality is similar across BBS software
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`cable area network A multi-star topology for cable TV that runs
`fiber-optic trunks to selected amplifiers in the network and con-
`ventional coax cable to end users. The fiber star provides improved
`signal quality and reliability versus the older tree-and-branch cable
`topology. About 25% of cable TV subscribers are served by these
`fiber-enriched systems.
`cable modem A MODEM that provides ACCESS to on-line computer
`services and the Internet delivered over a cable TV system.
`CAD/CAM computer-aided design/computer aided manufactur-
`CAFE Conditional Access for Europe. A group cooperating to
`develop a secure electronic PAYMENT SYSTEM using SMART CARDS
`and ELECTRONIC WALLETS that protects the PRIVACY of the USER.
`Members include Siemens, France Telecom and Post Research,
`caller ID services Services provided by telephone companies that
`enhance SECURITY by providing the phone number of the calling
`party over the phone line to the receiving party before the call is
`picked up. Variations of the services are Caller Number Delivery
`(CND), and Calling Line Identification. Services are available
`only where permitted by local regulation. The major drawback to
`the service is that the information is not passed between phone
`carriers and cannot be used in granting ACCESS to a computer when
`users call through a phone carrier other than that serving the
`computer itself.
`Canadian Payments Association (CPA) An industry association
`created by Parliament that operates a national CLEARINGS and
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`cash card
`SETTLEMENTS system and plans the evolution of the national
`PAYMENTS SYSTEM. The CPA operates the Automated Clearing
`Settlement System (ACSS) and the US Dollar Bulk Exchange
`(US BE) system.
`Capstone A U.S. government project to develop publicly available
`CRYPTOGRAPHY standards incorporating KEY ESCROW and the
`DECRYPTION of encoded messages by government agencies under
`court order. The four major components of Capstone are SKIPJACK
`(a data ENCRYPTION algorithm), CLIPPER (a chip incorporating the
`Skipjack algorithm), DSS (a DIGITAL SIGNATURE algorithm), and
`SHS (a HASH FUNCTION). All parts of Capstone have 80-BIT
`SECURITY and all the KEYS involved are 80 bits long.
`carbon copy routing the sending of duplicate EDT standard trans-
`action sets to more than one computer.
`card-not-present transaction CREDIT CARD or DEBIT CARD TRANS-
`ACTION, such as a catalog order over the phone or over a network,
`where the vendor cannot check that the buyer has physical pos-
`session of the card itself.
`CARl A system of making CREDIT CARD purchases through the
`Internet without sending credit card numbers over the network.
`The customer sends the merchant a virtual credit card number
`assigned by CART and the merchant sends the number to CART
`along with the buyer’s encrypted telephone number and a
`preferred time to call. When contacted, the customer enters into
`the phone keypad the virtual credit card number, a PIN, and the
`credit card number and expiration date of a credit card. CART
`combines this with the order information from the merchant and
`formats a transaction file.
`carpet bomb To CROSSPOST an inappropriate MESSAGE (e.g. an ad-
`vertisement, a chain letter, a misleading business solicitation, or
`an intentionally offensive message) on USENET or Internet
`CASE Computer Aided Software Engineering.
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`cash concentration and disbursement (CCD)
`cash concentration and disbursement (CCD) An (cid:9)
`CLEARING HOUSE standard transaction set for making payments
`CCD+ A CCD transaction set which permits the addition of free
`form text.
`CCITT Consultative Committee for International Telegraph and
`Telephone. Now named the International Telecommunication
`Union - Telecommunication Standardization Section or ITU-TSS.
`CD ROM Compact Disc Read Only Memory. A prerecorded op-
`tical data storage format using the same media as digital audio
`Compact Discs.
`CEBus An architecture for managing energy in the home and
`controlling appliances backed by the Electronic Industry Associa-
`tion using an open communication system based on OSI.
`CeilNet A system of using POWER LINE CARRIER to send signals from
`SMART METERS to neighborhood radios which each transmit to a
`single central site for billing by a utility. Also see NETCOMM.
`cell relay A NETWORK technology simultaneously carrying all types
`of transmissions (voice, data, video, etc.) in cells of identical size.
`The fixed-length of the cells makes it possible to switch each cell
`to its appropriate circuit at very high speeds.
`Cello A popular WWW BROWSER.
`Cellular Digital Packet Data (CDPD) A technology which uses the
`same radio channels as analog cellular voice services to provide
`data networking services to mobile hosts.
`CERN The European Laboratory for Particle Physics at which Tim
`Berners-Lee originated the WORLD WIDE WEB and which joined
`MIT in developing international standards for the Web.
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`CERT Computer Emergency Response Team. An organization
`established at Carnegie Mellon University to respond to any
`sudden wide-ranging problem on the Internet, particularly
`SECURITY related issues.
`certificate issuing authority An organization which issues DIGITAL
`CERTIFICATES. To be useful, a certificate issuing authority must be
`widely known and trusted, and must have well defined methods
`of assuring the IDENTITY of the parties to whom it issues digital
`certificate issuing system A hardware and software system which
`issues, manages, and reports on serialized DIGITAL CERTIFICATES.
`Certificate Revocation List (CRL) A list of digital certificates which
`have been revoked or held in suspension.
`Certification Authority Any of the Level 3 organizations in the
`PRIVACY ENHANCED MAIL model which is certified by a POLICY
`CERTIFICATION AUTHORITY and provides certification to users of
`the certificates.
`certified delivery Provides a document to the vendor of DIGITAL
`MERCHANDISE that proves that the merchandise has been received
`by the purchaser over the network.
`challenge/response authentication A method of authenticating
`remote users through an ENCRYPTION algorithm and a TOKEN
`embedded in software or in a hand-held device or via a series of
`questions that only the expected remote user can answer. Also see
`CheckFree An automated PAYMENT system which allows con-
`sumers to make payments from their checking or credit card
`account by sending AUTHORIZATION to CheckFree through a
`dialup port. CheckFree arranges the transfer of funds from the
`consumer’s bank to the merchant by ELECTRONIC FUNDS TRANS-
`FER. The advantage to the consumer is easier payment and record
`keeping. For the merchant, the use of EFT means the funds are
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`Chemical Industry Data Exchange (CIDX)
`available for use the day after collection (sooner than if they waited
`for check CLEARING through the banking system).
`Chemical Industry Data Exchange (CIDX) Guidelines for use in
`the chemical industry of the xiz standard. Also, a group that
`manages EDT activities for the chemical industry.
`cipher A cryptographic algorithm - a mathematical function for
`cipher text An encrypted MESSAGE.
`circuit-switched network A NETWORK, such as the telephone sys-
`tem, which establishes a physical circuit between two or more
`parties in order to transmit information between them.
`clearings The delivery of checks from BANKS where they have been
`deposited to the banks on which the checks were written, and the
`movement of funds in the reverse direction. Some paper checks
`are cleared through the U.S. Federal Reserve check clearing system
`and some are cleared through clearing houses owned by banks.
`cleartext See PLAINTEXT.
`client A software program or, loosely, a person or computer, that
`obtains services (e.g. E-MAIL, FTP, WORLD WIDE WEB) from servers
`on the Internet. More generally, any computer or APPLICATION
`that requests services or information from another computer or
`client/server computing Cooperative computing between two com-
`puters or APPLICATIONS using extensive computer-initiated com-
`munication between the CLIENT (which requests services) and the
`SERVER (which responds to the requests).
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`Common Gateway Interface (CGI)
`Clipper Within the U.S. government’s CAPSTONE project, the CLIP-
`PER chip implements the classified SKIPJACK algorithm. The term
`Clipper is often used to refer to the Skipjack algorithm.
`CNRI Corporation for National Research Initiatives.
`Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) A cellular technology
`developed by Qualcomrn that allows 100% frequency reuse from
`cell to cell because all the frequencies can be used in each cell and
`cells can be made smaller as needed.
`corn The top-level Internet DOMAIN NAME assigned to all for-profit
`organizations. In the United States, a business domain name
`almost always ends with a period followed by corn (eg.
`COMM ID In the grocery industry, an identifier placed within EDI
`transmissions to identify a party to its trading partners.
`CommerceNet A non-profit organization open to public and
`private organizations which has a charter to develop, maintain,
`and promote an Internet-based infrastructure for ELECTRONIC
`COMMERCE in business-to-business applications.
`Commercial Internet Exchange Association (CIX) An association
`founded by a group of INTERNET SERVICE PROVIDERS to provide
`unrestricted BACKBONE services for business use and to use agreed-
`upon procedures in accounting for commercial traffic.
`common carrier A regulated, private company that provides voice
`and/or data communication services to the public for a fee.
`Common Gateway Interface (CGI) A standard for interfacing be-
`tween some WORLD WIDE WEB servers and external GATEWAY
`programs written by users. Common uses of a CGI gateway include
`converting user documentation into HTML on the fly and sending
`the HTML result to a CLIENT, interfacing with WAIS and archive
`databases and converting the result into HTML to be sent to a
`client, and obtaining user feedback about a WEB SITE through an
`HTML form and a CGI decoder.
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`Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act of 1994
`Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act of 1994
`Also known as the FBI Wiretap Bill, this legislation mandates that
`the nation’s telecommunications infrastructure facilitate govern-
`ment interception of voice and data communications. Opposed
`by EPIC and other civil libertarian groups, the bill was also opposed
`by telephone companies because of the cost of additional equip-
`ment required. The law allocated $500 million compensation to
`the telcos that has not been funded. Without the federal money
`the law may be unenforceable.
`communications program A software program that enables a PC to
`communicate with other computers and with networks, including
`the Internet, over dialup telephone lines.
`communicon Communication icon, sometimes called a smiley. A
`symbol constructed from pun