Troy Ray Norred, M.D.
`Kansas City, MO
`October 8, 2014
`Page 1
`VASCULAR, INC., and )
` )
` Petitioner, )
` )
` vs. ) No. IPR2014-00110
` ) No. IPR2014-00111
` )
` Patent Owner. )
`M.D., a Witness, taken on behalf of the
`Petitioner, before Alison A. Tracy, Missouri CCR
`No. 554, pursuant to Notice on the 8th day of
`October, 2014, at the Law Offices of Bartle &
`Marcus, 1100 Main Street, Suite 2730, Kansas
`City, Missouri.
`3 4
`Alderson Reporting Company
`Medtronic, Medtronic Vascular,
`and Medtronic CoreValve
`Exhibit 1024 - Page 1


`Troy Ray Norred, M.D.
`Kansas City, MO
`October 8, 2014
`Page 2
` A P P E A R A N C E S
` Mr. Jack S. Barufka
` 1600 Tysons Boulevard, 14th Floor
` McLean, Virginia 22102
` 703.770.7900
` and
` Mr. Evan Finkel
` 725 South Figueroa Street, Suite 2800
` Los Angeles, California 90017
` 213.488.7100
` Mr. Sean Edman
` Principal Patent Counsel
` 8200 Coral Sea Street NE, MVS76
` Mounds View, Minnesota 55112
` 763.505.8418
`Alderson Reporting Company
`2 3
`Medtronic, Medtronic Vascular,
`and Medtronic CoreValve
`Exhibit 1024 - Page 2


`Troy Ray Norred, M.D.
`Kansas City, MO
`October 8, 2014
`Page 3
` A P P E A R A N C E S (Continued)
` Mr. David L. Marcus
` 1100 Main Street, Suite 2730
` Kansas City, Missouri 64105
` 816.256.4699
` and
` Mr. James J. Kernell
` 8900 State Line Road, Suite 500
` Leawood, Kansas 66206
` 913.549.4700
`2 3
`Alderson Reporting Company
`Medtronic, Medtronic Vascular,
`and Medtronic CoreValve
`Exhibit 1024 - Page 3


`Troy Ray Norred, M.D.
`Kansas City, MO
`October 8, 2014
`Page 4
` I N D E X
` Troy Ray Norred, M.D.
` E X H I B I T S
`1: Original notarized drawing 24
` (Retained by Mr. Marcus)
`2: Summary of Substitute Motion to
` Amend 67
`3: Summary of Substitute Motion to
` Amend 67
`4: Wan Patent 77
`5: Original document, Physician 92
` Progress Note with drawing
` on the back
` (Retained by Mr. Marcus)
`6: Original drawing on napkin 118
` (Retained by Mr. Marcus)
`7: 5/9/2000 $2,000 check to Chase
` & Yakimo 122
`8: Full Patent Owner Substitute
` Motion to Amend 123
`6 7
`Alderson Reporting Company
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`and Medtronic CoreValve
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`Troy Ray Norred, M.D.
`Kansas City, MO
`October 8, 2014
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` E X H I B I T S (Continued)
`1001: 228 Patent 12
`1006: Figulla Patent 85
`2093: Declaration of Troy Norred in
` IPR2014-00110 19
`2101: Copy of Physicians Progress
` Notes with drawing on back 113
`2102: Copy of drawing on napkin 116
`2103: Copy of Notarized drawing 23
`2104: 3/26/99 Handwritten note
` To Dr. Davis 35
`2113: 6/4/00 Note to Dr. Flaker 119
`2114: 6/12/00 Handwritten note to
` Jim Kernell from Troy Norred
` with drawing attached 120
`2117: 9/26 Fax to Chip Galaxy,
` University Physicians 56
`2119: Handwritten notes and
` Calculations 47
`2132: 49
`2135: Note to Greg Flaker, MD from
` Troy Norred 57
`2137: Percutaneous Aortic Valve
` Proposal/Protocol 53
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`and Medtronic CoreValve
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`Troy Ray Norred, M.D.
`Kansas City, MO
`October 8, 2014
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` E X H I B I T S (Continued)
` 2141: Percutaneous Aortic Valve
` Replacement 53
` 2142: Percutaneous Aortic Valve
` Replacement 53
` 2151: Percutaneous Aortic Valve
` Replacement 53
` 2177: List of 800 Numbers
` Technical Services Departments 57
` 2178: Photocopy of business cards 58
` 2183: 6/4/99 Handwritten note
` Regarding call to Sturek 39
` 2185: Aorta calculations for
` heart valve, 6/7/00 47
` 2186: Percutaneous Aortic Valve
` Replacement proposal 55
` 2187: 6/19, University of Missouri
` Columbia School of Medicine
` Fellows Notification of Absence 58
` 2188: 6/9/00 Fax to Troy Norred
` from Spray Venture Partners 58
` 2193: IPR 111 Troy Norred Declaration
` 2203: Totten Patent 73
`2 3
`Alderson Reporting Company
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`and Medtronic CoreValve
`Exhibit 1024 - Page 6


`Troy Ray Norred, M.D.
`Kansas City, MO
`October 8, 2014
`Page 7
` (The Deposition commenced at 10:12 a.m.)
`a Witness, being first duly sworn, testified
`under oath as follows:
` Q. Mr. Norred, my name is Evan Finkel, I'm
`here to take your deposition as counsel for the
`Petitioner in this matter. Do you understand
` A. Yes.
` Q. And can you please state your full name
`for the record?
` A. Troy Ray Norred.
` Q. What is your current home address?
` A. P.O. Box 1780, Ada, Oklahoma 74281.
` Q. A P.O. Box is not obviously a home
`address. What is your home address?
` A. I thought that was in my declaration.
`It is 2710 Bowen Lane, Ada, Oklahoma.
` Q. What is your home phone number, please?
` A. It is (580)310-0509.
` Q. What is your cell phone number, please?
` A. It is (405)517-7481.
` Q. What is your E-mail address?
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`Medtronic, Medtronic Vascular,
`and Medtronic CoreValve
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`Troy Ray Norred, M.D.
`Kansas City, MO
`October 8, 2014
`Page 8
` A.
` Q. Have you ever been deposed before?
` A. I have.
` Q. In connection with what type of
` A. One deposition was in a personal injury
`case of mine with an accident, and the other was
`in a wrongful termination lawsuit against a
` Q. That would have been the lawsuit you
`filed in 2009?
` A. Yes. Was it 2009? I thought it was
`before that, actually, but maybe 2008, I thought.
` Q. 2008 or 2009?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And that was against Valley View
`Regional Hospital?
` A. Yes.
` Q. That was a case that you filed for
`wrongful termination?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Did you prevail in that case?
` A. I did not.
` Q. Did the other side prevail?
` A. They did.
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`and Medtronic CoreValve
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`Troy Ray Norred, M.D.
`Kansas City, MO
`October 8, 2014
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` Q. What was the basis of the termination?
` A. Hostile physician.
` Q. Could you elaborate on what that means,
`not being a doctor?
` A. Just means they didn't feel like I was
`cooperating with them. And my side of it I felt
`there was negligent care. They didn't feel I was
`going through the proper channels to correct
`situations, they felt I was not cooperative with
`the administration, and they had given me
`ultimatums that I did not comply with. At the
`end of it I felt their sanctions were unjustified
`so I didn't comply, and they terminated me
`because of that action.
` MR. MARCUS: You may want to keep
`your voice up a tad just to make sure she can get
`it down.
` Q. (By Mr. Finkel) Where was that case
` A. Ponotoc County.
` Q. Could you spell that, please?
` A. P-o-n-o-t-o-c.
` Q. That's in Oklahoma?
` A. That's in Oklahoma.
` Q. State court there?
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`and Medtronic CoreValve
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`Troy Ray Norred, M.D.
`Kansas City, MO
`October 8, 2014
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` A. Yes.
` Q. Now, you were present yesterday during
`the entirety of the testimony of Dr. Catchings,
` A. Yes.
` Q. And did you have dinner with
`Mr. Catchings last night after the deposition?
` A. We had drinks.
` Q. Where did you have drinks?
` A. At a bar next to this facility.
` Q. Now, have you had your deposition taken
`other than the two times that you mentioned?
` A. No.
` Q. You are going to have to talk up,
`probably. Your counsel is correct.
` A. No.
` Q. Let me go through the ground rules. You
`heard them yesterday but I will give you my
`version of them as well, that will educate you
`and hopefully make the deposition go smoothly.
` A. Okay.
` Q. First thing is I'm going to ask
`questions. Please make sure that you believe I
`have completed my question so we don't talk over
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`and Medtronic CoreValve
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`Troy Ray Norred, M.D.
`Kansas City, MO
`October 8, 2014
`Page 11
`each other, because it is hard for the court
`reporter to take things down when we are both
`talking at the same time. Okay?
` A. Okay.
` Q. Second, if you don't understand a
`question, let me know and I will try to rephrase
`it in a way that accommodates whatever issues you
`have with the questioning. Okay?
` A. Okay.
` Q. If you need a question repeated, the
`court reporter can read it back to you. Okay?
` A. Okay.
` Q. Most importantly, the court reporter can
`only take down audible responses; so gestures,
`nodding of the head and so forth she will not be
`able to take down. Okay?
` A. Okay.
` Q. If you need a break,, you can take a
`break any time you need one, with the caveat if I
`have a pending question to you, I would like you
`to answer it before you take the break. Okay?
` A. Okay.
` Q. Are you under any medication that may
`impact your ability to fully and truthfully
`answer my questions?
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`and Medtronic CoreValve
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`Troy Ray Norred, M.D.
`Kansas City, MO
`October 8, 2014
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` A. No.
` Q. Is there anything else that you feel may
`impact your ability to fully and truthfully
`answer my questions today?
` A. No.
` Q. We have gotten a little discussion on
`the record yesterday regarding talking about your
`testimony through the course of my examination of
`you. Do you recall that?
` A. I do not.
` Q. So let me give you an instruction and
`hopefully you will be able to comply with it.
`You are not permitted to consult or confer with
`your attorney or anyone else at breaks in your
`deposition, and that includes lunch breaks, until
`my examination of you has been completed, except
`for purposes of conferring on whether to assert a
`privilege against testifying or on how to comply
`with the Board order. Do you understand that?
` A. Yes.
` Q. I'm going to hand you a copy of
`Petitioner's Exhibit 1001, which is a copy of
`your patent, U.S. Patent number 6,482,228, which
`is involved in this proceeding. Do you recognize
`this patent?
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`and Medtronic CoreValve
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`Troy Ray Norred, M.D.
`Kansas City, MO
`October 8, 2014
`Page 13
` A. Yes, sir.
` Q. I'm going to refer to this as the 228
`patent. Okay?
` A. Okay.
` Q. And the 228 patent names you as the sole
`inventor, correct?
` A. Yes, sir.
` Q. And to the best of your knowledge, are
`you the sole inventor of the subject matter
`described in that patent?
` A. Yes, sir.
` Q. To the best of your knowledge are you
`the sole owner of that patent, 228?
` A. Yes.
` Q. You submitted a declaration, correct, in
`connection with IPR proceedings here, correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. We have two IPR proceedings. Are you
`familiar with that?
` A. Yes, sir.
` Q. And the two IPR proceedings are IPR
`number 2014-00110, which I'm going to refer to
`the as the 110 IPR. Okay?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And the other one is IPR2014-00111, I'm
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`and Medtronic CoreValve
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`Troy Ray Norred, M.D.
`Kansas City, MO
`October 8, 2014
`Page 14
`going to refer to that as the 111 IPR proceeding.
` A. Yes.
` Q. You are also a party to a litigation
`against Medtronic entities in the District Court
`of Kansas, correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Also regarding your 228 patent, correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Please tell me what you did to prepare
`for your deposition today.
` A. I reviewed materials I felt relevant to
`this, I discussed the matter with my attorneys, I
`spoke to Dr. Tim Catchings on a few occasions. I
`spoke to an artist to help me with renderings for
`visualization of certain patents. That's it.
` Q. You say you reviewed materials that you
`thought were relevant. Could you describe those
`materials, please.
` A. The patent, the declarations, many of
`the relevant patents to the current issue at
` Q. When you say the relevant patents, you
`mean prior art patents that have been raised in
`this case?
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`and Medtronic CoreValve
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`Troy Ray Norred, M.D.
`Kansas City, MO
`October 8, 2014
`Page 15
` A. Those are among those, yes.
` Q. What other patents?
` A. I cannot remember the specific names,
`but I did review patents.
` Q. Any patent that to your knowledge has
`not been discussed in any of the materials from
`this case up to now?
` A. I'm sorry?
` Q. I'm just trying to understand whether or
`not there are any patents that you reviewed that
`are not somehow of record in this case?
` A. Not to my knowledge.
` Q. When you spoke to Mr. Catchings, did you
`do it by phone or in person?
` A. By phone.
` Q. How many times?
` A. Three or four.
` Q. For about how long did you speak with
`him each time?
` A. I don't recall specific times.
` Q. More than an hour?
` A. On occasion it may have been more than
`an hour.
` Q. In total about how long did you speak
`with him about matters relating to preparation
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`and Medtronic CoreValve
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`Troy Ray Norred, M.D.
`Kansas City, MO
`October 8, 2014
`Page 16
`for your deposition?
` A. I couldn't argue a guess. It was just
`more than an hour.
` Q. More than 10 hours?
` A. I wouldn't think more than 10 hours.
` Q. More than five hours?
` A. I don't know.
` Q. More than three hours?
` A. I didn't keep a running record.
` Q. So you don't know?
` A. I'm not entirely certain.
` Q. What is your best guess?
` A. I gave you my best estimate.
` Q. Which is?
` A. In between 10 and five hours.
` Q. You referred to artist renderings
`before; do you recall that?
` A. Yes, sir.
` Q. Who was the artist that you are talking
` A. John Fisher.
` Q. Who is John Fisher?
` A. He is a Native American artist in the
`area that I live in and he is also my echo
`cardiographer of my clinic and he does cardiac
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`and Medtronic CoreValve
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`Troy Ray Norred, M.D.
`Kansas City, MO
`October 8, 2014
`Page 17
`sonography and has done so for 12 years for me.
` Q. So when you talk about John Fisher --
`how do you spell Fisher?
` A. F-i-s-h-e-r.
` Q. When you talk about Mr. Fisher preparing
`the artist drawings, are those the ones that
`Mr. Catchings produced at the deposition
`yesterday and were discussed at his deposition
`showing his idea of how the prior art might
` A. Those specific drawings I don't think
`were the exact drawings that John produced, but
`they were renderings of the drawings that John
`Fisher produced.
` Q. You have to forgive me because I'm far
`from an artist. Why don't you explain to me the
`process we are talking about that led to the
`drawings that we discussed yesterday with
`Mr. Catchings.
` A. John and I met to discuss the way the
`patents read and were drawn so that he could draw
`the patents and a valve system to the best of our
`understanding, my understanding as I conveyed it
`to him. Once we completed those drawings, I
`turned those drawings over to, through E-mail
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`and Medtronic CoreValve
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`Troy Ray Norred, M.D.
`Kansas City, MO
`October 8, 2014
`Page 18
`correspondence the attorneys. The attorneys then
`took those drawings and had them automated with a
`CAD device. That's it.
` Q. Did Mr. Catchings have a role in the
`creation of those drawings?
` A. I sent Dr. Catchings renderings of the
`valves and inquired upon his opinion, but he
`didn't materially engage in the renderings.
` Q. Now, I understood from our conversation
`yesterday with Mr. Catchings that he and you go
`back a ways. Is that fair?
` A. We have been colleagues and friends
`since '99.
` Q. So about 15 years?
` A. Yes, sir.
` Q. Do you have any understanding with
`Mr. Catchings regarding compensation of any kind
`arising from either the litigation or the IPR
` A. I do not.
` Q. I'm going to hand you a copy of Exhibit
`2193 in IPR 111, which is a copy of your
`declaration. Do you recognize that document,
` A. Yes.
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`and Medtronic CoreValve
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`Troy Ray Norred, M.D.
`Kansas City, MO
`October 8, 2014
`Page 19
` Q. And is that your signature on Page 36?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And did you believe at the time you
`signed that declaration that all of the
`statements in there were true and correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. As we sit here today, do you continue to
`believe that all of the statements in the
`declaration are true and correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Just for the record, I'm going to hand
`you Exhibit 2093 from the IPR 110. I'm going to
`ask you to turn to Page 36 of that document. Is
`that your signature again at that page?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Did you in fact sign this document like
`you did the other one on July 16, 2014?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Now, my understanding, having gone
`through the declarations, is that they are the
`same with the exception of references to the
`different IPR proceedings and different exhibits
`from the different IPR proceeding that correspond
`to each other. Do you have any reason to believe
`what I just said is not accurate? I'm not asking
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`and Medtronic CoreValve
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`Troy Ray Norred, M.D.
`Kansas City, MO
`October 8, 2014
`Page 20
`you to compare the exact documents word-for-word.
`What I'm asking is, you signed both declarations.
`Did you understand that they were the same except
`for referring to different IPR numbers and
`different exhibit numbers?
` A. Yes.
` Q. So I'm going to try to refer to just
`exhibits and items as best as I can from the IPR
`111 proceeding just for ease of reference. Okay?
` A. Okay.
` Q. Now, did you draft that declaration
` A. Yes.
` Q. So you came up with all of the content
`completely on your own?
` A. I'm sorry, I didn't hear the question.
` Q. Did you come up with the content of that
`declaration completely on your own?
` A. Yes.
` Q. You didn't confer with anybody?
` A. I did confer with my attorneys.
` Q. Anyone else?
` A. No.
` Q. Did you confer with Mr. Catchings?
` A. No.
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`and Medtronic CoreValve
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`Troy Ray Norred, M.D.
`Kansas City, MO
`October 8, 2014
`Page 21
` Q. How long did it take you to prepare the
` A. If you were to ask me to guess, I would
`say greater than 20 hours.
` Q. And did you have before you all of the
`exhibits referred to in the declaration at the
`time you were preparing the declaration?
` A. Yes.
` Q. I would like to turn to a different
`topic for a moment. Do you have any invoices
`regarding work done by your attorneys in
`connection with the preparation of the patent
`application that led to issuance of the 228
` A. Not to my knowledge.
` Q. Do you have any canceled checks
`regarding payments made to your attorneys in the
`preparation of the patent applications that led
`to the issuance of the 228 patent?
` A. I don't have direct knowledge that we
` Q. Do you have any records indicating how
`much you paid to have the patent application
` A. Not to my direct knowledge.
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`and Medtronic CoreValve
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`Troy Ray Norred, M.D.
`Kansas City, MO
`October 8, 2014
`Page 22
` Q. We attorneys, when we hear words like
`"direct knowledge," which you used a couple of
`times now, it raises our antenna that we want to
`know what you might be thinking of in terms of
`indirect knowledge. Are you using the term
`direct knowledge to indicate that you may have
`some other information but not direct?
` A. I'm using the term to say what I can
`recall right at this moment to my best knowledge,
`that's what I mean by direct.
` Q. So when you say no direct knowledge, you
`mean as we sit here today you have no information
`to indicate that you have such documents?
` A. As I sit here today I cannot remember,
`if I say not to my direct knowledge, off the top
`of my head the question that you are asking.
` Q. Did you look for any of the types of
`documents I have asked you about so far?
` A. I have not specifically looked for those
` Q. Do you have any records indicating when
`you made payments to have an application
` A. The patent application?
` Q. Yes.
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`and Medtronic CoreValve
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`Kansas City, MO
`October 8, 2014
`Page 23
` A. Not to the best of my knowledge.
` Q. Do you have any calendars or day timers
`or the like reflecting when you communicated with
`your attorneys regarding preparation of the
`patent in the case?
` A. I had kept calendars and I had kept many
`materials with that but I have not been able to
`find those documents.
` Q. So you looked for them and you could not
`find them?
` A. Yes, sir.
` Q. When did you look for them?
` A. I looked for them throughout the course
`of much of the investigation and the history of
`this over the last two or three years.
` Q. I'm going to hand you Petitioner's
`Exhibit 2103 in the 111 IPR. Can you briefly
`describe what this document is?
` A. This is a drawing that I produced in
`December '98 showing a valve design inside of a
`stent system to utilize the percutaneous
`treatment for aortic stenosis.
` Q. I would like to have this marked, this
`document marked as Exhibit 1.
` (Deposition Exhibit 1 was marked
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`and Medtronic CoreValve
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`Kansas City, MO
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`for identification.)
` Q. I'm going to hand you a document that
`was handed to me this morning, which I understand
`is the original of Exhibit 2103, is that correct?
` A. That's correct.
` Q. Thank you. I have taken it out of the
`wrapper that it is in. Is this in fact an
`original document or a copy, Exhibit 1 to your
` A. It is an original document, to the best
`of my knowledge.
` Q. Is the stamp on there from the notary
`raised at all?
` A. It seems like the stamp.
` Q. But is it raised at all to indicate a
`raised stamp of any kind?
` A. It is not.
` Q. Does the writing on that document look
`like original writing or does it look like a copy
`to you?
` A. It looks like original writing.
` Q. Why do you say that? What is on that
`document to indicate that it is an original as
`compared to Exhibit 2103?
` A. There is a different color to the ink on
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`and Medtronic CoreValve
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`Kansas City, MO
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`Page 25
`this handwritten portion so to me it looks
`different. So it looks --
` Q. You are saying that in this document,
`Exhibit 1 to your deposition, you see different
`colored inks. What are you referring to?
` A. Where there is things filled in, it
`looks like this is different. If it was a copy,
`it would seem like it would all be the same
` Q. So to you the writing in where it says,
`for example, Dec., and the '98 and somebody's
`name, looks like a different color, is that
` A. When I compare the copy that you have
`given me to the original, I can tell that the
`copy is a copy and the original looks original,
`to the best of my knowledge.
` Q. Where do you keep the original document
`that you said you believe is an original
` A. Where did I keep it?
` Q. Yes.
` A. It is at my attorney's office.
` Q. When did you provide it to your
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` A. Maybe a couple of years ago.
` Q. Prior to that time where was the
` A. It was in a box in my garage, or maybe
`it was at my -- I think was at a box in my
`mother's house.
` Q. And why did you choose to have this
`document, Exhibit 1 to your deposition,
` A. To protect it and to memorialize the
`date that I felt I had come up with this idea.
` Q. Was it your practice at that time in
`1998 to have any documents notarized at all?
` A. No. That came out of experience.
` Q. What experience?
` A. I worked on a project when I was young
`and in college for a sand mine company and I had
`helped design some apparatus and felt like it was
`something that I had done and nobody else had
`thought of; and when they utilized this
`apparatus, they didn't give me any credit or show
`me any type of reward for doing it. And their
`expressed things to me was we have no way to know
`that you did this, you should just have gotten it
`notarized. So I thought from then on if I come
`Alderson Reporting Company
`Medtronic, Medtronic Vascular,
`and Medtronic CoreValve
`Exhibit 1024 - Page 26


`Troy Ray Norred, M.D.
`Kansas City, MO
`October 8, 2014
`Page 27
`up with something, I will notarize it.
` Q. Who was the other company that you are
`talking about?
` A. Uniman Sand Mining Company.
` Q. Say it again.
` A. Uniman Sand Mining Company.
` Q. When was that?
` A. It would be in 1987, around that area.
` Q. So between 1987 and December 21, 1998,
`did you have other papers notarized as well?
` A. No.
` Q. So since December 21, 1998 and the
`present, have you had other documents notarized?
` A. I have had other documents notarized.
` Q. Any with respect to things that you
`thought you invented?
` A. I have had one document notarized for an
`invention for an exercise piece of equipment that
`combines an elliptical machine and an overhead
`pull-down pulley.
` Q. When did you have that document
` A. I don't have it -- it has been like
`2007, 2008 maybe.
` Q. Any other document notarized with
`Alderson Reporting Company
`Medtronic, Medtronic Vascular,
`and Medtronic CoreValve
`Exhibit 1024 - Page 27


`Troy Ray Norred, M.D.
`Kansas City, MO
`October 8, 2014
`Page 28

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