`E 0.80298 Nun-none"
`+49 89 2399-0
`523 656 epmu d
`FAX +49 89 2399-4465
`Pendl ebury, Anthony
`54 Doughty Street
`London WC1N 2L5
`Patent Office
`Office europeen
`des brevets
`Generaldirektion 2
`Directorate General 2
`Direction Générale 2
`INC .
`Anmeldung Nr./Application No./Demande n°./Patent Nr ./Patent No./Brevet n”.
`94905487 . 8-2313 0625948
`You are hereby informed that on expiry of the nine-month time
`limit from the publication of the mention of the grant of
`European Patent No 0625948 no notice of opposition had reached
`the files.
`The entry in the Register of European Patents will be automatically
`generated by the electronic data processing system.
`For the Examining Division
`. Tel. No.:
`(+49-89) 2399-2931
`949054818 --—
`EPO Form 2057
`CSP EX. 2009
`CSP Ex. 2009


`0.30293 Manchu
`+49 89 2399-0
`523 656 epmu d
`FAX + 49 39 2339-4465
`Pendlebury, Anthony
`54 Doughty Street
`London WC1N 2L3
`Patent Office
`Office européen
`des brevets
`Generaldirektion 2
`Directorate Generai 2
`Direction Générale 2
`Anmelder/Applicant/DemandeurlPatenfinhaber/P ropnetor/‘l'ltulalre
`Anmeldung Nr./Application No/Demande n°./Paten1Nr .lPatent NoJBrevet n°.
`94905487.8’2313 0625948
`Following examination of European patent application No. 94905487.8
`a European patent with the title and the supporting documents indi-
`cated in the communication pursuant to Rule 51(4) EPC dated 25.05.99
`is hereby granted in respect of the designated Contracting States.
`Any modifications which were subsequently requested have been approved
`by the Examining Division. Any corrections requested by the applicant
`a f t e r receipt of the communication under Rule 51(6) and received at
`the EPO on 19.01.00 have been taken into account.
`Patent No.
`Date of filing
`Priority claimed
`Designated Contracting States
`and Proprietor(s)
`: 0625948
`: 20.12.93
`2 18.12.92/US 992780
`42 Union Street, P.0. Box 446
`Fultonville, NY 12072/US
`This decision will take effect on the date on which the European
`Patent Bulletin mentions the grant (Art. 97(4) and (5) EPC).
`The mention of the grant will be published in European Patent
`Bulletin 00/17 of 26.04.00.
`Examining Division
`Registered letter
` EPO Form 2006 01.95
`to EPO postal service: 10/03/00
`CSP EX. 2009
`CSP Ex. 2009


`0.90299 Munch”.
`+49 89 2399-0
`523 656 epmu d
`FAX +49 89 2399-4465
`Pendlebury, Anthony
`54 Doughty Street
`London WC1N ZLS
`Patent Office
`Office européen
`des brevets
`Generaldirektion 2
`Directorate General 2
`Direction Générale 2
`Anmeldung NrJApplication NoJDernande n°JPatent Nr JPatent NoJBrevet n“.
`Brief communication
`Subject: Request for amendment of the application documents
`dated .
`. AIR. 0A . .00 ........
`The request for amendment was allowed as a correction under
`. Rule 88 EPC.
`For the Examining Division:
`Tel. No.:
`(+49-89) 2399-2931
`EVPO Form 2098
`CSP EX. 2009
`CSP Ex. 2009


`0.30299 munchen
`'3 +49 35 2395-0
`523 656 epmu d
`FAX +49 39 2399-4465
`Pendlebury , Anthony
`54 Doughty Street
`London WC1N 2L5
`Patent Office
`Office européen
`des brevets
`Generaldirekfion 2
`Directorate General 2
`Direction Générale 2
`3,. 1. 01. 00
`Anmeldung Nr/Application NolDemande n“IPatent Nr JPatent NoJBrevef n“.
`(1) the title of the in-
`For the intended grant of a European patent,
`vention in the three official languages of the European Patent Office,
`(2) the International Patent Classification and (3) the designated Con-
`tracting States and the applicant's registered name, address and country
`of residence or principal place of business are set out below.
`CLASS STRING:- 365D5/74, 365D41/18, 365D47/08
`42 Union Street, P.0. Box 446
`Fultonville, NY 12072/US
`CSP EX. 2009
`CSP Ex. 2009


` /
`PAGE WHITE [(74.1]
`Our rg‘?
`17th January 2000
`Your r9":
`949054878 (-2313)
`European Patent ‘Office
`D-80298 Munchen
`Dear Sirs,
`Q 33
`European Patent Application No. 949054878
`With reference to the above-mentioned application, please be informed that the English
`title of the invention as shown on EPO Form 2056 is incorrect and should read as
`We respectfully request that your records are corrected accordingly.
`Please acknowledge receipt of this letter by returning the top copy of the enclosed EPO
`Form 1037 to us.
`Yours f t
`European Patent Attorneys
`Cbamred Patent Attorneys
`Trade Mar/e Agents
`Page White G Farrer
`54 Doughty SUEZ!
`London WCZN 215
`Elephant 01718317929
`facsimile 0171 8318040
`Telex 8955681
`R Palmer
`D] Rirbanis
`P D Jenkins
`Mrs V R Driver
`] N Daniels
`M135 K C Style
`Ms N Shackleton
`P R Slingsby
`Associate Dinners
`WJ Nralumi
`] P Cornish
`C M Hill
`J P Ruuskanm
`A Pmdhbmy
`Registered at the above
`London address No. 1319458
`CSP EX. 2009
`CSP Ex. 2009


`II at to010:
`CI 00
`I‘ un aI on.
`o I
`Om ref:
`Your T99 94905487.8 (-2313)
`European Patent Office
`Erhardtstrasse 27
`D-8()3 31 Munchen
`H11 I’ly
`Dear Sirs,
`European Patent Application No. 94905487.8
`3rd December 1999 European PalmtAttomeys
`Chartered Patent/{#0111915
`Trade Mark Agmts
`Pug: Mitt Err Farrer
`54 Doughty Street
`lander: WCIN ZLS
`raltpbone 01718317929
`Fursimilr 01718316040
`Telex 8955681
`We refer to the Communication under Rule 51(6) EPC issued on 7th September 1999.
`In response thereto, we now pay the fee for grant and enclose a Fee Voucher authorising
`you to debit the appropriate amount from our deposit account.
`We also file in duplicate translations into French and German of the claims of the
`We look forward to being informed in due course of the date on which the European
`Patent Bulletin will publish the mention of grant of the European Patent.
`Please acknowledge receipt of the enclosed documents by returning the top copy of the
`enclosed EPO Form 1037 to us.
`\\- Q'yw st. at
`Ba 7 i2, 93 R8
`Zut K3359/
`R Palm”
`D ] Rirlmnls
`P D Imlzim
`Mr: VR Drivcr
`] N Daniel:
`M155 K C Sgt
`M Nsmrmn
`P R Slings/{y
`Annual: Divertors
`W] Neolmrd
`] P Cornish
`C M Hill
`l P Ruuslaanm
`A Pendlzlmry
`Ragistm'd at the about
`Ionian address No. 1319458
`CSP EX. 2009
`CSP Ex. 2009


`o :
`o o
`to... o
`o ,‘T
`no ’0:
`o‘ c .0»: .00: ?
`o 625 94.8
`1. Agencement de joint étanche aux fluides pour
`un. bouchon refermable hermétiquement
`‘utiliser avec un
`flacon, comportant
`une bride reliant
`facon intégrée 1e
`bouchon au flacon,
`la bride présentant un évidement
`322) pour diriger une flexion de la bride avec un alignement
`approprié du bouchon sur un bord,
`supérieur du
`l'évidement s‘étendant dans une direction perpendiculaire a
`l'axe longitudinal de la bride,
`faisant saillie de
`(b) un joint annulaire (216,
`la surface intérieure (238,
`316) d'étanchéité
`le joint annulaire d'étanchéité comportant un bord
`intérieur (232, 332) et un bord extérieur (234, 334),
`le bord
`extérieur du joint d'étanchéité s'étendant vers la surface
`intérieure du bouchon sous un angle d'environ 45°, 1e joint
`annulaire d'étanchéité étant concentrique par rapport a la‘
`paroi périphérique intérieure (246, 346) du bouchon afin de
`former un espace entre le bord extérieur du joint d'étan—
`chéité et la paroi périphérique intérieure pour recevoir une
`aréte supérieure d'un rebord.du flacon, la paroi périphérique
`intérieure du bouchon comprenant des premiere et
`sections (246, 244, 346, 344), la premiere section (246, 346)
`étant normals a la surface intérieure du bouchon et
`seconde section.
`formant une nervure qui fait
`saillie de la premiere section pour entrer en contact avec
`l'aréte supérieure du rebord du flacon, caractérisé en ce que
`la bride comporte une nervure allongée (224,
`324) qui s'étend dans une direction perpendiculaire a l'axe
`longitudinal de la bride ;
`le joint annulaire d'étanchéité présente une
`surface supérieure tronquée (236, 336),
`le bord intérieur
`joint d'étanchéité
`intersects la surface intérieure du bouchon sous un angle
`35 d'environ 45 degrés,
`_ 0
`CSP Ex. 2009
`CSP Ex. 2009


`(:0 O:
`. =
`::..o to
`O I
`O: I".
`o. t
`o 625 948
`0"? O...
`00 Q3
`la largeur du joint d'étanchéité a sa base
`est au moins double de la hauteur du joint d'étanchéité,
`la premiere section (246,346) de la paroi
`périphérique intérieure du bouchon est sensiblement de la
`5 meme hauteur que le joint d'étanchéité (216, 316) afin que la
`surface supérieure tronquée (236, 336) du joint d'étanchéité
`s'arréte approximativement a la méme hauteur que l'extrémité
`de la premiere section de la paroi,
`10 d'étanchéité et l'agencement de la paroi intérieure aboutis—
`grace a quoi
`la conception du joint annulaire
`sent a ce que l'aréte supérieure du rebord du flacon soit en
`le long de la premiere
`contact avec le bouchon au moins
`section de paroi, 1e long de la seconde section de paroi et
`a la paroi extérieure d'étanchéité lorsque l'aréte supérieure
`est logée de facon étanche dans le bouchon.
`— 0
`CSP EX. 2009
`CSP Ex. 2009


`.90. I!
`D IOI‘.
`Fluiddichte Dichtungsanordnung fiir eine abnehmbare Kappe zur Anwendung
`bei cinem Behéilter mit:
`(a) einem Flansch, der in einem Stfick die Kappe mit dem Behfilter verbindet, wobei
`der Flansch eine Aussparung (222, 322) zur Biegefiihrung des Flansches mit einer
`korrekten Ausrichtung der Kappe auf einen oberen Rand des Behiilters enthéilt, und
`die Aussparung sich in einer Richtung senkrecht zu der Lingsachse des Flansches
`(b) cine ringftirmige Dichtung (216,316), die sich von der Kappeninnenoberfliiche
`(238, 338) aus erstreckt, wobei die ringférmige Dichtung einen Innenrand (232, 332)
`und einen AuBenrand (234, 334) enthéilt, der AuBenrand der Dichtung sich zu der
`Kappeninnenoberfléiche in einem Winkel von etwa 45° erstreckt, die ringfdnnige
`Dichtung konzentrisch in Bezug auf die Innenumfangswand (246, 346) der Kappe
`liegt, um so einen Spalt zwischen dem AuBenrand der Dichtung und der
`IImenumfangswand ffir die Aufnahme einer Oberkante eines Wulstes des Behéilters
`auszubilden, die Innenumfangswand der Kappe erste und zweite Abschnitte (246,
`244, 346, 344) enthéilt, der erste Abschnitt (246, 346) senkrecht zu der
`Kappeninnenoberfliiche verléiuft und der zweite Abschnitt (244, 344) cine Erhebung
`bildet, die aus dem ersten Abschnitt hervorsteht, um die Oberkante des Wulstes des
`Behéilters zu berfihren,
`dadurch gekennzeichnet, daB
`(1) der Flansch einen langgestreckten Steg (224, 324) enthéilt, der sich in einer
`Richtung senkrecht zu der Lingsachse des Flansches crstreckt;
`(2) die ringférmige Dichtung cine beschnittene Oberseite (23 6, 336) aufweist;
`(3) die Innenkante der Dichtung die Kappeninnenoberfl'aiche in einem Winkel von
`etwa 45° schneidet;
`(4) die Breite der Dichtung an ihrer Basis mindestes die zweifache Hiihe ist;
`(5) der erste Abschnitt (246, 346) der Innenumfangswand der Kappe im
`wesentlichen dieselbe Héhe wie die Dichtung (216, 316) auf weist, so daB die
`beschnittene Oberseite (236, 336) der Dichtung in etwa in derselben Héhe wie das
`Ende des ersten Abschnittes der Wand endet,
`wodurch die Auslegung dcr ringfiirmigen Dichtung und die Innenwandanordnung
`dazu fiihren, daB die Oberkante des Wulstes des Behéilters die Kappe zumindest
`entlang dem ersten Wandabschnitt, entlang dem zweiten Wandabschnitt und an der
`éiuBercn Dichtungswand berfihren, wenn die Oberkante innerhalb der Kappe
`eingeschlossen ist.
`CSP EX. 2009
`CSP Ex. 2009


`0.90293 Mammy,
`523 656 epmu d
`FAX OBS/23994465
`Pendlebury, Anthony
`54 Doughty Street
`London WC1N ZLS
`European .
`Patent Office
`Office europeen
`des brevets

`Generaldirektion 2
`Directorate General 2
`Direction Générale 2
`Anmeldung NrJApplication NolDemande n°lPatent Nr JPatent NojBrevet n“.
`94905487 . 8-2313/US9312490
`Further to the communication under Rule 51(4) dated 25.05.99
`your approval of the text to be used as the basis for grant has been
`duly received.
`Insofar as you have not already fulfilled the requirements mentioned be-
`low, you are now requested within a non-extendable period of
`t h r e e
`months from notification of this communication
`to file in duplicate translations of the c1aim(s) in the two
`other EPO official languages;
`to pay the fee for grant including the fee
`for printing up to and including 35 pages;
`007 ................
`to pay the printing fee for the 36th and
`each additional page; Number of pages:
`008 ................
`to pay the additional claims fee(s)
`(Rule 51(7) EPC);
`Number of claims fees payable:
`016 ................
`Total amount
`CSP EX. 2009
`CSP Ex. 2009


`Office européen
`des brevets C %
`then these come under
`If the equivalents are given in other currencies,
`the provision of possible changes in accordance with Art. 6(4) of the
`Rules Relating to Fees. Such changes will be published in the Official
`For all payments you are requested to use EPO Form 1010 or to refer
`to the relevant reference number.
`If additional copies of the patent specification are required, you
`should request this in writing and quote Fee reference code
`0 5 8
`when making payment.
`If the grant, printing or claims fees are not paid or the translations
`not filed in due time,
`the European patent application will be deemed
`to be withdrawn (Rule 51(8) EPC).
`Note on payment of renewal fees
`If a renewal fee falls due between notification of the present
`communication and the proposed date of publication of the mention
`of the grant of the European patent, publication will be effected
`only after the renewal fee and any additional fee has been paid
`(Rule 51(9) EPC).
`renewal fees are payable to the European
`Under article 86(4) EPC,
`Patent Office until the year in which the mention of the grant of the
`European patent is published.
`Filing of translations in the Contracting States
`Pursuant to Article 65(1) EPC the following designated Contracting
`States require a translation of the specification of the European
`patent in their/one of their official 1anguage(s) (Rule 51( 10) EPC),
`i n s o f a r
`this specification will not be published in their/one
`of their official language(s)
`- within t h r e e months of publication of the mention of such
`Anmeldung Nr./App|icaiion Nov/Demande nil/Patent Nth/Patent NoJBrevel n‘.
`CSP EX. 2009
`2 0
`CSP Ex. 2009


`Patent Office
`Office européen
`des brevets
`- within s i x months of publication of the mention of such decision:
`The date on which the European Patent Bulletin publishes the mention of
`the grant of the European patent will be indicated in the decision on
`the grant of the European patent (EPO Form 2006).
`In case of a valid extension
`the following Extension States require a translation of the CLAIMS in
`their official language within t h r e e months after publication of
`the mention of the grant of the European patent:
`ROMANIA (requires translation of the specification)
`The translation must be filed with the national Patent Offices of the
`Contracting or Extension States in accordance with the provisions ap-
`plying thereto in the State concerned. Further details (e. g. appoint-
`ment of a national representative or indication of an address for ser-
`vice within the country) are given in the EPO information brochure "Na-
`tional law relating to the EPC", edition January 1997, and in the sup-
`plementary information published in the Official Journal of the EPO.
`Failure to supply such translation to the Contracting and Extension
`States in time and in accordance with the requirements may result in the
`patent being deemed to be void ab initio in the State concerned.
`Note to users of the automatic debiting procedure:
`the fee(s)
`Unless the EPO receives prior instructions to the contrary,
`will be debited on the last day of the period for payment. For further
`details see the Arrangements for the automatic debiting procedure, Sup-
`plement to OJ EPO 06/1994.
`For the Examining Division:
`(+49-89) 2399-2931
`Tel. No.:
`] The text notified undei/fiule 51(4) EPC has been amended by the Ex-
`Anmeldung Nr./Applicaflon NojDemande n‘ ”Patent Nr,/Patent No/Brevet n‘.
`94905487. 8
`3 0
`CSP EX. 2009
`CSP Ex. 2009


`. a]
`Patent Office
`Office européen
`des brevets
`amining Division a; requested by the applicant.
`Copies of the amended pages are annexed.
`der Rule 51(4) EPC has been amended using the
`] The text notified
`replacement pages filed by the applicant.
`] Form 2530 relat' g to filing a translation of the previous applica-
`tion is dispat
`ed by the same post.
`Anmeldung Nr./Apphca(ion No/Demande n‘.//Patenl Nr./Paten1 No./Breve( n"
`94905487 . 8
`EP0 Form 2005
`01.98 Registered letter
`CSP EX. 2009
`CSP Ex. 2009


`om 76821/RP/ABS ~~
`26 August 1999
`Your r99
`European Patent Office
`13-80298 Munich 2
`Dear Sirs
`European Patent Application No 94905487.8-2313
`Ca itol Vial Inc
`With reference to the Communication under Rule 51(4) EPC we confirm
`the Applicants’ approval of the text proposed for grant.
`European Patent Attorneys
`Chartered Patent Attorneys
`Trade Mark Agents
`Page Mite 59* Farrer
`54 Doughty Street
`London WC1N 215
`Telephone 01718317929
`Facsimile 01718318040
`Telex 8955681
`email@Pagewbite. £0.14]!
`‘ Yours f 'thfully
`Authorised Representative
`R Palmer
`D] Rickard:
`P D jar/aim
`Mrs V R Driver
`9 CBAK’S ( 4
`$0209- 9930
`] N Daniel:
`Miss K C Style
`P R Slingsby
`Assotiate Directors
`W] NeoIJarJ
`] P Cornish
`C M Hill
`] P Rum/amen
`A Pma’lebmy
`Regismed at the above
`London address No. 1319458
`CSP EX. 2009
`CSP Ex. 2009


`Patent Office
`D-BOZSB Mtlnchen
`+49 39 2399-0
`TX 523 656 epmu d
`FAX +49 89 23994465
`Generaldirektion 2
`Directorate General 2
`Direction Générale 2
`Office européen
`des brevets
`Pendlebury, Anthony
`54 Doughty Street
`London WC1N 2L8
`Application No.
`94 905 487.8-2313
`2 5 '
`' .
`- ‘
`Communication under Rule 51(4) EPC
`You are hereby informed that the Examining Division intends to grant a European patent on the basis of the
`above application with the text and drawings as indicated below:
`Text for the Contracting States:
`Description, pages:
`Claims, No.:
`as originally filed
`as received on
`13.04.1999 with letter of
`as received on
`13.04.1999 with letter of
`Drawings, sheets:
`as originally filed
`With the following amendments to the above—mentioned documents by the Examining Division:
`Description, page:
`A copy of the relevant documents is enclosed.
`The title of the invention in the three official languages of the European Patent Office, the international patent
`classification, the designated Contracting States and the registered name 01 the applicant are shown on the
`attached EPO Form 2056.
`Registered Letter
`EPO Form 2004 1o.sscsx
`FM22091, 28.04.1999
`CSP EX. 2009
`CSP Ex. 2009


`Application-No.: 94 905 487.8
`Sheet 2
`5. 05. 9‘3
`You are requested to state your approval of the text specified above within four months of this notification.
`Failure to do so will result in refusal of the application under Article 97(1) EPC, except as provided by Rule
`51(5) EPC, second sentence.
`The filing of a d'wisional application is only possible up to the approval of the text specified above (Flute 25(1)
`EPC). Concerning the possibility of a request for accelerated grant pursuant to Article 97(6) EPC, reference
`is made to OJ EPO 1995, 841.
`Further information conceming the acceptability ot amendments or the filing of a separate set of claims for one
`or more designated Contracting States that have entered a reservation under Article 167(2)a) EPC will be
`found in the Guidelines for Examination in the EPO, C-Vl, 4.8 - 4.10 and C-VI, 15.1.2 - 15.1.4.
`If the translation of the priority document(s), as required by Article 88(1) EPC, or the declaration according to
`Rule 38(4) EPC has not yet been filed, it is to be filed within the time limit mentioned in Rule 38(4) EPC at the
`Maschlanka, F
`For the Examining Division
`Tel. No.: (+49—89) 2399-2931
`rm 2056
`i H? Copies of the relevant documents
`' a
`Registered Letter
`EFO Form 2004 1035ch
`FM22091 , 28.04.1999
`— 0
`CSP EX. 2009
`CSP Ex. 2009


`Office européen
`des brevets
`D-80298 Mtlnchen
`+49 89 2399-0
`523 656 epmu d
`FAX +49 89 2399—4465 Direction Générale 2 Generaldirektion 2 Directorate General 2
`Patent Office
`Pendlebury, Anthony
`54 Doughty Street
`London WC1 N 2LS
`Application No.
`94 905 487.8—2313
`2 5- 05. 99
`For the intended grant of a European patent, (1) the title of the invention in the three official languages of the
`European Patent Office, (2) the International Patent Classification, (3) the designated Contracting States and
`(4) the applicant’s registered name, address and country of residence or principal place of business are set
`out below.
`365D5/74, BG5D41/18, 365D47/08
`[/‘N///(' (‘/'//{/1. //',/
`42 Union Street,
`PO. Box 446
`Fultonville, NY 12072
`EPO Form 2056 06.8203X
`FM22091, 28.04.1999
`CSP EX. 2009
`CSP Ex. 2009


`Field of the Invention
`The present invention relates to sealing structures for pour spouts and vials;
`and more particularly to a seal and method for releasably sealing a cap onto a
`structure such as a pour spout or vial.
`. 5
`Background of the Invention
`Resealable caps are well known in the art. Such caps may be used on gabled
`top containers and brick type containers. See Figures 11 and 12, respectively, of
`U.S. Patent No. 5,108,029.
`In addition, caps of a similar style have been used to
`seal vials of different sizes and shapes. See, for example, Figure 4 of U.S. Patent
`No. 4,783,056. Such caps are convenient because they form a liquid-tight seal and
`can be repeatedly opened and closed easily.
`For purposes of convenience, such caps are frequently integrally connected to
`the structure that they are intended to seal. For example, they may be connected by
`a flexible flange that allows the cap to pivot from an opened position to a sealed
`In order to enhance the seal between the cap and the structure or container
`onto which the cap is fastened, an annular seal may be provided within the cap in
`order to form an annular gap between the seal and the outer rim of the cap. The
`annular gap is designed to receive an upper edge of the container onto which the cap
`is sealed.
`In order to obtain a good, liquid-tight seal between the container and the
`cap, it is preferable that the upper edge of the container wall fit tightly within the
`annular gap. However, fitting the upper edge of the container wall tightly within
`the annular gap creates difficulties. Specifically, if the cap is not properly aligned
`with the container immediately prior to closing, the upper edge of the container wall
`may improperly contact the annular seal or outer rim of the cap, thus bending or
`damaging the seal, the outer rim of the cap, or the upper edge of the container wall.
`CSP EX. 2009
`CSP Ex. 2009


`WO 94/14665
`In addition, if the annular gap is too narrow, the upper _” of the container wall
`may not fit properly within the gap, thus also creating p35; lems with the seal.
`Caps of the type to which the present inventionlates are generally injection
`molded from plastic.
`CSP EX. 2009
`CSP Ex. 2009


`‘ F
`*5 ,n 3
`,jrtjchetetnnie’rr a
`In addition, if the annular gap is too narrow, the upper edge of the container wall may
`not fit properly within the gap, thus also creating problems with the seal.
`Caps of the type to which the present invention relates are generally injection
`molded from plastic.
`The invention provides a fluid-tight seal arrangement for a resealable cap for use
`with a vial comprising:
`a flange integrally connecting the cap to the vial, the flange including a
`recess to direct bending of the flange with proper alignment of the cap on an upper edge
`of the vial, the recess extending in a direction perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of
`the flange,
`an annular seal extending from the inner cap surface, the annular seal
`including an inner edge and an outer edge,
`the outer edge of the seal extending toward
`the inner cap surface at an angle of approximately 45 degrees, the annular seal being
`concentric with respect to the inner peripheral wall of the cap so as to form a gap
`between the outer edge of the seal and the inner peripheral wall for receiving an upper
`edge of a rim of the vial, the inner peripheral wall of the cap including first and second
`sections, the first section being normal to the inner cap surface and the second section
`forming a ridge that protrudes from the first section for contacting the upper'edge of the
`rim of the Vial, characterised in that
`the flange includes an elongate ridge which extends
`in a direction
`perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the flange;
`(2) the annular seal has a truncated top surface,
`(3) the inner edge of the seal intersects the inner cap surface at an angle of
`approximately 45 degrees,
`(4) the width of the seal at its base is at least twice the height of the seal,
`(5) the first section of the inner peripheral wall of the cap is substantially the
`same height as the seal so that
`the truncated top surface of “the seal ends at
`approximately the same height as the end of the first section of the wall,
`whereby the annular seal design and inner wall arrangement result in the upper edge of
`the rim of the vial contacting the cap at least along the first wall section, along the
`second wall section and at the outer seal wall when the upper edge is sealed within the
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`W0 94/ 14665
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`The first section is substantially the same height as the seal means, and extends
`substantially perpendicular to the inner cap surface.
`Figure 1 is a cross-sectional view of a known vial and cap.
`Brief Description of the Drawings
`Figure 2 is a cross-sectional view of a cap connected to a vial with a flange
`constructed according to the present invention.
`Figure 3 is a perspective view of a known gabled top container having a pour
`spout mounted thereon.
`Figure 4 is a cross-sectional view of a spout and cap according to the present
`Figure 5 is an enlarged view of a portion of Figure 4.
`Figure 6 is a cross-sectional view of a vial and cap according to the present
`Figure 7 is an enlarged view of a portion of Figure 6.
`Detailed Description of the Preferred Embodiments
`With reference to Figure 1, a known vial and cap arrangement is disclosed.
`Specifically the vial and cap illustrated in Figure 1 is disclosed in U.S. Patent No.
`4,783,056, which issued on November 8, 1988. According to the known
`arrangement, a vial 10 is connected to a cap 12 by means of a flange 14. An
`annular seal 16 is provided on the inside of the cap 12 in order to define a
`corresponding annular gap 18. The annular gap 18 is designed to accommodate the
`upper edge 20 of the via] 10.
`A recess 22 is formed in the flange 14 to facilitate the bending of the flange
`14 during the process of transferring the cap 12 to the top of the vial 10.
`Specifically, the recess 22 is intended to weaken the flange 14 at a particular point
`so that bending of the flange 14 is encouraged in the region of the recess 22. By
`attempting to direct the bending of the flange 14, alignment of the upper edge 20 of
`the vial wall with the annular gap 18 is facilitated. Such alignment, of course,
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`CSP Ex. 2009


`WO 94/14665
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`reduces the number of incidents where the tip of the annular seal 16 abuts directly
`against the upper edge 20 of the vial wall thus damaging either the annular seal 16
`or the upper edge 20 of the wall. Such damage would reduce the effectiveness of
`the seal between the cap and the vial.
`The subject matter of US. Patent No. 4,783,056 is hereby incorporated
`herein by reference.
`However, it has been found that the recess 22 in the flange 14 does not
`always adequately guide the cap 12 onto the vial. To further facilitate the bending
`of the flange 14 so that the cap 12 accurately aligns itself on the edge 20 of the wall
`of the vial 10, the flange 14 has been further modified.
`Turning attention now to Figure 2, an improved version of the flange is
`illustrated. A flange 114 interconnects a vial 110 with a cap 112. A recess 122 is
`provided in the flange 114 to facilitate bending of the flange at a particular location.
`In addition

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