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`Smart Audio Output with Presence Sensors: Enabling mode
`switching using head sets or ear buds
`[P.com Prior A rt Database Disclosure
`IP.com Disclosure Number: IPCOM000130715D Publication Date: 02-Nov—2005
`.Com lPCOM 000130715
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`Publishing Venue
`The lP.com Prior Art Database
`Related People
`Phil Acker ~ [mentor W433
`One or more presence sensor in the headset (or ear buds) clan audiotoutputting system (eg. mp3
`player, phone, laptop, DVD player, video recorder/player or similar system) would enable the system
`to determine it the headset is worn and that the user desires audio output from the headset, This
`capability enhances the user experience, makes the interface more intuitive, and potentially saves
`energy and extends battery life. The sensor can be one that senses any combination of capacitance,
`temperature, pressure, optical patterns, acceleration, tilt, or any other appropriate indicia of
`presence. Additional sensors may also be added to increase reliability or accuracy. Sensors can be
`also put elsewhere in the system in addition (or in place of) the sensor in the headset. A wide variety
`of methods and technology can be used to determine dynamically what output mode users of media
`or phone devices with headsets (or ear buds) may desire to enable these devices to switch among
`the modes in an intuitive and usertriendly manner. For example, the device may switch between
`mode combinations such as: (1) play—pause, (2) loudwsoft volume, (3) not muted-muted, (4) phone-
`music-mute, (5) play-record, and (6) on«ott for a wireless headset. Manually switching among the
`modes is always an option, but automating mode switching enhances user experience. Technology
`that may be used to automate such switching inctude those that sense (i) capacitance » absolute or
`trans, (2) resistance _ AC or DC, (3) ER — with emitter/receiver, (4) ultrasound, (5) temperature, (6)
`acceleration, (7) mechanical contact, (8) pressure, (9) force. (10) mechanical impedance, (11)
`history of headset operation, and (12) surface acoustic wave. There are alternate uses of this
`invention as well, For example. a hearing aid that uses a capacitive proximity sensor can sense
`when the hearing aid is in the ear canal and, using this information from the presence sensor, turn
`on when it is inside the ear. This extends battery life and prevents unwanted feedback.
`Copyright © 2005 Synaptics incorporated, Ali Rights Reserved,
`EXHIBIT NO . 1009
`English ( United States)
`United States
`Document File
`10 pages / 492.3 KB
`Smart Audio Output with Presence Sensors: Enabling mode
`switching using head sets or ear buds
`I Room Prior Art Database Disclosure
`IP.com Disclosure Number: IPCOMOOOI30715D Publication Date: 02-Nov-2005
`More Like Th isélhwnload
`'I'e\l l'rmil-w ‘
`First Pace Imabo
`This text was extracted from a PDF file.
`At least one non-text object (such as an image or picture) has been suppressed.
`This is the abbreviated version, containing npprr’minmtely I 1‘7) of the total text.
`Page 1 of 10
`Smart Audio Output with Presence Sensors in the Headset
`Smart Audio Output with Presence Sensors:
`Enabling made switching using hear] sets or ear buds
`I. l‘nventorrs): Phil Acker. Wendy Cheng. John Feland III. Thuy Le, Richard (Bic) Sehediwy
`2. Synaptics Incorporated. San Jose. CA. USA
`3. Short Summary
`One or more presence sensor in the headset (or ear buds) of an audio—outputting system (sg. mp3
`player, phone, laptop, DVD player, video recorder/player or similar system) would enable the system
`to determine if the headset is worn and that the user desires audio output from the headset. This
`capability enhances the user experience, makes the interface more intuitive, and potentiaily saves
`energy and extends battery iife. The sensor can be one that senses any combination of capacitance,
`temperature, pressure, optical patterns, acceleration. tilt, or any other appropriate indicéa of
`presence. Additional sensors may also be added to increase reliability or accuracy. Sensors can be
`also put eisewhere in the system in addition (or in place of) the sensor in the headset,
`Figure 1. Presence sensors in the headset enables the audio system to determine how and where to
`output audio
`A wide variety of methods and technology can be used to determine dynamically what output mode
`users of media or phone devices with headsets (or ear buds) may desire to enable these devices to
`switch among the modes in an intuitive and user~triendiy manner. For example, the device may
`switch between mode combinations such as: (1) play-pause, (2) loud~sott volume, (3) not muted-
`muted, (4) phone music‘mute, (5) play-record. and (6) mod for a wireless headset. Manually
`switching among the modes is always an option, but automating mode switching enhances user
`experience. Technology that may be used to automate such switching include those that sense (i)
`capacitance ~ absolute or trans, (2)
`Copyright© 2005 Synaptics incorporated, All Rights Reserved. Page: i of 10
`information contained in this publication is provided as-is, with no express or implied warranties,
`including any warranty of merchantability, fitness for any particular purpose, or non-infringement.
`Synaptics incorporated assumes no liability whatsoever for any use of the information contained
`herein, including any liability for intellectual property infringement. This publication conveys no
`express or implied licenses to any intellectual property rights belonging to Synaptics or any other
`party. Synaptics may, from time to time and at its sole option, update the information contained
`herein without notice.
`a econtainsl
`Page 2 of It!)
`Smart Audio Output with Presence Sensors in the Headset
`resistance - AC or DC, (3) lFt - with emitter/receives (4) ultrasound, (5) temperature, (6)
`(7) mechanical contact, (8) pressure, (9) force, {10) mechanical impedance, (11) history of headset
`operation, and (12) surface acoustic wave.
`There ar...
`Smart Audio Output with Presence Sensors: Enabling mode
`switching using head sets or ear buds
`113.com Prior Art Database Disclosure
`IP.com Disclosure Number: [PCOM000130715D Publication Date: 02—Nov-2005
`More Like Th isimiwn l 021d
`Tegt Preview
`Fil‘xl I'uyv [mart-
`Summnoomxm’m PresmceSevmsinmet-cma
`Sma‘tALdoOutmeim PresmceSmsors
`1. Ins/611045): Pfil Acken Wavy Chengjom dedlli, Tf‘w Le, Richa'd (Bic)
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