`(19) World Intellectual Property
`International Bureau
`(43) lntemational Publication Date
`13 October 2005 (13.10.2005)
`(10) lntemational Publication Number
`WO 2005/096666 Al
`(51) International Patent Classification":
`5/027, 5/02
`H04R 5/033,
`(74) Agent: F B RICE & C0; 139~141 Rathdownc Street,
`Carlton, Victoria 3053 (AU).
`(21) International Application Number:
`(22) International Filing Date:
`4 April 2005 (04.04.2005)
`(75’ mm" L‘mgm‘ge‘
`(26) ”man” Language‘
`(30) Priority Data:
`2 April 2004 (02.04.2004)
`(71) Applicant (for all designated States except US): AWABA
`GROUP PTY LTD [AU/AU]; 33 Castle Street, Eaglemont,
`Victoria 3034 (AU).
`(81) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated. for every
`kind of national protection available): AE, AG, AL, AM,
`AT, AU, AZ, BA. BB, BG, BR, BW, BY, BZ, CA. CH, CN,
`CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE. DK, DM, DZ, EC, EE, EG, ES, Fl,
`GB, GD. GE. GH, GM, HR, HU, ID. IL, IN, IS, JP. KB.
`KG, KM, KP, KR, Kz, LC, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, Lv, MA,
`MD, MG, MK, MN, MW, Mx, MZ, NA, N1, NO. NZ, OM,
`PG, PH, PL, 171, RO, RU, SC, SD, SE, 30, SK, SL, SM, SY,
`r 1
`[A [M' “V
`(84) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
`kind of regional protection available): ARIPO (BW, Gll,
`GM, KE, LS, MW. MZ, NA, SD, SL, 52, TZ, UG, ZM,
`ZW), Eurasian (AM, AZ, BY, KG, Kz, MD, RU, TJ, TM),
`European (AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, F1,
`PR, GB,GR, HU, IE, 18, IT, LT, LU, MC, NL, PL, PT, RO,
`GQ, ow, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, ’1‘(}),
`(72) Inventor; and
`(75) Inventor/Applicant (for us only): TONIOLO, Mary
`[AU/AU]; 33 Castle Street, Eaglemont, Victoria 3084
` 05/096666A1lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll"llllllflllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltlllllllllllll
`[Continued on next page]
`c (57) Abstract: An entertainment device (12) has headphones (14 and 16) and a separate speaker (21) carried by a support (18) and
`operated so that separate outputs are obtainable from the headphones (14 and 16) and the speakeral). Sound produced from an
`0 audio signal storage medium (26') can be played through either or both headphones (14 and 16) and speaker (21). A microphone
`(22) provides an audio input source that the user can user to add to prerecorded audio output, and various modes of combining the
`sound provide a variety of possible outputs. A video signal viewing screen (33) may also be incorporated into the device.


`WO 2005/096666 A1
`— with international scant}: report
`For two-letter codes and other abbreviations. refer to the "Guid-
`ance Notes on Codes and Abbreviatiuns" appearing at the begin-
`ning of each regular issue of the PCT Gazette.


`WO 2005/096666
`Technical Field
`Entertainment Device
`This invention relates to an entertainment device and relates particularly to a
`device for producing at least an audio output for entertainment purposes.
`Background to the Invention
`Headphones are commonly used for audio reception, and particularly for
`listening to music tracks. Generally, headphones are connected to an audio output from
`a receiver or a disc or tape player, or other data storage device, by means of a
`connecting electrical cable. However, such a cable restricts the movement of a person
`wearing the headphones. Further, a cable connecting a device having an audio output
`to a headphone set is liable to be snagged by or caught on an adjacent object giving rise
`to a potentially uncomfortable or painful drag on the headphones. Wireless headphones
`are commonly known although,
`to date, such headphones are generally used in
`conjunction with an inbuilt
`radio receiver which receives radio signals fiom a radio
`signal broadcast. Thus, the person wearing wireless headphones must make a selection
`fiom many radio broadcasts, but is unable to personalise the audio reception
`It has recently been proposed to use short range wireless connections between a
`transmitter and a receiver in headphones. Such systems known as "blue tooth" and
`"wifi" are commonly used with mobile telephone systems and computer systems.
`the range of the transmissions is relatively limited meaning that
`headphones are able to be used only in predetermined locations within range of an
`appropriate transmitter. Further, the listener must pro-program or otherwise preselect
`particular audio signals to be transmitted to the headphones.
`Existing headphones are also limited to reproducing pro-recorded or transmitted
`audio signals. In many instances, a user may wish to contribute to or provide their own
`audio entertainment.
`It is, therefore, desirable to provide an entertainment device which incorporates
`headphones that can be used to listen to any desired audio signal, including music
`tracks, without the need for connecting cables or wireless transmissions.
`It is also desirable to provide an entertainment device which enables the user to
`interact with a pre—recorded audio track.
`It is also desirable to provide an entertainment device which enables the user to
`select different modes of operation including listening to pre-recorded audio tracks,
`interacting with such audio tracks or generating their own audio output.


`WO 2005/096666
`It is also desirable to provide an entertainment device which is relatively simple
`and compact, is easy to manufacture and to use.
`Summary of the Invention
`According to one aspect of the invention there is provided an entertainment
`device comprising audio headphone means to enable the user to hear reproduced sound,
`support means to support the headphone means on the head of a user, separate speaker
`means carried by the support means and spaced from the headphone means, sound
`reproducing means to generate sound in the headphone means and/or speaker means
`from an audio signal transmitted fi'om an audio signal storage means, a microphone
`carried by the support means, and switch means to switch between a plurality of
`predetermined operating modes which include listening to prerecorded sound stored in
`said audio signal storage means and generating sound using the microphone and
`The headphone means may comprise a pair of headphones which include shells
`to engage with or fit over the ears of a user. Alternatively, the headphone means may
`comprise pods, ear pieces adapted to engage within an ear, or any other form of sound
`transducer whereby a user is able to selectively listen to pre—recorded or predetermined
`sound signals.
`The support means is preferably a headband which carries the headphone means
`at each end thereof.
`In one form of the invention, the headband has at least one loud
`sound reproducing device,
`attached thereto,
`approximately midway between the pair of headphones.
`The switch means may be mounted on the speaker means, the support means or
`the headphone means, as appropriate.
`In another embodiment, the switch is connected
`to the audio signal storage means, the support, headphones or speaker means by an
`electrical switch cable. In a preferred embodiment, the switch has a plurality of switch
`positions to switch between operating modes as desired by the user. The operating
`modes can further include a mode whereby pre-recorded sound is played through both
`headphone means and the speaker, and/or a mode whereby pre-recorded sound is
`played through the speaker and the headphone means and the microphone isalso able
`to be used to generate audio output fiom the speaker.
`In preferred forms of the invention, the audio signal storage means comprises a
`cartridge, memory chip or other similar device containing one or more audio recordings
`to be played through the headphones.
`In one embodiment, the signal storage device is
`preferably removably housed within a socket in one of the headphones. Preferably, the


`WO 2005/096666
`signal storage means is able to be removed and replaced fiom the socket without
`removing the device from the head of the wearer. One or more volume controls may
`also be incorporated into the entertainment device to control output volume of the
`headphones and/or speaker and/or the balance therebetween.
`Power for operating the device is preferably provided by electrical batteries
`housed within the device, such as within the support, the speaker housing or within
`headphone housings.
`In a modified form of the invention, the signal storage means may be adapted to
`record sound fiom the microphone. Such recorded sound can then be replayed either
`through the headphones or the speaker, or both.
`In a fiirther modification, the entertainment device may include a video screen
`to display dance steps or other video material.
`In one form, the video screen is a
`translucent, flip down screen, and the signal storage means stores video and audio
`signals to be reproduced by the Video screen and headphones, respectively.
`In order that the invention is more readily understood, one embodiment thereof
`will now be described with reference to the accompanying drawings.
`Description of the Drawings
`Figure 1 is a perspective view of an entertainment device in accordance with
`one embodiment of the invention;
`Figure 2 is a schematic block diagram of the electrical components of the device
`of Figure 1; and
`Figure 3 is a view of another embodiment of an entertainment device having
`Visual and audio reproduction.
`Description of the Preferred Embodiments
`Referring to Figures 1 and 2 of the drawings, an entertainment device 12 is
`illustrated which comprises a pair of headphones 14 and 16 mounted on opposite ends
`of a supporting head band 18. The arms of the head band 18 are telescopically
`extendable to enable the device 12 to be used by users of different ages ranging fiom
`young children to adults.
`Each headphone 14 and 16 includes an audio transducer, or car phone 19 to
`convert electrical signals into audio sound within the human hearing range. The ear
`phones 19 may take any suitable form commonly known in the art, including ear pieces
`and pods which engage within the ear, or which engage bone structure of the skull
`adjacent the ear. The headphone structures and/or ear pieces or pods usable with


`WO 2005/096666
`embodiments of the invention are generally known in the art and will not need to be
`described further.
`In addition to the headphones 14 and 16, the head band 18 carries a loud
`speaker 21 within a speaker housing 15. The housing 15 of this embodiment also
`includes a compartment 17 to contain electrical batteries (not shown) for providing
`electrical power to the device 12.
`A microphone 22 is mounted to one of the headphones 16 by an adjustable
`microphone stalk 23 whereby the microphone 22 may be positioned as desired relative
`to the user.
`The housing for the headphone 14 has a socket 24 to receive an audio cartridge
`or chip 26, or other form of data memory, on which is stored, preferably magnetically,
`one or more pre—recorded audio tracks, such as a music track or a dance instruction
`track or any other desired audio signal. A plurality of cartridges or chips 26 may be
`provided in association with the device 12 and the cartridges or chips can be replaced in
`the socket 24 to change from one track to another. Alternatively, each cartridge, chip
`or memory device 26 may store a plurality of tracks which can be heard sequentially or
`selected with appropriate track selection means.
`The storage cartridge or chip 26 may take any suitable form known in the art.
`the cartridge or chip may comprise read only memory, read and writable
`memory, recorded disc or tape, or any other suitable storage medium.
`A volume control 27 is carried by the headphone 14 while a mode switch 28 is
`mounted on the other headphone 16, adjacent the microphone stalk 23.
`In use, and referring to Figure 2, a cartridge or chip 26 is placed in the socket 24
`in which is located a reader 29 adapted to read the pre-recorded signals contained in the
`cartridge or chip 26. The mode switch 28 is actuated from an "off" position to one of _
`the selectable operating modes, as detailed hereafter. Power from the battery 31
`enables signals to be transferred fiom the reader 29 to either or both of the headphones
`14 and 16,
`in mono or stereo format, or to the speaker 21, or to any desirable
`combination. The microphone 22 may either be permanently activated while the device
`is in an active mode, or it may be switchable, using the mode switch 28, or a separate
`microphone switch (not shown), to add sound from the microphone 22 to the sound
`emanating from the headphones 14 and 16 resulting from the pre-recorded sound on the
`chip or cartridge 26. Thus, in a first mode, sound from the reader 29 is heard only
`through the headphones 14 and 16. In a second mode, the sound is heard only through
`the speaker 21. In a third mode, the sound from the reader 29 is heard through both the
`headphones l4 and 16 and the speaker 21, and in other operating modes,


`WO 2005/096666
`microphone 22' may used to either add sound to that from the reader 29 or to produce
`sound independently from the speaker 21 without combining with sound from the
`reader 29. All possible combinations of operating modes are included Within the scope
`of the invention.
`In a modified form of the invention, an audio signal from the microphone is fed
`to the reader 29 along path 32, the reader being also able to write to the cartridge or
`chip 26 so as to record sounds from the microphone 22 thereon. Such recorded sounds
`can then be replayed as desired. It is preferred that each cartridge or chip 26 comprises
`a single song or tune such as may be associated with a dance routine or the like. Dance
`instruction may also be included within the sound reproduced from the cartridge or chip
`Referring to Figure 3, in a second embodiment the device includes a video
`screen 33 that receives and displays Video output fiom the cartridge or chip 26 that
`contains pre—recorded video and audio data for reproduction. The screen may take
`several forms, including a display screen such as an active matrix liquid crystal display
`or a passive matrix display, similar to those used with note book computers or the like.
`In another form, the screen may be a projection screen that displays an image projected
`thereon by a small projector integrated into the head band 18 or the speaker housing 15.
`The screen may be fixed relative to the head band 18 or it may be movable between a
`raised, in—operative position and a lowered, operative position, as shown in Fig. 3.
`The device of the invention enables a user to wear the headphones to listen to a
`desired audio track and, by using the in-built microphone, to add their own voice to the
`audio which may feed through the headphones or the separate speaker, or both, as
`desired. The various modes of operation include a mode where the user can combine
`their voice with the audio sound, with the total output being played through the
`In a difl'erent mode, only the user's voice will be heard'from the speaker. In
`another mode, the combination will be played through the headphones and speaker.
`Such operating modes encourage involvement between the user and the audio sound.
`The device is able to be used for training, such as dance training as a sequence
`of dance steps may be incorporated as part of the audio output.
`When the Video output is incorporated, more advanced dance training is able to
`be carried out using pre-recorded images illustrating the appropriate steps.


`WO 2005/096666
`An entertainment device including audio headphone means to enable the user to
`hear reproduced sound, support means to support the headphone means on the head of a
`user, separate speaker means carried by the support means and spaced from the
`headphone means, sound reproducing means to generate sound in the headphone means
`and/or speaker means from an audio signal transmitted from an audio signal storage
`means, a microphone carried by the support means, and switch means to switch
`between a plurality of predetermined operating modes which include listening to pre-
`recorded sound stored in said audio signal storage means and generating sound using
`the microphone and speaker.
`An entertainment device according to claim 1 wherein the headphone means
`comprises a pair of headphones which include shells to engage with or fit over the ears
`of a user.
`An entertainment device according to claim 1 wherein the headphone means
`comprises pods or other forms of ear pieces adapted to engage within an ear of a user.
`An entertainment device according to claim 1 wherein the support means is a
`headband which carries the headphone means at each end thereof.
`An entertainment device according to claim 4 wherein the headband has at least
`one loud speaker or other similar sound reproducing device integral or attached thereto.
`An entertainment device according to claim 1 wherein the switch means is
`mounted on one of the headphone means and the sound reproducing means is
`integrated with the other of the headphone means.
`An entertainment device according to claim 1 wherein the switch has a plurality
`of switch positions to switch between operating modes as desired by the user and
`sound from the sound reproducing means is heard only through the headphones;
`sound is heard only through the speaker means;
`sound fiom the sound reproducing means is heard through both the headphones
`and the speaker means;


`WO 2005/096666
`the microphone is used to add sound to that from the sound reproducing means;
`the microphone is used to produce sound from the speaker means with sound
`from the sound reproducing means being heard only from the headphones.
`An entertainment device according to claim 1 wherein the signal storage means
`comprises a cartridge, memory chip or other data storage device which contains one or
`more audio tracks, phrases or other recordings to be played through the headphones.
`An entertainment device according to claim 1 wherein the signal storage device
`is removably housed within a socket in one of the headphones that forms part of the
`sound reproducing means, the signal storage device being able to be replaced without
`removal of the device from the head of the user.
`An entertainment device according to claim 1 wherein one or more volume
`controls are incorporated into the device to enable regulation of the output volume
`through the headphones and speaker means
`An entertainment device according to claim 1 wherein electrical batteries are
`housed within the speaker means.
`An entertainment device according to claim I wherein the signal storage means
`is able to record sound from the microphone.
`An entertainment device according to claim 12 wherein sound recorded fi'om the
`microphone can then be replayed either through the headphones or the speaker, or both.
`An entertainment device according to claim 1 wherein a video screen is
`mounted to the support to display video images such as dance steps or other video
`material in addition to the audio output.
`An entertainment device according to claim 14 wherein the screen is an active
`matrix liquid crystal display.
`An entertainment device according to claim 14 wherein the screen is a passive
`matrix display.


`WO 2005/096666
`An entertainment device according to claim 14 wherein the screen is a
`projection screen that displays an image projected thereon by a small projector
`integrated into the support or the speaker means.
`An entertainment device according to claim 14 wherein the screen is movable
`relative to the support between a raised, in~operative position and a lowered, operative


`WO 2005/096666


`WO 2005/096666


` International application No.
`Int. Cl. 7:
`H04R 5/033;
`Citation of document, with indication, where appropriate, of the relevant passages
` US 6 091 832 A (SHURMAN er a1) 18 July 2000
`See the whole document
` US 4 819 270 A (LOMBARDO) 4 April 1989See the whole document
` US 5 327 178 A (MCMANIGAL) 5 July 1994
` GB 2 254 725 A(WAT1‘S et al) 14 October 1992
`See the whole document
`E] Further documents are listed in the continuation ofBox C
`5°C patent family annex
`Special categories of cited documents:
`document defining the general shite of the art which is
`not considered to be ofpanicular relevance
`earlier application or patent but published on or afterthe
`international filing date
`See the whole document
`document which may throw doubts on priority olairn(s)
`orwhich is cited to establish the publication date of
`another citation or other special reason {as specified)
`33:6” mfining an era
`5c 0911“. "85' e
`document published prior to the international filing date
`but later tmthe -riori
`date claimed
`Accord' - to International Patent Classification [PC or to both national classification and [PC
`Wnimum documentation searched (classification system followed by classification symbols)
`Documentation searched other than minim documentation to the extent that such docmnents are included in the fields searched
`Electronic data base consulted during the international search (name ofdam base and, where practicable, search terms used)
`DWPI & keywords; Audio, Headphone, Speaker, Switch, Memory, Microphone, Add and similar terms
`Relevant to
`claim No.
`later document published am the international filing date or priority date and not in
`conflict with the application but cited to mdemtand the principle or decry
`underlying the invention
`document ofpartlcular relevance; the claimed invention cannot be considered novel
`or cannot be considered to involve an inventive step when the document is taken
`dooummt cfparticulcr relevance; the claimed invention cannot be ccmidercd to
`involve an inventive step when the document is combined with one or more other
`such documents, such combination being obvious to a person skilled in the art
`document member ofthe same patent family
`Date ofmailing ofthe intematioml search report
`Date of the actual completion ofthe intemational search
`5 1 MAY 20%
`23 May 2005
`Authorized oflicer
`Name and mailing address of the ISA/AU
`E-mail address:
`Facsimile N0. (02) 6285 3929
`Telephone No : (02) 6233 2442
`Form PCT/ISA/llo (second sheet) (January 2004)


`Information on patent family members
`International application No.
`This Annex lists the known "A" publication level patent family members relating to the patent documents cited in the
`abovomentioned international search report. The Australian Patent Office is in no way liable for these particulms
`which are motel
`- ivcn for the u . use of information.
`Patent Document Cited in
`Search chort
`Patent Family Mcmbcr
`Due to data integration issues this family listing may not include 10 digit Australian applications filed since May 2001.
`Form PCP/ISAlZlO (patcnt family annex) (January 2004)

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