`IN no: V~7l'tD STAns PATtNT A..~~ TRADtMA.R.K orne!
`In re application or.
`Serial No.. 081483,291 .
`Filed: June 7, 1995
`Bwniner: Jurnne Yu
`Group Art UDit: 3301
`Atlliitam ConuniNionar 1bt Parenti
`I ,Dr l..Mi M. l\'D.ddleman. hereby deelut u follo ... ;
`I am an ~m in m.ateriaJ uue uu:: MIKtion ofltllttriala for medical devicea. and I
`have special knowledgc or,tres.-incluced marta1sitc ("SIM"') alloy element ..
`Anached IS 5mbit A. I eoc1oae a copy ofmy curriculum vitae, .1m ofUnlted
`States patents for which lam III inventor, ud ,lilt of pubU'ItioDJ 1 have authored or c0-
`1 h4ve receiveQ .even p«tel1t. relatius to thl "" ot IDItCtills In medical devioce. all
`of which relate to tho ute of StM material.
`---- -----_."'.-..... _-
`' " . . ,
`r ·
`• :10
`. :!1:
`Edwards Exhibit 1019, p. 1


`I hold. B.A Dqtee in pbysi", which I obtained in only threo YUlI, &om Jow
`Hopk:ina UDiYer.ity in Baltimore.. Maryland., and I hold. Ph.D. i.n ph)llica, wbioh I obui.ned in
`only ftye yean. from Stword UrU\"erC~ ill SllIIfbrd, California. In my ftnt year or ~te
`achool. I Will one otthe rtw aci~ ~on Within the .malllUll"Gbw of recipient. ucticmv.1dc 01:511
`than 000 thousand) ofa WOodr01lf Wilton Fellowahip, an acadcm1~ fellowship buoci primarily aD
`grad ... iDterYiewa, aud tkalJty teCOII'Il'IICDdon5. In my ~ four yean of srGv.ate Khool,
`I wu me recipient offbur yearly National Science FoundatiOfl F.uOMhips. In academic
`feUowchip bued primarily on 8fIodeI and l'tIOOJJWendltiOtlli.
`I UI1 cWTCllulyemployed at Nellcor Puritaft Bennett Inc:orpollted in Plwanton.
`California (which has been rocemly ~td by M&Ilinclaodt Inc.). I hlve been employed at
`Nelloor ai:noe 1Sl91. My eurrettt job title i. VIce President, Product DeYelopment, Hoapi1l1
`ByRnl .. Group. Thb grouphu yearly ... of nwly $600,000,000. At Ne1Icor. 1 am ill oharse
`of the development ofmed1c&l <!eMcee fbr mpiratory irnpairtd paientl.
`PrfYiOUl to my current employmea.t, 1 wu employed Ifom 19"·1991 and ftom
`I 1
`i ,
`i. !,. ,
`I h·
`! l'
`j ...
`I "
`" ~
`1976-1983, at Raychem COt'pOl1l.tiou iD Meolo Par~ California (which hu since acId ccn.aln
`divisiON to Medtronic:;, I.o.o.ln Minneapou.. MitUluota, aDd ot\l!ihich Modtronio, lnG. is the
`wigDee oftbe subject patent Ipplication). My lut job $hle at Raychem WI. General Mauqer.
`Mtdic&I Vcntum. Amoaa my projectl at RIyc.bem. I worked on the developmem mci dcsJp of
`mcclic&l deviOO& employing shape memory aUoyt {"SMA"),lU1d in putlc:War SIM elementi and
`1 do not currently hive. Aaanda! reI~ with Medtronio, In,. or l\.aychei:r;
`.-":""'-----'-:"-'-" .. --: -.........
`!.". '.
`; ,"
`I' .
`> .
`i. , .
`Edwards Exhibit 1019, p. 2


`CorpQlltiOD CIlocpt on an occuional con5ulting basil for which I IUJ1 compenuted at ~ ulUal
`I am beiDtI <;O~ at my uaual colUUlting rate by Medtromc, Inc., for the
`colUuitina wort I !lave perlbrmed in preparing this Dedua1ion.
`to preparatiou for thi. dec:laration, I nMeweG tho abow-identified patent
`appUc:ation aad peneWts olaima, the 081~ ACtion dated September 11. 1997 for thil application,
`U.S. Patent No. 4,512.338 to BlIlco et aI. ("Balko"), U.S. Paler2t No. 4,485,805 fO Fot\Cr, Ir.
`("fOifer"), my Q\Vft u.S. Patent No. 5,231,989 to Middleman et aI. ("my '939 patent"), and the
`Seader article tram the Encyclopedia ofCbemioaJ Teclmolosy publicatioq ("s.4cr'").
`I willi in db, d~tion to oorrect .ome miKonceptiOJll uw appear in the office
`action dated Septemb.r 18, 1997. In short. I conclude th&l the Patent Offioe is incorrect iJlltCini
`1 O.
`that the claims of the IUbject Iervi. application ani obvioua in viow of Balko, Polter and Seader,
`and that th~ are obviou.1D view ofc:1aim. 1 and 2 ofmy '989 patent I have many technically
`bued reuona for this conclusion, which I will now preMftt.
`11. Fint, Balko dote not diaciote • ISWIDOry alloy tbrmed at leul plrtly from i
`pHUdodaa~ ab&pe memO:)' alloy that displays reversible ttr .... induaIci maneruite at about body
`temperatUre. r flJId no IUQ8ltiOft or teachiDs in Balko, Seader, Of' to mat" th, nhinol
`dilCloted in Balko &om a .tre ... ind~ IDIrtCZIaite alloy. Although nitiDol caD exhibit the
`-- - ~-.-" -.'- .. " .. - ...
`t· I
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`I I
`I' ,
`I ..
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`. "'.
`i '"
`j, I; "
`I ;, ! .~::
`I ' •.
`Edwards Exhibit 1019, p. 3


`properties olin 81M maleNJ. it can do 10 only lfit undergo .. a trqment prQCCN to make it
`exhibit th' propenie. of an SIM matena!. Tbit proce .. requlrn In tmealive, time conswnini.
`aud expensive ptOCacNre. Wbere is the suuestioJl in Balko or any of the other referencet to UK
`nitinol oxhibiting SIM be.blvior rather than leas expc:n,alve CODventional Nlt:lnol? Then is no wah
`suage.uon, arad Illy MKSh idea uo cm.Iy COIM from hfDdsiaht.
`Even if the nitinoJ in Balko were to IIdtibit 81M propertie .. there i. ao !JU88ellion
`or teac:hing in the rckmu:a that the SIM phenommoQ is to o«IW' In the tempcraCure range
`around the body temperature of a D1IIDlU1AI. lIiitiu.o1 can be tmted to exhibit SIM properti .. iD
`selected temperature I'II1iM u low II 0 desrea Ctlliu. or u hfsh u 60 d'fP"ii" ColIN.. Por the
`nitiDol to be effective In • nttdi~ claYtce, the SIM bcbavior mull be exhibited at tempmatutet
`wNch I mammalian body can tolerato (typiOilly 3.s dean- ecwua to 40 dearee. CDlIiWl). No
`IUch teac:hina it provided in the cited ~1.
`Purther, Balko requiRls a temperature dwIp to efFect • c::!wlao in It.I&e uU\.i.l:h1s
`SMA material.a(eee col. .s,Iin .. 57~1). !be lemperaWrt ch&n&e rceultt from body heatin& alone,
`or body b~ in fWomblnatioo with external heating. ThI1"l i. no IA.liPltioa in Balko or the
`other reft:rencea to UII nitinollliitbout a temperature chaftte. whether it be by belting the wot
`with body beat alone, Of 'W'Iwther it be by hea:dn8 tho _01 with body heat &Cd III extemal
`. hectin& IOUI'OIII.
`The leM. invautlon halliazWie&nt praWcII. advaataaQ wmpcuecl to what j.
`taufht by Balko. For the Bllko device, I doctor hailo rely on beatiq 1M Minai for it to work.
`Ifthfl doctor reJ.iea solely OD body beatiaa. thia 110W\11lp ch.,urs!ca1 J'I'OC*lure. NeedlClS to ... y,
`aDYthinj tbat alow. up • medic:&l proctdw'e I, undcairIbk in that the chance for w.c:tion and the
`".- - - ._.
`- ---.~'
`Edwards Exhibit 1019, p. 4


`• PAT&n'
`chance for adverwe patient nsacbOlUl iDc:.roue I. the length ofl medical proceWre incrIIueI. AlIO,
`a device thR rdiel on ~ htldna (0 chanp shape tldIibits inconsistent performance becau .. of
`the dependance on heatlna by the body, which rat. otheatinA WI dift'er ftom parieat-tOopaDe:Dt
`and Socm opemina room to oP«atin8 roOl11. I lmow ftoru penonal experience with SU1Ul'e1
`made of SMA mllteriab thd iDconaisterrc beatI.aa made the auturlS diftlcu1t to UN in &&l. opntiDt
`room. If the doctor baa to rely OD the altinol by means of 111 awmal heat!n.llOUlto, Ill.
`additional at'll i. added to the procedure and the pollibility of overbeating and i!UUlY is inonued.
`If electric hea.tiDg it uaed, thtre i ... potential f'cr electrU;1l sbodt or an electric burn to tho patient.
`In rpi~ orth"e dJl&dvantap of the Balko prooodure, there ~ no lSUiiestion in Balko or the
`other rcfe.rcncea of a medical device wbere tranafonna1iOI1 C'.In 0«\.It' without. chango In
`Ia view oftbc <litfertnceI diacuued above. i~ would not have been obviw.1t. the
`time the invention '\VII made in 1981 to b.tvi convened the nitiDOI ofBllko into an 81M matcril1
`and to have nmoved the bll1:i.ns atep.
`I am the 1avtntor ofilie Nbject matter claizned in United State. Patem Number
`5,231,989, ("my '989 pateftt"), iuued OD Aup 3, 1993. emltlw "St_able Cannula. "1l\Cl cited
`io the oftlcc lC1iOD dIted September 1 S, 1991, in lbo aubject application.
`The device m c:laimt I and 2 ofmy '989 pltent t\mctio!u very di!fereutly than the
`device clllirMd in the prtltllt lcnb application IUld doll not render it obvioUJ. I made my
`invention lons after lervis made bit invation. IDd in &ct, lC11"Yi. Patcmt Nwnbcr 4.66S,~ is cited.
`•• prior art on tbe COYer pap ofmy '9851 pit . . lbc dcvic;o in my '989 patent UJeI an e!utic
`member mado of. SIM material to bend or unbend a bendabl. fIlonaated tub, (''uaNtormlnf the
`: .;.
`Edwards Exhibit 1019, p. 5


`. ,
`.~ -'.
`·' . :J..
`' •
`elutic member from one shape to mother for ;onespondinsJy bendlns or UI1bendiDB the distal
`sesm= of the (elonpe) tubc," <_ clDlm l(e»). In contrast. the device in the claims of the
`Jervis appllcatfon Ulel a non-bendahle hollow placmDCl1t deviGa to bend and unbend a nmnory
`alloy made of a 81M material ("the hollow placement device msama the mCDlOl)' alloy
`e1emem ... so that the memory aIloy element il in ita deformed shape" (lee claim 21». Th8lO are
`) diametrioally oppo.ed
`To clearly allow the ditferentes between the '989 patent and the prennt JerYit
`invention. attached herewith u Exhibit B are driwiDal of tho devlce ofthc 'W9 paknt and tho
`devige of'the preseat Iem, invwntion ahowiag how the lCspcdive devices look before and after
`In \'iew oftN! slpificant diff.ereoce betweoD the praent Jcms invention arJd my
`'989 Patent. the Qlaimed Jervis invention is not obvious over o1aims 1 and 2 oi'my '989 pIlent,
`I fiuthtr deolarc that all ~ made hen!iD of'my OWO knowledge &nI true. aad that
`Bll 8Wemeatl made on information tmd belief"" believed to be tNe, and further that thwe
`IWementI were made with the knowledgo that willWl f41sc statements and the like 10 made are
`puoWtable by fine or Imprisonment. or both. WIder the provWons of 18 U.S,C. 11001, and that
`8IJOh willful fIllO lUitementl may jeopardize the validity of this appUc&tion and lIlY patent or
`patents resulq thercftvm.
`t l
`reA:iL ~
`MI' 1'"
`r Dfalwpd
`-----'--.:-- ---. -:-.... :-.• ---
`-.-.. -
`. . -
`Edwards Exhibit 1019, p. 6


`LEE M. M1DDL~, PhD-
`16 Coalmine View
`Portola Va11ey. CA 94OZ8
`• Strong ~bep:teiieuria1 experience in startup coMpanieS and within large corporations.
`• Over twenty-five years experience creating and directi:ng product development leading to
`many lumdn!ds of millions of dollars of highly profitable new business.
`SUoC.'C.'SSSful marbt ~tIp~ J.eiu;UDg to new applications for proprietary technologies. thus-
`defining:new business opportwWies. _
`• Broad C2n!eI' in a ~ range of products and IeChnoJogiet. d.iJ'ec:t:iI'8 manufaduring,
`marlcetiftg, and development.
`. :
`1991 • present
`V"lCe President.. Product Development, Iiospital Busine$S GroUp (1995 • present)
`Nellcor PuritaJ) Bennett Inmrporated" Pl~ CA
`• Currendy direc:ti:ng the prcduct development for the $5OO-mDllon Hospital Business Group'
`including sensors, monitors, ventilatcns, ami OEM products (200 people at four sites)
`• Led the integration team that mexged tile $1(x)"mWion Bennett Oivisiota into Hospita1~
`Group, iI1iduding R&D, ~keting, and manufacturing. Was reSponsible for site and
`personrtel consolidation ctedslons and ~tiona1 stJUCture rec:ommeIId.atlons.
`• Directed the integration of Infrasonics., Inc., a $25-miUion ventUator mmpany, into the
`HOspItal Gtoup..
`• Set new, aggt slve time-to-madcet, schedule aCU.eU;i...e. and ccx:;s targets for all
`Hospital development projects, while re6udng direct R&~ expenses from 6., to ,If,.
`Vice President aDd Ceneral Mana&er. Sensors!lncl Monitoring Systems Olvision (1994 • 1995)
`• Managed produd development and manufadurlng for the $2so-million patient
`monitoring and accesaories division. -
`• Focused renewed e:xecUtlve interest in manuf'acturing strategy disaster remvery
`plan$, inventory amtroL and performanc.'e metrics.
`• Strengthened interaction between manulac:turlng and develo~t to ensute that both
`rapid and manufact:urabillty goab were met.
`Seaior TecluIlcaI DIrectar, Sensor and OEM Diviston (1991 -1994)
`• Cleated product develoPment strategy for new divi$iott. Redirected the existing sensor
`developmcilt team to ~ on a few ptojeds of significant impaCt to business.
`• ~ the perfol'll'lana! upgrade of the major sensor product line ($150 million business),
`while introcludng four new products..
`• Established ~ researd\ group to develop new optoelectronic-~ sensors and. fibeM>ptic:
`based products.
`• Was n:3pOmib1e for OEM eIectnmk: module product development including hardware and
`so~ development
`• ~ a technical team of 40 engineers.. ~ and technidans in electronic
`baniware, software, optoel~nics, ~ design, and chemistry.
`Edwards Exhibit 1019, p. 7


`Cca.cral Manager.. MedItaI VealDftS (1989 - 1991)'
`Raydtem Corporation, Menlo Park, CA
`• Pedormed en in-depth analysis of the mediCal device markets. Identified Raydum
`ted't:noJogies that could impact treads in these market&.
`• Created the business plan for entry into the surgic:al instrument market. For cash flow'
`reasons, Rayehem licensed the technology and patents to a major mecUcaJ company.
`• Disclosed twenty-fourinventions using Raychem technologies. Awazded seven
`patents. Ad<litiDnal patent applications were filed.
`.• Ditected an engineering team to design and construct prototypeS for aniJnal and dinical
`Dim:tor of T~ Corporate Tec:hnology QlvIslon (19&;-- 1989)
`• ~ the departments pezCosudng materials research and, product development in:
`three key Raychem technologles: conductlve polymers, elecbo .. Jc ceramics. and.:.
`optical materials..
`• Performed tedmica1 iISSI!!lSmeI\t of technologies and projects of potential quisition
`,Established and led the program in direct support of a major', :new, inte:mll
`. Via: Praidmt" Re5earch. and Development
`Taliq Corporation" Mountain."vieW, CA
`• Led a technical'effort which took a'new, Iiqu~ display &om laboratory demo to
`a characterized materials technology with demonstrated reliability and environmental
`• A~ and hired a &trong ~ team for this new corporation to peifoaut
`hardware and software dewlopment, materials and pCKeSiS development.. and
`manulacturingen~, Managed thcprototype~ .
`• Performed exploratory marketing for UghtooShutter appJJ.cations of this technology~
`Oi.rectot of Technologies, Corporate Technology Division (1982-1983)"
`Raychen\ Corporation, Menlo Park" CA
`• Oin!cted research.and developrnestt In the three major t8chnologtes of the corporation
`with a ~ of 90 ~ti5ts and engineeis.
`• Produced ~ i:mplemented the strategic plan for mature ~ new tecMologies.
`Stratgthened the pogram by fOcusing n:sou.rces on the most pomising projects: conductive
`~lymers, eledrod:Iemistry" and elastk:-Jr&eD'iOry polymerS;.
`Tcclmica1 Dlrectat, Corporate Technology Division (1980-1982)-
`• Provided tedlnic:alleadership and g,eneraI management to 35 sc::ientist8 and engineers
`in a major, proprietary eJec:tronic materials .technology. conductive polymer composites.
`• Created a new department to develop in-house capabiUl¥ in COIJ.'PUb!r-aided design.,
`pr<?duct/mateJ'ials mode~g. and ~k:s ~ design.
`Edwards Exhibit 1019, p. 8


`•. ~1~~~ ..... ,~.~ .... ~I"It' ~--~6·1-r"-7 .. .--.:eq'i:::S4€U(¥'.~2£3-A'n? ~
`-:.-- ~.~ _ ~-~ __ .
`'""!e~ ~\t1-··-~.~ F~,_- ~~"-£:
`_",_~,_.~:'r:'~.,.--'- r:--~" ~~ Ia: Qa.;:a ~I .'
`( -
`DeputmeDt Manager, -PolySwi~.~ om -1980)
`• Conclelved and redw:ed ~ pradice a unique dectronic switch· for cm:rload protection of
`Jow--voJ.tage circuits.. Was awaided 5 bask: US patents on produds developed.·
`• Built and ~ the .~1 C 2.55f;4 PolySwitdl product deftlopment and manulac:turint
`engineering team· W people).
`• Wor~ with marketing aJ\Cl -= tams, created a business plan and petfonned market
`research leeding to the laundUng of a new product division ($4()O-million sales, 1997).
`Vb PretidCPt aDd Co-~
`Nuclear Semiconductor. Inc., Mountain VIeW, CA (now a di'Wsion of Thenno Instnmcilts.)
`•. Co-founded Nuclear SemIconductor, Inc.; in 19'10 to develop ultra-high-performance
`semiconduCtor radiation detectors. Made the key technical contributions. Direc:Rd the
`technical development. Established researdlJaboratDries and manufacturing faci1itis
`• Directed the successful intrOdudionof state-of-the-art products incluc:ting X-ray· .
`fIuon:scence analyzers and ~ fur use in materials analysis (S3-miDion sales, 1976):
`1970 - 1976--
`PUBLICATIONS: Twenty one·.uS patents granted; four additional US patent applications and many foreign
`patent applications filed. fifteen publications.
`. EDUCATION: . ~D PhySics, Stanford University. Stanford, California
`Woodrow Wilson Fellow. National Science Foundation Fellow
`BA Physics, Johns Hopkins Ulliversity, Baltimore. MarylaDcl
`Edwards Exhibit 1019, p. 9


`us 3,963,922 "X-Ray Fluorescence Device," June IS, 1976
`US 4,238,812 "Circuit Protection Devices Comprising PTe Elements," December 9, 1980
`US 4,276,466 "Heater with Distributed Heater Element." June 30, 1981
`US 4,315,237 "PTe Devices Comprising Oxygen Barriet:' Layers," February 9,1982
`US4,317,()27 "Circuit Protection Devices," February 23,1982
`US 4,329,726 ''Circuit Protection Devices Comprising PTe Elements," May 11,1982
`US 4,352,()83 "Circuit Protection Devices," September 28,1982
`US 4,379,220 "Method of Heating Uquid," AprilS, 1983
`US 4,413,301 ''Cirruit Protection Devices Comprising PrC Elements," November 1, 1983
`US 4,450,496 "Protection of Certain Electrical Systems by Use of PTe Devices," May 22, 1984
`US 4,475,138 "Circuit Protection Devices Comprising PTe Element," October 2,1931
`US 4,904,850 "Laminar Electrical Heaters," February 27, 1990
`US S,002,563 "Sutures Utilizing Shape Memory Alloys," March 26,1991
`US 5,231,989 "SteerabJe Cannula," August 3,1993
`US 5,345,937 ''Steerable Cannula," September 13, 1994
`US 5,469,845 "Disposable Pulse Oximeter Sensor," November 28, 1995
`US 5,486,183 "Device or Apparatus for Manipulating Matter," January 23,1996
`US 5,509,923 "Device for Di.ssecting.Grasping, or Cutting an Object," April 23, 1996
`US 5,601,5'72 "Device or Apparatus for Manipulating Matter Having an Elastic Ring Oip,"
`February 11, 1997
`US 5,632,746 UOevice or Apparatus for Manipulating Matter,'" May 27, 1997
`US 5,678,544 "Disposable Pulse Oximeter Sensor," October 21, 1991.
`One additional patent anowed. Many foreign filings.
`Five new patent applications awaiting exaJnmation.
`Edwards Exhibit 1019, p. 10


`"Electron-Induced Fission in U-238, Bi-209 and Ta-181", H. R. Bowman, et Ill,
`The PhYsical Review, 168,4, pp. 1396-1398 (1968).
`"Electron and Bremsstrahlung Induced Fission of Heavy and Medium Heavy
`Nuclei", L G. Moretto, et al, The Physical Review, 179,4, pp. 1176-1187 (1969).
`''Unearity and Resolution of Semiconductor Radiation Detectors", H. R. Zulliger,
`D. W. Aitken, and L. M. Middleman, mEE Trans. Nucl. Sci., N~16, 47 (1969).
`"Measurement of Cross Section for X-Ray Production by High-Energy Electrons",
`L. M. Middleman, R. L. Ford, and R. Hofstadter, The Physical Review, 2,4, pp. 1429-
`14443 (1970).
`"Properties of Ion-hnplanted Silicon Detectors", H.R. Zulliger, W. E. Drummond
`and L. M. Middleman,. IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci., N~19, 3 (1972).
`"Trace Element Analysis in Specimens Using an Energy Dispersive Spectrometer
`Mounted on a Scanning Electron Microscope", L. M. Middleman and J. D. Geller,
`Sg,nning Electron Microscopel19Z6, O. Johari (ed) (1976).
`"Conductive Polymer Composites and Their Application in Current Control
`Devices", L. M. Middleman, invited paper, XII Colloque National,.Groupe Francais
`des Polymeres, November 22-24, 1982, Monpelier, France.
`"Electron Transport Processes in Conductive-Filled Polymers", R. D. Sherman,
`L M. Middleman, and S. M. Jacobs, Polymer Engineering and Scierice,2J, No.1, pp.
`36-43 (1983).
`"Static Fatigue of Optical Fibers in Bending", D. Roberts, E. Cuellar,
`L. M. Middleman, and J. Zucker, SPIE Symposium on Optoelectronics and Fiber
`Optics Applications in Science and Engineering, Cambridge, Massachusetts,
`September 21-26, 1986.
`Effect of Buffer Coating on Static Fatigue of Optical Fibers in Bending", E. Cuellar,
`D. Roberts, and L M .. Middleman, Optical Fiber Communication/International
`Optics and Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC/IOCX::'87), Reno,
`Nevada, January 19-22, 1987.
`Edwards Exhibit 1019, p. 11


`''Static Fatigue Lifetime of Optical Fibers in Bending", E, Cuellar, D. Roberts, and
`L. M. Middleman, Annual Military Fiber Optics and .Communications Conference,
`Washington, D.C., March 16-19, 1987.
`"Bimodal Flaw Distrlbution in Optical Fiber and its Effect on Static Fatigue",
`D. Roberts, E. Cuellar, L. M. Middleman, O. Nelson, and J. Ritter, Annual Meeting
`of the American Ceramic Society, Pitts~urgh, PA, April 26-30, 1987.
`"Static Fatigue of Optical Fibers in Bending.n Effect of Humidity and Proof Stress of
`Static Fatigue Lifetimes", D. Roberts, E. Cuellar, and L. M. Middleman, SPIE
`Symposium on Fiber Optics and Integrated Optoelectronics (SPIE's o.E/Fibers "87),
`San Diego, CA., August 16-21, 1987.
`''Improvements in Optical Fiber Reliability via High Fatigue Resistant
`Composition", S. T. Gulati, J. D. He1finstine, and G. S. "Glaesemann (Coming Glass
`Works) and D. R. Roberts, E. Cuellar, and L. M. Middleman, SPIE Symposium on
`Fiber Optics and Integrated Optoelectronics (SPIE's O-E/Fibers), San Diego, CA.,
`August 16-21, 1987.
`""Design Requirements for Optical Fiber in Bending", D. R. Roberts, E. Cueller, and
`L. Middleman, SPIE Proceedings of Fiber Optics Reliability: Benign and Adverse
`Environments m, Boston, MA., September 5-7, 1989.
`Edwards Exhibit 1019, p. 12


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`Edwards Exhibit 1019, p. 13

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