`University of Florida
`College of Pharmacy
`Department of Pharmaceutics
`1600 SW Archer Road
`Gainesville, Florida 32610
`Office: (352) 273-7868
`E mail:
`Presently on the faculty at the University of Florida College of Pharmacy in the Department of
`Author of over 80 publications and presentations on pharmaceutics, intellectual property, dosage
`forms, dissolutions, pharmacy education and the history of pharmacy.
`Has interacted extensively with USAN and WHO to obtain non-proprietary names for Pharmacia and
`Upjohn. Past Chairman of the USAN Council. Presently on the USAN review board. Consultant and
`Expert Witness on patent litigation involving dose forms, excipients, bioequivalence, and dissolution for
`numerous litigations. Expert witness before the Office of Generic Drugs.
`Twenty-five years of progressive responsibilities in an intellectual property management and
`technology transfer position coupled with fifteen years as a professor of pharmaceutics at major
`universities. Demonstrated and proven ability to set a vision, goals and direction of a department.
`Demonstrated leadership skills in a departmental and organizational setting. President of a national
`scientific academy and a major inter-fraternal organization including setting a vision and goals for
`these organizations during a critical growth period.
`Successfully led projects across management lines where reporting relationships were often difficult
`to establish, no precedent existed and the use of creative problem solving and communication skills
`were necessary.
`Associate Scholar of Pharmaceutics
` Responsibilities include instructing graduate and undergraduate students in clinical
`biochemistry, dose form design, sustained release and dissolution.
` Graduate Student Coordinator for Pharmaceutics and member of Graduate Studies
` Member of numerous research committees for graduate students


`Page 2 of 13
` Curator, College of Pharmacy Museum
`Assistant Scholar of Pharmaceutics
` Responsibilities include instructing graduate and undergraduate students in clinical
`biochemistry, dose form design, sustained release and dissolution.
` Graduate Student Coordinator for Pharmaceutics and member of Graduate Studies
` Member of numerous research committees for graduate students
` Curator, College of Pharmacy Museum
`2011 – 2012
`Clinical Assistant Professor of Pharmaceutics
`2006 - 2011
` Responsibilities include instructing graduate and undergraduate students in clinical
`biochemistry, dose form design, sustained release and dissolution.
` Graduate Student Coordinator for Pharmaceutics and member of Graduate Studies
` Member of numerous research committees for graduate students
` Curator, College of Pharmacy Museum
`2000 - 2006
`Assistant Director, Office Technology Licensing
` Adjunct Professor of Pharmaceutics
`Interacting with faculty in the College of Pharmacy, College of Medicine, Chemistry
`Department and others on a daily basis to discuss experiments, experimental design and
`evaluation of results.
` Evaluating the University’s intellectual property portfolio in the life sciences and providing
`assistance in the protection and marketing of this intellectual property.
` Negotiating and drafting license agreements, option agreements, stock agreements, materials
`transfer agreements, confidential disclosure agreements and/or providing guidance and
`oversight in the drafting of such agreements.
` Coordinating licensing activities with the intake of new invention disclosures and with the
`patent prosecution of new disclosures.
` Managing the University’s active licenses and contractual obligations in the assigned areas in
`the life sciences.
`PHARMACIA & UPJOHN, Kalamazoo, Michigan
`Manager, Technology Protection
` Daily interactions with dose form scientists assisting in evaluation of various dosage forms.
` Managed three Ph.D. professionals responsible for providing accurate, critically evaluated,
`concise, strategic patent information concerning company and competitor patents.
` Evaluated commercial potential of inventions, and educated the scientific community on
`intellectual property issues. Assisted in determining patentability of inventions from a
`scientific standpoint.


`Page 3 of 13
` Made decisions and recommendations on filing worldwide patents, USAN names, INN
`names. Reviewed publications prior to release outside of the company.
` Evaluated competitor patented compounds and technologies as potential acquisitions. Also
`evaluated patents considered for in-licensing and served on numerous corporate committees
`such as the US patent committee, the US Trademark Committee and various process
`improvement teams.
` Copyright transfer agent.
`Manager, Technology Protection and Tracking
`Manager, Intellectual Property and Research Contracts
`1994 – 1996
`1992 – 1994
`Responsibilities included patent decisions, manuscript review, negotiation of scientific and
`monetary terms for research and scientific collaborations between Upjohn, other companies,
`academia and government agencies.
`Manager, Intellectual Property, The Upjohn Company
`Senior Patent Liaison Scientist, The Upjohn Company
`Associate Professor of Pharmaceutics (Tenured)
`Assistant Professor of Pharmaceutics
`1988 – 1992
`1984 – 1988
`1975 – 1984
` Dose Form Design
` Physical Pharmacy
` Dissolution
` Calculations
` Pharmacy Seminar
` Problems in Pharmacy
` Biopharmaceutics and Pharmacokinetics
` Member of numerous PhD students research committees
` Executive Board, Elim Pediatric Pharmaceuticals
` Faculty Governance Council, College of Pharmacy
` Graduate Student Coordinator, Pharmaceutics Department
` Graduate Studies Committee
` College of Pharmacy Admissions Committee, University of Florida
` Curator, College of Pharmacy Museum
` Led major review of College of Pharmacy Graduate Programs
` Chair Contributed Papers Section, AIHP
` Chair APRS Basic Pharmaceutics Section, APRS
` Chair-elect APRS Basic Pharmaceutics Section, APRS


`Page 4 of 13
` Chair-elect, Contributed Papers Section, Am. Inst. History of Pharmacy.
` Councilor, American Institute History of Pharmacy
`International Officer, Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity
` Member at-large Basic Pharmaceutics Section, APRS
` Plainwell School Board: Vice President and Treasurer
` President, Academy of Pharmaceutical Research and Sciences
` Councilor, American Institute for the History of Pharmacy
` Chairman-Elect, Academy of Pharmaceutical Research and Science
` Member, Industrial Advisory Board, University of Rhode Island
` Member, Industrial Advisory Board, Creighton University
` Chairman, Basic Pharmaceutical Sciences Section APRS-APhA
` President, College Fraternity Editors Association
` President-elect, College Fraternity Editors Association
` Secretary, College Fraternity Editors Association
` Treasurer, College Fraternity Editors Association
` Member of the Board of Directors, College Fraternity Editors Association (1983-1990)
` Secretary, Faculty Senate, University of Wyoming
` Editor, The Mask of Kappa Psi, a quarterly magazine, circulation 15,000 (1980-1984)
` Member of various university committees such as the Vice-President for Finance Search
`Committee, Research Coordination, Health Sciences College Review, University
`Development, Promotion and Tenure.
` Chairman of University of Wyoming Graduate School Committee.
` Academy of Pharmaceutical Research and
` American Association of Pharmaceutical
` American Pharmaceutical Association
` Sigma Xi
` American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy
` College Fraternity Editors
` American Institute of the History of
` Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity
` Rho Chi
` Editor, Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
` USAN Review Board
` USAN Council, Chair 2009-12
` Chair, Special Interest Group, History of Pharmacy, AACP
` Secretary, Pharmaceutics Section, American Association of Colleges
`of Pharmacy


`Page 5 of 13
` Editorial Advisory Board, Journal of the American Pharmacist
` Editorial Advisory Board, Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical
` Editorial Advisory Board, Research Journal of Pharmaceutical
`Biological and Chemical Sciences
` Reviewer for a variety of scientific journals
` APhA Handbook of Pharmaceutical Excipients, 2nd, 4th & 5th Edition, Steering Committee
` APhA Handbook of Pharmaceutical Excipients 3rd ed., Laboratory Chairman
` APhA Scientific Affairs Reference Committee Chairman
` Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity, various national committees
`(1980 -present)
` APhA Scientific Affairs Policy Committee Chairman
` APRS Policy Committee, Chairman
` APRS Policy Committee, Vice-Chairman
` APhA Policy Advisory Committee
` APhA Reference Committee on Scientific Affairs, Chairman
` APRS Policy Committee, Vice-Chairman
` AIHP Committee on Membership
` AAPS Professional Affairs Committee
` APhA Policy Committee on Educational Affairs
` APS Professional Affairs Committee
` APS Committee on Public Affairs
` CFEA Membership Committee, Chairman
` College Fraternity Editors Long-Range Planning Committee
` AIHP Committee on Nominations
` APS Committee on Resolutions
` AIHP Committee on Preservation of Sources, Chairman
` AACP Council of Sections Administrative Board, Representative from the
`Pharmaceutics Sections
` APS Monograph Committee for the Handbook of
`Pharmaceutical Excipients (1977-1983)
` Academy of Pharmaceutical Sciences Dissolution Methodology Committee (1977)
` A. Richard Bliss Award presented by Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity
`for sustained Contributions to the Profession
` Teacher of the Year Finalist
` Fellow, APhA Academy of Pharmaceutical Sciences
` Editor Emeritus, THE MASK of Kappa Psi
` College Fraternity Editor's Association, Ford Award


`Page 6 of 13
`for outstanding service
` University of Rhode Island, College of Pharmacy Leadership Award
` Adjunct Professor, Creighton University School of Pharmacy
` PMA Faculty Fellow
` Lederle Pharmacy Faculty Award
` University of Wyoming Faculty Professional Growth Award
` Bristol Award
` Rhode Island
` Georgia
` University of Rhode Island, B.S. Pharmacy
` University of Rhode Island, M.S. Pharmacy
` University of Georgia, Ph.D. Pharmaceutics
` Dose Form Design
` Dissolution
` Pharmaceutical Patents
` Microencapsulation and Other Sustained Release Delivery Systems
` Drug Release from Suppositories
` History of Pharmacy
` Development of Student Experiments for the Laboratory
` Development and Evaluation of Student Admission Methods
`Industrial Academic Interactions
` Covey Seven Habits of Highly Effective People Training
` Career Development Workshop
` Assertiveness Training
` Problem-Solving and Decision-Making
` Perceptive Management
` Pharmacology Review
` Coaching, Counseling, Communications and Conflict Management
` Communications and Problem-Solving


`Page 7 of 13
` Summer Research Fellowship, The University of Wyoming, 1976.
` Sandoz Research Grant Dissolution of Suppositories, 1982.
` Various travel grants to attend national and international meetings.
`1. Palmieri, A., Intellectual Property and the Pharmaceutical Scientist - A View from the Other Side,
`AM. J. PHARM. ED., 53:353-355 (1989).
`2. Palmieri, A., Dissolution of Suppositories V: Effect of Aging on Aspirin Release from
`Polyethylene Suppositories with and without Crospovidone, DRUG DEV. IND. PHARM.,
`12:1477 (1986).
`3. Palmieri, A., Dissolution of Suppositories IV: Effect of Povidone on Aspirin Release from PEG
`Bases, DRUG DEV. IND. PHARM., 10:137 (1984).
`4. Palmieri, A., John C. Davis, Sr., Portrait of a Rocky Mountain Drug Wholesaling Pioneer,
`ANNALS OF WYOMING, 55(2): 33 Fall (1983).
`5. Palmieri, A., Dissolution of Suppositories III: Effect of Povidone on Acetaminophen Release
`from PEG Suppositories, DRUG DEV. IND. PHARM., 421 (1983).
`6. Palmieri, A., Dissolution of Suppositories and Acetaminophen Release, PHARMACEUTICAL
`TECHNOLOGY, 6(6): 70 (1982).
`7. Palmieri, A. and Humberson, C., Medical Incidents in the Life of Dr. John H. Finfrock, ANAL
`OF WYOMING, 53(2): 64 Fall 1981.
`8. Palmieri, A., Suppository Dissolution Testing: Apparatus Design and Release of Aspirin, DRUG
`DEV. IND. PHARM., 7:247 (1981).
`9. Palmieri, A., A Review of Oxidative Stability of Pharmaceutically Important Compounds,
`ASIAN J. PHARM. SCI., 2:3 (1980).
`10. Palmieri, A., Microencapsulation and Dissolution Parameters of Undecenovanillylamide - A
`Potential Coyote Deterrent, J. PHARM. SCI., 68:1561 (1979).
`11. Palmieri, A., Multivariate Prediction of Academic Success of Transfer Students II: Evaluation of
`the Predictor Equations, AM. J. PHARM. ED., 43:110 (1979).
`12. Palmieri, A., An Undergraduate Experiment in Biopharmaceuticals: The Serum and Urine Assay


`Page 8 of 13
`of Ampicillin Generics, AM. J. PHARM. ED., 43:21 (1979).
`13. Palmieri, A., Drug Therapy at a Frontier Fort Hospital, PHARMACY IN HISTORY, 21:31
`14. Palmieri, A., Effect of Dissolved Oxygen Levels on the Oxidative Degradation of Pyrogallol, J.
`PHARM. SCI. 67:1338 (1978).
`15. Palmieri, A., Dissolution of Prednisone Microcapsules in Conditions Simulating the pH of the GI
`Tract, CAN. J. PHARM. SCI., 12:88 (1977).
`16. Palmieri, A., Production of a Coacervate Film for Microcapsule Diffusion Studies, DRUG
`17. Palmieri, A., A Model for Multivariate Prediction of Academic Success of Transfer Studies in
`Pharmacy School, AM. J. PHARM. ED., 41:264 (1977).
`18. Palmieri, A., Lausier, J.M. and Paruta, A.N., Utilization of Deaeration Via Gas Permeation and
`Oxidative Stabilization of Pyrogallol, DRUG DEVELOPMENT COMMUNICATIONS, 2:171
`19. Palmieri, A. and Sternson, L.A., A Student Experiment in Biopharmaceutics: The Effect on the
`Enzymatic Oxidation of Xanthine by Xanthine Oxidase, AM. J. PHARM. ED., 38:541 (1974).
`1. Pharmaceutical Coatings, Edible Films and Coatings for Food and Other Applications, Chapter 12:
`Overview of Pharmaceutical Coatings Elizabeth A. Baldwin, Ed. CRC Press, 2012
`2. Dissolution Theory, Methodology and Testing. Editor and contributor, Dissolution Technologies,
`3. Numerous Monographs for the Handbook of Pharmaceutical Excipients. 1980-present.
`4. Voices, A History of the College Fraternity Editors Association, 1998
`5. Thirty Years of Scientific Excellence: the American Pharmaceutical Association Academy of
`Pharmaceutical Research and Science, 1965-1995. APhA (1996).
`6. Handbook of Pharmaceutical Excipients, Am. Pharm. Assoc., Chairman US Steering Committee,


`Page 9 of 13
`7. Palmieri, A., Introduction to Pharmacokinetics, Pharmat, Inc. - A Continuing Education Course
`for Pharmacists, Vol. VIII, #16. This course has been updated and formatted for use on the IBM-
`PC (1986).
`8. Palmieri, A. and Luzzi, L.A., "Pharmaceutical Applications of Microcapsules", Chapter 1 in
`Biomedical Applications of Microcapsules, F. Lim, ed., CRC Text (1984).
`9. Palmieri, A., "Wyoming" in the Dictionary of American Medical Biography, M. Kaufman, ed.,
`Greenwood Press (1984).
`10. Palmieri, A. and Price, J.C., Microencapsulation: New Techniques and Applications, Chapter 8,
`"Microencapsulation of Drugs Suspended in Oil, Preparation and Evaluation of Prednisone and
`Hydrocortisone Microcapsules", T. Kondo, ed., Techno, Inc. (1979).
`1. Palmieri, A., Academic Industrial Interactions. Presented at major conferences, Universities and
`pharmacy schools.
`2. Palmieri A., Opportunities for Collaboration Between Academics and Industry. How to Improve
`Your Chances of Funding, AAPS, November, 1995.
`3. Palmieri, A., The Challenges Posed by Mergers and Acquisitions in the Pharmaceutical Industry,
`An Industrial Perspective, AACP Meeting of Chairs, November 1995.
`4. Palmieri, A., Kalamazoo Celery Patent Medicines, American Institute for the History of
`Pharmacy, March 1995.
`5. Palmieri, A. Patents and Inventions, American Chemical Society Great Lakes and Central Joint
`Meeting, June 1994.
`6. Palmieri, A., A Comparison of Ayer's Almanacs, 1880-1894, Am. Institute of the History of
`Pharmacy, March 1, 1994.
`7. Palmieri, A., Academic Industrial Interactions, APRS, March 1994.
`8. Palmieri, A., Patent Considerations in Material Transfer Agreement, American Society of
`Pharmacy Law, Dallas, TX, March 1993.
`9. Palmieri, A., Patents and the Industrial-Academic Interface, University of Rhode Island, October
`1992, Duquesne 1995, Creighton 1993.
`10. Palmieri, A., Industry-Academic Interactions, Vanderbilt University, August 1992. University of
`Georgia, 1993.


`Page 10 of 13
`11. Palmieri, A., Biotechnology Drug Development, Distinguished lecturer, Society of Sigma Xi,
`University of Tennessee, Memphis, May 1992.
`12. Palmieri, A., Patents, University of Tennessee, Memphis TN, May 1992.
`13. Palmieri, A., Emerging Trends in Biotechnology Drug Development, Sanford University, October
`14. Palmieri, A., Dose Form Patents; presented to Upjohn Drug Delivery Worldwide Conference,
`Sept 1991.
`15. Palmieri, A., Transformation of the Pharmaceutical Sciences, 1941-1991, a symposium,
`American Institute for the History of Pharmacy, New Orleans, March 11, 1991.
`16. Palmieri, A., Biotechnology Rationing - A Scientific Perspective, Seminar-by-the-Sea, Newport,
`RI, February 28, 1991.
`17. Palmieri, A., Conference moderator, Globalization of Pharmaceuticals, Washington, DC, Sept.
`13-14, 1990.
`18. Palmieri, A., Biotechnology, Scientific Considerations for the Pharmacist, University of
`Wyoming Continuing Education, August 1990.
`19. Palmieri, A., Material Transfer Agreements, Statement of Investigator Forms, PMA-NIH
`Meeting, Washington, D.C., March 1990.
`20. Palmieri, A., Intellectual Property and the Pharmaceutical Scientist - One Traitors Perspective.
`Symposium at the Am. Assoc. of Colleges of Pharmacy, Portland, Oregon, July 9, 1989.
`21. Palmieri, A., Intellectual Property in Industry, Duquesne University, March 1989.
`22. Palmieri, A., Seminar on Patents and Publications, Control Division of Upjohn, November 7,
`23. Palmieri, A., Seminar on Patents in the Pharmaceutical Sciences, Duquesne University School of
`Pharmacy, October 1986.
`24. Palmieri, A., Influence of Aging on Aspirin Release from PEG Suppositories with and without
`Crospovidone, APS, Montreal, 1984.
`25. Palmieri, A., The Hamlin Wizard Oil Songbook - An Example of Early Twentieth Century
`Advertising, AIHP, Montreal, 1984.


`Page 11 of 13
`26. Palmieri, A., John C. Davis, Sr.: Portrait of a Rocky Mountain Drug Wholesaling Pioneer, 1901-
`1909, AIHP, New Orleans, 1983.
`27. Palmieri, A., Dissolution of Suppositories IV: Effect of Crospovidone on Aspirin Release from
`PEG Bases, APS, New Orleans, 1983.
`28. Palmieri, A., Dissolution from Suppositories, Fifteenth Annual Industrial Pharmacy Conference,
`Madison, Wisconsin, 1982.
`29. Palmieri, A., Patent Medicine Advertising, Annual Meeting of the Wyoming Pharmaceutical
`Association, Cheyenne, WY, 1982.
`30. Palmieri, A., Dissolution of Suppositories III: Effect of Crospovidone on Acetaminophen
`Release, APS Meeting, Las Vegas, 1982.
`31. Palmieri, A. and Humberson, C., An Early Wyoming Ranch Medicine Kit, AIHP Meeting, Las
`Vegas, 1982.
`32. Palmieri, A., Dissolution of Suppositories II: Acetaminophen Release from PEG Bases and
`Commercially Available Bases, APS Meeting, St. Louis, MO, 1981.
`33. Palmieri, A. and Humberson, C., Dr. John H. Finfrock, Laramie's First Physician and Druggist,
`AIHP, St. Louis, MO, 1981.
`34. Palmieri, A. and Hunter, R., A Student Experiment in Biopharmaceutics - Ampicillin, American
`Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, Boston, 1980.
`35. Palmieri, A., Suppository Dissolution Testing I: Apparatus Design and Validation, APS Meeting,
`Washington, D.C., 1980.
`36. Palmieri, A. and Ballek, J., Health Care in Pioneer Wyoming, AIHP, Washington, D.C. 1980.
`37. Palmieri, A., Early Wyoming Medicine, Laramie Westerners, 1979.
`38. Palmieri, A., Comparison of Urban and Rural Drug Information Centers: Utilization and
`Personnel, Academy of Pharmacy Practice, Anaheim, CA, 1979.
`39. Palmieri, A., Frontier Medicine, Laramie County Historical Society, 1979.
`40. Palmieri, A., Microencapsulation and Dissolution Parameters of Undecenovanillyamide - A
`Potential Coyote Deterrent, APS Meeting, 1979.
`41. Palmieri, A., A Frontier Fort Hospital: Fort Laramie, Wyoming Territory, 1870-1889, AIHP
`Annual Meeting, Montreal, 1978.


`Page 12 of 13
`42. Palmieri, A., Effect of Dissolved Oxygen Levels on the Oxidative Degradation of Pyrogallol,
`APS Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, 1977.
`43. Palmieri, A., Dissolution of Prednisone Microcapsules in Conditions, Simulating The pH of the
`GI Tract, APhA-APS Meeting, NY, 1977.
`44. Palmieri, A., A Model for Multivariate Prediction of Academic Success of Transfer Students in
`Pharmacy Schools, Annual Meeting of District 7, NABP-AACP, Casper, WY, 1976.
`45. Harelik, J., Palmieri, A. and Scalley, R., A Model for the Development Computer Assisted
`Random Selection of Students for Clerkship Placement AACP Annual Meeting, Minneapolis,
`MN, 1976.
`46. Palmieri, A. and Price, J.C., Microencapsulation of Drugs Suspended in Oil, Third International
`Symposium on Microencapsulation, Tokyo, 1976.
` Reviewed manuscripts for J. Pharm. Sci., and Am. J. Pharm. Ed., J. Pharm. Research.
` Reviewer for The Handbook of Nonprescription Drugs, published by APhA.
` Textbooks Reviewed for Am. J. Pharm. Ed.:
`a) "The Hydrophobic Effect" by C. Tanford, AM. J. PHARM. ED., 44:318.
`b) "Sustained and Controlled Release Drug Delivery Systems" by J.R. Robinson, AM. J.
`PHARM. ED., 43:165.
`c) "Microencapsulation and Related Drug Processes" by P.F. Darcy, AM. J. PHARM.
`ED., 48:455.
`d) "Validation of Aseptic Pharmaceutical Processes" by Carleton and Agalloco, AM. J.
`e) "Remington's Pharmaceutical Sciences", AM. J. PHARM. ED.
`1. Palmieri, A., My heros have always been pharmacists, American Pharmacy (Leadership Forum),
`Vol. NS30, No. 6, p. 64, June 1990.
`2. Palmieri, A., Globalization, It's a small world after all..., APRS Academy Report, Vol. 27, No. 1,
`April 1990.
`3. Palmieri, A., Professional Status and Shortages, American Pharmacy (Leadership Forum), Vol.
`NS29, #10, p. 54, Oct. 1989.
`4. Palmieri, A., 21st Century Drug Development: Many Questions, Few Answers, Academy
`Reporter, Vol. 26, #2, June 1989.


`Page 13 of 13
`5. Palmieri, A., Analytical Pharmaceutical Chemistry (letter to the editor), AM. J. PHARM. ED.,
`48:92, 1984.
`6. Palmieri, A., Wasting Space on Conversion Tables, AMERICAN PHARMACY, NS22, 9 p. 5
`September 1982.
`7. Palmieri, A., There are No Pills Anymore, (letter to the editor), HOSPITAL PHARMACY,
`16:627, 1981.
`8. Palmieri, A., Equivalent Drugs, Home Economics Extension Journal, University of Wyoming,
`March 1979.
`9. Palmieri, A., The FDA - Protector or Violator of Consumer Rights, Home Economics Extension
`Journal, University of Wyoming, July 1977.
`10. Palmieri, A., Comment on Dr. Clinical Series, (letter to the editor), DRUG INTELLIGENCE
`11. Palmieri, A., Drug Substitution, Home Economics Extension Journal, University of Wyoming,
`June 1976.
`12. Palmieri, A., Pharmaceutical Preparations, Wyoming Drug Information Newsletter,Vol. 1, Winter

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