
`ENDO - Ex. 2037
`Amneal v. Endo
`ENDO - Ex. 2037
`Amneal v. Endo




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`First edition 1988
`British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data
`Oral sustained release formulations : design
`and evaluation.
`1. Controlled release preparations
`I. Yacobi, Abraham II. HaIperin-Walega, Eva
`ISBN 0—08—036075—0
`Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
`Oral sustained release formulations: design and evaluation/edited by
`Avraham Yacobi, Eva Halperin-Walega.
`”Published in cooperation with the American Pharmaceutical
`Includes index.
`I. Yacobi,
`2. Oral medication.
`1. Drugs—Controlled release.
`II. Halperin-Walega, Eva.
`Ill. American Pharmaceutical
`[DNLM: 1. Biopharmaceuticals.
`3. Dosage.
`OV 785063]
`R8201.C64073 1987
`87-29283 GIP
`2. Delayed-Action Preparations.
`Printed in Great Britain by A. Wheaton & Co. Ltd., Exeter


`Drug Studies Unit and the Departments of Medicine and Pharmacy, University of California,
`San Francisco, CA 94143, USA
`Chapter 9
`Controlled Release Drug Delivery: Pharmacodynamic
`J. Mordenti and R. L. Williams
`Drugs are given via several routes and at varying
`from administration
`administration at a constant rate over several hours. days,
`or even longer. Although most drugs have been given as
`immediate release oral fornulations (capsules, tablets, or
`liquids) ,
`to administering
`certain drugs such as antiarrhythmic agents or anticancer
`intravenously at constant
`infusion rates.
`method of drug administration is particulary applicable for
`drugs with low therapeutic indices. short half-lives, or
`first pass hepatic metabolism.
`(e.g. ,
`intracystic administration of drugs at constant rates have
`also been errployed therapeutically (Table 1).
`standard form of drug administration at constant rates are
`biopharmaceutical configuration of drug and excipients to
`the release rate of
`the drug. More recently,
`formulation dependent controlled release drug products have
`permitted delivery of drugs at controlled rates to any of
`gastrointestinal tract, and eye (Table 1). This capability
`has arisen because of rapid advances in the biotechnology
`of controlled release formlations and
`because of the
`clinical advantages of controlled delivery of certain drugs
`to the body. Formlation dependent controlled release drug
`independent methods,
`particularly valuable
`drugs with low therapeutic
`short half-lives or high first pass hepatic


`J. Mordenti and R. L. Williams
`1, bottom panel).
`An optimally formlated and bioavailable controlled
`release product can produce effective concentrations of
`drug in blood or plasma over an extended time period.
`can also avoid the wide oscillation between near toxic or
`toxic and subtherapeutic drug concentrations that can occur
`with immediate release formlations of drugs with short
`half-lives (Figure 1, top panel). An added advantage of a
`controlled release product is the improvement in conpliance
`that may occur with once or twice daily dosing, as opposed
`to the four or more doses that nust sometimes be given when
`the drug is prepared as an immediate release preparation.
`Attributes of a controlled release product can become
`disadvantages in certain circunstances. A poorly available
`inadequately dosed controlled release product may
`produce no effective concentrations throughout a dosing
`interval, whereas an immediate release product with the
`same degree of bioavailability or dosing limitation may
`intermittently effective
`(Figure 1, middle panel).
`a controlled
`release formlation that delivers too nuch drug may produce
`toxic or near toxic concentrations for an extended period,
`whereas an imnediate release formlation, even at too high
`a dose, can permit periods of respite from toxicity (Figure


`Controlled Release Drug Delivery
`2m g
`Z 9’
`GURE 1:
`» Effective


`J. Mordenti and R. L. Williams
`' release dosage form are generally well understood and ‘
`The pharmacodynamics changes associated with '
`administration of a controlled release drug system are less -'
`In this review, we will discuss
`pharmacokinetic and
`to the clinical use of drugs
`in controlled
`release fornulations.
`General principles of action for many drugs are based
`on the assunption that a pharmacologic effect is produced
`by interaction of unbound drug or metabolite with one or
`more receptors (Figure 2).
`If excess drug or metabolite
`reaches these primary receptors or if a different set of
`that produce an undesirable side effect are
`stinulated, toxicity can ensue. The relationships shown in
`Figure 2 assume that the concentration of unbound drug and '
`‘ metabolite
`in the blood or plasma
`is in direct
`equilibrium with the concentration of drug and metabolite
`at the receptor site. Description of the time course of a
`described with
`phannacokinetic methods. A description of the effect of a
`drug relative to this concentration (or drug dose) may be
`described using pharmacodynandc methods.
`nonconpartmental or physiologic models have been well
`described and widely applied.
`Pharmcodynanfic methods are
`less generally utilized, perhaps because current methods of
`ability to measure
`concentration of drug or netabolite in biologic fluids.
`Despite the difficulty in assessing the pharmacologic
`effect of a drug, correlations between drug concentration .
`(or dose) with a desired pharmacologic response are useful
`in the design and selection ‘of optimal dosing regimens
`(including those for controlled release drug products).
`With this informtion, and in conjunction with a conpetent
`laboratory, more rational drug dosing regimens
`can be developed. Drug concentration and effect relation-
`also be used to explore the consequence of
`formlating a drug as a controlled release product.
`clinicians with technques to define the effect of a drug
`in relation to its concentration in a biologic fluid of
`(1) .
`These techniques utilize any of several
`pharmacokinetic methods to describe the concentration-tine


`Controlled Release Drug Delivery
`-—-—> Cu ,pare nt
`!! I!
` hm «my «


`J. Mordenti and R. L. Williams
`‘Ihrough the application of
`course of a drug in the body.
`one or more pharmacodynamic models
`relating effect
`concentration, conbination pharmcokinetic/pharm-codynamic
`models may
`concentration and effect.
`Primary pharmacokinetic and
`pharmacodynamic models
`interrelationship are
`shown in Table 2.
`Knowledge of- concentration/effect relationships can
`be important
`for predicting the change in pharmacologic
`effect that may occur when a patient is transferred from an
`mmediate release to a controlled release preparation.
`From a scrutiny of the plasna concentration versus time
`curves depicted in Figure 1, it might be supposed that a
`marked increase in pharmacologic effect will occur at the
`relative to a controlled release product.
`the concentration/response relationship can confirm
`refute this suppositio .
`(he possible relationship
`between drug concentration and effect
`is the me or
`sigmoid Em}, model
`(Table 2). As discussed by Holford and
`(1) ,
`this relationship is inherently attractive
`because it postulates no effect when no drug is present and
`naxinum effect
`attained as
`concentrations of drug increases.
`One characteristic of
`the me model is that at concentrations above the EC50
`(the concentration at which effect
`is half maximal)
`disproportionally smaller increments in effect
`(Table 2).
`In this instance,
`the higher concentrations of drug that
`occur with an immediate release product may not necessarily
`be associated with proportional
`in effect.
`if the drug concentrations following dosing
`below the E050,
`in blood or plasna
`concentration my result in alrrost proportional increments
`in pharmacologic effect.
`'Ihe pharmacologic consequences of
`formulating a drug as a controlled release product may be
`miniIral or profound depending on the concentration achieved
`relative to the EC50.
`Clinical data document these observations for a num-
`nunber of drugs. Carruthers (2) studied the dose-response
`relationships of pindolol when given orally as inmediate
`release or controlled release preparations at different
`doses. Data in this study indicated conparable reductions
`in exercise heart rate after doses of immediate release
`ranging between 5 and 20 mg and a controlled
`release fornulation of either 20 or 30 mg (Figure 3).
`this study,
`a Inaxinum pharmcologic response to pindolol


`Controlled Release Drug Delivery
`E = W1“
`EC50 + C
`EC50N + CN
`E C S I
`concentration of drug.
`slope of the line relating effect to concentration.
`arbitrary constant with no physical meaning.
`EMAX = naxinum effect attributable to the drug.
`EC50 = concentration producing 50% of EMAX-
`N = a number influencing the slope of the curve.
`was probably attained at oral doses of 5 mg or
`Administration of the drug at higher doses, whether as a
`controlled or immediate release product, produced less than
`proportional decrements in exercise heart rate.
`In terns
`of an me pharmcodynanfic model, the doses of pindolol in
`this study produced concentrations that were well beyond
`those at which a response was half maximl
`(the EC50) and
`probably close to or beyond the concentration where naxinal


`(wdm 31w iWBH


`Controlled Release Drug Delivery
`for nitroglycerin
`Comparable data
`effect occurred.
`administered intravenously were reported by Imhof et a1
`healthy volunteers,
`reduction in
`re than two fold increment in the
`rate- of administration of
`the drug
`(from 3.4 to 7.5
`These data suggest
`the EC50
`steady state
`(the mean
`administration of the drug at
`below approximately 0.5 ng/ml
`a rate of 3.4 meg/min).
`information about
`rate of administration.
`pharmacodynamic behavior of drugs
`selected for controlled
`the pharmacologic effect of
`a drug may differ
`depending on the route of administration and the release
`characteristics of its formlation. Variation in response
`between an J'erediate and a controlled release fornulation
`can depend on both pharnacokinetic and pharmacodynamic
`(Table 3).
`contribute to differences in response between an immediate
`and a controlled release formulation include variation in
`the concentration ratio of active metabolite (s)
`to parent
`as well
`as differences
`in drug or metabolite
`concentrations arising as a result of nonlinear metabolism
`or nonlinear protein binding.
`pharmoodynanfic factors
`causing variable response beth immediate and controlled
`release formilations
`relate to differences in receptor
`concentration of drug at
`the receptor site following
`administration of a controlled release product, as opposed
`to rising and falling concentratio
`an mediate
`Pharmacokinetic Factors
`Formation of Active Metabolite (s) .
`for controlled release formlation frequently possess short
`half—lives and may exhibit substantial degrees of first
`pass hepatic metabolism.
`In both instances.
`the rapid
`elimination of the oonpound that makes it a candidate for
`fornulation as a controlled release product may lead to the


`J. Mordenti and R. L. Williams
`Fm mam-m; DRUG KW
`treatment of angina and related conditions (6) .
`metabolized in nan to the 2- and 5-mononitrate metabolites.
`The clearance of the parent conpound is high, and the drug
`exhibits a half-life of less than 1 hour
`The 5-
`mononitrate metabolite possesses substantial vasodilatory
`activity and
`is available in some countries
`formation of one or more active metabolites. Examples
`The presence of an active metabolite can be
`detected using several methods.
`concentration response curve with the measurements plotted
`sequentially (4). When this curve exhibits anticlockwise
`the presence of an active metabolite may be
`Differences in the rate of input of


`BJnSSSJd onomfls
`bugpuozs u! abuoqg waxed


`J. Mordenti and R. L. Williams
`45...... METABOLITE
`Z0 E
`Z ,
`' E


`Controlled Release Drug Delivery
`in drug
`Nonlinear Pharmacokinetics. Nonlinearity
`disposition, characterized by disproportionality between
`dose of drug reaching the systemic circulation and clear-
`In recent studies, we assessed the absorption and
`" disposition of isosorbide dinitrate and the appearance and
`elimination of
`its two primary metabolites
`in healthy
`7; individuals after administration of the drug via several
`1,, routes and in various immediate and controlled release
`_ dosage formulations.
`The data in Table 4 provide ratios
`, of the 2— and 5- mononitrate metabolite
`.1 relative to isosorbide dinitrate at selected times after
`f administration of isosorbide dinitrate.
`Blank spaces in
`: the rows of
`the table indicate decline of
`the parent
`} compound
`(isosorbide dinitrate)
`to limits below assay
`: sensitivity.
`These data from a representative individual
`: document wide variability in metabolite-to—parent ratios
`1 after administration of isosorbide dinitrate via different
`‘ routes and at different rates.
`Intravenous administration
`‘, generally produces higher concentrations of
`dinitrate initially (lower ratio of metabolite to parent),
`“ but
`the ratio of metabolite to parent compound increases
`rapidly as parent concentrations decline.
`In contrast, the
`first pass metabolism of
`the drug after oral
`administration produces initially high metabolite—to—parent
`This pattern of metabolite to parent also occurs
`with oral controlled release and transdermal delivery
`For most
`isosorbide dinitrate metabolite-to—parent
`ratios become
`extremely high at later times after dosing owing to the
`longer half-lives of the metabolites relative to the parent
`compound. Part of the differences in metabolite to parent
`ratios displayed in Table 4 may also be attributed to
`differences in distribution between isosorbide dinitrate
`its metabolites
`to saturable metabolism of
`isosorbide dinitrate (see below).
`The data in Table 4
`document that the ratio of active metabolites to isosorbide
`dinitrate can vary over a wide range (by factors of 10 or
`more) at specific times after dosing, depending on the
`route and rate of administration. Concentrations of drug
`and metabolite in blood are thought to produce proportional
`concentrations at the receptor site (5) of action (Figure
`If true for isosorbide dinitrate, then widely varying
`concentration ratios of metabolite to parent drug ratios,
`such as those depicted in Table 4, can exist at isosorbide
`dinitrate receptors at varying times after dosing.
`If so,
`the pharmacologic response to isosorbide dinitrate may also
`vary widely at any given time after dosing if comparisons
`are made between formulations with different rates of drug
`delivery and following different routes of administration.


`J. Mordenti and R. L. Williams
`———- MM—m
`0.50 0.50 2.18 1.35 2.75 --
`2.34 16.0 4.68 6.44 --
`3.01 35.4 13.3 -- —-—
`0.75 4.21 3.29 -— --
`2.0 -- 6.67 1.00 3.65 -- -- 63.2 4.65 20.7 -—
`-— -- 0.57—-
`-— --- ~— 3.90--
`6.0 —— —— l.96-- 0.84 -- -- 25.4—-—-
`12.0 -- -—-
`-— -—- 1.64
`-—- —— -—— --
`W D
`is observed for many drugs. Nonlinearity may be
`attributable to saturation of one or more enzyme system
`drug metabolism
`saturation of
`excretory mechanisms,
`saturation of blood or plasma drug binding sites, or
`saturation of active absorption processes.


`Controlled Release Drug Delivery
`produce saturable first pass metabolism because of their
`intrahepatic drug concentration.
`some drugs,
`influence of saturable first pass metabolism and controlled
`release characteristics of a fornulation on bioavailability
`carefully defined.
`low oral doses,
`propranolol AUCs are equivalent
`(7) irrespective of whether
`the drug is given as an innediate or controlled release
`fornulation (Figure 6). As the dose of drug increases, the
`ratio of the dose adjusted AUC of the controlled release
`formulation relative to AUC of
`the immediate
`formulation falls significantly.
`This decline
`relatively more
`hepatic bio-
`transformation at the higher rates of drug input associated
`with the Iimnediate release fornulation. At
`the highest
`doses, propranolol ADC ratios for the inmediate release and
`controlled release formulation again approach unity as
`conparable amounts of drug escape hepatic biotransfornation
`irrespective of the rate of administration. Data such as
`that presented in Figure 6 suggest that the pharmcologic
`response to propranolol may vary widely between imnediate
`and controlled release formulations even when they are
`given at conparable doses.
`Saturable metabolism has been documented for many
`in controlled
`theophylline, and isosorbide dinitrate. For nitroglycerin,
`the influence of saturable first pass metabolism after oral
`administration may be profound. After low oral doses of
`the drug, virtually no parent drug appears in the systemic
`circulcation. As the oral dose is increased, substantial
`amounts appear systemically as more of the drug escapes
`hepatic biotransformation (Table 5). A controlled release
`oral formlation of nitroglycerin
`produce effective nitroglycerin concentrations unless given
`at high doses.
`The same obser-vation my be true for
`isosorbide dinitrate and other drugs that are candidates
`for oral controlled release drug delivery.
`studies to document the pharmacologic effects of controlled
`release relative to inmediate release formulations have in
`general not been performed. The astute clinician will
`realize that the efficacy of certain drugs when prepared in
`controlled release
`fornulations may
`Saturable Protein Binding. Although all drugs
`are potentially capable of exhibiting saturable binding to
`blood or plasma binding sites, several drugs
`saturable binding at concentrations




`Controlled Release Drug Delivery
`- mm
`W A
`A 6
`-t occur after administration of standard therapeutic
`.. onsequences for changes in fraction of unbound drug in
`golood (fb) or plasma (fp) depend on how rapidly a drug is
`leared from the blood.
`For a low clearance drug, an
`fncrease in fp or
`fb will
`in a corresponding
`'ncrease in plasma clearance and a subseqaent decline in
`; otal plasma or blood drug concentration, with no change in
`{10 armacologic effect.
`For a highly cleared drug, changes
`protein binding may be reflected more directly in
`- es in pharmcologic effect, with no change in total
`olasma or blood clearance. The general pharmacokinetic and
`codynamic consequences of changes
`in drug protein
`oinding have been reviewed elsewhere (8,9).
` i
`The censequences of saturable protein binding for
`that may be prepared in controlled release prepara-


`J. Mordenti and R. L. Williams
`tions has only received inital
`documented the bioequivalence of a generic formlation of
`disopyramide relative to a standard product and solution
`using unbound rather than total drug concentration (10).
`As part of this work, we demontrated that bioequivalence
`on total drug concentrations can be a
`relatively insensitive indicator of bioavailability for a
`that exhibits
`saturable protein binding.
`indifference occurs because total plasma or blood AUC,
`which is used as an indicator of extent of bioavailability,
`can vary as a consequence of differences in rate of drug
`less well
`consequences of saturable protein binding are likely to be
`as inportant as the pharmcokinetic changes. Consider the
`relationships that might occur between unbound drug and
`total drug concentrations for a drug such as disopyramide
`after administration in an immediate versus a controlled
`release product
`(Figure 7).
`the immediate release
`rapid increments and decline in total drug
`concentration may be associated with corresponding changes
`in unbound drug concentration as saturation of plasma or
`blood binding sites occurs.
`For a controlled release
`the fraction of unbound drug may not increase to
`the same degree or at
`the same rate, depending on the
`release characteristics of
`the product and the binding
`parameters of the drug.
`In Figure 7, the concentration of
`free drug is represented by the difference between the
`illustrates the difference in free drug concentrations that
`that exhibits
`dependent protein binding. Theoretically. the unbound drug
`concentration controls
`the pharmacologic effect of
`If changes in the unbound concentration occur for a
`drug that exhibits concentration—dependent protein binding,
`then marked differences in pharmacologic effect between an
`immediate and a controlled release product may occur. For
`disopyramide, we have documented that
`a pharmacologic
`effect of
`the drug correlates well with unbound drug
`concentration. Careful clinical studies will be necessary
`to document the pharmacodynamic consequences of fornulating
`drugs such as disopyramide as a controlled release product.
`Thus far, only the pharmacokinetic consequences of
`controlled release drug formlations have been discussed.
`A less well
`studied aspect of controlled release drug


`l l
`Controlled Release Drug Delivery


`J. Mordenti and R. L. Williams
`delivery pertains to changes in pharmacologic effect that
`occur with
`a drug given at
`constant versus
`intermittent rate of drug administration. Most of the work
`in this area has been devoted to studies of the development
`of tolerance and dependence to narcotic analgesics.
`the likelihood of developing tolerance is reduced
`when a drug is administered at low doses and at irregular
`intervals which are longer than the time required for decay
`its pharmacologic effect
`(11) .
`This situation is
`comparable to intermittent dosing of a drug at intervals
`longer than several half- lives.
`In contrast, the terflency
`to develop tolerance is enhanced with larger doses given at
`intervals shorter than the titre required for decay of the
`pharmacologic effect
`(11) .
`Presunably this situation
`occurs with the constant
`rate of drug input
`Although data is lacking,
`that controlled
`release fornulations may thus promote the development of
`tolerance. Many of the drugs now fornulated as controlled
`associated with
`development of
`For exanple,
`the headache
`produced by nitroglycerin may decrease in both frequency
`and severity with continued administration of
`the drug
`Clinical efficacy studies may be necessary to
`document the changes in pharmacologic effect that can occur
`with a drug that
`is formlated as a controlled release
`opportunity of delivering drug products more effectively
`and with greater safety and convenience.
`For many drugs,
`pharmacologic effects will be conparable,
`irrespective of
`the rate of drug release from a formlation.
`For other
`drugs, pharHacokinetic and pharmacodynamic factors may act
`in such a way as to alter drug effect depending on rate and
`route of input. Drugs that exhibit saturable absorption,
`saturable elimination, or saturable protein binding; drugs
`form active netabolites; or drugs that demonstrate
`alterations in receptor sensitivity with different dosing
`patterns are likely to fall
`in this category.
`clinical and pharmcokinetic studies will be required to
`assess the inportance of changes in drug input rate on the
`clinical pharmacology of inmediate and controlled release
`dosage formlations.


`Controlled Release Drug Delivery
`Holford, N. , Sheiner, L., Understanding the dose-effect
`relationship: Clincal application of phamacokinetic—
`pharmcodynamic models. Clin. Pharmacokinet.
`_6_, 429
`Cbservations on three dosage
`Carruthers, S. George.
`forms of pindolol. Amer. Heart J., 103, 451—455 (1982).
`Imhof, P.R., Sieber, A., Hodler, J., Muller, P., Ott,
`B., Frankhauser, P., Chu, L. C., Gerardin, A. Plasma
`nitroglycerin during and after intravenous infusion in
`healthy volunteers. Eur. J. Clin. Pharmcol., _2_3_, 99-
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`Elkayam, U.,
`(Nitroglycerin) Ointment and Isosorbide Dinitrate:
`Review of
`Therapeutic Use. Drugs, 2;, 165—194 (1982) .
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