Diane J. Burgess, Ph.D. C.V.
`Oct 2014
`Jan 1993 - Date University of Connecticut, Storrs, Connecticut 06269
` Board of Trustees, Distinguished Professor (Appointed 2009)
`Professor of Pharmaceutics, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences (Promoted
` Adjunct Professor, Institute of Materials Science
` Teaching, organizing and coordinating graduate and undergraduate courses
` Directing a research group
` Controlling research budgets
`Publishing original research work in peer reviewed international journals
` Writing research grant reports to companies and funding agencies
`Service to the university, professional organizations and the public
` Coordinated and taught graduate and undergraduate courses in the areas of physical
`pharmacy, dosage-form design, controlled drug delivery, biopharmaceutics,
`biotechnology, aseptic processing and surface and colloid chemistry.
`2005 Pharmacy School, Teacher of the Year, elected by the graduating class.
`Proposed, initiated and directed a research group of (typically) 6-12 post doctoral
`fellows, graduate and undergraduate students in the area of microsphere, liposome,
`hydrogel and emulsion preparation and characterization for application as targeted
`and controlled release delivery systems for drugs, vaccines and other systems.
`Biosensor development for glucose monitoring. Funded by extramural research
`grants from companies and funding agencies. Graduated 23 Ph.D.'s and 5 M.S.
`(major advisor).
` Coordinated multi-disciplinary research groups (University Professors from Polymer
`Science, Chemistry, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Biomaterials,
`Immunology, Pathobiology and Medicine).
` This involved initiating ideas,
`discussing results and preparing proposals.
`152 Referred Publications at UCONN (178 total referred publications), 428 (487
`total) research presentations at major international scientific meetings and 219 (241
`total) invited lectures and presentations, including 20 keynote and plenary addresses.
`(See Attachment I).
`$15,655,524 in funding at UCONN (Attachment II)
` Recipient for the 2014 AAPS Research Achievement Award in Formulation
`Design and Development.
` Recipient of the 2014 AAPS Outstanding Educator Award
` Recipient of 2014 CRS Distinguished Service Award
` Recipient of the 2013 AAPS IPEC Ralph Shangraw Memorial Award, for
`outstanding research in the area of pharmaceutical excipients.
` First recipient of the CRSI Fellowship, 2010 for outstanding contribution in the
`area of drug delivery
` Recipient of the APSTJ Nagai International Woman Scientist Award 2011,
`from the Japanese Pharmaceutical Science Association.
`ENDO - Ex. 2011
`Amneal v. Endo


`Diane J. Burgess, Ph.D. C.V.
`Oct 2014
` Elected Fellow of AIMBE, 2011
` Elected Fellow of CRS, 2011
` Recipient of the 2007 Outstanding Manuscript Award from the AAPS Journal
` Elected AAPS Fellow 2006
` AAPS Arden House Faculty (1996, 2000, 2002, 2009)
` Keynote Address: the 2012 Chinese Pharmaceutical Conference--Annual Meeting
`of Committee of Pharmaceutics Chinese Pharmaceutical Association and Annual
`Meeting of CRS China Chapter, Chengdu, China, September 2012.
` Keynote Address: ICT Indo-US symposium on Nanomedicine, Mumbai, India,
`November, 2011
` Keynote Address: the 2011 Chinese Pharmaceutical Conference---Annual Meeting
`of Committee of Pharmaceutics Chinese Pharmaceutical Association and Annual
`Meeting of CRS China Chapter, Shanghai, China, October 2011.
` Keynote Address: the Academy of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology,
`Japan 26th Annual Meeting, Tokyo, Japan, May 2011.
` Keynote Address: the CRS New Zealand Local Chapter Workshop on In Vitro
`Drug Release and Dissolution Testing, Auckland, New Zealand, December 2010.
` Keynote Address: the CRS Australian Local Chapter International Symposium,
`Melbourne, Australia, November 2010.
` Keynote Address: the CRS Australian Local Chapter Workshop on In Vitro Drug
`Release and Dissolution Testing, Melbourne, Australia, November 2010
` Keynote Address: CRSI 10th International Symposium, Mumbai, India, February
` Plenary Presentation: the Particles 2009, Berlin, Germany, July 2009.
` Keynote Address: the 6th International Conference on Polymer-Solvent Complexes
`and Intercalates, Manchester, United Kingdom, August 2006
` Plenary Presentation: the Particles 2006, Orlando Florida, May 2006.
` Keynote Address: the 1st International Mediterranean Pharmacy Student Congress,
`Mersin, Turkey, October 2005
` Keynote Address: the Biointerface Meeting 2003, Savannah, GA, April 2003
` Keynote Address: the Particles 2002, Orlando, Fl, April 2002
` Keynote Address:
`the Manupharma Meeting, Pheonix, Az, Nov 2002
` Keynote Address: The Seventh International Congress Argentina of Industrial
`Pharmacy and Biochemistry, Buenos Aires, Argentina, June, 1996.
`Chaired and served on numerous university and department committees. For example:
` Chaired the Dean's Advisory Council on Promotion Tenure and Reappointment
`(responsible for evaluation of candidates for promotion, tenure and reappointment)
`(1996 -1997)
` Chair of the Graduate Affairs Committee (1996 - 2000)
` Chair of the School of Pharmacy Study Abroad Committee (2005 - present)
` Member of Academic Vision Committee (an exceptionally important committee
`that will draft the next University of Connecticut academic plan 2014-2020).
`Pharmaceutics Discipline Coordinator, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences
`(2000-2001 and 2012 –date)


`Diane J. Burgess, Ph.D. C.V.
`Oct 2014
`Management, service and leadership for the American Association of Pharmaceutical
`Scientists (AAPS):
` Organized and chaired numerous symposia and committees
` General Chair of the AAPS Midwest Regional Meeting (1994)
` Vice Chair, PDD Section of AAPS (PDD represents approximately 40% of the
`membership of AAPS) (1996-1997)
` Chair-Elect, PDD Section of AAPS (1997-1998)
` Chair, PDD Section of AAPS (1998-1999)
` Task Force to examine all AAPS Programming (1998-1999)
` AAPS Annual Meeting Co-Chair, (1998-1999)
` AAPS Annual Meeting Chair (1999-2000)
` AAPS Program Co-ordination Committee Chair (2000-2001)
` AAPS Section/ Focus Group Co-ordination Committee Chair (2000-2001)
` AAPS President Elect 2001
` AAPS President 2002
` AAPS Immediate Past President 2003
` Organizer and Co-Chair AAPS Workshop on Assuring Quality and
`Performance of Sustained Release Parenterals (2001) Washington DC
` Organizer ACS Symposium on Colloidal Drug Delivery, National ACS Meeting,
`Orlando, FL, April 2002
` Organizer and Co-Chair AAPS Workshop on Assuring Quality and
`Performance of Sustained Release Parenterals (2003) Basel, Switzerland
` Organizer and Co-Chair AAPS Workshop on Particle Size Analysis
`Washington, DC (2003)
` Organizer and Co-Chair AAPS Workshop on Achieving Sterility: Future
`Direction in Aseptic Processing Crystal City, VA (2003)
` Controlled Release Society (CRS) President Elect 2007-2008, Vice President
` Controlled Release Society (CRS) President 2009-2010
` Organizer and Co-Chair CRS Workshop on “Regulatory Issues for Controlled
`Release Parenterals”, CRS Annual Meeting in Vienna, Austria, July 2006
` Organizer and Chair of ACS Four day Symposium on: “Nanotechology,
`Diagnostics, Imaging, Biosensing and Drug Delivery, Boston, MA, 2007
` Co-organizer and Co-Chair of an CRS/AAPS workshop on: “Critical Variables
`in the In Vitro and In Vivo Performance of Parenteral Sustained Release
`Products”, AAPS Meeting, Atlanta, GA, November 2009
` Co-organizer and Chair of CRS/DDP workshop on: “Development &
`Regulatory Challenges for Drug Delivery Formulations”, held at The 14th
`annual Drug Delivery Partnerships (DDP) Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL,
`January 2010
` Editor, Americas and Australia, The International Journal of Pharmaceutics
`(2009 - date)
` Editor, Pharmaceutics, The AAPS Journal (formerly AAPS PharmSci) (1999 -


`Diane J. Burgess, Ph.D. C.V.
`Oct 2014
` Editor, North America, The Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology
`(2003 - 2012)
` Editorial Board: International Journal of Pharmaceutics (2004 - present)
` Editorial Board: The AAPS Journal (1999 - present)
` Editorial Board: AAPS PharmSciTech (2001 - present)
` Editorial Advisor to Pharmaceutical Sciences (1995 - 1997)
` Editorial Board of the Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology (1997 - present)
` Editorial Board of the Journal of Microencapsulation (1997 - present)
` Editorial Advisory Board of Current Drug Discovery (1998 - present)
` Editorial Advisory Board of Critical Reviewers in Therapeutic Drug Carrier Systems
`(2004 - present)
` NIH Special Study Section on Drug Delivery and Biomedical Engineering (2001
`- 2005)
` NIH Special Study Section on Drug Delivery and Drug Discovery ZRG1 SSS-L
`(2001 - 2004)
` NIH Special Study Section for NIDA, SBIRs (2002)
` NIH Special Study Section for NIDDK (2002, 2003, 2004)
` NIH Study Section Gene and Drug Delivery (GDD) (2004 - 2005)
` NIH Special Study Section on Nanomedicine (planned to be a formal study
`section in 2008) (2005 - present)
` Ad Hoc Reviewer, Medical Research Council, Canada (1993)
` Ad Hoc Reviewer, American Chemical Society (1998)
` Ad Hoc Reviewer, NSF (2004)
` Ad Hoc Reviewer, US Army Nanotechnology (2005).
` USP Advisory Panel on Performance Test - by Injection (2004 - present)
` USP Biopharmaceutics Expert Committee (2005 - 2010)
` Delegation Leader People-to-People Ambassador Program in Pharmaceutical
`Sciences, China 2004
`Jul 1986 - Dec 1992 University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL 60612
` Associate Professor of Pharmaceutics, Department of Pharmaceutics (promoted
` Associate Professor, Center for Drug Design in Biotechnology
` Director of Graduate Studies, Department of Pharmaceutics (1990-1992)
` Assistant Professor of Pharmaceutics, Department of Pharmaceutics
` Visiting Assistant Professor of Pharmaceutics, Department of Pharmaceutics
` As University of Connecticut
` Coordinated and taught graduate and undergraduate courses in the areas of physical
`pharmacy, dosage form design, controlled drug delivery, biotechnology, aseptic
`processing and surface and colloid chemistry.
` Outstanding Teacher of the Year Award, College of Pharmacy (1991)
`Proposed, initiated and directed a research group of 6-9 postdoctoral fellows,
`graduate and undergraduate students in the area of microsphere and emulsion


`Diane J. Burgess, Ph.D. C.V.
`Oct 2014
`preparation and characterization for application as targeted and controlled release
`delivery systems for drugs, vaccines and other systems. Funded by extramural
`research grants from companies and funding agencies. Graduated 3 Ph.D. 's (major
` Young Investigator Achievement Award in Pharmaceutics, Abbott Labs (1991)
`PMA Fellowship Award (1992)
`Published 16 original research articles (refereed), 1 book chapter (refereed) and 1
`continuing education article; gave 34 research presentations at major international
`scientific meetings and 21 invited lectures and presentations
`$266,746 in total funding ($248,800 of this is extramural funding).
` Chaired and served on numerous university and department committees. For
` Chair, Graduate Admissions Committee (Pharmaceutics) (1990-1992)
` Chair, Search Committee (Pharmaceutics) (1989-1990)
` Management and Service for the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists
` Chair, Membership Committee, AAPS Chicagoland Pharmaceutical Discussion
`Group (1992-1993)
` Vice General Chair, AAPS Midwest Regional Meeting (1992)
` Chair, Short Course, AAPS Midwest Regional Meeting (1991)
`Oct 1985 - Jun 1986 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC 27514
` Visiting Assistant Professor of Pharmaceutics
` Teaching and organizing graduate and undergraduate courses
` Conducting research
`Service to the University
` Taught graduate and undergraduate courses in the areas of physical pharmacy,
`dosage form design, controlled drug delivery and surface and colloid chemistry
`Published 1 original research article, gave 2 research presentations at major
`international scientific meetings
`Served on various departmental committees
`1984/1985 Post-Doctoral research in Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics, University of
`Amsterdam, The Netherlands and Nottingham, UK (1983-1985)
` Postdoctoral supervisor: Professor S.S. Davis, Lord Trent Professor of Pharmacy
` Research topic: Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics of Albumin Microspheres
`for Drug Delivery
`Ph.D. in Pharmaceutics, University of London, UK
` Ph.D. supervisor: Professor J.E. Carless
` Thesis: Physico-Chemical Properties of Complex Coacervates of Gelatin
` M.R. Pharm.S., Licensed Pharmacist, Member of the Royal Pharmaceutical


`Diane J. Burgess, Ph.D. C.V.
`Oct 2014
`B.Sc. in Pharmacy, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK
`Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics, Dosage Form Design and Characterization, Surface and
`Colloid Chemistry
`Microsphere, liposome, emulsion and hydrogel preparation and characterization for application
`as targeted and controlled release delivery systems for drugs, genes, vaccines and other systems,
`including the following:
`fundamental colloid and surface chemistry
`investigation of mechanisms of formation
` development of novel technologies
` stability assessment and prediction
`transport and mathematical modeling of transport
` sterility assessment
` biophysical assessment
` biocompatibility assessment
`IVIVC testing of drug release
` surface and interfacial phenomena related to biological systems and drug delivery
`interfacial rheology
`interfacial tension
` protein interfacial interactions
` emulsifier film strength
` gene trafficking
`Biosensors for metabolic monitoring and biocompatible smart coatings for biosensors
` Microencapsulation Society (1994-to date)
` The American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (1990-to date)
` The International Association of Colloid and Surface Scientists (1987-to date).
` The American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (1987-to date)
` The American Chemical Society (1987-to date)
` The Chicagoland Pharmaceutical Discussion Group (1986-1993)
` The Controlled Release Society (1986-to date)
` The Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain (1980-to date)
` Major advisor to five M.S. and eighteen Ph.D. graduates
` Her graduate students and post doctoral fellows consistently win awards for their research.
`Ten of the eighteen Ph.D. graduates were recipients of the International AAPS Award for
`Graduate Research in Pharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology
`and two were recipients of the International AAPS/ Award for Graduate Research in
`Biotechnology. One of her post doctoral fellows won the AAPS Outstanding Post Doctoral


`Diane J. Burgess, Ph.D. C.V.
`Oct 2014
`Fellow Award. One of her current students received the 2007 Patterson Gold Medal Award
`for Diabetes Research and another won the 2007 Schering-Plough Science and Innovation
` Currently major advisor to eight Ph.D. candidates (Pharmaceutical Science, UCONN))
` Major advisor to thirteen postdoctoral fellows. One postdoctoral fellow is recipient of the
`Outstanding AAPS Postdoctoral Fellow Award.
`1. F. Moussy, D. Kreutzer, D.J. Burgess, J. Koberstein, F. Papadimitrakopolous and S. Huang
`“Control of Implant/Tissue Interactions for Better Integration of Implants into the body”.
`University of Connecticut, United States Patent 6,497,729, December 24, 2002. This patent
`has been purchased by and is being developed by a private company.
`2. F. Jain, F. Papadimitrakopouolos and D.J. Burgess, D.H Grantham. “Implantable Biosensor
`and Methods of Use Thereof”. University of Connecticut, United States Patent Application.
`2008/0154101 2008.
`3. D.J. Burgess, F. Papadimitrakopoulos, “Long-Lasting, Drug Delivery Coatings for
`Implantable Devices”. University of Connecticut filed invention disclosure.
`4. U. Bhardwaj and D.J. Burgess. “Dialysis Adapter Cell and Method of Use”. University of
`Connecticut. United States Patent 2012, 12/714,770
`5. X. Xu, B. Gu and D.J. Burgess. “A Novel Dialysis Adapter for In Vitro Release Testing of
`Colloidal/Disperse Dosage Forms using a USP Dissolution Apparatus 2”. University of
`Connecticut filed invention disclosure.
` 178 (Articles) (See Attachment I)
` 2 Books
` 34 book chapters
` 1 continuing education article (referred) (See Attachment I)
` 2 Patents awarded and 3 Patent applications in process.
` 241 invited presentations (See Attachment I)
` 60 submitted oral communications at scientific meetings (See Attachment I)
` 186 poster presentations at scientific meetings (See Attachment I)
` $15,922,270 in funding (Total UCONN and UIC) (See Attachment II)
`Refer to Attachment III for Department, School, University, Local, National and International
`service and committee membership.
`Refer to Attachment IV for details on teaching responsibilities, graduate student and post
`doctoral advisees, continuing education and short course presentations and organization.


`Diane J. Burgess, Ph.D. C.V.
`October, 2014
`The web address is listed where available.
`Patents/Patent Applications:
`F. Moussy, D. Kreutzer, D.J. Burgess, J. Koberstein, F. Papadimitrakopolous and S. Huang
`"Control of Implant/Tissue Interactions for Better Integration of Implants into the body"
`University of Connecticut, United States Patent 6,497,729, December 24, 2002 This patent
`has been purchased by and is being developed by a private company.
`F. Jain, F. Papadimitrakopouolos and D.J. Burgess, D.H Grantham “Implantable Biosensor
`and Methods of Use Thereof” University of Connecticut. United States Patent Application
`2008/0154101 2008. This patent has been purchased by and is being developed by a private
`3. U. Bhardwaj and D.J. Burgess “Dialysis Adapter Cell and Method of Use” University of
`Connecticut. United States Patent United States Patent 2012, 12/714,770 This patent has
`been licensed to and developed by a private company. The product is commercially
`4. D.J. Burgess, F. Papadimitrakopoulos, “Long-Lasting, Drug Delivery Coatings for
`Implantable Devices” UCONN filed invention disclosure
`5. X. Xu, B. Gu and D.J. Burgess “A Novel Dialysis Adapter for In Vitro Release Testing of
`Colloidal/Disperse Dosage Forms using a USP Dissolution Apparatus 2” UCONN filed
`invention disclosure.
`1. D.J. Burgess: Injectable Dispersed Systems, Formulation, Processing and Performance. Ed.
`D.J. Burgess, Drugs and The Pharmaceutical Sciences Series, Marcel Dekker, New York,
`2. J. Wright and D.J. Burgess: Controlled Release Science and Technology: Long Acting
`Injections and Implants, CRS Press, Springer, New York, 2012
`Book Chapters:
`1. N. Tipnis and D.J. Burgess. Current and Emerging Non-Compendial Methods for
`Dissolution Testing. In Poorly Soluble Drugs: Dissolution and Drug Release. Eds. G.
`Webster and D. Jackson, Pan Stanford Publishing, (in press), 2014.
`2. R. Jog and D.J. Burgess. Use of Apparatus 4 in Dissolution Testing of Poorly Soluble
`Drugs. In Poorly Soluble Drugs: Dissolution and Drug Release. Eds. G. Webster and D.
`Jackson, Pan Stanford Publishing, (in press), 2014.
`3. M. Kapoor and D.J. Burgess, Targeted nucleic acid/siRNA delivery. In “Targeted Drug
`Delivery-Concepts and Design”. Eds. S. Jain, P. Devarajan, Controlled Release Society,
`Inc., (in press), 2014


`Diane J. Burgess, Ph.D. C.V.
`October, 2014
`4. B. Gu and D.J. Burgess. Polymeric Biomaterials in Drug Delivery. In “Natural and
`Synthetic Biomedical Polymers”. Eds. S.G. Kumbar, C. Laurencin and M. Deng. Elsevier.
`Inc., (in press), 2014
`J. Tsung and D.J. Burgess. Biodegradable Polymers in Drug Delivery Systems. In
`“Fundamentals and Applications of Controlled Release Drug Delivery”. Eds. M. Rathbone,
`R. Siegel, and J. Shipmann. CRS Press, Springer, Part 2, p107-123, 2012.
`6. D.J. Burgess and J. Wright. An Introduction to Long Acting Injections and Implants. In
`“Long Acting Injections and Implants”. Eds. J. Wright and D.J. Burgess. CRS Press,
`Springer, Chapter 1, p1-9, 2012.
`J. Shen and D.J. Burgess. Drugs for Long Acting Injections and Implants. In “Long Acting
`Injections and Implants”. Eds. J. Wright and D.J. Burgess. CRS Press, Springer, Chapter 5,
`p73-91, 2012.
`8. Y. Wang and D.J. Burgess. Microsphere Technology. In “Long Acting Injections and
`Implants”. Eds. J. Wright and D.J. Burgess. CRS Press, Springer, Chapter 10, p167-194,
`9. X. Xu and D.J. Burgess. Liposomes as Carriers for Controlled Drug Delivery. In “Long
`Acting Injections and Implants”. Eds. J. Wright and D.J. Burgess. CRS Press, Springer,
`Chapter 11, p195-220, 2012.
`10. J. Morais and D.J. Burgess. Micro- and Nanoemulsions (Controlled Release Parenteral
`Drug Delivery Systems. In “Long Acting Injections and Implants”. Eds. J. Wright and D.J.
`Burgess. CRS Press, Springer, Chapter 12, p221-238, 2012.
`11. S. Kumar and D.J. Burgess. Nanosuspension. In “Long Acting Injections and Implants”.
`Eds. J. Wright and D.J. Burgess. CRS Press, Springer, Chapter 13, p239-261, 2012.
`12. M. Kastellorizios and D.J. Burgess. In Vitro Drug Release Testing and In vivo/In vitro
`Correlation for Long Acting Implants and Injections. In “Long Acting Injections and
`Implants”. Eds. J. Wright and D.J. Burgess. CRS Press, Springer, Chapter 23, p475-503,
`13. D.J. Burgess and M. Kapoor. Quantum Dot Labeling for Assessment of Intracellular
`Trafficking of Therapeutically Active Molecules. In “Organelle-Specific Pharmaceutical
`Nanotechnology”. Eds. V. Weissig and G.G.M. D’Souza. John Wiley and Sons, Chapter
`27, p535-568, 2010.
`14. S.D. Patil and D.J. Burgess. Pharmaceutical development of modified-release parenteral
`dosage forms using bioequivalence (BE), quality by design (QbD), and in vitro in vivo
`correlation (IVIVC) principles. In “Generic Product Development - Specialty Dosage
`Forms”. Eds. L. Shargel and I. Kanfer, Drugs and the Pharmaceutical Sciences Series,
`Marcel Dekker, New York, Chapter 9, pp. 237-262 (2010).
`15. Y. Wang and D.J. Burgess. Drug-device Combination Products. In “Drug-device
`Combination Products - Delivery Technologies and Applications”. Ed. Andrew Lewis.
`Woodhead Publishing Limited and CRC press, Cambridge, UK, Chapter 1, p3-20, 2010.
`16. S. Verma and D.J. Burgess. Solid Nanosuspensions - The Emerging Technology and
`Pharmaceutical Applications as Nanomedicine. In “Pharmaceutical Suspensions: From
`Formulation Development to Manufacturing”. Eds. A. Kulshreshtha, O.N. Singh and G.
`Michael Wall. AAPS Press, Springer, Chapter 10, p285-318, 2010.
`17. A. Rawat
`“Biodrug Delivery
`and D.J. Burgess. Parenteral Delivery.
`Fundamentals, Applications
`Clinical Development”.
`M. Morishita and K. Park. Informa Healthcare, Chapter 5, p50-68, 2009.


`Diane J. Burgess, Ph.D. C.V.
`October, 2014
`18. B.S. Zolnik, and D.J. Burgess. In Vitro-In Vivo Correlation for Parenteral Dosage Forms.
`In “Biopharmaceutics Applications in Drug Development”. Eds. R. Krishna and L. Yu.
`Springer Science & Business Media Inc., New York, Chapter 11, p336-351, 2008.
`19. J. Jiao and D.J. Burgess. Multiple Emulsion Stability: Pressure Balance and Interfacial
`Film Strength. In “Multiple Emulsions: Technology and Applications”. Ed. A. Aserin.
`Wiley Series on Surface and Interfacial Chemistry, John Wiley and Sons, New Jersey,
`Chapter 1, p1-27, 2007.
`20. D.J. Burgess. Physical Stability of Dispersed Systems. In “Injectable Dispersed Systems,
`Formulation, Processing and Performance”. Ed. D.J. Burgess. Drugs and The
`Pharmaceutical Sciences Series, Marcel Dekker, New York, Chapter 1, p1-37, 2005.
`21. J. Jiao and D.J. Burgess. Characterization and Analysis of dispersed systems. In “Injectable
`Dispersed Systems, Formulation, Processing and Performance”. Ed. D.J. Burgess. Drugs
`and The Pharmaceutical Sciences Series, Marcel Dekker, New York, Chapter 3, p77-123,
`22. N. Chidambaram and D.J. Burgess. Emulsions, Design and Manufacturing. In “Injectable
`Dispersed Systems, Formulation, Processing and Performance”. Ed. D.J. Burgess. Drugs
`and The Pharmaceutical Sciences Series, Marcel Dekker, New York, Chapter 7, p213-248,
`23. S.D. Patil and D.J. Burgess. Liposomes, Design and Manufacturing. In “Injectable
`Dispersed Systems, Formulation, Processing and Performance”. Ed. D.J. Burgess. Drugs
`and The Pharmaceutical Sciences Series, Marcel Dekker, New York, Chapter 8, p249-303,
`24. D.J. Burgess and A.J. Hickey. Microcapsules, Design and Manufacturing. In “Injectable
`Dispersed Systems, Formulation, Processing and Performance”. Ed. D.J. Burgess. Drugs
`and The Pharmaceutical Sciences Series, Marcel Dekker, New York, Chapter 9, p305-352,
`25. A. Radwick and D.J. Burgess. Proteins as Microencapsulating Agents for Pharmaceutical
`Applications. In “Protein-based Films and Coatings”. Ed. A. Gennadios. CRC Press LLC,
`Boca Raton, p341- 366, 2002.
`26. D.J. Burgess and A.J. Hickey. Microsphere Technology and Applications. In
`“Encyclopedia of Pharmaceutical Technology”. Eds. J. Swarbrick and J.C. Boylan. Marcel
`Dekker Inc., New York and Basel, online, 2000.
`27. D.J. Burgess. Colloids and Colloid Drug Delivery Systems. In “Encyclopedia of
`Pharmaceutical Technology”. Eds. J. Swarbrick and J.C. Boylan. Marcel Dekker Inc., New
`York and Basel, online, 2000.
`28. D.J. Burgess and A.J. Hickey. Microsphere Technology and Applications. In
`“Encyclopedia of Pharmaceutical Technology”. Eds. J. Swarbrick and J.C. Boylan. Marcel
`Dekker Inc., New York and Basel, Volume 10, p1-29, 1994.
`29. D.J. Burgess and N.O. Sahin. Interfacial Rheology of β-casein Solutions. In “Structure and
`Flow in Surfactant Solutions”. Eds. C.A. Herb and R.K. Prud'homme. ACS symposium
`Series, Chapter 27, p380-393, 1994. (Original Research Article)
`30. D.J. Burgess. Complex Coacervation: Microcapsule Formation. In “Soluble Polymer
`Complexes”. Eds. Dubin, Bock, Davis, Schultz and Thies. Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg,
`Germany, p285-300, 1994. (Original Research Article)


`Diane J. Burgess, Ph.D. C.V.
`October, 2014
`31. D.J. Burgess. Drug Delivery Aspects of Biotechnology. In “Biotechnology and the Practice
`of Pharmacy”. Eds. J.M. Pezzuto, M.E. Johnson and H.R. Manasse. VCH Publications,
`New York, p116-151, 1993.
`32. D.J. Burgess. Colloids and Colloid Drug Delivery Systems. In “Encyclopedia of
`Pharmaceutical Technology”. Eds. J. Swarbrick and J.C. Boylan. Marcel Dekker Inc., New
`York and Basel, Volume 3, Chapter 2, p31-63, 1990.
`33. S.S. Davis, L. Illum, D.J. Burgess, J. Ratcliff and S.N. Mills. Microspheres as Controlled
`Release Systems for Parenteral and Nasal Administration. In “Controlled-Release
`Technology”. Eds. P.I. Lee and W.R. Good. ACS Symposium Series, American Chemical
`Society, Washington, DC, Volume 348, p201-214, 1987. (Original Research Article)
`34. D.J. Burgess and J.E. Carless. Complex Coacervate Formation between Acid and Alkaline
`Processed Gelatins. In “Columbic Interactions in Macromolecular Systems”. Eds. F.E.
`Bailey and A. Eisenberg. ACS Symposium Series, American Chemical Society,
`Washington, DC, Volume 302, Chapter 21, p251-260, 1986. (Original Research Article)
`Articles (refereed):
`S. Kumar, R. Jog, J. Shen, B. Zolnik, N. Sadrieh, D.J. Burgess. In Vitro and In Vivo
`Performance of Different Sized Spray-Dried Crystalline Itraconazole. J Pharm Sci. 2014.
`(Epub ahead of print).
`J.M. Morais, D.J. Burgess. In vitro release testing methods for vitamin E nanoemulsions.
`Int J Pharm. 2014, 475(1-2): 393-400.
`S. Kumar, J. Shen, D.J. Burgess. Nano-amorphous spray dried powder to improve oral
`J Control Release.
`S. Kumar, R. Gokhale, D.J. Burgess. Sugars as bulking agents to prevent nano-crystal
`aggregation during spray or freeze-drying. Int J Pharm. 2014, 471(1-2): 303-11.
`S. Kumar, R. Gokhale, D.J. Burgess. Quality by Design Approach to Spray Drying
`Processing of Crystalline Nanosuspensions. Int J Pharm. 2014, 464(1-2): 234-42.
`S. Kumar, D.J. Burgess. Wet milling induced physical and chemical instabilities of
`naproxen nano-crystalline
`J Pharm. 2014, 466(1): 223-232.
`J. Morais, D.J. Burgess. Vitamin E nanoemulsions characterization and analysis. Int J
`Pharm. 2014, 465(1): 455-463.
`S. Kumar, R. Gokhale, D.J. Burgess. Quality by Design Approach to Spray Drying
`Processing of Crystalline Nanosuspensions. Int J Pharm. 2014, 464(1-2): 234-242.
`S. Kumar, X. Xu, R. Gokhale, D.J. Burgess. Formulation Parameters of Crystalline
`Nanosuspensions on Spray Drying Processing: A DoE Approach. Int J Pharm. 2014,
`464(1-2): 34-45.
`10. A. Costa, X. Xu, D.J. Burgess. Freeze-Anneal-Thaw Cycling of Unilamellar Liposomes:
`Pharm Res.


`Diane J. Burgess, Ph.D. C.V.
`October, 2014
`11. Y. Wang, B. Gu, D.J. Burgess. Microspheres Prepared with PLGA Blends for Delivery of
`Dexamethasone for Implantable Medical Devices. Pharm Res. 2014, 31 (2): 373-81.
`12. Y. Wang, D.J. Burgess. Influence of storage temperature and moisture on the performance
`of microsphere/hydrogel composites.
`Int J Pharm. 2013, 454(1): 310-5. doi:
`13. J. Shen, D.J. Burgess. In vitro dissolution testing strategies for nanoparticulate drug
`delivery systems: recent developments and challenges. Drug Deliv Transl Res. 2013. 3(5):
`14. M. Kapoor, D.J. Burgess. Cellular Uptake Mechanisms of Novel Anionic siRNA
`Lipoplexes. Pharm Res. 2013, 30(4): 1161-75.
`15. H. Kim, C.R. Babu, D.J. Burgess. Quantification of protonation in organic solvents using
`solution NMR spectroscopy: Implication in salt formation. Int J Pharm. 2013, 448(1): 123-
`16. R.A. Croce Jr, S. Vaddiraju, J. Kondo, Y. Wang, L. Zuo, K. Zhu, S.K. Islam, D.J. Burgess,
`F. Papadimitrakopoulos, F.C. Jain. A miniaturized transcutaneous system for continuous
`17. S. Vaddiraju, A. Legassey, L. Qiang, Y. Wang, D.J. Burgess, F.C. Jain, F.
`Papadimitrakopoulos. Enhancing the Sensitivity of Needle-Implantable, Electrochemical
`Glucose Sensors via Surface Re-building. J Diabetes Sci Technol. 2013, 7(2): 441-51.
`18. Y. Wang, F. Papadimitrakopoulos, D.J. Burgess. Polymeric “smart” coatings to prevent
`foreign body response to implantable biosensors. J Control Release. 2013, 169(3):341-7.
`19. Y. Wang, S. Vaddiraju, L. Qiang, X. Xu, F. Papadimitrakopoulos, D.J. Burgess. Effect of
`Dexamethasone-Loaded PLGA Microsphere/PVA Hydrogel Composite Coatings on the
`Basic Characteristics of Implantable Glucose Sensors. J Diabetes Sci Technol. 2012, 6(6):
`20. S. Vaddiraju, Y. Wang, L. Qiang, D.J. Burgess, and F. Papadimitrakopoulos. Microsphere
`Erosion in Outer Hydrogel Membranes Creating Macros

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