`Senlot Yloo Pi€cldont, Dlnoto¡f søvlccs: Paul Walsh
`D|]!ûtoa ot P.oû¡ci ilar|gomollï Mark A. Fl¡eúnan
`Alsoclrtc Product ¡lür4or: Btll Sha(Ei¡nðssy
`Flllonslal Aralyoü Wayne M. Soltls
`Dlr€ctor of Sde.! Dlkran N. Barsam¡ân
`Natlonel Sâl€s Mam¡þr, Pïamåceutlc¡l Sdr¡: Anthony Sorce
`Itatlonal Accoünt fulmagþr: Don Bn ccoleri
`S€nþr Accot¡Dt Mrnaeþc Frank Karkowsþ
`Aêcomt Managoll:
`Madon Gtãy,.RPh
`Lawrence C. Keâry
`Jeffrey F. Pfohl
`Suzanne E. Yaíow, RN
`E€ctrllllo Selcs Accoùnt ilaragcr: StephBn M. Sllr€rb€rg
`ilr(onal sdsû mfué¡rr, Mêðcd Ecfiqnþs Trado galo8: Blll Gsfhsy
`Dlrgctor of D¡rüGt ltladcttlEl Mbha€l Bennett
`]¡gt ond Prodrctloí Ëla¡ngier: Lpraine M. Lo€ning,
`6ôû10r Mr.kãthÉl Analt.t: Dina A. Maeder
`Dltcolor, taw Botlnca¡ Doueloprnont srd
`Ptoúttslo¡d Su¡port Sarvlcc!: Mul-<esh MeMa, RPh
`Mqr.tþt, Dng llúormdlon gónlcoô: Tnom€s Remlng, RPh
`Dn¡g lnlollî¡don Sprcldhe Mårla oeutsch, MS, RPh, CDE
`Btltorr Dlroctory ¡lsrvhis: Dsvid W. Siftoà
`Scnlor Assoclrtê EdltoÍ Lori Munay
`¡tlßctor o{ hucüon: Cârde $ll¡ams
`ìla¡afþr'ol fttoú¡ú{on: Klmberly H. Vùas
`SGnþr Prod¡ætlon Coordlnator Amy B, Brooks
`Prodrcl¡on Coordlmtoð: G¡annâ Carâ(þnna, Mar¡â Volpatj
`Dslr manaßþE Jeffrcy D. Schaeler
`Sanlor Foí¡at Edltoc Gregory J. Westlay
`,núor E4tol¡: Johânnå M. Môzur,.Roben N. Woemer
`Art åsçocletë Joän K, Akelind
`sÓlrh't.Dtsltal ¡ma5|l{ Coorür¡åtd: Shdrvn W. Gahlll
`Difltel ln$l¡g CooIúlnatoc Fraiìk J. McElroy, lll
`R¡mllmcilt Ìlan¡g.n Stephàflie DeNard¡
`-oynn" t ao* ard publbh¿d ùy lt¡l€dlcal Edþlnlcs cdrpany, lG I Mqtwls, NJ t¡ô45*17{2. ÂI rbbts twrEd
`be rcgrcdrGd, sloEd h e f€trlml s!õtd¡, EB{t4 ßdbtrÈ{iql, d tnMfbd h Ârry bm or by sry msF (ol€don¡o,
`ollÞrube) wfthord Ùb Þrlor wúüâì påmbsl¡n ol ¡tp publbisr. PHYSICIANE OESK REFEREIT¡CP. POF, PDn Fq OphùElnolo0É. P6lGl PDF., and llr PDB, Fmfy
`fadarulG 6€d hsß'm undår lbere. PDH Fd t{drpDtaiflhn OrugE rd Dlsàry Sçplsrmnbfl, PDB Cqrpsnþn Ouldârr,
`to PlMiptin OIwErt cE r€fÉls€d
`PDR' kr l{àbtl Mêdft*En, PDFi Medcâl l}lclionilyn, PDF Nr¡r¡e's Drug }bnrñool(", PDfil NuEe! D{ddrsyn, 'Iñ6 PDn. Fårl¡ly Gulde Erq|dopedâ of Medbal
`Cæil, Th€ PDFP Ffl¡y Guld6 lo r¡atural !¡l€dhtË ånd lþ¿llng nEËpiærr, fto PDFi Fsrdt 6dó to CofimH AtrFñEû, 'Iùe PDtr Fdm{y Guldg to OvsrttÞ
`Ceds Dn gsN, ånd PDF EþctDlìlc LbfsryrÈ åru |rsdenarl€ wd her*l unûr tbsH.
`Oñ€E ot M.dlel E¡!æíút¡ êoîIs$ PfesiúÊd drd Ch¡el FÆcrn¡uê Otræ: Cuts B.
`t4ca Pjëiþrf, tlel{ lfrrsl L Su¿ônnö 8€D6ll; ybd Prèsdr¡rt, Cñrtr¿ê Huf,t¿Õ
`Résøffi: Psffila M, Bllarlì,' t4æ B?9Ëef,l xtd ci¡cl lnffii
`O/Tñâ: Stær M. BGsslêr; Cìi€f tnffdål Oltosn ChnsþdB Csrldl; Væ Presidona aíl Cúltrgilq Êdry
`GEf : Vlæ PÊdûilç ì14 Buê¡ræ Pbnf,lry;Lhú G. ilope; t4bo Aesid¡nt, tustßîs þft.Ûtut: Ihvld À Pilhr; t4.¿ PrEid$t, FrMæ,. Dooæ SÐtåtd¿: sgilq Væ P¡osktêot,
`tÌteê¡oty Sqíw PEti WàlEh; tutþr Væ Prasldê¡r|q qpeEtlors Jonn Ê. Wbe ; Scnlü Vb h€sl&nL
`,nMcl Sfraac¡r's: Royûlond Zælbr
`ISBN; 1-5&?693302
`AMNEAL 1026
`Amneal v. Endo


`Shott,rs'¡iacñ manufacturer's
`ilanufacü¡rets' lndex (Wh¡te Pages)
`Sec,tlon 1
`Brand and Generfc llame lndex (Pink Pages)
`Sectlon 2
`G/veg tà€ page number of eæh ptoduc| by brand and generic name.
`Produc{ Gategory Index (Blue Pqges)
`Sectlon 3
`Usts all fully describd ptoduct: by prcscilb¡ng category. An oveuiew of the he¿*l¡ngs
`apæàts ôn pqges 2Ol and 2O2.
`Sectlon 4
`Presen¿s tulrcoron ectuàto,ke qhotos oltabtêE and capsutes, prus ptcturcs of a variety of otiár
`dosaE]e foms and packagles. erangu¿ øpnúaøtyîv-runrn*r*- ,
`Product lrformaüol (white Èqgest
`Ssctlon 5
`The marn sect¡on of the booh.' tncrudae:entries fot over 3,2N ph*mæautrcars. Listtngs are
`aranged alphabèttcally by manufætuer.
`Dla¡lhosüc product l¡úormdon
`Soctlon I
`Gulde lera¡1


`Deæe rlw by 2õ% wor if ¡o
`ådvoru etrgris æ prust. Rdhsl
`sêM @nøtratio åfur 3 d¡ts to
`gùido furths dß¡go Eqiustóet.
`gkip nô¡t d@ úd d@æ
`suboequeot dw lt læEl 25* ev€n
`if Do cdv@ ôf9cþ æ 9ñL
`Rôd¡sL úeruÐ ñoMb¡lioD r-ñÁr 3
`dÀy6 to guíde Í¡rthr dæEge
`a4iuÉtEút. ItryEptoDàtic,
`t@ttunt i6 i¡di€t d (æe
`Iþmn¡rd¡tbu û¡ dwqíc
`'[þat m¡doso æ ¡Dd¡qt¿d (@
`for chmníc
`¡f th@pbyllina lr
`erbrequatly ræued, dwæ
`doe hy ¡t leút 50S ùd ¡ochæU
`m @ÞtNâtí6 r.ft¡r 3 dtYs t0
`ßuide tunhor doe¿ge edíutÐoL
`ild/o. ru
`thæDüylliæ oGDt¡stim
`ind¡qtêd vbÐwd ¡dvæ oftctd N
`Ís ¡d¡led o¡
`u +
`(oxycoDof\tE l{cl coillnotu}nElE^sÉl rABLÊTs
`10 mg ãt mD lo ing à0 mO
`b¡úhm¡'HCr rtrl sl S3
`flre ùenic¡l fouul¡ is 4, ÍsDory-r+hy¡lrut-3'uetù{ry'
`ffi "J;äiff ää#Lä*ïs"ö;d";äi;;;ä-
`mtratiotr ed ilwtrE
`ftlqudcy of dosèFl¡lêd oPio;d
`¡dveæ éx¡¡ ruù ü ¡auæq @iting, CNS eñærs
`¡¡d ærpiñ¿ory dop¡euio ln opioùd.tolemt patisnls, thc
`situ¡t¡oo is lttéred by th.E devolopoent of t¡lqÂ@ to
`opiokl'nlated rldo efætr, ud the nlotimehip h porþ u-
`A¡ witb 6¡l opioirb, tbe d@ Eut be io¡lividu¡lized (sse
`DOSÀOE AlìlD ADM¡MSTnIIIION), beca@ tl¡e eflective
`r;st!ëio d0É tor su pati€nt¡ wlll be tæ high ùo be tolõr'
`it d by ot¡.r Drdmts
`pltÂRÀta@l0ilEflcs AlÐ MEfASot¡sM
`The activity of OI(YCOI{TINO (o¡yctitone þdrcchloride
`@t¡olled.ñ¡¿@, t¡bl¡f! iA ptiúaÍtt due to thÊ Parobt
`&us oryEdtr. OXYCONIIN t¡bleu an ds¡t¡¿d to prc'
`vüle oo¡ollod delivery of o¡.tedoDe oer 12 bom, Ory-
`codàE ¡6 wtÙ ñberbêd ñoü OX{COMIN t¿bleûÁ wit}¡ u
`or 60ll
`À¡out 60rt ¿o 0?ß 0f E q¡ì dæo qf or!@done @ches lÀc
`¡, to
`í ltg
`sy i¡
`r the
`m¡ed l¡blct
`ù600ù ths
`¿¡d i¡ uaùsd
`oa onc side
`st dtolLd @ taEFr¡tw f5'J0'C (89'-86'F),
`iD ¡i8ht, bght MírtÀÌl @nts¡¡on
`Fr.d?fulr Domp!trY
`cÎ 068É0€nt0
`Or08ô, 190t th€ Pudua Froderiù Cupoy
`NuDboE ,1,366,310
`1998 glJ71
`¡^ Pld,uìl ldentif@lia^ Guìtu' p!8. Aî3
`Éouc¡nor¡¡" m¡rc¡nr
`€duel¡o¡ DÞ
`rt çw.powt|p¡boE
`EDUCi\llOftÂr fit^lEÈAl
`Prcr@l Sh4!¡ (00PS??) r pssÞ (pad of 26)
`to pby6¡ci@, nrrc ed phmæi¡t¡
`Purdue Pharma L.P.
`NOnIVALT( GT 0688rL3s9O
`8d edåaù
`I h€|tr).
`of ¿lioiution of
`hous of
`due ùo ùy¡cíe in qe¡dø ¡ilutiø.
`Eúuqnt djrùillad. otd orlw $núlrn4vúL
`Oryodm ew e ¡siludion in motiliþ mirtrd vith u
`íú m@lh Du*le tdt h tbo uiñm of tho stoÊ'
`gtudië iD ñDÀl voluûe.õ ud 9rüqt¡ EE¡¡ pr€d¡ot
`fonNi¡f fo
`butka (Vs)
`Tabletó+ lirtiag uder lÎu Frdw trïedæ.
`fu sith rn oDioidr, tte EiDiD@ rf.atiw Dl¡¡u m@'
`Ucdug ùdù The Ardu Flqld.ick
`lirtlna qÂdèr Tàe P¡¡du Fpdsick
`lietiog uoder Tle Pl¡du F¡o¡le¡i¡t
` ZI
`qDql¡¡lloq¡, frc u¡lgulc ¡ctMty pnfilc of otlrcr ¡e
`cta¿ø o,l i¡ ¡eû¡bolito N ciqet¿d D¡iEstly vi8
`tá'U¿¡ey.'no øur æurcd t¡ tìre uiuc hm bm
`Øndnu'd on ¡lüi Pcgo
`c{¡dk 2ooo ?01i. ¡If¡D¡ù m¿taÐ.dïbD fd úíiot


`T¡bl. 1
`ltfe@ î% Mñciqt uuidtìoLl
`Dqage Fm
`Single D@
`20 DgO)(YCO¡¡Ì]N
`Mult,ipl. Do@
`TûbleLq ql2h
`5 Et ¡mmsdisb
`rch@ q6h
`r00.? t26,61
` [35 9ì
`423.1 133.31
`1086,6 f32,3)
`103.6 198 6l
`09,0 130.21
`2r.4 136.61
`39.3 [34.01
`98.5 [å2.1ì
`1ö,1 t31.0t
`16.5 f28.81
`3.2 16Í.91
`3 1 l?7.41
`2 | lã2.ii
`3.2 169.51
`1.6 149.7,|
`?.2 f48.¡l
`? { f60,91
`which øn
`oxyødoæ in diaiøl poPu-
`In clioic¡] hí¡lq
`å wide
`(^P P),
`tro$fer to
`qained uo-
`Uæ in Cdwr Fu!¡


`rr uèl,h¡aì sbicüw; trÉ mI¡Ú
`o!ÉÃOl fuÂction; ônd lor¡c Fsy-
`ot aggravq0ê &i?uB in ioEc
`aod all opio-
`cìinical *t
`wílh otlær CNS Depreetønle
`3 P-{i-e-Àq sholld be ¡dviged not bo ã4ju8t tåe doæ of
`O)(fCOI{TIN irir¡out @EulËiig thG pþæ¡ibiog prcfs
`Øar'b Mìzd AEþ Le¿ I A,ûogoùíst Oþíaid Ar4l4e-
`24 lrour¡ follw-
`qthc vpìsid¡ hÀve bôea ¡hom ø decæ¿x
`Ileu j¡ a smø
`teAùl lù¡út¡aroún
`q sll of fhe.
`rutleÐua, l¡giû¡Ëùr
`u¡t myd¡i.
`dlanùee, r
`fot Podaalct,a¿¿M
`¡ffi, ¡he8ciet ø

`o O
`& e
`H Ù
`I Pt¡
`l Pt6
`O@ûpr&itr õ? (lÐ 58 (26) 3
`NM.'. , 62 '(A) 80 Qn 6 Or)
`Gqüll 2 !00 tOñ.3¡pCmrb úd ft¡ù¡r, .tt¡d¡ lo, úídw


`62 (2¡) 56 (t
`(t3) 36 (16) 4
`(13) 28 (12) I
`(tr) 3l
`(u) 3
`(8) 3
`17 {71 re

`(6) 16
`Dry Mwth
`For orsùþlâ
`$te¡d of'3 s
`sdons or ¡¡otlur
`OXYCþNUN cú b€
`wa @c

`g r
`ecI 6 c aI ( II I I I
`Düilg æriod! of ch¡¡ging uelg€sic
`requ¡Fd{t¡, lD.lud.
`iog ioitia.l tilration, ñcqætrt ø4tact i; r€@únd.d
`twwn phyriciao, 0¿hÐ hMbeB of ah€ he¡lthqÈ t¿¡D,
`0 ng T.bldt lFi
`oily ln opiold iol'
`ñnt 9rd!¡t¡ ðß¡¡rlng d¡¡tÍ orysodoæ aq{lFl.nt dú
`¡9ú of 18o m0 q lto C.ñ rholld bo ckfr&l tia prf
`Êþr¡on oa thi¡ tsbbl lbMrih. p¡t¡.trß !àdld b. h.
`dûri¡8 6t'
`lhq ¡loe o¡ iu
`ot¡er NSÁ¡D6 &l å
`60r ¡! dôled ú ræd{d for
`T*L a
`'Ihùlc ol þpnprìote Supplenættal Analgeaìo
`OXYCON'nN ql3h Dos
`orycodonc (ng)
`l0 (lxro mg'
`G¿mro4: mide¡t¡l injory, chert psin, facial edeu, nol-
`0s, D6k DaiD, paiD
`Cordì/.wu/ø.r: øigmine, synopo, vàrodilation, 6T do.
`mcl¿tíon, llsh¡le¡æ, g8¡tNintÆti_
`app6tiòe, ¡duu a¡d wmitiDg, .tG
`Cæ ¡Lould h l¡.|¡¡n to w
`'Iî{ l[ pstiet! who
`ciàlly tÀoæ Eho qm
`Potieilc No, Nnad!
`ø otù*
`div6 ûedl€.
`(APAP) o¡ ¡
`being providod, it oay be onti¡ued, Il
`mwnt ¡oD-
`mây b
`opiold ¡s dihnt¡À!¡ed" eerly utñyùd dosê
`Cavmion fm Fivd.Ratio Opitid I ApAp, ASt\ o¡ NSAID
`Conbinoliu Drug.
`¡ilo efects.
`tq ¡ohim
`Ì¡blo 3
`F.arrqyl TTS
`'Tg b. ú.d mly tor æ¡mlon to qd oryædon¡. þo u_
`oo¡h twÍvi¡t h¡glhd@ porettorat opioids, a mon ciu_


`loxyædm hVdrodilo¡tdal
`lmm.dl¡lô{doM Or¡l C|F.ulÉ
`oxYl sfn
`(oryodm hydrochlorldcl
`Orcl COt{GEfl lnATÊ 9olet¡,otrr
`20 ng/lrùL
`.Tha¡ pro4¡C EnLi[ dry dMnl rqbbd
`ox¡odme fu a4r indMdql pti6t Esy inææ with re-
`pÊrt¿d doslng dw to ù inææ i¡ DdÀ ed/ü the ddôÌ.
`opDcût oftolé¡åtrcê.
`Coß.Flr¡t¡oî Erp..¡.M Rdt¡oôtiípa!
`OrçrIR Capeuhr rnd O.tF¡gI CONCEM-III{IE Solution
`, ! wbiie od6l@
`Che opiu alkr.
`by the folìoviag
`i¡dividu¡lÍr¿¿ (e
`), beqw tùs efective r
`b3 tæ hich ùo bc bleÞ
`h¡ tùe ælief of nodemto ùo ¡þdeÉtelj, seê prir.
`OxyFÀSI i¡ o¡tninrlicrtod in pÂtisqt¡ vit¡
`o¡ lE ùy

`tEoÀltarcd 6ât-
`ed pa-
`l¡ eru pôlidrt
`øævæ bonchi¡l
`f,ho b{¡ u iB ¡ulp4lad of haviag pudytic
`WR Orrl c.p{lø
`E¡ah 6 Dg of O¡yIR C6psul4r ût¿iÀ¡:
`O¡VfAEl Oñl CO||CCNIÌAIE Sotudon
`Eaù 1 oL of O¡yfAST Cono¡rt¡¡to Solution mt¡i¡s
`20 ûE
`îbe anrþric in!ædiut, o¡J@doæ, iE a æD¡¡y¡ùholic r.
`@tic wlù Dultþle aclioos qual¡todvely riE¡lù to th@ of
`oorphine; tho moot pmlHt of rha iÂvolv€
`th¡ qF¿l
`¡@tll mosle. Tha
`f orytodmo æ ul
`30 (3x10 ng)
`{0 (2x20 n8)
`60 (3x20 ng)
`ø0 (2x10 ßg)
`1r0 (3x40 ¡8)
`160 (2x80
`ilo (3x80
`,/ui¡/.noæ øf Íhñp!
`blish fEin @rtñ,I. TtE d.thod of
`osd ¡bove shodd be onlofed.ø
`¡lly lor nq,qq
`lnin ¡!a.
`fot aoud.lhælæk oloid
`(a.r., êwry 6 to l,
`Dútbs) I apprcpliato.
`Cædtiø of Thafrw
`9âø tåe pation
`CoNTIN teblsts,
`ruwelly hare
`ddfút. Ho*rvar,
`dl d¡JrE to pryent òittre ård symptsÞ d withdnwal in
`là¿ plvli€lly d.peDdqt psaiet. 'tbç d¡¡lJ' dæ ¡huuld be
`¡oduæd ùy appuin¡l¿ly 6M fot th{ 6ñt two d¿y!.qd
`üø ¡lduc¿d by 26ã ov€ry ¿wo d6yr üherølì¿¡ util ûB fo
`t¿l dæ€ èeche¡ the dæ rummended for oploid raive pÂ.
`¿ir¡b (10 of 20 mg qLlh), IllebDy N then b¿ dísnti¡.
`Co¡wion ltø OXY@Ì{TIN to Pmît4to¿ Opìõidô
`OXYCONTIN@ (rycodone hydræhlorido ø¡t¡olled-e
`l$e) r0 Dg teblets æ rcud, l¡¡mæ4 wh{tÞøtoßd_
`thè ryúbol OC 6 one side drd l0 o¡
`anvd tablotÁ b€Âr¡ng
`tlr¿ othe¿
`'lloyæmppùcd úfollwst
`I{DG 690t¡.r00.10: child-rui¡t¡ot clo8w, opaque plastic
`ùolde of 100
`taDC 6901t'108-l0r child-ei¡tont cløuê, opsque plâ¡Uc
`boftld of lm
`ido t{rybn Md to €lsclliEl ôt¡nul¡lim,
`tåls drug, ud
`wlth tbe i¡e
`otü€¡ oEl
`and ¡dnìnistered
`lo thr w of
`otrer 4
`dnlgh rtlìjst
`to tho fed-
`The¡r ere euppli6d o follvo:
`tltDg 590U-t05.10¡ cìild-¡æi¡tant ctorure, opaqw pl.eetic
`bott¡€¡ ol l0O
`G!.Íolnta¡lo.l l?rqt rñd Otht Smooù Mc.dc:
`''Db¡ew tn d¡!ht, Iight-ruist¡nt cmt¡ùü.
`DC^ orúr fîrú n.$¡Þrd.
`ir Ooly
`Mouf¡¿urcd by tbe PF l¡bontorie¡. I¡c.
`Ìbbr¡. NJ.07612
`Dirhibutcl by purdw ptma Lp.
`Nmra¡t, Cf OOOOO3SSo
`E¡ L.P.
`{,9?0,016; 5,266,3A1;
`Jw 16, t99B
`' Èløwn in Prcdtct ld¿naíßaøtìol Caid., page gg3
`S¡r&ul làæouirru Ìo¿ordins OTJEAS7" Orcl CONCEN-
`TRÀTEfumgll mLSolutìut
`CorrtlÂu.d ü n.xt pagc
`Cof!¡* 200 0 P0ñ {rllffit¡ ùd inw .4tü6lq m¡{oo

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