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`l't9TEBOOK_~_Q~___2_,D"---L'16"-=2-_______________________________ ~---------
`PATE ISfi!lm _____ __ll[__,__!---'Lt_,__/-'=2,o'-'-'l3--.· - - - - - -=Bv _ __(WyA ___________________________________________ _
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`QJTY ----------------------------------- -~-
`Z~I~P ______________ _
`____ NWM_Il!;B_OF PAGEs.ELL.Lf:.Qli'L ____________________________________ _
`Using a Laboratory Notebook to record ideas, inventions,
`experimentation records, observations and all work details is a
`of any laboratory process. Careful attention to how you keep
`your Laboratory Notebook can have a positive impact on the
`patent outcome of a pending discovery or invention.
`Following are some overall recommendations to help you keep
`more efficient and accurate Laboratory Notebook entries.
`Remember, however, that these are simply a suggested set of
`guidelines. Only your attorney can supply the exact guidelines
`she would like you to follow to satisfy specific legal require(cid:173)
`ments. That is why we recommend that you consult your legal
`Your Laboratory Notebook is a vital record of your work whether
`it is for patent purposes, legal records or documenting drug
`research under FDA guidelines. The Laboratory Notebook can
`help you prove:
`a. Exact details and dates of conception
`b. Details and dates of reduction to practice
`c. Diligence in reducing your invention to practice
`d. Details regarding the structure and operation of your
`e. Experimentation observations and results
`f. A chronological record of your work
`g. Other work details
`Follow a few simple rules of thumb
`1. Always record entries legibly, neatly and in permanent ink.
`2. Immediately enter into your notebook and date all original
`concepts, data and observations, using separate headings
`to differentiate each.
`3. Record all concepts, results, references and other infor(cid:173)
`mation in a systematic and orderly manner. (Language,
`charts and numbering systems should be maintained con(cid:173)
`sistently throughout.)
`4. It is acceptable to make your entries brief. Always, howev(cid:173)
`er, include enough details for someone else to successful(cid:173)
`ly duplicate the work you have recorded.
`5. Label all figures and calculations.
`6. Never, under any circumstances, remove pages from your
`Remember to treat your Laboratory Notebook as a legal
`document: It records the chronological history of your activi(cid:173)
`ties. The following guidelines should help you maintain the con(cid:173)
`sistent and accurate entries needed for future legal purposes.
`1. Start entries at the top of the first page, and always make
`successive, dated entries, working your way to the bottom
`of the last page.
`2. After completing a page, sign it before continuing to the
`next page.
`3. Make sure that you record the date of each entry clearly
`and unambiguously.
`4. Never let anyone other than yourself write in your
`Notebook (excluding witness signatures, discussed later).
`5. Never leave blank spaces, and never erase or remove
`material you have added. Simply draw lines through any
`blank spaces at the same time you are making your
`6. Do not erase errors. Just draw a single line through any
`·erroneous entry, then add your initials. Enter the correct
`entry nearby.
`7. You can supplement your entries with supporting material
`(e.g., test-result printouts and other documentation). But
`you must permanently affix the material onto a page in its
`proper chronological location.
`8. Never rely solely on any supplemental attachment. Always
`include your own entry describing the attachment and add
`any conclusions that you might draw from its substance.
`9. Occasionally, secondary sources might be too large or
`inappropriate to attach directly to your notebook. In this
`case, you can add all secondary sources to an ancillary
`record maintained precisely for this purpose. However,
`always remember to write a description of these second(cid:173)
`ary sources, clearly and unambiguously, in your notebook.
`A primary purpose of a Laboratory Notebook is the support of
`documenting work that may be patentable. To support patent
`activities, it is necessary to provide clear, concise, chronologi(cid:173)
`cal entries with specific dates. To rely on these dates, you must
`have at least one non-inventor corroborate that the events
`actually happened and that he or she understood your inven(cid:173)
`tion by signing and dating the "Disclosed to and Understood by''
`signature blocks.
`Your Laboratory Notebook should help you document and
`1. Conception Date-The date that you knew your invention
`would solve the problem.
`2. Date of reduction to practice-The moment that you made
`a working embodiment of your invention.
`3. Diligence in reducing your invention to practice-Diligence
`refers to your intent and conscious effort to make a work(cid:173)
`ing embodiment. You are not required to rush, or even to
`take the most efficient development strategy. But your
`Notebook must include details relating to your diligent
`activities. These are dates and facts that show what activ(cid:173)
`ities you have conducted to reduce the invention to prac(cid:173)
`tice, and when such activities were conducted. Since you
`may still be diligent despite periods of not working on
`reducing your invention to practice, always remember to
`provide reasonable excuses for these periods of inactivity
`by supplying facts relating to why there was no activity
`during the period in question. (e.g., unavailability of test
`conditions or equipment).
`4. How to make and use your invention-provide documen(cid:173)
`tation details sufficient to teach a colleague how to make
`and use your invention.
`5. The best mode of practicing your invention-document the
`best way to practice your invention.
`A non-inventor colleague should corroborate each of these
`events/facts by signing the "Disclosed to and Understood by"
`on the relevant pages.
`t VWR provides these sample guidelines "AS IS" without any
`[69005-130V02 Sep·2005]


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`November II, 2013
`Anita Kumar
`From: Dr. Tony Palmieri
`Dr. Vivian Gray
`Endo Pharms., Inc. v. Amneal Pharms., LLC, Case No. I :12-cv-8115 (S.D.N.Y.)
`Formulation and Testing Protocol of Controlled-Release Oxymorphone Tablets
`The following memorandum sets fmth a protocol to formulate controlled-release
`oxymorphone hydrochloride as disclosed in WO 01/08661 A2 (Maloney) and to conduct in vitro
`dissolution testing of sample batches under the conditions detailed in U.S. Patent Nos. 8,309,122
`and 8,309,216, which are recited below. As you prepare and test these tablets, please be sure to
`record any variables (e.g., air compression) that you may need to adjust but are not explicitly
`noted below. Retain copies of documents and information generated during the manufacture and
`testing of the sample batch, including but not limited to lab notebooks, batch records, and
`calibration curves.
`I. Create Sample Batches of Controlled-Release Tablets Containing Oxymorphonc
`Subparts A and B outline the formulas and steps required to formulate and
`manufacture two batches of at least I ,000 controlled-release tablets each.
`A. Formula #1
`The formula for the first sample batch of controlled-release tablets should include the
`following ingredients by weight:
`Oxymorphone hydrochloride
`30 mg (20% w/w)
`Lactose, NF (Fast Flo)
`Amber lite IRP 69M Fine
`Pmticle Size
`Methocel KIOOM (Premium)
`39.5% w/w
`Cab-0-Sil (M-5)
`0.5% w/w
`- 1 -
`Stearic Acid, NF (Powder)
`Theoretical Tablet Weight
`150 mg
`B. Formula #2
`The formula for the second sample batch of controlled-release tablets should include the
`following ingredients by weight:
`Oxymorphone hydrochloride
`30 mg (20% w/w)
`Lactose, NF (Fast Flo)
`Amberlite lRP 69M Fine
`Particle Size
`Methocel K!OOM (Premium)
`Cab-0-Sil (M-5)
`Stearic Acid, NF (Powder)
`Theoretical Tablet Weight
`150 mg
`C. Manufacturing Steps
`In manufacturing the sample batch of controlled-release tablets, please follow_ these steps
`in order. Please Jet us know immediately if you need to devmte from these steps m any
`Obtain Amber lite JRP 69M Fine Particle Size. If Fine Particle Size is not
`available, ~ease process the Amberlite by passing it thro~gh a 325 mesh _(U.S._ Standm:d
`mesh size) or by using other conventional methods to ach1eve a mean pa1t1cle s1ze that IS
`about 27 ]lm, or at least less than 44-50 ]lm.
`Pass Lactose NF (Fast Flo) through a No. 20 mesh screen for delumping;
`Mi II the Lactose;
`Pass the Cab-0-Sil (M-5) (a glidant), oxymorphone hydrochloride USP
`and Amberlite IRP-69M fine pa1ticle size through a No. 20 mesh screen
`for delumping and mix with the lactose for I 0 minutes to create a drug
`powder blend;
`- 2-


`(Methocel Kl OOM
`the hydroxhypropylmethylcellulose USP
`(premium) CR) through a No. 20 mesh screen for delumping;
`Then add the drug powder blend and mix for 20 minutes;
`Pass stearic acid NF (powder) through a No. 40 mesh screen and add to
`the batch;
`Then mix the batch for 5 minutes;
`Then compress the final blend to form tablets using a conventional tablet
`press and conventional tooling to form tablets of conventional hardness for
`extended-release dosage forms.
`Testing of Dissolution Rate of Sample Batches Created in Step 1
`The steps below outline in vitro dissolution tests, using six samples from each batch
`created in prut I. For the "USP Paddle Method," see Attachment A at§ 711, Dissolution for
`explanation on the parameters of the USP Paddle Method.
`Please perform the following in vitro dissolution testing method: USP Paddle
`in vitro
`Method at 50 rpm in 500 mL media at 37° C. Please perform the
`dissolution test using three different pH levels: 1.2, 4.5, and 6.8.
`For each tablet and pH tested, measure and record below the release of
`oxymorphone hydrochloride (in milligrams) at hours: I, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, and
`Time (Hr)
`Oxymorphone Hydrochloride
`released into the solution (mg).
`Again, please retain copies of documents and information generated during this expert,
`including but not limited to lab notebooks, batch records, and calibration curves.
`- 3 -
`TITLE To PeA~ ·rrn
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`System Suitability Summary Results
`Name: Oxymorphone HCI
`Sarrpk> Narre
`Beg std pH6.8
`Beg std pH6.8
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`rJ.'<...e.rd,.~.~n,.., shu:L.PROJECT 0X\.-If"VI0'll_ltulVle.- ~ d
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`I l l l i ! '
`I I , T ' !J I
`' i ' 1~1 I
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`TITLE t 0 _p01-. ~-
`~~-j----!- ---!-----!~--:--
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`15 ·- __ j_, ___ , ___ !~-"~----+ '·_
`Sample Name:
`Sample Type:
`Injection Volume:
`Run Time:
`Date Acquired:
`Date Processed:
`" 60.00
`Dissolution Report ····----!----+----+----I
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`Sample Set Name:
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`Proc. Chnl. Oeser.:
`ffi161_01_CORE _pl-¥3_8_111513
`Oxy rrorp hone_ OS _MS
`11/15/2013 1 :10:36 PM EST, 11/15/2013 1:17:30 PM EST, 11/15/2013 1:24:24 PM EST,
`11/16/2013 10:39:29 AM EST, 11/16/201310:39:31 AM EST, 11/16/201310:39:32AM
`Dissolution Plot: Oxymorphone HCI
`• QFactorA(72D.D,90 . .!-·"--··+---+-!
`Oxymorphone HCI ER Tab
`pH 6.8 phosphate
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`Reported by User: Grishma ?hah (Grishma)
`Report Method: Dissolution Report
`Report Method ID 274468
`Page: 1 of 1
`Project Name: Oxymorphone HCI Tablets ....... +---c--+ -j
`Date Printed:
`11/16/2013 "-···+-:-- _:, --I
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`System Suitability Summary Results
`Name: Ox mor hone HCI
`5 :1
`Sample Narre
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`System Suitability Summary Results
`Name: O)(~moriJhOI}El HCI _
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`Oxymorphone HCI
`Oxymorphone HCI
`Oxymorphone HCI
`Oxymorphone HCI
`I Oxymorphone HCll 2.273
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`Sample Narre
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