`Applicant(s): P. Bonutti
`Confirmation No.1 6375
`Application No;
`Attorney Docket No: 780-A03—0l 2C
`Filed: November 25, 2003
`Group Art Unit: 3733
`Examiner: P. Philogcnc
`Mail Stop AF
`Commissioner for Patents
`PO. Box 1450
`Alexandria, VA 22313—1450
`Dear Sir:
`Responsive to the Advisory Action mailed January 2|, 20l0 and in Further reply to the
`Final Office Action mailed September 22, 2009, please enter the following amendments and
`remarks into the file ofthc above-entitled application.
`This Response is being filed after the Final Office Action in order to place the application
`in condition for allowance or alternatively, in a better form for appeal. The amendments to the
`claims require only a cursory review by the Examiner. and thus, should be entered.
`In accordance with USPTO practice, each section ofthis Response begins on a separate
`sheet. Applicant submits, these remarks serve to clarify the present invention, and are
`independent ofpatentability.
`WMT 1017-1
`WMT 1017-1


`App]ieant(s): P,Bonu1n
`Application N0.: 10/722,102
`Examiner: Pi Philogcnc
`Amendments to the Claims:
`1. (Currently amended) A method of replacing at least a portion Ufa patient’s knee, the
`method comprising the steps of:
`making an incision in a knee portion ofa leg ofthe patient sized—smalletLt-han—t-he-pemen-ef
`determining a position ofa cutting guide using references derived independently from an
`intramedullary device;
`positioning a cutting guide using the determined position, passing the cutting guide through
`the expanded incision and on a surface ofa distal end portion of an unresccted femur, the cutting
`guide secured to the bone free of an extramedullary or intramedullary alignment rodrthe-eutt-ing
`moving a cutting tool through the incision into engagement with a guide surface on the
`cutting guide; and
`forming at least an initial cut on the femur by moving the cutting tool along the guide
`attaching a replacement portion ofthe knee to the cut surface, the replacement portion
`havinu a transverse dimension that is lar :er than a transverse dimension of the wide surface.
`2. (Previously presented) The method ofclaim I wherein the surface is a medial or lateral
`side ofthc distal end portion ofthe femur
`3. (Canceled)
`4. (Previously presented) The method of claim 1 wherein a computer navigation system is
`used in the determining step.
`5. (Original) The method of claim I wherein the positioning step includes rcmovably
`WMT 1017-2
`WMT 1017-2


`Applieant(s): P. Bonutli
`Application No.: 10/721102
`Examiner: P. Philogcne
`attaching the cutting guide to the side surface ofthe distal end portion ofthe femur.
`6. (Original) The method of claim 5 wherein the cutting guide is removably attached with
`first and second pins extending through holes in the cutting guide and into the femur.
`7. (Original) The method of claim l wherein the guide surface comprises a plurality of
`straight guide segments.
`8. (Original) The method of claim 7 wherein the plurality of straight guide segments
`a distal guide segment disposed in a plane which extends perpendicular to a longitudinal
`central axis ofthe femur and extends through lateral and medial condyles ofthe femur;
`an anterior chamfer guide segment disposed in a plane which extends at an acute angle to a
`plane containing the distal guide surface;
`a posterior chamfer guide segment disposed in a plane which extends at an acute angle to a
`plane containing the distal guide surface, the plane containing the posterior chamfer guide
`surface extending perpendicular to the plane containing the anterior chamfer guide surface;
`an anterior guide segment disposed in a plane which extends perpendicular to a plane
`containing the distal guide surface and extends generally parallel to a longitudinal central axis of
`the femur; and
`a posterior guide surface disposed in a plane which extends parallel to a plane containing
`the anterior guide surface and perpendicular to a plane containing the distal guide surface.
`9. (Canceled)
`10. (Original) The method of claim 1 wherein said step ofcutting the femur includes
`utilizing the guide surface on the cutting guide to guide the cutting tool during making of an
`initial portion ofa cut in the femur, and completing the cut in the femur while guiding the cutting
`tool with a surface formed during making ofthe initial portion ofthe cut in the femur.
`WMT 1017-3
`WMT 1017-3


`Applicnn1(s): P. Bonuiti
`Application N0.: lO/‘722,|02
`Examiner: P, Philogcnc
`ll. (Canceled)
`12. (Previously presented) The method of claim 10 wherein the cutting guide is removed
`from a side surface ofthe distal end portion ofthe femur after making the initial portion of the
`cut and before completion ofthe cut.
`13-18. (Canceled)
`19. (Currently amended) A method of replacing at least a portion ofajoint in apatient, the
`method comprising the steps of:
`obtaining a customized cutting guide fabricated for the patient based on preoperative and
`el-in-iea—l information, the cuttingguidc positionable in a pro-determined position on a bone of the
`joint using references derived independently from an intramedullagy device;
`making an incision proaei-mal adjacent to the joint in the patientfihe—ineisien—si—zed—srml—ler
`positioning the cutting guide using in the fidetermined position[[,]] by passing the cutting
`guide through the incision and on a surface of an end portion of an unresected bone ofthejoint;
`moving a cutting tool through the incision into engagement with a guide surface on the
`positioned cutting guide;
`cutting the unreseeted bone ofthe joint for the first time, by moving the cutting tool along
`the guide surface;
`attaching a replacement portion of the knee to the cut surface, the replacement portion
`having a transverse dimension that is lagger than a transverse dimension ofthe guide surface; and
`disposing ofthe cutting guide, as it is no longer safely usable eeuseful—in—a—sabsequent
`pfeeedru-rertheeatting—gaidehMHg—been—eontafiunated—or the bone for which it was custom
`fabricated having been cut and therefore changed.
`WMT 1017-4
`WMT 1017-4


`Applieant(s): P. Bonutti
`Application N0.: 10/7211 02
`Examiner: P. Philogcnc
`20. (Previously presented) The method of claim 19 wherein the side surface is a medial or
`lateral side ofthe end portion ofthe first bone.
`21-22. (Canceled)
`23. (Original) The method ofclaim l9 wherein the positioning step includes removably
`attaching the cutting guide to the side surface of the end portion of the first bone.
`24. (Original) The method of claim 23 wherein the cutting guide is removably attached
`with first and second pins extending through holes in the cutting guide and into the first bone.
`25. (Original) The method of claim 19 wherein the guide surface comprises a plurality of
`straight guide segments.
`26. (Original) The method of claim 25 wherein the plurality of straight guide segments
`a distal guide segment disposed in a plane which extends perpendicular to a longitudinal
`central axis ofthc first bone;
`an anterior chamfer guide segment disposed in a plane which extends at an acute angle to a
`plane containing the distal guide surface;
`a posterior chamfcr guide segment disposed in a plane which extends at an acute angle to a
`plane containing the distal guide surface. the plane containing the posterior chamfer guide
`surface extending perpendicular to the plane containing the anterior chamfer guide surface;
`an anterior guide segment disposed in a plane which extends perpendicular to a plane
`containing the distal guide surface and extends generally parallel to a longitudinal central axis of
`the first bone; and
`a posterior guide surface disposed in a plane which extends parallel to a plane containing
`the anterior guide surface and perpendicular to a plane containing the distal guide surface.
`27. (Canceled)
`WMT 1017-5
`WMT 1017-5


`Applicant(s): P. Bonutli
`Appliealion No.2 lO/722.ll)2
`Examiner: P. Philogcnc
`28. (Original) The method of claim 19 wherein said step of cutting the first bone includes
`utilizing the guide surface on the cutting guide to guide the cutting tool during making ofan
`initial portion ofa cut in the first bone, and completing the cut in the first bone while guiding the
`cutting tool with a surface formed during making of the initial portion of the cut in the first bone.
`29. (Original) The method of claim 28 wherein the cutting guide is positioned on the side
`surface ofthe end portion of the first bone during completion of the cut.
`30. (Original) The method of claim 29 wherein the cutting guide is removed from the side
`surface ofthe end portion of the first bone after making the initial portion ofthe cut and before
`completion ofthe cut.
`31-32. (Canceled)
`33. (Previously presented) The method of claim 1, wherein in said step of making an
`incision, said incision is offset from the center of said knee area.
`34. (Canceled)
`35. (Previously presented) The method of claim 19, wherein after said step of cutting,
`further including the steps of:
`removing said cutting guide; and,
`guiding said cutting tool using cuts formed in said cutting step to complete said cuts.
`36. (Previously presented) The method of claim 19, wherein in said step of positioning,
`said cutting guide is sized smaller than said side surface.
`37'. (Previously presented) The method of claim 19, wherein after said step of positioning,
`further including the step of:
`WMT 1017-6
`WMT 1017-6


`Applicanl(s): P. Bonutti
`Application No.: 10/721102
`Examiner: P. Philngenc
`aligning said cutting guide using markings on said side surface.
`38-39. (Canceled)
`40. (Previously presented) The method of claim I, wherein the determining step includes
`adjusting the determined position to correct a deformity ofthe joint.
`41. (Previously presented) The method of claim 1, wherein the portion ofa patient’s knee
`replaced is at least a portion of an articulating surface ofthe joint.
`42. (Canceled)
`43. (Previously presented) A method of replacing at least a portion ofa patient’s knee, the
`method comprising the steps of:
`making an incision in a knee portion ofa leg ofthe patient;
`expanding the incision from an uncxpanded configuration to an expanded configuration by
`applying force against opposite edge portions ofthe incision;
`determining a position ofa cutting guide using references derived independently from an
`intramedullary device;
`positioning a cutting guide using the determined position, passing the cutting guide through
`the expanded incision and on a surface ofa distal end portion of an unresected bone, the cutting
`guide secured to the bone free of an exti‘amedullary or intramedullaiy alignment rod. the cutting
`guide sized to be received in the expanded configuration;
`moving a cutting tool through the incision into engagement with a guide surface on the
`cutting guide; and
`forming at least an initial cut on the bone by moving the cutting tool along the guide
`attaching a replacement portion ofthe knee to the cut surface, the replacement portion
`having a transverse dimension that is larger than a transverse dimension of the guide surface.
`WMT 1017-7
`WMT 1017-7


`Applicanl(s): P. Bonutti
`Application No.1 10/722,102
`Examiner: P. Philogcnc
`44. (Previously presented) The method of claim 43, wherein the cutting guide is
`customized to a patient’s bone, and further including the step of disposing ofthc cutting guide,
`as the cutting guide is no longer useful as the bone for which it has been customized has been cut
`and thereby changed.
`45. (Previously presented) The method of claim 43, wherein the cutting guide is Fabricated
`from a plurality of cutting guide parts, and further including the step of disposing of at least one
`of said plurality of cutting guide parts.
`46. (Previously presented) The method of claim 43, wherein the replacement portion ofthe
`knee is attached without dislocating the kncejoint.
`47. (Previously presented) The method of claim 43, wherein the bone is cut with a mill.
`48. (Previously presented) The method of claim 43, wherein the bone is cut using a robotic
`arm .
`49. (Previously presented) The method of claim 43, wherein in said forming step, a recess
`is formed in the bone, and in said attaching step, at least a part ofthc replacement portion is
`inlaid into the recess.
`50. (Previously presented) The method of claim 43, wherein the replacement portion of the
`knee includes a plurality of segments having an articulating surface.
`51. (Previously presented) The method of claim 43. further including the step ofinscrting
`a guide wire in bone ofthe knee. and wherein the replacement portion ofthe knee is provided
`with an opening through which the guide wire is passed.
`52. (Previously presented) The method of claim 43, wherein the guide surface operates to
`capture the cutting tool within a slot.
`WMT 1017-8
`WMT 1017-8


`Applicanl(s): P. Bonutii
`Application No.: l0/722,102
`Examiner: P. Philogene
`53. (Previously presented) The method of claim 43, wherein at least a portion ofthe
`cutting guide is polymeric.
`54‘ (Previously presented) The method of claim 43, wherein in carrying out the method,
`the quadriceps mechanism is not cut,
`55. (Previously presented) The method of claim 43, wherein in carrying out the method,
`the articulating surface ofthe patella is maintained facing the femur.
`56. (Previously presented) The method of claim 43, further including the step of
`unpacking a sterile package containing only one cutting guide.
`57. (Previously presented) The method of claim 43, further including the step of
`unpacking a sterile package containing only one each ofa cutting guide and a replacement
`portion ofthe kneel
`58. (Currently amended) A method ofreplaeing at least a portion ofajoint in a patient, the
`method comprising the steps of:
`determifimg—a—positien—fer obtaining an alignment guide positionable on a bone using
`references derived independently of an intramedullary device, wherein the alignment guide is
`custom fabricated for the patient based on patient imaging information;
`positioning the alignment guide using—theeletemfined—pes-itiefi in relation to the surface of
`an unresected bone of thejoint;
`referencing a cutting guide with respect to the alignment guide; gig
`cutting the unresected bone ofthejoint for the first time, by moving a cutting tool along a
`guide surface ofthe cutting guide
`59. (Previously presented) The method ofclaim 58, wherein the joint is a kneejoint and a
`WMT 1017-9
`WMT 1017-9


`Applieant(s)z P. Bonutti
`Application No.: 10/722,102
`Examiner: P. Philogcnc
`total knee replacement is performed.
`60. (Previously presented) The method of claim 58, wherein referencing the cutting guide
`includes positioning a pin into the bone to secure the cutting guide to the bone and wherein the
`pin position is determined by the alignment guide.
`61. (Previously presented) The method of claim 58, wherein the guide surface has a width
`less than the width ofthe cut portion ofthe bone.
`62. (Previously presented) The method of claim 58, wherein thejoint is selected from the
`group consisting of: finger, wrist, elbow, shoulder, spine, hip, knee, ankle, toe.
`63. (Previously presented) The method of claim 58, wherein at least a portion ofthe
`articulating surface of the joint is replaced within the cut bone.
`64. (Previously presented) The method of claim 63, wherein the at least a portion of the
`articulating surface is replaced with a material selected from the group consisting of: biological,
`metal. composite, polymeric, ceramic, metal/ceramic, metal/polymer, polymer/ceramic,
`polymer/polymer. ceramic/ceramic, and ceramic/composite.
`65. (Previously presented) The method of claim 58, wherein thejoint has a plurality of
`articulating surface compartments, and at least a portion ofthe articulating surface is not
`replaced in all articulating surface compartments.
`66. (Previously presented) The method of claim 58, wherein the cutting guide or the
`alignment guide is passed into the body through a cannula.
`WMT 1017-10


`Applicanl(s)z P. Bonulti
`Application No.1 l0/722,102
`Examiner: P. Philogene
`Claims 1-2, 4-8, .10, 12. 19-20, 23-26, 28-30, 33, 35-37, 40-41, and 43—66 are presented for
`the Examiner’s review and consideration. In this response, claims l, 19, and 58 are amended,
`and claims 13—18, 22, 34, and 39 are cancelled. Applicant believes the claim amendments and
`accompanying remarks serve to clarify the present invention, and are independent of
`patentability. No new matter has been added.
`35 U.S.C. q102
`Claims 13-18, and 39, were rejected under 35 U.SiC. §102(b) as being anticipated by
`Jenkins. Jr. (US. 5,722,978), and under 35 U.S.C. §102(e) as being anticipated by Mansmann
`(US. 6,132,468). Without prejudice and without conceding the validity ofthc rejections, in
`order to expedite prosecution, Applicant has herein cancelled claims 13-18, 22, 34, and 39.
`In light ofthe foregoing, Applicant respectfully requests reconsideration and withdrawal of
`the §102 rejections.
`With respect to comments made in the Advisory Action mailed January 4,2010, it is
`asserted that any device or component could be adjusted to a single patient’s bone. Applicant
`respectfully submits, however, that “custom fabricated” is clearly distinct from “adjusted”. As to
`the assertion that the claims do not define structure as to how the cutting guide is “custom
`fabricated for a single patient’s bone”, Applicant notes, at least, that the claims recite a custom
`guide fabricated based on “preoperative” or “patient imaging information", neither of which are
`suggested or taught by the cited references. The foregoing arguments additionally apply to the
`travelling guide of Mansmann.
`| l
`WMT 1017-11
`WMT 1017-11


`Applicant{s): P. Bonutti
`Application No.: 10/722,102
`Examiner: P. Philogcnc
`Amendment After Final Rejection
`Although the Examiner has discretion over entry of amendments submitted after final
`rejection, any amendment that will place the application either in condition for allowance or in
`better form for appeal may be entered. See MPEP 714.12. Any amendment after final rejection
`should require only a cursory review by the Examiner, such as an amendment cancelling claims.
`adopting Examiner suggestions, and/or removing issues for appeal. See MPEP 7.14.13 11.
`Applicant respectfully requests entry of the amendments and remarks presented herein into
`the file for the above-identified application.
`In this response. claims 13-18, 22. 34 and 39 have been cancelled. and claims 1 and 19 have
`been amended to incorporate subject matter from allowed claim 43.
`Accordingly. the claim amendments made herein are acceptable for entry as. in accordance
`with the guidelines. the amendments only cancel claims and incorporate allowed subject matter.
`Furthermore, all subject matter presented in the claims (as amended herein) has been
`previously presented. No new matter, which would require a further search by the Examiner, has
`been added.
`Based upon all the above, it is clear that the amendments made herein require only a
`cursory review by the Examiner. Therefore, the instant Response places the application in
`condition for allowance or alternatively, in a better form for appeal. and should be entered.
`Allowable Subject Matter
`Applicant acknowledges with appreciation that claims 1-2, 4-8. lO-l2, 19-20, 22-26, 28-30,
`33—37, 40-41, and 43-66 were allowed.
`WMT 1017-12


`Applicant(s): 1". Bonutli
`Appliealion No.1 10/722.l()2
`Examiner: P. Philogcnc
`In the light ofthe foregoing remarks, this application is now in condition for allowance and
`early passage ofthis case to issue is respectfully requested. If any questions remain regarding
`this amendment or the application in general, a telephone call to the undersigned would be
`appreciated since this should expedite the prosecution ofthe application for all concerned.
`A Fee of$l,l 10 is believed to be due for a three month extension. However, please charge
`any required fee (or credit any overpayments offecs) to the Deposit Account ofthe undersigned.
`Account No. 50060] (Docket No. 780-A03-012C).
`Respectfully submitted,
`./ Paul D. Bianco/
`Paul D. Bianca, Reg. #43,500
`Customer Number: 33771
`21355 East Dixie Highway. Suite 115
`Miami. Florida 33180
`Tel: 305-830-2600; Fax: 305-830—2605, pbianeo@fggbb.eom
`WMT 1017-13


`PTO/55131 (0709)
`Approved for use through 07/31/2012. OMB 0651-0031
`US. Patent and Trademark Office: US. DEPAR'MENT OF COMMERCE
`Under the Paerwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are re uirert to respond to a collection of information unless it dis-Ia s a val d OMB oontroi number
`Docket Number (Optional)
`780-A03-O‘i 2C
`I hereby certify that this correspondence is being facsimile transmitted
`In re Application of
`to the USPTO or deposited with the United States Postal Service with
`Peter Bonutt}
`sufficient postage as first class trail in an enve ope addressed to
`'Commissionerfor Patents. PO Box 1450, Alexandria, VA 22313-
`Application Number
`November 25, 2003
`1450" {37 CFR1.B(a)]
`Of‘l ——
`Art Unit
`TVPEd or Printed Dir
`n Fuentes
`Applicant hereby appeals to the Board of Patent Appeals and interferences from the last decision of the examiner.
`The fee for this Notice oprpeal is (37 CFR 41.20(b)(1))
`$ 540
`[3 Applicant claims small entity status. See 37 CFR 1 27. Therefore, the fee shown above is reduced
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`be included on this form. Provide credit card information and authorization on PTO-2038.
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`(Form PTO/SB/QS)
`Typed or printed name
`Rag istration number
`395 830-2600
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`Pall! D. BIEI‘ICO.
`Pam D; 3‘5"?”
`I] attorney or agent acting under 37 CFR 1 34
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`WMT 1017-14


`Electronic Patent Application Fee Transmittal
`Application Number:
`Filing Date:
` Title oflnvention:
`Knee arthropiasty method
`Peter M. Bonutti
`First Named Inventor/Applicant Name:
`Paul David Bianca
`Attorney Docket Number:
`Filed as Large Entity
`Utility under 35 USC 1 1 1 (a) Filing Fees
`Sub-Total in
`Basic Filing:
`Notice of appeal
`WMT 1017-15


`Quantnym USDIS)
`Sub—Total in
`Extenslon 7 3 months with 30 paid
` Miscellaneous:
`C d
`ee 0 e
`Total in USD (5)
`WMT 1017-16
`WMT 1017-16


`Electronic Acknowledgement Receipt
` Application Number: 10722102
`International Application Number:
`Confirmation Number:
`Title of Invention:
`Knee anhroplasty method
`First Named lnventorlApplicant Name: Peter M. Bonutti
`Customer Number:
`Paul David Blanco
`Filer Authorized By:
`Attorney Docket Number:
`; 780-A03—012C
`Receipt Date:
`Filing Date:
`Time Stamp:
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`Utility under 35 USC 111(a)
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`WMT 1017-17


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`Multipart Description/POP files in .zip description
`Amendmem After Final
`Applicant Arguments/Remarks Made in an Amendment
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`AppealNoteipdf —____—_.
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`WMT 1017-18

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