
` Paper No. ____
`Filed on behalf of: Junior Party FAN
`By: R. Danny Huntington, Esq.
`Sharon E. Crane, Ph.D., Esq.
`607 14th St., N.W., Suite 800
`Washington, DC 20005
`Main Telephone: (202) 783-6040
`Main Facsimile: (202) 783-6031
`Junior Party
`(Patent 8,195,415),
`Senior Party
`(Application 13/070,266),
`Patent Interference No. 105,922 (DK)
`(Technology Center 1600)
`Petitioner Sequenom - Ex. 1014, p. 1


`Interference No. 105,922
`United States Patent and Trademark Office
`Patent Trial and Appeal Board
`Madison Building East
`600 Dulany Street
`Alexandria, Virginia 22313
`Pursuant to Bd.R. 204(a)(1), Junior Party Fan (“Fan”) hereby sets forth the basis upon
`which Fan intends to establish its entitlement to judgment on priority.
`Date and Location of Fan’s Earliest Corroborated Conception
`Pursuant to Bd.R. 204(a)(2)(i), Fan intends to prove a date of earliest corroborated
`conception in the United States of on or about December 18, 2007. Exhibit A is a copy of the
`earliest document upon which Fan will rely to show conception.
`Date and Location of Earliest Corroborated Actual Reduction to Practice
`Pursuant to Bd.R. 204(a)(2)(ii), Fan intends to prove a date of corroborated actual
`reduction to practice in the United States of on or about March 24, 2008.
`Earliest Corroborated Date on Which Diligence Began
`Pursuant to Bd.R. 204(a)(2)(iii), Fan intends to prove diligence beginning on or about
`December 18, 2007.
`A Copy of the Earliest Document Relied Upon to Show Conception
`Pursuant to Bd.R. 204(a)(2)(iv), Fan hereby provides, as an attachment to this Priority
`Statement, a copy of the earliest document upon which Fan intends to rely to show conception.
`(Exhibit A).
`Petitioner Sequenom - Ex. 1014, p. 2


`Interference No. 105,922
`Respectfully submitted,
`By: /s/ R. Danny Huntington
`Date: July 31, 2013
` R. Danny Huntington, Reg. No. 27,903
`Sharon E. Crane, Ph.D., Reg. No. 36,113
`Rothwell, Figg, Ernst & Manbeck, P.C.
`607 14th St., N.W., Suite 800
`Washington, DC 20005
`Counsel for Junior Party Fan
`Petitioner Sequenom - Ex. 1014, p. 3


`Petitioner Sequenom - Ex. 1014, p. 4
`Petitioner Sequenom - Ex. 1014, p. 4


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`User: Shared
`Data File:C:\ Documents and Settings\ Yann\ My Documents\ Down Syndrome
`Diagnostics\ Real-Time PCR\ 20071218_P27 -P37.tad
`Active Dye: (HEX)
`C(T) Threshold: 0.002010
`Threshold has been set manually.
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`Efficiency C(t)
`31 07
`31. 72
`28. 13
`92.3 1
`30 .12
`Avg C(t) MaxC(t)
`31 .30
`31 .13
`31 .34
`25 06
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`32 .52
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`VRNT A00002004
`Petitioner Sequenom - Ex. 1014, p. 5


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`9 11 ol1112l
`User: Shared
`Data File:C:\ Documents and Setting s\ Yanni My Documents\ Down Syndrome
`Diagnostics\ Real-Time PCR\ 20071 218_P27-P37.tad
`Active Dye: (FAM)
`C(T) Threshold: 0.007589
`Threshold has been set manually.
`* l 2 3 4 s 6 7 8
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`Quantitation Graph
`lc:ycle I
`Set Dye Efficiency C(t)
`P27 FAM
`31 .88
`P28 FAM
`P30 FAM
`31 .87
`P31 FAM
`P32 FAM
`P35 FAM
`P36 FAM
`36. 33
`P37 FAM
`std 1 FAM
`std 2 FAM
`std 3 FAM
`std 4 FAM
`std 5 FAM
`copies Avg C(t) MaxC(t) MinC(t) C(t)SD Avg copies
`32 .24
`31 .63
`31 .91
`36. 33
`18. 90
`22.5 1
`26.1 5
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`I of I
`1115/2008 3:37 PM
`Petitioner Sequenom - Ex. 1014, p. 6


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`User: Shared
`Data File:C :\ Documents and Settings\ Yann\ My Documents\ Down Syndrome
`Diagnostics\ Real-Time PCR\ 20080 114_P34P38-P45.tad
`Active Dye: (HEX)
`C(T) Threshold : 0.003976
`Threshold has been set manually.
`~o-oP fiO.SMCl -7 S o-«e 'St(fe.r AE
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`73.37 32.60
`73.69 32.60
`72.25 32.88
`60.43 33.02
`31 .92
`70.48 31.99
`57 .14 33.30
`Avg Max Min C(t)
`SD molecules molecules molecules
`N/A N/A
`32.61 33. 14 31.89 0.53
`32.59 32.76 32.42 0.17
`32.65 33.07 32.39 0.30
`24 .27
`32.93 33.42 32.48 0.39
`33.52 33.64 33.35 0.13
`n.12 ~
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`31.92 31 .96 31.85 0.05
`32. 00 32.44 31.73 0.31
`33.30 33.65 32. 95 0.35
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`w.aLt.-dilvrho~ 1 1jAM-hr;'w ar
`70.66 23.44
`23.45 23.70 23.25 0.19 1.213e+004 1.387e+004 1.011 e+004
`68.60 22.99
`22.99 23. 03 22.95 0.04 1.644e+004 1.644e+004 1.644e+004
`60.83 26.37
`26.37 26.45 26.33 0.05
`65.58 29.52
`29.51 29.76 29.09 0.30
`48.40 33.13
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`1115/2008 3:36PM
`Petitioner Sequenom - Ex. 1014, p. 7


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`6 7 8 9 101 11 2 1
`- ~.0
`User: Shared
`Data File:C :\ Documents and Settings\ Yann\ My Documents\ Down Syndrome
`Diagnostics\ Real-Time PCR\ 2008011 4_P34P38-P45.tad
`Active Dye: (FAM)
`C(T) Threshold: 0.01 2365
`Threshold has been set manually.
`Qua ntitation Graph
`v ,..
`~ ....
`Q -2. 5
`C(T) Control Graph y = 1; rA2 = 0
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`Efficiency C(t)
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`35.80 35.59
`46.88 34.14
`13.34 43.64
`33.98 31.86
`dilution 1
`dilution 2
`dilution 3
`dilution 4
`dilution 5
`37 .62
`35 .73
`32 .97
`34. 19
`Max Min
`37.62 37 .62
`37.52 34.26
`33.52 32.65
`34.59 33.78
`46.45 46.45
`42.84 40.46
`32.35 31 .25
`SD molecules molecules molecules
`19.98 19.70
`59. 19 23.46
`23 .82 22.72
`5506 26.59
`26.93 2607
`59.00 29.81
`29.97 29.64
`33.57 33.40
`1 of 1
`1115/2008 3:36PM
`VRNT A00002007
`Petitioner Sequenom - Ex. 1014, p. 8


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`Petitioner Sequenom - Ex. 1014, p. 9


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`VRNT A00002009
`Petitioner Sequenom - Ex. 1014, p. 10

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