
`Whole-genome sequencing and variant discovery in
`C. elegans
`LaDeana W Hillier1’3, Gabor T Marth2’3, Aaron R Quinlanz, David Doolingl, Ginger Fewelll, Derek Barnettz,
`Paul Foxl, Jarret I Glasscockl, Matthew Hickenbothaml, Weichun Huangz, Vincent J Magrinil, Ryan I Richtl,
`Sacha N Sanderl, Donald A Stewartz, Michael Strombergz, Eric F Tsungz, Todd Wylie], Tim Schedll,
`Richard K Wilson1 8: Elaine R Mardis1
`Massively parallel sequencing instruments enable rapid and
`inexpensive DNA sequence data production. Because these
`instruments are new, their data require characterization with
`respect to accuracy and utility. To address this, we sequenced a
`Caemohabditis elegans N2 Bristol strain isolate using the Solexa
`Sequence Analyzer, and compared the reads to the reference
`genome to characterize the data and to evaluate coverage and
`representation. Massiwa parallel sequencing facilitates strain-
`to-reference comparison for genome-wide sequence variant
`discovery. Owing to the short-read-length sequences produced,
`we developed a revised approach to determine the regions
`of the genome to which short reads could be uniquely mapped.
`We then aligned Solexa reads from C. elegans strain (34858 to
`the reference, and screened for single-nucleotide polymorphisms
`(SNPs) and small indels. This study demonstrates the utility
`of massively parallel short read sequencing for whole
`genome resequencing and for accurate discovery of
`genome-wide polymorphisms.
`In 1998 the decoding of the first animal genome sequence, that
`of C. elegans, was published]. C. elegans was first suggested as a
`model organism in the 19605 by Sydney Brenner, and subsequent
`work produced a physical map of its genomez. As a result, the
`C. elegans genome sequencing project formed the cornerstone
`of efforts ultimately aimed at decoding the human genome“.
`The entire C. elegans biology community has benefited enor
`mously from the availability of the genome sequence and the
`ever improving genome annotations, and from the comparative
`power of the availability of sequenced genomes for C. elegans’
`relatives such as C. briggsae‘s.
`The emerging availability of massively parallel sequencing instru
`mentation provides the capability to resequence genomes in a
`fraction ofthe time, effort and expense than ever before. Compared
`to capillary sequencing, these instruments produce relatively short
`read length sequences that require characterization, including read
`error profiles and base call accuracy (which we refer to as base
`quality) values. Furthermore, the general utility of short read
`sequences, coverage models for resequencing and approaches for
`read mapping to reference genomes requires investigation. To
`address these, we sequenced an isolate of the C. elegans N2 Bristol
`strain using the Solexa Sequence Analyzer (Illumina Inc). Our
`analyses ofthese sequences included (i) an elucidation ofthe Solexa
`read error model, (ii) an evaluation of sequence differences between
`the two isolates and (iii) identification and investigation of repre
`sentational biases in Solexa data. We revealed possible sequencing
`errors in the C. elegans reference genome, and putative variants that
`had occurred in our passaged N2 Bristol strain.
`Massively parallel sequencing can be applied to strain to
`reference comparisons that reveal genome wide sequence differ
`ences, either for evolutionary studies or for discovering genetic
`variation that may explain phenotypic variation. Implementing this
`application requires a new approach that assesses the fraction of a
`genome to which short read sequences can be uniqudy mapped
`because they are more susceptible to multiple placements than are
`longer capillary instrument derived sequences. Computational
`identification and markup of these ‘microrepeats’ is therefore an
`important precursor to accurate short read analysis, and must
`allow for mismatches resulting from sequencing errors or poly
`morphisms. We aligned Solexa sequence reads from the C. elegans
`strain CB4858 (originally isolated in Pasadena, California, USA)7 to
`the microrepeat masked N2 Bristol reference sequence, and identi
`fied SNPs and small indels with a modified PolyBayes8 version.
`Orthologous validation yidded a high validation rate.
`Experimental design
`In this study we explored two applications of Solexa sequencing:
`(i) genome resequencing and (ii) genome wide polymorphism
`discovery. For the first application, we sequenced an isolate of the
`C. elegans N2 Bristol strain at a high coverage depth with single end
`reads and at a much lower coverage depth with paired end reads.
`Using the reference genome as our alignment target, we determined
`1Washington University School of Medicine, Department of Genetim and Genome Sequencing Center, 4444 Forest Park Blvd., St. Iouis, Missouri 63108, USA. 2Boston
`College, Department of Biology, 140 Commonwealth Ave., Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts 02467, USA. ’I‘hese authors contributed equally to this work. Correspondence
`should be addrmsed to E.R.M. (
`RECEIVED 19 SEPTEMBER monument) 21 MEMBER 2N7; PUBLISHED cm 20 JANUARY 2008; D01:10.1038/NHEI'H.1179
`Petltloner Sequenom - EX. 1006, p. 1
`Petitioner Sequenom - Ex. 1006, p. 1


`85,498,844 Solexa N2 Bristol reads
`. ‘65
`‘0 e. d)“
`1,525,093 (1.78%) reads
`No match to
`C. dams,
`E. 00! or
`Solera priners
`Exad match
`to C. elegans
`reterenoe genome,
`catalog poeflions
`18,442,727 reads
`Quality trim
`reeds (keephg only
`reads 2 20 hp at
`2 025)
`64,636,331 (75.55%) reads
`6,699,337 reads
`No match to
`0. 9199815 /
`1,843,353 reads
`Exact match to
`\ C. dogma
`4,855,984 reads
`BLAT-based allgrments to Identity norkeotad
`matches to C. elegans genome
`an accuracy estimate and an error model for Solexa reads. We next
`aligned all reads possible using a tiered approach (Fig. 1), identified
`sequence differences between the two isolates and evaluated both
`representational bias and copy number detection.
`We developed a genome wide polymorphism discovery approach
`by first sequencing C. elegans strain CB4858, using Solexa single
`end reads of about ninefold coverage. To decrease the possibility
`of erroneous variant detection because of paralogous read place
`ments, we identified and masked ‘microrepeat’ regions in the
`genome based on a 32 bp read length. We then aligned CB4858
`reads to the reference genome using Mosaik and applied a modified
`PolyBayes version to detect variants. Our predicted polymorphic
`sites were validated by PCR amplification and Sanger sequencing at
`a high rate.
`figure 1 I N2 Brigol Solexa read analysis. The diagram shows the processing steps used to evaluate
`Solexa single end reads from the N2 Bristolisolate. The majority of reads mapped exactly to the
`reference genome.
`884,698 (1.05%)reads
`given base quality value depends upon that
`base’s position in the sequence read.
`To determine Solexa N2 Bristol single end
`read coverage, we first devised an iterative
`read alignment
`strategy for
`these reads
`and Supplementary Methods
`online). We then determined the average
`coverage of the genome to be 19.2 (s.d. =
`9.0; Supplementary Fig. 1 online).
`We examined the genome for over
`represented regions and found ~1.7% of
`the genome had >40 fold coverage in
`unique 32 mers. We expected ribosomal
`DNA genes to have higher than average
`coverage because the reference represents
`these as single copies but they actually exist
`in multiple copies. By examining unique
`32 mers within rDNA segments, we found
`evidence of excess coverage (> 100x for the
`duomosome 1
`rDNA unique 32 mers).
`This finding lends credibility to the use of
`read coverage as a quantitative metric of
`region specific copy number. Based on our
`analysis of regions with higher than average
`coverage, combined with the assembly and
`analysis of unmapped reads (see Supplementary Methods), we
`estimate a maximum of ~ 0.5 Mb of repetitive sequence is missing
`from the C. elegans reference genome.
`To determine the genome coverage of the sequence reads we
`proceeded as follows. After aligning exactly matching 32 bp reads,
`exactly matching quality trimmed reads (that is, reads with at least
`20 consecutive base pairs of quality score 220) and quality
`trimmed reads with 2 or more mismatches to the reference genome,
`we found that 99.9% ofthe unique C. elegans genome was covered,
`mostly in large spans; the longest was 194 kb on chromosome V. Of
`the regions left uncovered by Solexa reads, there were 9,492 gaps
`comprising 95,913 bp. These coverage gaps ranged in size from
`1 base to over 1,000 bases; 77.9% were 1 9 bp and another 36.8%
`were 10 50 bp. Ifwe only consider 32 mer exact mapping reads, the
`largest coverage gap was a 4,601 bp region on chromosome X
`(5907815 5912415). Notably,
`the entire 4,600 bp region is
`bounded by a transposon (TC5A#DNA/Tc4)
`in the reference
`sequence and is completely contained within a single fosmid
`clone (H05L03) that extends into an overlapping yeast artificial
`chromosome (YAC; Y23B4A).
`There were a total of 1,728 zero base pair gaps discovered
`of the genome where two adjacent reference genome 32 mers were
`covered by reads that aligned exactly to each 32 mer but across
`Resequencing a C. elegans N2 Bristol strain isolate
`We used the single end C. elegans N2 Bristol reads to evaluate
`the overall accuracy and quality of Solexa pipdine passed reads.
`Table 1 provides several metrics of our Solexa singe end read
`dataset, including Eland alignment results to the wsl70 release of
`the C. elegans reference genome9 (
`Based on the Bland metrics, we estimated 20 fold coverage of N2
`Bristol for the quality passed and aligned single end reads.
`We performed read aligmnent with
`EagleDisooverer, and subsequent error ana
`lysis revealed that 57.2% of the uniquely
`mapping single end reads contained zero
`mismatches and 7.93% had 0 or .1 mis
`match. We determined the full distribution
`of mismatches for the Solexa N2 Bristol
`Table 1 l Solexa run metrics for N2 Bristol and CB 4858 single-end reads
`N2 Bristol
`of runs
`Total bass
`4.06 Gb
`2.52 Gb
`Total passed
`2.67 Gb
`1.35 Gb
`passed bases
`aligning (w5170)
`Percentage error
`(alignment based)
`Solera run metrics obtained fertile entwined 30 and 32 hp single-end reads from both the N2 Bristol and CB 4858 isolates
`Results indndlng the totd number of bases generated, the totd number of passed (forerample high quality) bases, and fire
`percentage of aligning reads were obtained from the output ofthe Salem-provided data analyst pipeline. The Hand-generated
`error rate is reported, based on the reference genome alignments ofSolera passed reads.
`reads (Fig. 2), and the position specific
`dependency of Solexa base calls at phred
`qualities of 25 and 30 (Fig. 3), which
`illustrates that
`the base accuracy for a
`184 I VOL5'HOZ2‘1 mxuimr 2008 I NATURE METHODS
`Petitioner Sequenom - EX. 1006, p. 2
`Petitioner Sequenom - Ex. 1006, p. 2


`1 1.24%
`5.87% 2.96%
`Number 01 mismatches
`figure 2 I Accuracy distribution of N2 Bristol Solexa single end reads.
`As described in the text, after alignment of N2 Bristol Solara reads to
`the reference genome sequence using EagleDiscoverer and tabulating
`any differences between the two sequencs, we determined that ~80°lo
`of the reads exhibited 0 or 1 mismatch when uniquely aligned to the
`reference genome.
`which no exactly matching spanning read exists. Of these, 1,564
`(90%) had single read representation of the flanking 32 met,
`consistent with the notion that these regions are under represented
`by Salem reads. Further investigation of these coverage gaps
`revealed that (i) they are located primarily in noncoding sequence
`(2% are in exons), (ii) only a few regions could be explained by
`hairpin formation (see Supplementary Data and Supplementary
`Table 1 online) and (iii) the A+T content
`in these regions is
`substantially higher than the genome average (85% versus 65%,
`respectively; Supplementary Fig. 2 onlirre). Furthermore, this A+T
`bias more likely occurs during amplification than during sequen
`cing (see Supplementary Data). We identified 125 zero base pair
`gaps with a non identical spanning Solexa read, suggesting an
`insertion in the Solexa sequenced strain. We resequenced 22 of
`these and validated them as true differences between the two N2
`Bristol isolates.
`reads) for which a Salem read had extra bases relative to the
`reference. These also could be deletions in the reference.
`We identified 1,396 nonrepetitive, uncovered regions with at
`least one read having an unaligned or mismatched base, suggesting
`a Salem base calling error, a polymorphism in the Salem
`sequenced N2 Bristol isolate or a substitution error in the reference
`genome. Of these, 1,011 were covered by more than one read, and
`544 were covered by more than two reads These suggest a
`maximum substitution error rate in the C. elegans reference
`sequence of 1 in 99 kb. We included a limited number of these
`putative errors in our validation efforts, described below.
`We were able to produce and analyze limited numbers ofpaired
`end roads for C. elegans N2 Bristol, providing an average coverage
`of 0.84x with a mean physical coverage (measured by the span of
`matching paired ends) of 3.08x. Because paired end reads are used
`to evaluate structural variation based on deviations in end read
`distance from expectation"), we determined that 37,352 read pairs
`had a mapped distance > 3 s.d. from the 218 bp average (Supple-
`mentary Data; 36,209 were < 104 bp and 1,143 were > 332 bp). If
`we required more than one read pair placement to confirm an
`event, only 5,908 pairs remained (5,670 were <104 bp). Notably,
`these 5,670 reed pairs spaced ~ 100 bp closer than expected
`support our estimate that ~0.5 Mb of the C. elegans repetitive
`genome is missing fi'orn the reference genome. The vast majority of
`multiple read pairs that confirmed a structural variation event were
`within introns and/or were annotated as repetitive. Many such
`read pairs confirmed regions already annotated as “difficult to
`sequence”; about 1.5 times as many fell
`in genomic regions
`sequenced from YACs or plasmids (both clone types were used to
`sequence regions unclonable in cosrnids for the reference genome
`sequencing). For example, on chromosome III, a complex tandem
`repeat annotated as “restriction digest data indicate 3 kb is missing
`from the assembly of this region” was identified by 238 Solexa
`paired ends placed at > 3 s.d. apart (50% were 332 400 base pairs
`apart), firrther substantiating the initial suspicion of misassembly.
`Hence, paired end data enhance the utility of Solexa reads, provid
`ing an important tool for identifying putative structural variation.
`Polymorphism discovery in C. elegans strain (34858
`We sequenced an isolate of the CB4858 strain using the
`Solexa tedmology to produce ~ninefold coverage in single end
`reeds. This strain was selected because previous work had suggested
`k 30_
`g 20-
`g 15-
`3 10_
`5 r
`Genomic alignment of nonexact match reads (that is, N2 Bristol
`single end reads without an exact match to C. elegans; Supple-
`mentary Methods) allowed us determine diEerences between the
`two N2 Bristol isolates and to identify possible errors in the
`reference sequence as these reads are highly similar but contain
`inserted or deleted bases that preclude an exact match. Here three
`or more Solexa reads were required to predict a reference error, to
`reduce contributions from Salem base calling errors. Sud'r align
`ments putatively identified 2,981 insertions, deletions and indels of
`1 20 bp. Of these, 2,082 occurred at posi
`tions also having emctly matching Salem
`confirming the
`sequence and indicating an allelic poly
`morphism between the two N2 Bristol iso
`lates. By contrast, 235 ofthe indels occurred
`in regions with no perfectly aligning Solexa
`read, suggesting a possible error in the
`C. elegans reference genome, and indicating
`a potential indel error rate of 1 in 373 kb.
`We detected 56 different putative deletion
`events, for which a Salem read spanned one
`or more bases in the reference genome,
`aligning immediately on either side. Alter
`natively, these could be insertions in the
`reference genome. Iastly, 53 different puta
`tive insertions were suggested (by 502
`12 3 4 6 6 7 8 910111213141516171819m212223242526272829303132
`Base posllon
`Figure 3 I Position dependency of base calling accuracy for N2 Bristol Solexa single end reads. The
`calculated based quality is shown as a distribution at phred base quality 25 or at base quality 30.
`Pet1t1oner Sequenom - EX. 1006, p. 3
`Petitioner Sequenom - Ex. 1006, p. 3


`100,231,244 up
`Microrep eats:
`figure 4 I Repetitive content in C. elegans. Venn diagram depicting the
`faction of bases in the genome covered by microrepeats and by
`RepeatMasker, and file overlapping set.
`a polymorphism rate of 1:1,600 (ref. 11). The Solexa analysis
`pipeline produced metrics of our Solexa single end read data
`for CB4858 (Table 1).
`As a precursor to variant discovery in CB4858, we identified
`regions of the reference genome with a high potential for ambig
`uous read alignment, based on the Solexa 32 bp read length. First,
`we identified all unique 32 mers in the reference sequence, but as
`our error rate analysis (Fig. 2) indicated a drop offin the error rate
`beyond 2 errors per read, we defined a repetitive 32 mer as one that
`appears in the genome more than once, allowing 0 2 mismatdied
`bases (substitutions,
`insertions or deletions). We called these
`‘microrepeats’ to distinguish than from repeats marked by the
`RepeatMasker program”, which masks 14.5% of the bases in the
`genome. The fraction of the genome comprising perfect and near
`perfect microrepeats totaled 19.8%. We illustrate the relationship
`between RepeatMasker masked bases and microrepeat bases iden
`tified by our methods as a Venn diagram (Fig. 4). Although there is
`a substantial overlap (11.11%) between the regions masked by both
`methods, 8.7% of the genome that we identified as microrepeats
`was not masked by RepeatMasker. Conversely, 3.4% of the genome
`was masked by RepeatMasker only, indicating that some fraction of
`C. elegans repeat elements can be uniquely sequenced with 32 bp
`reads. Taken together, RepeatMasker repeats and microrepeats
`cover 23.2% the genome.
`hble 2 l PolyBayes SNP and indel validation data
`Mask type applied
`Submitted to
`Once we aligned CB4858 Solexa reads to the conservatively
`masked C. elegans genome, we applied our combined repeat
`masking to filter the alignments, identified high quality sequence
`differences with PolyBayes, and finalized a set of 45,539 SNPs and
`7,353 single base pair indels. This yields a rate of one SNP per
`1,629.81 bp and one indel per 9,894.99 bp. Hence the pair wise
`nucleotide diversity (theta) between the CB4858 and the N2 Bristol
`strains is 6.136 x 10 4, in good agreement with the ~ 1:1,500 rate
`posited in a previous description ofCB4858 (ref. 1 1). As 37,856,444
`CB4858 Solexa reads yielded a total number of 45,539 SNPs, the
`‘read per SNP’ yield was 831. All confirmed CB4858 sequence
`variants are available in Wormbase.
`We orthologously validated roughly 1,000 candidate SNPs and
`indels by PCR directed capillary sequencing to gauge the perfor
`mance of our Mosaik PolyBayes approach. After sequencing and
`evaluation, we determined a SNP validation rate of 96.3% (438/
`455) and an 89.0% conversion rate (438l492)
`for candidates
`identified by PolyBayes (Table 2). We sequenced 239 of our
`putative single base indels, finding they validated (93.8%) and
`converted (87.7%) at practically the same rates as SNPs. Both
`insertions and deletions predicted in the reference genome
`sequence were represented (insertions: 2,948 or 47.1%, and dele
`tions: 3,316 or 52.9%). Many ofthe indels were variable numbers of
`bases in mono nucleotide repeats, for example, 5 versus 4 adeno
`Sines. Although mononucleotide runs are typically very difficult
`areas for indel detection, our high validation rate indicates that
`Solexa reads resolve base numbers in these runs very well. Micro
`repeat masking has a marked impact on accurate SNP discovery by
`eliminating putative SNPs and indels resulting from paralogous
`read mapping (Table 2).
`We estimated false negative rates for PolyBayes by running
`PolyPhred‘3'ls (version 5.0) on the validation trace data. This
`algorithm indicated PolyBayes had missed 26 SNPs, for a false
`negative rate of 3.75%.
`To determine the chromosomal distribution of CB4858 poly
`morphisms, we placed CB4858 SNPs and indels along the six
`C. elegans chromosomes, and identified both chromosome wide
`and chromosomal position specific differences (Supplementary
`Data and Supplementary Fig. 3 online). Our data confirmed an
`earlier study in C. elegans‘6 suggesting that nonsynonymous sub
`stitution rates are higher in the first and second codon positions
`than in the third (Supplementary Fig. 4 online). Furthermore, over
`half of CB4858 SNPs positioned in exons putatively introduce an
`amino acid change.
`SNP candidate
`late (9»)
`rate (“/o)
`Known repeat
`Exact microrepeats
`Near exact micmrepeats
`(2 or fewer mismatdies)
`Known repeats
`Exact microrepeas
`Near exact microrepeats
`(2 or fewer mismatches)
`Validation and conversion rats for PoyBalesrselected SNPs and single base indel candidates. Successive application of masking filters, as described in the text. reduced the number of paralegals
`placements and identified high confidence putatiie variant sites
`186 I VOLTWJ 'l 1‘1!!!ka 2008 I NATURE METHODS
`Petitioner Sequenom - EX. 1006, p. 4
`Petitioner Sequenom - Ex. 1006, p. 4


`Masside parallel sequencing approaches hold great promise for
`genome wide discovery of sequence variation, when comparing
`different isolates or strains to reference genomes. It is apparent that
`short read technologies must initially be characterized with respect
`to their quality and accuracy, providing a baseline for devising
`analytiml methods. Dramatically shorter read lengths also increase
`the coverage level needed for adequate depth and breadth of reads
`to predict varhtion with high confidence, when compared to
`capillary sequencing reads. Although these short reads presently
`are too short for de novo assembly, producing regional assemblies of
`resequencing reads, followed by reference genome alignment,
`apparently has merit for detecting insertions and ddetions, and
`should be pursued in future resequencing efforts.
`Paired end reads clearly increase the power to properly interpret
`problematic areas of the genome, including collapsed or misas
`sembled repeats, and to detect structural variations. As genomes
`increase in size and complexity, paired ends will also be more
`efficiently placed than single end reads, as only one end of each
`read pair needs a unique genome placement to properly place most
`reads, given that a precise paired end read distance has been
`achieved in library construction.
`Solexa reads provide a rapid vehicle for genome wide SNP and
`small indel discovery, once additional masking of ‘microrepeat’
`sequences is achieved. Aside from SNP or indel discovery, whole
`genome resequencing also can be used after random mutagenesis
`to identify and characterize each mutagenized base. Our results
`establish the utility of short read length massively parallel
`sequencing for the accurate discovery of both single nucleotide
`and small insertion deletion polymorphisms, and establishes a
`framework for human genome resequencing toward similar
`discovery aims.
`Determining Solexa single-end read accuracy. To isolate sequen
`cing errors from simple aligmnent errors, we used a version of
`the Smith Waterman based global alignment algorithm that
`reports all optimal and suboptimal aligmnents above a prespeci
`fled aligmnent score (EagleDiscover; W.H., unpublished data).
`Although time intensive,
`this algorithm identifies all alignable
`positions in the C. elegans genome for a 32 bp read. Here we
`generated three random sample sets of 20,000 Solexa N2 Bristol
`single end reads and aligned each read set
`to the unmasked
`reference genome, allowing up to 4 mismatches (substitution,
`insertion or deletion). For fiirther consideration of accuracy, we
`kept only reads that aligned at a single locus in the genome. For
`each of the three read sets we tabulated the number of sequence
`differences between each read and the reference sequence, and
`combined the results to make a histogram of reads (Fig. 2). Then
`we evaluated unique alignments to ealculate the observed error
`rate at ead'r base position for a given Solexa base quality score. We
`converted these rates to phred scores (Solexa base qualities are
`expressed as a probability of each of the 4 bases being the correct
`call rather than as a single phred like probability of correctness)
`and graphed the dependence of observed base quality on base
`position (Fig. 3).
`Alignment and analysis of Solexa single-end reads. We compared
`Solexa N2 Bristol
`reads to the reference genome to identify
`sequence variants, to analyze coverage and to evaluate representa
`tional bias. These alignments consisted of a combination of exact
`hash match based comparisons, followed by BLAST like alignment
`(BLAT) based comparisons. Our methods are detailed
`below, and are presented in a flowchart format
`l and
`Supplementary Data).
`Paired-end read evaluation. We mapped paired end reads (for
`example, a 25 35 bp read from each end of a ~200 bp genomic
`fragment) from the N2 Bristol isolate to the C. elegans genome
`using the exact hash match based method described above. After
`read mapping of individual paired ends, we determined final
`placements by asking that the ‘forward’ and ‘reverse’ read of the
`pair match on the same chromosome and within 1,000 bases of
`each other.
`Mosaik alignment of CB4858 Solexa reads. We identified both
`perfect microrepeats and microrepeats with up to two mismatches
`(substitutions, deletions or insertions) to encompass the possibi
`lity of sequencing errors (nucleotide misincorporation or base
`calling) in the reads or of polymorphism in the genomes being
`compared. Custom scripts then produced a microrepeat masked
`reference genome.
`We next aligned the Solexa CB4858 single end reads to the
`microrepeat masked C. elegans reference genome with our Mosaik
`program. Mosaik consists of two parts: the aligner (aligns each
`read to the reference genome separately in a pair wise fashion) and
`the assembler (pads the individual reads and the reference ge
`nome sequence so that every aligned base within each read
`remains in register in the resulting multiple read alignment).
`The details of Mosaik processing are described in Supplementary
`Methods. The resulting multiple read aligmnents were then
`reported either in ACEl7 or in binary formats used by downstream
`analysis software.
`SNP and indel discovery in strain CB4858. Starting with the
`multiple read alignments produced by the Mosaik aligner and
`assembler, we analyzed the resulting alignments using a version of
`PolyBayes8 that was completely reengineered to enable efficient
`analyses of millions of aligned short read sequences. The program
`evaluated each aligned base and its base quality value at each
`position, to indicate putative SNPs and small (1 3 bp) putative
`indels, and their corresponding SNP probability value (PSNP). Base
`quality values were converted to base probabilities corresponding
`to every one of the four possible nucleotides (and to the prob
`ability that the nucleotide in question was an actual insertion
`error in the sequence). Using a Bayesian formulations, a Psz
`(or indel probability value, as appropriate) was calculated as the
`likelihood that multiple different alleles are present between the
`reference genome sequence and the reads aligned at that position.
`If the probability value exceeds a prespecified threshold,
`SNP or indel candidate is reported in the output. For the
`collection of bases contributed by such reads, a single ‘con
`sensus’ base call and its base quality value are computed. The
`corresponding base probabilities are then used in the Bayesian
`PSN'p calculation. In this study, we used a PSNp cutoff value of
`0.7 to define a high certainty SNP or small indel site. Validated
`CB4858 SNPs and indels were assigned Wormbase accession
`numbers pasl pa550906.
`Petltloner Sequenom - EX. 1006, p. 5
`Petitioner Sequenom - Ex. 1006, p. 5


`Software availability. The combined microrepeat plus Repeat
`Masker masked genome sequence annotations and PASTA files are
`at http://bioinformaticsbc.edulmicrorepeats/elegansl.
`Mosaik and the updated version of PolyBayes are now in beta
`release and available for users to wish to participate in software
`testing (http://bioinformatics.bc.edulmarthlab/Beta Release). After
`the testing period, both programs will be released for public use,
`free of charge for academic users.
`Additional methods. Details of Solexa library construction and
`sequencing, data analysis of primary sequence data and its align
`ment to the C. elegans refermce genome (both single and paired
`end reads) as well as detailed descriptions of Mosaik and PolyBayes
`analysis of CB4858 read data and its validation are available in
`Supplementary Methods.
`Note: Supplementary information is available on the Nature Methods website.
`We acknowledge National Human Genome Research Institute funding
`(HGOO3079 04 to R.K.W. and H6003698 to G.T.M.). We thank K. Hall and
`D. Bentley of Illumina, Inc. for generously producing the paired end read
`data described in the manuscript. M. Wendl for careful reading of
`are manuscript and T. Bieri for submitting the CB4858 variants
`to Wonnbase.
`LW.H., N2 Bristol read, coverage, variant and gap analyses; G.T.M., CB4858 SNP
`discovery and N2 Bristol error profile analysis; A.R.0., CB4858 SNP discovery and
`validation analysis; D.D., Solara analysis pipeline; G.F., validation assay design and
`analysis, D.B., Solexa base quality value analysis, P.F., preparation of N2 Bristol
`and CB4858 DNA, J.I.G., N2 Bristol read analysis; M.H., Solexa libraries and
`sequencing, W.H., microrepeat analysis, VJ.M., Solera libraries and sequencing,
`R.J.R., N2 Bristol analysis; S.N.S., validation assays; OAS, microrepeat masking of
`C elegans; M.S., Mosaik adaptation; E.F.T., microrepeat finding; T.W., N2 Bristol
`analysis, T.S., C. elegans strain selection; R.I(.W., project origination; ER.M.,
`project coordination and manuscript preparation.
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