Uri-05H“? .. 1‘. I 9‘ EM
`Phllinpa Hal-m. Chairman and CEO. Harland
`Intemalianal, sous if. tn stawnn.
`all: Gaias‘ Chairman and GED.
`Mlcmsnfl. um: Stewart a push-
`Mndnn flnnnthal. Chairman and CEO.
`Corporate Saflwam. tam aim at Slawarl-
`HI I332 ll DIJE
`.lflll-fl-lflfllfl $131815
`"NJ“ i-l'IHflllOII-l MISHIMHI'I
`5803 I“ HIDE Iii-Ilia whirling-“Haun-
`SONY EXHIBIT 1043- Page 1
`SONY EXHIBIT 1043— Page 1


`' flirtiplfl'iflir
`DC'F‘OEEFI 3. 1994
`Flt'a‘! LOOK Ii Rob Ward
`Version 3.5 is a big leap from 3.1
`server and workstelion pack-
`Ltoo alumna
`:noNetWasc. No
`ages in Version 3.]. The server
`product has matured impru—
`inns hand Version 1o
`dsety and Medians-soo-
`siIleIation u an alternative to
`{aka Version 3.1] of hfleroaofi
`Nowell Inc.'s Netih'ere. Instal-
`Corp:I Windows NT that ent-
`eleatot fates: not ridicule. hut
`III manor; H 1.“
`yea: and much
`liposuction and
`minds toning tat-
`er. it ha returned
`as Daytona. or
`Version 35 [not
`Mil-t}. and some
`been worked.
`The first won-
`der is that Micro-
`soft finally seem:
`to have decided
`what the product
`is. Gone are the
`strategy going
`nowhere fast
`[ntel Corp. is preparing a third.
`generation I.1I' Pentium proces-
`son. scheduled to appear in i
`mid- [995.
`.ISVs say 08 project is in trouble
`The Peotiums. node-named
`contmc‘rtial version until llttt
`IFS-SC. will be based on a. modi-
`second hall'otnest year at best.
`fied PSI": design and have a
`Others doubt i! I!!!“ can ever
`IBM's much-touted and long-
`eloekatripletl speed ol 5“ MHz
`pull nfi the ltllll'ltictus W_
`awaited Workplace opetaling
`externally and IS-fl MHz intc'r-
`"I think as an ISV you are
`systems technology appears to
`nally. industryI sources said 1351
`be in deep trouble. industry
`week. The products will scores i
`wasting; your time on IBM''5
`observers and IBM‘s closest
`sent the- last Pentium redesign
`technology." said iirn Lennane.
`helore the arrival of intel‘s Po '
`developers said last week.
`loundtraosdmofDeE-uihe .
`ine,an'0$l'2 ISV.
`Workplace was origi nally set
`processor. souroes said.
`Lennane believes the Work— 5
`The PSSC 1trill use lntel'sflA—
`to ship by lhe end of in! year.
`Now some ol'
`lBM‘s closest
`micron production technology.
`place mateyistoo big. “IBM.
`seems-.- on
`which will alltntl Intel todeliver I partners do not e'rerl exp-rel a
`even higher clock speeds later.
`sources said.
`Intel is euIrenIly using oe .
`micron production technologyI
`in its P544: Peanut-n5. which are
`offered in Pill-MHz and I'm-
`MHa versions.
`The P5“: design operates at
`3.3- volts and is expected to run
`'IL5 course with EEO-MHZ and.
`131MHz versions appearing
`Decreased voltage will mark
`another departure [tom the
`currc'dl generation. Though
`precise voltages are not yet
`' C
`stadoble router ,—
`Database vendors ready
`better bottleneck busters
`each database server.
`The enhanced products Will
`let managersview from rising]:
`Network managers Who have
`etil oortsole — Such as
`long sought tools to pinpoint
`database lrafic bottlenecks will
`Hewlett Packard Co's tips It-
`View or IBM NelViewifiDW —-
`have a chanoc in the next few
`months to kick the tires on a
`congestion and interrupts [mm
`a Irariedoolleetion ot‘ databases.
`new generation of products.
`'l'his single-source approach
`Leading database vendors
`will take a lot of the hassle and
`including JBM. Sybase Inc..
`Oracle Cotp..G-upta Corp. and
`guesswork out of management
`troubleshooting. analysts said.
`Progress Soltware Corp. are
`It will tell a manager whelher
`updating their products
`the database serveria on—line or
`allow Simple Network Manage-
`oil-iine. how many users are
`ment Protocol [SNMPHased
`logged in. and what level oi [I'D
`management plali'orofls to dis-
`play basic information aboul
`release low-cost
`Wellfleet Comm Linieations lot.
`expected to this week
`announce a lull-featured luck-
`ahle router. designed as an
`afiordahle and powerful build-
`as—you-grpw architecture tor
`mid--siae sites
`The new router. code-named
`“Barracuda" and expected to
`he eIIled ADC!” SteekNode
`{ASNL is four—slot version oi
`Wellfleet's higher-end chassisv
`based Backbone Node {EN}
`routers. which start at about
`mm. page e
` The Internet may soon he a
`Intemet security gets boost
`It was devcioped by Enter-
`prise Integration Techno
`orp. [ElT]. an MD firm in -
`Paulo Alto. Calit.
`EITs approach eonthines
`encryption (tom REA Data
`Security Inc. with the Hyper-
`lest Tranaler Protocol. a tram-
`for the World
`WIde “felt on the Enter-net.
`Soothe t-lTl'P. nhichishased
`on encryption approved for
`meanest-cult negotiate pro-
`III an m. H 1.
`safer place to negotiate eon-
`Iracts.Itill pm orders. and
`conduct sales Ihanta to a secu—
`rity proton-Isl now in beta test-
`The technology. tilled 5:-
`cute HTI'P.
`is designed to
`being data encryption, authen-
`tication. and digital signature
`technologies — till common in
`private-line transactions — to
`the [nteI-aer {or the fist time.
`SONY EXHIBIT 1043- Page 2
`SONY EXHIBIT 1043— Page 2


`Compaq has gained manufacturing rights to
`Cyril's Pentium-class M1 ebb...
`i Behemflsw. 51.13359 writ ammunition:-
`m tremor-is or set-oral databases ...............I
`i rmuumwmmma ones:
`lromiBP-l. Haven. m. andHPI
`IBM's Vii-mugs 2.0 tithes moms one step
`closertousmgtbonfloeasa platform ...........I
`Bofleno‘o Database Engine will help app
`developers by autoimttngtlm handling ........I
`Bony-m n. forming partnerships with DCJI 3m
`MethaiI to strengthen vines to
`tell! ropestogiwosa rt'tore nairwrth
`Alpha Sahara entors'lltl‘indmiofold mill-Inna
`Floor, out won't oonvort Alpha Four apos........21
`IBM subrmls to user pressure and agree-s to oun-
`:. unuedet-etoptmntoiDISsnflnrn.......... WEI.
`: Works integrated-application stints: are not
`dead yet. sounding to anon-5151i
`i Small-scale PlIiI vendors focus on innovation to
`! battle competition Iron-i sum-iron.- suites "W...“
`i Draultrsltrltsrlsfowsbewr'itloatubasestoofior
`I CDEZdeteloDITrEnltc-olsW
`f Graffiti Wigwam sufiwarum-
`. attenuator rateth a modrfiecl alphabet...”
`| |
`| We'swflflittgpflrflflllnewlndudesa
`EDD-flpi laser and a color initials:
`Union; ships 3 Wing PC with
`_i The Gent-Ion version ol‘ Apple's MP“
`could foreshadow a worldwide Upgado..........38
`: NECE-l'lips mammary monitors lorthecor—
`parole and professional markets”
`: Hat-B momma PauerFC wanna-read
`since last month? Seem Hines ...........-II:I-
`A single chip. ell-motioned by Western Digital. can
`' accelerates-mum "11mm”
`hTaTs PIrltItI-‘BIJnlt goes entitle to give mobile
`users more services aimless hassle .............43
`Banyan. Collabra post lets Shara tat-outdo group-
`ware capalt-il'rtitse to Email. network apes m...“
`IBM outlines plants for Karat. on object-based
`ttlstiitiuteu management sistiim 4i
`broadcasting m Internet. Willis 41
`l l g
`[promise a. 1994— _.
`_""""" ill DEADLINE
`' moss
`.W um fins
`............................______________.. sewntyttme-oode glitch
`Adobe Station-t Inc. lion WI iiirrrietl reports that F‘i-iiimihnfi iii iiir
`Wsmm. Calendar ...........u
`Macintosh and Printer Macintosh rs plagued by .1 trim. The run-Inn
`hrgan when Hid-oh: nitride-mall}: int-induct in the final 'Ii'tl‘tll'll‘l :i htlrt
`E Lecurity tithe-code crmrltrtinl that 1.1-th Up at filth“!!! informing
`users lhe application It- expired if the ttrttem (In-ti: it tct [rvr :t year
`other than I“. The run-strain: it meant rivcmure that l-ct: interv-
`update to the shipping. venion and duct not damage rltr ptrierirnl.
`l’tlfimt hard drive. ("tripling itFI'LL—iak um]. Adobe plan-i In tend [ht-i
`' week to all registered use“ P'ltultr-Lhtrp .UH. art 1:
`ran-invert the mfii'lf code. The fit: it aim available tin "I‘lr-liTH! ser-
`- vice-i. including {'nrnpufien-e and America Unlins. l'ntt'fl-itcrsil
`: utters can call {Hill} Pill-MW lit register and get the update
`Wifl'flrl Kath-h.»
`fionrecydosttsoldls systomtntoon elftoient
`m momenta-prise: 562 ll'lrS weak”!- Case
`.. -
`:a—n .r-lt—I-
`I’llilllllfll' MHIIISIII
`Success in a mod market means making
`me most ofwur resin-cos. Today‘s molest
`mutantm I'lalpo managers stay
`ahead oi schedule -- and the monetitiori. Hie
`tat [our rnidrortge Windows packages ....__.....ll
`Lotul 1-2-3. Release 5.0 torW .....ll
`Syntanmc++ addspetalelootrpitg
`Slimantre [‘rtrp. thi-r melt at Software Developmmt "-M Emil. in
`Watfiingln‘n. Iitiill demonstrate a parallel mmptlcr feature [or the
`:tpcinrning release ril' Symanltrt: F- a. crude-named 'l'crtttt'rrolttr. The
`company titiil Iilt: (' r . compiler Will he the first Windows-hatred
`Iii nguage compiler to use multiple Pf's meet a rt-clwnrt In (peed
`mlt'lpilallfln. 'l'cn'l't'rrtalor 'ttrtll Em WII'NJEM N'I' 1.5 and “Finder“
`9.5. Strata nlt:i: said. Nit ship doll: ttr pnctng hart been drtcr'mmcd.
`- .‘irurr Mitt-r
`Dislritta ('iirp. will r-hip this wrist: Winfnrnrn Pm H. The «immu-
`tilisation: package update adds 4 graphical lrnnt end to this Inlcn'tcl
`ll'lal lets users scrttl. Native. and manage Internrl E-trltttl. The
`lntsrncl Messenger Llhti'i .1 turminal “shell' account. Delri' nit uid.
`and fret; users [rum hint-int: lrt configure 'I'CI'IIP rustling. It has a
`database list. organircii ht; arcit code. ol‘ more than 3|] Internet ser—
`1 it: prim-idiots lhal uwrn can click [H1 It't nutotrnttiliittilllyI diil 'lllr.‘ ser-
`' vino, raging r. .1an brain wndtng and rsceitring Internet E-I'I'lfi'll.
`-- Willem Knihihr
`tom strummi- 3.0 for WM application
`Adm 1.0 for Windows 3-D illustration
`WI l’npan Prulelnlnnrtl 5d. 3-D animation.
`modeling. and rendering software ...............m
`memrum Pellet?
`quarantine Manet Card. hm ISD'N‘IIII. m
`meoonlact lnfiii'tbrio‘
`- mung-strumming Emma-trim Samantha!!!-
`' mammary-mwmnwmmumflmn “sunken-unlit:
`hunmrmrmmamong—”magmmmmmnnm .
`BRIEFLY HDTEm IBM last week shaved as much as ml ti" lllt:
`prioss or iii 'I'i'tirtltl‘iid 39” Series at portable
`Combat! Co. has added an Internet World Wide Web Flt:-
`uay In its pul-rlic Non-r. nrtmrrlt. Wort-df‘nnt. litters tan rim-r m
`- ”is Web without leaving lh: Nomi wtrrk5pacc...flkw-fl Col!- .
`will announce nesl truck Uprising Wizard. 3 Inn! [of Micron“ :
`Access that cttmcrls Amt. databases to Micrtwrfl's SQL Server
`back-end dalabasc....\tlii:mgnh In-t:+ is ol'lcring Aldus Corp.
`' PhotnStyl-or users a [tee Mil-day trial vermin" ofitti Picturt: Publisher
`ill image editor. thnSlylcr urn-rs can upgrade It: lhe CD-RGM -
`= version til Picture Publisher for $99... Berri-Ii Invention-I Inn-'1
`; Simplily monomer diiision is undying. a dataharte tool to let linen
`do qucricr and joins int i] variety nfdnttthatics. The lit-roamed prod-
`”:1, will not have a native firmly: formal. I'IiJI' will it allow Ipplica-
`t'mn mt-gmmnt...flm& he. and Dude Carp. anrutunnod
`a deal last Week in intsgn'tc Hurt-media‘s Strum 3D rt ntlering -
`teem-toning}l intn Oracle‘s Media Ohjoclt multimedia development
`tool for Urucle's Media Server dauhasc...IBM Ii'Iir mortlh plans to i
`ship a card that trail turn its IBM PC Server into a Witthnd huh
`wilhuul degrading, sit-mgr pcrlormance. Pricing has not been
`ml...TEm Immewill announce this week it Windows NT
`15 version of its Information Engineering Faciiiltr application
`development tool. not-r re named Computer. Computer trill ship
`this quartst [or window Jul. USE. and Unit. Friar turf in ;
`Sl1.flflO...Gupt: Corp. announced Quickflhjccls [or tit-ratio. an :
`addition to its SQLWimlmts development tool thnl leuuevslripsrs
`build links In Gnarls stored procedure: without additional pro-
`gramming, It will ship ltirith the next scheduled update In 50L-
`Winduws. slated for the first quarter of 1W5...Wlkul liner-
`rtltionll Com. last weir announced Walmm SOL 4.0. The ill-9'5
`database will ship late this marathon “(lotion-53.1...
`CI.- _
`PI‘III' corp. hasatlilcd a direct link to its tsehniul support otter Lb:
`Internet. allowing users mm print-dun trilorrnalinrt and own '
`'l'i'indort Martagtzt'r'fltian Urination.
`From them-ion“Bobtitetriilre.......................,....
` EE‘EEisiaiiss
`SONY EXHIBIT 1043- Page 3
`SONY EXHIBIT 1043- Page 3


`(cid:1) (cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:3)(cid:4)(cid:5)(cid:6)(cid:7)(cid:8)(cid:9)A(cid:3)(cid:7)B(cid:5)(cid:6)(cid:7)C(cid:5)D(cid:9)(cid:5)EAF(cid:8)(cid:9)(cid:16)(cid:8)(cid:9)(cid:17)(cid:5)DC(cid:5)(cid:18)FECA(cid:3)(cid:19)(cid:2)(cid:8)(cid:5)B(cid:7)(cid:20)(cid:5)(cid:21)(cid:1)(cid:3)(cid:8)B(cid:9)(cid:5)(cid:22)(cid:23)(cid:5)(cid:24)(cid:25)(cid:26)(cid:25)(cid:5)(cid:18)F(cid:17)(cid:9)(cid:27)(cid:1)
`SONY EXHIBIT 1043- Page 4


`OCTOBER 3. 1994
`DATA COLLECTION AND annuals sorrwnnc
`I i i
`‘ MicroCal Software Inc. hasjust
`released Version 3.5 ofOrigin.
`. Which began asa graphics peck-
`age but has become a tool that's
`much. much more. It’s a truly
`impressive package that can
`. control your instruments. collect
`your data. analyze it. and their
`- depict it using a dealing artill-I
`ofcustontiaa‘olc graphs And it‘s
`' soldas a system of modules. letv
`1'ttlg you purcl'ursc only what you
`in its henn.the$4950figin is
`i still a graphit: package. but il's
`malieal and uadstiml talents. Its
`spreadsheet editor can taltt:
`your A5le.dBase. Excel. LD-
`tus l—Z—fi. Qunttru Pm. 55mph!)-
`ny. or Paradox files and place
`them. in multiple wrkshecls of
`up to EDD columns by 32.1w
`rows catch.
`Once yourtlota is. in the well:-
`shoct. you can transform or sort
`the information or extract the
`cares that fit your conditions.
`You can perform operations
`range from averaging.
`smoothing. and curve filling It:
`differentiation. multiple regres-
`sion. and Fast Fourier Trans-
`lfyou collect time-series data.
`you can purchase a separate
`Peak-Fittingmluise for 5295.
`Yours-n depict both yourdata
`and analysis rcsultr. using Dri-
`gin‘s sophisticalcd plotning tou-
`Iine. which can produce com-
`mon graphs such or line. scatlcr.
`hi—lriw-clooc. bar. column. urea.
`and pie charts.
`[f yournecdsaie more techni-
`cal. you'll appreciate Urigin'r.
`"waterfall“ plotsfoftcn used Ior
`3-D spectra]. histograms. and
`polar plots
`worth a iilllr: citlra is the
`fiflrContour Module add-on
`[554]], which enables XYZ
`worksheets and adds a t‘lLtl'l'tbfl
`of three—dimensional scatter.
`[3311] maker. it easier for these
`trajectoryJIut‘ue. color-con-
`tour. and wiretrarne surface
`plug-ins to collect your data.
`The Module ormtar'tut :I varies of
`plots When you're done chan-
`Windows objects that stream
`ing. you can export your charts
`as .EPES. .BM'. or .w tiles.
`your data quickly lo your hart]
`dish or perform. functions such
`But thesjtetseratchcs the wt-
`as aucramdiifcrrnliatiufl. and
`faet: of Origin‘s capabilities. be-
`cause Origin has become jusl as
`"hm obiectc in turn, am be
`much a data colkc‘tor as a gra-
`supervised using urolhcr add-
`pher and shah-tier.
`on — the User-Interface Mod-
`MieroCal supplies plug-ins
`that CDfiII’fll common data at:-
`ule HIS-Ell — which lets you Lac
`simple visual objects to build
`uuisition dcvices-iotludingficn-
`your own t.tser interfaces includ—
`oral Put-pose Interface Bus in;
`moments and PC boards from
`ing timers. buttons. Ihcnnomc-
`vendors such aslteithley Metre.-
`ter gauged. and stripehartc.
`Micrnlf‘ul. in Northampton.
`h’rlc. Analog-ic Corp. and mu
`Translation Inc.
`Maria. is tau-14335553113131:
`Real—Time Module [“3] 535-013.
`' Origin spices up data with sophisticated graphing capabilities
` Lone that's chock full of mathe-
`Vets-ion ll could run in ‘IZMB of RAM.
`iFfltS‘l‘ Looltttai
`but it really needed 16. and it really. real-
`ly needed 21]. Microsoft says it is leaving
`[ NT finally becomes what it ought to be
`the statement about memory require-
`ment: unchanged on the new packaging:
`lstion was quiclr and painted. takingless
`tir'tty' training. Beyond the Nethrc con—
`il'sjust that this time they aren't kidding.
`necltvity that we tonne with irtslallaliun.
`than 2!} minutes. The pro ram autu-
`Installation is quick and simple. NT
`it tool: "-5le a few minutes to install a
`detected and correctly con igured our
`identifies yourharthran: and deal! I'illl it
`gateway to one of our NetWare 3J2
`four Eagle NESZIJL‘I network interface
`serve-rc'fbis made the directory no spee-
`pretty wll. automatically. We've Clpfl'i‘
`cards, and we added u TCPFI P stitch to
`iliud on line Ncharcscmr appcarmbc
`cnccd problems on several machines
`the default lPX stack with only a mouse
`When the installation rouline failed to
`pan ofthtr NT scrvet'sdomain.
`handle a 3Com Corp. network card enr-
`11teN'l'1L'lsen'cr package alsooomes
`Settingupclicnts wassurprisioglyeasy.
`Tell the server which network interface
`tcctly {you can configure a card manual-
`with a migration utility that bringsacross
`the tiles. user accounts. and access rights
`ty il auto-detect fails]. but other than
`card resides on a particular client mnv
`that. it‘s as close to a no—braincr as you
`of a NetWarc 3.12 or 4.: server [if runs
`chine audit will createailoppy that beats
`could hope for.
`Ibeeliern mad-innocuous to the serv-
`ninginbiad-cry emulation mode]. We mi-
`To be sure. a. certain number of mean-
`grated Calvin. a NetWrrc J.l2 server. to
`er. nndinstalls‘lh'indows for Wottrgroups
`ingless and obscure error messages are
`Mr. Natural, our Dnytnnasencr. in three
`3.1] from the serverlttut you have to pity
`present. probably to ensure backward
`fortl'te WFW license).
`steps; We did a short test run in "trial“
`compatibility With lhe pretrial: version's
`modr. are copied the actual files and
`Microsoft has apparently stopped [no-
`and channel-tor mange:
`bindery information. and then we re-
`trsim'ngaheut NetBEUl {at least in pub-
`And nostalgia buffs will be grateful
`lic} and is now stripping itsowit [Px strclr
`for the powerful- ncrr 32-bit version
`astbcdetnult protoosllbc performance
`of the 'Ahort. Retry. Ignore“ merr-
`improvement isdrnmltic—our network
`sage. complete widi a new graphical
`benchmark mo twice as fast under Day-
`Iona as it did running under Version 3.l
`lfyouiastatl NTitt addition to 16—
`[see chart} — with almost none of the
`bit Wtrrdon'a {Legacy Windows 95].
`connectivity problems that we saw with
`Version 3.1.
`you're given the NT hoot arranger.
`which is so ugly that you'll want to
`Daytoneships with TCPlIPaswcll. No
`start sncahiag up on youreornputcr
`inter-net access
`its come with the
`intheracnningtogct itunrtctl. But
`senerpnctrage. but the start: is fast. per—
`it does give you the choice ofbool-
`forming our FTP tile transfer to quickly
`in; Windmill-:95 or NT. and it ban
`as the fastest products in our recent
`been '
`with the addition of
`TCPt'lP comparison. “dictating”. a 31-
`a second NT choice. VIC-ill. ran-dc.
`bltdient-ride TEMPctnch originally tie.
`Unfortunately. the VGA made up-
`vclqrcd [or Chicago hasbccn included in
`tion didn't b
`our video prob-
`WFW for some time.)
`lems nsit
`hare on one of our
`If I? address administration has
`machines. which had a misoontig-
`stopped being tun. you can. set up a By-
`tired ATI Technologies Inc Mech32
`namic Host Configuration Protocol
`card. {Girl‘s new boot manager
`eslabliahed pumords [which can‘t be
`[DHCP} server that will dynamically ill-
`lit-cam anddeallocatc ll’nddrmtbcrc-
`tents with the score card] Willi other
`We didn't get a chance to set up Re-
`by ttvoidlngduplicatcs andorphnna. Syn—
`cards. however. if you experiment un—
`mote Access Service (RAE) ourselves.
`chronizing NT's dynamic [P addresses
`Irirely or unlnddy with your video sys-
`with Domain Name Service {ENS}
`but it promises to be a flexible tray for
`road warriors and other movable staff to
`tcstr. you can select VGA mode road but
`servers is handled through a naming fa-
`attach to the server without bothering
`one at a trouble dicpiay while you make
`cility called windows Internet Naming
`with the complexities lfnctworh Iopolo~
`“firestorm pickup. like the sen»
`Service {Wllfl Although DHC‘P won't
`ginpalhs. or protoootrfil supports PPP
`on existing Installl'-
`er. sham impmcd performance over
`and SLIP).
`Herbal“! atom traditional DNS‘
`VersionJ.l.‘l'he ounpilcrrpccd Inert. for
`The NT 3.5 Workstation product is
`DHCP is toward-looting and conceiv-
`example. shouted a 9 percent improve-
`what Version 3.1%
`tube. but
`ably ootdtt become a future standard.
`mt. Not surprisingly, though. lbvbit
`wasn't. To begin with. you get Nthafl
`Wmdortu'erstill anathInNTatmfliu
`“mm In theyear or
`connectivity riflu‘. utltofthe box. Andhc-
`Iii-bit applrmm‘'
`cause you were patient enough to wait
`more since Version 3.1 began shipping.
`Our spreadsheet recalculation bench—
`the cura year. you gel TCPflF as well.
`Dayton hosbcert toting thWar: semi-
`marl: ran slgnii'mtly faster under Ito-hit
`wusdowcevenwhcnwegnve N'l'an ea-l
`Ira 4MB oftuemory.
`Should you more to [llaytour’lI Hyatt
`have previotnly settled on NT 3.1, Day-
`tona‘s enhanced performance alone
`makes that an ensycttll. chond thttt. the
`argument for switching depends on your
`needs. NTir a well-designed. robot: op-
`crating system that miles a compelling -
`target for highvend
`lien-er. and an =
`increasing number on
`those at: Ming .
`But if you're just looking for a better i
`desktop platform for your Window-sap-
`pt'rentions then NT's inherent maceration
`may he a problem. For cnntplo. you'll
`need a bccfiersyslem to achieve the per— !
`tormancc you get rrith 16-bit Windows.
`Abra. NT retailer 11's paleolithic inter—
`bedi.amli1dofln'tsupprrtVnDs.which I
`are integral to roar: hop-omen Winders-r
`More reasonable choices wwld he to
`#0512101”. on will for Windows- 95 !
`iodide-named Godot].
`lfll‘lflfl'r'snewrervermL .
`sion. though. is a different story. We 5
`found it only to irrrtall. and ahinartcr.
`and its new ll'x clad: provides ranch,
`[But faster than thWarc? Stay tuned.) '.
`Whlhctotroducflol' oan-vclllluec
`tot-y Senior-Jib NelWare den cl'eatcu
`latch: for a net-ark operating mu:
`Ioinragine mitt-13in lava-rot
`N'f‘sdornainnnnd-orltgroupc. moving
`up to that added My fight
`seem attractive tomany Net'WIl'c 3.12
`static-sentient hustorflw. htacruotl'
`hmflflWflaodc- be
`Gale Hon-mumm-
`SONY EXHIBIT 1043- Page 5
`SONY EXHIBIT 1043- Page 5


`Worasltc‘uts one note a Ituttttacr
`still a graphics package. but it's
`of three-dimensional scatter.
`one that's choclt full at mathe~
`ll you collect time-series data.
`I lflIL‘IIfl LIUII llI'a-r
`Module anatomic?” -..._..___ '
`The Real-Tittle
`Windows. mo when we gave NT an ex-
`tra 4MB ol‘ memory.
`Should you move to Day-total? [f you
`have previously settled on NT 3.1. Dayr
`tuna‘s enhanced perlorotance alone i
`argument forswitehingdepends on your :
`needs. HT is a. well-desigood. robust op-
`crating system that makes a compelling I
`target [or high-end appiifltiom. and art
`increasing number ol those are being '
`But it you‘rejust looking for a better
`desktop ptatronn tor your Windows ap-
`phmumthen NT‘sinherent constraints '.-
`may he a problem. For example. you’ll
`needahecl'tcrsystem toachieve the per-
`Version 3.1 could run in Ill-{B o'l RAM.
`but it really needed In. and it really. real-
`ly needed it}. Microsoft says it is leaving
`the statement about memory require.
`tnents unchanged on the new paelltfiipg:
`it‘slest that this time they aren't‘a'
`' 3,.
`Installation is quicl: and simple. biT
`identities your hardware araidealsw-ith it
`pretty well. autmnaticaity. We‘ve experi-
`enced problems on several machines
`when the installation routine tailed to
`handle a item Corp. network card cor-
`rectly {you cart cratfigorc a card manual-
`ly if auto-dc tect tails}. but other than
`that. it's as close to a no-hraincr as you
`could hope for.
`To be sure. a. cousin number of mean-
`ingless and obscure error messages are
`present. probably to ensure backward
`compatibility with the previous version's
`meaningless and obscure error messages.
`Art-d nrotalgia hurls will be grateful
`for the powerful new 32-bit version
`ol the 'Ahort. Retry. Ignore“ mes-
`sage. complete with a new graphical
`Hyouinstall NT in addition to lo—
`hil Wmdou-s [Legacy “fit-don't 9'5].
`you're given the NT boot manager.
`which is so ugly that you'll want to
`start sneaking up on yourcomptner
`in the morning to get it .rtartod. But
`it does give you the choice oI hoot-
`ing Windows 95 or NT. and it has
`with the addition oi
`a second NT choice. VGA. mode.
`Unfortunately. the VGA mode op-
`tion didn't bypass our video probe
`let'ru no itshouldhave on one ol' our
`machines.. which had a misonnfig~
`tired ATI Technologies Inc. htachfl:
`said—{0551‘s new hoot manager pr-ovides
`established passwords [which can't be
`a similar feature and had similar prob
`leans with the same card.) IItltilith other
`We didn‘t get a chance to set up Re-
`cards. however. il you experiment un-
`mole Access Service {RAE} ourselves.
`wisely or unluchily with your video sys-
`but it promises to be a flexible way for
`road warriomami other movable stall to
`tem. you can select VGA. mode and he
`sure at a usable display while you maize
`attach to the server without bothering
`with the complexities of network topolo~
`The moon package”: the sen-
`gins. padmorprotooo’hlitsupportsl‘l’?
`er. shows impeovod performance over
`and SLIP].
`Version 3.1. The compiler speedtcst. tor
`The NT 3.5 Workstation product is
`what Version 3.1 was
`to be. but
`example. showed all percent improve-
`ment. Not surprisingly. though. 16-bit
`wasn‘t. To begin with. you get Netti-late
`1ilt'intl-o‘ttt's is still letter than NT at running
`“mm [It theyearor
`connectivityt'ightoutol' the hon. Arid be-
`16-bit application.
`cause you were patient enou h to wait
`more since 1il'et'sion 3.1 began shipping.
`the extra year. you get TCHIEF as well.
`Our spreadsheet recalculation hench-
`: Daytona has been taking NetWore senorv
`.— .
`m S
`SONY EXHIBIT 1043- Page 6
`ONY EXHIBIT 1043- Page 6
`lorrnancc you get with turbit Windows.
`Also. NT retains ll‘s paleolithic. inter-
`face [your on" on whether that‘s good or
`had]. and. it doesn‘t support VxD'Lwhich
`are integral to score important Winches .
`More reasonable choices would be to -
`use OSI'Z today. or wait for Windows iL'i
`{codenamed Gordian}.
`ARMANI. HTsncwserveryer- !
`sion. though. is a different story. We i
`lountli'l easy to install and administer.
`and its new [PX stack provides much
`faster file and print services than beret-e.
`[But taster than Nettllare‘t Stay racedt
`And its. multiprocessor capability mater
`it a good-choice as an.
`lthirdly. the introdttcttotr' of Novel! Iht'ec'-
`tory Services in NetWaa'c 4.! creates a
`niche tea a networi operating syneen
`with N'I‘s
`it‘s hard
`to imagine a
`ning NBS m Iavor at
`blT's domains and wonky-cope. moving
`up to that added lnnmiaaality might
`seem attractive to many NetWarc 3.] 2
`two weeksTheserver soflwarelista I‘or
`.-—-—-"'_'—'—-‘-—" .
`”mammalian-imman- I
`r ll
`i NT finally becomes what it ought to be
`tivily training. Beyond the NetWare con-
`lItion was quick and painless. taking lcl
`than it} minutes. The program auto-
`nectivity that we found with installation.
`it tool: as just a few minutes to- instali a
`dctected and correctly eonligured our
`gateway to one of our NetWare 3.12
`four Eagle HERE!) network tnterlace
`servers. This made the directory we spec-
`cards, and we added a TCPIIP staclt to
`ified on the Het‘ilv'arc server appear to be
`the default IPX stack with only a mouse y
`part ol the N'I'server's domain.
`The NT 3.5 server package also comes
`Setting updierttsm surprisingly cits-y.
`Tell the server which nelworlr. interluce
`with a migration utility that brings across
`the lites. user accounts. and access rights
`card resides on a particular client ma-
`ot a NetWat-e 3.” or 4.1 server ['11 run-
`the client machine. connects to the serv-
`ningtn bindery onulation mode]. We mi-
`er.and imtalls Windows for Workgroups
`grated Calvin. a NetWare 3.12 server. to
`Mr. Natural. our Daytona server. in three
`1.1] from the server [but you have to pay
`[or the WW license].
`steps: we did a short test run in “trial"
`mode. we copied the actual files and
`Micrcoul't has apparently stopped fart-
`bindery irtlormation. and then we re:
`tasiaing about NetBEUI [at least in pub-
`lic] and is now shipping its own [PX stack
`astiredeiauh protocol. "the pertormance
`ment 'utdrantatie— our network
`henrdtotarit ran twice as fast under Day-
`tona as it did running. healer Version 3.1
`{see chart} — with almost none at the
`connectivity problems that we saw with
`1Irlcrttior't 3.1.
`Daytona ships Ituitlt TCPHF as well. No
`Internet acoeas
`ies come with the
`age. but the stack is last. pen
`forming our FTP Ills transfer as quickly
`as the Instant products in our recent
`TEMPoomparison. {Interrettingiy. a 31-
`bit cliernoide TEMP rtaclt originally do.
`veloped l'or Gauge has been included in
`WI-‘W Ina aoeoe time—l
`ll 1? address administration has
`stopped being I‘en. ryou can set up a Dy-
`namtc Host Con tgural ion Protocol
`[DI-{CF} server that will dynamically alv
`locate and deallooato [P.arldceasnthere-
`by avoiding duplicates and
`bans. Syria
`chrooiaing NT’s dynamic 1
`with Domain Name Service (tibial
`servers is handled through a naming la-
`cllity called windows Internet Naming
`Sender: {WINS}. Although DHCF won't
`let you plug and play coexisting installa-
`tians built around traditional ENS.
`DHCP i5 I'orurard-loolting and conceiv-
`ably could become a More standard.

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