VOLCXLUI . .. Na 49.82.?
`hymn-e lmfh r4- v... ti..-
`rrmiqumo-ahvnm'' u-
`T0 til :5 iiiiiiiiii
`Filli AllinSPILL
`“i .riii'ii [APPEAL
`Officials Say i‘D‘pcision,
`A Reverse
`Premium Clirltonconierringyuterdzyiilhhflliu lesdle'd Fredric-trite
`Rev. john-Bennhd Aurore, during. meeting c: the write: rim
`Gen. Colin L. Powell. retired
`and inflation are on Ill! rise, and
`Jury Awards Punitive Damages
`y to 34.000Alasiia Residents
`— Company to Appeal ,
`By KEITH scimsloait
`A Feller-I jury in Anchor-ac yep
`lard-y ordered the Eltlori Corpora-
`tion to pay $5 billion in punitivedam
`one to about 54.000 fishermen not
`other lilo-no: who until tiny were
`harmed by the Exxon Valdernil Iplll
`more own {We yells ran.
`nit. Il-rnember Jul-y rim ordered
`the former uptoln or the Exxon
`pit .l. Illulwood. to [thy
`troop in VIlIllVE dumps. uuiyer:
`Ior Exxon Ind Mr. Hlulwdod III“
`that thepwtillve dam-germinal are
`to punish delemilrtts tor
`hurmiul hell-wit", were uni-ii- and
`out they plum-ted rppuis,
`The jury‘s lw-rd. ending I 2th
`week [rill Ihll new in ehrly Mly.
`ir lhe larger: cvcr in - poiluiiai use
`m: the second liar-err iri lclvil use
`in the United states The Ingest
`opium in I civil :ult wu the "0.!
`b|lllan vardlcl union the Tex-co
`Corporation In D oonmcl dispute
`involving Fermmll in 1085. The use
`wls liter settled tor :3 billion. the
`largest civil tiw-rd ever in m anvi-
`miimeritul also will the mo lrillllnti
`Ihll Union c-riaipe paid in I court in
`India in the poisoning deaths Ind
`injuriesol thou-ml: ot residents or
`illicit-l. India. In last.
`Alter the verdict. Exxon stock.
`which but dropped during the [fl-i.
`rose “.50, to 39015. rrithlri minutes.
`Ililtiking Hard Time' Harder,
`Analysts said' the company could
`pay the 5!. billion Awlrd without stil-
`lemta Itsriillcittt harm;
`the plun-
`lilli! l'ulli allied Ior SIS Mllflrnl Exxon
`States CutJail TV and Sports
`tut yeur reported nei earnings at
`sou-mu mm vim mm
`55.18 billion on revenue 0' ill L2 bll-
`lion (or I'll of 19” [Page in.)
`JACKSDN, Miss. — [is politicians
`trig Mississippi "the capital 0! copi-
`In the mumeflll literal: verdict'
`lnl pilntsl‘lmcnl." ur Gav. Kirii For~
`unmndhit- roiiiiiry try in keep pace
`wrs undiluted by Judge H. Rune)
`will! "Itl publlr's lur)‘ pl nrllrllnals,
`nice. o Republic-n. pin it.
`Hullllld in Fmrll DIIIIICI Court in
`and crime shows It'w smith it! ahnlA
`By ihr mm the Legisluture od-
`Androngo. lawyers for the "ther-
`mg, stoic and family oiiicinls Irc
`Jaunted, rdIlJiy had come close it!
`men and other Mont-n pilintlilt
`Ihe l’hchrlC. Tht'rt willrbe no more
`(rocking down ort ii new Iargcl: low-
`told they were eluted.
`hrezlters Alreiidy behind bars.
`private IElevislmA Ior lmnltet And
`“mot is enough money "1M when
`From Colllnrnln its Florldu, elect»
`no ri'ldins, record pi-yers, iupc or
`ll get: distributed among the "alter-
`Ed ollictols have prupnstd in make
`rampart disc ployerr. computers or
`men Ind nuti
`luluns. It will ul-
`prittin tile hursher than II has been
`IW them I mu 0 a new Ilhrl on
`stereos. Weight-lilting equipment,
`lot), will be ellmlnnled.
`in your}. and in some cases.
`their lives." sold Brion O'NcllLl U-
`hnvc sun-ceded Ori iiie note or at.
`Fnr (Ill.- llrsl lime in man: man u
`yeurold lawyer irom Minneapolis
`ready Dl'l lhl' hooks al‘i‘ edicts lalilllll
`qnuricr~ccnlury. prisoners m In be
`who led the plalntllls'
`away l2lWl§iufl§.»IenI|lS uni! basin-
`umsscd in striped unilnrms, us in the
`Depending on the precise number at
`boll catlris. weight momspnrmlgru»
`plllllllllls, whlch LI Sllll unclear. well
`days ol the chum glllgl. and the
`pliy and more.
`word "cnlnvltl" Will ht emblazoned
`could receive about 3100.000, ll lite
`Prison upon: whn‘l, haWeVfl‘
`money was evenly divided:
`on ilm back, "Witch you see uric 0!
`that the wave at gei-rough-oripns»
`these bangers lipase. you‘ll say,
`Plil‘ick Lynch. I lawyer lmm L05
`ilirin'i know we had zobrus lti Missis-
`oiiur actions is loss likely to deter
`crime "llll lD make Ihe inmates an-
`Angela: and one it! Exxon's lend
`gry and. then-lure, harder to handle.
`Coniirllwd on page it, Column}
`"ll mmuies aren't kept busy when
`Continued on Page ID, Column l
`you link: away tlll those activities,
`they will linil something to do with
`their lime. and it probably wili riotbe
`in the best Interest of stuff trying to
`monitor inelnntllvlllfi" slid Mlk:
`Quinlan. director ol the Federal llu-
`mau pl Prisons lroln 1931 to mt
`No state has gone lurllter than
`in emcllng new re
`strainls on its prisoners Last month.
`tire Mississippi Legisiuiiire held a
`special scs‘slon io deal wiih prison
`overcrowding. but it quiclily become
`embroiled in a visceral dsbuie over
`die plunge oi u law ialtlng .wuy
`prtsanerr' omehiriu
`There was talk at restoring {car to
`prltoits, of caning. ol making prison-
`crs "smell lite 5, primer-wt hurri-
`tns and trying. or returning execu-
`tions to the county ml and ol inali-
`Brillin promited it nitrendilm to
`ease Pmlcsllnl Ieurs in Norther-n
`Irelurid and Mimi o broadcasting
`bull to reward the Irish Republican
`Army Ior it: cease-(ire. Pogo l.
`ll-rrirmn Huh SustVlhow
`Trustees for w, Averell Harrirnlll's
`heirs sued his widow. Parnell.Clilflh
`ing the litid squanderecii-iore ihtiri
`$30 million from lhEli" trust lundson
`hiyu'tslr investments. Pig: :5.
`umw- in...mum
`Flo-ll": Free In Space
`Col. Carl 1. Mradr yesterday trialling (h: rim uniedierzd rpacc walk in a
`decade. Hovering. 150 miles above Earth. Colonel Meade (tried a new
`in pack rim to the sparc chum: Discovery. Page 9.
`Changing Tack on Haiti I
`Clr‘nlori TallasiChance
`VVi’tl'i New Diplomacy
`Iv I. w. Arrtittr.
`dentumm'rnirpriuri; liven-[Ior
`trial“, mining {mmfliebmfiim-
`but to tho resumption oi dipinmtcy,
`ll [rounded in _l belle!
`iiiut the key to tho-Hui
`tlln crisis is the negoti-
`Ml-W‘ nod oepcrtureol them-
`ilixi’s millilry lenders.
`especially Llent. out. Raoul cum
`On “it: miner. it hi Ioriron-i ole-r
`why Mr. Clllllm I'll: Illlt‘lied lilclt I
`high priority to getting the three
`louder: out at the country peacefully.
`particularly when Deleon Secre-
`ury William .1. Perry raid only lllll
`alien-ooh that inv-sion troops mild
`dispatch the junih ill
`ti mulls-r oi
`Nonetheless, Mr. Clinton was will-
`ing to tend u hlgh powered negatin-
`lrig ml!" to Furl u-Prlilcc. hum
`by {tumor President Jimmy Curler,
`With FactoriesNear neirLimits, ‘
`even though It lglirl mid: him look
`ludeclsiv: and inconsistent ltl Ior-
`eign policy - the very thing: tor
`has. been
`Inflation Fears Are Rising Again
`throughout his Presidency.
`0n tin: other hand. the Pretident
`has at leastiemponrtly dlsnrnlod
`Industriitl production and laciory
`Jerry lasinuwslti, presioeni oi the
`National Assoclnlian ill Mannflclnr»
`his critics Llwrenee F. Eaglabur-
`operating rules rose sharply in Au-
`gust, the Government reported yur
`us. "We Vidve been surveying our
`per, the iormzr Secretary at State,
`mmmrnled lmllghl
`that "we all
`leniuy. raising the pusslhlllly or a
`memberi. About half on: building up
`now surgeoigrowth In the American
`huv‘e to hope this tucmds, because
`inventories b'ecouse at strong de-
`"it: insanity OI In Invasion II some
`accononiy, fllld with ll
`lllgller In"!-
`lrllrld. mostly In allies. and Ila" lind
`thing [lint we should not even luv: in
`themselves stuck with goods they
`tannin sell." .
`The latest repons. suggaslltlg llllll
`lhl‘ manullciurtng sector is operat-
`Alter insisting on wedresduy lhll
`Cuihucks in production would get
`rid oi ill: unity-riled inventorls. But
`ing nearly oi iuil ihruiiic. c‘ume dc-
`there would be no path: to sending
`spite iii: Federil Rescrve's eflorts
`Mr. Carter to Hunt. otter warning
`in August. Instead oi cutbacks. indus«
`to keep a lid uneconomic growth ~—
`Ill: Hilliln lrlilmvlral: on Thurhdly
`trial production rose reven~tenihs or
`u perczrn, the Federal Reserve re.
`that "your lime is up" Ind
`and on illl'llllm’l— by raising interest
`tiller preparing the American people
`mics five times since February
`ported yesterday, and the nation's
`lactorles. mines and utilities operati-
`‘5” bond market. where iniorest
`In I wit-vision addl‘tsi Ior lnlmlltelll
`llliliilry action, Mr. Clinton has now
`roles on: set, reacted wtih fright in
`ed ll “.1 parcel“ nl lhElr L‘lpaclly,
`'Ihe new thrrai'ul inflation, Traders
`Elven the Haitian leaders more time.
`the highest levcl since August ”all.
`The Whlle House said‘ it had rc-
`Thu was up from 84.3 percent
`quickly pushed riic yield rm long-
`eelvrd a ulgnal tram Pon-uu-Prince
`July 1nd I41 perm!“ In June. Iiurn<
`,term bond: to 7.77 percent. the high-
`hers that were themselves revised
`iii-ii the leaders were ready iir inllt
`est level in more thil twoyears. And
`aboui leaving ir a special envoy wls
`Hindi prices [all lPtgc at.)
`upvuni yaierduy.
`sum. But in an interview with wire
`in the last two weekr, conflicting
`For some ecotioi-iiisis, the August
`Governmait dill hive been alien I!
`service manners this week,
`indultriul production report
`President said. "There it nothing to
`mled mitt
`there were pocket: or
`evidence one tiny that the economy
`meet about. unless they arc icrving.
`Simmlh'l the economy um might
`ni- lie-lot! vim
`keep the pace or growth rowing
`Senator Sam Nunn
`lhohil. It not
`this year then next.
`Continued on Page a. Column 1
`Car'rllrlued on Page 7. column 5
`These pockets. muihly exports and
`hillbrnohlle silica could also eco-
`nomic growth to u leVel that would
`push ihe lrlllltian rule rte-oily hiyi-
`er. it is mien: thin apex-cent.
`"won. Europe and rupture bath
`expanding briskly. as 1:
`lillely in
`ma. then their purchlses oi Ameri»
`can goods mill service are likely to’
`make our warranty urge," said Pe-
`ter L Bentsieln, on economic con.
`“that View did rim go mick-Bengali,
`however. "I think this is the last
`Surge at lndustrlll promotion." utom—
`Tull now roux now
`itt-too l urn-u. riot-«mm» utturr
`i. mull-it Itrr m... oi“-
`«mm-m «new», um
`M actor-omrmntquiii- whirls.rlu
`c.i..m in —-4 min iv). ru
`Hakimmount Ill/Elia“)! . Aim
`a.» l'lv-u-rflLtiill m mu
`vol um Adm-ix inn-r...
`Former President Jimmy Carter
`Android pm.
`mmmmm iopur-
`I Iliui church to Ilia-t
`'l'o minim-u the let-lanolin: otnis
`rolllury» ”In“, Mr. Clinlm earlier
`The Prulderit‘t doclulori to lend
`limit I mpruuu learn to meet
`with HlllLIn lenders ume even
`my he lied told the mom in -
`lfllmlllcd address Incl he had ul-
`hirutted Ill Ilterripts at diplnrrilcy.
`The White Rinse action also made
`President, who rum
`itiori In Congress to In
`irivtillai. even Iron-i members ol his
`own party. would still preler Ioflrtd u
`peooelul way out 1:!
`the crklt in
`Administration olllclhlt told they
`were Ilsa hoping lltll II the military
`ieti‘ ilriii peacemiiy. con-
`greso rulghi largo it vote oppmlng
`the ill: at tom: ihn could come us
`early Is Monday and prove embar-
`hsslng to the PreslduiL
`Tilt White House has said {or days
`that It would be willing to discuss
`urrungemenu tor the depurture ol
`the Haitian lenders
`y it they l'lml
`rimmed u willingness
`receoi such
`I dell. Tonight. Administration oili-
`clalt conceded that. the amp leaders
`had not done to explicitly. They sold
`‘ihey were interpreting on inviiuiion
`made by General was to Mr. CIT-
`Continued or} Paige s, Column 1
`Bracing IiJr Invasion
`A: Troop: Prepare
`Wllll l llnll dlplt'lrlllllc cilon un-
`der wuy to remiwelhe military lead-.
`er! in Hull Ind with the Ammo-n
`military moving t
`it Iiilo pllce,
`Hlllillll begun prepa‘ rig Ior In in
`in the i-iuiii-ri cupttul,
`Prince, tension rose through the day.
`By urlywenirig, rnlny olvlllunr be
`gAn to ion lbmt rm lutdiioh dlp<
`lflmllk‘. cum to persuade Hllll'l
`military lenders to step down.
`ln the United Sum. people lcmss
`the country indicated til-t they hud
`became convinced then would be In
`Invasion. but till! llley dld nol think
`intervention would be wise. Never»
`unless, tnlny said they would sup-
`port the troopsr
`The American military continued
`to may: its larces Into place. under a
`plot! that would rely heavily on new
`pin-rut hummer-mm MI
`.Cuomo antiPatrols—i Ads StariAfining forfthe Chill
`ID excuse hlrnseil workout-(lodging
`that the ad worls likely ioeiid upon:
`ol the costliest Irid rustic-st in N w
`that candidates oiteli
`soy riosly
`oyrooo s. runbtm
`Forweeks. the televlslonoommeh
`Varlthistory. “This is golnu'to be
`things. ihu they "may or my trial
`cizls oi Gov. Mario M. ultimo utid
`believe." The tag line is “George
`mother al’ uli polllIc-l Iood rial-is."
`Pruitt. Pnlltlns as usual."
`said Hunk Morrit. I Dunner-tic trie-
`Suit: SenatorGeorge E. Pathlri have
`But there”: r catch:
`in the clip,
`diu lesllllllil workinglor Kim S.
`bobbed Arid Milled ill I Nulldfil
`Mr. Pluflil is Actually brushing oil it
`, Bursieiri, Mr. Ctlomo‘s running mute
`prcuiuiury recrimiltatkms. mu I:
`in uve uiumey generfl'i rice.
`Republiun rivnl's utiacks on him,
`the general Election amp-tan [or
`riol defending his Illnckl on me Gov»
`Such predictions are risky.
`governorofNew York got under my
`emit. Those allot-its hove been plow
`course, since in puiiucr, Is in line.
`'iit enmest this Week, the coroner-
`hardly unyilimg is really new under
`ly polnled: he ultspoolod it true at
`oial: tut straight in the dill}.
`Lost night'Mr. 0mm role-sad a
`Miriam-sly simple iu-sccond corri-
`the Sun 1nd politician. like tinies-
`merciills on Wednesday. dismissing
`nien. often end up religlitiitg the last
`meeting Ito-record spot that points
`Mr. Coornu us "too liberal Ior too
`war. in loot, Mr. P
`ltl's oomtner»
`out mommies in it w Pal-kl
`leanim newo
`CMllnllel‘flll Page 25, column I
`“mm“ which ML Putaltt IBM"
`Pound-315 cud strategistsassume
`SONY r'.
`SONY EXHIBIT 1044- Page 1
`4— Page 1


` ThbrnamfialmaybepnflededbyCopwghtbw(TMe17LiS.Code)
`The goal is a big 1
`role in network
`um: uIell lI Wm mun:
`MW urban—Imam
`we not dumlnued by amulet
`llleNmell. filn Ind lax.
`Minna!!! llflldlll I.“ M "Ill
`um: Iu luIIuy would we much
`NT In unmanned. “We column-l
`Alldxln. m Ian-Hun {or Klan-
`we've wrindmllml"
`InIlyxlIIIld men
`qua: m be I Imler lnr III-u cur-
`U. l! w I llu Hm?!" In
`mm nmmm
`lhII mini mum h Ilfll
`is"I‘m “1‘pr In In “Ill av-
`eryune Inland 1mm lhelr m
`fruneu m“ Mr: Alldflll Illd. “But
`will we [It then? Yu, we WILL"
`Iver-u mum: 9! mm» tutu;
`wall“ dill:
`mu Ill-ll w
`SAN FRANCISCO, Seal. 18—“:
`men-d: Wm pul- In re-
`m mun-ll: cumming mule
`mullet on Hwy Dy InmlldmI
`Iml venlm In In WW! "1'.
`. WIIIII men-on mules Im-
`wire {or W pawn! em-
`pum. Ilnuneverbaal mun-on-
`wIle ma: llnls mull] manner:
`lpln llljl lav/om and m
`Inn-e web: ‘llh bk col-hymen llke
`LAM}: mlhllm
`lullnunenlpg InenlormlI nun
`kel. Mum-t1 Vllnllnu NT. III In
`Induced Ian yIIr m I Mew-nu
`m Sn lIr, me lame col-non-
`umI "In use Mum-WI pmsnml
`lot puma-III omnpnllm IlIve mud
`to my "my Iron: the Red-m
`Ween, mmplny‘l mule tor ear-
`porIu-wlde commune Inks.
`AI ureulll. WWI NT nu
`manly I 3 percent date of Ibo
`lurker lul- nelwnrl «per-m m
`llIcmde Nwell lnc. Ind Sun mam
`syneml. Some mule! mutants
`my mIl only Ilium-Imam VII-law:
`'N‘l‘ min In used by mm cll~
`enu - [Irlever mun]: an: mlllllll
`W 5“ W memoir: mlrmln.
`Wllfllm He fill“
`llul Mlcnnohhknmmlorlu pen
`name: 1b: In vex-Ila Wlndnm
`N135. llbelluleleuedwltllllulle
`at Ipplluuona helm lnIrkelId II
`BIul mm. In Illunon In men:-
`WR'S'WM Office Iel of wind
`mlTrCoi-poreum lommlyqlnlnnel‘l yam-y
`mm pinned walllm llnulclIl servicesplume,
`In mmmmmmflbmflmu' "
`mmhmnle mummmummmmmlmm
`"Wehellzveuln unpmhflywmmumamuuuunypept
`mum" nummmwumyMIquumcm
`demlluNanrkRmmlnyM Knlchbmlelbnlllumund
`MSG uhluyslem. l’l'rmehedilmullaher. [0ny the New
`Yorksmdl Exthm’.
`. umammmmlflmlmmynmmmmu-
`mmmmmmmm Bummnclllnelmr-
`fill-flat. Curvkx‘llm MlflJnfllJiJandlqlnflnl.
`(Bllnmherg BuIflleu Nam)
`mmwrflnnpul IndpfikuuhmmemmuIn-
`Mowdlémumwm mnaudnilummlnrymum
`mummmwmmm memmmmmdlscm
`: ~m-mwmh.m:nllurllnl comm. hubunflven Ipv
`mmmmnommmuuMg-m mm
`wumeumnaymmmmmw Io
`.m-MWMM .
`I In tuner is Said to Seek Financmg
`, :IvfiwmmmmmllIwMalhm
`mmmmml‘unmlt (WWW)
`mmmnmu Immun-
`malllllhmsnlmfllmol l.uerllto-deIrI.m
`Mmmmwamwmlmunm LPJ’M
`“hub-I'm "Acme mlldmmmmminu lul-
`mwmmr'm luvonble meflhlmpulyllfl
`mluau:Mun“ Camp‘nyuld yaw-fly lIlIl ll Manuel-
`wpluu mmlmmmm plain-lemma. ln-
`Fmelem-Mum:dmulled: lulu public busIyuem. Hum
`WmWyeIlemymwnl-uenrdl onlhepmlecllopm-
`l mlllxe lam up moblleIIIelllle wmlnllnlullom syn-
`IInlI mInlpmveChlln'l nIanIdlluulIrylelecommmlclduuIyI—
`mumlImam [hedalmlul of “we: lulu-ll.use In
`JMnIlu Ivnve of mherpenmul unnpul-
`nyIIld yummy III! II mull! cu! prleu
`m :Egfl-AEHT; er mien. me Hmku-P-mnl Comp--
`[he IIPVeui-Illne. rIluefmmapelcenlIlme lmvelldllnne
`Mu 20 penal: an museum models. A hwulaVecll-I. lo enm-
`ple. Illl Iell farIllnuI SIN». IllnoII 12peréenl leu mm 1 sllnllIl-Iy
`“Mullen VIlue Polnl from 1.3M.
`WWI. “cm "9le III melon
`me Dun FlnInchl CorpvrIlJuIbu Incl-even lu me In lner
`York Inmment bull Salomon Inc. w 14normal ol uncommon
`mummlwxdlluwI Wlmuldimnue Commu-
`mm but FInIncIIlmued In Mmymlm. now Inlds I55 mll-
`llmsehmnn IllIm, wnhIhnul $361 lnllllon. Dun FInInclIl Ind
`film!“clued lrilll 1leanabout552.5 mlllhl tobuy 1.25 lnllllon SII‘
`ulncnslum belween Au; and Sept 14. me llllna II“. can FlnIncIIl
`lull Inn of me DIrl Cull-Ina Comer-null of 5mm Flue, I mlker
`alpolyIlymnecup: Ind [ll-nil:cutlery.
`(slumber; BuslnuINm) ’
`Jolnl venture: wlnl Baum-mm PILC‘ pl arlmn ln
`AVO n Avwl Products lnr. saldyesneruynum wan-Id lorln
`Nunll Ind Shmll Amerlce to sell Bellemln'lhouvewlmdlmflylo
`mammal: mmslflagfllndopendyn dull-Imam. Mum-nausea
`‘lnlBlrmllwum. EnuInd,cataract:andpInleIm rule InInne-
`vnremm, more mInmuat which areexclullve dueyu. llIn:re-
`oenuy exp-med lnlp Europe-n mIrllelI. Includlng Prim. Spaln Ind
`Germ-aye Avm, mewnrld‘l luau-5elm:sellern1hunkyproducts,
`nummpnlu would [om manna-1mm": In I mmulm
`Alum-nmania by Ill: mum numeral199: Avon Isz w"allI‘M
`“mummy. 10 mm. mare New York sum. Ellehulae,
`The ma FlnanunlCarper-nonIeld yellardly that l! llad Iqulred
`Pulled: SIvlnu Bank F53. form mllilm Inn-In, Ill-summingIll
`ml": Ihe lop uolnmeltnl bInk ln Beramcalmty. NJ” wllhso.
`5mm Plfludl SIMwllhm mllllnll I'll use“ Ind 3274 Irllfllnl'l
`lndepuulu, apenleeeumbundles. (Iveofmen In Bergen County
`UnlledJel-Izy Bulk,- unllnl U18 Plum-I, IlIollII I Ilmlpreoenee
`In “MmCol-mymm Inbunches,Ille a! theother three PIlIndeSav-
`lnubnncneu um Fm men in Prlneelm. n.1,. mnennynu
`usbllllonlnmuldm tar-Mlle: WINWIBMYIMM-
`em remain-III
`(Blmmbem Blames: New)
`ThePhllllpa Pumlenlll ColllpInywlll lIyallmw‘orllarm inaud—
`lumnlu mnlenvuhakmllludqumnjylmmolmemr.
`EIrllIrthlIyeIl-mnnelnenl ordered I revlawnllhemmpnny'aupen
`Immwmmhrwnyllnmdficmym ml]?-
`el-le;can Thealbumwlll drop Plllllips'l wfluldeenmluymem
`Inboul IO.”Menthe
`lawn:mwmploled. Pnllllpewill the
`loducedluwul Imp
`'byebuuna mum 1099.11:me-
`nyvlde ml"!0‘! Phlllips'lapex-Imam.whichbegun III! Iprlng, follows
`maled-Wmllumlnmu lhll wupIrlde-e-rllercul»
`Secf'et Computer Formula ‘
`Is Circulated on the Internet
`colnpuler network nullln‘ llu of
`eompnler murder- who we
`Conlllluedf-‘mm Flnllllulncuhlp‘
`the WIN Publlmenmum
`Ink unel-uon
`wmwlcr nun InImd me world. II
`known II
`Ind In:
`nsn DIIA Seuumy elect-um
`am my mu ll nu unable um
`ly mu Bl hid“!
`filhllc dllcheum»ol- me—lormule
`gum eampmrnlue me agreemen-
`helm the NSA Ind the sum-re
`me muugeon My m .enl
`1mm I wmwaer In "I: Helium
`"I have been lolll ll nu pm oi
`”Mm-l Rubeieplmfldm;
`Inonymm mnellen Sud- allure.
`Kill," Jim mam. Dmldflll I11 I!“
`Dermlu computer men In lend .
`ull‘l In In lnlervlew today. "We‘ve
`mum Io lllIl they Ire muted
`kept up an end 9!
`lhe bIrgIIlL
`Inllllynmmly. leqvllu llllhor no evi-
`W'Iun‘ll Ill: won! that could lumen?
`aellu {or Inch; the manage buck
`nan mull uy In no mel- ex~
`In the oral"! Imdel’.
`parable; Inn's enumy ponlh
`MW mm: [or me uncla-
`lure at the larval-II mnalln unclear.
`The expon lmle my become
`men I... been I blue: mummy
`between campuner men on me cy-
`RC4 lhll Ila N.SA. Illmrl to be
`nherpunlu mIllinI III: and mat
`Hm ll XSA Dlu Sealrlly. The
`ma “mm men In no UnIlId
`comm m but: sever-l Impor-
`SulaAndjn ofllclIl II-Llle Somme
`unl puma um cover I technolm
`Imm- I. while I!!! WY.
`Pnbllflmi Amman “Mann
`which pemlll IndMIluIlI who the
`m-flnmmenl InmuchInn
`never met manly lend IM resolve
`hem Mu.
`mm of me WWII"
`gmp me minded nun me In
`DES. walls: In [mantel II
`nuance-m IWs Insular
`awn m by m Unlwq
`Sula Government But-MI:
`m hemmed Illa-It’ll
`lmdgn mun WW
`Apple License
`Plan Confirmed
`SAN FRANCISCO, sew. lll
`Inc. gunmen may um n
`walla Hume Ill Inclnmnn
`synem 75 opendna Iyneln
`mm In other perm-l
`Ilmlllnx me mm In omn-
`Inmn It MM'I Ilun
`al the PC mm
`Ill-m nuppea
`sum, to sum, iflzr Apple
`Inch ”Irv-II eventing aye-
`lem. The move maln- new
`In! men-m,
`Much nu m percenl a! flu
`tynenn lull-tel.
`Apple Ill-m In: 375 calls.
`Apnlenld “would bani! by
`llama; la cure MIclnulh
`tymm Ind ale.
`menu of In Power PC llud<
`wire. ll nu myel nae-lulled
`nammpnnlumwnlmllwm ‘
`slut Health; rid“; lxn en.-
`Ian luv: mummy
`m be m “I “ml! (he
`complain: damn In Ap-
`ple‘l onmnmunynnlummnwyu
`Ill Cram: Sll'lleflfl ln SIn
`Jone. came. IIld Apple lald
`My!!! my man In: nm
`unennln. Inumulu would
`be with mum-mm- In In-
`um the la loam to male
`ly, Germany Ind JIpIn.
`Unllke Apple. IBM une-
`bemuanyRSA DIlISeulrlAy.
`' “mfimmufifmcmm
`RSI DIII manna all!
`0|!!!“me mummulmmll.
`um I! ml- week: duds-In Ind
`mmmmmlwmnm WM-
`M ..
`I.B.Il. pl w lhll palm." Mr. Alsop
`IIldyeIIenlIy Ha! noun I cum-
`[III mm Ind mm] lhll um
`mmwurzmhulnc lulu”
`mud lam-rev
`A can:
`spoken-In, Fem
`r lull hlfl IM
`decided Ipedflcuywhul.
`"In nuln mug l1 mum“ I
`:33.“ ml_ll n1 while-II.” he
`The Power PC aelIy duel not
`mun "Ill LEM. will m1 MVE I!"
`menu the mmpnny lnluldI In lnIn)
`dune new venm 01 III pent-III
`90““!an bind WI lulel‘l M
`m Ind Penn-em chips, In none
`nun. Inlcn lo: I: yen: m
`been me lawn; seller at per-ml]
`computers. In «mold ll: llle lll-Il
`null .11 ml. yen by “Compaq
`ulnplller Wm Infill":
`LEM/l mum nlel lnmumlly
`In Ill lhe lollnh (lunar, Iwwever.
`Executlve Chanson
`urban-e mnnmv aptrllnr.
`m ‘- Noun Rm
`Mm,” Ilhleuc (mr compl-
`11y. pnnnlud Donald .1. com
`flu-Inc: Ilfl dud (Ill-null officer.
`Ila-lull .l. RyIlI, mmvleeprm
`SONY fiXH %
`SONY EXHIBIT 1044- Page 2
`1044— Page 2


`ed when work force reductions were
`$1.29. a yearearlier.
`Microsoft to IntroduceNew Windows NT
`3;; road MARKOFF
`SAN FRANCISCO. Sept. 16 ~— The
`Microsoft Corporation plans to re-
`new its bid to become a big player in
`the network computing software
`market on Monday by introducing a
`new version of its Windows NT.
`While Microsoft dominates soft-
`ware for individual personal corn-
`puters. it has never been big in soft-
`ware that links personal computers
`into large networks and connects
`those webs with big computers like
`I B.M.‘s mainframes.
`Its first attempt to enter this mar-
`ket. Micromft Windows NT. was in-
`troduced last year to a lukesvarm
`mponse. So far, the large corpora-
`tions that use Microsoft's programs
`for personal computing have tended
`to shy away from the Redmond,
`Wash, company's software for cor-
`porate-wide computing tasks.
`as a;resuit, Windows NT has
`roughly a 3 percent share of the
`market for network operating sys-
`tems — a field in which the leaders
`include Noveli inc. and Sun Micro-
`systems. Some market researchers
`say that only about 120,000 Windows
`NT copies are used by business cli-
`ents — far fewer than‘the one million
`target set by Microsoft's chairman,
`William H. Gates.
`But Microsoft is known for its per—
`sistence. The new version. Windows
`NT 3.5. is being released with a suite
`of applications being marketed as
`Back Office, an allusion to Micro-
`soft’s‘successful Office set of word
`processor.spreadsheetandotherap- ’-
`pllcations for indlyldual PC’a.
`Analysts say the new Windows NT
`performs substantially better than
`the first version and requires fewer-
`computer mm.
`memory. The first, Windows NT was
`criticized for
`”so much
`memory that it w
`practical for
`desktop use.
`The company will introduce two
`versions of Windows NT.One is
`aimed at the market for so-called
`server computer systems, which are
`shared by many potential computers .
`The goal is a big
`role in network
`for networks of computer work sta-
`tions used in engineering. sciatiific
`and financial markets -- a software
`field now dominated by companies
`iikeNoveli, Sunandldlhl
`Microsoft officials said that this
`time its strategy would be much
`clearer than when the first Windows
`NT was introduced. “We confused
`the marketplace last year." said Jim
`Alichin. vice president for Micro-
`soft's business systems division. “So
`we’ve worked on that."
`Yet industry analysts said Micro-
`soft still had to make up ground in its
`quest to be a supplier for large cor-
`porate networks.
`Many analysts said they believed-
`that Microsoft was gaming accept- -'
`would give some market batters:
`- stiff competition.
`“Clearly, Ndvell is going to take a
`hit," said Tim Baiarln, a com
`industry consultant at Cree
`Striated“is in Santa Clara. Calif:
`Novel], of Provo. Utah, has battled
`with Microsoft to maintain Nove'li’s
`rate client-server networks. And the '
`new thrust by Microsoft into server
`computing is certain to accelerate.
`amther round of price commotion.
`It intends to price the Window'vs NT
`Server 3.5, bundled With Back Office.
`fol-sales. it will sell the operating
`system alone for raw. plus $39.95 for
`each personal computer that will be
`connected to the network. Previous
`iy. it charged a flat $1,500 for an
`milimited number of PC's.
`Mr. Allchln acknowledged that the
`new Microsoft products were not yet
`adequate fora direct assault on the
`largest corporate data-prowesing
`systems. But he said Microsoft was.
`taking its first steps to create soft-
`ware that would compete ln such
`"i'm not prepared to say that ev-
`eryone should unplug their main-
`frames yet." Mr. Ailchin said. “But
`will we get there? Yes. we will."
` fiXH %
`SONY EXHIBIT 1044- Page 3
`i 1044— Page 3

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