`R i 1096— Pa e
`SONY EXHIBIT 1026- Page 1
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`SONY EXHIBIT 1026- Page 2
`Sony XPeria ZL
`U.S. Patent No. 6,009,469


`Page 2 of 23
`SONY EXHIBIT 1026- Page 3
`XSLLT26, XASLT26, LT30AT, and LT28AT) is a computer system, including program
`XTST21DS, XEC1504, XEDSC1604, XMST23, XJST26, XAST27, XUST25, XPLT22,
`smartphones, including but not limited to model numbers XZLC6506, XTST21SS,
`Sony XPeria ZL (hereinafter, “the Sony Smartphone”, which encompasses all Sony
`medium comprising:”
`the medium comprising:
`readable code means embodied in
`usable medium having computer
`product comprising a computer
`network, the computer program
`server process over a computer
`connecting to other processes and a
`executing a first process and
`the computer system capable of
`a display and an audio transducer,
`use with a computer system having
`1. A computer program product for
`the computer program product comprising a computer usable medium having computer readable code means embodied in the
`system capable of executing a first process and connecting to other processes and a server process over a computer network,
`“1. A computer program product for use with a computer system having a display and an audio transducer, the computer
`U.S. Patent No. 6,009,469: Claim 1


`Page 3 of 23
`Source: Test screenshot.
`SONY EXHIBIT 1026- Page 4
`control of a first process executing on the computer system.
`The Sony Smartphone has program code for generating a user-interface enabling
`computer system;
`first process executing on the
`user-interface enabling control of a
`a. program code for generating a
`“a. program code for generating a user-interface enabling control of a first process executing on the computer system;”
`U.S. Patent No. 6,009,469: Claim 1


`Page 4 of 23
`SONY EXHIBIT 1026- Page 5
`receives a network protocol address, at least partially represented by
`For example, following connection to the computer network, the Sony Smartphone
`network protocol address of the first process upon connection to the computer
`The Sony Smartphone has program code for determining the currently assigned
`upon connection to the computer
`protocol address of the first process
`currently assigned network
`b. program code for determining the
`“b. program code for determining the currently assigned network protocol address of the first process upon connection to the
`U.S. Patent No. 6,009,469: Claim 1
`computer network;”


`Page 5 of 23
`SONY EXHIBIT 1026- Page 6
`“b. program code for determining the currently assigned network protocol address of the first process upon connection to the
`U.S. Patent No. 6,009,469: Claim 1
`Source: Test screenshot.
`computer network;”


`Page 6 of 23
`SONY EXHIBIT 1026- Page 7
`address is at least partially represented by
`“” (see “Host” field in HTTP GET below), and its network protocol
`SYN is in packet 296, highlighted in orange. The server’s hostname is
`address of the first process and a unique identifier of the first process; for example, the TCP
`For example, the Sony Smartphone forwards to the server the assigned network protocol
`a communication connection with the server process.
`process and a unique identifier of the first process to the server process upon establishing
`server process and for forwarding the assigned network protocol address of the first
`protocol address of the first process, for establishing a communication connection with the
`The Sony Smartphone has program code responsive to the currently assigned network
`the server process; and
`communication connection with
`process upon establishing a
`of the first process to the server
`process and a unique identifier
`protocol address of the first
`forwarding the assigned network
`the server process and for
`communication connection with
`process, for establishing a
`protocol address of the first
`the currently assigned network
`c. program code responsive to
`process and a unique identifier of the first process to the server process upon establishing a communication connection with
`communication connection with the server process and for forwarding the assigned network protocol address of the first
`“c. program code responsive to the currently assigned network protocol address of the first process, for establishing a
`U.S. Patent No. 6,009,469: Claim 1
`the server process; and”


`Page 7 of 23
`Source: Test screenshot.
`SONY EXHIBIT 1026- Page 8
`process and a unique identifier of the first process to the server process upon establishing a communication connection with
`communication connection with the server process and for forwarding the assigned network protocol address of the first
`“c. program code responsive to the currently assigned network protocol address of the first process, for establishing a
`U.S. Patent No. 6,009,469: Claim 1
`the server process; and”


`Page 8 of 23
`The following screenshot shows data exchanged between the Sony Smartphone and the
`Source: Test screenshot.
`SONY EXHIBIT 1026- Page 9
`server’s network protocol address is at least partially represented by
`For example, packet 626, highlighted in orange, contains another GET request. The content
`to-point communication link.
`For example, the Sony Smartphone and the content server then go on to establish a point-
`establishing a point-to-point communications with another process over the computer
`The Sony Smartphone has program code means, responsive to user input commands, for
`computer network.
`with another process over the
`point-to-point communications
`commands, for establishing a
`responsive to user input
`d. program code means,
`“d. program code means, responsive to user input commands, for establishing a point-to-point communications with another
`process over the computer network.”
`U.S. Patent No. 6,009,469: Claim 1


`Page 9 of 23
`Source: Test screenshot.
`SONY EXHIBIT 1026- Page 10
`the response from the content server.
`characters have been replaced with a period (“.”). Note the Content-Type of “video/mp4” in
`Smartphone is shown in red. Data from the content server is shown in blue. Nonprintable
`content server, beginning with the initial HTTP GET request. Data from the Sony
`“d. program code means, responsive to user input commands, for establishing a point-to-point communications with another
`process over the computer network.”
`U.S. Patent No. 6,009,469: Claim 1


`Page 10 of 23
`SONY EXHIBIT 1026- Page 11
`XSLLT26, XASLT26, LT30AT, and LT28AT) is a computer system.
`XTST21DS, XEC1504, XEDSC1604, XMST23, XJST26, XAST27, XUST25, XPLT22,
`smartphones, including but not limited to model numbers XZLC6506, XTST21SS,
`Sony XPeria ZL (hereinafter, “the Sony Smartphone”, which encompasses all Sony
`method comprising the steps of:”
`the steps of:
`network, the method comprising
`a server process over the computer
`connected to the callee process and
`interface and being operatively
`process capable of generating a user
`over a computer network, the caller
`a caller process to a callee process
`point-to-point communication from
`process, a method for establishing a
`display and capable of executing a
`9. In a computer system having a
`user interface and being operatively connected to the callee process and a server process over the computer network, the
`communication from a caller process to a callee process over a computer network, the caller process capable of generating a
`“9. In a computer system having a display and capable of executing a process, a method for establishing a point-to-point
`U.S. Patent No. 6,009,469: Claim 9


`Page 11 of 23
`Source: Test screenshot.
`SONY EXHIBIT 1026- Page 12
`interface element representing a first communication line.
`when a user uses the Sony Smartphone, the Sony Smartphone generates a user-
`Sony actively induces its users to directly practice this claim element, knowing that
`communication line;
`element representing a first
`A. generating a user-interface
`“A. generating a user-interface element representing a first communication line;”
`U.S. Patent No. 6,009,469: Claim 9


`Page 12 of 23
`Source: Test screenshot.
`SONY EXHIBIT 1026- Page 13
`interface element representing a first callee process.
`When a user uses the Sony Smartphone, the Sony Smartphone generates a user
`element representing a first callee
`B. generating a user interface
`“B. generating a user interface element representing a first callee process;”
`U.S. Patent No. 6,009,469: Claim 9


`Page 13 of 23
`Source: Test screenshot.
`SONY EXHIBIT 1026- Page 14
`packet 328, highlighted in orange.
`GET request, as to whether the second process is connected to the computer network in
`For example, the Sony Smartphone transmits to the server a query, at least in the form of a
`to determine if the first callee process is accessible.
`When a user uses the Sony Smartphone, the Sony Smartphone queries the server process
`process is accessible; and
`determine if the first callee
`C. querying the server process to
`“C. querying the server process to determine if the first callee process is accessible; and”
`U.S. Patent No. 6,009,469: Claim 9


`Page 14 of 23
`SONY EXHIBIT 1026- Page 15
`Hypertext Transfer Protocol specification:
`For example, selected potential responses to a GET request are reproduced below, from the
`queried resource is offline or otherwise unavailable.
`and has been successfully delivered, while a 404 Not Found response indicates that the
`example, a 200 OK response to the query both indicates that a requested resource is online
`A server’s response to a GET request is indicative of, among other things, online status. For
`“C. querying the server process to determine if the first callee process is accessible; and”
`U.S. Patent No. 6,009,469: Claim 9


`Page 15 of 23
`address of a second process, at least partially represented by r5—sn-
`from the server to the Sony Smartphone. The response contains a network protocol
`For example, packet 373, highlighted in orange below, contains an HTTP 302 response
`SONY EXHIBIT 1026- Page 16
`“C. querying the server process to determine if the first callee process is accessible; and”
`U.S. Patent No. 6,009,469: Claim 9


`Page 16 of 23
`SONY EXHIBIT 1026- Page 17
`Source: Test screenshot.
`“C. querying the server process to determine if the first callee process is accessible; and”
`U.S. Patent No. 6,009,469: Claim 9


`Page 17 of 23
`SONY EXHIBIT 1026- Page 18
`server’s network protocol address is at least partially represented by
`For example, packet 626, highlighted in orange, contains another GET request. The content
`to-point communication link.
`For example, the Sony Smartphone and the content server then go on to establish a point-
`the first communication line.
`associating the element representing the first callee process with the element representing
`communication link from the caller process to the first callee process, in response to a user
`When a user uses the Sony Smartphone, the Sony Smartphone establishes a point-to-point
`steps of:
`step C further comprises the
`communication line, wherein
`representing the first
`process with the element
`representing the first callee
`associating the element
`process, in response to a user
`caller process to the first callee
`communication link from the
`D. establishing a point-to-point
`associating the element representing the first callee process with the element representing the first communication line,
`“D. establishing a point-to-point communication link from the caller process to the first callee process, in response to a user
`wherein step C further comprises the steps of:”
`U.S. Patent No. 6,009,469: Claim 9


`Page 18 of 23
`SONY EXHIBIT 1026- Page 19
`the response from the content server.
`characters have been replaced with a period (“.”). Note the Content-Type of “video/mp4” in
`Smartphone is shown in red. Data from the content server is shown in blue. Nonprintable
`content server, beginning with the initial HTTP GET request. Data from the Sony
`The following screenshot shows data exchanged between the Sony Smartphone and the
`wherein step C further comprises the steps of:”
`Source: Test screenshot.
`associating the element representing the first callee process with the element representing the first communication line,
`“D. establishing a point-to-point communication link from the caller process to the first callee process, in response to a user
`U.S. Patent No. 6,009,469: Claim 9


`Page 19 of 23
`Source: Test screenshot.
`SONY EXHIBIT 1026- Page 20
`associating the element representing the first callee process with the element representing the first communication line,
`“D. establishing a point-to-point communication link from the caller process to the first callee process, in response to a user
`wherein step C further comprises the steps of:”
`U.S. Patent No. 6,009,469: Claim 9


`Page 20 of 23
`Source: Test screenshot.
`SONY EXHIBIT 1026- Page 21
`packet 328, highlighted in orange.
`GET request, as to whether the second process is connected to the computer network in
`For example, the Sony Smartphone transmits to the server a query, at least in the form of a
`as to the on-line status of the first callee process.
`When a user uses the Sony Smartphone, the Sony Smartphone queries the server process
`first callee process; and
`as to the on-line status of the
`C.1 querying the server process
`“C.1 querying the server process as to the on-line status of the first callee process; and”
`U.S. Patent No. 6,009,469: Claim 9


`Page 21 of 23
`SONY EXHIBIT 1026- Page 22
`Hypertext Transfer Protocol specification:
`For example, selected potential responses to a GET request are reproduced below, from the
`queried resource is offline or otherwise unavailable.
`and has been successfully delivered, while a 404 Not Found response indicates that the
`example, a 200 OK response to the query both indicates that a requested resource is online
`A server’s response to a GET request is indicative of, among other things, online status. For
`“C.1 querying the server process as to the on-line status of the first callee process; and”
`U.S. Patent No. 6,009,469: Claim 9


`Page 22 of 23
`SONY EXHIBIT 1026- Page 23
`“C.1 querying the server process as to the on-line status of the first callee process; and”
`U.S. Patent No. 6,009,469: Claim 9


`Page 23 of 23
`Source: Test screenshot.
`SONY EXHIBIT 1026- Page 24
`address of a second process, at least partially represented by r5—sn-
`from the server to the Sony Smartphone. The response contains a network protocol
`For example, packet 373, highlighted in orange below, contains an HTTP 302 response
`address of the first callee process over the computer network from the server process.
`When a user uses the Sony Smartphone, the Sony Smartphone receives a network protocol
`the server process.
`over the computer network from
`address of the first callee process
`C.2 receiving a network protocol
`“C.2 receiving a network protocol address of the first callee process over the computer network from the server process.”
`U.S. Patent No. 6,009,469: Claim 9

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