”5 supplement contains...
`MILLER FREEllANPL-”135",}er
`lflfllS Fflli WlNflflWS
`Application Development Tools
`”an M pg“ )_1M1
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`SONY EXHIBIT 1041- Page 1
`SONY EXHIBIT 1041— Page 1


`VI Compbidr. version 3.0
`it?! Corp.
`(801) 595-1352 (800) 377—1090
`.Auruque option added to V2 Programmer that provides for
`the building of software components. Any function designed
`in V2 Programmer may be wrapped into an appropriate
`ciao making it into a software component. This can then be
`placed in the library and reused in any other application.
`('ircle reader scn'icc number 921
`V2 Lita. version 3.0
`V2 Corp.
`(801) 5951352 (800) 37 7—1090
`Amdcless programming environment dial is used to build
`aiplicaooris by importing and assembling components from
`the \s'Zlii‘rary. If at desired t’unction is not available Irom the
`liitaiy then VZ Lite may also be used to define the new fume
`non by designing the Objecb and their presentation on the
`Circle reader service number 92]
`V2 Programmer, version 3.0
`V2 Corp.
`I801] 595-1352 (800) 37771090
`A prugratiiming environment that extends the l'unction ol‘
`the application by adding C++ code to the objects This is a
`ion—limiting programming environment that :1“qu the pro
`ptatnming tifartythitig tltat can nonnally be programmed us:
`trig CH. Slim.
`Circle terrier service number 921
`WindewBullder Pro/V. verslon 1.0
`Objectshare Systems inc.
`I408) 9707280
`Art Iflldl‘ddl‘v'i: tool for building graphical User interfaces in
`Digitallt Smalltalk/V. Developers can imrencntally create all]
`intctfxc and Viewing the precise effects of each of the revi-
`51m Inclucb lull source code. No nin‘tjri'ie fees. 529554-95.
`Circle reader service number 734
`Fischer International Systems Corporation
`t813) 643-1500 [800) 237—4510
`WorkflowlUEll is a comprehensive GUI system based on
`III'IJLTI oi'ienled programming that electronically automates
`hairless processes. Custom electronic Iomts are created sitti-
`ply and qutckly with a point. click. and drag toolbox of ob-
`iins. or set of rcwlylouse WorkFlowZOL’O templates. $295.
`Circle reader service number 664
`A29 for Windows. version 3.0
`Sit-aware Inc.
`l613l 2285100 [800) 267-9991
`Alli [lilfi'ltlt‘ 7 custom controls to give programmers coni—
`pletr control of remote host connections. Allows multiple
`537ll.\Tlll’31IIand ITY sessions foremuiation tile Lnuts-
`I'erand printing. Remote support includes Async Dial-up.
`X25. Dial-up TCPIIPISLIPFPPP). Reniote LAN Access.
`illsisuppnnt 'l‘CPi’IP Netware for 5AA. 3270 cards. and
`when. 5240.
`Circle reader service number 846
`ADONTEc SuperCom 3.0 Windows 3.x.
`version 3.0
`fine Line International
`1707) 887-3400
`A ponal‘ile development tool for serial communication soft-
`ware. Intermpl—driven.‘ transmission. reception. line status.
`modem status. COM] tn COMM. Buffers up to 04K. Up to
`l [5200 Baud. Uarts 8250. lh45ll. [6550 FIFO. Flow con-
`trol: RTSICTS. DTRIDS'I'. XONI'XOFF and user defined.
`ZMODEM (incl. crash recovery). YMODEMIBATCH.
`TTY. VTSZ. Event-Routines for all UART events. Many
`other features. 3399. DOS version also available. 3299. Win-
`dows NT. version supports threads. and multitasking. Full
`source. Ports to DOS. Windows. and 05/2. 3399.
`Circle reader service number 661
`AIR Connect, version 3.0
`(205) 447-0300 (800) SPRY-NEi
`Provides neittorkiindependent connectivity applicatiorn and
`sen‘iccs that combine industry standard WinSnck TCPIIP.
`The implementation of a network-independent architecture
`ensures future compatibility and expandability with all
`TCPJIP transpons AIR Connect includes: Telnet. NFM.
`F'lPr'RCP. LPRIIPD. tn327tl. Windows Dialer, Mail. Ncwv'.
`Gopher. AIR Mosaic. and lrtiachicw. 5349. Also available:
`Air Core. Air Navigator. and Air NFS
`Circle reader service number 87]
`AIR X. version 3.0
`(206) 447-0300 (300) SPRY-NEI'
`A server that enables the PC to display X-Windows appli-
`cations running on remote multiuser systems. It will turn the
`PC into an X—Windows graphics tenrtinal under the Microsoft
`Windows environment. as well as run Microsoft Windows
`and XAWindrnvs applications side-hy-side. $I99 single copy.
`Circle reader service number 87]
`ANGOSS MVP Mlddlevvare. version v.3
`Angoss Software
`(416) 593-1122
`MVP Middlcwatc renders applications database indepen-
`dent. pmvidesdatabase interoperability to applications. pro
`vides performance enhancements to the underlying data base
`engines and supports data base migration and replication
`services to pniiluciim data on mayor relational DBMSs. Pric-
`ing based on it ofttsers.
`Circle reader service number 557
`Amat ATS, Terminal Server
`Arnet Corp.
`(615] 834-8000 (800) 366-8844
`Anict ATS features tcnnal connectivity with telnet. rlogin.
`or DEC licensed-LAT. Wide Area Networking (WritNi SLIP.
`(‘SLIR PPI’. Printer connectivity TCPIIP UNIX "IN." DEC
`LAT. Comprehensive Security Management. Network in-
`cluding integrated EPROMS. and Onvhoard surge protec-
`tion on all signal lines.
`Circle reader service number 564
`Asante View for Windows, version 2.4
`Asante Technologies Inc.
`[408) 4358388 (800) 662-9686
`ricsanteView is the industry's lirst network management soft-
`ware \l‘illl both in—band tSNMPt and out-oi-band network
`management capabilities from both Windows PCs and Ap
`plc Macintoshes. AsanteView [nicks in performance status
`tics and suppofls user-defined alarm thresholds. its graphi-
`cal user interface prov ides network "health meters." statistics
`charts. and graphical network mapping. Pricing starts at
`Circle reader service number 566
`Async Professional for Windows. version
`TurboPower Software
`(719} 260-9136 (800) 3334160
`CIRCLE NO. 503 ON HEADER senvrce CARD -’>
`(.-I.\I)I;L-t ( more
`.-lI.»i.\.-l(.l:.lII:.\-l his ”oil
`I( L \Ihi
`The CCMS lit a color toolbox for software devel-
`opers. You can create 3-D. non-linear. mil-sepa-
`i'able color transformations that are necessary for
`high-end color correction. This comprehensive
`library of C callable marines. color Lrarisfonnx-
`tim gamut napping functions. image test targets
`complex color calibration and color matching
`problems. You can produce Candela Color-
`CircuiurO for Ihe highest provision—speed Imitation-
`matians «create Color Rendering Dictionaries for
`compatibility with ADOBE Postscript Level 2.
`The CCMS is Available for most ANSI C supporti-
`ed environments. A I38 page AP!
`is available
`FREE to qualified developers.
`Huntsville. MN 55337-1300 '
`(612) 894-8890
`Candida Ltd. - 1676 East Clifi' Road
` ,.
`"3 rows
`- iifialliiiflns
`. 72-1:
`Do you need to make your Windows Appli-
`cation communicate over a COM port? Need to
`transfer data files from your CI'CH, Access,
`other Windows
`Development Language?
`CrystalCOMM forWindows -$175
`It suppons the developittent of modem or serial
`port communication programs. Crystal
`COMM can run in the foreground or back-
`ground. C‘rysialCOMM suppons XMODEM.
`Compuserve 3+ protocols through a simple.
`Digiboard and up to nine ports at high speed.
`CrysiolC‘OMM for DOS - $150. CrystalCOMM
`for NT - $200. and CrystalCOMM for 052 -
`$225 are also available.
`Crystal Salaam-attic. lion.
`,.-- *2
`R0. Box 1-17. Ame-ac Ml «mos. USA . Fat (90m 322-7994
`Build Your Own CAD Product
`with TG-CAD Professional 5.0
`Phone/Fox 214423-7233
`A 'C‘ prognnlncrl‘ Ioflwue developers kit
`for Wmdmvl and DOS. Comes no a Win-
`dowsDEW‘indowsllbmi-yandabos li-
`FHTURES: Hundreds of simple and com-
`plex geometric routines In 20 and 3D for
`CAD puma-timing. Read. write and draw
`DEF file: RID to R12. A drawing library
`compatible with DOS and W'mdm. by
`tracing and shading. Create and display
`cymbal: and ten. Read and write PCT): and
`GIF files. Dimensionlng. N'U'RBS.
`much mom. Call or Fu today for more
`inbrmalion on this complete Iofiware
`dcvclopu'o let! for CAD pmgnnnicrn. Ask
`for our 'Ihchnicol White Paper.
`Disk Software, Inc.
`109 5. Murphy n.1, Plano TX USA 75094
`SONY EXHIBIT 1041- Page 2
`1 1041— Page 2


`An asynchronous communications library for C++ and Turbo
`Pascal programmers. It provides interrupt driven buffered
`U0 to 115k baud; ZMODEM. Kermit, XMODEM. Y'MO-
`DEM, and CompuServe B+ protocols: automatic flow con"
`trol; and other facilities. includes Pascal OWL. Borland C++
`OWLZ. and Microsoft MFC interface classes around a DLL.
`Complete source code and no royalties. $199.
`Circle reader service number .901
`COMM-DRV/le, version 15.0
`Willies' Computer Software Co.
`(713) 4984832 (800) 966-4832
`Professional serial communications libraries and DLLs for
`Windows & MSDOS. MS-DOS 8t Windows Al’is arc iden-
`tical. Supports virtually any number of pom Supports most
`intelligent multipon serial communication cards (Digiboard.
`Amer. etc.) and all non-intelligent multipori cards includ-
`ing COMI-COM-l. Supports speed in excess of 115.2 K
`Baud. “89.95.
`Circle reader service number 932
`COMM-DRV/VxD, version 15.0
`Willies' Computer Software Co.
`(713) 4984832 (800) 966-4832
`Ultra high speed serial communication. VitD for Windows
`and MS~DOS sessions. Allows mttltiple 8250/ 164501i 16550
`compatible UARTs to attain speeds in excess of I 15.2 K
`Baud. Supports virtually any nyntber of serial ports operat-
`ing Concurrently. $99.95.
`Circle reader service number 932
`Willies' Computer Software Co.
`(713) 4984832 (800) 9664832
`Group of cooperating programs and TSRs for developing
`serial applications. Programs and TSRs may be called from
`applications by shelling to them or by using a “C" API. Al-
`tematively applications may be built entirely with an Eng-
`lish-like script. $139.95.
`Circle reader service number 932
`GOMMteIIigonce, version 1.3
`(818) 2444600
`A 2- or 4-channel intelligent communications coprocessor
`board dint unloads serial line handling from the CPU. 512K
`of RAM on-board for deeply buffered serial data. DOS C li-
`brary and Windows 3.1 DLL are included A separate de-
`velopers kit can be used to create .EXE file to download onto
`the PC-compatible coprocessor board for front-end pro-
`cessing. $395.
`Circle reader service number 642
`Cornn't'I'ools for FoxPro (DOS/Win), version
`Pinnacle Publishing
`(206) 251-1900 (800) 788-1900
`A communications library allowing FthPro programmers
`to add telecommunication. serial communications. modem.
`and fat capabilities to their applications. 3299.
`Citric reader service number 802
`Connection Manager. version 3.7
`SoftwareHouse Corp.
`(415) 9490203
`A software only. non-dedicated modem server for [PX and
`NetBIOS networks. Supports serial ports and multiport board
`at speeds to 115201) bps. Use with DOS communications
`program that support NASI or 11¢ or any Windows corn-
`munications program. Supports outbound and inbound call-
`ing for remote access. Lite 5195. Standard $395.
`Circle reader service number 865
`005esslon/P02X. version 1.0
`UniPress Software Inc.
`(908) 287-2100 (800) 222-0550
`Provides PC remote control from UNIX workstations. With
`CoSessioanCZX you display and control PCs in X Witt-
`dows on a UNIX workstation or X tcmtinnl. Mouse and key-
`board work as if you are at the PC itself. Leverage your PC
`hardware investment. Add UNIX to your existing PC LANs.
`Requires FTP‘s PCfTCP. $595 Sinner pack (includes PC
`host side Sr UNIX client side).
`Circle reader service number 907
`CrystaICOMM for Windows. version 3.4
`Crystal Software Inc.
`(906) 822-7992
`CrystalCOMM for Windows is a communications library
`designed for Windows Developers. accessible from virtu-
`ally all languages. The DLL Library provides XMODEM.
`tal. and ASCII protocols. It allows you to move characters
`through a port or to script client and host. CrystalCOMM
`Cill'l control nine ports concurrently. catch up to | 15K.
`Circle reader service number 61‘)
`See our ad on page 19
`D-Manager Network Management Program.
`version 1.0
`D-Link Systems Inc.
`(714) 455—1688
`D—Manager is a network management program that allows
`the user to monitor and evaluate the peri'omiance oi'tlifi'er-
`ent PCs connected to the network and to perfonn adminis-
`trative functions such as rebooting and resetting systems,
`The program can also communicate with SNMP based pro-
`Circlc reader service number 621
`D-View Network Management Program.
`version 3.0 rev 1.0
`DLink Systems Inc.
`(714] 455-1688
`Al-bascd SNMP based network management software sys-
`tem that runs under the MS-Windows environment. Man-
`agement tools include auto discovery. map editor. MlB com-
`piler. and alarm manager for network management. Unique
`features include threshold. advanced PING. device locator.
`name services node summary. and inventory.
`Circle reader service number 62]
`Developer's Toolkit II
`Comtrol Corp.
`(612) 63177654 (800) 9266876
`The Developer's Toolkit 11 is used to integrate Hostess i or
`Hostess 186 multiporl serial boards with Windows 3.1 or
`DOS applications. Features include innovative Developer
`Libraries with volumes of pre-tested code. tin-hoard debug-
`ging. easy reference materials. and quick sample programs.
`$695 Retail.
`Circle reader service number 612
`Distinct Back-Up (with TAR)
`Distinct Corp.
`(408) 366-8933
`Distinct baclcUp iwith TAR) is designed to backup PC files
`onto the TCPITP network server‘s tape device eliminating
`the need for a local tape device on each PC. Highly graph-
`ical representation ofthc backup contents facilitating full or
`partial restore to any drive. Ability to run scheduled autov
`mated backups onto the network server. $200.
`Circle reader service number 6411
`Distinct NFS
`Distinct Corp.
`(408} 366-8933
`Allows tile and printcr sharing across multiple platforms.
`Runs over Distinct TCPIIP. Microsoft TCPi’lP and Novel]
`LAN Workplace, Works in Windows. Windows for Work-
`groups and DOS boxes. Implemented as a VXD, Client and
`Server in the same package. Includes Windows Sockets.
`Available on its own or bundled with the Distinct TCPllP
`Tools pakagc. 3195: $495 with Distinct TCP/IP Tools,
`Circle reader service number 640
`Distinct TOP/1P for Windows-SDI
`Professional Ed.
`Distinct Corp.
`(408) 3668933
`The Professional Edition combines the standard edition with
`the Distinct TCPi'lP Tools. a set of Windows applications
`including drag and dmp PT? foreasy file transfer. Telnet
`with mttitiple concurrent terminal emulation sessions and
`others. See also Distinct TCPt’IP for WindowsSDK Stan-
`dard Edition. 8695,
`Circle reader service number 640
`Distinct TOP/1P for Windows-50K Standard
`Distinct Corp.
`(408) 366-8933
`vaidcs TCPIIP connectivity in the Windows envimnment.
`Windows sockets. Berkeley Sockets Kernel. ONC RPCISCR,
`Telnet. FI'P. SMTP. POP. NN'IP. Support SLlP or PPP con-
`currently with Ethernet or Token Ring. 128 concurrent sock—
`ets. 200K of working sample source code included. Use with
`C. C++. or Turbo Pascal.
`Circle reader service number 640
`Distinct TCP/IP Tools/NFS for Windows
`Distinct Corp.
`(408) 366-8933
`Distinct TCPilP Tools for Windows includes the smallest
`and Tastes Windows Sockets. Multiple Telnet sessions. drag
`and drop file transfer. email. TFTP. Ping. Network Moni-
`tor. network printer driver for transparent remote printing
`tLPRfLPDi. Finger. Whols. SNMP agent and more. Sup-
`pons PackcL NDIS and ODI drivers concurrently with SLIP
`or PPP. $395: $1,200 (S-usersl‘. $1.995 [lo-users).
`Circle reader service number 640
`Distinct X/32
`Distinct Corp.
`(408) 3668933
`Distinct X132 for Windows is a high pertbminnce 32-bit X
`Windows Server that resides on your PC allowing you to
`run X and Microsoft Windows applications concurrently.
`Fully MITXI 1R5 compliant. it is the fastest implementa-
`tionon the market thanks to the underlying Distinct TCPF'IP
`protocol stack. Also available in 16-bit. $395 (32-bit]; $195
`Circle reader service number 640
`DynaComm, version 3.2
`(713) 4969400 (800) 989-8908
`Provides comprehensive terminal emulation and network
`connectivity support for PC-to-host needs. Contains a script
`language with 350+ commands and functions to allow user
`customization. New features include a selective installation.
`support for the new DynaComm Toolkit for Visual Basic.
`advanced integration with TCPIIP protocol stacks. and a
`graphical dialog editor. $249.
`Circle reader service number 672
`DynaComm/Ellte, version 3.5
`(713) 4969400 (800) 989-8908
`Provides terminal emulation capabilities for Windows and
`Windows NT in an IBM and SNA mainframe environment
`with a wide range of connectivity options including
`January 1995
` fiXH %
`SONY EXHIBIT 1041- Page 3
`l 1041— Page 3


`DPT/Coax. SDLC. 8002.2 LLC. AdaptSNA LAN. Eicon
`and Novell Gateways. and DCNMicrosoIt ComrnServer.
`includes a scripting language with 345+ commands and func-
`tioos. 3395.
`Circle reader service number 672
`elude a scripting language with 345+ commands and func-
`tions. Includes a dragiand-drop keyboard mapper, floating
`flashpad for pointiandelick transmission. and color editor.
`Circle reader service number 672
`bulletin boards. file folders. calendars. electronic files. con-
`ferencing, mailing lists. and mail forwarding. Provides gate-
`ways such as X5100. SNADS. MHS. SMTP. FAX. and oth
`err. 81.10005 useol.
`Circle reader service number 664
`Dynacomm/Elite, version 3.5
`(714) 7684013 (800) 352-3270
`Offers Windows users access to applications residing on
`IBM mainframes. It offers 3270 and APPC functionality
`over a wide range 01' links. and is used with many gateways.
`Key features include: up to five concurrent LUs, file trans-
`fer. combined APPCILUtSJ support. and a comprehensive
`script language. $395.
`Circle reader service number 771
`DynaCornrn/Ellto APPC, version 3.44
`(714) 768—4013 (800) 352-3270
`An APPC implementation designed as a mic Windows ap4
`plication. Allows users to create APPC transaction programs
`that conununicate with partner programs running on other
`computer systems. Occuring on a direct peer-to-poer basis.
`these conversations eliminate the overhead associated with
`traditional terrrtinai emulation. 3285.
`Circle reader service number T71
`DynaComm/OpenConnect 5250. version
`DynaComm/OpenCorrnoot TN3270. version
`(713) 496-9400 (800) 9898908
`Offers a feature-rich terminal emulation of the 18!“ 3270
`environment to PCs running Windows. Supports the TEL‘
`NET protocol standard to provide IBM Distributed Func-
`tion Terminal (DPT) 3270 support to TCPIIP LAN users
`and a variety of 'l'lCPr'lP LAN to SNA interfaces. Includes a
`scripting language with 345+ commands and functions. $395.
`Circle reader service number 672
`Enterprise Widettm)
`TechSmith Corp.
`(517) 333-2100 [800) 517-3001
`Enterprise Wide-{trot provides remote access to clicniisen or
`applications. Supports multiple X25 or asynchronous con-
`neections and offers dramatic performance enhancements
`using ProtocoLAssistttm). Offers configuration options. multi
`platform support. and system management. Special en-
`hancements available for users of Microsoft or Sybuse SQL
`Server. Starts at $2.495 for 4 async. connections.
`Circle reader service number 891
`Elite/400. version 4.05
`(714) 7684013 (800) 3523270
`NetSoft's Eliter400 is a powerful SNA communications soft-
`ware client that allows PCs matting Windows to access ap-
`plications and data on IBM A8140” midmnge computers. It
`provides APPC—basod display emulation. printer emulation.
`data transfer capabilities. and NSfRoutcr. a software router
`replacement for IBM‘s PC Supportl-illll on the client. SI 95.
`Circle reader service number Til
`EmoZ/TAO, version 3.4
`Fischer International Systems Corporation
`[813) 643-1500 (800) 237-4510
`eXodus for DOS
`White Pine Software
`(603) 886-9050 {800) 241-PINE
`Conneels users of D08»hased computers lo I111sl~l1ascd X
`Window applications and provides full access to graphical
`applications running on most workstatiOnx and UNIX-based
`computers. Complete with btrill»in TCPr‘lP and support for
`most popular third-party drivers. eXodus for DOS also of-
`fers local and remote window management and support for
`DECwindows. OpenWindows. and HP-VUE. $295.
`Circle reader service number 931
`eXodtrs for Windows, version 5.5
`White Pine Software
`(603) 886-9050 (800) 241-PINE
`Provides t'ull X server capabilities to users of IBM compati
`ible PCs running Micrtmt‘t Windows. Based on Release 5
`Windowsvbascd 5250 terminal emulation. Supports cone
`nectiviry over most available TCPIIP transports. including
`any Windows Sockets [.1 compatible stack. Features in-
`Echt'TAO is an enterprise-wide electronic mail and office
`automation communication system that runs on mainframe.
`midrange. and LAN alike. Features include in/out baskets.
`The Wait Is Over!
`Complete Custom ation — Redefine the keyboard,
`customize the menus, ruoditt the toolbars or create
`new ones change every setting imaginable!
`without tnucltirtt; .1111 111.11ms or. ini files.
`Small I'uutprittl - Home Windows editors require
`Altrlti- Lr‘Iit for
`11101., of RA“ just to run.
`an udiln
`Zilll 11191:,
`Windou L. requires only
`lilo, or on if \-‘otr only I1.“ 1‘ 4 mt"
`lhc enhanced
`Powerful linensihiiity -
`"1.11m language is now so powerful,
`Vl'IU Kt"! “rile 9|“er “l (“I‘VE apps II]
`il. With structure, nrr.1_\~. DLL import,
`.1an .1 tamiliar C- like syntm you can do
`erlli-Edil for IN IL'IHVVS pt‘m ides :1 IttII
`BLL AI‘I. You can extend Multi-Edil in
`your favorite language, or integrate its
`editing power into your apps!
`I't'orkgruup Support A (um pleie
`network support, including file locking,
`mrrlii--user configuration, and MAI‘II‘MS
`Mail integration.
`I qulatirrnr- for RRIFI',on. E
`World wide, \Itrlti- Edit 11.15 become the ”()5 prtrt-mmmor’s editor of choice,
`Now it"
`ailnble for Windows! Imagine, the pout-3r and “nihilih that
`tis known for, combined with the integration andgraphical case
`of Windows. You will sacrifice nothing making, the move to .1 Windows
`editor. Multi-Edit for Windows is FAST and extremely POWERFUL.
`Iotal integration - Turn \lulii- 'dit
`tor Windows.
`into your 011.11 personalized II'22.)I
`Integrate all your
`tools lugcllu‘r
`Cnrnpilo,lir1k and make wiiimui
`leasing the editor.
`Integrate into vour existing
`tlimugh pou-rlul "DI and DI]
`Link in \our compiler" 1 (or any otherl
`\e Ittlp
`heir1 Iiit‘s Inr lull ci‘rnicfl' Iangunqc--\t11
`Unparalleled integration with must
`lrlit is :1 trainrrrrrrli a! lirrrHunt Cullr’rrrrl'r'ts Irrr.
`(Illrrr 111mlm'is one Prnm'rrrriirlts oeri'rr reaperIirrr
`i-rrrrr'rr rrrr
`Dc; “yrir: irr It'srril'mrlrr.
`Irrrrrlir~ In! .1'irr'rrrrriy will: rts In! to fill: prndirrt.
`.7“ I'm ~Irlllrl~ In'l'mrrl of? .1}Kr‘rs 'vrmlrr. Is not]; :1 iii-lint! ”f“um rrrwrrrl i-lrrrrr1;;Pride (-rrur'nrrfrc.
`11-, and tentpialcs
`up, .ma browsing
`lcls vurr irrgple
`multiple pro
`0 Pup-up ASCII chart, lmI ruler and
`- Multiple tile Search and Replace!
`‘LtII regular upri-
`1~1.i1111 support
`1 Editingt
`ruin hi =h|1glrtinrg
`L‘rrdu and Rnltt.
`“hrdhlar and (III!
`I (Iulumn blocks.
`- Drag and amp 1-.1
`Mirth more!
`”\‘iII'IdOV'VS ‘il't‘i
`MuIIi~ILcIiI In
`Special tIpDrr tt’ prices
`for registered users.
`SONY EXHIBIT 1041- Page 4
`i 1041— Page 4
`leWUrINIL-m‘y [1r CID 1' 1 It'mp? A1
`Vurzs 002% IM’. Fur 5129mm?


`Greenleaf PowerComm, version 1.1
`Greenleaf Software Inc.
`(214) 248-2561 (800) 523-9830
`ILOG BROKER(tm), version 1.0
`ILOG Inc.
`(415) 390-9000
`of the X Window system (X1 1R5). eXodus offers a corn-
`plimentary TCPI'IP driver package. an eXpress option for
`high speed serialimodem connections and incorporates Mi-
`crosoft's latest GUI. the ‘trrlvfolder-styie" dralog for all con.
`figuration options. 5395.
`Circle reader service number 931
`EXTRA! for Windows, version 4.1
`(206) 6444010 (800) 4266283
`Provides an easy-to—use configurable GUI interface. Export
`Controls dynamically monitor and respond to application
`and session events enabled in part by the EXTRA! Basic
`scripting language. An APl-enabled platform provides in-
`dustry standard APIs. Enterprise connectivity allows for
`34b? sessions via LAN. direct. and remote connections.
`Circle reader service number 568
`EXTRA! for Windows NT, version 1.0
`(206) 6444010 (800) 426-6283
`A true 32-bit version of Attachmate's EXTRA! for Win—
`dows product. Provides a solution for organizations com-
`mitted to or exploring Windows NT on the desktop andlor
`Microsoft's SNA Server for NT for host access. Connec-
`tivity options include using the FM] interface connecting to
`Microsoft‘s SNA Server for NT. Coax-DPT. 802.2 Token-
`Ring. and SDLC. 3425.
`Circle reader service number 568
`Fax C++ SDK for Windows. version 1.0
`Black Ice Software Inc.
`(603) 673-1019
`Build black and white or color faxing applications. Includes
`Class I
`. Class 2. and Class 2.0 driver. C++ interface and C-
`user interface. generic printer driver. image SDK plus.
`Circle reader service number 581
`FaxMarr. version 1.0
`Data Techniques Inc.
`(704) 682—4111 (800) 955-8015
`FaxMan is a custom control that adds fart sending and re-
`ceiving capabilities to Windows applications. With FatMan
`you can send TIFF. EMF. PCX. DCS images files or use the
`included printer driver to create your ovvn output. Suppons
`standard Fax modems. $295.
`Circle reader service number 623
`Greenleaf Comm-H. version 2.0
`Greenleaf Software Inc.
`(214) 248-2561(800) 523-9830
`Comm++ will accommodate interrupt-driven. circular
`buffered service for 35 ports at baud rates to l 15.200 baud.
`As a C++ communication library. it provides a hierarchy of
`classes which give the programmer simple access and con-
`trol ot‘scrial communications. Classes are provided for: se-
`rial port controls. modem controls. file transfer protocols,
`and calculation of check values. Includes classes that sup-
`port hurdware-dependcnt features. $249,
`Circic reader service number 678
`A native Windows 3.] implementation oIGreenleaf Comm-
`Lib 5,0. PowerComm consists ofa DLL and virtual device
`driver(VxD). The DLL contains most of tire high level code
`for file transfer. U0. status. modern controls and other com
`municutiuns functions. The VxD contains the low-level In-
`terrupt Service Routines and other time-sensitive code. Ini-
`tialize any number of ports using one or more types of
`non-inlelligent multiport boards in the same PC. $179.
`Circle reader service number 678
`Greenleaf Viewcomm. version 3.0
`Greenleaf Software Inc.
`(214) 248-2561 (800) 523-9830
`A software serial data analyzer. See what‘s happening on
`the RS—232 serial port in great detail. Monitor mode exam-
`ines data flow between a pair ot‘comntunicating devices.
`capturing data. status. and modem signals plus timestamps
`to buffer. disk file or both and displays it live! Source Mode
`iets you send data to either device from the keyboard or file
`while observing responses. Triggers can be set, push to DOS.
`view data up to I IS KBaud. in ASCII. EBCDIC. Baudot.
`her. octal. decimal. and binary. Comes with custom cable.
`Light and portable. $399.
`Circle reader service number 673
`James River Group Inc.
`(612) 33972521
`Connections to UNIX via senal. TCPIII’. or MODEM.
`terminal emulation ot'WYSE 60 and 160, VTZZO. ANSI.
`ATStlfr. IBM 3ISI. and AT&T 605. File transfer. printing
`in both directions. and many other features. $30 to $70t‘user.
`Circle reader service number 713
`iCE.TCP. version 3.0
`James River Group Inc.
`(612) 339-2521
`ICE.TCF(th is TCPr'll’ software to connect DOS and Wine
`dowr PCs to UNIX hosts via a network. Includes terminal
`emulation (Wyse 611.Wyse 160. 5C0 and AT386 ANSI.
`and others. file transfer with tftp. ftp. FI‘COPY (easy to use
`DOS program) and FI'PWIN (point and click ftp) and bi-di-
`rectionai printing utilities. Runs as TSR with multiple con-
`nections to multiple hosts. Supports packet driver. NDIS or
`ODI. WinSock compatible. Requires TCPIIP on UNIX corn:
`putcr, $695110 PC licenve754995l250 PC licenses.
`Circle reader service nuntber 713
`ICE.TEN.PLUS. version 3.5a
`James River Group Inc.
`(612) 3392521
`ICE.TEN.PLUS connects DOS and Windows PCs to UNIX
`hosts via serial connections. It includes temrinal emulation
`(Wyse 60. Wyse too. ANSI. and others). easy-louse DOS
`and Windows file transfer. bidirectional printing. and a DOS
`command shell for UNIX. Runs as TSR in as little as 52K
`at speeds up to I [5200 baud. $350-$795.
`Circle reader service number 713
`A tool that extends the C++ language to transparently sup-
`port Distributed Object Computing. Widt the tool. the se—
`mantics. syntax. and compilation model oI'C++ remains the
`same whether programming for a linked or distributed en-
`vironment. Developers are fined from the need for expertise
`in communication technologies. 83.500.
`Circle reader service number 693
`Internet In A Box, version 1.0
`(206) 4470300 (800) SPRY-NET
`PC users to get onto the Intemet. Provides instant connec-
`tivity. a multimedia Windows interface. a full suite of ap-
`plications. and irttemctrvc guide to the Internet. 3149.
`Circle reader service number 8'71
`KEAI 340 for Windows. version 4.0
`(206) 6444010 (800} 426-6283
`Provides W340 terminal emulation for MS-Windows. In-
`cludes all the capabilities of a VT34II. including multiple
`sessions. coupling. and downloadable fonts. Includes full
`support for ReGIS. Tcktronix. and sixel graphics. Contains
`all of the features found in Attachmatc's KEAI 420 prod-
`uct. 3395 Single system pack, Other system packs available.
`Circle reader service number 568
`KEAI 340 for Windows NT. version 4.01
`(206) 6444010 (800) 4266283
`Advanced connectivity for VAX and UNIX host text and
`graphics applications engineered specifically to run under
`32—bit Windows NT. The only VT ernuiation prodct avail-
`able for multiple NT platforms (DEC. Alpha. MIPS. and In
`tel). $445 Single system pack. Other system packs available,
`Circle reader service number 568
`KEAI 420 for Windows, version 4.0
`(206) 644-4010 (800) 426-6283
`A Windows application providing emulation of DEC'S
`VT4201cttt terminal. including double~highldouble— wide
`characters. I32 column mode. true character attribute rep-
`resentation. block mode. downloadable fonts. user-definable
`keys. and replacement character sets. Features include: macro
`language. phone directory. shuttle file transfer. user-defin-
`able mentrs. dialog boxes. and on—screen buttons. $245 Sin—
`gle system pack. Other system packs available.
`Circle reader service number 568
`KEAI 420 for Windows NT. version 4.01
`(206) 6444010 (800) 426-6283
`Advanced connectivity for VAX and UNIX host text appli-
`cations engineered specifically to under 32-bit Windows
`NT. The only VT emulation product available for multiple
`NT platforms (DEC. Alpha. MIPS and Intel). $295 Single
`system pack. Other system packs available.
`Circle reader service number 568
`KEAIInk MSU, version 1.0
`(206) 644-4010 (800) 426-6233
`KEAlirtk MSU (Multiscssion Serial Utility) provides the
`ability to access multiple host sessions overa single serial
`line. Brings the productivity of multiple sessions to the user
`connected to a VAX tltrough a single serial connection. di-
`rectly or via a $50 enabled terminal server. Can run up to
`6 live sessions over a single serial connection. Ponions of
`this product incorporate technology licensed from Digital
`Equipment Corporation. $50.
`Circle reader service number 568
`Greenieaf CommLIb. version 5.0
`Greenleaf Software Inc.
`(214) 248-2561 (800) 523-9830
`IEEE 1284 vxd and API DLL
`MTE Software Inc.
`(619) 566-4420 (800) 697-3046
`A library for true inten'upt driven asynchronous communi-
`cations. Fearures XMODEM. YMODEM. ZMODEM. KER-
`MIT. CompuServe B+. XONIXOFF. and RTSI'CI‘S proloe
`col support. Offers support for up to 35 simultaneous serial
`ports. I15 KBaud. standard and intelligent multipon board
`suppon. DOS extender support. modern access across net-
`works. [NT 14 BIOS and EBIOS support. Device indepen-
`dence is accomplished through a C implementation of vir-
`tual functions. $359.
`Circle reader service nuntber 678
`Virtual Device Driver that suppons NIBBLE. ECP. and EPI’
`Modes. Pan of MTE's Venom Print system which includes
`custom printer driver. Windows remote control panel. and

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