VocalChat Troubleshooting
`SONY EXHIBIT 1021- Page 1


`Message Line Error Messages
`SONY EXHIBIT 1021- Page 2


`VocalChat was trying to play or receive sound, in talk or broadcast mode, using your audio device,
`but the device was being used by another application. When VocalChat tries to play the audio
`indications (ring, busy, etc.), and the audio device is busy, it will beep using the internal PC speaker
`Quit or stop any other application that uses audio, before trying to talk with VocalChat or install
`another audio card in your computer.
`The other user will get an error message and the call will disconnect.
`SONY EXHIBIT 1021- Page 3


`VocalChat could not perform a conversation with another VocalChat because of incompatible
`audio formats. For example, this could happen if one side uses only a VocalTec Compression
`Card which supports only the Compressed VDF format, while the other side has some other audio
` Make sure both sides of the conversation use a compatible audio card.
`SONY EXHIBIT 1021- Page 4


`An error occurred while trying to run the Voice Box browser from VocalChat.
`If there is not enough memory (you can't run any other Windows application), try to quit one or
`more applications, then try to run the Voice Box browser again.
`If you still can't run the Voice Box browser by clicking the Voice Box browser icon in the
`VocalChat program group, and the problem is not memory, run the VocalChat Setup program
`SONY EXHIBIT 1021- Page 5


`You were talking to another user or receiving a broadcast from him, but his transmissions have
`stopped. This could happen if the other user's computer was stopped or reset in the middle of the
`conversation, and his VocalChat cannot transmit any more.
`It is also possible that there is a communication problem between your system and the other user's
`Try to call him again.
`SONY EXHIBIT 1021- Page 6


`Some network related error occurred when VocalChat tried to send or read data from the network.
`Make sure your computer is attached to the network, and then try calling again.
`SONY EXHIBIT 1021- Page 7


`VocalChat tried to leave a message or send a WAV file to a user who has no valid Voice Box. This
`could also happen when you call a user whose VocalChat is not running or who didnt confirm your
`call, in which case your VocalChat is automatically redirected to the PostOffices VoiceBox to leave
`a message.
`Notify the other user that his Voice Box is corrupt or does not exist.
`SONY EXHIBIT 1021- Page 8


`A connection is made between you and another user but the other user's audio device is used by
`another application. The other user will see the "AUDIO DEVICE BUSY" message and the call will
`be disconnected.
`You can try and call him later, or wait for him to return your call.
`SONY EXHIBIT 1021- Page 9


`VocalChat could not perform a conversation with another VocalChat because of incompatible
`audio formats. For example, this could happen if one side uses only a VocalTec Compression
`Card which supports only the Compressed VDF format, while the other side has some other audio
` Make sure both sides of the conversation use a compatible audio card.
`SONY EXHIBIT 1021- Page 10


`You will see this error when trying to leave a message to another user and he has the 'VOICEBOX
`ICM ERROR". In this case the message was not left in his Voice Box.
`You should notify the other user about the problem.
`SONY EXHIBIT 1021- Page 11


`You will see this error when calling a user whose VocalChat is in Auto Answer mode and he has
`the "VOICEBOX OGM ERROR". However, you will be still able to leave him a message.
`You should notify the other user about the problem.
`SONY EXHIBIT 1021- Page 12


`The other side received uncompatible audio data sent by your VocalChat. This might happen if
`your VocalChat is of a version incompatible with the version of the remote VocalChat.
`SONY EXHIBIT 1021- Page 13


`The connection was disconnected by the other user's VocalChat because of an error unrecognized
`by your VocalChat (the other VocalChat is probably from an incompatible version).
`Try and call him again. If the problem repeats, check if you are using the latest version of
`SONY EXHIBIT 1021- Page 14


`VocalChat has received audio data of an unsupported format from the remote VocalChat at the
`other side of the conversation or broadcast. This might happen if the remote VocalChat is of an
`another version, which is incompatible with your version of VocalChat.
`SONY EXHIBIT 1021- Page 15


`An error occurred while receiving an Incoming Message through the Automatic Answer function.
`Make sure you have a VoiceBox directory setup in the Post Office.
`This directory must be valid and you must have Create, Erase and Write privileges given to it by
`the network administrator.
`Check that the directory's drive is not full. The other user will get the same error, and will know
`that the message was not left successfully.
`SONY EXHIBIT 1021- Page 16


`An error occurred while sending your Out Going Message to another user when in Auto Answer
`mode. You might have no OGM set, your OGM file might be invalid or some disk error occurred
`when reading the OGM file. The other user will get an error message but will still be able to leave
`you a message.
`Open the Voice Box browser window, and either select another OGM, or create a new one.
`SONY EXHIBIT 1021- Page 17


`VocalChat Error Messages
`[...] network protocol was specified in VCSETUP.INI, but [...] network protocol is installed
`Address Book ... does not exist
`Audio device is already in use
`Audio Device not found or not properly installed
`Audio device not installed
`Can't Allocate DOS memory
`Can't create Post Office Users directory ...
`Can't create WAV file
`Can't get own hostname or IP address
`Can't load DLLWAVE.DLL. Please run VocalChat Setup again
`Can't open file
`Can't save file ...
`Can't update Connection List file
`Can't write user info in address book
`Error Trying to Initialize Network DLL
`Error while playing
`Error while recording
`Failed to register NetBIOS names
`Failed to send voice file
`Failed to send voice file to ... of ... users
`Invalid WAV file
`IPX network protocol is not installed
`NetBIOS is not installed
`Network protocol is not specified in VCSETUP.INI
`Network type is not specified in VCSETUP.INI
`Network user name is not specified in VOCLCHAT.INI
`Not a WAV file
`Novell NetWare not detected
`Post Office directory is not specified in VCSETUP.INI
`Post Office name is not specified in ...
`Unable to initialize IPX socket
`Unable to initialize TCP socket
`Unsupported TCP/IP WINSOCK.DLL version
`VIPX.386 is not installed
`SONY EXHIBIT 1021- Page 18


`VocalChat can't use [...] network protocol with [...] network
`VocalChat requires Enhanced mode
`VocalChat requires Windows 3.1 or higher
`VocalTec Voice Compression Card not found or not properly installed
`WAV file format not supported by audio device
`Windows for Workgroups is not properly installed. Please run Windows Setup
`Windows is not properly configured for using Novell NetWare
`WINSOCK.DLL cannot be found
`You are not logged into the network. Log in and try again
`SONY EXHIBIT 1021- Page 19


`"... network protocol was specified in VCSETUP.INI, but the ... network
`protocol is installed. Please run VocalChat Setup again."
`VocalChat can use different network protocols. Each network protocol is in a different DLL. The
`network protocol is determined in the VocalChat Setup and the chosen protocol DLL is copied as
`VCNET.DLL to VocalChat directory. The network protocol is also written in your VCSETUP.INI file.
`If the VCNET.DLL contains protocol other then the one specified in VCSETUP.INI file, there must
`be some problem with your VocalChat network configuration.
`Run VocalChat Setup and choose Server installation to copy the correct DLL or to correct the
`network settings in VCSETUP.INI.
`Please click on the VocalChat Information icon in the VocalChat program group for more
`information about configuring VocalChat on your network.
`SONY EXHIBIT 1021- Page 20


`"Address Book ... does not exist. Please run VocalChat Setup again."
`VocalChat uses a central directory, called the Post Office directory, for managing its users
`database (The Address Book) and voice mail database (The Voice Boxes).
`The Address Book is created during the Server installation process of VocalChat, and then
`updated per user during each of the User installations.
`Run VocalChat Setup and choose Server installation to create your Post Office again.
`SONY EXHIBIT 1021- Page 21


`"Audio device is already in use"
`The Voice Box browser was trying to record or play a file (OGM or a message), using your audio
`device, but the device was used by another application.
`Quit or stop any other application that uses audio, before trying to record or play files with the
`Voice Box browser.
`SONY EXHIBIT 1021- Page 22


`"Audio Device not found or not properly installed"
`There is no audio device in your system or it is not properly installed in Windows. You will not be
`able to talk with other users.
`Install an audio device in Windows, using the instructions in the audio device manuals, make
`sure that it works properly, and run VocalChat again.
`SONY EXHIBIT 1021- Page 23


`"Audio device not installed"
`There is no audio device in your system or it is not properly installed in Windows. You will not be
`able play or record with the Voice Box browser.
`Install an audio device in Windows, using the instructions in the audio device manuals, and try
`SONY EXHIBIT 1021- Page 24


`"Can't allocate DOS memory"
`Every Windows application must use some DOS memory, but Windows sometimes loads
`applications into DOS memory even if it is not required. VocalChat needs some more DOS
`memory for communicating with the DOS resident IPX drivers and can not run without this memory.
`Try to close one or more of the running applications or to run VocalChat before running other
`SONY EXHIBIT 1021- Page 25


`"Can't create Post Office Users directory [..]. Please run VocalChat Setup
`VocalChat uses a central directory, called the Post Office directory, for managing its users
`database (The Address Book) and voice mail database (The Voice Boxes). The users directory
`resides under the Post Office directory, and for some reason VocalChat cannot create it.
`Run VocalChat Setup and choose Server installation to setup the Post Office again.
`SONY EXHIBIT 1021- Page 26


`"Can't create WAV file"
`An error occurred while trying to record a new OGM (Out Going Message).
`Make sure that the OGM file name is a valid file name. You must have Create, Erase and Write
`privileges in the OGM directory.
`Also, make sure that the directory's drive is not full.
`SONY EXHIBIT 1021- Page 27


`"Can't get own hostname or IP address."
`VocalChat was setup to use the TCP/IP network protocol for transmitting, but the TCP/IP software
`on your computer was not properly set up. VocalChat needs the TCP/IP software to recognize your
`own comptuers host name and IP address.
`Make sure your TCP/IP software has a valid hosts file.
`Please click on the VocalChat Information icon in the VocalChat program group for more
`information about configuring VocalChat on your network.
`SONY EXHIBIT 1021- Page 28


`"Can't load DLLWAVE.DLL. Please run VocalChat Setup again"
`VocalChat can not load the DLLWAVE.DLL module.
`Run the VocalChat Setup again.
`SONY EXHIBIT 1021- Page 29


`"Can't open file"
`An error occurred while trying to open a file for playing (OGM or a message). The file might not
`exist, and is listed in the VOCLCHAT.INI file even though the physical file was deleted or never
`created. Sometimes you will get messages with 0 length, when there is a VOICEBOX ICM ERROR
`or when the calling user disconnected without leaving a message. The messages are listed for you
`to see, but have no physical WAV files.
`Simply delete the problematic messages after seeing them.
`SONY EXHIBIT 1021- Page 30


`"Can't save file ..."
`VocalChat tried to save an audio file to disk, but failed. This can happen if the disk is full, if the file
`already exists but isnt writable, or if you have no write permissions in the directory you wish to save
`the file in.
`Make sure you have enough free disk space.
`Make sure you have write permissions in the directory.
`Make sure the file doesnt already exists; otherwise, pick another file name.
`SONY EXHIBIT 1021- Page 31


`"Can't update Connection List file"
`You are using a Connection List file but your user information could not be written into it. The
`Connection List file must be a valid existing file and VocalChat must be able to write into it. You
`must have a non empty user name.
`Run VocalChat Setup again.
`Please click on the VocalChat Information icon in the VocalChat program group for more
`information about using a Connection List file.
`SONY EXHIBIT 1021- Page 32


`"Can't write user info in address book .... Other users may not be able to
`leave you messages."
`VocalChat uses a central directory, called the Post Office directory, for managing its users
`database (The Address Book) and voice mail database (The Voice Boxes).
`The Address Book is created during the Server installation process of VocalChat, and then
`updated per user during each of the User installations or when you update your user information.
`For some reason, VocalChat cannot update your information in the Address Book.
`Make sure your network user has both read and write permissions to the Address Book file and
`the entire Post Office directory.
`SONY EXHIBIT 1021- Page 33


`"Error Trying to Initialize Network DLL"
`VocalChat encountered some network problem during its initialization process.
`Make sure your networking software is properly installed and running before running VocalChat.
`Please click on the VocalChat Information icon in the VocalChat program group for more
`information about configuring VocalChat on your network.
`SONY EXHIBIT 1021- Page 34


`"Error while playing"
`Some disk error occurred while playing a file (OGM or message). The file might be corrupted.
`Try to play it again. If the error repeats, delete the file.
`SONY EXHIBIT 1021- Page 35


`"Error while recording"
`Some disk error occurred while playing a file (OGM or message).
`Check that the drive is not full.
`SONY EXHIBIT 1021- Page 36


`"Failed to register NetBIOS names. Please refer to the Troublshooting Help"
`VocalChat is using the NetBIOS network protocol for transmitting, but NetBIOS names registration
`failed and VocalChat will not be able to function. This can happen if VocalChat is running on
`another computer with the same user name as yours, or if the NetBIOS name table is full.
`Make sure that VocalChat is not running with the same user name on another system.
`Try to close some other network applications on your computer and run VocalChat again.
`SONY EXHIBIT 1021- Page 37


`"Failed to send voice file"
`VocalChat tried to send a voice file to another user but failed. This could occur if
`user had no Voice Box set up, or if there was some disk error.
`the destination
`Make sure theres enough free disk space in the Post Offices drive.
`Make sure you have write permissions in the Post Office directory.
`SONY EXHIBIT 1021- Page 38


`"Invalid WAV file"
`The file opened for playing (OGM or message) is a corrupted WAV file.
`You cannot use this file for audio playback.
`SONY EXHIBIT 1021- Page 39


`"IPX network protocol is not installed"
`VocalChat was setup to use the IPX network protocol for transmitting, but the IPX protocol is not
`Run your network setup to install the IPX protocol or run VocalChat Setup again and change the
`VocalChat network configuration.
`Please click on the VocalChat Information icon in the VocalChat program group for more
`information about configuring VocalChat on your network.
`SONY EXHIBIT 1021- Page 40


`"NetBIOS is not installed. Please refer to the VocalChat Information for
`configuring VocalChat on your network"
`VocalChat was setup to use the NetBIOS network protocol for transmitting, but the NetBIOS
`protocol is not installed.
`Run your network setup to install the NetBIOS protocol or run VocalChat Setup again to change
`the VocalChat network configuration.
`Please click on the VocalChat Information icon in the VocalChat program group for more
`information about configuring VocalChat on your network.
`SONY EXHIBIT 1021- Page 41


`"Network protocol is not specified in VCSETUP.INI. Please run VocalChat
`Setup again."
`VocalChat can use different network protocols. Each network protocol is in a different DLL. The
`network protocol is determined in the VocalChat Setup and the chosen protocol DLL is copied as
`VCNET.DLL to VocalChat directory. The network protocol is written in your VCSETUP.INI file
`during VocalChats setup process.
`Run VocalChat Setup and choose Server installation to set up the correct network protocol.
`Please click on the VocalChat Information icon in the VocalChat program group for more
`information about configuring VocalChat on your network.
`SONY EXHIBIT 1021- Page 42


`"Network type is not specified in VCSETUP.INI. Please run VocalChat
`Setup again."
` VocalChat uses different mechanisms for managing its users database, depending on the type of
`network used. The network type is written in your VCSETUP.INI file during VocalChats setup
`Run VocalChat Setup and choose Server installation to set up the correct network protocol and
`Please click on the VocalChat Information icon in the VocalChat program group for more
`information about configuring VocalChat on your network.
`SONY EXHIBIT 1021- Page 43


`Network user name is not specified in VCSETUP.INI. Please run VocalChat
`Setup again."
`Each VocalChat user has a unique VocalChat users network name (Identical to the users network
`name on some types of networks).
`The VocalChat users network name is set during the VocalChat User installation process.
`Run VocalChat Setup and choose User installation to set up your network name again.
`SONY EXHIBIT 1021- Page 44


`"Not a WAV file"
`The file opened for playing (OGM or message) is not a valid WAV file.
`Select only WAV files for audio playback.
`SONY EXHIBIT 1021- Page 45


`"Novell NetWare not detected. Please refer to the VocalChat Information for
`configuring VocalChat on your network"
`VocalChat was setup to use Novell NetWare, but Novell NetWare is not installed or not started.
`Install Novell NetWare on your computer or run VocalChat Setup again to change the VocalChat
`network configuration.
`Please click on the VocalChat Information icon in the VocalChat program group for more
`information about configuring VocalChat on your network.
`SONY EXHIBIT 1021- Page 46


`"Post Office directory is not specified in VCSETUP.INI. Please run
`VocalChat Setup again."
`VocalChat uses a central directory, called the Post Office directory, for managing its users
`database (The Address Book) and voice mail database (The Voice Boxes).
`The Post Office directory name is written in your VCSETUP.INI file during VocalChats setup
`Run VocalChat Setup and choose Server installation to set up the Post Office directory.
`SONY EXHIBIT 1021- Page 47


`"Post Office name is not specified in ... . Please run VocalChat Setup again."
`VocalChat uses a central directory, called the Post Office directory, for managing its users
`database (The Address Book) and voice mail database (The Voice Boxes).
`The Post Office has a unique name, to distinguish it from other VocalChat Post Offices. The Post
`Office name is written in your VCSETUP.INI file during VocalChats setup process.
`Run VocalChat Setup and choose Server installation to setup the Post Office correctly.
`SONY EXHIBIT 1021- Page 48


`"Unable to initialize IPX socket"
`VocalChat uses one unique IPX socket number. Another application might be using the same
`socket number or the limit for open IPX sockets has been exceeded.
`If you get this error after some Windows crash, simply try to reboot first before running VocalChat
`Try to close one or more of the network applications or to run VocalChat before running other
`network applications.
`In case the IPX socket number has been taken by some other application which you cannot
`configure, you can modify the IPX socket number used by VocalChat. Simply add the line
`IPXSocketAddress = <your socket number> in the [Network] section of the VCSETUP.INI file
`which resides in the PostOffice directory.
`SONY EXHIBIT 1021- Page 49


`"Unable to initialize TCP socket"
`VocalChat uses one unique TCP/IP socket number. Either another application is using the same
`socket number, or the limit for open TCP/IP sockets has been exceeded.
`If you get this error after some Windows crash, simply try to reboot first before running VocalChat
`Try to close one or more of the network applications or to run VocalChat before running other
`network applications.
`In case the TCP socket number has been taken by some other application which you cannot
`configure, you can modify the TCP socket number used by VocalChat. Simply add the line
`TcpSocketAddress = <your socket number> in the [Network] section of the VCSETUP.INI file
`which resides in the PostOffice directory.
`Please click on the VocalChat Information icon in the VocalChat program group for more
`information about configuring VocalChat on your network.
`SONY EXHIBIT 1021- Page 50


`"Unsupported TCP/IP WINSOCK.DLL version."
`VocalChat was set up to use the TCP/IP network protocol for transmitting, but the WINSOCK.DLL
`module of the correct version was not found. WINSOCK.DLL is a standard component of TCP/IP
`networking software for windows packages, which is needed by VocalChat. VocalChat needs
`WINSOCK.DLL version 1.1.
`Replace your current WINSOCK.DLL with a WINSOCK.DLL compatible with version 1.1.
` Please click on the VocalChat Information icon in the VocalChat program group for more
`information about configuring VocalChat on your network.
`SONY EXHIBIT 1021- Page 51


`"VIPX.386 is not installed"
`VocalChat was setup to use the IPX network protocol for transmitting, but the VIPX.386 virtual
`driver is not installed. VIPX.386 is needed to support multiple DOS boxes when using the IPX
`protocol. Using IPX without having the VIPX.386 installed will crash Windows when DOS boxes
`access IPX at the same time as VocalChat.
`Please click on the VocalChat Information icon in the VocalChat program group for information
`on installing VIPX.386.
`SONY EXHIBIT 1021- Page 52


`"VocalChat can't use [name] network protocol with [name] network. Please
`run VocalChat Setup again."
`VocalChat can use various network protocols, and various networks. Every network can work only
`with a specific network protocol (except for the Connection List file setting which supports all
`network protocols). There is a problem with the VocalChat network configuration, and the selected
`network is not compatible with the current network protocol.
`Run VocalChat Setup again and change the network settings.
`Please click on the VocalChat Information icon in the VocalChat program group for more
`information about configuring VocalChat on your network.
`SONY EXHIBIT 1021- Page 53


`"VocalChat requires Enhanced Mode"
`VocalChat is a real time application and uses some advanced features, available only in Windows
`Enhanced Mode.
`Check in the Program Manager About if your Windows is running in Enhanced mode. VocalChat
`can not run in Standard Mode.
`To run Windows in Enhance mode, exit Windows, and run it again with the "\3" option.
`SONY EXHIBIT 1021- Page 54


`"VocalChat requires Windows 3.1 or higher"
`VocalChat can not run on Windows 3.0 or lower.
`You must upgrade to Windows 3.1 or higher in order to run VocalChat.
`SONY EXHIBIT 1021- Page 55


`"VocalTec Voice Compression Card not found or not properly installed.
`Hardware compression will not be available"
`VocalChat WAN could not find a VC Card installed, and therefor hardware voice compression will
`not be performed by VocalChat. The VocalTec Voice Compression is used to reduce VocalChat's
`network consumption when sending voice information over the WAN. Note that software
`compression can still be used by VocalChat.
` If you wish to take advantage of the VocalTec Voice Compression Card's capabilities and
`conserve network resources, make sure your card is properly installed.
`SONY EXHIBIT 1021- Page 56


`"WAV file format not supported by audio device"
`The file opened for playing is WAV file with format that is not supported by your audio device. This
`can happen if the file was recorded with another audio device that supports this format.
`Use the device which was used to record the file in order to play the it.
`SONY EXHIBIT 1021- Page 57


`"Windows for Workgroups is not properly installed. Please run Windows
`VocalChat was setup to use Microsoft Windows for Workgroups, but Windows for Workgroups is
`not installed or the network was not started.
`Install the Windows for Workgroups network on your computer or run VocalChat Setup again to
`change the VocalChat network configuration.
`Please click on the VocalChat Information icon in the VocalChat program group for more
`information about configuring VocalChat on your network.
`SONY EXHIBIT 1021- Page 58


`"Windows is not properly configured for using Novell NetWare"
`VocalChat was setup to use Novell NetWare, but Novell NetWare was configured to work only on
`DOS, not on Windows. The NETWARE.DRV and VNETWARE.386 NetWare drivers were not
`Run Windows Setup and set Windows to use Novell NetWare.
`Please click on the VocalChat Information icon in the VocalChat program group for more
`information about using VocalChat with NetWare.
`SONY EXHIBIT 1021- Page 59


`"WINSOCK.DLL cannot be found."
`VocalChat was set up to use the TCP/IP network protocol for transmitting, but the WINSOCK.DLL
`module was not found. WINSOCK.DLL is a standard component of TCP/IP networking software
`for windows packages, which is needed by VocalChat.
`Make sure TCP/IP is properly installed on your computer and that the WINSOCK.DLL is in your
`Please click on the VocalChat Information icon in the VocalChat program group for more
`information about configuring VocalChat on your network.
`SONY EXHIBIT 1021- Page 60


`"You are not logged into the network. Log in and try again"
`You are using Novell NetWare but you are not logged in or attached to a NetWare server. You will
`not be able to connect to other users. Log in and run VocalChat again.
`Please click on the VocalChat Information icon in the VocalChat program group for more
`information about using VocalChat with NetWare.
`SONY EXHIBIT 1021- Page 61


`Voice Box browser Error Messages
`Audio device is already in use
`Audio device not installed
`Can't copy file ... to ...
`Can't copy file ... to OGM file ...
`Can't copy message file
`Can't create WAV file
`Can't delete Folder ...
`Can't load DLLWAVE.DLL. Please run VocalChat setup again
`Can't open file
`Cannot change personal folders directory
`Error trying to delete file ....
`Error while playing
`Error while recording
`Folder ... is not a valid folder
`Folder already exists
`Invalid WAV file
`Not a WAV file
`OGM must be 8 bit mono WAV file with 8KHz VDF, 8KHz PCM or 11KHz PCM format
`Personal OGM file does not exist
`Unable to create folder
`VocalChat is not properly configured to use a VoiceBox
`WAV file format not supported by audio device
`SONY EXHIBIT 1021- Page 62


`"Audio device is already in use"
`The Voice Box browser was trying to record or play a file (OGM or a message), using your audio
`device, but the device was used by another application.
`Quit or stop any other application that uses audio, before trying to record or play files with the
`Voice Box browser.
`SONY EXHIBIT 1021- Page 63


`"Can't copy file [..] to [..]"
`The Voice Box browser couldnt save your OGM or one of your message files as another file.
`Make sure that you have chosen a valid filename.
`Make sure theres enough free space in the in the destination directorys drive.
`Make sure you have Create, Write and Erase permissions in the destination directorys drive.
`SONY EXHIBIT 1021- Page 64


`"Audio device not installed"
`There is no audio device in your system or it is not properly installed in Windows. You will not be
`able play or record with the Voice Box browser.
`Install an audio device in Windows, using the instructions in the audio device manuals, and try
`SONY EXHIBIT 1021- Page 65


`"Can't copy file [..] to OGM file [..]."
`You have selected a new OGM file, but it couldnt be copied onto your personal OGM file.
`Make sure theres enough free disk space in the Post Offices drive.
`Make sure you have Create, Write and Erase permissions in the Post Office directory.
`SONY EXHIBIT 1021- Page 66


`"Can't copy message file"
`An error occurred while trying to copy a message file from one folder to another.
`Check that the destination folder directory exists, that it is not full and that you can create new
`files in it.
`Check that the source message file exists and is not locked by any other program.
`SONY EXHIBIT 1021- Page 67


`Can't delete Folder [...]"
`An error occurred while trying to delete a folder. A folder is a subdirectory under the folders
`Make sure that the folder name is a valid directory name.
`This directory must be valid and you must have Create, Erase and Write privileges given to it by
`the network administrator.
`SONY EXHIBIT 1021- Page 68


`"Can't load DLLWAVE.DLL. Please run VocalChat Setup again"
`Voice Box browser can not load the DLLWAVE.DLL module.
`Run the VocalChat Setup again.
`SONY EXHIBIT 1021- Page 69


`"Can't open file"
`An error occurred while trying to open a file for playing (OGM or a message). The file might not
`exist, and is listed in the VOCLCHAT.INI file even though the physical file was deleted or never
`created. Sometimes you will get messages with 0 length, when there is a VOICEBOX ICM ERROR
`or when the calling user disconnected without leaving a message. The messages are listed for you
`to see, but have no physical WAV files.
`Simply delete the problematic messages after seeing them.
`SONY EXHIBIT 1021- Page 70


`"Cannot change personal folders directory"
`An error occurred while trying to change the personal folders directory. All personal folders reside
`as subdirectories under the folders directory.
`Make sure that the folders directory name is a valid directory name.
`This directory must be valid and you must have Create, Erase and Write privileges given to it by
`the network administrator.
`SONY EXHIBIT 1021- Page 71


`"Error trying to delete file [..]"
`The VoiceBox browser encountered an error while trying to delete one of the message files.
`Make sure you have Create, Write and Erase permissions in the the Post Office directory.
`SONY EXHIBIT 1021- Page 72


`"Error while playing"
`Some disk error occurred while playing a file (OGM or message). The file might be corrupted.
`Try to play it again. If the error repeats, delete the file.
`SONY EXHIBIT 1021- Page 73


`"Error while recording"
`Some disk error occurred while playing a file (OGM or message).
`Check that the drive is not full.
`SONY EXHIBIT 1021- Page 74


`"Folder [...] is not a valid folder"
`An error occurred while trying

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