A Digital On-Demand Video Service Supporting
`Content-Based Queries1
`T.D.C. Little, G. Ahanger, R.J. Folz, J.F. Gibbon,
`F.W. Reeve, D.H. Schelleng, and D. Venkatesh
`Multimedia Communications Laboratory
`Department of Electrical, Computer and Systems Engineering
`Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts 02215, USA
`(617) 353-9877, (617) 353-6440 fax
`MCL Technical Report 08-01-1993
`Abstract–Video-on-demand represents a key demonstrative application for enabling mul-
`timedia technology in communication, database, and interface research. This application
`requires solving a number of diverse technical problems including the data synchronization
`problem for time-dependent data delivery.
`In this paper we describe the general requirements of video-on-demand and introduce
`a system supporting content-based retrieval and playback for the structure and content of
`digital motion pictures.
`In our model we capture domain-specific information for motion
`pictures and provide access to individual scenes of movies through queries on a temporal
`database. We describe our implementation of this service using existing workstation and
`storage technology.
`Keywords: Multimedia databases, video-on-demand, applications, temporal data manage-
`ment, content-based retrieval.
`1In Proc. 1st ACM Intl. Conf. on Multimedia, Anaheim CA, August 1993, pp. 427-436. This work is
`supported in part by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. IRI-9211165.
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`1 Introduction
`Future multimedia information systems will have a dramatic effect on the dissemination of
`information to individuals. These systems will provide a plethora of services including games,
`movies, home shopping, banking, health care, electronic newspapers/magazines, classified
`advertisements, etc. One manifestation of this view is the development of systems supporting
`video-on-demand (VOD). In a VOD system, video data, including motion pictures, are
`provided to a user community on an individual basis. Fig. 1 shows an example of a graphical
`user interface to a VOD system.
`A VOD system must provide mechanisms to access enormous amounts of information,
`especially as derived from video data. This implies the existence of very large databases and
`the means of accessing them. On the other hand, individual users require the ability to filter
`unwanted information in the selection of appropriate programming.2
`We envision a VOD system that allows the viewing preferences of each individual to
`be tailored and adapted to the available programming (e.g., one viewer’s interest in classic
`movies, another’s restriction to children’s programming). Such a system would filter both
`stored and “live” television broadcasts and would offer these selections to the viewer instead
`of the plethora of choices possible. Other features would permit more fine-grained infor-
`mation filtering. For example, specific topics of interest could be identified within a set of
`newscasts or documentaries.
`In order to support this vision, we require identification of the content of unstructured
`audio and video data. In the case of a newscast, the content is readily available from its
`producer. For motion pictures the content is embedded in the images themselves (in the
`absence of a script). We ultimately want to provide interesting, useful, and diverse means
`of accessing such multimedia information from a very large realm of data. This requires
`searching for specific items in unstructured data (e.g., “find all scenes of a movie with a
`certain character”). To provide this type of access, we need to model the content of the data
`when data can be unstructured.
`In addition to the modeling of data and queries, we also need the ability to extract data
`to fit these models from the unstructured data. This requires identifying and classifying
`information from images, sound and text. Furthermore, timing information is required to
`support audio and video data delivery, playout, and queries based on temporal ordering.
`2Cable TV systems with more than 500 channels are proposed [2].
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`Figure 1: A User Interface to VOD Services
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`Our objective in this work is to demonstrate the utility of our models for time-dependent
`multimedia data [19] in the construction of a VOD system. In this process we have sought
`to develop interesting access approaches to the retrieval of motion pictures. The prototype
`system, called the Virtual Video Browser (VVB), is designed to support temporal access
`control operations based on data structures describing the digital movies. Content-based
`retrieval is achieved by using a domain-specific model for motion pictures. The VVB ap-
`plication characterizes motion pictures and their attributes to the level of movie scenes by
`using a movie-specific data schema. This schema interfaces to our temporal model to provide
`temporal access control (TAC) operations such as fast-forward and reverse playout.
`Research related to this effort includes modeling of unstructured data for content-based
`retrieval [26, 25, 39, 41, 42, 46], modeling of the temporal component of multimedia data
`[8, 9, 19, 16], modeling of application-specific multimedia data (movies) [11, 23, 24, 31, 35, 36],
`systems support for delivery of audio and video and video servers [1, 29, 43], and network-
`based VOD system design [14, 13, 27, 33, 34].
`The remainder of this paper is organized as follows.
`In Section 2 we overview VOD
`network services. In Section 3 we describe domain-specific attributes of motion pictures and
`our base temporal modeling facility. Section 4 describes the design and operation of the
`VVB system. Section 6 concludes the paper.
` user-network
`control interface
` user input -
`remote control
` user device-to-
`network interface
`user interface
` and display
`Figure 2: CPE for VOD
`SONY EXHIBIT 1018- Page 4


`2 VOD Network Services
`Video-on-demand promises tremendous change in information distribution. Envisioned fea-
`tures of the simplest systems provide services to allow selection, delivery and viewing of
`movies through interaction with a viewing device such as a television with remote remote
`control. This type of device, or customer premises equipment (CPE), is illustrated in Fig. 2
`(adapted from [13]).
`VOD differs from existing video rental services in its potential to deliver many additional
`services such as interactive learning and information retrieval.
`In its basic form, a VOD
`interaction scenario consists of a movie database perusal or query, a request for a feature
`presentation, and movie interaction through TAC operations. Current VOD systems are
`described by a scale of interaction capability as follows [13]:
`• Pay-Per-View (PPV)
`• Quasi Video-On-Demand (Q-VOD)
`• True Video-On-Demand (VOD)
`PPV represents an incremental change from broadcast television supporting prescheduled
`programs selected by a user, and is easily supported by simple VCRs and network communi-
`cation. Q-VOD provides additional interaction by grouping requests for individual programs
`and scheduling them at regular intervals. This provides the ability to pause a program and
`resume by restarting the program within a separate group at a constant time offset. This
`scheme requires an independent data source for each group request. True VOD does not
`have these limitations and assumes total interaction capability. It is also the most expensive
`to implement with current technology as each user can require a unique data source.
`A typical architecture for VOD services is shown in Fig. 3 (adapted from [21]). Here, a
`set of video databases are interconnected with a set of servers which perform routing of VOD
`traffic to individual users. Users connect to the VOD service through access points typical of
`a central office (CO) exchange. It is envisioned that each server manages connection-oriented
`VOD traffic for multiple sessions.
`The requirements of a VOD service are primarily data transport, data packaging, and
`billing, but also include the provision of information warehouses (IW) [13]. These IWs
`can be part of the VOD service or be complementary, provided by information vendors.
`SONY EXHIBIT 1018- Page 5


` video
` storage
` network
` servers
`network and system
` access points
`Figure 3: VOD Architecture
`A typical storage requirement for a VOD system depends on the data encoding format.
`If data modification by the user is not anticipated for this service, an asymmetrical video
`coding scheme can be used such as proposed by MPEG [40]. For an asymmetrical scheme,
`compression is complex and costly yet yields better compression ratios than a symmetrical
`one (e.g., JPEG). At a compression yielding approximately 1.5 Mbit/s for 90 minute movies, a
`50 GByte jukebox can hold about 50 movies. To ameliorate the problem of supporting access
`to every movie ever produced, access to movies can be prioritized using a storage hierarchy
`and assignment of a movie demand function based on movie popularity [27, 34]. Using this
`scheme, movie data are replicated based on anticipated user demand or are removed from
`fast, on-line storage yet are still accessible with additional latency.
`Recent work in the development of VOD architectures includes that of Gelman et al. [14,
`13], Sincoskie [34], Ramarao and Ramamoorthy [27], and Silver and Singh [33]. Commercial
`applications of VOD are currently being pursued by numerous organizations.
`3 VOD Databases
`A VOD database server is required to support time-dependent data delivery to a large number
`of individuals. The design of such a system must consider the impact of time-dependent data
`support over long-lived connections. To support these data, a multimedia information system
`must capture data timing requirements using an appropriate data structure suitable for data
`playout and data evolution due to editing. In this section we begin with the domain-specific
`conceptual model for motion pictures and then consider temporal and physical models for
`supporting time-dependent audio and video data.
`SONY EXHIBIT 1018- Page 6


`3.1 Modeling of Motion Pictures
`A motion picture modeled as data consists of a finite-length of synchronized audio and still
`images. This model represents a considerable simplification of the possible heterogeneous
`objects in a general multimedia data model which can be comprised of arbitrarily linked
`data types. To provide useful access functionality, this model is extended to capture movie
`content. Context can also be captured based on relationships among movie components [11].
`Davenport et al. [11] describe the fundamental film component as the shot: a contiguously
`recorded audio/image sequence. To this basic component, attributes such as content, per-
`spective, context can be assigned, and later used to formulating a specific view on a collection
`of shots (i.e., a movie generated by query). This approach of tailoring the output to the user
`is also emphasized by Lippman and Bender [18] Bender et al. [3], and by Loeb [23, 24].
`In related work, Aguierre Smith and Davenport [35, 36] use a technique dubbed strati-
`fication for aggregating collections of shots by contextual descriptions called strata. These
`strata provide access to frames over a temporal span rather than to individual frames or
`shot endpoints. This technique can then be used primarily for editing and creating movies
`from source shots. The current implementation of this work requires manual semantic anal-
`ysis to generate the contextual information. With such a technique it might be possible to
`present a query to generate a movie with a “happy ending” rather than another possible
`outcome. Such a scheme has been implemented by Sasnett [32] for interactive movies using
`the hypertext paradigm.
`scene 3
`scene 4
`scene 1
`scene 2
`scene 6
`scene 5
`Figure 4: TPN for Representing Relationships Among Scenes of a Motion Picture
`An alternate paradigm for playout of digital movies is the concurrent delivery of scenes
`SONY EXHIBIT 1018- Page 7


`instead of the nominal singular and sequential nature of conventional movies. For example,
`a murder-mystery (or sporting event) might be visualized though two concurrent displays,
`providing a perspective of both a detective and criminal simultaneously. Both concurrency
`and alternate sequence selection are representable using the timed Petri net (TPN) and the
`hypertext paradigm [38, 22] (e.g., Fig. 4), and can be supported in a VOD database.
`Information Extraction from Unstructured Data
`In a conventional DBMS (e.g., using a relational model), access to data is based on distinct
`attributes for well-defined data developed for a specific application. For unstructured data
`such as audio, video, or graphics, similar attributes can be defined. However, the information
`contained in the data can be diverse and difficult to characterize within a single application
`[46]. Two primary problems must be solved in order to provide content-based retrieval for
`unstructured data of these types. First, a means of extracting information contained in
`the unstructured data (e.g., an image) is required, and second, this information must be
`appropriately modeled in order to support user queries for content and data models for
`The first problem can be approached by segmentation and feature extraction. Content
`of unstructured data such as imagery or sound is easily identified by human observation;
`however, few attributes lead to machine identification. For still and moving images, it is
`possible to apply segmentation to yield features such as shape, texture, color, relationships
`among objects, and events [5]. This process is very difficult to apply to complex scenes;
`however, it can be simplified with site models which characterize images a priori and allow
`detection of scene changes. The second problem of managing the diverse query types and
`data models is simplified by semantic nets.
`In our prototype system we currently use manual feature extraction of well-defined at-
`tributes which fit into a fixed data schema. The process of scene identification is semi-
`automated by detection of scene transitions. A similar approach has been applied by Swan-
`berg et al. [42, 41] and MacNeil [25]. In the former work, application domain-specific models
`are used to capture extracted information and to support content-based retrieval. In Steven’s
`work in the ALT project at CMU [39], knowledge of content, structure, and use of the content
`is embedded in video objects. This approach is applied to the generation of video sequences
`using a rule-base and leads to the selection of seamless concatenation of video sequences
`from many small video shots.
`SONY EXHIBIT 1018- Page 8


`3.3 Time-Dependent Data Support for Audio and Video
`In this section we introduce and overview our temporal data models for supporting TAC
`functionality and show how these models can be applied to the specific motion picture
`database application.
`3.3.1 Temporal Modeling with n-ary Relations
`Few representation techniques specify appropriate data structures that support subsequent
`TAC operations on a database schema. Our approach is to use a mapping from a specification
`methodology to a database schema using the timed Petri net (TPN) and the relational
`database model [19, 22]. In this case, temporal intervals and relationships are described by
`a timeline representation in an unstructured format, or by a TPN in a structured format.
`Using a TPN, temporal hierarchy can be imparted to the conceptual schema as sets of
`intervals bound to a single temporal relation are identified and grouped. For a model as
`simple as a movie consisting of a sequence of scenes, we can directly create the conceptual
`temporal schema (Fig. 5). In a more general multimedia application this representation can
`be quite complex.
`Figure 5: Temporal Schema for a Motion Picture
`With this approach, the time-based representation is translated to a conceptual schema
`in the form of a temporal hierarchy representing the semantics of the original specification
`approach. Leaf elements in this model typically represent base multimedia objects (audio,
`video, text, etc.), but are only audio and video (and subtitles) for the VOD application.
`Timing information is also captured with node attributes, allowing the assembly of com-
`ponent elements during playout. Most proposed models for multimedia data are based on
`such a temporal-interval-based (TIB) representations (e.g., [10, 16, 17]), including our model
`[19, 22].
`SONY EXHIBIT 1018- Page 9


`Temporal intervals can be used to model multimedia presentation by letting each interval
`represent the presentation or playout duration of some multimedia data element, such as a
`still image or an audio segment. The specification of timing for a set of intervals is achieved by
`indicating element durations for each data element and relative timing among elments. We
`have extended our initial TIB model to support n-ary temporal relations [19]. Like the binary
`case, the n-ary temporal relation is characterized by a start time (πi), duration (τi), and end
`time for a data element i. The relative positioning and time dependencies are captured by a
`delay (τ i
`δ), as is the overall duration of a set of temporally related elements (τT R). A set of
`constraints exist for the n-ary temporal relations that can be used to determine whether an
`n-ary temporal relation is parallel or sequential, or if the temporal relation is known, verify
`its consistency in terms of temporal parameters.
`This TIB modeling scheme can represent an arbitrary grain of interval (e.g., individual
`video frames or entire movies). However, the practicality of representing each frame by
`its temporal parameters is limited for audio and video data. Therefore, we group logically
`related frames into sets called shots, that are not normally decomposed. This aggregation
`corresponds to Fig. 5, and yields a blocking of sequences of continuous media as shown in
`Fig. 6. Within a block, data are assumed to have a homogeneous temporal characteristic
`(i.e, period of playout).


`vf 1
`Figure 6: Blocking for Continuous Media
`3.3.2 Physical Data Storage
`Once a conceptual temporal model is established for a multimedia object, the multimedia
`data must be mapped to the physical system to facilitate database access and retrieval. For
`time-dependent multimedia data this presents some interesting challenges. Problems arise
`SONY EXHIBIT 1018- Page 10


`due to the strict timing requirements for playout of time-dependent data. For example, Fig.
`7 shows the timing relationships within and between two streams of audio and video that
`must be preserved during playout.
`vf 1
`Figure 7: Timing for Audio and Video
`From our TIB model it is possible to derive a playout schedule appropriate for the avail-
`able resources at the time of delivery. This process is achieved by converting the relative
`timing specification of the TIB model to an absolute one, and scheduling this specification
`on the available resources [20]. Furthermore, it is possible to derive an absolute schedule
`from the TIB represtation in either the forward or reverse direction, or for only a fraction of
`the overall playout duration [19].
`Satisfaction of the absolute timing specification is dependent on available resources. In-
`telligent layout of data on physical storage devices can significantly improve performance of
`this process. Approaches for the placement of audio and video data streams on a rotating-
`disk storage device have been investigated by Yu et al. [44, 47], Gemmell and Christodoulakis
`[15], and Rangan and Vin [30].
`In addition to intelligent data organization, suitable operating system behavior is required
`for multimedia data delivery. Timing relationships between audio and video are preserved in
`the process of multimedia synchronization. Furthermore, in an application supporting audio
`and video playout such as our VOD prototype, nontraditional DBMS data access mechanisms
`are required to support TAC functionality. These TAC operations include reverse, fast-
`forward, fast-backward, midpoint suspension, midpoint resumption, random access, looping,
`and browsing. These operations are feasible with existing technologies, however, when non-
`sequential storage, data compression, data distribution, and random communication delays
`are introduced, the provision of these capabilities can be very difficult. Examples include
`viewing a motion picture backwards or reversing an animation of a series of images, rapid
`SONY EXHIBIT 1018- Page 11


`viewing of a long sequence of images (fast-forward or fast-backward), and stopping and
`starting of a motion picture (midpoint suspension and resumption).
`Extensive work has now been published on system support for multimedia. Representa-
`tive of this work is that of Anderson et al.
`in the Acme continuous media I/O server [1],
`and Rangan et al.
`[29, 43] for storage organization and access control to support multiple
`sessions from storage and communications devices.
`4 The Virtual Video Browser System
`The Virtual Video Browser is a true VOD application that permits an individual to browse
`an electronic video collection stored in a digital VOD database. The basic objective in the
`development of this prototype was to illustrate the capabilities of our temporal modeling
`scheme and to gain experience with an interesting multimedia application that requires the
`convergence of many technologies. Secondary objectives were to design a software system
`with various desirable properties including ease of use and understanding; and ease of main-
`tainability, portability, and extensibility.
`The VVB operates in association with an extensive multimedia database. Movies and
`scenes of movies can be identified and viewed through the VVB based on movie-specific
`attributes including actor names, director names, and scene characteristics. Movie and scene
`content indexing are facilitated by summary, keyword, and transcript searching. In addition
`to viewing scenes from the movies, the user can view all of a movie’s textual information
`including summaries and transcripts.
`In the remainder of this section we describe the details of the VVB operation, database,
`and software architecture.
`4.1 VVB Operation
`The VVB can be characterized by five operational modes and associated interfaces. These
`correspond to the (1) opening menu, (2) virtual video shelves, (3) query input, (4) query
`output, and (5) video playout interfaces.
`The opening menu of the VVB displays images representing each of the available cate-
`gories. The user can choose a category by the click of a mouse button. The each genre is
`SONY EXHIBIT 1018- Page 12


`identified by a picture. For example, the “western” category is indicated by a desert scene
`with cacti. Once a category is selected, the virtual shelf screen appears, showing an iconic
`representation of shelves of a video rental store.
`Figure 8: Virtual Shelf Screen
`The virtual shelf screen is a virtual display of the available movie cassettes as patterned
`after a video rental store.3 Each of the movies on the virtual shelf screen is represented by a
`rectangular icon which resembles the shape of an actual VHS video box. To help distinguish
`movies of different categories on the video shelf screen, each of the movies on the screen
`contains an icon which represents one of the available movie categories. If a large number
`of videos are to be displayed, then the user has the ability to move between multiple shelves
`with the use of the arrows on the bottom of the screen.
`3Loeb [24] mimics a jukebox in a similar manner to achieve rapid user acceptance.
`SONY EXHIBIT 1018- Page 13


`The virtual shelf screen is exited when a movie icon or query input screen is selected.
`Selection of a movie icon brings up the query output and video playout screens. When the
`query button is pressed, the query input screen appears.
`The query input screen allows the user to create database queries in the identification of
`scenes for viewing or to identify a desired movie. This interface permits the user to make
`queries to the database on any content within the realm of movies, scenes, or actors (Fig. 9).
`The text input boxes for each attribute of this screen contain two toggle buttons. The left
`toggle button is depressed to indicate consideration of an input attribute (relational database
`selection). For example, if the user wishes to query on all movies directed by Oliver Stone,
`the name “Oliver Stone” is typed into the text box for director and the toggle button to the
`left is depressed. If the user wishes to query for all movies directed by Oliver Stone in the
`year 1987, then the user enters “Oliver Stone” in the director text box and “1987” in the
`year text box. The toggle buttons to the left of director and year must then be depressed
`to apply these as inputs attributes. Similarly, the right toggle buttons choose the desired
`information returned from the query (relational database projection).
`In addition to the iconic graphical representation of the selected movies, the VVB can
`display any textual data from the database by using available attributes of title, direc-
`tor, actors, year, category, synopsis, etc. This functionality supports quick scanning of the
`database to find a movie of interest. The query output screen is invoked by performing
`database queries using the database query input screen. Each time the “Apply” button is
`depressed on the database query screen, a query is issued to the database manager and a
`list of movies is returned. By only choosing a subset of the available output attributes, this
`window automatically is sized to the returned data fields.
`The set of input and output application-specific relations accessible for query are movie,
`scene, and actor. Their attributes are summarized in Table 1.
`Given the above attributes the following example database queries are possible:
`• Find the scene in which Humphrey Bogart says “Play it again Sam.”
`• Find all actors present in the opening scene of all remakes of Dracula.
`• Find the actors who have been directed by Oliver Stone.
`• Find the Cafe scenes in Casablanca.
`• Find all of the horror movies created in 1989.
`SONY EXHIBIT 1018- Page 14


`Figure 9: Query Input Screen
`Table 1: Motion Picture Database Attributes
`Actor (A)
`dat of birth
`Movie (M) Scene (S)
`SONY EXHIBIT 1018- Page 15


`• Find all movies directed by Albert Broccoli in 1962 which were dramas.
`Once a movie or scene is selected with the mouse from the virtual shelf or query output
`screens, the video playout screen appears. This screen provides the visual interface for dis-
`playing different parts of a movie and is supported by TAC buttons. A user is permitted to
`scan from scene to scene beginning with the initial selection.
`4.2 The VVB Database
`The VVB database is implemented using the POSTGRES DBMS [37, 45] and several data
`schemata. These schemata provide application-specific data access based on content as
`well as TAC functionality through our temporal models. A third data schema relates the
`application-specific data model to the temporal model. These schemata and their relation-
`ships are illustrated in Fig. 10 using a network representation.4
`4.2.1 Temporal Schema
`The temporal schema captures the relative timing relationships between components of the
`movies as described in Section 3.
`4.2.2 Application-Specific Schema
`The application-specific schema defines the VVB system application database to which
`queries can be made. It contains six components, implemented as relations: movie, scene,
`actor, movie-scene, scene-actor, and movie-actor. The actor relation describes actors and ac-
`tresses. The movie-scene relation defines the parent-child relation which identifies all movies
`and their scenes. The scene-actor relation defines the relation to identify which actors are
`in which scenes. The movie-actor relation defines the relation to identify which actors are in
`which movies. Example data in these fields are illustrated in Tables 2–5.
`4.2.3 Schema Interface
`In order to relate the application-specific schema for a movie database to the temporal
`schema we use the schema interface. For the VVB application, this component consists of
`4This structure is implemented using relations in POSTGRES.
`SONY EXHIBIT 1018- Page 16


`Table 2: Example Data Fields: Actor
`date of birth
`actor id name
`August 25, 1930 male
`Sean Connery
`Ursula Andress March 19, 1936
`Table 3: Example Data Fields: Movie Actor
`movie id actor id character
`James Bond
`Honeychile Ryder
`Table 4: Example Data Fields: Movie
`director producer year
`movie id title
`Dr. No Young
`category summary liner
`Table 5: Example Data Fields: Scene
`scene id keywords
`license to kill Crab Key Island Bond swimming Oh James
`Swiss chalet
`Bond skiing
`Shall we ski?...
`SONY EXHIBIT 1018- Page 17


`category summary
`liner image
`movie-id scene-id
`setting summary
`scene-id actor-id
`movie-id actor-id
`scene-id node-id
`Schema Interface
`Temporal Schema
`parent-id child-id
`index-r delay-f delay-r
`node-id medium encoding
`Figure 10: Database Schema for VVB System
`two relations, scene-node and movie-node, as defined in Fig. 10.
`4.2.4 Query Engine
`The query engine for the VVB records the input selection from the query input interface in a
`data structure called DBQin. For each selected input attribute, a corresponding component
`is generated in the PQUEL query. Similarly, each selected output field results in a term in
`the PQUEL query. The make query subprogram then formulates the PQUEL text string as:
`retrieve <determined by output selections >
`from < m in movie, s in scene, a in actor>
`where <determined by input selections>
`SONY EXHIBIT 1018- Page 18


`The text string is built by retrieving from tables the appropriate strings and adding the
`user input text as appropriate. This final PQUEL string is passed to the POSTGRES DBMS
`where it is executed, resulting in the return of the selected output attributes.
`4.3 Software Architecture
`In order to meet our objectives of application flexibility, extensibility, portability, and main-
`tainability, we have designed the VVB system software in a layered fashion. This simplifies
`the replacement of software components with changing technology. For example, we can eas-
`ily replace the video compression/decompression subsystem to accommodate new algorithms
`and hardware improvements.
`The software design of the VVB system is divided into three distinct components [12].
`These components are the user interface, the database, and the imaging system. An ap-
`plication programming interface (API) has been created to provide functionality in each
`case. The actual VVB application is implemented on top of the APIs to satisfy the VVB
`requirements. A particular advantage with this design methodology is the ability to create
`new applications from existing code because most of the VVB functionality is implemented
`within APIs. Below is a diagram of the three different APIs and how they relate to the
`commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) products and the VVB application (Fig. 11).
`database interface
`user interface
`video display library
`postgres DBMS
`video library
`COTS software
`VVB software
`Figure 11: Software Architecture of the VVB System
`The VVB system is implemented in C on a Unix platform and uses X11, Motif and
`POSTGRES. Digital video recording and playback are facilitated by XVideo hardware from
`Parallax Graphics Inc.
`SONY EXHIBIT 1018- Page 19


`5 Discussion
`The VVB was developed pri

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