`Michael T. Renaud I 617 3481870 I
`One Financial Center
`Boston, MA 02111
`0 I ' -.J't.G·flOOO
`NUMBER 617-542-22 I fax
`; com
`August 1, 2013
`.. -............................ -_ ... "--.. --.-.. -..... ----
`Office of the
`Inri rrade Commission
`The Honorable Lisa R. Barton
`Acting Secretary to the Commission
`U.S. International Trade Commission
`500 E Street, S.W.
`~ .
`Washington, D.C. 2043b'
`Certain Point-to-Point Network Communication Devices and Products Containing
`Same, Inv. No 337-TA-_
`Dear Secretary Barton:
`I enclose for filing on behalf of Straight Path IP Group, Inc. ("SPIG") the following documents in
`support of SPIG's request that the Commission commence an investigation pursuant to the
`provisions of Section 337 of the Tariff Act of 1930, as amended, 19 U.S.C. §1337. Please note that
`Confidential Exhibits 1, lA, IB, IC, 46 and 46A to the Complaint contain Confidential Business
`Information, and pursuant to the Commission's Rules of Practice and Procedure, a request for
`confidential treatment of the information in those exhibits accompanies this filing. Accordingly,
`SPIG submits the following:
`One (1) original and eight (8) copies of Complainant's Verified Complaint and the Public
`Interest Statement (originals unbound); one (1) CD of the Non-Confidential Exhibits and
`one (1) CD of the Confidential Exhibits (Commission Rules 201.6(c), 210.4(:t)(2) and 210.8
`(a)(1)(i)) and 210.8(b));
`Twenty-two (22) additional copies of the Complaint, the Public Interest Statement and
`twenty-two (22) CDs of the non-confidential and confidential exhibits (on separate CDs), for
`service upon the following respondents: AmTran Logistics, Inc.; AmTran Technology Co.,
`Ltd.; LG Electronics Inc.; LG Electronics U.S.A., Inc.; LG Electronics MobileComm U.S.A,
`Inc.; Panasonic Corporation; Panasonic Corporation of North America; Sony Computer
`Entertainment, Inc.; Sony Computer Entertainment America LLC; Sony Computer
`Entertainment America Inc.; Sony Corporation; Sony Corporation of America; Sony
`Electronics Inc.; Sony Mobile Communications AB; Sony Mobile Communications (USA)
`Inc.; Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications (USA) Inc.; Sharp Corporation, Sharp
`Electronics Corporation, Toshiba CorporatioTh~·,Toshiba America Inc.; Toshiba America
`Information Systems, Inc.; Vizio, Inc. (Commission Rules 201.6(c), 21O.4(:t)(2),
`210.8(a)(1)(i) and 201.8(b));
`,.',' ~ .
`Four (4) additional copies of the Complaint for service upon the embassies of Taiwan,
`Japan, Sweden and Republic of Korea (Commission Rules 210.8(a)(1)(iii) and 210.1 I (a));
`Mintz, Levin, Cohn, Ferris, Glovsk<f and Popeo, P.e.
`SONY EXHIBIT 1012- Page 1

`Mintz, Levin, Cohn, Ferris, Glovsky and Popeo, P.C.
`Honorable Lisa R. Barton
`August 1, 2013
`Page 2
`4. One (1) c·ertified copy and four (4) additional copies of each of the following asserted
`United States Patents: U.S. Patent No 6,009,469, U.S. Patent No. 6,108,704 and U.S.
`Patent No. 6,131,121, included with the Complaint as Exhibits 2,6 and 8 (Commission
`Rule 210.12(a)(9)(i»;
`5. One (1) certified copy and four (4) additional copies, on CDs, of the U.S. Patent and
`Trademark Office prosecution histories for each of the asserted United States Patents:
`6,009,469, No. 6,108,704, and. 6,131,121, included with the Complaint as Appendices A,
`C, and E (Co~i'$sion Rule 210.12(c)(1»;
`6. One (1) certified copy of the Assignment Records for asserted United States Patents
`6,009,469, No. 6,108,704, and. 6,131,121 included with the Complaint as Exhibits 3, 7
`and 9 (Commission Rule 210.12(a)(9)(ii»;
`7. Four (4) copies, on CD, of each patent and each technical reference mentioned in the
`prosecution histories for each of the asserted U.S. Patent Nos. 6,009,469, No. 6,108,704,
`and. 6,131,121 included with the Complaint as Appendices B, D, and F (Rule
`8. A letter and certification pursuant to Commission Rules 201.6(b) and 210.S(d) requesting
`confidential treatment of information appearing in Confidential Exhibits 1, lA, IB, 1 C,
`46 and 46A to Straight Path's verified Complaint;
`,Respectfully submitted,
`V\----" J
`Michael T. Renaud
`Counsel for Complainant
`Straight Path IP Group, Inc.
`SONY EXHIBIT 1012- Page 2

`Michael T. Renaud I 617 3481870 I
`One Financial Center
`Boston, MA 02111
`617 -542-6000
`617-542-2241 fax
`August 1,2013
`The Honorable Lisa R. Barton
`Acting Secretary to the Commission
`U.S. International Trade Commission
`500 E Street, S.W.
`Washington, D.C. 204~'6
`Complaint of Certain Point-to-Point Network Communication Devices and
`Products Containing Same
`Dear Acting Secretary Barton:
`Mintz, Levin, Cohn, Ferris, Glovsky and Popeo, P.C. represents behalf of Straight Path IP
`Group, Inc. ("SPIG") in the matter of the above referenced Complaint, which is being filed
`pursuantto Section 337 of the Tariff Act of 1930, as amended, 19 U. S. C. § 1337.
`Pursuant to Commission Rules 201.6(b) and 2IO.5(d), SPIG respectfully requests confidential
`treatment of the information contained in Confidential Exhibits 1, lA, lB, IC, 46 and 46A. The
`information contained in these exhibits qualifies as confidential information pursuant to 19
`C.F.R. § 201.6 in that it discloses proprietary commercial information, proprietary commercial
`relationships, andlor proprietary business information that are not otherwise publicly available,
`and because the disclosure of such information would cause substantial harm to Straight Path,
`and would also impair the Commission's ability in the futur.e to obtain such types of information
`in performance of its statutory function.
`I certify that the proprietary confidential commercial information, proprietary commercial
`relationships, andl or proprietary business information are not reasonably available to the public,
`and thus warrant confidential treatment.
`. ~~ ,,' "
`' .. ':":'
`; "~-:-:"~'="lI.~ .' "".
`Mintz, Levin, Cohn, Ferris, Glovsky and Popeo, P.C.
`SONY EXHIBIT 1012- Page 3

`Mintz, Levin, Cohn, Ferris, Glovsky and Popeo, P.C.
`Honorable Lisa R. Barton
`August 1,2013
`Page 2
`Respectfully submi tied
`Michael T. Renaud
`Counsel for Complainant
`Straight Path IF Group, Inc.
`. .. . -~ ..
`SONY EXHIBIT 1012- Page 4

`In the Matter of
`Investigation No. 337-TA-_
`Pursuant to International Trade Commission ("Commission") Rule § 210.8(b),
`Complainant Straight Path IP Group, Inc. ("Straight Path") submits this Statement on the Public
`Interest with respect to the remedial orders it seeks against the respondents named in the
`complaint (collectively, "Respondents").)
`Straight Path seeks a limited exclusion order pursuant to 19 U.S.C. § 1337(d) specifically
`directed to each named Respondent barring from entry into the United States certain point-to-
`point network communications devices and products containing same that infringe one or more
`of the claims of United States Patent Nos. 6,009,469, 6,108,704, and/or 6,131,121 (collectively,
`the "Asserted Patents"). Straight Path also seeks a cease arid desist order pursuant to 19 U.S .C.
`§ 1337(f) prohibiting each domestic Respondent from engaging in the importation into the
`United States and/or sale within the United States after importation of certain point-to-point
`network communications devices and products containing same, that infringe, either directly or
`indirectly, one or more claims of the Asserted Patents.
`1 The Respondents are: AmTran Logistics, Inc.; AmTran Technology Co., Ltd:; LG Electronics Inc., LG Electronics
`U.S.A., Inc., LG Electronics MobileComm U.S.A, Inc., Panasonic Corporation, Panasonic Corporation of North
`America, Sony Computer Entertainment, Inc., Sharp Corporation, Sharp Electronics Corporation, Sony Computer
`Entertainment America LLC, Sony Computer Entertainment America Inc., Sony Corporation, Sony Corporation of
`America, Sony Electronics Inc., Sony Mobile Communications AB, Sony Mobile Communications (USA) Inc.,
`Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications (USA) Inc., Toshiba Corporation, Toshiba America Inc., Toshiba America
`Information Systems, Inc., and Vizio, Inc.
`SONY EXHIBIT 1012- Page 5

`The issuance of the requested relief will not adversely impact the public health, safety or
`welfare conditions in the United States, competitive conditions in the United States economy or
`the production of like or directly competitive articles in the United States. The requested relief
`will, however, have the beneficial effect on the public interest of promoting and defending
`intellectual property rights in the United States.
`The Commission has recognized a strong public interest in enforcing intellectual property
`rights. See Certain Baseband Processor Chips and Chipsets, Inv. No. 337-TA-543, Comm'n
`Op., 2007 ITC LEXIS 621 at *240 (June 19,2007) ("[I]n assessing public interest factors when
`granting relief, the Commission relies on the strong public interest in enforcing intellectual
`property rights, and ... has denied relief on public interest grounds only three times in the
`history of Section 337.") (internal footnote omitted). Indeed, the Commission observed:
`The Senate report [accompanying the 1988 statutory changes to Section 337] makes
`clear that there is a public interest in the enforcement of intellectual property:
`The owner of intellectual property has been granted a temporary statutory
`right to exclude others from making, using, or selling the protected
`property .... The importation of any infringing merchandise derogates
`from the statutory right, diminishes the value of the intellectual property,
`and thus indirectly harms the public interest.
`Id. at *219 (quoting S. Rep. 100-71 at 128-29 (1987).
`In the three instances in which the Commission found the public interest to be
`outweighed by other factors, "the exclusion order was denied because inadequate supply within
`the United States-by both the patentee and domestic licensees-meant that an exclusion order
`would deprive the public of products necessary for some important health or welfare need:
`energy efficient automobiles, basic scientific research, or hospital equipment." Spansion, Inc. v.
`lTC, 629 F.3d 1331, 1360 (Fed. Cir. 2010). No such considerations are present here.
`SONY EXHIBIT 1012- Page 6

`The Targeted Articles Are Used in the United States for Communication,
`General Connectivity, and Entertainment.
`The products accused in this investigation are certain point-to-point network
`communication devices and products containing same. They include smartphone handsets, tablet
`computers, eReaders, smart TVs, gaming consoles, Blu-ray players, set-top boxes, and VoIP
`telephone systems. They establish point-to-point network communications used, inter alia, to
`place and receive tel~fJione calls, play games, listen to music, watch videos, and read books.
`There Are No Public Health, Safety, or Welfare Concerns Relating to the
`Requested Remedial Orders.
`The accused products are useful and they provide entertainment, but they do not
`implicate any health, safety, or welfare concerns. Excluding the accused products would not
`leave medical needs unfilled, impede scientific research, interfere with important national
`interests, or affect any other health, safety, or welfare concerns. As described below, there are
`numerous licensed sources of smartphone handsets, tablet computers, eReaders, smart TV s,
`gaming consoles, Blu-ray players, set-top boxes, and VoIP telephone systems, and, these
`licensed sources are capable of providing sufficient quantities of the products to ensure that
`consumer demand is met. And, to the extent accused products are used by the U.S. Government,
`government sales are exempted from exclusion orders by statute. See 19 U.S.C. § 1337(1).
`Like or Directly Competitive Articles Made by Complainant, Its Licensees,
`or Third Parties Could Replace the Subject Articles if They Were Excluded.
`There is intense competition among the manufacturers of smartphone handsets, tablet
`computers, eReaders, smart TVs, gaming consoles, Blu-ray players, set-top boxes, and VoIP
`telephone systems. Indeed, a number of third patW;smanufaciure products that are like andlor
`directly competitive with those accused in this investigation, but that are not accused in this
`investigation, and would therefore not be the subject of the requested remedial orders. For
`SONY EXHIBIT 1012- Page 7

`example, third parties Apple Inc. ("Apple"), and Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. ("Samsung"),
`together make well over 60% of the smartphone handsets and tablet computers sold in the United
`States. Their products directly compete with the accused smartphone and tablet computer
`products, and could easily replace the accused products if they were excluded. Similarly, third
`party Inc. makes nearly 50% of the e-readers sold in the United States, third parties
`Samsung make over 50% of the smart TVs sold in the United States, Samsung also makes over
`.. :~~/.
`50% of the Blu-ray players sold in the United States, third party and Straight Path licensee
`Microsoft Corporation ("Microsoft"), together with third party Nintendo Co., Ltd make over
`50% of the gaming consoles sold in the United States, Apple and Samsung make at least 40% of
`the set-top boxes sold in the United States, and various third parties, including, RTX America,
`Inc., and Cisco Systems, Inc. make at least 40% of the VoIP telephone systems sold in the
`United States. These third parties' products compete directly with the accused Blu-ray players,
`smart TVs, e-readers, gaming consoles, set-top boxes, and VoIP telephone systems, and could
`easily replace the accused products if they were excluded. Thus, even if the Commission were to
`issue all of Straight Path's requested remedial orders, many non-accused alternatives to the
`accused products, including those made by the third parties identified above, would still be
`available to consumers.
`Straight Path's Licensees, and/or Third Parties Have the Capacity to Replace
`the Volume of Articles Subject to the Requested Remedial Orders in a
`Commercially Reasonable Time in the United States.
`Due to the crowded and intensely competitive market for the types of products at issue in
`this investigation, third parties manufacturing non-accused versions could quickly fill any void if
`." .' , _ ...... -.:.
`. . ' .
`the Commission were to issue the requested remedial orders. The manufacturers of the kinds of
`products accused in this investigation are extremely nimble in responding to dynamic shifts in
`consumer demand for quantity and for different product features because they rely heavily on
`SONY EXHIBIT 1012- Page 8

`outsourced components and on relationships with manufacturing partners who are able to
`provide them with ever greater flexibility and speed in securing additional production and
`.. . .. ~ .
`distribution capacity. Thus, various third parties, including Apple, Samsung, and Straight Path
`licensee Microsoft, would be in a position to fill any void created by the issuance of the
`requested remedial orders in a commercially reasonable time-in some cases in a matter of days.
`The Requested Remedial Orders Would Minimally Impact Consumers.
`The requested 'femedial orders may have some effect on consumer choice, but even if
`they do, this is not a sufficient basis for denying relief. See Certain Personal Data and Mobile
`Communications Devices and Related Software, Inv. No. 337-TA-710, Comm'n Op., 2011 ITC
`LEXIS 2874 at *111 (Dec. 29, 2011) ("The right to exclude under a patent, 35 U.S.C. § 154, is
`the right to exclude a competitor's products; such exclusion necessarily affects consumer choice.
`Accordingly, the mere constriction of choice cannot be a sufficient basis for denying the issuance
`of an exclusion order."). Nor is a price increase sufficient to warrant preclusion of a remedial
`order. See Certain Digital Televisions and Certain Products Containing Same, Inv. No. 336-
`TA-617, Comm'n Op., U.S.I.T.C. at 16 (Apr. 23, 2009) ("[T]he Commission has consistently
`held that the benefit of lower prices to consumers does not outweigh the benefit of providing
`complainants with an effective remedy for an intellectual property-based section 337 violation.").
`The Commission's issuance of the requested remedial orders will serve the strong public
`interest in protecting intellectual property rights, while at the same time having no adverse
`impact 011 the public interest. Althougll they are useful and entertaining, the accused products
`are not necessary to, or even implicated in, the public health or welfare, and, should the
`requested orders issue, an adequate supply of substitute devices will readily be available from
`third-party manufacturers in a commercially reasonable time.
`SONY EXHIBIT 1012- Page 9

`Dated: August 1. 2013
`Michael T. Renaud ~
`James M. Wodarski
`Michael J. McNamara
`Michael C. Newman
`Sandra J. Badin
`Stephen P. Cole
`Robert J. L. Moore
`Boston, MA 021 11
`Tel: 617-542-6000
`Fax: 617-542-224 1
`Counsel to Complainant
`Straight Path IP Group, Inc.
`SONY EXHIBIT 1012- Page 10

`In the Matter of
`Investigation No. 337-TA-_
`Straight Path IP Group, Inc.
`5300 Hickory Park Dr., Suite 218
`Glen Allen, VA 23059
`Tel: (804) 433-1522
`Michael T. Renaud
`James M. W odarski
`Michael J. McNamara
`Michael C. Newman
`Sandra J. Badin
`Stephen P. Cole
`Robert J. 1. Moore
`Mintz Levin Cohn Ferris
`Glovsky and Popeo PC
`Boston, MA 02111
`Tel: 617-542-6000
`Fax: 617-542-2241
`.' .
`AmTran Logistics, Inc.
`9 Goddard
`Irvine, California 92618
`Tel: (949) 336-6633
`Te12: (949) 453-8808
`AmTran Technology Co., Ltd.
`17f, 268, Lien Cheng Rd.
`23553 New Taipei City
`Phone: +886-282280505
`LG Electronics Inc.
`LG Twin Towers
`20, Y oido-dong, Y oungdungpo-gu,
`Seoul, 157-721, RepUblic of Korea
`Tel: 822-3777-1114
`Fax: 822-3777-3428
`LG Electronics U.S.A., Inc.
`1000 Sylvan Ave.
`Englewood Cliffs, NJ 07632
`Tel: (201) 816-2000
`Fax: (201) 816-2188
`LG Electronics MobileComm U.S.A, Inc.
`10101 Old Grove Road
`San Diego, CA 92131
`Tel: (858) 635-5300
`Fax: (858) 635-5225
`SONY EXHIBIT 1012- Page 11

`Panasonic Corporation
`1006, Oaza Kadoma
`Osaka 571-8501, Japan
`Tel: 81 6 6908 1121
`Fax: 81669082351
`Panasonic Corporation of North America
`One Panasonic Way
`Secaucus, New Jersey 07094
`United States
`Tel: (201) 348-7000
`Other Tel: (800) 742-8086
`Fax: (201) 348-7016
`Sharp Corporation
`22-22 Nagaike-cho
`Abenko-Ku, Osaka 545-8522
`Tel: 81-6-6621-1221
`Sharp Electronics Corporation
`1 Sharp Plaza
`Mahwah, NJ 07495
`Tel: (201) 529-8200
`Fax: (201) 529-8425
`Sony Computer Entertainment, Inc.
`1-7-1 Konan
`Minato-ku, :
`Tokyo 108-0075,.Japan
`Tel: 81-3-6748-2111
`Sony Computer Entertainment America Inc.
`919 East Hillsdale Boulevard
`2nd Floor
`Foster City, CA 94404
`Tel: (650) 655-8000
`Fax: (650) 655-8001
`Sony Computer Entertainment America LLC
`919 East Hillsdale Boulevard
`2nd Floor
`Foster City, CA 94404
`Tel: (650) 655-8000
`Fax: (650) 655-8001
`SONY EXHIBIT 1012- Page 12

`-' . "-_ .. -
`Sony Corporation
`1-7-1 Konan
`Tokyo 108-0075, Japan
`Tel: 81-3-6748-2 111
`Sony Corporation of America
`550 Madison Avenue
`New York, NY 10022-32 rI
`Tel: (2 12) 833-6800
`Sony Electronics Inc.
`16530 Via Esprillo
`San Diego, CA 92 127
`Tel: (858) 942-2400
`Sony Mobile Com munications AD
`Nya Vattentomet
`Lund, 221 88 Sweden
`Tel: +46-208-762-5800
`Fax: +46-208-762-5887
`Sony Mobile Communications (USA) Inc.
`7001 Development Drive
`Research Triangle Park, NC 27709
`Tel: (919) 472-7000
`Fax: (919) 472-745
`Sony Ericsson Mob ile Communica tions
`(USA) Inc.
`333 Piedmont Road NE, Ste. 600
`Atlanta, GA 30305-181 1
`Tel: (404) 443-7000
`Fax: (919) 472-7457
`Toshiba Corporation
`1-1, Sh ibaura I-chorne
`Tokyo 105-800 1, Japan
`Tel: 813345745 11
`Other Tel: 81 3 3457 2096
`Fax: 81334561631
`Tosh iba America Inc.
`1251 A venue OfTbe Americas
`SONY EXHIBIT 1012- Page 13

`New York, NY, 10020 United States
`Tel: (212) 596-0600
`To hiba America Information System, Inc.
`9740 Irvine Boulevard
`Irvine, CA 92618-1697
`Tel: (949) 583-3000
`Vizio, Inc.
`39 Tesla
`Irvine, California 92618
`Tel: (949) 428-2525
`Other Tel: (877) 698-4946
`Fax: (949) 585-9563
`SONY EXHIBIT 1012- Page 14

`rnTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................. 1
`II. THE PARTIES ........................................................................................................................ 3
`Complainant ..................................................................................................................... 3
`Respondents ............................................. ................................... ..................................... 3
`III. THE ASSERTED '469 PATENT ..................................................... .................................... 13
`Ownership and Asserted Claims of the '469 Patent. ...................................................... 13
`Licenses Relating to the' 469 Patent. ............................................................................. 14
`C. ' Foreign Counterparts to the '469 Patent ........................................ ~ ............................... 15
`IV. THE ASSERTED '704 PATENT ......................................................................................... 15
`Ownership and Asserted Claims ofthe '704 Patent. ...................................................... 15
`Licenses Reiliting to the '704 Patent.. ............................................................................ 16
`Foreign Counterparts to the '704 Patent ........................................................................ 16
`V. THE ASSERTED '121 PATENT ......................................................................................... 16
`Ownership and Asserted Claims of the '121 Patent.. ..................................................... 16
`Licenses Relating to the' 121 Patent.. ............................ : ............................................... 17
`Foreign Counterparts to the '121 Patent ........................................................................ 17
`RESPONDENTS - PATENT INFRrnGEMENT ................................................................ 19
`Infringement of the '469 Patent ..................................................................................... 19
`Infringement of the '704 Patent ..................................................................................... 33
`Infringement of the '121 Patent ..................................................................................... 46
`VIII. SPECIFIC rnSTANCES OF SALE AND IMPORTATION ........................................... .... 58
`IX. HARMONIZED TARIFF SCHEDULE INFORMATION .................................................. 59
`X. RELATED LITIGATION .................................................................................................... 60
`XI. DOMESTIC rnnUSTRY RELATrnG TO THE ASSERTED PATENTS ......................... 61
`Technical Prong .................................................................................................. ............ 61
`Economic Prong .................................................... :: ....................................................... 62
`XII. REQUESTED RELIEF ......................................................................................................... 71
`SONY EXHIBIT 1012- Page 15

`1. Confidential Declaration ofDavidi Jonas
`a. Confidential License Agreement between Straight Path and IDT Telecom Inc., and
`Net2Phone, Inc., dated September 20,2011
`b. Confidential Amendment to License Agreement between Straight Path and IDT
`Telecom Inc., and Net2Phone, Inc., dated July 10,2013
`c. Confidential License Agreement between Skype and IDT - Confidential
`2. United States Patent No. 6,009,469
`3. United States Patent No. 6,009,469 Assignment Record
`4. United States Patent No. 6,009,469 File History
`5. United States Iil:!:tent No. 6,108,704 File History
`6. United States Patent No. 6,108,704
`7. United States Patent No. 6,108,704 Assignment Record
`8. United States Patent No. 6,131,121
`9. United States Patent No. 6,131,121 Assignment Record
`a. United States Patent No.6, 131,121 File History
`10. Claim Chart Comparing '469 and LG Optimus G
`11. Receipt for LG Optimius G, Blu-Ray Player and LED TV
`12. Photograph ofLG Optimus G
`13. Claim Chart Comparing '469 and Panasonic Viera TV
`14. Receipt for Panasonic Smart Viera
`15. Photograph ofPanasonic Smart Viera
`16. Claim Chart Comparing '469 and Sony Xperia
`17. Receipt for Sony Xperia, Xperia S, LED TV, BIu-Ray Player and PS3
`18. Photograph for Sony Xperia ZL
`19. Chart Comparing '469 Patent and Toshiba Excite Tablet
`20. Receipt for Toshiba lOSE Tablet
`21. Photograph of Toshiba Excite lOSE
`22. Chart Comparing '469 Patent and Vizio TV
`23. Receipt for Vizio E420i-Al LED Smart TV
`24. Photograph ofVizio E420i-Al LED Smart TV
`25. Chart Comparing' 704 Patent and LG Optimus G
`26. Chart Comparing '704 Patent and Panasonic Viera TV
`27. Chart Comparing '704 Patent and Sony Playstation 3
`28. Photograph for Sony Playstation 3
`29. Chart Comparing '704 Patent and Toshiba Excite Tablet
`30. Chart Comparing '704 Patent and Vizio TV
`31. Chart Comparing '121 Patent and LG Optimus G
`32. Chart Comparing' 121 Patent and Panasonic Viera TV
`33. Chart Comparing' 121 Patent and Sony Xp~ria ZL .
`34. Chart Comparing' 121 Patent and Toshiba Excite Tablet
`35. Chart Comparing' 121 Patent and Vizio TV
`36. Chart Comparing '469 Patent and Voiceline Softphone
`37. Chart Comparing '704 Patent and Voiceline Softphone
`38. Chart Comparing '121 Patent and Voiceline Softphone
`SONY EXHIBIT 1012- Page 16

`39. Foreign Counterpart Table
`40. Reserved
`41. Reserved
`42. Chart Comparing '469 Patent and Skype
`43. Chart Comparing '704 Patent and Skype
`44. Chart Comparing' 121 Patent and Skype
`45. Reserved
`46. Confidential- Ashish Parikh Declaration
`a. Confidential- IDT Telecom Financials
`. b. IDT 10-k
`c. IDT Q1 SEC Filing
`d. IDT Q2 SE<€J?iling
`e. IDT Q3 SEC~Filing
`47. Slide Deck: Microsoft Third Quarter Fiscal Year 2013 Results
`48. Microsoft 10-K
`49. Reserved
`50. Reserved
`51. Article: Microsoft to Acquire Skype May 10, 2011
`52. Xbox One: Meet Xbox One,
`53. Xbox One: What It Does,
`54. Microsoft Segment Revenue and Operating Income, Q1-Q3 2013
`55. Microsoft KPI Quarter 32013
`56. Article: Will Consumer Want One? Fox News.
`57. Article: After Months of Speculation, Microsoft Officially Reveals TechCrunch
`58. Article: Microsoft announces Skype integration for Xbox One, Will Consumers Want
`One? New Xbox is elegant but questions remain
`59. Reserved
`60. Article: Microsoft Unveils Xbox One Home Entertainment System
`61. Chart Comparing' 469 Patent and Sharp Aquos LED TV
`62. Receipt for Sharp Aquos LED TV and Sharp FX Plus Phone
`63. Photograph of Sharp Aquos LED TV
`64. Chart Comparing '704 Patent and Sharp FX Plus Phone
`65. Photograph of Sharp FX Plus Phone
`66. Chart Comparing' 121 Patent and Sharp Aquos LED TV
`SONY EXHIBIT 1012- Page 17

`A. One certified copy and four add itional copies ofthe U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
`prosecution history for U.S. Patent No. 6,009,469
`B. Copies of each patent and each techn ical reference mentioned in the prosecution history
`for U.S. Patent No. 6,009,469
`C. One certified copy and four additional copies of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
`prosecution history for U.s. Patent No. 6, 1 08,704
`D. Cop ies of each"gateot and each techn ical reference mentioned in the prosecution history
`for U.S. Patent'No. 6,108,704
`E. One cert ified copy and four additional copies of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
`prosecution history for U.S. Patent No 6,131,121
`F. Copies of each patent and each technical reference mentioned in the prosecution history
`for U.S. Patent No. 6,13 1,12 1
`, .
`SONY EXHIBIT 1012- Page 18

`This Complaint is filed by Complainant Straight Path IP Group, Inc.
`(,'Straight Path" or "Complainant") pursuant to Section 337 of the Tariff Act of 1930, as
`amended, 19 U.S.C. § 1337 ("Section 337").
`Straight Path brings this action to remedy violations of Section 337 arising
`from the unlawful and unauthorized importation into the United States, the sale for importation
`.... '~-
`into the United States~~~~d/or the sale within the United States after importation of certain point-
`to-point network communications devices and products containing same ("Accused Products")
`that directly infringe, contributorily infringe, and/or induce the infringement of one or more
`claims of U.S. Patent Nos. 6,009,469; 6,108,704; and 6,131,121 (together, the "Asserted
`Patents"). Examples of these point-to-point network communications devices include, without
`limitation, smartphone handsets, tablet computers, eReaders, smart TVs, gaming consoles, Blu-
`ray players, VoIP phones, and set-top boxes.
`The Respondents are AmTran Logistics, Inc., AmTran Technology Co.,
`Ltd., LG Electronics Inc.; LG Electronics U.S.A., Inc.; LG Electronics MobileComm U.S.A., Inc.
`(together, "LG"); Panasonic Corporation, Panasonic Corporation of North America (together,
`"Panasonic"); Sharp Corporation, Sharp Electronics Corporation (together "Sharp"), Sony
`Corporation, Sony Corporation of America, Sony Electronics Inc., Sony Mobile
`Communications AB, Sony Mobile Communications (USA) Inc., Sony Ericsson Mobile
`Communications (USA) Inc., Sony Computer Entertainment Inc., Sony Computer Entertainment
`America Inc., and Sony Computer Entertainment America LLC (together, "Sony"); Toshiba
`Corporation, Toshiba America Inc., Toshiba America Information Systems, Inc. (together
`"Toshiba"); and Vizio, Inc. (together with AmTran Logistics, Inc. and AmTran Technology Co.,
`Ltd., "Vizio") (collectively "Respondents").
`SONY EXHIBIT 1012- Page 19

`On information and belief, each of the Respondents currently imports into
`the United States, sells for importation into the United States, and/or sells in the United States
`after importation certain point-to-point network communications d~yic~s . and products
`containing the same that incorporate, without license, many inventions protected by one or more
`of the Asserted Patents.
`Complainant asserts that each Respondent practices at least the following
`claims of the Asserted~Patents:
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`To remedy Respondents' continuing and unlawful violation of Section
`337, Complainant seeks as permanent relief a limited exclusion order pursuant to 19 U.S.C.
`§ 1337(d) barring from entry into the United States all Respondents' point-to-point network
`communications devices and products containing same, including for example but withou

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