`Patefited Mar. 21, 1916.
`LaRose Exh. 1022, p. 1
`LaRose Exh. 1022, p. 1
` _ . omen sanrnsirarnur carton; :
`‘ 1,176,482.
`' Patented Mar. 21, 19“;
`specification of Letters Patent.
`Application filed May 13, 1910. Serial No. 561,220.
`To all whom it may concern: _'
`Be it known that I, GEORGE HENRY ORME,
`. of the town of Dunnville, in the county of
`I—Ialdimand, in the Province of Ontario,
`Canada, have invented certain new and use-
`ful Improvements in Neck-scarfs or Muf-
`flers, of which the following is the specifi-
`My invention relates to improvements in
`mufflers, and the object of the invention is
`to devise a simple and handsome form of
`knitted muffler, which may be knitted
`throughout with, an equal number .of
`needles, that is without changing the num-
`ber of needles in use knitting the muffler
`throughout, so as, to form a turndown collar,
`which will be narrower than the aprons of-
`the muffler, and thereby fit the neck comfort~
`ably and smoothly.
`In order to provide a
`collar-like doublethickness about the neck
`of the wearer, both for added protection and
`improved appearance, my muffler is knitted
`of sufficient width in the neck portion, so
`that it may be doubled back upon itself, in
`the .semblance of‘a Collar,
`A further object is to make the muffler full
`fashioned and such that when placed in posi-'
`tion no tucking inof the muffler around the
`neck is necessary as required in mufflers at
`present in use.
`My invention consists of a muffler having
`the aprons formed in the usual manner, and
`the central portion deflected to one side
`when being knitted in diagonal or inclined
`0:) u‘
`' fashion with the edges parallel and the cen-
`tral portion correspondingly knitted to the
`aprons and having the edges parallel to the
`edges of the aprons, the one projecting side
`being folded back from the line where it
`projects beyond the muffler on to the central
`portion, therebv forming a narrow neck as
`hereinafter explained.
`Figure 1. is a plan view of my muffler as
`knitted. Fig. 2, is a plan View'when formed
`up in the shape readV for use. Fig. 3, is a
`perspective view of the muffler as it Would
`appear when placed in position around the
`neck and over the waist of the wearer.
`In the drawings like letters of reference
`, indicate corresponding parts in each figure.
`The method of knitting my muflier is to
`knit the apron portion A in the form known
`as the square open or honey-comb knit or
`rack stitch, and then to change the stitch at
`the portions A’ into what is known as the
`one in one stitch, the edges of the portion A'
`being arranged'parallelly and diagonally. so
`as to deflect or throw the form of the muffler
`to the inclined position or project beyond
`one side of the apron. The central portion
`A2 is knitted similarly to the end portions
`It will now be seen that the central por—
`tion is in the shape of a U, and the one por-
`tion projects beyond the edge of the aprons.
`This portion I designate A3 and such por-
`tion is folded on the dotted lines 2 3, so that
`the central portion lies parallel to the oppo-
`site edge, and thereby forms a turn-over col-
`lar (see Fig. 2).
`The usual fastener B B’ is provided in the
`muffler beyond the ends of the folded por-
`tion A3 forming the collar.
`In placing my muffler in position on the
`body the recessed central portion from 4 to
`5 fits around the neck and over the shoul-
`ders, and. therefore, as it does not project
`appreciably below the wearer’s collar there
`is practically ,no tucking necessary. The
`central portion is narrow and the collar
`‘As fits around the collar of the coat or the
`BV constructing the neck portion of the
`muffler as herein shown and described, the
`added protection,
`in the form ofan over-
`folded collar. is obtainable for the wearer’s
`neck, although the article is integrally Imit-
`ted of relatively light material. Of'course,
`said neck portion intermediate of the diago-
`nal sections must be knitted of sufficient
`width to admit of folding the same back
`upon itself, while the diagonal portions may
`be relatively short in order to provide merely
`the desired offset for forming the collar.
`lay no claim, however, to such offset neck
`portion, but
`Mv said invention resides in
`combination, to wit:—
`1. In an integrally knitted muffler, the
`combination with two end-portions, of an
`intermediate neck portion adapted to en-
`circle the wearer’s neck, comprising two
`relatively short offset sections. and an inter-
`mediate relatively wide rectangular necli
`section of even width folded back upon it-
`self to form a double thickness or collar por-
`tion for encircling the .neck only, whereby
`the appearance and protective efl’ect of said
`muffler are enhanced, substantially as set
`fort 1.
`2. A muffler of knitted fabric having its
`the following
`LaRose Exh. 1022, p. 2
`LaRose Exh. 1022, p. 2
`2 e
`nd portions in approximate alinementand
`its central portion offset therefrom and of
`approximately the same Width throughout
`to afford a projecting central portion to
`form a collar, and fastening means at the
`edge ofvthe end portions from which the
`7‘ collar projects,substantially as set forth.
`3. A muffler of knitted fabric of approxi-
`mately the same Width throughout having,
`straight end portions in alinement with each
`'other: and a central neck portion offset from
`theend pertions and connected therewith by
`~Co'pieswf this patent may‘be obtained for five cents each, by addressing the “Commissioner of Patentsj
`Washington, 1). c1? .
`oblique connecting portions to form apro-
`jection at the middle ofthe mufl‘ler, said rpro-
`jection being adapted to be _fOldedalong the
`line of the edges 0f the end portions to'form
`a» collar, and fastening means along the
`' edges of the end portions from Which the
`' collar projects, substantially as set forth.
`LaRose Exh. 1022, p. 3
`LéRose Exh. 1022, p. 3