`APPLICATION FILED mm. 24. 1909.
`Patented Aug.23, 1910.
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`THE NORRIS PETERs cu. wnsmycnm, n. c
`LaRose Exh. 1021, p. 1
`LaRose Exh. 1021, p. 1
`Specification of Letters Patent.
`Application filed November 24, 1909.
`Patented Aug. 23, 1910.
`Serial No. 529,722.
`To all whom it may concern:
`Be it known that I, NATHAN SCHWARTZ, a
`citizen of the United States, and a. resident
`of Milford, in the county of Iroquois and
`State of Illinois, have invented certain new
`and useful Improvements in Mufflers; and I
`do hereby declare that the following is' a
`full, clear, and exact description thereof,
`reference being had to the accompanying
`drawings, and to the characters of reference
`marked thereon, which form a part of this
`This invention relates to a novel knitted
`muffler designed to be worn about the neck
`and on the chest to protect the parts from
`the cold and the elements, and the invention
`consists in the matters hereinafter set forth
`and more particularly pointed out
`in the
`appended claims.
`In the drawings, Figure 1 illustrates the
`manner of wearing a muffler made in ac-
`cordance with my invention. Fig. 2 is a
`perspective view of the muffler. Fig. 3 is a
`transverse section of the neck band of the
`A muffler made in accordance with and
`embodying my invention comprises a cen—
`tral portion or neck band A and widened
`end portions or tabs B, B. The said muf-
`fler is preferably knit in one piece. The
`neck band A is knitted with a firm close
`texture so as to give firmness to the band to
`hold its shape when in use and also to give
`sufficient body thereto to afford ample pro-
`tection to the wearer. The ends or tabs B
`are made wider than the neck band so that
`when folded one over the other at the front
`they cover and protect
`the chest of the
`wearer. When made continuous or .inte—
`gral with the neck band they are made of a
`loosely knitted or relatively open texture,
`the loops or stitches being changed or varied
`to widen the tabs and to give the desired
`looseness of texture thereto.
`The neck band'A is provided on its inner
`side with a facing or lining strip A’ of any
`suitable thin, relatively inextensible mate-
`rial, such as a cotton cloth or the like. The
`said facing strip is made somewhat nar-
`rower than the knitted portion of the band,
`and the side margins of the facing strip are
`turned under, and the strip is attached to
`the knitted neck band by lines of stitches a
`sewed through the hemmed or turned under
`portions of the strip and through the neck
`band in the manner indicated in Figs. 2 and
`I 3. The said band is provided near one end
`thereof with a transverse slit a’, the slit be-
`ing formed in the knitted band and facing
`strip. The cut edge of the band and strip
`around the slit may be finished by looped
`button hole stitches, or in any other suit-
`able manner to prevent the cut fabric from
`raveling. The slit
`throughout the width of the neck band or
`from one under turned hem of the facing or
`lining strip
`to the other, and said hems and '
`stitches a, by which the strip is sewed t0 the
`band, reinforces the ends of the slit in a
`manner to prevent the same tearing out at
`its ends. The said neck band is made of a
`length to pass substantially twice around
`the neck of the wearer as indicated in Fig.
`1 and the ends or tabs B, B are adapted to
`be folded one over the other in a manner to
`substantially cover the chest of the wearer.
`In applying the muffler the middle portion
`of the band is placed with its inner side
`against the throat, and the two ends of the
`muffler passed backwardly around the neck.
`One end of the muffler, or that farthest re—
`mote from the slit a’, is passed through the
`slit and carried forwardly around to the
`neck and throatlwith its tab end lying over
`the breast, and the other end or tab is carried
`around the other side of the neck and throat
`and laid over the breast in overlying rela-
`tion to the first mentioned tab. The tabs
`may be provided at their upper ends with
`suitable fastening devices by which to fasten
`the same in overlying relation over
`chest. The fastening devices herein shown
`consists of a stud Z) of one tab and a. socket
`6’ on the other tab adapted to receive the
`When the muffler is in place it will be
`noted that the throat, as well as the neck, is
`covered by the full width of the central or
`intermediate portion of the neck band. The
`slit a', through which one end of the muffler
`is passed,
`is located, when the muffler
`fitted to the neck, at the back of the neck,
`and the widened ends or tabs cross each
`other upon the chest just below the central
`part of the band.
`It will thus be seen that
`the neck and throat are protected by a con-
`tinuous covering extending entirely around
`the same and that the tabs are brought to-‘
`. gether in a. manner to fully protect the chest
`over which they lie. The knitted fabric of
`the neck band affords the desired body to
`give the necessary warmth and fullness to
`LaRose Exh. 1021, p. 2
`LaRose Exh. 1021, p. 2
`Q t
`he muffler around the neck, while the facing ‘
`or lining strip gives the desired firmness to
`the band to hold the same properly in shape.
`The widened end portions or tabs may be
`knitted to give any desired ornamental finish
`to the surface or to the edges. For instance,
`the loops or stitches may be arranged in ad-
`jacent rows or areas with the stitches of ad-
`jacent areas or rows arranged obliquely or
`converging toward the line dividing said
`areas, as indicated in Figs. 1 and 2, thus
`giving a varied tinting to adjacent areas
`and a scalloped effect to the edges.
`I claim as my invention:
`1. A muffler comprising a neck band and
`widened ends or tabs made of a continuous
`strip of knitted fabric, the neck band being
`closely knitted to provide a relatively close
`firm texture and the widened ends or tabs
`being loosely knitted, said neck band being
`provided with an inextensible facing or lin—
`ing strip and the neck band being made of
`a length to pass substantially twice around
`the neck and provided with a transverse slit
`through which one end of the muffler
`adapted to be passed.
`2. A muffler comprising a neck band and
`widened ends or tabs made of a continuous .
`strip of knitted fabric, the neck band being ‘
`closely knitted to provide a relatively close
`firm texture and the widened ends or tabs
`being loosely knitted, and an inextensible
`facing or lining strip applied to the inner
`side of the neck band and turned under at
`its side margins to form heme and attached
`to the neck band by stitches passed through
`the band and beans, said band being made of
`a length to pass twice around the neck and
`provided with a transverse slit
`which one end of the muffler is adapted to
`be passed.
`3. A muffler comprising a neck band and
`widened ends or tabs made of a continuous
`strip of knitted fabric, the neck band being
`closely knitted to provide a relatively close
`firm texture and the widened ends or tabs be-
`ing loosely knitted, said neck band being
`provided with an inextensible facing or lin—
`ing strip and the neck band being made of
`a length to pass substantially twice around
`the neck and provided with a transverse slit
`through which one end of the muffler is
`adapted to be passed, and releasable fasten—
`ing devices carried by the tabs for fastening
`them together in overlying relation.
`In testimony, that I claim the foregoing
`as my invention I afiix my signature in the
`presence of two witnesses, this 18th day of
`November A. D. 1909.
`Witnesses :
`WILLIAM Gonnnnnenn.
`LaRose Exh. 1021, p. 3
`LaRose Exh. 1021, p. 3